Delicious recipes with Mrs. How to eat for a nursing mother? Chicken liver soup with meatballs

Elena Zhabinskaya

Hi friends! With you Lena Zhabinskaya! Absolutely all mothers who already know that thoughtful nutrition with breastfeeding is good lactation, rapid recovery after childbirth, proper growth and development of the baby are looking for simple recipes for breastfeeding dishes.

And all this without stress, heavy loads, unnecessary screaming and sleepless nights in the crumbs and the well-known postpartum depression. And do not confuse such nutrition with a strict diet that limits the mother in what is necessary. Thanks to the recommendations of breastfeeding experts, a real gourmet will envy the menu of a young nursing mother.

What to eat and what not

The nutrition of a young mother must include:

It is not recommended to use fried, smoked, spicy, fatty, salty, mushrooms. In the first months after childbirth, it is better to exclude pork dishes, replacing them with those prepared from other types of meat. Such food provokes problems with the stool in both the mother and the newborn.

In addition, it is worth limiting the consumption of sweets and starchy foods, including sweets, cakes, cakes, buns, and muffins. An exception for nursing women can only be high-quality and healthy delicacies: marshmallows, marshmallows, low-fat homemade pastries in small quantities.

Recipes for GV

Are there tasty and easy-to-cook dishes that can be eaten with? It turns out yes. The main thing is just to find them. For your convenience, the most popular of them are listed.

Soups: Top 3 Recipes

First courses are best cooked in vegetable, chicken or secondary meat broth, because the food should be low-fat, but at the same time appetizing.

Zucchini and fennel soup

  • beef - 300 gr.;
  • potatoes - 7 pcs.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil.

Mash boiled potatoes, add egg, salt. Boil the second egg and chop together with beef in a blender. Put 1 tbsp on the pan. l. puree, mash, put the beef filling in the center, a little mashed potatoes on top. Fry until cooked, but not until crusty! Eat with sour cream.

Snacks: Top 3 Recipes

Chicken pate

  • chicken fillet - 500 gr.;
  • butter - 50 gr.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • salt.

Grate the chicken with salt and steam, chop in a blender or in a meat grinder. Fry chopped onion, garlic in oil for a quarter of an hour, cool. Beat the resulting mass with the remaining chicken broth and chicken in a blender. Serve with toast.

Hot sandwich

  • bread - 4 pcs.;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • cheese - 80 gr.;
  • butter;
  • greenery.

Brush the bread with a thin layer of butter. Spread tomato slices, grated cheese, herbs on it. Cook in the microwave or oven for a couple of minutes.

Peppers stuffed with cottage cheese

  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • cottage cheese - 200 gr.;
  • butter - 60 gr.;
  • walnuts - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, herbs.

Mix chopped nuts and herbs with butter and cottage cheese, salt. Cut off the head of the pepper, remove the seeds, rinse. Fill the resulting void tightly with the filling and put in the refrigerator for 60 minutes. Before serving, cut the pepper into rings.

Desserts: top 3 recipes

Baked apples with cottage cheese

  • apple - 4 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 50 gr.;
  • sour cream - 30 gr.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • raisin.

Mash cottage cheese, mix with sugar, sour cream and raisins. Remove the middle from the apples and fill them with stuffing. Put in a fireproof dish, pour water on the bottom. Bake in the oven for half an hour at 180 degrees.

banana cake

  • green apple - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream or cream - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 4 tsp;
  • semolina - 6 tsp

Grate the fruits, add semolina, sour cream, sugar, lightly beaten eggs to them. Divide the mass into molds (it is better to grease the ceramic ones with oil and sprinkle with flour). Bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees. Cool, put on a plate.

Homemade food is the basis of proper nutrition for moms while breastfeeding. However, admit it, it also happens that there is absolutely no desire to stand at the stove, but not everyone can afford to run around restaurants, besides with a baby. At times like this, it helps me Biglion service- there are collected profitable offers from ready-made food delivery services with pleasant discounts. A rested mother is a happy family, why not treat yourself sometimes?

