Whiskas dry cat food composition. Whiskas for kittens: dry and wet food, composition and quality

The Whiskas brand is so popular that even a person who does not have a cat knows that it is cat food. This trademark is more than 50 years old, and its value exceeds a billion dollars. It is one of the forty-two brands owned by the largest corporation, Mars, and belongs to the Petcare division, which specializes in the production of pet products. Today we will tell you about Whiskas cat food without beauty and myths - only facts about the composition of the food, assortment, reviews about it, and so on.

Whiskas was the first pet food to be marketed by the American company Mars. This happened in 1932, and now it is in the first place in terms of sales among industrial diets for cats in the world. The divisions of this company are located all over the world, but the main representative office of Mars Petcare is located in Belgium, in the city of Brussels. Since 1991, the company's activities began in Russia, and already in 1995 the first plant for the production of pet food was opened in the city of Stupino. On the this moment there are already several factories for the production of feed in the Russian Federation.

The pride of the company is the research and development center Waltham, located in the UK. Leading experts in the pet veterinary and nutrition industry develop new concepts that are used in formulas ready meals for cats. One of the most famous achievements of this laboratory is the recognition of the important role of taurine in the body of cats. Cats are not able to produce this substance on their own and can only get it from food, so Whiskas was the first food to which they began to add it. This was a significant breakthrough in the field of prepared diets for domestic cats. Currently, all complete feeds include taurine.


The results of scientific work of the Waltham Nutrition Institute have become the basis for the formulations of many Mars Petcare brands, including Whiskas cat food. Whiskas belongs to the economy class nutrition, and is presented in two segments - dry and wet food.

All diets are divided into 4 lines according to the age criterion:

  • Kittens;
  • Cats from one year to 7 years;
  • Pets who have stepped over the 7-year milestone;
  • There are also special formulas for castrated and sterilized animals.

In the line of recipes for kittens there is one version of dry food and several varieties of pouches (bags) with different tastes. The widest assortment is represented by the category of feed for adult animals. There are four types of dry rations and more than 20 menu variations in pouches. Among them there are such flavors as beef and lamb, turkey and vegetables, salmon, veal, rabbit with vegetables and many others. For older cats, the Whiskas brand offers a choice of only three types of wet food (veal, lamb, chicken) and one dry food with poultry. Sterilized pets can choose only a dry diet, they are available in three flavors: chicken, beef and rabbit. Previously, Whiskas Special spiders from this series were also on sale, but there is no information about them on the official website, and according to data from the Internet, they have long been discontinued.

Almost all dry foods, with the exception of some items, are available in 350g, 800g, 1.9kg and 5kg packages. Wet food in sachets, in addition to a wide range of flavors, is also divided according to its consistency into 4 varieties: ragout - pieces with gravy, jelly - pieces in jelly, pate and cream soup - pieces in white gravy.

Analysis of the composition of dry food

The description of each Whiskas diet is replete with the words delicious and mouth-watering, and the names “beef stroganoff with beef” or “cream soup with cream sauce” also look very tempting. Give or take - in front of us is a menu from the restaurant. Of course, we understand that it is beautiful publicity stunt, but who wouldn't be tempted to treat their pet with such a delicacy? Perhaps the one for whom it is much more important to know what the contents of these attractive packages with such tempting names are.

The nutritional value

The manufacturer recommends combining dry and wet diets, and giving your cat both types of food daily. Therefore, we will consider in detail both types of Whiskas diets. Let's start with a dry diet designed for adult cats - assorted beef, lamb and rabbit (pads with pâté). Here is its nutritional value:

At first glance at these indicators, it is only too confusing low level fiber, which in cat nutrition is important not only for normal operation gastrointestinal tract, but partly contributes to the removal of hairballs from the body. In general, for an economy-class feed, the alignment from this point of view is very good.

To understand what ingredients lie behind these numbers, let's take a closer look at the composition of whiskas dry food:

  • Wheat flour;
  • Flour of animal origin;
  • Vegetable protein extracts;
  • Cereals;
  • Animal fats and vegetable oils.

Further in the composition is dried pork and chicken liver, the next component is brewer's yeast, as well as beet pulp and carrots. The last position on the list is mineral and vitamin mixtures. The first five ingredients in the composition of the feed are considered to be the basis of its formulation, they make the biggest contribution to the formula, and by their characteristics it is possible to objectively analyze the product.

Overall score

Note that in whiskas cat food, meat is present only in the form of flour of animal origin. Component number 2 - "flour of animal origin" - has a clarification that this is a combined hodgepodge of poultry, beef, lamb and rabbit flour (moreover, the amount of beef, lamb and rabbit is at least 4% in red-brown granules).

By the way, this is the only item in the composition where there is a quantity designation, the percentages of all other components are not indicated. This is a noticeable drawback of the product, because it is simply impossible to estimate the mass fraction of each component in the diet.

The manufacturer assures that the Whiskas product contains highly digestible ingredients and fiber for digestion. Well, we are already aware of the low content of dietary fiber (fiber), let's see if the rest is true.


The source of animal proteins here is flour of animal origin, or rather a mix of four types of flour. Obviously, the main part falls on chicken flour. The amount of beef, lamb and rabbit can be judged by an indicator of 4%, which means that 100g of red-brown granules contain only 4 grams of these meat components.

Meal of animal origin can be both meat and bone, or meat and bone meal, as well as blood or meal from hydrolyzed feathers. This wording does not allow us to determine exactly which species this flour belongs to. The raw materials used for its production are waste after processing of animals and birds, which are not suitable for human consumption. Such a component is often used in cheap feed to save money. It does not belong to high-quality and valuable in animal nutrition.

