A smooth increase in the body's performance due to amplification. How to increase physical performance? natural remedies

Attention! How to increase efficiency - Laziness goes away forever

5 Reasons for Decreased Performance

- 5 reasons for a decrease in performance
- 7 ways to increase your productivity
- 7 tips to increase stamina
- Products that increase working capacity and mental activity
- How to increase functionality: step-by-step instruction
- Conclusion

First of all, the reasons are chronic diseases, which are based on the defeat of the central nervous system. There are symptoms such as drowsiness, laziness, clumsiness, absent-mindedness. At the same time, it seems that everything is literally falling out of hand.

At the same time, chronic fatigue begins to develop slowly. This negatively affects performance.

The second reason for the decline in performance is stressful conditions, depression and other phenomena that suppress the work of the central nervous system. In addition to oppression, overexcitation also affects performance, for example, powerful emotions. This may include taking certain medications, as well as overuse coffee or tea.

third, no less common cause- overwork. Most often, factors such as processing, lack of sleep and wrong mode day. And the lack of vacation and the need to work even on weekends only exacerbate the process. Therefore, it is important to identify and eliminate all these factors in a timely manner. Otherwise, overwork can later turn into a syndrome chronic fatigue.

Fifth - psychological factor. It happens that work is very annoying, while a person does not receive satisfaction from his activity, and also does not receive financial satisfaction from it. In this case, the work is done somehow, which greatly affects the performance.

The fifth common reason is the wrong work schedule. This should also include incorrectly prioritized when choosing primary and secondary tasks.

7 ways to increase your productivity

Today, the “do less” trend has become quite popular. As the name implies, this area covers techniques with which you can achieve great results with less effort.

Let's look at some of these techniques that increase many times over.. Hope they help you achieve best results as soon as possible.

1. Pareto's law, or the 20/80 principle.
AT general view This principle is formulated as follows: 20% of efforts give 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of efforts - only 20% of the result. The 20/80 law applies to almost every area of ​​life.

If you know how to use the Pareto law properly, it will help you not only professionally, but also in Everyday life. This is a handy little trick that can help predict the outcome.

According to the Pareto law, you should do all unimportant tasks when your productivity is low. It is important to prioritize work tasks. Try to complete important tasks at precisely the time of the day when your performance will be at a high level.

2. Three important tasks.
Many people make a to-do list to keep their workflow organized.

Spend five minutes each morning writing down the three most important tasks for the day. And then focus all your efforts on completing this short list.

Focus on these three main tasks, and if you manage to complete them ahead of schedule then you can do something else.

3. Philosophy "Do less".
The “Do Less” philosophy is very popular in modern realities. Different authors offer different approaches. For example, Mark Lesser recommends taking a few minutes during your work day to meditate. This evens out your breathing, you will come to your senses, get rid of stress and be able to better concentrate on the task at hand.

Don't forget to prioritize. Do important tasks first, then move on to low-priority ones. Don't overload yourself large quantity tasks: it is better to do less, but with high quality and with pleasure, than more, but without enthusiasm.

4. Tomato technique.
The tomato technique was proposed by Francesco Cirillo. The technique is called the tomato technique due to the fact that its author originally used a kitchen timer in the form of a tomato to measure time.

The methodology is based on the principle of working for 25 minutes on a specific task without a break, but after that be sure to take a break.

Look at your to-do list and pick the highest priority items from it.

Then set a timer for 25 minutes and start working without distraction until you hear the timer beep. Each 25-minute time period is called a "pomodoro".

After that, take a five-minute break and turn on the timer again.
After four Pomodoros (that is, every two hours), take a longer break of 15-20 minutes.

If your task takes up more than five Pomodoros, it can be divided into several parts.

This technique helps you work on higher priority tasks, improves attention and helps you concentrate better.

5. The myth of multitasking.
Multitasking doesn't make us more productive at all, it's a myth. In fact, when we focus on many tasks at the same time, it has Negative influence on our productivity and concentration.

No matter how well you get used to multitasking, your productivity will be much less than if you decide to focus from start to finish on one task.

If you want to be more productive at your tasks, it's better to focus on one task, complete it from start to finish, and only then move on to others.

