What is the normal size of a mantoux in an adult. positive mantoux reaction

The Mantoux reaction is widely used in medicine to determine if a person is infected with tuberculosis. Injections are carried out mainly in childhood, starting from 12 months. Therefore, many parents are interested in what the Mantoux vaccination is for and how safe it is.

What is the Mantoux norm for a child and an adult?

Many are interested in what size Mantoux should be. The severity of the immune response depends on the age group of the child, the time of vaccination against tuberculosis. The normal Mantoux reaction in a child at 12 months is a papule of 10-17 mm.

There are the following norms of tuberculin diagnostics:

  1. Children 2-6 years old, papule does not exceed 10 mm;
  2. Children at the age of 6-7 years are characterized by the occurrence of a negative or doubtful immune response.
  3. Children 7-10 years old, the size of the papule normally reaches 16 mm if the child was given the BCG vaccine;
  4. Children aged 11-13 are characterized by the extinction of the immune response, so the “button” does not exceed 10 mm;
  5. Children 13-14 years old, there is a negative or doubtful reaction. Revaccination required.

In adults, the Mantoux test should normally be negative. There may be slight redness and the development of papules no more than 4 mm in diameter.

What are the test results?

2-3 days after the tuberculin injection, the doctor should evaluate the results. With a normal Mantoux reaction, a small dot is barely noticeable on the arm (occurs only in rare cases in modern children) or a red spot has appeared.

Depending on the local reaction, the result may be:

  1. Negative. The complete absence of inflammation at the injection site of tuberculin indicates the absence of contact with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It may also indicate long-term contact with the causative agent of tuberculosis, when the body has successfully overcome the infection;
  2. positive. At the injection site, inflammation and a small induration appear - a papule. To assess the body's immune response, it is the formed “button” that is changed. A positive Mantoux reaction can occur when a child is infected with tuberculosis or as a result of the introduction of the BCG vaccine. At the same time, a mild reaction is distinguished, when the size of the papule does not exceed 9 mm, the average one is not more than 14 mm, and the pronounced one is 15-16 mm. It is possible to develop a hyperergic reaction when the "button" exceeds 17 mm in diameter. This condition is accompanied by the development of abscesses, tissue necrosis, an increase in nearby lymph nodes;
  3. Doubtful. The Mantoux test is considered doubtful if redness occurs without the formation of a papule. In such cases, hyperemia usually does not exceed 4 mm. This result is regarded as the absence of tuberculosis.

Sample features

As part of the Mantoux reaction, tuberculin is administered subcutaneously to children. It is a mixture of extracts of heat-killed cultures of mycobacteria M. tuberculosis and M. bovis. After the injection, lymphocytes are brought into the injection site with the blood flow, their accumulation provokes reddening of the skin and the appearance of a seal.

Medical staff assesses whether the body has met the causative agent of tuberculosis by how intense the reaction to the Mantoux test is. In the absence of an immune response in a child, a subsequent vaccination against tuberculosis is required.

Important! The Mantoux reaction allows you to evaluate the dynamics of the immune response in children.

It is highly likely that the development of tuberculosis is possible in the presence of a "turn". It suggests a sharp increase in the size of the papule (more than 6 mm) compared with the test carried out last year. Tuberculosis can also be suspected with a sudden change in a negative reaction to a positive one without vaccination or a persistent large papule for 3-4 years (more than 16 mm). With the above results, the child is sent to the TB dispensary.

How is the vaccination done?

The Mantoux reaction is carried out in a sitting position using a special tuberculin syringe. The drug is injected subcutaneously, the injection site is the middle third of the surface of the forearm. The Mantoux test involves the introduction of an exact dosage - 0.1 ml, because the substance contains tuberculosis units. After the injection, a small papule appears on the skin, which is popularly called the "button".