Another component of animal whiskey feed is chicken and pork liver. Based on the fact that this ingredient occupies a place in the composition below the middle, we can conclude that its amount is extremely small and the main purpose of using it in the recipe is to improve the smell and palatability of the feed.
There are no more animal proteins here, it follows that the lion's share of the declared 36% of the protein in the composition falls on plant components. Such nutrition cannot be complete or highly digestible for cats, because the body of a predator, by its physiology, needs meat and various meat by-products, which should form the basis of its diet.

Carbohydrates and vegetable protein

We deliberately put them in the same group, since they are the same components in the feed. Wheat flour is at number 1 in the composition of the whiskas feed, which means it is the most in this menu, the third and fourth positions are the extract vegetable proteins and cereals. In fact, the source of all three ingredients is one - cereals, and in sum they are the basis of the Whiskas recipe.

There is absolutely no benefit for a cat from wheat flour, it is poorly absorbed, and can also provoke an allergy caused by wheat protein (gluten). Considered a cheap ingredient and not found in super premium cat foods. Plant protein extract is often made from soy, rice, wheat, and pea proteins. This wording is very vague and does not give any way to determine what raw materials were used in the manufacture, it can also be an assortment of several types of vegetable protein. A highly questionable and undesirable ingredient on a cat menu.

Whiskas also contains cereals. What kind of cereals - corn or wheat or barley? Perhaps these are mixtures of several types of grain or their waste. Before us is a component whose origin is unknown, which means it is doubtful. Most often, wheat is hidden under it - a cheap filler, it does not bring any benefit, except that it increases the percentage of proteins on the food label.


In the list of ingredients, animal fats and vegetable oil are named as the main sources of fats. Animal fat is obtained from the sebaceous waste of animal tissues that are considered unfit for human consumption. Vegetable oil is produced from seeds, grains or fruits of various plants. It is rich in beneficial linoleic acid, but cats practically cannot absorb it due to the characteristics of the body. Therefore, it is much preferable to use fish or chicken fats.

In addition, the content of beneficial omega acids varies greatly depending on the fat source itself. Of no small importance is the degree of purification of oil and fat.
It is impossible to determine the raw materials that were used as fats in the Whiskas feed, and the same applies to the quality of these nutrients.


This role is assigned to beet pulp and carrots. Beetroot pulp is often used in pet food and has the ability to promote proper gastrointestinal function. It does not carry nutritional value, but its moderate amount, as a source of dietary fiber, is quite acceptable. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, plus they are an excellent source of fiber. But, cats do not have a “converter” of beta-carotene to vitamin A, only omnivores or herbivores can do this. Based on this, there will be little use for a carrot for a cat.

The presence of vegetables is welcome, but unfortunately too few (especially carrots) to contribute to the recipe and benefit the pet.


Economy class feeds, which include Whiskas, do not include berries or phyto-complexes in their formulas. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is nothing of the kind here. There are only brewer's yeast, as well as "mineral and vitamin mixtures."

Brewer's yeast is rich in B vitamins, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and coat, and also supports the microflora and the digestive system as a whole. Of course, their number is too small to affect the overall picture of the diet. Most likely, they were introduced to meet the minimum requirements and standards adopted in the production of industrial feed.

The manufacturer does not provide any information about preservatives or flavors, however, the presence of multi-colored granules indicates the use of at least dyes in the production of feed. It is possible that dyes can be both natural and artificial origin - it is not known for certain.

Analysis of the composition of wet food

We are talking about the nutrition of the wet series of Whiskas cat food brand, which is available in soft bags - pouches of 85 grams. It is positioned as a balanced diet, which has everything a cat needs. Let's find out if this is really so, using the example of the beef and lamb jelly formula.

The nutritional value

Its nutritional value has the following indicators:

Squirrels 8,5% average
Fats 5% within the normal range
Cellulose 0,3% below the average
Ash 2,5% above the norm
Humidity 82% norm

Its composition contains only 5 points:

  • Meat and offal;
  • Cereals;
  • Taurine;
  • vitamins;
  • Minerals.

After specifying the first component, an explanation follows: “including beef and lamb at least 4%”. The main ingredient is meat and offal, about which almost nothing is known. Neither the total content of it in the feed, nor the source of meat, nor which offal was used is indicated. The only thing you can have is the proportion of beef and lamb in it - min. four%.

Regarding the “meat and offal” component, we can say that these are the remains of meat raw materials that cannot be used for human food, obtained after cutting livestock, poultry, etc. These include tendons, connective tissues, internal organs, links and more. It goes without saying that in an effort to save money, the manufacturer uses the cheapest raw materials, and not lamb and beef. Such a component does not inspire confidence at all, because in fact, the buyer does not know what is contained inside the bag. By the way, this is quite natural for feed from the economy category - that's why it is economy. On the other hand, in comparison with its counterparts in the food class, whiskas has one of the best nutritional values.

Component number 2 is cereals. Here the situation is repeated. An indefinite quantity, quality, and the fact what kind of grain was used is also shrouded in darkness. Is it brown rice or barley? Unlikely: as in other diets of the economy segment, there will be wheat or corn, which are the first in the list of grains that cause food intolerance and allergies. A highly questionable ingredient.

Additional substances

Taurine is added to the food, which is vital for cats, as well as vitamins and mineral supplements. Here the manufacturer is again silent about the information, and is in no hurry to lift the veil and show specific minerals in the composition.

Advantages and disadvantages of Whiskas food

In the process of creating a review of the dry and wet diets of Whiskas, the strengths and weaknesses of his recipes emerged.


  • Availability, you can buy in any supermarket;
  • Most cats are very willing to eat it;
  • Low cost;
  • High performance nutritional value compared to analogues from the economy segment;
  • The #1 brand in the world would hardly become one just because of the price and marketing.

