What to eat with kidney disease. Buckwheat krupenik with cottage cheese

Therapeutic diet for kidney disease helps to make work easier paired organ. To do this, the amount of fluid, salt and protein foods consumed is limited. Depending on the diagnosis, the diet for kidney disease is subject to adjustment. Nutrition advice and sample menu may be given by a doctor or nutritionist. Recipes for table number 7 are available online.

A diet with diseased kidneys reduces the load on the organ. When the kidneys hurt, you have to limit the salt so that the fluid in the body does not accumulate. Such a pathology as hydronephrosis leads to a violation of urine drainage as a result of which the kidney swells, therefore, in this disease, the salt regime is especially strict. Table 7, recommended for people with urinary problems, mainly consists of carbohydrate meals.

Principles of diet therapy for kidney diseases:

  • The energy value of the diet is 3500 kcal.
  • The process of assimilation of animal proteins should not have any difficulties. Therefore, in the diet only boiled fish or lean meat. First courses are prepared without meat.
  • Daily rate salt is limited to 5-7 g. Food is salted in ready-made and not during the cooking process.
  • For the treatment of kidneys, it is useful to use: watermelons, cucumbers, beets, lettuce, melons, prunes.
  • Apply gentle heat treatment. Vegetables can be eaten raw. Treatment menu does not tolerate spicy, fried or greasy.
  • Dietary nutrition is based on regular fractional consumption of food. Snacks are undesirable, adherence to the regimen and approximately the same time interval between meals can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Salts in the kidneys wash watermelons well.
  • The diet for kidney disease prohibits any alcohol, even dry red wine. Coffee is limited.

A low-protein diet in kidney disease is a vital necessity, since protein breakdown products are very difficult to excrete in a pathological condition.

Types of diet for kidney disease

The described rules are somewhat generalized. kidney diet subject to adjustment after clarification of the patient's diagnosis:

Dairy products contribute to the replenishment of calcium in the body with a cyst on the kidney.
  • With pyelonephritis, the amount of fluid consumed increases to 2 liters, onions and garlic can be eaten a little bit.
  • The cyst requires emphasis on fermented milk products- you have to replenish calcium, washed out by frequent urination.
  • With an exacerbation of cystitis in women, food eaten after 16:00 should contain a minimum of calories.
  • With ICD, 3 types of calculi are formed, each of which requires a nutritional approach:
    • With urates in the kidneys, products that alkalize urine are needed - bread, potatoes, honey.
    • Diet therapy for phosphate is the opposite of that recommended for urate. Urates are formed in acidic environment, and phosphates - in alkaline, you can not drink mineral water.
    • With oxalate kidney stones, you can not eat sorrel, spinach, lettuce leaves, cocoa and chocolate are prohibited, as well as all vegetables and fruits with ascorbic acid. The emphasis is on black breads, oatmeal and buckwheat, vegetables.
  • In kidney cancer, nutrition is selected based on the patient's condition. If removal of the affected organ is required, then patients with one kidney are given a very strict diet so that the remaining organ can cope with the load.
  • At benign tumors kidneys are limited to fats.

How does protein affect kidney disease?

To relieve the burden on the urinary system, the daily protein intake is significantly reduced.

In the process of protein metabolism, nitrogen compounds are formed, which are difficult for diseased kidneys to cope with. To make the load not so heavy, a low-protein diet is prescribed. The standard intake of this compound is up to 50 g per day, the dose is adjusted depending on the patient's diagnosis and the stage of the disease. If this First stage diseases, there are no strict restrictions, but are recommended fasting days. During the period of remission, the daily protein intake can be increased. A protein-free diet for kidney disease is prescribed for the period of exacerbation.

What can you drink?

In kidney disease, the amount of fluid consumed is strictly controlled. Depending on the diagnosis, the daily norm ranges from 600 to 2000 ml.

The first course, juices, sauces, kvass also fall into this range. Excess fluid makes diseased kidneys work in an enhanced mode, for wear and tear. Therefore, it is important to stick to a diet, drink the allocated dose in small sips. There is no need to be afraid of dehydration, any fruit or vegetable contains water, and the accepted norms take into account the daily requirement of the body.

What can not be eaten and what can be?

