Production of food for pets. Types and composition of finished feed

Becomes more and more popular every day. Breeding cats, dogs, rodents and even reptiles is also considered profitable business and an enjoyable activity. But in order to keep any pets, including for, it is necessary to choose the right food. Only in this case, you can count on the fact that the pets will be healthy, beautiful and live a long life.

Russian manufacturers of animal feed

Most of the pet food on the shelves of Russian stores is owned by foreign brands. However, every year there are more and more products of Russian manufacturers, due to the variety and quality of which there is no longer a need to buy and cook it yourself.

Exist different types feed - dry, frozen and canned. Many of them do not need to be supplemented with vitamins or minerals, which is usually indicated by the manufacturer on the package.

Advice: many people are afraid to buy for their pets special feed especially dry ones. High-quality feed is always balanced in terms of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and microelements, so they are optimal nutrition. The most important thing is to try not to choose the most budget options.

Bioenergy-OS LLC

The company Bioenergy-OS is engaged in the development, manufacture and sale of high-quality feed for animals, fish and birds. Thanks to the usefulness and balance of compound feed, it is greatly simplified, as well as sheep, pigs and other domestic animals. The composition of such nutrition includes meat, grains, legumes, oilseeds, shells, bones, nuts, which provides optimal dosages of nutrients and vitality. important substances. The products are produced in granules in special dextrin packaging, which provides the possibility of long-term storage.

LLC "AgroTroika"

AgroTroika specializes in the production of dry food and canned food for dogs and cats. The organization promises that their food will be a complete replacement for natural and natural food for predators, providing them with all essential vitamins, trace elements and nutrients.

GK "Golden Fish"

Working since 1991, GK " gold fish» manufactures products in Russia under the brand name DoctorZOO. Among the company's developments are multivitamin complexes and treats, accessories, shampoos and many other products. In addition, the Group of Companies is engaged in the import of feed from Europe.

LLC "Clever"

Among the products from the company "Clever" there are special functional pet food in Russia. The manufacturer warrants that its products are high quality and contains nothing but natural natural and plant components.

OOO "Leader PTK"

The Leader PTK company, opened in Russia in 2012, is engaged in the production of goods under the IDEAL brand. To date, the main products that the company offers for the market are specially developed feed for parrots and rodents. The company independently formulates its products and constantly improves their quality, updates the range.

Rostok LLC

Rostok produces feed for farm animals: cattle, rabbits, birds of different species. The organization ensures the supply of promising seeds, feed, feed additives, mineral and vitamin complexes, fertilizers and plant protection products against pests.

STM-Bryansk LLC

STM-Bryansk products can be purchased under the 7 seeds trademark. The most popular food and treats for rodents and birds, cereals and hay. Under this brand, you can find other products, such as fillers, wood shavings, claws.


The company's products are canned food for cats, dogs and ferrets, which is produced under the brand name Lunch For Pets. The quality of feed is guaranteed by the balance of nutrients, mineral and vitamin supplements, as well as the basis of natural ingredients. High technologies allow products to be stored for a long time without loss of quality.

Technolaym LLC

Technolaym also has own production in Russia, which ensures the supply of modern innovative pet products under the "Design" series. Among the products are any goods from economy to premium for various purposes, sold through large and small retail chains, online shopping. Under the company's trademark, you can buy high-tech food for birds, rodents, fish, soft toys, collars, claws, leashes and much more.

According to the independent research company Euromonitor International, sales of pet food in the Russian Federation in Lately are growing. Thus, in 2015, the volume of sales in monetary terms increased by more than 10% compared to 2014 and amounted to about 117.9 billion rubles.

These figures indicate that the production of food for cats and dogs -. According to average estimates, to open a small manufacturing enterprise it will take about two million rubles. If everything is organized correctly, the project will pay off in just 1.5-2 years.

Technology for the production of food for cats and dogs

Dry pet food has become very popular due to the fact that it is convenient to use, it does not contain pathogenic bacteria, it does not deteriorate and does not lose its properties. palatability During a long time. Such a product can be taken on the road, it does not leave stains and other marks, unlike canned food. There is an opinion among veterinarians and breeders that dry food prevents tartar in animals. Among other things, it has a high nutritional value and is inexpensive.

The production of dry food is based on the extrusion method - forcing a viscous material through the molding holes under high pressure.