How should a young mother eat, who is breastfeeding and planning to breastfeed her baby for a long time? Immediately after the birth, in the first few days, she will be offered dietary meals in the canteens of the maternity hospital: ground vegetable soup, meat soufflé, porridge and compote. Such nutrition is the most optimal in the early days, but gradually a woman can significantly expand her menu, including any dishes in it, with the exception of unambiguously harmful ones (alcohol, fast food, poor-quality or spoiled food).

The main principle of the diet, which mother should use all the time, is a little bit of everything and gradually. That is, you must first try a new dish, and if everything is fine, calmly include it in your diet. Everything else is an individual matter. Some mothers have to diet for a long time, limiting themselves in everything, through baby colic, intolerance and diathesis. Other mothers from the first day of breastfeeding allow themselves chocolate, citrus fruits, spicy dishes and sweets without problems for themselves and the baby.

Dish recipes

Today we offer you some delicious, albeit diet meals, suitable for the first months of your breastfeeding.

  • 500 gr. minced lean meats (beef or veal works best)
  • 700 gr. potatoes
  • 250 gr. Luke
  • 250 gr. carrots
  • 3 art. spoons of breadcrumbs

(Per 4 liter pot)

Mix minced meat with salt and breadcrumbs. Make small meatballs out of it (they can be made larger and frozen in the refrigerator for later). Put diced potatoes, onions and carrots into the water. Boil. Add meatballs. Cook for 15-20 minutes until done. Finely chopped greens can be added to the finished dish. Also, during the cooking process, buckwheat groats can be added to the water.

  • 600 gr. potatoes (6 pieces large)
  • 500 gr. lean minced meat (beef or veal)
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 carrot
  • salt, pepper, milk, butter

Boil potatoes and mash them with milk and butter. Minced meat mixed with onions, salt. Put half of the puree in the form, which you previously greased with butter. Put the minced meat in the second layer. Lay the sliced ​​carrots on top of the minced meat. The last layer is mashed potatoes. Bake until done at 160C.

  • 3 pcs. large chicken fillets (500 gr.)
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 sweet pepper
  • 1 cup liquid sour cream
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour

Boil the fillet, then cut into strips of 1 cm. Set aside. Sauté the onion and pepper in a frying pan. Then add flour, fry vegetables with flour a little. Add chicken, pour in sour cream, simmer until tender. You can make fricassee with any vegetables you like. Serve fricassee with mashed potatoes or porridge.

  • 150 gr. hard cheese
  • 2 green apples
  • 200 gr. celery (root or stalks)
  • 50 gr. walnuts
  • grapes or raisins
  • sour cream - about 3 tbsp. spoons

Cheese and apples cut into small cubes, put in a salad bowl. Break the nuts, add to the curd. Wash the grapes, if you take raisins - they must be steamed in boiling water. Add to cottage cheese and apples. Cut celery into cubes or thin strips, add too. Dress salad with sour cream. You can sprinkle coriander balls on top of the salad.

  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 2-3 apples

Beat eggs, add sugar and beat again. Gradually add flour to this mixture, mix with a spoon or with a mixer. Peel apples, cut into slices. Put in a form, sprinkled with a little flour, apples in a circle. Pour the dough over the apples, it should be liquid. Bake until done, about 20-30 minutes. This biscuit is best suited not very fresh, on the second day.

good old tradition with raisins

Ingredients: medium-fat cottage cheese or curd mass - 400 gr., 1 tbsp. l. flour and semolina, 3 yolks, 20 gr. raisins, 1 tbsp. l. brown sugar.
Time for preparing: 45 minutes.
Cooking method: Mix sugar and beaten yolks, cheese, flour, semolina, salt to taste, mix. Pour boiling water over 5 pieces of raisins, wait 1 minute, rinse, add to the casserole. Put in a form sprinkled with semolina and bake until cooked.

light healthy breakfast, reminiscent of summer at grandma's in the village

Ingredients: parsley, dill, lettuce, spinach leaves, pepper, olive oil.
Time for preparing: 10 minutes.
Cooking method: Cut the greens (we tear the salad with our hands), add a little bell pepper, onion, pour a little olive oil, add salt (and if you can, it’s better without it), pepper.