6. Information diet.
Overloading your brain with information these days is as easy as getting a heat stroke in the Sahara Desert. And even the symptoms are similar: sleep disturbance, distracted attention and slow reaction. Our brains are overloaded with information noise. AT modern world people are constantly looking for news, although they are already everywhere around us.

Try to get as little as possible information that is completely unnecessary for you for at least a week and see how this affects your productivity.

7. Live on a schedule.
Remember that there is time to rest and there is time to work. Draw clear boundaries between the one and the other. Start by stopping doing things as soon as you feel like you need to rest.

Parkinson's Law states that "work fills the time allotted for it." This means that if you, for example, decide that you will write a report in a week, you will write it all week. But if you put each task in a rigid framework, this will allow you to deal with cases much more efficiently. When you have deadlines, you try to do everything on time, so this is a great motivation.

Following these tips, you will forever forget about.

Tip #1: Always make a plan for the day.
Planning is very useful thing, even if it's just another working day at the office. Get into the habit of making a plan every morning, writing down in your diary all the necessary things that you need to finish today. Rest assured, every glance at this list will enhance your performance.

Tip #2: Fulfill challenging tasks first.
After all, if you have a difficult task ahead of you that you must complete, sooner or later you will still have to tackle it. So why not do it right now?

Tip #3: Always adequately assess your own strengths.
Don't promise what you can't deliver. Do your job to the best of your experience.

Tip #4: Praise yourself for all the victories.
Promise yourself a little surprise for a job well done, and you'll see that doing it will become much easier and more enjoyable. The main thing is that the “prize” should be really desirable and motivate.

Tip #5: Get off social media.
Delete the social network bookmarks on your work computer and you will see that the day is much longer than you thought it was yesterday. Refusing to view VKontakte, Facebook and Twitter in working time, you will free up a huge amount of time that will help you do your work much better and faster.

Tip #6: Don't forget to rest.
From time to time, your body just needs a break in order to properly perform all the tasks. Give yourself a little break every time you reach another mini-goal.

Tip #7: Love your work.
It's no secret: we do best what we like. Try to treat your work with love, and very soon you will really start to like it.

Products that increase work capacity and mental activity

In order to maintain clarity of thought, the brain needs protein, so it is necessary to include in the diet protein food plant and animal origin.

It is known that the brain needs sugar to work, and many people eat sweets. At sedentary work this is the right way to overweight: after all, sugar is quickly absorbed and burned. It is better to eat those foods that contain natural sugars and starches: black bread, potatoes, rice, legumes, nuts, etc. Such foods will be absorbed more slowly, and the brain will have enough food for several hours.

If the brain lacks biologically active substances- it is useless to train memory and perform various exercises. Cells do not have enough food - where should they get it from? Of course, only from food. Vitamins of group B and vitamin PP are very important, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Power up oily fish, cereals, eggs, dairy products, yeast. Avocados, raisins, dried apricots and seeds also help relieve fatigue and cope with prolonged mental stress. Take nuts with you to work: pistachios, almonds or walnuts.

Substances contained in squid, shrimp, crabs, fresh onion. A piece of chocolate will help you calm down and stop being nervous, but you should not get carried away with it.

Strawberries or bananas also help relieve stress and improve mood.

A simple product - carrots, combined with ginger, cumin and sour cream will help improve memory and vision: after all, it is it that suffers most when working at a computer. Add fresh or dried blueberries to your carrot salad and your eyes will thank you.

How to increase functionality: step by step instructions

Step 1. Let's take a break before we work hard.
Without proper rest there is no full-fledged work.

Step 2. Let's get planning.
Without planning, you will never have increased efficiency. So at this stage, get yourself a diary.

So, every evening you will need to write down all the planned things for tomorrow.
This should be done in the evening, since in the morning the brain is in sleepy state and absolutely does not want to think about any business.

Step 3. Set priorities and determine your productive time.
All people are different, which means that each person has the highest efficiency at different times.

Someone fruitfully works at 7 am, while someone turns on the motor only at 7 pm.

Therefore, determine the time of your greatest productivity.

Now let's move on to prioritization.

After creating a to-do list for yourself, see what tasks require you to be most productive. These things and write down on your active time. Small things can always be done in the morning. And not very important can be left for the evening.

Step 4. We concentrate on work.
During working moments, try to concentrate only on work. Disable Skype, ICQ and other programs. Set yourself a schedule!

FROM today try to concentrate on work and be distracted only by vital problems.