Dog and cat food formulas are different because these animals require different nutrients. However, the basic ingredients that are used in the manufacture of feed are the same.

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Classification of dry food by composition

The recipe and raw material composition are selected taking into account what class of feed will be produced. There are four main classes:

  • "economy": the composition of such food includes cereals (corn, barley, wheat), meat and bone meal, dyes and flavors. The degree of assimilation of the product is only 30%, the price is about 80 rubles / kg;
  • "premium": this food is made from cereals (corn and rice) and meat by-products. Vegetables, vegetable oil are also introduced into the feed composition in a small amount and dyes are added. The feed is digested by animals by about 50-60% and costs about 150-200 rubles/kg;
  • « super premium» made from offal and dehydrated (devoid of moisture) meat, vegetables, rice, vegetable oil. Contains vitamins and minerals, is absorbed by about 80% and costs 400 rubles / kg;
  • "holistic" - food, which includes exclusively fresh meat, vegetables, fruits, herbs, oils, prebiotics and probiotics. It is considered the most useful, as close as possible to the natural diet of animals, it costs about 800 rubles / kg.

The most cost-effective is the production of products of the middle price segment, which includes premium class feed.

It's all about organizing. Opening budget, formation of material and technical base, search for clients.

Constant demand for products, a wide sales market, simple manufacturing technology and easy-to-use equipment - all this. It is useful to read how to set up a small production of corn sticks.

Manufacturing process

The technology for the production of food for cats and dogs includes the following mandatory steps.

Preparation of raw materials. All ingredients are weighed, ground, brought to a homogeneous consistency using special crushers. After that, different types of raw materials are mixed in accordance with the recipe by a powerful ribbon mixer and subjected to high temperatures. At this stage, a dough mixer is used.

Extrusion. The resulting mass enters the extruder, where hot water is also supplied. At high temperature and under pressure, the mixture is passed through the molds. At the outlet of the extruder, the molded mass is cut into granules by rotating knives.

Drying. The resulting granules are sent along the conveyor to the dryer, where they pass for 20-25 minutes. heat treatment at temperatures up to 150˚С.

Glazing. At this stage, the dried granules enter the rotating drum and are processed with fats and special flavors to give them an attractive smell and taste.

Packing. The finished product is dosed and packaged in individual cardboard or plastic packaging.

Legal base

To open a feed production business, you need to issue entrepreneurial activity V tax authority and get a certificate state registration. Any organizational form will do. If small volumes of production are planned, it is more expedient to open an IP (see).

If an entrepreneur plans to enter the regional or federal market with his product, then it is better to register immediately entity, for example, a limited liability company (LLC). Good to read about.

The code of the type of activity under which the manufacture of such products falls is 10.92 “Production prepared feed for pets." It should be indicated in the application for registration of the enterprise.

Despite the fact that this activity is not licensed, there are a number of veterinary and sanitary requirements for product quality. Acquainted with normative documents available on the Rosselkhoznadzor website

The manufacturer needs to develop his own regulatory and technical document for the products. In the manufacture of food for cats and dogs, it is necessary to adhere to the requirements of GOST R 55453-2013 “Food for unproductive animals. Are common specifications". In order to freely sell the produced feed on the market, it is necessary to obtain a declaration of conformity with the requirements of this standard. This can be done in any accredited certification body.

In addition, before starting production, you need to obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor stating that the workshop premises comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards. You will also need the conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on the compliance of the facility with fire safety requirements.

Material and technical base

The area of ​​the premises required to open the production of dry food for cats and dogs is determined by the dimensions of the equipment. Approximate dimensions of the feed production line are 30000 mm × 3000 mm × 3000 mm. Therefore, the area of ​​the production site must be at least 100 square meters. m.

The workshop should have separate rooms for storing raw materials and finished products and a staff room. The total area of ​​the workshop is approximately 200 sq. m.

Separate requirements apply to the electrical network. For normal operation equipment requires a three-phase power supply system with a voltage of 380 volts.

Equipment for the production of dog and cat food differs in configuration, performance, functionality and, consequently, in terms of cost.

The production line usually consists of the following elements:

  • crusher for grinding meat and bone raw materials;
  • feed mix grinder;
  • storage bins for raw mix, semi-finished product and finished product;
  • dough mixing machine;
  • steam generator;
  • extruder;
  • thermal tunnel or cooling conveyor;
  • drying unit;
  • drozhirator and syrup dispenser (flavors);
  • screw conveyors;
  • device for packing products of automatic or semi-automatic type.

