The effect of melt water on the body. Nothing should be added to fresh melt water

What is melt water and where does it come from? In the natural environment, meltwater is formed as a result of the melting of snows, glaciers and icebergs, under ice in subglacial lakes and during volcanic eruptions.

Melt water in artificial conditions- this is the most ordinary water that has melted after freezing.

Drinking water regularly means getting calcium, magnesium, sodium and others. necessary for the body elements.

But why is melt water so useful? Its most important advantage is the stimulation of metabolism. In addition, some water improves well-being, normalizes energy balance, removes harmful substances,.

It is believed that for wellness a day you need to drink about eight glasses of water, that is, at least one and a half liters. The benefits and harms of melt water have long been discussed by doctors and scientists, so the following conclusions can be drawn.

  • Let's start with melt water obtained from the natural environment, that is, from snow and ice. It must be handled with the utmost care. Its main problem is almost complete absence minerals. Because of this, it is cloudy, poorly absorbed, and if you drink such water in pure form, then this will lead to severe disorders of the stomach and intestines.
  • Also in the melt water there are elements heavy metals, toxic compounds (arsenic, antimony), and bacteria that can cause gastroenteritis. Such water must be additionally mineralized in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  • After a couple of days, melt water can no longer be drunk, it acquires bad taste, so sugar is put into it, tea or coffee is brewed, or soup is brewed.
  • A couple of vitamin C tablets and a few drops of saline will also help mineralize the water. And it must be saturated with oxygen: place a container of water in a half-empty container and shake it for additional aeration.

Is melt water from the freezer useful?

Now about the melt water, which was obtained under artificial conditions. Many insist that the benefits of melt water for the human body are obvious.

When water freezes, deuterium is concentrated in the ice crust formed on it, and if this crust is removed, then the water becomes clean.

There is deuterium in heavy water used at nuclear power plants, but even there its concentration is negligible, and if we consider that we are 70% water, then deuterium is present in each of us.

It is believed that due to its crystalline structure, melt water penetrates cells better, and therefore it is recommended for people suffering from migraines and hypertension to prevent disorders of the cardiovascular system, slow down the aging process and retain water in cells, improve work internal organs and hearts. Among other things, melt water helps, and hair strengthening masks based on it are cleaner, without harmful impurities.

But according to the degree of penetration into the cells between thaw and plain water there is no difference, and when the ice melts, it loses its structure almost instantly. The improvement in the condition of people is due to the fact that they simply drink more.

And a few more words about the statement that if the ice is opaque, then it contains harmful substances. In the water taken from a river or lake, there are many natural impurities (suspension, sand), and they also freeze, which does not make the ice crystal clear, and if you remember elementary physics, the ice becomes cloudy, that is, it fogs up with temperature changes.

Is it true that melt water is effective for weight loss?

Many are of the opinion that melt water is good for weight loss. This is true, but with the proviso that it is not quite melt water, but very cold, even with pieces of ice. According to some studies, drinking very cold water promotes fat loss. It speeds up the metabolism and promotes its burning.

In addition, during research in Germany, it was noted that two glasses of cold water a day before meals (about 500 ml) help increase metabolism by about 30%.

How to prepare melted water at home

We will not dwell on the troublesome process of melting snow, especially since there is no benefit from such water, and you can drink it when there is no alternative. Let's talk about how to make and how to drink melt water.

  • Pour water into a porcelain or glass dish (you can use a food bag), but the container is not completely filled so that there is room for ice, which will increase in volume during the freezing process.
  • Cover the container with a lid and place in the freezer. Soon a layer of ice will appear on top. When the volume of ice is 15-20% of the volume of the container with water, it is necessary to remove the ice crust and put the container back in the freezer.
  • After some time, when about a third of the water that has not frozen remains in the container of the entire volume, you need to remove it from the freezer.
  • The part of the water that remained not frozen is drained, and the ice itself is thawed at room temperature and drunk.

I hope that you were not disappointed after an objective analysis of the benefits and harms of melt water for humans. Be that as it may, but in the absence of clean water, purifying it by freezing and obtaining melt water is still better than drinking untreated tap water.

Watch the video below on how to prepare melted water for drinking:

Why is melt water useful and can it be used for healing and losing weight? How to prepare melted water for drinking and how to drink it Related articles:

Ordinary water (tap, from a source, etc.) consists of: fresh water (the so-called "living"), its freezing point is 0 ° C, "heavy" water (or the so-called "dead", in which instead of atoms hydrogen contains atoms of deuterium and tritium), its freezing point is +3.8 ° C and brine (impurities in the form of soluble salts, organic compounds and pesticides), its freezing point varies depending on the concentration of substances from -5 to -10 ° C.