If you really want, you can add finely chopped salted green olives to such a salad (precisely salted, sold in large jars by weight - they are preserved only with salt. Olives in iron jars are not suitable)

french delicacy for mom

Ingredients: 300 gr. liver (suitable chicken or rabbit + chicken), bay leaf, allspice, black pepper (peas), 1 carrot, 1 onion, 50 gr. butter, salt.
Time for preparing: 40 minutes.

Boil the liver, drain the water. Separately, boil a large carrot and onion, you can add bay leaf, allspice, black pepper (peas) to this water. Finely grind the boiled liver and vegetables in a blender or meat grinder, add a small piece of soft butter, salt, pepper.

You can add a little decoction of vegetables to the pate - this will soften the dish. For an appetizing look, before use, the finished pate can be crushed again in a blender and insisted in the refrigerator.

play by the rules that is fun

Ingredients: jacket-boiled potatoes, meat (boiled or baked), 1 garlic clove, carrots, cabbage, onions, herbs, hard cheese, eggs, sour cream.
Time for preparing: 45 minutes.
Cooking method: Finely chop the cabbage, pour boiling water over it. Peel the potatoes in their jackets, cut them and put them on the bottom of a tall baking dish. The next layer is grated carrots. Next, cut the meat, you can add a little garlic to it. Drain the water from the cabbage, wring out and lay out the fourth layer. The next layer is chopped onion. Last but not least, chopped greens. Salt each layer to your taste. But a little.

Pour sauce over all this (2-3 eggs and 1 tablespoon of sour cream mix in a blender).

5-10 minutes before the pie is ready, sprinkle with grated cheese.

simple delicacy

Ingredients: 500 gr. pumpkins (take a nutmeg pumpkin - "butternut"), 50 gr. olive oil, 3-4 garlic cloves, rosemary branch, fennel, peppercorns, thyme, salt.
Time for preparing: 65 minutes
Cooking method: Cut the pumpkin into cubes of 5-7 cm, put on foil. Make the sauce: in a blender, mix garlic, olive oil, rosemary branch, fennel (it perfectly eliminates gases in mom and baby), thyme, pepper, salt. Pour sauce over pumpkin, cover with foil and bake at medium temperature.

You should always spoil yourself with delicious good food. Even when, at first glance, it seems impossible;) Bon appetit!

A woman who is currently breastfeeding a baby should be attentive to the diet. Her body is weakened after childbirth, and the baby needs a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals for proper growth and development. Recipes for breastfeeding should consist only of approved products and be beneficial. The diet should be thought out in such a way as to minimize the likelihood of an allergic reaction, colic and problems with the stool.

To forget about these problems and return to its previous form will help. In this article, you can learn about safe weight loss methods that can not adversely affect the health of the baby.

How to make a menu?

Wide range of dishes

For the health of the newborn, good nutrition of the mother is necessary. She must consume all the vitamins and minerals. Sour-milk products must be present on the menu without fail. Vegetables, fruits, lean meats and fish have a positive effect on the body. It is even allowed to eat pastries, which consist of their healthy products.

Consider nutrition in such a way that the body receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Harmful and questionable foods should be completely abandoned for the period of breastfeeding. The danger lies in fried, fatty and spicy dishes. Salty food can lead to swelling of the body.

Safety always comes first

It is important to think over the recipes of dishes in such a way that they do not contain allergens harmful to the body. The danger is fermentation in the stomach and intestines, which can occur due to excessive amounts of spices and fat. Smoked foods and preservatives have a negative effect on the baby's body. Alcohol and drinks with gas are completely excluded from the diet.

Proper nutrition is the key to maternal and child health

The baby will be completely safe if the mother correctly calculates the dosage. Overeating is fraught with the occurrence of colic and gas. In this case, the child may suffer from bloating and disruption of the digestive system.