The Mantoux reaction in children is carried out taking into account the following requirements:

  1. The child cannot be vaccinated 3-6 months before the test;
  2. The needle should be inserted with the cut up, slightly pulling the skin. This allows you to enter the drug into the thickness of the epithelium;
  3. Vaccination should be carried out only with a tuberculin syringe.

Who is being tested?

Mantoux vaccination is given to children annually. The first injection is carried out at 12 months, when the child's immune system is sufficiently formed. The Mantoux test is performed for children under 16 years of age. However, in some cases, injections continue until the age of 18, which is associated with the incidence of tuberculosis in a particular region or the individual reaction of the body.

In adults, tuberculin diagnosis is not carried out. During the diagnosis of tuberculosis, other available methods are used:

  • X-ray or fluorography of the chest;
  • Sputum examination for the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis;
  • If necessary, appoint computed tomography;
  • Additionally, a detailed blood test is carried out.

Adults have not been vaccinated with BCG since adolescence. Therefore, the Mantoux test is a highly sensitive and reliable method for diagnosing tuberculosis.

How often can you do Mantoux?

Usually the Mantoux test is performed annually. However, with the development of a positive reaction to tuberculin diagnosis, the injection is repeated. In such cases, the Mantoux reaction in the child is carried out again after 2-3 weeks. Upon receipt of a positive result, the patient is referred to a phthisiatrician for an in-depth diagnosis.

Important! The Mantoux reaction should not be carried out more than 3 times during the year.

The Mantoux test causes conflicting opinions among pediatricians. Some experts consider the Mantoux reaction to be harmful to a growing organism. This is due to some substances that are part of the administered drug. Twin-80 may be dangerous. The substance is used as a stabilizer. Tween-80 in the human body can provoke an increase in estrogen levels, which causes an imbalance of hormones. The compound can lead to early puberty, a decrease in sexual function in men.

Phenol is also part of the Mantoux reaction. The substance is a cellular poison. The danger lies in the fact that the ability of the compound to accumulate in the body has not been refuted. Therefore, with repeated Mantoux reaction in children, an overdose of phenol is possible. The condition leads to the development of seizures, impaired functionality of the kidneys and liver.

Some pediatricians believe that the Mantoux test has the following disadvantages:

  1. Unreliability of results. The Mantoux reaction can give false negative and false positive results. A similar situation is increasingly observed in modern children;
  2. cytogenetic disorders. Mantoux vaccination in rare cases leads to various damage to the genetic apparatus. Experts attribute this to the influence of tuberculin, which is a strong allergen;
  3. Pathologies of the reproductive system. According to animal studies, phenol and Tween-80 can lead to the development of pathological processes in the genitals;
  4. development of an allergic reaction. The appearance of a "button" may be the result of an allergy to the administered drug. With individual hypersensitivity to the components of the sample, anaphylactic shock may develop;
  5. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. In rare cases, the Mantoux test provokes a sharp decrease in the level of platelets, which provokes the development of a dangerous disease. This fatal pathology leads to the development of hemorrhage in the brain.

However, most pediatricians believe that the injection does not stress the child's immune system. Therefore, the annual Mantoux vaccination is absolutely safe for the child's body. The main claims are made to phenol, which is part of the drug. However, its amount in the sample does not exceed 0.00025 g, so the toxic compound does not adversely affect health.

How to care for a vaccine?

False-positive or false-negative reactions to Mantoux usually occur when the tuberculin injection site is mishandled. Therefore, to ensure the reliability of the result, the following rules should be followed:

  • Do not treat the injection site with hydrogen peroxide, cream;
  • Contact of the papule with any liquid should be avoided;
  • The injection site does not need to be sealed with a plaster, because this provokes increased sweating;
  • It is necessary to ensure that the child does not comb the papule;
  • To prevent the development of an allergic reaction, it is recommended to temporarily exclude chocolate, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and sweets from the diet.

If the child accidentally wets the hand where the Mantoux test is injected, then it is enough to gently blot the injection site with a towel. It is imperative to inform health care providers of the incident during the evaluation of the results.

What can affect the test result?