Main cons

  • Most of the components of dubious origin, described in general terms;
  • The meager content of meat ingredients, excessive - grain;
  • The presence of a potential allergen - wheat;
  • The recipe is based on ingredients that are not digestible in cats;
  • The content of high glycemic carbohydrates.

At one time, all the media trumpeted about the virtues for cats of Whiskas. Thanks to successful marketing, the name of this product was on the lips even of those who had nothing to do with cats.

And although in the future people began to trust advertising less, the popularity of cat food has not faded away. Let's try to figure out whether it really deserves such attention, what it is made of, what types it happens and what disadvantages it is characterized by.

Description, composition and general characteristics

About the varieties of cat food "Whiskas" there are both positive and negative feedback. And this is understandable: the food is not the best, because it belongs to the economy class, but at the same time it fully complies with all the requirements of food standards and the main principles of feeding cats.

The manufacturer of the Whiskas feed line is the transnational corporation MARS. Product samples comply with TU 9296-071-17062028, are characterized by satisfactory organoleptic characteristics and safety requirements.

The research center of the corporation positions its developments as a unique balanced formula of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. And in independent laboratories, discrepancies were found with the information indicated on the product packaging.

In particular, the mass fraction of fat was reduced by 34 percent. In addition, this figure was 9 percent below the minimum norm.

In addition to vegetable fats, in the composition of dry and wet food "Whiskas" were found: fiber, corn gluten, taurine, lysine amino acids, wheat flour, chondroitin sulfate, bird bone meal, linoleic acid, glucose, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, tocopherol, methionine, biotin, thiamine, fish meal, carrot, brewer's yeast, beetroot, cellulose, antioxidants, preservatives and food additives.

Important! development of most diseases immune system Veterinarians associate domestic animals with the influence of carcinogens, the accumulation of which in the body is facilitated by artificial feed.

Feed types

Characteristically, the amount and names of nutrients depend on the age of the cats. The line of these feeds is designed for kittens, adult and elderly cats. In addition, granulated, dry and gelled feeds are on sale.
The appearance of dry food is also distinguished by a variety of shapes and colors. Let's take a closer look at what the manufacturer offers to your furry pets.

Did you know? Cats can easily overcome heights that are 5 times their height..


Depending on preferences, there are several variations of dry food: with chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit, lamb, duck pate, seafood and shrimp.
Such a delicacy provides the ward with a feeling of satiety, enriches his body with the substances necessary for development. There are special varieties for animals that have been sterilized.


The liquid formula is a wide range of jellies and preserves. Among them, various meat stews are popular, as well as variations with salmon, beef, meat pates, rabbit, and lamb.

Such food is perfect for small and adult individuals, it requires less water to drink and has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract of the animal.

Experts advise not to focus on one type and alternate them. After all, everyone benefits.

Popular rulers

The popularity of "Whiskas" is inherently associated with a wide choice of product to the taste of the animal. If your preferences fell on this brand, then, once in the store in front of the widest range of cat food, you will certainly be confused. Variations for different age categories are on sale.

The line is designed for animals from a month to a year. You can choose from granulated and gelled feeds. Chicken pates, turkey and veal jelly, salmon, chicken and lamb stew, as well as turkey and carrot pillows are in high demand.

Analyzing the differences in nutrition for kittens and adult cats, experts found much more components in the first option: calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, taurine, vitamin A, folic acid, biotin, antioxidants and zinc.

In combination, all these components have a beneficial effect on the development of bone tissue, organs of vision and coat.

Did you know? In ancient times, the Egyptians worshiped cats. When a pet died, all members of the tribe shaved off their eyebrows, which symbolized grief. The body of the dead was embalmed and buried with mummified mice in family tombs..

The manufacturer offers many more options for animals from 1 to 7 years old. The range includes 23 varieties of wet and 4 dry foods. Taste preferences also taken into account: there are variations with beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, salmon, rabbit, duck, veal, vegetable fillers.

For example, SPECIAL Hairball is recommended for long-haired breeds. This food helps to eliminate hairballs from the body, which enters the digestive tract when licked. The formula developed by manufacturers improves the processing and assimilation of food.

But the low-calorie SPECIAL Indoor is indicated for lazy cats who move little and are prone to obesity. If the animal is sterilized, it is better to feed it with SPECIAL pH-control. The food prevents inflammatory processes in the kidneys and also in the bladder.
For cats that have already had illnesses digestive tract, SPECIAL Sensitive will do. Among the components of this "Whiskas" there are easily digestible nutrients that do not cause fermentation and allergic reactions. A variety is also shown for weakened pets.

Did you know? A domestic cat can run at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour. True, such indicators are available to her only at short distances..

In addition, it is possible to pamper your cat with interesting pillows with meat and vegetable fillings, as well as jellies enriched with spinach, pâtés, preserves and stews.

Adult (premium)

The line in this category is represented by cream soups, jelly, stews and pâtés with various flavors. At the same time, the declared meat is no more than 14 percent, which the developers honestly admit on the official website of whiskas.ru

It is characteristic that the brand widely uses cereals, vitamins and minerals in dry and liquid feed. The food is intended for animals aged 12 months and older.

Mostly in it the meat ingredient is represented by fish or bone meal. This food can be given daily for all breeds.

For seniors (over 7 years old)

For old animals "Whiskas" offers:

  • veal pate;
  • dry granules with pate elements;
  • stew with veal and chicken.

It should be noted that the analytical analysis of the components of this feed consoled many owners of aged wards: it contains about 26 percent of protein, which is important for supporting vital processes in the animal's body. At the same time, the meat component has not changed.

Important! If your cat likes to eat dry food, be sure to make sure that his bowl always has fresh water. Ignoring this rule may cause serious failures in the body of the ward and the development of severe.