Water is a source of energy

When breastfeeding, it is important to consume enough fluids. It is necessary for the production of milk in sufficient quantities. Drink at least three liters of water within 24 hours.

A woman can only drink pure water, juice, compote and tea. This volume of liquid also includes broths.

Immediately after the birth of the baby, you should not start drinking too much water. The dose increases gradually, because because of it there will be a rush of milk. Its excessive amount can lead to lactostasis.

It is important to drink enough water

What can you eat

Allowed foods during breastfeeding:

  • Lean meat or poultry. It is best to boil or steam it in a slow cooker.
  • Fish with a low percentage of fat. Such a dish is allowed to be eaten no more than twice a week.
  • Cottage cheese is best processed in the oven before use. It can be prepared in the form of casseroles or cheesecakes.
  • Milk in its pure form is allowed to be consumed only in limited quantities. This product often causes individual intolerance in the baby. It is best to replace it with any fermented milk product with low fat content.
  • Vegetables and allowed fruits also need to be baked. The average serving size should not exceed four hundred grams.
  • During the day, it is allowed to eat no more than three hundred grams of fruits or berries. Juice can only be drunk freshly squeezed. Compotes must be homemade.
  • From cereals it is allowed to eat millet, buckwheat, rice, corn and oatmeal. Semolina is allowed to be tasted for the first time when the baby is six months old.
  • You can eat bread made from coarse varieties of wheat or rye.
  • Instead of sweets and sweets, you should eat dried fruits and drying. For the intestines, prunes and dried apricots will be useful. You can also make delicious dishes from them.
  • During the day, it is allowed to eat no more than 25 grams of butter.
  • It is allowed to season salads with olive, sunflower or corn oil. Its volume should not exceed 15 grams.
  • Sweets and flour products are allowed only in limited quantities.

It is allowed to eat a little marshmallow, marshmallow or cake. All of these desserts must be prepared at home.

Delicious and healthy breastfeeding recipes

Recipes for a nursing mother should be varied. However, every woman is faced with the question of how to do this with only a limited number of products. Dishes for nursing mothers should be not only healthy, but also tasty. It is important to properly balance the diet. In this case, the body will receive the necessary amount of minerals and trace elements. All these components are necessary for the proper growth and development of the baby. They are necessary for the rapid recovery of the mother's body.

Nutrition should be organized in such a way as not to cause an allergic reaction in the child's body. Safety and health are the main components that parents should pay attention to.

Delicious first course recipes

Soup is best made using vegetables, chicken, or lean beef. Only food with a small amount of fat or oil can be eaten.

Many women have appreciated the zucchini soup, in which a little fennel is added for an unusual taste.

Ingredients used:

  • two fennel roots;
  • one medium-sized zucchini;
  • one liter of chicken broth;
  • greens to taste;
  • salt and pepper to taste;

Cooking should begin with a thorough grinding of zucchini and fennel root. They must be thoroughly fried in a pan for five minutes. At the first stage, only fennel lends itself to heat treatment, and then zucchini is added to it. Stewing vegetables should be done for ten minutes. The chicken should be boiled and added to the broth along with vegetables. The cooking process should be done for another five minutes.

A woman should eat soups daily

A healthy soup using spinach can be prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 packs of frozen spinach;
  • 1.5 liters of clean water;
  • small carrots;
  • three medium-sized potatoes;
  • chicken egg;
  • one tablespoon of butter.

The first step in cooking is to thoroughly melt the butter in a frying pan. Spinach is gradually added to it. If it was previously frozen, then you should fry the vegetable in a pan for five minutes. The remaining vegetables (potatoes and carrots) are carefully chopped and added to boiling water. Before that, they must be fried in butter.

Spinach should be added only at the moment when the water is already boiling. In parallel, the egg is beaten and added immediately to the broth. The composition can be turned off only after the water has completely boiled.

Second courses are an important part of any diet.