In the manufacture of feed based on grain components, the productivity of such equipment can reach 600 kg/h. Two operators and three auxiliary workers per shift will be required to work on the line.

The minimum cost of equipment with a capacity of 150 to 200 kg / h is 500 thousand rubles, excluding delivery, installation and commissioning. High-performance lines, allowing to produce from 500 to 600 kg of products per hour, cost from 1.5 million rubles and more.

Calculation of production cost and profit forecast

The cost of the finished product is the sum of all the costs involved in its production. This includes: rent, expenses for the purchase of raw materials, wages, taxes and other obligatory payments.

The cost of one ton of premium class dry food is approximately 60 thousand rubles. The wholesale price is about 80 thousand rubles per ton. That is, if the workshop produces 10 tons of feed per month, the company's revenue will be 800 thousand rubles, and the net profit will be at the level of 200 thousand rubles.

Sales organization

You can sell your products through intermediaries, which are local and regional retailers. Having Required documents about the quality of the goods (declaration of conformity), you can enter into supply contracts with grocery stores, supermarkets and pet stores.

Creating your own website and organizing trade via the Internet directly from the manufacturer will expand the circle of customers and significantly increase sales. It is useful to know

Livestock in last years gradually began to restore their lost positions in our country. The leadership has finally begun to understand the importance of this industry for ensuring the food security of the state, and therefore state enterprises and private farmers finally began to issue loans for normal conditions began to provide benefits for the purchase of all necessary equipment.

Unfortunately, the problem with feed for farm animals continues to be quite acute. This was especially noticeable in sad famous summer 2010, when it suddenly became clear that the farms simply did not have the proper amount of compound feed, and there was no one to buy them from.

Therefore, the production of animal feed will always remain a popular industry. If you wisely approach the organization of your business, you can perfectly provide for yourself. First, let's look at the main stages of compound feed production, which is always in high demand in agricultural regions.

What is compound feed?

This is the name of the combined feed composition for birds or animals. It is made on the basis of high-quality grain raw materials, fish, meat or meat and bone meal, as well as mineral and vitamin supplements that compensate for the lack of trace elements in winter and autumn-spring.

In the same poultry farming (in its industrial version), one cannot do without such feed at all, since otherwise it is simply impossible to provide the bird with everything necessary. So, the composition of the quail feed includes many vitamins that are simply not found in standard feeds. If you do not use such additives daily, then you can not count on getting large gains and volumes of eggs.

What range to focus on?

In order for your pet food production to justify all the costs of it, you need to decide in advance on the range of products. If you approach this issue without due attention, you simply will not fit into this market niche, in which there are already enough strong players.

Firstly, there is concentrated compound feed, which in pure form not used for feeding. It is used only to dilute conventional feed. Similar to this type are balancing additives that are used to compensate for the lack of certain minerals or trace elements in a particular region.

Finally, there is also complete feed. It is the production of animal feed of this type that is the most promising, since it does not require high equipment costs. The fact is that the manufacture of concentrates and balancing additives requires not only serious material support, but also specific raw materials, which in many cases will have to be bought abroad.

Naturally, in this case, it is not particularly necessary to think about high profitability.

What is the compound feed in its consistency?

Firstly, there is a traditional loose type, which can be distinguished by fine, medium and coarse grinding. Recently, the granular type has become popular, as it is easier to dose, and animals eat it more willingly.

Finally, the production of animal feed may include the production of pelletized feed, which is especially suitable for use in farms that breed cattle.

What type should you give preference to? Experts say that in recent years, consumers prefer granular varieties.

What raw materials are used in production?

So, what raw materials will need to be purchased in order to produce animal feed? The business plan should include the purchase of high quality hay, straw and oilcake. Of course you will need a large number of grain raw materials, which must be purchased only from trusted suppliers.

Bought a batch of grain affected by fungal spores? A whole batch of compound feed will be sent for rejection, and you will be provided with litigation with farmers whose animals have been poisoned.

More the situation is more complicated with meat and bone, meat and fish meal. These products must be perfectly fresh, they spoil quickly, and there are not so many enterprises that produce them. Decide this issue first! Finally, supplements with vitamins and trace elements. They are unambiguously purchased only through official representative offices of manufacturers. You can find out about these in the local branches of Zoovetsnaba.