BakeryBlack breadWhite bread without salt, diet bread
SweetsCoffee, cocoa, chocolateJam, honey, mousses and jelly
Groats and vermicelliLimited quantity allowed
BeveragesMineral waters with high content potassium, carbonated drinks, alcoholJuices from vegetables and fruits, weakly brewed tea, rosehip broth
VegetablesLegumes, sorrel. spinachBeets, cucumbers, cauliflower, tomatoes, dill.
FruitsCitrus, grapesWatermelon, apples, plums
Milk productsLimit fermented baked milk, kefir and yogurt.Casseroles, puddings, milk
Meat productsFatty meat, seafood, sausageLow-fat varieties of meat and fish in boiled form.
First mealMeat and fish brothSoups on vegetable broth without salt with butter.
OtherPickles, hot sauces, marinades, spices1 egg per day.

Fasting days

To increase the level of excreted urine, improve the removal of nitrate salts from the body once a week, it is recommended to do fasting days. This is a kind of mono-diet: during the day, the patient eats only one product. Recommended options:

It is useful for patients to do a fasting day on apples.
  • oat;
  • juice;
  • vegetable;
  • fruity:
    • apple;
    • watermelon;
  • berry.

The principle of nutrition on a diet is simple: during the day, the patient eats 1.5 kg of the selected food. The volume is divided into 5 equal parts. If these are vegetables, it is allowed to stew, boil, or prepare a salad. For dressing, you can use 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream or vegetable oil. This measure is useful for the liver, improves the condition urinary tract and lower blood pressure levels.

1. Diets are developed by specialists, so it is almost impossible to harm health;

3. When using such diets, the body receives all the necessary nutrients and does not experience discomfort and stress.

1. If you have chronic problems with internal organs, the optimal prevention is an appropriate diet.

2. When using a diet, the body works in a sparing mode - therefore, the periodic observance of such a diet for healthy people allows the whole body to recover more efficiently and regulate work internal organs.

Diet for problems with the digestive system

This type of diet should be prescribed by the attending physician. Features of the diet depends on the specific disease and is prescribed individually. Today we will analyze a diet that improves intestinal motility and naturally eliminates constipation. The problem of poor bowel function is very common, in addition, it leads to poisoning of the whole organism, so this problem must be disposed of.

In order to have a positive effect on the intestines, chemical and physical irritants are included in the diet. The most important and natural mechanical irritant is fiber, which is found in raw fruits and vegetables.

The optimal chemical irritant are lactic acid products and mineral waters.

Make up your diet from such products:

1. Bread from flour coarse grinding, fatty foods - without abuse, vegetable oil, canned fish;

2. Pickled and salted vegetables and fruits;

3. Raw vegetables and fruits, seaweed;

4. From sweet foods - honey, jam. Very useful - figs, prunes, raisins. They combine healthy sugar and fiber;

5. Limit foods that have an astringent effect - jelly, cocoa, strong tea, blueberries.

Diet for liver problems

A detailed diet should be developed by your attending physician, but general recommendations it is desirable to comply with such.

The daily rate of proteins in your diet is 100 - 110 grams, fat - 80 grams, carbohydrates - 450 grams, free fluid 1.5 - 2 liters. Calorie content 2800 - 3000 kcal. The diet is fractional 5-6 times a day.

1. Milk, curdled milk, kefir, cottage cheese;

2. Borscht, beetroot, fruit and milk soups;

3. Meat dishes from lean beef. Poultry, fish in boiled or baked form;

4. Fats in moderation (up to 50 grams per day) - butter, olive, sunflower oil;

5. Egg yolk- 1 piece per day;

6. Loose and semi-viscous cereals from oatmeal and hercules, buckwheat. Pasta boiled and in the form of casseroles;

7. Dishes from vegetables and herbs (except for sorrel, spinach, radish). Carrots and pumpkin are especially useful;

8. Mild cheese, soaked herring, cod liver;

9. Seasonings: cumin, dill, cinnamon, vanillin;

10. Any fruits and berries except very acidic (cranberries, red currants, lemons);

11. Honey, sugar, jam in moderation;

12. Tea, tea with milk;

13. Vitamins in the form of a decoction of rose hips.

Limit or completely exclude from your diet: eggs, brains, meat, mushroom and fish broths, animal fats (except for a small amount of butter).

Diet for kidney disease

If you have kidney problems, first of all, eat less salt (only 2-3 grams per day). The daily norm of protein is 110 - 125 grams (including 80 grams of animals), fat - 8 grams (of which 25 grams plant origin), carbohydrates 350 - 400 grams. Calorie content 2500 - 2900 kilocalories.

The diet is fractional 5-6 times a day.