With slow cooling, heavy water freezes first, then fresh water, and lastly brine with all impurities. This makes it possible to separate heavy water and purify fresh water.

Melt water is melted water after freezing. Melt water differs from the usual one in its structure, which is more similar to the structure of the protoplasm of our cells. Melt water can be obtained by slow freezing and thawing. If the first ice (heavy water) is removed during the freezing process, and ice with impurities is removed during defrosting, then we will get pure protium melted water.


Modern Scientific research confirmed the amazing structure of melt water. When water freezes, it acquires a special structured ice-like structure. When ice melts, this structure remains in the melt water for some time, the duration of which directly depends on temperature. If we study melt water under a microscope, we will see that it has the structure of regular crystals.

The molecules that make up melt water are much smaller than the molecules of tap water, respectively, they penetrate the cell membrane much easier, contributing to the activation of the metabolism in the human body. And this, in turn, leads to the displacement of old, obsolete cells, which will be replaced by new, young cells. Hence the rejuvenation of the whole organism as a whole.

Water during its journey absorbs all information, including negative. To remove all this negative information, so that the water becomes energetically clean again and acquires its natural structure, it must be frozen and thawed, i.e. get THAT WATER. After freezing, the water, as it were, "resets" - it again restores its original structural, informational and energy state. The most important property of melt water is purity. In every sense of the word.

If you add a small amount of "holy water" to melt water, then it will immediately become "holy" all over. It is possible to give melt water the structure of a medicine that a person needs. It is enough to lower a test tube with a tablet into it, tapping on it with a pencil, and it will take on the structure of the original medicine.


Melt water improves the functioning of all human organs. It increases the physical resources of the body, prevents the reduction of water content in the cells and slows down the aging process. chief common feature of all centenarians on our planet is that they consume melt water from glacial rivers.

Useful properties of melt water:

  • 1. Rejuvenates the human body.
  • 2. Cleanses our body of toxins and toxins.
  • 3. Normalizes and accelerates metabolism.
  • 4. Increases the physical activity of the body, efficiency and productivity.
  • 5. Melt water is involved in all processes of hematopoiesis, makes our cells healthy and blood clean. Melt water is pure blood, the absence cholesterol plaques, healthy blood vessels and a healthy heart.
  • 6. Increases immunity.
  • 7. Reduces blood cholesterol levels.
  • 8. Promotes the dissolution of fats. If you just drink enough melt water, you can quickly and painlessly lose weight.
  • 9. Increases the body's resistance to stress and viruses.
  • 10. Speeds up recovery processes especially after operations, diseases and injuries.
  • 11. Helps to eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • 12. Increases brain activity, shows the ability to easily solve difficult problems.
  • 13. Promotes elimination dermatological diseases and allergies.
  • 14. Increases the body's resistance to climate and weather changes.

Melt water has some special internal dynamics and a special "biological effect". Especially confirms the high energy of melt water is the duration of human sleep, which individual people sometimes reduced to only 4 hours.

The benefit of melted protium water also lies in the fact that, unlike tap water, it does not contain deuterium, a heavy element that suppresses all living things and causes serious harm to the body. Deuterium in high concentrations is equivalent to the most powerful poisons. It is difficult to digest, which requires additional energy consumption.

Heating fresh melt water above +37°C leads to the loss of its biological activity. Preservation of melt water at a temperature of +20 - 22°C is also accompanied by a gradual decrease in its biological activity: after 16 - 18 hours it is reduced by half.


A sip of melt water tones better than any juice. A charge of energy, vivacity, lightness, improved well-being - that's what you get if you consume 2-3 glasses of melt water daily. It is advisable to drink the first portion on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals. The amount of melt water that you need to drink daily can be calculated based on the fact that 5 grams of melt water is needed per 1 kg of weight. Drinking a glass of melt water 30 minutes before meals (3 glasses a day), you will feel significant improvements in a week.

Indications for the use of melt water are: cardiovascular diseases (angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, hypertension, vegetovascular dystonia, thrombophlebitis), diseases gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, constipation, intestinal atony), functional disorders nervous system, metabolic disorders.

Therapeutic effect of melt water:
1. Normalizes the state of the body, because a person needs a certain amount of fluid to maintain his health.
2. The skin is smooth, soft, elastic, after washing there is no feeling of tightness.
3. Mucous membranes are moist, pink.
4. The eyes are clear, shiny.

At long-term use melt water most miraculously cured many chronic diseases, the body is cleansed of toxins, radionuclides and other harmful substances, as a result of which the functions of all internal organs are normalized, the emotional background is stabilized and many diseases recede. Thus, regular use melt water will help any person to maintain youth and health.

Decoctions and infusions medicinal herbs, prepared on the basis of melt water, become a truly life-giving remedy. Melt water greatly enhances healing effect plants, reduces the risk of allergic reactions.