When breastfeeding a baby, it is recommended to combine meat with cereals. As a side dish, it is allowed to use buckwheat, pasta or potatoes. They can be easily cooked in a slow cooker. should be carefully thought out, since during this period the formation and colonization of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract ends.

Meat with potatoes should be chopped and stewed in a pan. If desired, carrots can be added to the dish. Do not use water to extinguish, even when cooking in a slow cooker.

Rice with goulash is not only a tasty dish, but also healthy. For its preparation, you should choose only lean meat. It is possible to use carrots as an additional ingredient.

pot beef recipe

Dishes for a nursing mother can be simple. To prepare this recipe, you only need meat and sour cream. First, the fillet should be cut along the fibers. Sprinkle each individual piece with salt and pepper. Additionally, olive oil is used. It is also necessary to marinate the meat for at least twenty minutes.

Beef must be fried in a pan using olive oil. In a pot, the resulting slices are stacked in layers and carefully smeared with oil. If desired, you can sprinkle grated hard cheese on top. The composition is sent to the oven for 60 minutes. Immediately before serving, the pot should be decorated with fresh herbs.

"Hedgehogs" stewed

When breastfeeding, you need to eat tasty and healthy food. For the next dish you need to take:

  • 500 grams of beef;
  • one chicken egg;
  • half a cup of pre-boiled rice;
  • carrot;
  • two pieces of a loaf that is soaked in milk;
  • one glass of sour cream.

Minced meat must be made from meat. A loaf, egg and rice are also added to it. Salt and pepper to taste. Carrots should be grated and fried in a pan. A little carrot should be added to the minced meat, and the rest should be poured with sour cream. Small balls should be made from minced meat and poured with the resulting sauce. Next, the dish should be stewed in the oven for one hour.

Potato zrazy with beef

You will need the following products:

  • three hundred grams of fresh beef;
  • two fresh chicken eggs;
  • seven pieces of potatoes;
  • vegetable oil.

All these ingredients should be enough to prepare eight servings. The first step is to boil the potatoes in their skins. Next, it must be thoroughly cleaned and mashed. One chicken egg is added to the resulting mixture. If necessary, you can add salt to taste. One of the eggs should be boiled and chopped with a blender. If you do not have such a device, then you can use a conventional meat grinder.

Do not use molds to form zrazy. The procedure can be easily done by hand

You can use cling film, in which case you will keep your hands clean.

Puree must be thoroughly mashed, and then add one piece of beef inside it. As a result, we get a pie, which consists almost entirely of potatoes.

Zrazy should be fried in vegetable oil. The dish is ready the moment a crust appears on it. Excellent taste characteristics of the dish can be opened with sour cream.

Delicious and healthy cottage cheese roll

Required Ingredients:

  • one breast of chicken or turkey;
  • one hundred grams of cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content;
  • 50 grams of cheese;
  • 10 percent cream;
  • dill or other herbs to taste.

Cottage cheese must be ground with a blender. Dill is also added to the resulting mass. The fillet must be divided into two parts. Inside each of them should be placed a mixture. The resulting roll is sprinkled on top with cheese, which was previously crushed with a grater. The roll must be baked in the oven for half an hour.

Sweet homemade pastry

Put the minimum amount of sugar. For some recipes, it may not be used at all.

Grandma's cake with apples:

  • 500 grams of flour;
  • 2 tsp baking powder;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 400 grams of sugar;
  • 4 fresh chicken eggs;
  • 6 apples;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon;
  • 6 art. l. sour cream;
  • salt to taste.

The dough is made by mixing sugar and butter. It is also advisable to add yolk to them. The protein is whipped separately. Add salt and baking powder to the flour. This powder is gradually introduced into the general composition. It is important to stir until the dough becomes homogeneous.

Apples must be peeled and peeled. Additionally, you need to cut the fruit into small slices. The first step is to pour the dough into a mold. Apples are laid out on top. The cake can be sprinkled with additional cinnamon. It will take no more than twenty minutes to bake one cake.