Step 5 We switch.
Once you've mastered one thing, try to switch to something completely different.

If you have been doing mental work for 2 hours, then the next 30-60 minutes you can do sports, routine or household chores.

After brain activity, the body needs rest and switching.

Only in this way can he continue further brain activity.

After reading this article and applying the tips described in it in your work, you will increase your efficiency many times over. A nice bonus to this will be a lot of free time that you can spend on yourself and your family.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

A modern person needs to work very hard to achieve success in the professional field. You need to do a lot, both at work and at home, as well as constantly learning new skills. However, many of us are faced with weakness, fatigue and unwillingness to do something in the morning. The problem of decreasing efficiency worries everyone from time to time, because it is associated with such a concept as human productivity. Such an annoyance can be caused constant stress, past illnesses, lack of vitamins and minerals and other reasons. Since human performance and labor productivity are related, by improving the first indicator, you can get an improvement in the second. But how, how to increase the efficiency of the human body? Let's talk about it on www.site.

Signs of decreased performance

If during the working day you constantly nod and yawn, often make different, including rather stupid mistakes, maybe you just didn’t get enough sleep, or maybe you developed a significant decrease in efficiency. If you regularly experience painful sensations in the lower back and neck, headaches, loss of appetite - these symptoms should not be ignored. Also, signs of a decrease in efficiency should be considered noise in the head and pain in the eyes, thoughts about everything except work, etc. If you do not respond in time to such unpleasant symptoms overwork can become chronic. In this case, it is very difficult to deal with it.

What determines the highest human productivity?

In order to improve the condition of the body and increase efficiency, you need to pay attention to the following aspects of your life: rest, sleep, good nutrition, water procedures and physical education.

It is extremely important to get good sleep. To do this, a person should sleep at least six to eight hours, and go to bed should be before ten o'clock in the evening.

Physical training

Modern people pay very little attention to sports, being for the most part in offices, this is fraught with the appearance of quite serious health problems and a decrease in working capacity. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that their patients systematically walk on fresh air and attend different sports activities, to your taste. To increase the overall tone of the body and increase efficiency, you can sign up for dancing, aerobics, shaping, Pilates, yoga, etc. Such activities will also help saturate the brain with oxygen, increase the amount of adrenaline and endorphins (hormones of joy) in the blood.


You should not work continuously, small correct pauses will help you become more cheerful and add efficiency. But during such breaks, you should not pour coffee, go to the smoking room with colleagues, etc. It is better to walk down the street (if possible), perform several exercises from office gymnastics.

At home, in order to cheer up in general, you sometimes need to be lazy: lie in the bathroom, lie on the couch and listen to music, take a nap a little during the day.

Every year it is desirable to visit the sea. On the benefits of sea air and sea ​​water much has been said and written. Yes, and a temporary change of residence, and even with good emotions will only benefit.

Water procedures

Regular water procedures will help to saturate the body with energy and add efficiency. So in the morning you should accustom yourself to accept cold and hot shower, once every one or two weeks you can visit the bathhouse, in the evening warm water will help you relax and sleep soundly. Also, to increase efficiency, you can visit the pool and water aerobics. Such exercises will give a lot of energy, help get rid of negative emotions etc.

Drugs and folk remedies

The best human performance can be achieved by following the above and using drugs. To improve efficiency, you can also turn your attention to folk remedies (medicines based on various medicinal plants), as well as drugs from a pharmacy.

A good effect is the use of adaptogen plants. Preparations based on them can be prepared on their own, or can be purchased at a pharmacy. by the most known means of this type is ginseng, it is advised to take a tincture based on the root of this culture in the autumn-winter time, thirty to forty drops in the morning on an empty stomach, dissolving in a small amount of water. Like medicinal composition perfectly tones, improves efficiency, stimulates the desire to perform physical or mental work.

Rhodiola rosea is another well-known adaptogen plant. Her tincture should be taken in the amount of six to ten drops once or twice a day.

You can also take medicine based on Leuzea safflower. Such a tool perfectly increases strength and stimulates a set muscle mass, and also activates the activity of the brain and improves performance in general. To achieve a tonic effect this medicine should be taken fifteen to thirty drops.

Many specialists in depressive states, stress and intense loads are advised to take tincture Chinese magnolia vine. It is worth consuming twelve to fifteen drops.