Pros and cons of food

Those cat lovers who have already experienced Whiskas on their four-legged friend speak differently about the brand. Mixed reviews can be heard from veterinarians. Let's try to clearly distinguish between all the pros and cons of these feeds.


The wide promotion of this product in the owl has done its job - everyone knows about Whiskas today. It is easy to find in any supermarket, and the price is quite affordable for the average consumer.
But besides these "pluses" there are others:

  • satiety;
  • a wide range and a large assortment.


Conscious owners will definitely weigh the bowl of "pluses" and "minuses". By the way, the latter will prevail.

According to experts, the disadvantages of "Whiskas" can be considered:

  • chemical impurities in the composition;
  • doubtfulness of nutrients, which are based on vegetable and meat components;
  • development of dependence in animals;
  • the possibility of the formation of kidney stones, the development of cancer.

Did you know? There are about 500 million domestic cats in the world. Most of all, these animals are loved in Australia, where there are 9 cats for every 10 people.

Many veterinarians believe that budget dry food, including Whiskas, is life-threatening not only for small kittens, but also for adult pets. This position is explained by the presence of harmful chemical preservatives in the composition.

The worst of them are:

  • ethoxyquin - originally used in the automotive industry to strengthen rubber, but soon confidently became one of the components of cat food, as it significantly extends the shelf life of the product;
  • butylhydroxytoluene and butylhydroxyanisole are these nutritional supplements promote the formation of cancer cells;
  • sodium nitrite (E 250) - preservative and color fixer, leads to oxygen starvation and hypoxia.

Did you know? Cats are very flexible because they have 230 bones and no clavicles. For comparison, in human body only 206 bones.

Unfortunately, these ingredients can be seen in the composition of Whiskas wet and dry food.

If you really love your cat, then, of course, natural food is the best option for him. Not only veterinarians think so, but also experienced cat owners. When there is no way to collect balanced diet for an animal from your table, choose only high-quality feed.

Of all the existing diversity, experts advise giving preference to the holistic class. In the worst case, a premium food group is suitable.

Regardless of whether you prefer to buy wet or dry cat food, always read what it is made of. After all, even without counting on the sincerity of the manufacturers, you can find enough information on the packaging to refuse to buy.
Now that you know the ins and outs of the brand, you have the right to make a responsible choice: trust advertising or focus on informed analysis.

Your ward will gladly pounce on the food offered to him, but whether he needs future consequences, decide for yourself.

The recipe for Whiskas products was developed at the English Science Center, which studies the life and behavior of pets. It is approved by the Russian Association of Practicing Veterinarians. Cats are finicky by nature and love a variety of foods. The range of Whiskas feeds consists of a wide range of different tastes. It is able to satisfy all the nutritional needs of the cat, contains everything necessary for the normal functioning of the animal's body. However, there are many disadvantages to food.

    Show all

    Whiskas food for all occasions

    In order for the pet to receive from products industrial production all the substances necessary for growth and development, the food must meet the needs of the body. Cats are carnivores by nature, and the basis of their diet is animal protein. Other components are carbohydrates, fats, water, minerals and vitamins. They are playing important role in maintaining good health pet.

    The Whiskas cat food line is represented by dry and wet food. The nutritional value products takes into account the needs of the pet at all stages of his life. The food is complete, that is, it does not require additional feeding.

    Wet and dry food have their own characteristics:

    • Moist diets reduce the risk of overeating, maintain optimal water balance in the body, which contributes to the prevention urolithiasis in cats. Also, spiders are the optimal form of transition from mother's milk for industrial food.
    • Dry food is good for the dental system: eating it reduces the risk of tartar formation and gum disease in cats. In addition, the fiber contained in it is necessary for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). With the help of dry rations, it is convenient to organize the buffet principle of feeding cats, when they eat the offered food at any time of the day at will.

    Feed composition

    The composition of dry and wet food The brand includes the following ingredients:

    • Animal protein as an indispensable source of amino acids for the cat's body. This meat: beef, veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit, lamb. Fish: salmon, perch, cod, shrimp, trout.
    • Offal: liver and scar. Cats love these products for their high palatability and enjoy eating food containing them.
    • Cereals. As part of the Whiskas feed, they are represented by wheat, corn, rice and corn gluten.
    • Vegetables: fiber aids in the digestion of food and is needed by the body for correct operation intestines.
    • Animal fats are a concentrated source of energy. They also enhance the flavor of the food.
    • Sunflower oil: is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, keeping the skin and coat in good condition.
    • Vitamins. Their presence is mandatory in a complete feed. Vitamins of groups A, B, D, E provide the cat good vision, the ability to resist infections, improve the condition of the skin and coat, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, are responsible for the growth of muscles and the skeleton.

    This information is provided by the manufacturer.

    Hill's cat food line: types and composition

    Kitten food

    The body of a kitten requires a lot of strength for growth and development. Nutrition for a kitten should be special, with a high energy value. The specific needs of kittens cannot be met by a diet for adult cat Therefore, it is correct to feed him with food, where all age characteristics are taken into account.

    The kitten is suitable for both wet and dry diets. hard pieces small size will become the prevention of tartar, and the delicate texture of the pieces in the sauce will help you get used to "adult" food. These foods are suitable for babies aged 1 to 12 months.

    For the harmonious development of a young organism, it is necessary:

    1. 1. Phosphorus, calcium: they help proper development skeleton and dental system of a kitten.
    2. 2. Fatty amino acids and zinc - provide healthy skin and wool.
    3. 3. Taurine and vitamin A - form good vision.
    4. 4. Vitamins B, E and C help maintain good immunity, improve metabolism.
    5. 5. Trace elements: iron, iodine are needed for the full functioning of all body systems.