The Mantoux reaction in children is not 100% reliable. More than 50 different factors can affect the severity of the immune response. It is worth considering in more detail the most common causes of a false result:

The Mantoux test is essentially a diagnostic test of the body. However, there are a number of limitations to the study:

  • Various skin diseases in history;
  • Various infectious diseases in acute and chronic form. Vaccination is recommended to be postponed until the symptoms disappear completely;
  • Development of allergic reactions;
  • epileptic seizures.

Possible adverse reactions

The Mantoux test is usually well tolerated. However, the following conditions may develop:

  • Necrotic changes in the skin and inflammation in the area of ​​​​administration of the drug due to a hyperergic reaction of the body;
  • The occurrence of an allergic reaction. In this case, the test becomes ineffective, because doctors will not be able to determine the immune response of the child's body to the introduction of tuberculin.

Allergy symptoms develop suddenly, similar to a viral infection: fever, itching, skin rashes, loss of appetite, anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), decreased performance and lethargy of the patient.

There are the following reasons for the development of complications after the introduction of tuberculin:

  • Testing for patients who have contraindications;
  • Violation of the rules for the introduction of tuberculin;
  • In case of violation of the transportation or storage of the drug;
  • Use of poor-quality vaccine;
  • Individual characteristics of the organism.

Proper nutrition of the child will help reduce the risk of adverse reactions. He must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins, nutrients, trace elements daily. The child's diet should include protein foods, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Alternative diagnostic methods

If a child has a congenital hypersensitivity to any component of the drug that is administered as part of the Mantoux test, then the use of alternative methods is recommended. The immunogram and the Suslov test are widely used. Both methods are based on taking blood from a vein, followed by determining the reaction of blood cells.

An immunogram is used to determine the number of cells that the body can produce to fight pathogenic agents. This allows the doctor to assess the state of the child's immune system, the ability to resist infections. However, the method does not reliably determine whether a child is infected with tuberculosis.

Suslov's technique involves the study of blood after the introduction of tuberculin into it. A laboratory assistant examines the emerging pattern of lymphocytes under a microscope. This method allows you to determine whether a child has tuberculosis. However, the reliability of the sample does not exceed 50%.

That is why alternative methods are not widely used. After all, as part of the Mantoux test, the phthisiatrician receives more reliable and complete information about the patient's condition.

Tuberculin diagnosis helps doctors assess how a child is able to resist mycobacteria. The Mantoux test is not a vaccination, it is carried out solely to determine the presence of the causative agent of tuberculosis in the body.

It is not for nothing that special attention is paid to the prevention and timely diagnosis of such a formidable disease as tuberculosis. The Mantoux test is one of the tools for detecting tuberculous mycobacteria in the body. This is a simple and cheap method that allows you to diagnose the disease by age categories. According to the Mantoux reaction in an adult, compliance with the norm and the magnitude of deviations from them, a possible infection of a person is judged.

The Mantoux test is performed in adults in rare cases, since they have allergies quite often. In this case, even in the absence of an active tuberculosis process, a positive result can be obtained. There are many factors that can affect the performance of the Mantoux study for tuberculosis. The reasons for the discrepancy may be:

  • infectious disease (not tuberculosis). After an illness, the body is susceptible to pathogenic stimuli, and it can react sharply to a tuberculin injection;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • the presence of chronic diseases in an adult;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • infection with nontuberculous bacteria;
  • advanced age of a person;
  • menstruation in women;
  • skin diseases of the patient;
  • non-compliance with the technology of administration or poor quality of the drug;
  • bad ecology.

The adult test is carried out by persons employed in jobs related to the food industry. Citizens who work with large groups of people, especially children, in places where there is a high probability of infection and spread of infection are also checked.

How is the Mantoux reaction evaluated in adults

For the Mantoux test, tuberculin is used in a solution of 0.1 mg, which is injected subcutaneously below the bend of the elbow. The most widespread among the varieties of the drug was PPD (Purified Protein Derivative), or PPD. This is a purified, completely harmless tuberculin - a filtrate of the culture fluid of tuberculous mycobacteria.