An example of a basic compound feed

Consider, for example, the basic composition of quail food. It contains approximately 50% high quality durum wheat and approximately 15% soybean meal. At the last point, I would like to dwell in more detail.

The fact is that soybean meals have recently been increasingly prepared by chemical methods, using a lot of reagents. It is impossible to feed quails with such products! Therefore, you will have to immediately look for a normal supplier.

Among other things, you will need more than 10% fresh and not rancid fishmeal, about 0.7-1% fish oil (however, its need depends on the quality of the flour), as well as mineral supplements. These include limestone flour, salt and monocalcium phosphate. This is the simplest option for feeding birds.

We purchase equipment

As a rule, home business technologies do not provide for the purchase of really expensive equipment. It's nice that the production of compound feed is no exception. So, for a small home factory, you can buy the same LPKG-1 line for the production of granular feed for farm animals.

Up to a ton of feed can be produced on this equipment per hour, and only three people are required to work on the line. This equipment costs about 1 million 200 thousand rubles.

If you need more power, it makes sense to look in the direction of a similar LPKG-3 line. It already produces up to three tons of compound feed per hour, and the number of employees increases to only four people.

A little about the staff

In this case, there is also the positive aspect that it is possible to attract unskilled workers.

It will be necessary to hire only one technologist who will be responsible for the correct dosing of mineral and vitamin supplements, while the rest of the workers will be busy loading raw materials and unloading finished products. Since the lines are fully automated, no special intervention is required in their work.

Thus, if you purchase this equipment for home production, then it will be possible to set up the production of compound feed for only two to three million rubles.

Of course, there is no escape from the cost of purchasing raw materials, but it is not possible to give specific figures here. The cost of the same grain is constantly jumping, so in this matter it is better to rely on local experts who know the realities of a particular region.

Food for cats and dogs

But all the above information will be useful to you only if you plan to organize the production of feed for the needs of the agro-industrial complex. Are there any relatively affordable home business technologies that provide for the adjustment of the production of food for cats and dogs? After all, the cost of the same canned pet food is very high!

Alas, in this case, everything is somewhat more complicated. To begin with, to produce this type of food, you will need to buy meat and offal. You understand that their cost will be much higher than the price of the same hay or grain that is used in the production of animal feed.

Consider what exactly is required to start the production of dry food for cats and dogs.

Technical support

What equipment for home production will have to be purchased in this case? First, you will need a special dough mixer. Yes, yes, do not be surprised: all products are first processed into a mass with a pasty consistency.

But much more important is the screw extruder, into which this “dough” is fed in order to form finished feed granules. A good extruder with high performance can cost you 600 thousand rubles. Finished granules enter the air conveyor, where they are dried, falling into a stream of warm air.

This process is completed in a three-tier dryer. In most cases, the feed enters a special drum, where it is additionally treated with flavoring additives.

If we talk about how they are produced canned food for dogs, in this case it is necessary to purchase an industrial meat grinder, lines for cooking and packaging food, as well as an autoclave for sterilizing finished products.

Organization of a feed store, sales

So we got to the most important thing. Whichever way you go: whether you organized your own production, or decided to buy ready-made feeds, you need to decide something with marketing.

However, when making feed for cattle, you should not particularly worry: provided that the price and quality are normal, any farm that breeds livestock will be happy to take them.

But what specifically needs to be considered before opening a pet food store? First, you will need a room. Unlike production, it is better to locate it closer to the central part of the settlement.

Alas, but the cost of rent will be considerable. You will need to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, from firefighters and the local municipality.

In Rospotrebnadzor you get a hygiene certificate. In addition to it, it will be necessary to obtain veterinary certificates for each batch of raw materials and finished products, as well as hygienic permits for them.

Finally, in the pet food store business plan, include the cost of staff salaries. It will include a salesperson (or several), an account manager, and a marketer dealing with product distribution strategies. If sales volumes are large, separate drivers and loaders will be required.

Do not forget about buying office furniture, computer technology and showcases.

Today, many people have pets for themselves or their children. Of course, when purchasing a pet, a person takes responsibility for its maintenance. And for this you need to do it right. In order to choose the right food, it is important to know how and with what equipment the production of food for cats and dogs takes place.