The use of melt water and ice in the treatment is divided into the following types: compresses, dousing, washing, drinking water, ice massage. Recipes for the treatment of certain diseases:
Treatment of warts with ice: Pour 3 tablespoons of celandine herb or mistletoe herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, strain. Freeze the resulting infusion. Use ice for applications on the affected area.
Treatment of indigestion and acute gastritis: take 1/2 cup of melt water before meals 2-3 times a day slowly, in small sips.
Treatment of heartburn: after eating, slowly drink 50-100 ml of melt water until the heartburn disappears completely. You can repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
Treatment diabetes: take melt water 50-200 ml 3 times a day for 2-3 months.
Hair loss. Ice is used to treat alopecia (baldness). Massage the scalp with a piece of ice for 3-5 minutes. The procedure is carried out daily or every other day, depending on the reaction. Course 20 - 30 procedures. If indicated, the course of treatment is repeated after 2-3 months. For procedures, you can use ice from herbal infusions with burdock root, nettle leaf, celandine grass. The results are often pleasantly surprising - hair begins to grow. Ice procedures in this case play the role of a trigger mechanism for the body's regenerative capabilities, normalize the disturbed hormonal status. Blood circulation becomes more intense, as a result of which the nutrition of the hair follicles improves.
Washing with melt water will refresh and smooth the skin, contributing to its healthy appearance and natural rejuvenation.
It is recommended to drink melted water for athletes after long breaks in training, caused, for example, by injuries, for quick recovery former form.


Freezing is carried out in glass or porcelain containers, as well as in enameled pans. Concerning plastic opinions of experts differ. Some believe that it is necessary to prepare melt water only in glass. Do not freeze water in metal or plastic containers. Plastic contains dioxin (very dangerous carcinogen, which is released from the plastic when it freezes). Also in metal and plastic water loses positive traits and absorbs the negative from them. Others, on the contrary, believe that it is better to freeze in containers made of food-grade plastic, and not made of metal and glass. It is better if it is a special tray with a lid, which can be purchased at any supermarket. The volume of the tray depends on the number of people who will use the melt water. The choice is yours.

Method number 1. We fill the container with ordinary, unstructured water, close it with a lid and put it in the freezer of the refrigerator on a lining, for example, made of cardboard (for thermal insulation of the bottom) and it is better if at that time there is no various products especially of animal origin. After about 5 hours (the time is determined empirically), an upper frozen crust of ice appears in the container, under which there will be unfrozen water.

This upper crust of ice (deuterium ice turns out to be about 150 ml per liter) must be thrown away, since it contains heavy water. After that, put the tray back into the freezer. This time our task is to freeze the water by half or in a ratio of 2/3. After a certain time (also determined empirically), we take the container out of the freezer, open the lid and the water that remains unfrozen inside, pour it into the sink - it contains undissolved harmful impurities and heavy metals.

The ice that remains, if it is transparent, is the future melt water that we want to get. If in some places the ice remains opaque, this means that we have overexposed the water in the freezer and after the purest water has frozen, which freezes first, the process of freezing of water with impurities, which freezes last, has begun.

As a rule, the bottom may have some turbidity. If so, then the bottom in the form of an ice layer can either be carefully beaten off, or substituted under the stream hot water and thus thaw. All that is left is to thaw at room temperature. It is necessary to drink melted water immediately after it has become such. In this case, it is "living water". After 5 - 6 hours after thawing, it will also be useful, but not as much as in the first minutes after thawing.

Method No. 2. Quickly bring the water to +94 ... + 96 ° С, i.e. up to the temperature of the so-called "white key", when small bubbles form, but the water does not boil yet. After reaching this temperature, remove the container from the fire, cover with a lid and cool quickly, placing, for example, in a bath, in a saucepan with cold water or under cold running water. After that, the chilled water is poured into the desired container and frozen in accordance with method No. 1. The melt water obtained in this way will practically repeat the natural cycle: evaporation, cooling, precipitation, freezing and thawing. It is especially useful because has a lot of internal energy.

Method number 3. Pour water into a container and put it in the freezer. After about 5 hours, remove the top crust of ice. We put the container in the freezer and finally freeze the water. When defrosting, you need to separate clean ice from dirty ice. This can be done in two ways. The first - when the ice melts, wait until a floating icicle forms, which will need to be caught and thrown away. Such an icicle will be approximately 2 cm wide and 3-5 cm high, of course, it all depends on the volume of the vessel taken. This icicle contains poisonous and harmful water impurities. The second - before defrosting, rinse the center of the ice with a stream of hot water. The method is fast, but not of high quality, since hot tap water is very polluted.