The indicators are evaluated after 72 hours. During this time, an allergic response to the drug develops. The reaction to Mantoux is manifested by the following signs:

  • itching occurs;
  • the injection site turns red;
  • the skin around the injection hole is thickened.

The term for evaluating the indicators was not chosen by chance, it is this time that is required to reach the peak of an advanced hypersensitive type reaction to the drug. It is during this period that it is possible to accurately determine the size of the papule and compare it with standard indicators.

The accuracy of the assessment is influenced not only by internal factors, but also by external ones. A person should not be afraid when he sees redness on his hand. Knowing that Mantoux was vaccinated, he must imagine what the reaction should be to it. And most importantly, the sample site should not be scratched, tried to be sealed with a plaster and treated with antiseptics, as well as heated. All this can cause an artificial increase in the size of the papule and lead to a distorted result.

In addition to measuring the compaction parameters, doctors conduct a comparative analysis of its real dimensions with those of previous samples. Deviations up to 6 mm are allowed.

If the patient has not been in contact with mycobacteria, his immunity does not recognize the introduced haptens - incomplete antigens that are not able to lead to infection or stimulate the development of immunity, but cause specific activity of macrophages. As a result, the involvement of T-lymphocytes in the process of destruction of foreign agents will not start, and characteristic redness will not occur.

The absolute absence of a reaction is very rare, since almost all people carry the bacteria or are vaccinated against BCG tuberculosis. So the formation of a papule and slight redness are considered a normal reaction. The assessment is performed by the size of the seal, which reflects the presence or absence of the disease.

What should be the reaction

For the Mantoux reaction, the following norm of indicators in an adult is adopted:

  • seal size up to 1 mm - negative result;
  • seal size 1-4 mm - a dubious result;
  • papule size 4-17 mm - a positive result;
  • a papule more than 21 mm in diameter or the formation of a wound at the injection site indicate a possible active form of infection.

Negative result

The doubtful and negative results of the Mantoux test in adults indicate that the body's defenses did not recognize the tuberculinoproteins characteristic of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This suggests that the person has never been in contact with sick people and has not been vaccinated. If BCG was previously done, and the result was negative, then this is a sign that the immunization was ineffective, and a re-vaccination is needed.

In patients who have recovered from tuberculosis, the injected sample may give a false negative result. Most likely, their body adapted to the presence of pathogens and stopped reacting sharply to tuberculin. The same reactions can be observed with the introduction of a low-quality drug and vitamin E deficiency.

Deviations from the norm

The Mantoux test is done to an adult if an active form of tuberculosis is suspected, or if he has been in contact with such a patient, as well as to patients who need to be re-vaccinated with BCG. A positive result indicates the presence of Koch's bacillus in the body, but does not indicate infection. No one will immediately draw conclusions about the active form of the disease after a positive Mantoux result. To make a definitive diagnosis, doctors consider additional signs.

  1. Comparison of the size of the papule with the results of past tests (with a significant difference, they talk about the "turn" of the tuberculin test).
  2. Mantoux size in adults with suspected tuberculosis is more than 12 mm for several years.
  3. The appearance of infiltration and wounds at the injection site.

Even knowing what Mantoux should be like in the norm, patients are worried. In any case, there is no need to panic and draw far-reaching conclusions on your own. If the injection site turns red, you need to know that hyperemia is the norm in adults on the second day after the test. On the third day, the picture may become even brighter, but the doctor will, first of all, evaluate the induration, and not the redness.

Possible reasons for the distortion of the result

Usually Mantoux in adults passes without complications, unlike vaccine injections. But sometimes an injection of tuberculin can cause an exacerbation of existing diseases, and this almost always leads to a distortion of the data obtained.