1. Milk, cream, sour cream, cottage cheese;

2. Oils: butter, not salty, olive, soybean, sunflower;

3. Milk, fruit, vegetable soups, cereal soups on vegetable broth with sour cream, borscht, beetroot;

4. Meat dishes from beef, veal, lamb, poultry;

5. Fish of any kind. Products are pre-boiled and then baked or fried;

6. Cereals and pasta with the addition of raisins, prunes or dried apricots;

7. Vegetables and greens (except for sorrel, spinach and radish) in any form (raw, boiled, baked);

8. Eggplant and squash caviar, cooked without salt;

9. Fruits and berries in raw, boiled, baked form;

10. Honey, jam, sweets in moderation;

11. Tea is weak, tea with milk.

For kidney problems, vitamin A is needed in the diet, regularly eat cod liver, soaked fatty herring, as well as pumpkin and carrots. When using these products, do not limit the amount of fluid you drink.

Try to exclude from your own diet: alcohol, cocoa, chocolate, spicy and salty snacks.

Diet for problems with the cardiovascular system

This diet contributes to the normalization of blood circulation, improves the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and helps to eliminate nitrogenous toxins and underoxidized metabolic products from the body.

The daily norm of protein is 90 grams, fats 60 - 70 grams (of which 20 grams are vegetable), carbohydrates 250 - 350 grams, trusted salt up to 5 - 6 grams, free liquid 1.5 liters (including soups). Calorie content 2100 - 2500 kcal.

It is recommended to cook food without salt, and salt a little before eating (at the rate of 5-6 grams per day). Meat and fish are steamed and boiled, possibly further roasted. Eliminate fatty foods from your diet.

Diet - at least 5 times a day. Periodically spend fasting days. Make sure you don't gain weight.

Eliminate from your own diet: alcohol, strong tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate. Meat, fish and other concoctions, spicy smoked dishes, foods rich in cholesterol (brains, internal organs of animals, caviar). Limit the use of such products: radish, cabbage, garlic, legumes, carbonated drinks.

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Nutrition regulating the energies of YIN and YANG in the human body

In the traditional oriental medicine the approach to the diagnosis and treatment of a person is very different from the European one. In terms of nutrition, they look at food from a different angle, and given their recommendations, often people have solved complex health problems without medication.

Description of the main groups of diets used in modern society

Modern people use diets all year round with a variety of purposes, sometimes they help, and often not. The problem in these cases is not in the diet, but in the fact that they began to solve the problem in the wrong way that is necessary.

Different diets are needed, all kinds of diets are important. Currently, there is a huge variety in weight loss and others. In this article, we will talk about two of them, created specifically for people with kidney disease. The first diet for kidney disease is prescribed as preventive measure aimed at promoting health and improving general condition. The second diet for those who are trying unsuccessfully to remove excess fat, but do not know how to do it, due to

So, let's begin. The diet for kidney disease is called "Table No. 7", it is prescribed by the attending physician to prevent the disease, improve the functioning of the kidneys themselves, restore lipid-protein and electrolyte-water metabolism in the body. The diet is based on a decrease in the diet of proteins, salts and potassium, extractives. The recommended methods of cooking products in the period indicated by the doctor are baking, boiling, stewing and languishing. Any kind of frying is excluded. All food is prepared without sodium. The amount of water consumed should not generally exceed diuresis (the amount of urine excreted). A measured diet is introduced, divided into five to six meals per day.

Up to 20 g of proteins;

85 g fat;

360 g of carbohydrates;

Up to 1 g sodium;

Up to 1.5 g of potassium;

Up to 15 g of iron.

This diet for kidney disease lasts about two weeks. Then, if improvement occurs, the amount of proteins doubles, the amount of fat increases by 1 g, carbohydrates by 100 g, the amount of allowed liquid increases to 1200 ml per day.

Dairy products, excluding cheese;

Pasta and cereals regulate the amount of carbohydrates;

Bread with bran or rye, wheat or protein-free;

From sweets honey and marmalade without sprinkling;

Weak tea and juices, compotes and decoctions from berries and herbs.

Diet for kidney disease. Prohibited Products:

Fatty meat / game / fish and broths from them;

Smoked products and sausages;

Caviar in any form and canned food;

Spicy and salty foods;

Cocoa and water with sodium, carbonated drinks;

All kinds of legumes;

Radishes and turnips, fresh garlic and spinach, dried apricots and prunes;

Foods containing cholesterol;

All kinds of cakes and any creams.