    Diet for adult cats

    Due to the nature of the cat's digestive system, they must eat food that is made just for them. The need for proteins in cats is 4 times higher than in humans, while carbohydrates are required much less. They do not synthesize the much-needed vitamin D in their skin. Food prepared by people is unsuitable for cats due to the content of salt, spices, smoked meats and other components harmful to animals. The diet manufacturer Whiskas offers a complete food for cats and cats over 1 year old.

    It is allowed to combine dry and wet diets, subject to the rule: 1 part of dry food accounts for 3 parts of wet food. It is necessary to give pillows and spiders at different times of the day, without mixing them.

    In the line of food for cats from 1 year old, the widest range of flavors is presented.

    The manufacturer claims: 80% meat ingredients in each piece!

    Cats over 7 years old

    The health of an elderly animal is deteriorating every year: metabolism slows down, due to low motor activity they become obese. Teeth become brittle and wear down. These factors are taken into account by the manufacturer when formulating food for cats older than 7 years. In the proposed diets, the optimal ratios of proteins, fats, carbohydrates are derived and the composition of minerals and vitamins is correctly selected.

    Older cats have reduced immunity. Therefore, food for cats older than 7 years contains antioxidants. These substances help the pet remove toxins from the body.

    Prevention of urolithiasis

    The lifestyle of sterilized cats and neutered cats and their eating behavior connected directly. Animals become lazy, inactive, they are prone to obesity. As a result, energy costs are reduced, respectively, it is necessary to reduce the number of calories consumed. It has been proven that this category of pets is most often seriously ill. Food for the prevention of urolithiasis is designed for feeding sterilized cats and neutered cats.

    A cat is a carnivore and the basis of the diet should be meat. Although Whiskas for Cats always list meat or fish ingredients on its packaging, nutritional analysis shows that this is just a marketing ploy. Whiskas contains not so much meat as offal flour, which in fact makes this product, in fact, a cereal, devoid of a protein source necessary for a cat.

    Chicken itself is not a very desirable product for a cat, as it is allergenic for most animals. Corn and soy are cheap sources of carbohydrates that a cat needs, but not in such volumes and of a different quality. wheat gluten harmful to animals due to a possible allergic reaction. The presence of a large amount of carbohydrates leads to obesity and diabetes, and their dubious quality leads to a decrease in immunity and the development of allergies.

    Whiskas dry and wet food is an economy class line, no matter what the manufacturer claims. They are cheap and readily available. People feed their pets every day in accordance with their knowledge, financial situation and experience. Of course, super-premium products and holistics are great choice for cat owners, but not everyone can afford it. Preparing a balanced meal on your own is quite difficult, but it is much better for your cat's health than economy-class food.

On television, you can often see advertisements for Whiskas ready-made cat food. Reviews about this product are very contradictory. The name of the brand is widely known, but not all cat owners know what professional breeders and veterinarians think about it. Let's see what Whiskas cat food is made of, reviews of which are so different from each other. What are its

Types of "Whiskas"

Let's start studying the Whiskas food. Reviews indicate that these products belong to the economy class, which means that its price is relatively low. Commercials claim that cats love this food, and this is true. But how good is it for the health of baleen predators?

In the composition of the feed, you can find components of both animal and vegetable origin. At the same time, the bags have very appetizing names and a rich palette of flavors: rabbit, lamb, duck, trout, salmon, tuna, chicken, turkey, beef, shrimp.

In the line you can find food for kittens, adult and elderly animals, as well as for neutered, prone to digestive problems and cats who do not go outside. The company produces products for short-haired and long-haired animals. The food can be dry and wet, in individual bags.

Brand Features

Why is Whiskas so popular? Reviews indicate that this product is bought by owners who love their cats and want to please them with something tasty. Indeed, in the line you can find such appetizing names as “Chicken Ragout in Cream Sauce” or “Jelly with Turkey and Vegetables”.

Dry food is packaged in bright cardboard boxes that are easy to open and close. Wet food is sold in jars or bags in portions. You just need to open the package and put the appetizing pieces in a bowl. You should be aware that when using dry food, the cat must have constant access to fresh water. For normal digestion, the animal must drink 3 times more water than ate food.

Dry food is convenient to use, as it can be in a plate throughout the day. The contents of sachets of jelly and stew cannot be stored in the air for a long time.


What do they put in Whiskas for cats? Reviews say that for some animals the food suits well, for others it can cause allergic reactions. Some breeders believe that prepared feed negatively affect the health of cats, especially sterilized ones. There is also an opinion that Whiskas is one of the best feeds in the economy class category.

Its composition causes a lot of controversy. It claims ingredients such as corn gluten, wheat flour, animal and vegetable fats, poultry and fish flour, nutritional supplements, vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, brewer's yeast, carrots, cellulose, and beets.

Composition analysis

As you can see, in the first place in the composition are "vegetable protein extracts", which means that they occupy the highest share in the composition. Under this phrase, corn gluten, flour, starch are usually hidden. Let's not forget that cats are predators, and the basis of their diet should be meat, not wheat and corn.

Of course, enough nutrients a predator cannot get out of flour. Therefore, animal and vegetable fats are added to the feed. The only source of meat is from poultry and fish. But what is this flour made from? Meat industry waste is used - skin trimmings, tendons, feathers, heads, paws, beaks, hooves.

Thanks to brewer's yeast, the animal's coat becomes smooth and silky. Mineral supplements and vitamins are also essential for a cat. Carrots and beets are used to give beautiful shade pieces of food. And in order for the cat to eat this mixture of different types of flour, flavorings are added to the food and flavor additives, the so-called digests, or attractants.

Why do cats love Whiskas so much? Reviews from veterinarians indicate that strong flavors are used in this feed. Animals get used to a strong taste, and everything else seems insipid to them.

Which is better to choose "Whiskas" for cats? Reviews of veterinarians claim that it will be more beneficial for the health of the animal wet food because it already contains water.