Some conditions are considered contraindications to Mantoux. The test is not performed, but replaced by fluorography or alternative studies based on a blood test. Contraindications that lead to unreliable results:

  • recovery period after surgery;
  • skin diseases that cause reddening of the integument and the appearance of seals. It is difficult to differentiate the test result;
  • allergy to the components of the composition;
  • tuberculin is dangerous for patients with bronchial asthma. It is an allergen, causes coughing, shortness of breath, up to suffocation;
  • rheumatism, epilepsy. These symptoms are aggravated by the action of tuberculin;
  • patients who had to undergo chemotherapy are not given a test, because the patient's body is very weakened, and the results will not be good.

Bad habits play an important role. Smokers and drinkers should take into account that substances entering the body lead to an increase in the sensitivity of the immune system, and the size of the papule may be outside the normal range. Drug addicts are people who have almost all systems malfunctioning, and the likelihood of an acute reaction to an injection is very high.

What to do in case of deviations

According to the WHO, the mortality rate from tuberculosis is still high. Of the 10 million people infected in 2017, 1.6 million died. Timely detection of infection is very important. Therefore, in childhood, adolescence and youth, children are given tuberculin tests. What to do when identifying deviations, because the infection is very dangerous and cannot remain uncontrolled?

How to check the accuracy of the diagnosis

After coming of age, the main method of verification becomes fluorography, which everyone must pass once every two years (some categories of citizens - once a year). Without this picture, they may even be denied employment.

If a person complains of malaise, specific tuberculosis symptoms are observed, there are contraindications to Mantoux, and the fluorographic image did not show changes in the lungs, he can resort to a detailed X-ray examination in different projections. CT will also accurately show the signs and extent of pathological changes.

People with contraindications to the Mantoux reaction can take such tests.

  1. General clinical blood and urine tests. This is a standard diagnosis of various pathologies. If there is a disease, a blood test will reflect an increased concentration of leukocytes and a high ESR. The urine sample will show signs of amyloidosis because the kidneys are infected with mycobacteria.
  2. The causative agent of the disease is looked for in the sputum that appears when coughing, which is collected in a sterile jar and sent to the laboratory. Special methods of sputum examination by staining ensure that mycobacteria become clearly visible (acquire a red tint), if any.
  3. Method of enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). It is optimal for clarifying a preliminary diagnosis, it detects antibodies to tuberculosis in the patient's blood, which indicates infection, but this does not mean that there is a disease.

Additional signs of infection when evaluating the Mantoux result

The "turn" of the tuberculin test is an important sign of the defeat of the disease. The papule is measured during each Mantoux test. These figures are recorded and then compared. If the difference between the values ​​​​is more than 6 mm, then they speak of a "bend". For example, if for three consecutive years the size of the papule was 9 mm, and the fourth sample showed 15 mm, then infection activity can already be assumed with a high probability. This takes into account all the factors that could affect such changes: allergy to tuberculin, past infectious diseases, recent vaccination. This should be followed by a comprehensive examination to establish or exclude the diagnosis of tuberculosis.

What should be the Mantoux reaction in an adult?

  1. An adult must have a fluorogram. Shows an x-ray of the lungs.
  2. The reaction to the Mantoux test can be:

    Negative: after the injection, there is no redness and compaction at all, or the reaction does not exceed 1 mm. This means that tuberculosis bacteria never entered the body. The reaction can also be negative when infected with tuberculosis in people who are severely immunocompromised (for example, in people with HIV infection) or if the infection has occurred within the last 10 weeks.
    Doubtful: compaction does not exceed 4 mm or only redness occurs.
    Positive: a compaction of 5-16 mm occurs. Such a reaction indicates that a person has immunity against tuberculosis. By changing this reaction over several years, the doctor assesses whether a person has been infected with tuberculosis.
    If the reaction in children exceeds 17 mm (in adults 21 mm) or pustules and sores appear at the injection site, the reaction is called hyperergic. It indicates a clear entry of large quantities of bacteria into the body and infection with tuberculosis. In a healthy person, the reaction may be hyperergic if he has recently had an infectious disease or is prone to allergic reactions.