The diet for kidney disease should not only be complete and varied, but also contain enough vitamin preparations, in addition to the required proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Meals should be distributed at equal intervals and occur at least five times a day, fractionally. The diet for kidney prolapse differs from that described by a decrease in the amount of food consumed.

The diet for kidney disease for weight loss differs from the preventive diet in the amount of kilocalories consumed per day, they should be reduced to 1,600 kcal per day. All sweet and starchy foods, pasta and potatoes are excluded from the products. Food should also remain fractional, the intake of vegetables and fruits increases.

Menu for those who want to get rid of body fat in kidney disease.

8.30. Portion of vinaigrette with a minimum amount of potatoes, seasoned with fat-free sour cream or yogurt, tea with 1% milk, fruit.

12.30. Omelet with 1% milk from yolks (remove whites), oatmeal, steamed with one percent milk, rosehip broth without sugar.

16.30. Beetroot without potatoes, seasoned with low-fat cream, vegetable cutlets with the addition of scrolled lean meat, unsweetened dried fruit compote.

19.30. Buckwheat porridge on the water, a piece of boiled chicken breast, green tea, fruit.

21.30. One percent milk - a glass.

At inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, patients should adhere to a special low-protein diet that excludes irritating foods. A diet for kidney disease and a fractional diet reduce the load on damaged tissues, normalize water-salt metabolism. And in combination with drug treatment this approach helps to speed up recovery.

Basic principles

Inflammatory processes in the kidneys are accompanied by a violation of blood filtration. Protein enters the urine, and the body accumulates a lot of toxins, toxins that appear in the process of the life of the person himself and pathogenic microorganisms. Difficulty excretion excess fluid, there are swelling of the limbs, face.

To speed up the withdrawal toxic substances kidneys, normalize the passage of urine, you need to eat. It is important to limit the amount table salt, refuse fried, too fatty foods, hot spices and smoked meats, onions, garlic, spices.

Alcohol, coffee, strong tea, sweet, carbonated, low-alcohol drinks are prohibited. Mineral water is also used with caution, given the acidity of urine. It is important to observe drinking regimen. Drink at least 1 liter of pure water per day.

With inflammation in the kidneys, patients adhere to the rules of fractional nutrition. Eat throughout the day allowed meals in small portions, 5-6 times at the same time.

The contents of the plate are distributed in such a way that 1/3 are side dishes from various cereals, potatoes, pasta. Another 1/3 - fresh or stewed vegetables, fruits. The rest is boiled fish, dietary meat or dairy products.

Diet table number 7

Medical nutrition for kidney disease in men and women limits fats, simple carbohydrates and especially protein in the diet. You need to cook without adding edible salt. Her daily dose should not exceed 6 g.

The energy value of diet number 7 with exacerbation of nephritis:

  • vegetable proteins - 30-35 g;
  • carbohydrates - no more than 450 g, of which 85 g is sugar;
  • animal proteins 30–35 g;
  • free liquid - 1–1.2 l;
  • total calorie content - 2500 kcal.

Compliance with the rules of nutrition helps to relieve inflammation in the kidneys, get rid of the symptoms of the disease. Reducing the load on the affected organ can reduce peripheral edema, reduce arterial pressure, accelerate the excretion of salts, nitrogenous substances and normalize metabolic processes.

What can you eat with kidney disease

Doctors prescribe diet No. 7 after they are removed acute symptoms inflammation (from 4 weeks of remission). Requires medical nutrition and chronic form nephritis without functional insufficiency.

Allowed products:

  • vegetable soups without frying;
  • lean meat (turkey, rabbit, veal, chicken fillet, beef tongue);
  • fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat content (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cottage cheese and vegetable puddings, fresh butter without salt);
  • yesterday's bread from unsalted dough, pancakes and pancakes on whey, bread rolls;
  • River fish;
  • any vegetables fresh herbs(except sorrel);
  • eggs without yolk maximum amount- 2 pieces per day;
  • rosehip broth, herbal, green, weakly brewed black tea, drink with chicory, freshly squeezed fruit, vegetable juices;
  • fruits, berries;
  • any cereals and pasta;
  • creamy ice cream, jam, jams, honey, caramel;
  • olive, sunflower oil.

With pathologies of the kidneys, meat products and fish must be boiled, baked with vegetables or cooked in a double boiler with the addition of vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, linseed). If in daily menu eggs, dairy products are added, it is necessary to reduce the meat content.

With an exacerbation of the pathology, acute pain in the kidneys, the diet should include plenty of vegetables and fresh fruits. It is useful to eat cucumbers, beets, leaf salad, dried apricots, prunes, bananas, watermelon.