Granular feed

In order to make such food, it is necessary to grind hay, straw or any other and then mix them according to the right recipe with other additives that contain the necessary minerals, trace elements, bone or meat meal, etc. The production of food for cats and dogs is profitable business, which allows its owner to receive stable income all year round, and the owners - to maintain a correct and rich diet for the animal.

It is worth noting that, without knowing the theory, it will not work to make such food on your own, even with equipment, however, scientists have developed some complex recipes for production. For example, the technology for the production of food for cats and dogs in granules is carried out according to a strict recipe, after which the food is combined into granules. The dimensions of this product can be from a few millimeters to several centimeters. The choice of product sizes depends on what kind of pet lives with a person.

Release Technology

If we talk about the general technology, then the production of food for cats and dogs comes down to the following general points:

  • the process of grinding grain crops;
  • mixing with organic and mineral additives;
  • heat treatment together with the humidification process;
  • making granules or granulating;
  • drying and cooling of the final product;

This is a concept diagram for the production of dry food for cats and dogs. This recipe is a general technology. The difference between all other recipes is only in the constituent parts of the feed base and its additives.

Stages of dog food production

If everything is clear with the general technology for obtaining this product, then the production itself begins.

  • The first step is to mix all the necessary ingredients.
  • The second step is adding hot water and mixing again.
  • The third stage is the process of processing the feed with pressure and steam, as well as the passage of raw materials through die heads, which are engaged in the formation of granules of the required size.
  • The fourth stage is the drying of the product.
  • The fifth stage is spraying the granules with various fats, as well as flavor enhancers.
  • The sixth and final step is packaging finished feed by packages.

This is how the process of producing food for cats and dogs is carried out.

Composition and demand

At present, the facts are that the demand for dog food is about half that of cat food. The main reason for this was that people most often cook food for these animals at home on their own. Usually these are cereals, soups, etc. However, this is an unbalanced food, from which dogs get sick very often or their hair can fall out. The composition of the food for these pets usually contains the following items: ground grains of cereals, fish and meat types of additives, soybeans, milk powder, fat and other elements. This product is balanced and beneficial for the animal.

Dry food equipment

In order to be engaged in the manufacture of this product, it is necessary to have some apparatus. The list of necessary equipment for the production of food for dogs and cats includes such devices as:

  • crusher;
  • mixer;
  • dispenser;
  • extruder;
  • feeders;
  • packing unit.

This kit is suitable for the production process of dry food only. Naturally, the amount of product that can be produced, for example, per day of work, will directly depend on the power and productivity of the purchased units. If there is a need for the production of a granular product, then slightly different equipment will be needed for the production of food for cats and dogs;

  • bunker for grain;
  • bunker for additives;
  • mill;
  • mixer, loader;
  • air conditioner (bunker with steamer and unloading auger);
  • granulator;
  • cooler.

It is also worth noting that the given sets are only standard and necessary devices. If there is a need or desire, you can add several auxiliary devices. For example, you can buy a silage or straw chopper, or you can add more dies to be able to produce pellets with big amount various sizes.


Lines for the production of food for cats and dogs differ in their technical parameters, as well as in productivity per hour. For example, a line with a capacity of 200 kg / h will allow its owner to produce animal feed that will be extruded, that is, cleaned from harmful microorganisms. The technical parameters of such a line are as follows:

  1. The consumed electric power during the line operation is 92 kW.
  2. The area that will be needed to accommodate all the equipment is 80 sq.m.
  3. The number of people required to service all elements of the line is 5.


Before proceeding with the extrusion process, the raw materials must go through stages such as mixing and conditioning. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the conditioning process is one of the most important that must be performed. During this operation, the feed is first moistened, then heated with hot and dry steam under a pressure of 0.2 to 0.5 MPa, as well as a temperature of 110 to 130 degrees Celsius. After this process is completed, the raw material will become more plastic, which will improve the subsequent extrusion process. It is important to note that feed extruders are latest technology, which allows you to make a completely digestible and pure product from feed.

After the conditioning process has been completed, the raw material goes into the extruder hopper. Further, with the help of a feeder, the product is transferred to the working body. It should be noted that in the receiving hopper of this device, it is possible to add various components to the feed composition.