Eleutherococcus senticosus tincture is also quite often the drug of choice. To achieve a tonic effect, it is recommended to take a teaspoon of this composition in the morning.

Among other things, to improve performance, some pharmaceutical preparations. Most often, nootropic drugs that stimulate brain activity are used for this purpose. But the expediency of their use is necessary in without fail discuss with your doctor.

In fact, fairly simple lifestyle changes can increase the body's performance by an order of magnitude. And folk remedies will only contribute to even more effective mental and physical work.

Many of us often experience symptoms of body fatigue: loss of energy, fatigue, memory loss. All this, of course, reduces performance. In our fast-paced time, not everyone manages to cope with stress, strong psychological and physical stress on their own.

There is a fairly large arsenal various means and methods that help fight fatigue, increase the tone of the body. Many biomedical agents accelerate recovery processes help improve overall health, boost immunity. There are effective folk recipes aimed at improving the performance of the human body.

Let's look at some popular means, which will definitely help get rid of apathy, fatigue, restore energy and performance.

Pharmacy funds

Drugs - Energy

In the pharmacy you can buy energy drugs. They are designed to quickly replenish energy, expended resources. These funds activate the functions of enzyme systems. Strengthen the body's resistance to hypoxia ( oxygen starvation).

This group of drugs includes: asparkam, papashin, methionine. This also includes calcium glycerophosphate and calcium gluconate, as well as glutamic acid, other amino acids, or mixtures thereof.

Means of plastic action

These funds are aimed at accelerating the process of protein synthesis. They help the body to regenerate cell structures, activate metabolic, biochemical processes. All these properties help restore performance, maintain high level performance even during periods increased loads. Therefore, they are often used in sports medicine.

This group includes: riboxin, inosine, carnitine. Protein-enriched dietary supplements may be used.

Vitamin complexes

Vitamin preparations take special place among the means to improve the quality of human life. Their deficiency in the body very often causes a decrease in efficiency, as well as the development of various diseases.

Aerovit- a vitamin complex that increases physical performance, activates the recovery processes of the body after increased stress.

Decamevit- improves condition immune system, activates recovery processes, prevents aging processes.

Vitamin C- known to be deficient ascorbic acid causes increased fatigue, apathy, drowsiness. In addition, a deficiency of this vitamin reduces the body's resistance to colds and flu. To improve performance, it is enough to take it daily.

Means - adaptogens

Adaptogens are called substances that have tonic properties that improve overall well-being. They increase energy levels, improve physical and mental activity.

This group includes extracts, tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, leuzea. Preparations based on aralia, Chinese lemongrass are very effective. It is useful to take funds based on deer antlers, as well as mumiyo, etc.

Toning baths

Water treatments: contrast showers, various baths have an excellent tonic effect, activate blood flow, improve body functions.

Coniferous bath - it is useful to take it after increased physical exertion in order to speed up the recovery process.

Bath with addition sea ​​salt(500 g of salt per bath) - promotes relaxation, relaxation, rest of the body. After such a procedure, a rested person receives additional energy. It is recommended to take before bedtime, after which you need to properly

Increasing the efficiency of the human body with folk remedies

To restore strength, eliminate fatigue and weakness, prepare this folk remedy: Grate peeled fresh red beets, one or two, on a medium grater. Pack three-quarters of the mixture into the jar tightly. Top up with good quality vodka. Place the jar in a dark, warm place. Let it stand for 2 weeks. Ready tool take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, before meals.

To tone up, improve general condition, pour 2 tsp into a saucepan. Icelandic moss (sold in a pharmacy). Pour 400 ml of clean, cool water. Boil. Remove from stove immediately. Wait for the infusion to cool down on its own. Strained remedy, the entire volume, drink per day. Drink little by little, in small portions. Be healthy!

Hello my dear readers and blog guests! Severe fatigue is fraught negative consequences. We begin to get annoyed more often, a strong breakdown is felt, it appears. All these phenomena affect the quality of life and work. At the same time, there is less and less time, nothing is done, the bosses are dissatisfied - it seems that the vicious circle will never break. But fortunately, there are many ways to improve performance. But first, let's take a closer look at the reasons for the breakdown. The main factors that have a strong influence on a person's well-being and level of performance are the following:

  • overwork and vitamin deficiency

Both these types of ailments are mutually related. To a greater extent, representatives of the fair sex suffer from overwork. They not only earn money, but also lead the house and family. Often, after prolonged exertion of physical and emotional forces, the body weakens, and the forces begin to decline. There is lethargy, severe pallor. Thus, the body gives a signal that rest and vitamin therapy are urgently needed.