What foods should be avoided

A low-protein diet for kidney disease eliminates the use of irritating foods. They increase the acidity of urine inflammatory process cause recurrence of the disease in chronic pathology.

Prohibited Products:

  • fatty, salted, smoked, pickled and canned fish, salted caviar;
  • fresh White bread, sweet pastries;
  • rich broths made from meat, fish, legumes, mushrooms;
  • any sausages;
  • frozen meat semi-finished products;
  • hard cheeses with high fat content, cheese;
  • pickles, any marinades;
  • fatty dairy products (sour cream, cream, cottage cheese, yogurt);
  • hot spices;
  • sorrel, radish, onion, garlic, spinach;
  • chocolate;
  • dishes from the fast food menu;
  • coffee, carbonated drinks, spirits, cocoa, alkaline mineral water, kvass;
  • fatty meat (pork, lamb, duck, goose, lard, lard).

With pain in the kidneys, liver during an exacerbation of the pathology, you can not eat fried foods, meat, smoked fish, add spices to food. Increase the load on the damaged organ sausages, sausages, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. Doctors do not recommend cooking soups on meat, mushroom broths.

How to make a menu for a week with nephritis

A protein-free diet for kidney disease should be varied so that the body does not lack vitamins, minerals. A patient can eat no more than 0.55 g of protein per day. It is necessary to observe bed rest and limit physical activity as much as possible.

Sample menu for the week possible options a daily diet for people with kidney disease is easy to make using our tips. Recipes must not contain animal fats. Kissel, compote must be prepared from natural fruits; store-bought semi-finished products cannot be used. Pancakes are baked with yeast without adding salt; dried apricots, nuts, cinnamon, vanilla can be added to the dough.

With kidney disease, you need to eat in such a way that, leaving the table, you experience a slight feeling of hunger.


  • the first breakfast - an omelet from 1 egg in milk, tea;
  • lunch - baked apple;
  • lunch meal - buckwheat soup, steamed fish cake, unsweetened prunes compote;
  • afternoon snack - fruit jelly with pancakes;
  • dinner - rice pudding with carrots and green tea.

Diet for Tuesday with kidney disease:

  • first breakfast - oatmeal skimmed milk with dried fruits and nuts, coffee drink;
  • lunch - fresh fruits or berries without sugar;
  • lunch - vegetable stew, boiled chicken fillet, black tea;
  • afternoon snack - baked pear;
  • dinner - cranberry juice with biscuits.

If the kidneys are very sore, then it is better to completely refuse meat for a while. Doctors recommend replacing it with fresh vegetables, salads from them. It is useful to pay attention to recipes for fruit casseroles with cottage cheese, to cook cereals from whole grain cereals (millet, buckwheat, pearl barley, lentils).

Menu for Wednesday:

  • first breakfast - buckwheat porridge with vegetable oil, a glass of warm milk;
  • lunch - pancakes with honey;
  • lunch - pasta with vegetables, steamed veal, fruit juice;
  • afternoon snack - yogurt with unsalted bun;
  • dinner: cottage cheese.

Menu for Thursday with inflammation of the kidneys:

  • first breakfast - oatmeal with raisins, coffee drink;
  • lunch - bread butter, green tea;
  • lunch - dietary borscht, fish baked with vegetables, compote;
  • afternoon tea - vegetable cutlet with bread, tea;
  • dinner - 200 ml of kefir.

With an exacerbation of kidney disease, the appearance of edema, you need to stock up. Watermelons, apricots, pumpkin, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, fresh cucumbers are very useful.

List of dishes for Friday:

  • first breakfast - boiled egg, a piece of boiled rabbit meat, black tea;
  • lunch - 100 g of fresh cherries or sweet cherries;
  • lunch - mashed potatoes with parsnips and butter, boiled shrimp, fruit jelly;
  • afternoon snack - fresh vegetable salad, jelly;
  • dinner - cottage cheese pudding.

Menu for Saturday:

  • first breakfast - sweet millet porridge with added dried fruits or nuts, compote;
  • lunch - a bun and a glass of kefir;
  • lunch - buckwheat soup, steam cutlet, fruit drink;
  • afternoon snack - yogurt with biscuit cookies, juice;
  • dinner - green tea with bread.

Sunday Ration:

  • first breakfast - egg white omelette, butter sandwich;
  • lunch - tofu cheese with tea;
  • help prepare dinner diet recipes vegetable casserole with boiled turkey;
  • afternoon snack - a bun with strawberry jelly;
  • dinner - cottage cheese with honey and cinnamon.