  3. as a former tuberculosis patient, I answer: adults are given manta either on suspicion of being ill with tuberculosis, when ill with tuberculosis, or upon receiving a sanitary book (any special examination). It should be (ideally) no more than 1 cm. Shows Mantoux: in case of suspicion - the presence of Koch's sticks (the causative agent of the disease) in the body - is there a turn of the tuber test or not; during examination - the body's ability to resist (may or may not); in case of illness - how much the body is able to resist tuberculosis.
  4. pretend that you didn’t feel anything, leave the office and tell everyone that the needle was 40 cm. =)
  5. adults do not do mantoux, but fluorography. Mantoux can be prescribed only if there is a suspicion of tuberculosis, as an add. survey.
    Classification of the results of the Mantoux test
    The response is considered:

    negative - in the complete absence of compaction or in the presence of only a prick reaction (0-1 mm);

    doubtful - with a "button" 2-4 mm in size and with redness of any size without compaction;

    positive - in the presence of a pronounced compaction with a diameter of 5 mm or more. Weakly positive are reactions with a button size of 5-9 mm in diameter; medium intensity - 10-14 mm; pronounced - 15-16 mm;

    a reaction with a compaction diameter of 17 mm or more is considered very pronounced in children and adolescents.

    Reactions up to 5 mm in size are considered normal. But in the first 2-3 years after BCG vaccination, a positive (more than 5 mm) reaction may be observed, which is due to post-vaccination allergies. But in this case, the size of the papule will decrease from year to year. Only such a development of events is considered the norm. If the reaction increases, there is a possibility of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Evaluate the result of the test 72 hours after the test. Only the infiltrate is measured with a ruler. All reactions that are accompanied by vesicles and / or inflammation of the adjacent lymphatic vessels are also considered hyperergic.

    The worst result is a hyperergic reaction to the Mantoux test. In this case, it is necessary to conduct an additional examination and undergo a course of chemoprophylaxis. Best negative. It indicates the absence of infection of the body with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. But the Mantoux reaction can be positive not only in case of infection. Such a response of the body can be caused by concomitant diseases, any allergies. Therefore, do not panic. A positive Mantoux reaction does not mean the presence of a disease. It only shows that the body in its life has already met with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and remembered it.

Everyone knows that starting from the first year of life, and until the end of school, a Mantoux test is done annually in order to timely detect the onset of infection with a tubercle bacillus, or even, possibly, tuberculosis. Then a mantoux test is taken once every few years, while people of middle age, as a rule, do not put it.

Mantoux test

Tuberculosis in adults is usually detected in other ways:

  • Fluorography.
  • Blood study.
  • Sputum examination.
  • Bronchoscopy.

However, in some cases, a mantoux test is done in adults, for example, if: there is a suspicion of an active form of tuberculosis, a whole group of people is fearful, or when receiving a medical book.

It is very easy to do, just contact the clinic. The essence of this action is as follows: a special medicine is injected under the skin of a person - tuberculin. It is obtained from tubercle bacilli and is used to find out the level of immunity or to identify a disease.

The Mantoux reaction in adults is considered negative if there is no redness or swelling at the injection site after three days. If the papule (swelling) reaches a size of up to 4 mm, this indicates doubtful. A reaction from 5 to 17 mm is considered positive, and a reaction over 17 mm for children and over 21 mm for adults is considered strongly positive. In cases where the Mantoux reaction is less than 21 mm, but looks like a wound, we are also talking about a clearly positive reaction.

Too much compaction can also occur in those who have recently had an infectious disease or are prone to allergies. Therefore, when a hyperergic reaction occurs, it is impossible to say with absolute certainty that a person is sick. To obtain an accurate result, an additional examination is necessary.

However, when receiving a reaction or its absence, it is necessary to be aware of false positive or false negative reactions.