It is often one of the prevailing factors in the deterioration of performance. Negative energy and negative thoughts gradually contribute to and cause constant inner tension.

And, as you know, all diseases are from nerves. Gradually, internal weakness appears, apathy towards everything, and indifference. In this case, good medicine will acquisition . It is necessary to look at life from a positive point of view so that it sparkles with bright colors. In this case, performance will increase and depression will recede.

  • health problems

This reason, in most cases, is a consequence of the first two. Health problems dampen labor enthusiasm. When something hurts a person, he cannot think of anything but this. This affects the workflow, a person works in slow motion, makes mistakes, etc.

How to improve performance

The main ways that can help in this difficult issue include the following:

  • proper nutrition

We are what we eat. Eating and eating quality food big influence on health. The use of fatty and high-calorie foods contributes to a feeling of satiety and dulls the desire to work. It is better to carry out the labor process in a slightly hungry state, in this case, brain activity and motor ability of the body are better.

It is necessary to observe the regime of the day. It doesn't have to start with one cup of coffee and end with a big dinner late at night. This entails indigestion and other health problems. At first it will be difficult, then you will get used to living according to the established diet.

Try to eat less fast food and confectionery. Give preference to cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits. They contain a lot beneficial vitamins and trace elements that are essential for normal operation organs and systems. Unlike food fast food which contains a lot of salt, fat and simple carbohydrates.

  • wellness procedures

The human body needs to periodically rest and monitor the state of health. Because the, good health This is the key to normal performance. The main wellness procedures include the following:

  1. Liver cleansing and digestive tract. Watch your diet. Quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Visit a nutritionist who can help you choose a special wellness program to cleanse the liver and digestive system.
  2. Depression treatment. In this case, successful treatment depends only on the person. The psychologist may prescribe therapeutic diet and maintenance drugs, but leading role here is work on oneself.
  3. strengthening of cardio-vascular system. According to the doctrine of psychosomatics, the heart is the seat of love, including self-love. Constant hard work can cause malfunctions in his work. In order to avoid failures in the work of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to alternate modes of work and rest.
  4. . You need to sleep at least eight hours a day. In case of non-compliance with this, chronic sleep deprivation develops in the body. This affects the quality of work. A person begins to think more slowly, makes mistakes and cannot complete the task by the deadline.
  5. Chronic sleep deprivation and people who work night shifts suffer a significant decline in energy. The body does not get enough rest, because daytime sleep does not renew strength. In this case, try to get at least a little sleep on the night shift.
  6. Maintaining normal hormonal level. Must be done regularly preventive examinations at the endocrinologist. Disorders hormonal background in the body can significantly reduce performance, causing chronic fatigue, lethargy and malaise in the body. If there is an ailment, the doctor will prescribe a course necessary drugs.
  7. Decreased levels of stress anxiety. In most companies, the specifics of work is such that you have to work in multitasking mode, as well as a limited amount of time. Rapid switching from one thing to another causes a rapid overwork of the brain. If the tasks set by the manager cannot be completed by the deadline, then the employee experiences overstrain and stress.
  8. To save your nerves and time, make a work schedule according to which you will methodically carry out the tasks. Do not abuse antidepressants, they cause drowsiness and decreased performance. At the time of labor rush, in order to increase mental and physical activity, include more fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet, cereal crops, nuts, drink chamomile tea.
  9. good remedy is phytotherapy. herbal teas help to activate the immune system, organs and systems.
  • competent

In order to avoid rush and overwork at work, it is necessary to correctly distribute the amount of work performed during the day, month and year. Every day you need to carry out a certain amount of planned work. If this is not done, then it will accumulate like a snowball, causing less and less desire to deal with it. This affects the quality of work and health.

To further stimulate the planning process, you can create a special work schedule for the week. In it, you can specify how much time you need to spend per day for the implementation of a certain part of the work. If discipline is very tight, then you can come up with a special system of penalties. For example, you didn’t meet the allotted amount of time - stay after work, but fulfill the norm. Put in the office a special piggy bank - a coin box, where you can throw a coin for any wrongdoing.