Whiskas also contains phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, calcium, taurine and folic acid necessary for animal metabolism.

Pros: Ready-to-drink vitamins

Why is Whiskas so popular for cats? Reviews indicate that this ready-made food has a number of advantages.

Whiskas is ready to eat, which means that you don’t have to stand by the stove to prepare dinner for your fluffy pet. This is especially important for owners who have busy work schedules and don't have time to cook food for their cat separately.

You can hear a lot of negativity about the composition of this food, but it really has all the vitamins and minerals that a cat needs. Still, you won’t be full of vitamins alone, and cats - that is, to maintain normal life, they need meat, plant foods cannot replace it.

Dry food slowly deteriorates in the air, which means that the owner can pour the cat into a bowl daily allowance feed and calmly go to work. The animal can eat whenever it wants. Wet food should not be left out all day.

Pros: favorite food at a low price

It is impossible not to mention the most obvious advantage - low price. True, this applies mostly to dry Whiskas. Wet food sachets contain a large number of jelly. The cat eats 3-5 packs a day. If you buy a more expensive wet food with a high meat content, then even at a high price per bag, you will save money, as the cat will fill up faster. She will only need 2-3 packs a day.

We continue to discuss Whiskas. Reviews indicate that this is one of the few economy class feeds that has different types, depending on the age, health and lifestyle of the cat.

Another advantage, albeit controversial, is that animals eat food with pleasure. For many tailed beauties, even meat does not cause such stormy delight as Whiskas. Of course, the owners are pleased to see such positive reaction and your pet's appetite. People are also attracted by the bright box, the pleasant appearance of the feed, beautiful pictures and a variety of flavors. Do not forget that for cats, all these attributes do not matter. They only care about composition.

Among the advantages of "Whiskas" is often also called the rapid saturation of the pet. However, this is misleading. The economy class food contains little meat, the nutritional value is low, therefore, the cat eats a large amount of Whiskas. Super-premium feed will be needed many times less.

Disadvantages of dry food

We continue to analyze the food "Whiskas". Reviews of veterinarians are unambiguous - it is not recommended to mix it with homemade food. This will lead to gastrointestinal problems. Therefore, you need to immediately decide whether you will feed the cat with ready-made industrial food or natural food. Constantly changing the brand is also not advised. Choose one type of food that suits your pet and buy it consistently.

Disadvantages: save on health

How good is Whiskas? Reviews suggest that all economy class feeds are of rather poor quality. It is worth noting that there are still cheap options on the market that are significantly inferior to Whiskas in content. useful substances. You should be especially careful when buying unknown brands and brands produced by trading networks. Always read the ingredients before buying!

Many owners prefer to buy ready-made food for their cats and cats. Now in almost every supermarket you can choose food with any taste. Prices are usually low for these foods. But some cat owners choose for some reason only expensive feed, which cannot be found in a simple store. There are a number of reasons for this. To understand why this happens, you need to study the features of the "budget" options. One of them is Whiskas.

Whiskas cat food

Whiskas is one of the most popular brands of cat food. Trademark belongs Mars, and the brand is represented by Masterfoods. The manufacturer claims that the feed formulation was developed on the basis of numerous studies by the Waltham Research Center and approved by the Russian Association of Veterinarians.

Whiskas is one of the leaders in the economy class cat food market.

Historical background: Frank S. Mars (Minnesota) was born in 1882. He had polio, so as a child he was educated at home. His mother taught him how to make chocolate, and he spent all his time in the kitchen. In 1902 he married and started his own small business- sale of chips with molasses. After 9 years, he began to prepare and sell chocolate bars. In 1923, Mars began to be considered a successful businessman, as his product - Milky Way chocolate gained popularity from the early days. After that, other products began to appear, which are still successfully sold today.

In 1934, Mars died, and his eldest son, Forest, had to take over the business. It was he who decided to add pet food to the piggy bank of the company. True, this was only possible after the war. In 1960, Mars and Forest's company merged. The first Russian enterprise from Mars appeared in 1995 (Moscow region). So the organization entered the world market. After 3 years, Forest Mars passed away, but the company once founded did not “dead”, but continued to gain momentum. The products of this manufacturer are in crazy demand all over the world. Currently, the company has representative offices in every progressive country in the world.

In addition to Whiskas, Mars has other brands:

  1. Pet products: Pedigree, Royal Canin, Kitecat, Cesar, Nutro, Sheba, Chappi, Catsan, Frolic, Perfect Fit, etc.
  2. Chocolate brands: M&M'S, Snickers, Dove, Mars, Milky Way, Twix, Balisti, Bounty, Maltesers, Revels, etc.
  3. Food: Uncle Ben's, Dolmio, Masterfoods, Seeds Of Change, Ebly, Royco, Kan Tong, Suzi Wan, Paris, etc.
  4. Confectionery Brands: Extra, Orbit, Altoids, DoubleMint, Juicy Fruit, Life Savers, Skittles, Wrigley's Spearmint, Starburst, etc.

What class does Whiskas feed belong to?

Cat food may fall into one of the following classes:

  • economy;
  • premium;
  • super premium;
  • holistic.

Belonging to one of these classes is determined by the quantity and quality of meat. For example, in holistic class feeds, meat can be up to 90%. This is not about proteins of animal origin (offal, bone meal, etc.), but about meat (for example, fresh lamb meat - in Akana feed). Such products cannot contain dyes and flavors, they are natural and, accordingly, high in price. You can buy this food only in specialized stores. Such a product does not need advertising, so novice cat breeders know little about such food for cats.

Super premium class is characterized by a lower meat content. However, the composition should mainly contain proteins of animal origin. Some foods in this class contain flavorings and preservatives. In terms of price, they are almost the same as holistics.