The remaining eggs should be beaten with a mixer and mixed with sour cream. The cake will be semi-finished in 20 minutes. It must be smeared with the resulting composition and sent to the oven. There he must stay for another 30 minutes.

A similar recipe is used for making cottage cheese pie. As a filling, you can take 250 grams of cottage cheese or a special mass. The recipe can be implemented using yeast-free or puff pastry. The result is incredibly tasty cheesecakes that will not adversely affect the mother's body when breastfeeding.

When cooking, a woman can use the advice of our grandmothers. For example, porridge will be much tastier if the cereal is pre-soaked in water. Stuffing cannot be used purchased, but you should do it yourself. The same requirements are put forward for cottage cheese.

After giving birth, a young mother opens up an appetite, some people think that “now it’s possible.” The child was born and now you can eat whatever your heart desires, but this is absolutely not the case. Mom in the first days after the birth of her baby, breastfeeds him, and all the nutrients and "harmful" substances enter the body of the newborn with mother's milk. Therefore, you need to maintain strict control over what you eat. After giving birth, you should not lean on kebabs and fast food, but you should not limit yourself either.

The diet for a nursing mother should be balanced, but not very high in calories (from 2500 to 3500 Kcal). Try to drink enough water, because breastfeeding "sucks all the juices" and especially the liquid, it needs to be replenished. Recommended daily consumption of 2 liters of water per day, and especially before and after feeding.

A young mother can make a menu on her own, just knowing what foods can be consumed is enough.

First of all, the list of foods for nursing mothers should include steamed fruits and vegetables.:

  • Apples,
  • pears,
  • bananas,
  • dried fruits,
  • potato,
  • carrot,
  • zucchini,
  • cauliflower or broccoli.
  • Oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, semolina, lentil porridge.

Meat is not fatty (chicken breast, veal, rabbit meat). Liquid in the form of natural compotes and juices, as well as non-carbonated mineral water. Dairy products with caution (ryazhenka, cottage cheese, kefir, cheese).

What not to eat because of a newborn

The approximate menu of a nursing mother for the first time should not include the following products:

  1. Alcohol (beer, wine)
  2. red and bright fruits,
  3. berries,
  4. vegetables (tomatoes, peppers),
  5. fatty meat, pork and lard,
  6. legumes and white cabbage, because they can cause gas in the baby.

Garlic and hot spices (black pepper and mustard) should be avoided. All sauces (mayonnaise and ketchup) are prohibited. Also coffee, chocolate and strong black tea. Forget about canned and smoked meats, mushrooms and pickles. Sweet sodas and lemonades.

Nutrition of a nursing mother in the first and second month after childbirth

The menu of a nursing mother for the first month after childbirth should be based on balance. You should not look for the menu of a nursing mother for weight loss, the baby should receive nutrients with milk, the diet involves limiting any product, perhaps even necessary for the full growth of your child. So losing weight during this period is not the best solution. Weight loss should be done only after weaning the baby from the breast, when he begins to eat on his own.

If the mother does not have enough milk, then it is advised to drink more water, and then you can feed the baby. Remember that juices and tea do not replenish the fluid that the body needs. A dairy-free diet is indicated only in case of acute allergy and lactose intolerance in the mother herself. In other cases, a dairy diet is required, for example, oatmeal with milk or yogurt and non-fat cottage cheese increases lactation.

What can be done in 1 - 2 months

During this period, it is worth monitoring the reaction of the child to the newly introduced product. You can get a notebook and write in it what kind of stool or skin reaction you had to a certain vegetable or fruit. This will help identify allergies, only after a new product you should wait 1-3 days, and only then add something new to the diet. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to understand what the reaction in the form of diarrhea or a rash manifested itself to.

What can be done in 3-6 months

During this period, you can already relax a little, cabbage, legumes, bread and pasta are added to the diet. You can be careful about eating other fruits besides baked apples and pears. Occasionally it is allowed to pamper yourself with fried meat or smoked meats, but only in small quantities. Cucumbers, fish and butter, marshmallows and marshmallows are also added.