A false positive reaction can occur due to allergic reactions and the presence of other bacteria in the body.

A false negative reaction occurs when a person has a deficiency of immunity. If, nevertheless, there is a possibility of contracting tuberculosis, but the Mantoux test turned out to be negative, an additional examination should be carried out.


You need to plan to conduct a test in advance, before any other vaccinations, because they can spoil the result of the study. Three days after the injection, the diameter of the papule is measured, and the person's immunity is assessed against a tubercle bacillus. It is only necessary to measure the seal, and the redness that forms around does not play any role and does not indicate a disease. The larger the so-called "button" on the hand, the greater the likelihood of getting tuberculosis.

During the time between the injection and the collection of results, it is important not to allow water to get on the papule and not to comb it. It is strictly forbidden to smear with brilliant green or stick with a plaster the place where the test was made.

There is an erroneous opinion that Mantoux is a vaccine, this is not true. Mantoux is a test, so even if your child is exempt from vaccinations, the test will still have to be done.

What can affect the result

Before conducting a test, it is important to know that there are factors due to which an incorrect result will be obtained. It may be incorrect if:

  • Was recently vaccinated
  • Have infectious diseases
  • allergic reactions
  • The test was carried out during menstruation
  • Tuberculin is not of high quality

Indications and contraindications

Undoubtedly, the benefit of the test is undeniable, and it must be done if you want to prevent it in time. But do not forget about precautionary measures, that is, to know why it is carried out and to whom it is contraindicated.

Mantu is carried out in order to:

  • Detect bacillus infection
  • Detect disease cases
  • Check the state of immunity

Mantu can not be carried out if:

  • The examined person has any skin diseases in the place where the injection should be made.
  • At the moment, the patient has some acute or chronic infectious diseases. It will be possible to conduct a test only a month after the person recovers.
  • Perhaps the person has an allergy. It is not necessary to test during a fever.
  • The person has epilepsy.

On the day you want to do the test, otherwise complications may arise. You can carry them out after you measure the size of the seal on your hand. This test is needed not only for babies, but also for adults who need it in order to identify and prevent a serious illness in advance. Therefore, you should not put it off until later, due to lack of time or high employment, because you should always think about health.

This dangerous disease with a formidable name has a rich history. Doctors began to detect tuberculosis symptoms and the first signs of its presence were found in the spines of Egyptian mummies.

Tuberculosis is curable or not

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that most often affects the lungs. Specialists distinguish two types of infection:

  1. active;
  2. latent.

In the second form, bacteria are present in the human body, but are in a "dormant" state. In this case, the disease is not transmitted to other people . Tuberculosis symptoms, the first signs do not appear, this does not allow one to suspect its presence. However, mycobacteria are able to move into the active stage. In this case, they cause a number of characteristic symptoms, and can also be transmitted to others.

In the 80s, a rapid increase in the incidence of tuberculosis in the world began. As a result, in 1993 this disease was declared one of the global problems of mankind. How to understand tuberculosis is being treated or not?

Fortunately, with the right treatment almost all cases of tuberculosis are curable.

The number of infected people has decreased significantly in recent years, but the problem still remains. Due to the lack of proper treatment, about 2/3 of people with tuberculosis die.

How can you get tuberculosis

It is estimated that carriers of latent TB make up about one third of the world's population. The probability of the transition of the disease to the active form is about 10%. This risk increases significantly for people who have a weakened immune system:

  • smokers;
  • People suffering from malnutrition;
  • With HIV infection.

It has been proven that smoking increases the likelihood of tuberculosis becoming active. According to statistics, more than 20% of cases worldwide are associated with this bad habit. disease risk how can you get tuberculosis people of all ages living in any regions of the world are affected. Tuberculosis symptoms The first signs most often affect young people and residents of developing countries. Above, we read that the answer to the question of tuberculosis is treated or not is a definite yes. But general unfavorable living conditions are also a factor that largely determines the likelihood of acquiring the disease.