But the premium class is already cheaper products. Premium cat food can be found in a regular pet store, it may contain dyes, preservatives, and flavors. Meat, as a rule, in such feed is about 35%. Moreover, it may not be the highest quality meat (which is why flavorings are needed). Manufacturers of "Whiskas" refer their products to this class. But some veterinarians believe that this is just a publicity stunt. The basis for this opinion was the analysis of the composition. In addition, usually only the most unpretentious goods need powerful and aggressive advertising, for which PR is the only way stay on the market.

Economy class feed contains very little meat. Moreover, these will be just derivatives of meat products (flour of animal origin, etc.). The basis of the diet will be cereals and herbal ingredients. So that the plants in the composition do not confuse the buyer, they are usually denoted by a single inaccurate word - “cereals”, etc. The meat components, on the contrary, are separated in as much detail as possible so that the composition looks like it contains a lot of animal products, and vegetable absolutely nothing components.

The energy value in such feed is achieved due to vegetable proteins (corn gluten, etc.). There will be no special components (for example, fruits or rare herbs) in such a product either. Vitamins and mineral components will be the bare minimum. A dye will be added to the composition of the food (to give it an appetizing look), preservatives (since budget production technologies do not contribute to long-term storage) and flavors (otherwise the cat may simply refuse such food). Moreover, the “smallest” components in the form of, for example, dyes may not be indicated (so as not to frighten buyers with an abundance of the letter E in the composition).

One of my friends buys only cheap food for her cat. But at the same time, every time she studies the label for half an hour, claiming that she clearly follows the rules of the diet - how much protein the cat should receive, and how much - carbohydrates. In fact, cats (and they are natural predators) need animal protein. Let it be just meat products, but it's better than vegetable protein. In addition, my friend does not take into account artificial components (I am usually confused by the fact that the percentage of the unwanted ingredient is not indicated).

When choosing a feed, you should always study the composition of the product (it is always indicated on the packaging - on the back or side)

Assortment and features of feed

Whiskas has a truly wide range. Cat food is available in several varieties:

  1. Dry food (pads, etc.).
  2. Wet food (canned food and pouches in the form of jelly, pates and stews).
  3. Treats and specialty foods.

And also all Whiskas products can be classified as follows:

  • food for kittens;
  • food for adult cats;
  • food for older cats.

Each of these products is produced in several batches, and each batch can be dry or wet. For example, Whiskas kitten food is available in two versions:

  • pate with chicken or veal;
  • jelly with veal, turkey or beef and lamb;
  • stew with salmon, lamb or chicken;
  • pads with milk, turkey and carrots.

Photo gallery: some Whiskas kitten food

Pâtés, stews and kitty jellies are sold in pouches Each type of dish (jelly, pâté, etc.) is available in several flavors
Dry kitten food is sold in the form of pads with a soft center
All pouches and boxes follow the same color policy
Previously, special milk for kittens was produced (now temporarily not produced)

Table: type, composition and price of some kitten food

Food nameType of feedSpecified compositionPacking volumePrice
Pate with chickenwetmeat, meat by-products (chicken meat - not less than 25%), vegetable oil, taurine, vitamins, mineralspouches of 35 gfrom 18 rubles per pouch
Jelly with vealmeat, organ meats (veal min. 4%), vegetable oil, taurine, vitamins, minerals
Ragout with salmonmeat, offal, fish products (salmon - not less than 4%), cereals, vegetable oil, taurine, vitamins, minerals
Pillows with milk, turkey and carrotsdryvegetable flour, flour of animal origin, rice, protein plant extracts, animal fat, vegetable oil, yeast, vegetables, dairy products, vitamins, mineralsboxes 350 g, 800 g, 1900 g and 5 kgfrom 80 rubles for 350 g

Whiskas food for adult domestic cats (over 1 year old) is available in several series at once:

  • pads with tender pâté (with salmon, chicken and turkey, beef and rabbit);
  • jelly with different flavors;
  • mini fillet and cream soup (pieces of meat in jelly);
  • stew with different flavors;
  • pate with different flavors.

Photo Gallery: Some Cat Foods Over 1 Year Old

Comparison table: Whiskas food for adult cats

Separately, it can be said about food for older cats. Older animals need more vitamins (to maintain bones, vision, metabolism, etc.) and fewer calories. After all, an elderly cat does not “rush” around the house like a kitten, which means that it spends less energy. And old animals cannot boast of such an appetite as young ones. Whiskas has a separate line of food for cats over 7 years old. The names of the products of the 7+ line are the same as the 1+ feeds. They are also presented in the form of pillows, pâtés and stews. The only difference between these feeds is the calorie content.

Previously, you could find Whiskas food for cats over 8 years old on store shelves. Now the manufacturer has completely abandoned this line, leaving only "7+".

The packages of the "1+", "7+" and "8+" lines differ only in the number (otherwise they are identical)

And also the manufacturer did not forget about treats for cats. The point of special treats for cats is that they consist of veins and other dried low-calorie foods that are firm. So the cat needs to gnaw this delicacy for a long time, and the owner can be calm - treats for cats contain practically no calories. Whiskas has several of these products. The composition of all delicacies is almost the same:

  • cereals and cereal-containing products;
  • proteins of non-vegetable origin (for example, salmon meal - 4%);
  • animal fats and sunflower oil;
  • other non-vegetable products such as cheese - 4%);
  • mineral supplements and vitamins;
  • herbal ingredients.

Photo gallery: Whiskas delicacies

Most cat treats are made with solid foods to help clean and strengthen teeth. The most common form of cat treats are sticks.
All Whiskas delicacies are enriched with vitamins A, E, D3 and group B Lakomsto from the Duo series contains two flavors at once, however, there is practically no meat in it

Sometimes Whiskas releases individual limited editions of cat food. For example, before some holiday or experimentally to test the reaction of buyers to New Product. Most often, such exclusive feeds are part of an advertising campaign. The composition of these foods is listed in the same form as before (except that the aroma or taste of the food may be brighter or newer).