  • information filter implementation

It's good to be versatile. But the perception of any information must be approached selectively. You absolutely do not need empty informational garbage that will accumulate in your head, slowing down your workflow. Choose from a large flow of information only the one that will be needed. Try to ignore everything else.

It is especially difficult in this regard for people who work in large rooms. From all sides comes miscellaneous information, which the human ear picks up by inertia. After a while, headaches begin and it is quite difficult to concentrate on the labor process. In this case, headphones can be used to improve performance. Background music in them will allow you to well get rid of the chatter of colleagues and other informational noise. If it is not possible to use headphones, then try using various psychological techniques to distract from unnecessary information and save strength.

This productivity technique is so called because the author used a tomato-shaped kitchen timer to invent it. Its main points include the following:

  1. select the highest priority tasks from your list
  2. set a timer and work for 25 minutes without any distractions
  3. take a break of 5 minutes and start the timer again
  4. after having worked four times for 25 minutes, you can take a break of 15 minutes
  • observance of the daily routine

Develop a specific daily routine for yourself and try to follow it. After a month, the habit will develop, and you will be able to notice that you have begun to do much more than before. Vigor and vigor appeared in the body, some health problems went away.

In this case, you should also not go to the other extreme and follow the schedule with fanaticism. After a while such a life can be obtained nervous breakdown from the endless abundance of gray and identical days. Therefore, you can sometimes afford to deviate from it.

  • don't try to do everything yourself

This is a sign of a bad leader and distrust of people. Subordinates will cool off, and you will work tirelessly. It is necessary to distribute the work in such a way that after a certain period of time, the well-coordinated work of the team will give an excellent result. One person cannot do the work of twenty, in this case, there will be mistakes, shortcomings in the work and failure to meet deadlines.

  • take short breaks at work

It's necessary. When the brain is constantly in tension and without rest, then after a while a state of overwork occurs. Therefore, during work it is necessary to take small breaks. Think about something abstract, go for a walk, eat an apple. The brain will rest during this time and will be ready to work on. The tactic of small rests allows you to reboot your mind and generate better ideas if the workflow is related to creativity.

  • do production exercises

This is a great practice to keep the body in good shape. It is especially good for office workers. By the end labor day performance is greatly reduced. In order to keep mental and physical activity must be done within 5-10 minutes. It is enough to do it twice a day, in the morning and in the afternoon. In the morning, it helps to wake up and activate the energy of the body. In the second, to relieve the tension accumulated in the process of work.

Also, doing industrial gymnastics is good for health. The risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal system and the digestive tract is reduced.

Here are all the tips that will help you regain strength and improve your performance. Write reviews in the comments! See you soon!

Life modern man sometimes it's like running an endless distance, with no hope of respite. Problems piling up from all sides at the same time, requiring an instant and correct solution, can easily unsettle a person and lead to physical and psychological failures. And then drugs come to the rescue that can work a miracle, restoring vigor and strength to a person for the daily struggle for existence. Being a lifesaver, these funds eliminate the failure of natural physiological functions body, harmonizing the physical and psycho-emotional state person.

Pharmacy tools to improve performance

Constant extracurricular work, lack of vacations, “lack of sleep” during the session, a feeling of constant fatigue when caring for a baby or a seriously ill person - these moments occur at one time in our lives. Sometimes there are simply not enough own resources, and then you have to resort to medicines that can replace good rest, sleep, contributing to the restoration of endocrine-vegetative processes in human body. Preparations of this group are divided into means:

raising mental performance;
increase physical performance.

Drugs that increase mental activity

Drugs that increase mental activity belong to the group of nootropics. They are able to improve memory and increase mental performance, being neurometabolic stimulants. These drugs masterfully restore the activation of the transmission of nerve impulses, when taken nerve cells become more resistant to all kinds of negative factors.

The most famous representatives of this group are Piracetam. (Nootropil, Piramem, Noocephalus), Deanol aceglumate, Pikamilno (Vinpacetin), Calcium hopantenate, Phenotropil, etc. These drugs can be prescribed:

people experiencing mental or mental extreme stress;
If you need to quickly memorize large amounts of information;
with decreased performance and mood swings.