How tuberculosis is transmitted from person to person

Tuberculosis is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is transmitted through the air by coughing, laughing, sneezing or talking. The disease is a contagious (contagious) infection.

But the bacterium does not easily take root in the body if the human immunity is normal. One way or another, the chances of getting infected from a colleague or household member are much higher than from a stranger. Most patients who receive appropriate treatment are no longer contagious.

Since antibiotics have been used to fight TB, certain strains have become resistant to them. Multidrug resistance (MDR) occurs when an antibiotic fails to kill all the bacteria it targets. After that, the remaining ones develop resistance to it, and sometimes to all drugs of this group. MDR disease can only be cured with the use of specific, hard-to-find anti-tuberculosis drugs, which are often in limited supply.

While the latent stage does not manifest itself in any way, with active pulmonary tuberculosis, symptoms in adults and children appear as follows:

  • Cough, in some cases, impurities of blood or mucus are found in the sputum;
  • Chills;
  • Fatigue;
  • Fever;
  • Weight loss;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Sweating in sleep.

This infection usually affects the lungs, but there are cases of its manifestation in other parts of the body.

With the development of tuberculosis outside the lungs, the symptoms of the first signs in adults and children change accordingly.

In the absence of proper therapy, tuberculosis can pass to other organs through the blood:

  • Bone damage by mycobacteria can lead to back pain and joint destruction;
  • Brain damage causes meningitis;
  • The consequence of infection of the kidneys and liver is the deterioration of their function;
  • Involvement of the heart can lead to pericarditis and cardiac tamponade.

Diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in the early stages in an adult

First, the doctor listens to the lungs with a stethoscope, feels the lymph nodes for enlargement. Also, an anamnesis is taken, an assessment of the risk of developing tuberculosis.

The most common diagnostic test for tuberculosis is the tuberculin test, known as the Mantoux test. To do this, a small injection of tuberculin type PPD is given, after a few days the injection site is checked for a reaction. Unfortunately, the tuberculin test is not a 100% guarantee of the detection of the disease.

It is considered normal if after Mantoux there is only redness, and the size of the papule does not exceed that indicated in the table below

Mantoux for tuberculosis is the norm in children Komarovsky video

Dr. Komarovsky shares his experience on the mantoux norm for tuberculosis for children

There are other ways to diagnose tuberculosis symptoms the first signs in adults and children:

  1. Blood tests;
  2. chest X-ray;
  3. Sputum diagnosis.

It is most difficult to detect tuberculosis in children, as well as the type of disease with MDR.

Tuberculosis of the lungs treatment

The good news is that most cases of TB symptoms are the first signs in adults and children and can be treated, provided that the therapy is properly selected and timely. The method and duration of antibacterial treatment depends on the form of the disease (latent or active). As well as other factors (health status, age of the patient, potential drug resistance). It also matters which organs are affected by the disease.

Pulmonary tuberculosis treatment with antibiotics

Patients with latent TB may only need one type of antibiotic. While carriers of the active form of the infection (and especially the type of disease with MDR) often require several different drugs.

Usually antibiotic therapy is carried out for a relatively long time. The standard duration of antibiotic treatment is about six months. All medicines aimed at combating tuberculosis are a danger to the liver, as they are toxic substances.

Given the fact that side effects are relatively rare, it must still be remembered that if they occur, they can lead to serious problems. Possible side effects known to medicine:

  • dark color of urine;
  • fever;
  • jaundice;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Even in the case of the disappearance of tuberculosis symptoms, the first signs in adults and children, it is important to complete the treatment. This is important because any bacteria not killed during treatment can become resistant to antibiotics, which can later lead to the development of MDR TB.

Pulmonary tuberculosis treatment and prevention

Prevention methods are usually aimed at preventing the spread of active forms of tuberculosis between people. The most obvious of these are recommendations:

  1. To reduce the frequency of contact with carriers of the disease;
  2. Wearing a protective mask;
  3. Frequent ventilation of the premises.