The extrusion process itself, which takes place in this equipment, consists of the following stages: heat treatment, moisture removal, sterilization, texturization, and granulation. Heat treatment in this unit passes by supplying hot steam for 4-6 seconds, after which a pressure of 30 atmospheres affects the feed. The fact that the raw material is processed in just 6 seconds has the advantage of completely preserving the protein, as well as improving the availability of lysine from the feed. Feed extruders also add such positive traits, as: improvement of palatability, improvement of comprehensibility. These two advantages allow you to increase the weight of the animal, spending less feed.

Line advantages

The line provides the following benefits:

  1. Allows to carry out the process of production of food from completely natural ingredients.
  2. Guarantees a larger surface, as well as an improvement in its porosity, which will allow gastric juice animal is better to penetrate the product.
  3. The resulting raw material from the production line has a less coarse structure than after granulation, which avoids injury to the animal's esophagus when eating feed.
  4. The resulting raw material is coarse-grained, which means it does not form dust that could stick to the pet's digestive or respiratory organs.
  5. The granules received from the line are resistant to abrasion.
  6. Stability and stability of the goods during its transportation.
  7. Feed hygiene is higher.
  8. The presence of an extrusion processing process improves the digestibility of the feed by about 30%.

Wet food

Production wet food for dogs and cats is carried out in three stages.

The first stage is the freezing or cooling of by-products that are delivered for processing. During this process, with the help of knives or shredders, they are cut, obtaining meat pieces that catch the eye when you open the package.

Second important element in the production of this type of feed, it is a binding sauce. The preparation of this viscous liquid takes place according to special recipe, which provides for the use of different thickeners, gels. They are necessary in order to create the necessary texture and consistency of the dish.

The last, third stage is sterilization. Since very little preservatives are added to this type of food, unlike dry food, this process is very important. After the container with the product has been filled, it is placed in a special thermal installation, which brings the temperature to a strictly defined level, thereby sterilizing the food.

Do not know what kind of business to do in a crisis, in order not only to stay afloat, but also to receive consistently high profits? Consider an option production of food for cats and dogs. Many believe that this is a rather highly competitive niche that is occupied by large players and it will not work to get into it. But actually it is not. At right approach to business, you can quickly conquer a part of the market and quickly recoup your investments.

Economic benefits of business

Today in Russia, the consequences of the sanctions crisis are observed - the level wages stands still, inflation is growing, the ruble is falling, which leads to a rise in the price of almost everything. In such conditions, many pet owners are thinking about how to save a little on the nutrition of their pets by replacing expensive feed from eminent manufacturers to cheaper analogues, which makes the business promising and interesting.

Various types of dry kibbles for dogs and cats

In addition, the number of animals that accept ready-made food is constantly growing - people do not want to cook separately for themselves, separately for dogs or cats, preferring to purchase ready-made products in order to save time. Many Russians also come to the conclusion based on scientific articles and studies that it is impossible to feed animals from your table. All this contributes to the development of your undertaking as a business: the demand for feed is constantly growing, most Russians are trying to switch to cheaper brands, but people do not want to cook their own food. Therefore, you have a very real chance to get into the stream and, with the right approach, develop quickly, selling quality feed at affordable prices.

Varieties of feed, composition

For starters, we recommend not releasing your own trademark and not to produce food in packs, but to start the production of products that will be sold by weight. This will allow you to save at least on equipment and branding, increasing sales due to the availability of the finished product. Then, when the process is already established and you have satisfied customers, you can start your own label and grow it. There are two types of food: dry and wet. Let's consider them in more detail.


Dry or granulated pet food considered the most common. It is used as a daily food by millions of people. The beauty of this product is that it keeps for a long time without requiring special conditions, contains all the necessary proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the composition correct proportions, vitamins and micro-macroelements. In addition, it does not take up much space. The only thing that is needed when feeding animals with such food is that it has constant access to drinking water, since the product is dehydrated. In addition, it does not need special packaging - you can simply pour it into plastic bags and sell it through veterinary pharmacies, shops and simply in the markets.


Some experts argue that wet food is more beneficial for the animal because it is natural, but there is no real evidence for such words on this moment No. Wet food is canned food containing pieces of meat mixed with vegetables and sauce. They are more difficult to release because they require special packaging (either tins or airtight bags), so for beginners it is better not to consider this option.

Wet food is usually divided by animal breed, size and characteristics. For example, there are canned foods for puppies aged 2 to 12 months, for sterilized cats, for older animals, etc. They differ from each other in the percentage of ingredients and the presence of various additives.