Menu recipes for a nursing mother

The menu for a nursing mother in the first month for every day, the recipes are listed below. There is no shortage in the choice of products now, so try to choose only fresh vegetables and fruits. Do not forget about the greens, it has a lot of vitamins and minerals.

You should eat fractionally and often, about 6 times a day. These must be the main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and additional (second breakfast, afternoon snack, snack at night). In the first days, the diet should be: for breakfast - cereals with water and without oil.

Second breakfast - yogurt, cottage cheese, baked apples, nuts (excluding peanuts and pistachios). Lunch - Vegetable soup without cabbage, or steamed or stewed vegetables, lean crackers. Snack - can also be boiled vegetables (zucchini, turnips), dairy products.

Dinner - buckwheat or other porridge, pasta, as a sweet fruit. Snack at night - fermented baked milk or kefir, cracker.

Menus and recipes for a nursing mother

Menu for the week according to the table

The table according to which the famous pediatrician E.O. advises to eat. Komarovsky consists mainly of sparing products, not necessarily fatty, so that breast milk does not become fatty and difficult to express.

Weekly nutrition for a nursing mother whose menu is suitable for any period of feeding. Depending on what period of feeding is, the beginning or 2 - 3 months, you should adjust the composition of the dishes. Since gas-producing foods are banned in the early days, you exclude them. Well, if the period is already going on for more than 3 months, then depending on the reaction of your child, you can add something new. The compiled diet according to this table looks something like this.

Baby's age What can What is impossible
Up to 10 days Dairy products

Baked vegetables and fruits


meat broth

canned food


From day 10

within 1 month

boiled meat, fish,


canned food



2nd and 3rd months

Raw fruits and vegetables



4th, 5th, 6th months

green onion


canned food


After 6th month Veal



canned food


Drawing up a sample menu for a month

The menu of a nursing mother for months should also be varied and include fresh and healthy foods. By changing the weekly diet, and adding new ingredients to it, you can create a menu for a whole month on your own. It is worth proceeding from taste preferences and financial possibilities. The approximate menu is given taking into account the balance of nutrition, so that it does not get bored soon.

You can make a diet for several months at once, but keep in mind that the baby is only adapting, and it will be quite difficult to predict food reactions to a particular product.

Hypoallergenic diet for nursing mothers

A hypoallergenic diet is to exclude foods that contribute to and provoke allergies. With such a diet, one should rely on the changes that occur with the child's digestion, and try to identify the allergen product as accurately as possible.

And to prevent unwanted reactions, try not to eat:

  • Citrus,
  • nuts,
  • overseas fruit,
  • bright and red vegetables,
  • berries,

Nutrition of a nursing mother What is possible and what is not. Mom's menu

If you show a little imagination and responsibly approach the cooking process, then a cottage cheese casserole for a nursing mother will be a real salvation. This nutritious and healthy product, if desired, can be turned into a baby-safe dessert. You just need to choose the right recipe and carry out high-quality pre-treatment of the main component.

It is not necessary to be limited to the classical approach, in which, in addition to cottage cheese, only flour and eggs are used. When breastfeeding, dishes with the addition of semolina (though it must be used very carefully), dried fruits, pumpkin pulp, carrots, apples and berries are no less popular and healthy.

Methods of preparation of the product and rules for its use

Thanks to the emergence of new household appliances today, cottage cheese casserole can be cooked not only in the oven, but also in a slow cooker and even a microwave. Each of the approaches has its advantages and disadvantages:

  1. In the oven. The product turns out to be as fragrant as possible, its taste is rich and full. This option is considered optimal if the recipe provides for the presence of auxiliary ingredients with a pronounced odor and a large amount of juice.
  2. In a multicooker. An innovative technique, thanks to which the finished product is soft, tender, without burnt edges and damp areas.
  3. In the microwave. The easiest, fastest and most affordable option, but, according to nutritionists, not the most useful, especially when breastfeeding. In addition, the taste of the finished product is quite specific. Nursing mothers feel this especially acutely, as a result of which they even refuse the dish.