Therapeutic nutrition for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys allows you to restore the work of the damaged organ, normalize water-salt balance, eliminate swelling. Stick to strict diet with the minimum amount of proteins needed in acute stage illness. Later, more meat and dairy products are allowed to be introduced into the diet.

  • The main rules of the diet
  • What is completely impossible?
  • List of allowed products

A diet for kidney disease is the key to a successful fight against the disease. The diet for each patient should be selected individually, depending on the nature and stage of the disease, its accompanying complications and other factors. However, there are also a number general rules, they will help solve the problems of compiling a daily diet. And we must immediately take into account the following point: a diet for the kidneys is not the main method of treatment, it is considered modern medicine as additional funds that creates the conditions for therapy kidney disease. But at the same time, non-compliance with the rules of nutrition can reduce all efforts to combat the disease to nothing and cause a number of serious complications.

The main rules of the diet

Nutrition for kidney disease is based on severe restrictions. The priority is undoubtedly given to food of plant origin. As for protein products, there are a lot of controversial points. A protein-free diet for such diseases can give a tangible effect. But proteins are necessary for the full functioning of the body. Therefore, experts advise limiting the consumption of protein foods, but not completely excluding them from the diet, because this step can lead to unpredictable consequences. The diet for kidney disease should be based on carbohydrate-containing foods, they should be the basis of nutrition. Fried, smoked, spicy for any kidney disease is strictly prohibited.

Not less than important issue is the use of salt. With any ailments of the kidneys and liver, it should be as limited as possible, and in some cases completely excluded. In the treatment of kidneys and the prevention of kidney diseases, it is important to control not only the quality of food taken, but also the diet, which must necessarily be fractional. This rule must be observed regardless of whether one kidney or both are affected by the disease. What is meant by the term "fractional nutrition"? Many people consider this to be three or four meals a day. This is absolutely false. Fractional nutrition for diseases of the internal organs, it involves eating 5-6 times a day, but the portions should be small.

An important item on the menu is correct usage liquids. A person should drink it per day on average 1.5 liters. With diseased kidneys, an excess of water in the body is very dangerous. And it should also be taken into account: the indicated volume includes not only weak tea, fruit and vegetable juices, drinking water, but also soups, broths and other liquid dishes. If this rule is violated, the load on the diseased kidney tissues increases, and, accordingly, the functioning of the kidneys worsens. Similar effect provides salt. It delays the removal of fluid from the body. Many diets for inflammation of the kidneys provide for the complete rejection of salt, and as a replacement, they suggest using a small amount of vinegar or lemon juice which have an anti-inflammatory effect.

However, you need to know: if a person has kidney pain and diseases occur in parallel gastrointestinal tract, vinegar and lemon juice should not be included in the diet. Should I eat meat products with sick kidneys? This issue is no less difficult. On the one hand, meat is rich in proteins and can significantly impair kidney function, but on the other hand, it is necessary for the body to recover from infectious and colds. Because medical specialists it is advised that the diet for kidney disease still include boiled or baked poultry meat, but meat broths are strictly prohibited.

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What is completely impossible?

In people with diseased kidneys, the diet implies a complete and unconditional rejection of alcohol.

It is unacceptable even minimum quantities. When the kidneys hurt, it is strictly forbidden to use:

  • natural coffe;
  • cocoa;
  • chocolate.

Experts offer coffee lovers a chicory drink as an alternative, but its use should also be agreed with the doctor, because chicory has a strong diuretic effect. In some cases, when the kidneys hurt, it can not be used. As for broths, only vegetable broths are allowed in the diet, and mushroom and fish broths must be excluded, since they contain a significant amount of protein and cholesterol that is harmful to the functioning of internal organs. This rule also applies to soups prepared on the basis of broth. A protein-free diet for kidney disease is the highest priority.

Such a diet clearly excludes from the diet:

  • sea ​​fish;
  • meat delicacies;
  • salted canned vegetables;
  • any kind of legumes;
  • hot and allspice;
  • spices;
  • mustard and other seasonings.

Dishes are prepared without garlic and onions, which are strictly prohibited for kidney diseases. Asparagus, spinach, radishes, sorrel, parsley should not be included in the diet, as they will only aggravate the violation. water-salt metabolism. Dairy products for kidney disease can be consumed, provided that they are low-fat. The above prohibitions also apply to diets for patients who have a lowered kidney, even in the absence of failures in its functioning.