Easiest way to make dry food

General Technology

Consider the principles animal feed production. The process processes various relatively inexpensive by-products into finished goods. As a rule, pure meat is not used in this case, since this increases the cost of the final product, therefore tripe, veins, fat, bones and other production waste are used. Often, whole carcasses, soybeans, Various types cereals, fish and bone and meat and bone meal, mineral supplements and fortified formulations.

Attention:meat is used to make premium and super premium feed. Such food is usually released after the brand has become famous.

The raw materials that you purchase for processing must have quality and veterinary control certificates to prevent infection or poisoning of animals. Accordingly, it must be stored and transported under recommended conditions, subject to certain humidity and temperature. The production of the product takes place almost automatically on a kind of conveyor, the basis of which is an extruder. People are needed only to supply raw materials in certain proportions and pack finished products. Note that a dry food extruder is much cheaper than wet food equipment, and the process itself is simpler. Therefore, we recommend starting with granular varieties.

Necessary equipment

The main investments when opening such a business will be made inSo, a modern entry-level automated line costs about 1 million rubles, and a professional line costs about 2.5 million. A lot of well-known companies from America, Europe and Asia are engaged in the production of equipment. American lines are considered the most expensive, but at the same time they are the most reliable. European ones are a bit cheaper and often almost in no way inferior to American ones in terms of quality and functionality. Asian equipment can be different: products from well-known companies are usually quite acceptable, and it is better not to buy different "no-name" lines, so as not to repair them every week.

For production, you will need the following equipment:

  1. Various types of crushers and meat grinders for processing and grinding raw materials.
  2. Dosers that allow you to measure the required weight.
  3. Pellet extruder required form. The extruder can come with different heads, which will help to change the shape of the feed depending on its composition.
  4. Drying chamber in which finished granules are dried.
  5. Packing station designed for packaging finished raw materials.

For a beginner businessman the best option will become a line in the middle price range, which in 2018 prices costs about one and a half million rubles. This amount includes everything necessary for the manufacture of pellets. Such a line is capable of producing up to one ton of finished feed per shift, which is more than enough even for big city. The equipment itself is quite compact, for its placement you need a room with an area of ​​​​50–60 m2. But do not forget that you will also need a storage room for finished products, offal storage chambers, administrative premises and utility room for staff A. That is, in total, the workshop will need a room with a volume of 100 m2, and ideally - from 150 m2.

The production equipment is quite compact

Production stages

In order to make feed, you need a proven and approved recipe, high-quality raw materials and specialized additives. All this is mixed in certain proportions, baked or boiled, after which it is packaged, sent to the warehouse and to the store or to the end consumer. Let's consider the technology in more detail.

Dry food production

Manufacturing process dry feed looks like this:

  1. Backfilling of raw materials into receivers in proportions according to the current recipe.
  2. Adding vitamins, minerals and water, kneading and uniforming the raw material.
  3. Steam treatment for disinfection, high pressure pressing.
  4. The passage of the extruder with the appropriate nozzle to give the granules the desired shape.
  5. Drying food in a special chamber.
  6. Applying flavor and fat to the granules.
  7. Packaging of finished products.

Process may vary slightly for different types stern. For example, sometimes the granules are not just dried, but fried, which gives them a firmer texture and a lasting flavor.

Wet food production

For the manufacture of wet food uses a slightly different process technology. First, the meat is pre-treated, then it is mixed with additives and cereals, brought to readiness in autoclaves and packaged in airtight packaging. In fact, the process is no different from the manufacture of classic canned food.

Attention:production cost wet food 30–200% higher than pellets; special equipment and an experienced technologist are required for manufacturing.


The launch of a line for the production of food for dogs and cats is a promising and highly profitable business. It is necessary to invest about 2–2.5 million rubles in the opening of production. ROI in Russia is 8-12 months, taking into account the fact that the line will not operate at full capacity for the first 3-4 months - during this time you will look for wholesale customers and conclude contracts with them. In six months, the enterprise, with the right approach, should reach full capacity, producing a ton of products per shift.

Note that in this business quite a lot of competition, so you have to make food that will be better and cheaper than products from famous manufacturers. Never save on components, follow the technical process, master the release of new products. With the right approach to business, you will quickly capture the market and be able to expand production by opening a second and subsequent workshops.

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