A decrease in physical performance is characteristic of the now popular term “chronic fatigue syndrome”. At given state ordinary rest does not bring relief due to the accumulated overstrain as a result of prolonged stress. If proper measures are not taken in time, then this condition will entail a serious malfunction in the work of all body systems and the appearance of various diseases.

A persistent decline in performance serves as a signal of the need to take effective measures for its elimination.

Chemical energy

The drugs that increase physical performance include energy products that can replenish the expended forces of the body and activate the work of all its enzyme systems.

These include melatonin, phosphorylated hexoses, calcium glycerophosphate, calcium gluconate, drugs succinic acid, glutamic acid, asparkam, methionine, various amino acids. These drugs are widely used in professional sports helping athletes cope with heavy loads.

The amino acid energy complex of amino acids and vitamins "Infors" enjoys good reviews. It has a natural base and a bioavailable complex of metabolites that easily restore the energy balance of a depleted body.

Natural adaptogens

Unlike chemical substances, natural adaptogens increase the amount of energy needed in the body, and not just redistribute it. These drugs help the body to more easily endure all kinds of physical activity and increase its resistance to many adverse factors.

Plants-adaptogens in their composition contain substances close to the action of steroids, which, as you know, are widely used by athletes to increase their physical endurance.

Herbal adaptogens include preparations from pollen, spirulina, alcohol tinctures ginseng, eleutherococcus, pink radiola, Manchurian aralia, Chinese magnolia vine, mummy, bee products (apilak, propolis), pantocrine (or gypsy) from deer antlers. Until now, the full mechanism of the impact of adaptogens on the body has not been fully understood, but these drugs can work wonders, mobilizing defensive forces organism, while maintaining its cellular potential.

When taking these drugs that increase the efficiency of the body, it is necessary to take into account their following features:

in the summer they are not recommended to be taken because of the unpredictability of the effect;
Caution in taking children under 16 years of age to avoid premature puberty;
Most drugs are best taken in the morning, so as not to cause insomnia;
their dosage is individual and prescribed by a doctor;
It is necessary to periodically replace one drug with another to prevent accumulation and addiction.

Vitamins to improve performance

A common cause of decline in performance is the lack of essential substances. In this case, in addition to reviewing the diet, an additional intake is prescribed. vitamin preparations or their complexes.

Most often, vitamins A, C, E, B15, PP, B6 are used for this purpose.

With increased physical activity and in extreme situations often use vitamin C. Vitamin A helps to cope with visual stress. Vitamin E increases the physical activity of a person, and vitamin B6 is considered an unsurpassed stimulant of efficiency. While taking vitamin B15, a person's endurance increases by physical level passing after its cancellation.

In the pharmacological open spaces, a great variety of vitamin complexes abound, contributing to an increase physical activity, endurance and raising vitality. The most widely used now are:

· Vitrum Energy (USA);
· Gerimaks Energy (Denmark);
Dopel Hertz Energotonic (Germany);
Dynamizan (Italy);
· Alphabet Energy (Russia);
Aerovit, Glutamevit, Dekamevit, Undevit, Revit (Russia).

What vitamins that increase the body's performance to choose - the decision is made by the person himself. Judging by the reviews, they all contribute to obtaining desired result, contributing to the body's additional energy to recover from stress and shock.

Herbs that increase the efficiency of the body

From time immemorial, traditional medicine has been able to improve health and restore strength to a person of any age after an illness or physical overwork. Increasing the efficiency of herbs is based on their different properties. Many plants have estrogenic activity, being hormone-like stimulants of all body functions. This includes sprouted grains of cereals, corn seeds, legumes.

Other plants are revered for their ability to act on the adrenal cortex. These include licorice and string, containing glycyrrhizic acid, which is an analogue of glucocorticoids.

Plants such as onion, garlic, honey, calamus, wormwood, pepper, coriander are removed from the tissues of the body. Plants such as wild rose, currant, nettle or rhubarb can serve as an alternative to chemical preparations. Incomparable biostimulants are icelandic moss, juice or extract of aloe and Kalanchoe, bitterness and spices in the form of pepper, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves, turmeric.

Of course, there are many recipes for improving performance. You should not just look through your fingers at failures in the work of your own body, letting everything take its course. Love yourself, maintain your health, because it is a condition for our success in every day of life given to us.

Tertilova Anna, www.site

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