The price of such a product can be either overpriced (for example, some elite holiday treat) or underpriced (for example, a special series at a special price). Some types of products may be completely free (for example, a bonus package of cat food).

A good friend of mine teaches economics at a non-state university. I managed to talk to him about cheap feed. So he explained two things to me:

  1. There is a stereotypical opinion among the people “cheaper is worse”, this often scares off potential buyers. This is not always justified. For example, cat food should not consist of pure lumpy meat (the main thing is that the cat gets animal protein).
  2. If the manufacturer underestimates the price (and Whiskas is one of the cheapest feeds), then he will “take” this money in a different way. For example, arranging promotions, etc. After all, not a single businessman wants to give away goods for a penny.

Photo gallery: special lines of food for cats

Special New Year food series - "Beef Stroganoff" Often the "taste" of an exclusive line is some unusual product (for example, mackerel) Two separate food series - "Moore-r-fish" and "Meow-meat" Experimental small series of food are produced for adults Cats For kittens, you can buy food "on sale"

Every more or less major animal feed manufacturer is trying to develop a line of special therapeutic feeds. Of course, such foods cannot cure a cat, because they do not contain drugs. But there are products created taking into account the peculiarities of animal health. Whiskas also has such feeds:

  • for cats that are constantly in the house;
  • Hairball Control for long haired cats;
  • for animals with a capricious taste;
  • Sensitiv for cats with sensitive digestion;
  • for sterilized cats and cats.

Table: features of therapeutic feed

The product's nameType of feedSpecified compositionPackingPrice
Pads for sterilized cats and cats with chickendrywheat flour, chicken flour - 4%, vegetable proteins, rice, fats, dried liver (chicken and pork), yeast, vitamins and minerals350 g, 1.9 and 5 kgfrom 90 rubles for 350 g
Hairball Control for long haired catsdry and wetcorn gluten, rice, wheat flour, chicken and fish meal, yeast, fats, vegetable fibers, vegetables, minerals, vitamins
Sensitiv for cats with sensitive digestionmeat and by-products, vegetable fats, cereals and products of their processing, minerals, vitamins350 g in boxes and 35 g pouches
Indoor for cats staying at homewetcorn gluten, flour, cereals, flour from animal products, yeast, fats, vegetables, chicory, minerals and vitamins, antioxidantspouches 35 gfrom 95 rubles for 350 g

Photo Gallery: Healthy Cat Foods

Indoor is designed for inactive cats that do not have access to the street Long-haired cats “clog” the gastrointestinal tract with hairballs, Hairball Control is designed to prevent this (it has a lot of fiber) Capricious cats refuse regular food, so a “appetizing option” has been created for them
Sensitiv is pet food with a gentle digestive system.
Food for sterilized cats controls the pH balance and regulates the excretory system (prevention of urolithiasis)

The benefits and harms of Whiskas food for cats

Economy class feeds cause a lot of controversy regarding their quality. However, the demand for such products (especially when it comes to highly advertised products) is not decreasing. Cat owners still buy Whiskas, although this food has plenty of analogues. Those cat owners who have been feeding their pets with Whiskas for more than a year, and people who are just about to make their choice, should objectively evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of this product. After all, store-bought food should be ideal for a cat.

Often there are situations when the owner carefully examines the packaging before buying food, chooses the most the best option making sure that the selected food meets all the requirements of the pet. And after some time it becomes clear that something went wrong - either the cat feels unwell, or diarrhea has begun, or even at all - the animal has an allergy.

There is such a thing as individual intolerance. The food may be the best in the world, but it did not suit this particular animal. It's like, for example, someone drinks milk and it's normal, but someone has a complete intolerance, but you must admit that milk, in fact, does not make it bad.

KLEO-One, forum visitor

Weigh the Pros and Cons Before Buying Cat Food

Pros and cons

The advantages of Whiskas food include the following factors:

  • affordable price;
  • satiety (you can choose a more caloric feed option);
  • a wide range (you can choose cat food, taking into account taste preferences);
  • Availability special feed(for sterilized, long-haired cats, etc.);
  • "Whiskas" is fragrant, so cats eat it with great appetite.

However, in addition to the advantages, Whiskas also has disadvantages:

  • the presence of artificial additives;
  • cats can become "addicted";
  • illegibility of the wording of the ingredients in the composition;
  • Some ingredients are not listed at all.

It turns out that the pros and cons of this feed are about the same amount. Veterinarians believe that chemical additives provoke the formation of cancer, have a bad effect on the kidneys, etc. But this can also be looked at from the other side: preservatives do not allow the product to deteriorate for as long as possible, dyes and flavors increase appetite, etc. Therefore, to choose such food or not is a purely personal matter for each cat owner.

"Your pussy would buy whiskas" - this slogan is the basis of food advertising, but owners and veterinarians sometimes disagree with this.

In our family, this issue is treated condescendingly. After all, it also happens that the most expensive food causes, for example, allergies. And some cats eat cheap food all their lives, but live long. If a husband goes to the store, he can call and ask "Does the cat take glutamate?". Of course, these are all jokes. It's just that Whiskas really enjoys a controversial reputation. Its name alone is almost synonymous with all feeds. For example, my sister, when compiling a shopping list, writes “whiskas” even though her cat only eats Pro Plan.

At first glance, the composition of the Whiskas feed is only bad low content squirrel, high content fats. But in Whiskas they added a lot of taurine and even glucosamine and chondroitin - important component to keep the joints in order and connective tissue. True, this is true for humans, but a cat does not need such supplements. But it's not the pussy that buys Whiskas!

brau, forum visitor