Cottage cheese casserole, prepared according to all the rules, may well replace the main course or become the perfect snack. If you do not get carried away with additional ingredients, the calorie content of the finished product will be insignificant and its use will not affect the figure of a nursing mother. Despite the significant benefits of the product, when breastfeeding, cottage cheese casserole should not be introduced into the menu more than 1-2 times a week. In one approach, you can eat up to 200 g of the finished product.

Useful properties of cottage cheese in the composition of the casserole

Cottage cheese casserole, especially homemade, is valued not only for its taste. Regardless of which recipe is used, the features of heat treatment make it possible to preserve useful components in the finished dish to the maximum. Nutritionists argue that the beneficial substances in the composition of cottage cheese after such exposure are even better absorbed by the mother's body and saturate breast milk.

  • Proteins have a special structure, so they are easily digested even by the imperfect intestines of the baby.

Tip: Breastfeeding cottage cheese casserole is worth a try even for those mothers whose babies do not respond very well to other dairy and sour-milk products. Due to the processing characteristics of milk protein, the risk of an allergy or other type of negative response is minimal.

  • The abundance of calcium and phosphorus, which are responsible for the formation of bone tissue, guarantees the strengthening of the baby's skeleton.
  • Curd is very low in fat. It does not pose a risk to the figure of a woman and the condition of the subcutaneous fatty tissue in a baby. It does not increase the fat content of breast milk and does not provoke obesity.

It is worth considering that such results can only be expected if a natural product is used. It is best to cook it yourself at home.

Rules and features of the preparation of cottage cheese

Some nursing mothers do not always speak positively about cottage cheese casserole, arguing that after all the stages of processing they get not a tender and tasty dish, but a mass that looks more like melted cheese. This happens only when using store-bought cottage cheese, it is often sprinkled with soda and other ingredients to preserve freshness longer.

If you want to really enjoy the food, then it is better to cook the cottage cheese yourself, using the appropriate recipe:

  • Classic approach. Pour fresh milk into a container similar to a jug, cover the neck with a saucer and leave for a day at room temperature. After that, the sour composition is poured into a saucepan, put on low heat and heated, not boiling. The milk should curdle, then pour it into a sieve lined with a double layer of gauze. We set it so that the glass is excess liquid and use the mass for its intended purpose. On average, a little more than half a kilogram of cottage cheese is obtained from three liters of milk.
  • Quick recipe. In this case, to obtain 600 g of cottage cheese, we need 2 liters of milk and 1 liter of kefir. Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat it up. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, add kefir and stir. Curd flakes will begin to form very quickly. Keep the mass for no more than 2-3 minutes, while the mixture should not boil. After turning off the stove, we withstand the mass for another five minutes, after which we put it on a sieve with gauze and wait for the whey to drain.

The curd obtained as a result of such manipulations is recommended to be used for its intended purpose immediately after preparation. In extreme cases, it should be consumed within 1-2 days.

Simple recipes for making cottage cheese casserole

To begin with, it is worth preparing a cottage cheese casserole using a classic recipe. Having received a good result, you can start culinary experiments.
Traditional cottage cheese casserole:

  • For half a kilogram of cottage cheese, we need one chicken egg, three tablespoons of flour or semolina, 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream and granulated sugar.
  • Cottage cheese pre-grind to get rid of lumps and achieve uniformity. Add beaten egg, flour and granulated sugar to it. Knead everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • If desired, we introduce finely chopped fruits, berries, dried fruits and other permitted fillers.
  • Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil, lay out the workpiece, grease it with sour cream on top, then the finished product will have an appetizing crust.
  • We put the container in a preheated oven and bake the product for 30-40 minutes. Let cool and you can use it.

Very tasty and unusually aromatic dishes are obtained by adding grated bananas, pumpkin pulp, carrot cake and even a small amount of fruit juice to the baking mass. It is only necessary to establish the ratio of the ingredients used empirically. The main thing is not to abuse such additives and constantly monitor the condition of the baby.

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