The technique for obtaining melt water consists in different freezing rates of pure water and water containing impurities. It has been established experimentally that slowly solidifying, ice intensively captures impurities at the beginning and at the end of freezing. Therefore, when obtaining ice, it is necessary to discard the first formed ice floes, and then, after freezing the main part of the water, drain the unfrozen residues.

Fresh melt water can be obtained at home. But for this you need to adhere to some general rules.

Melt water is prepared from previously purified drinking water, which is poured into clean, flat vessels to 85% of their volume.

Dishes for preparing melted water are tightly closed and placed in freezers until completely frozen.

Should not be filled with water full vessel, because if it is glass, it can break, it is better to use a plastic vessel marked "for drinking water".

Ice is defrosted at room temperature in the same closed vessels, immediately before use.

Frozen vessels can be put out of the freezer before going to bed, and in the morning it turns out required amount such water.

There are several ways to obtain fresh melt water. Due to the fact that the data available on the Internet for the preparation of melt water is incomplete and contradictory, the following are the main most detailed methods and instructions for obtaining melt water at home.

Method #1
The method of one of the active popularizers of the use of melt water A.D. Labzy: Pour into a one and a half-liter jar, not reaching the top, cold water from the tap. Cover the jar with a plastic lid and place it in the freezer of the refrigerator on a cardboard lining (to insulate the bottom). Mark the freezing time for about half the jar. Choosing its volume, it is easy to achieve that it is equal to 10-12 hours; then you need to repeat the freezing cycle only twice a day to provide yourself with a daily supply of melt water. The result is a two-component system consisting of ice (actually pure frozen water without impurities) and an aqueous non-freezing brine under the ice containing salts and impurities that are removed. In this case, the water brine is completely drained into the sink, and the ice is defrosted and used for drinking, making tea, coffee and other food items.
This is the easiest and most convenient method of preparing melt water at home. Water not only acquires characteristic structure, but also perfectly cleared of many salts and impurities. Cold water is kept in the freezer (and in winter - on the balcony) until about half of it freezes. In the middle of the volume, unfrozen water remains, which is poured out. The ice is left to melt. The main thing in this method is to experimentally find the time required to freeze half the volume. It can be 8, and 10, and 12 hours. The idea is that pure water freezes first, while most of the impurities remain in solution. Consider sea ice, which is almost fresh water, although it forms on the surface of a salty sea. And if there is no household filter, then all water for drinking and household needs can be subjected to such purification. For greater effect, you can use double water purification. To do this, you first need to filter tap water through any available filter, and then freeze it. Then, when a thin first layer of ice forms, it is removed, because. it contains some harmful quick-freezing heavy compounds. Then the water is re-frozen - already up to half the volume and the unfrozen fraction of water is removed. It turns out very clean water. Method propagandist, A.D. Labza, in this way, refusing ordinary tap water, cured himself of a serious illness. In 1966, his kidney was removed, in 1984 he almost did not move as a result of atherosclerosis of the brain and heart. He began to be treated with purified melt water, and the results exceeded all expectations.

Method #2
A more complex method of preparing melt water is described by A. Malovichko, where melt water is called protium. The method is as follows: An enamel pan with filtered or regular tap water you need to put it in the freezer of the refrigerator. After 4-5 hours you need to get it. The surface of the water and the walls of the pan are already stuck with the first ice. Drain this water into another bowl. The ice that remains in the empty pan contains molecules of heavy water, which freezes earlier than ordinary water at +3.8 0C. This first ice containing deuterium is discarded. And put the pot of water back in the freezer. When the water in it freezes by two-thirds, we drain the unfrozen water - this is "light" water, it contains all the chemicals and harmful impurities. And the ice that remained in the pan is protium water, which is necessary for the human body. It is 80% free of impurities and heavy water and contains 15 mg of calcium per liter of liquid. You need to melt this ice at room temperature and drink this water throughout the day.

Method #3
Degassed water (method of the Zelepukhin brothers) is another way to prepare biologically active melt water. To do this, a small amount of tap water is brought to a temperature of 94-96 0C, that is, to the point of the so-called "white key", when small bubbles appear in the water in a multitude, but the formation of large ones has not yet begun. The bowl of water is then removed from the stove and cooled quickly, for example by placing it in a larger vessel or in a bath of cold water. Then the water is frozen and thawed according to the standard method. According to the authors, such water goes through all phases of its circulation in nature - it evaporates, cools, freezes and thaws. In addition, such water has a lower content of gases. Therefore, it is especially useful because it has a natural structure.
It should be emphasized, however, that degassed water with a large energy reserve can be obtained not only by freezing. The most active (5-6 times more than usual and 2-3 times more than melted water) is boiled and quickly cooled water in conditions that exclude access atmospheric air. In this case, according to the laws of physics, it is degassed and does not have time to re-saturate with gases.

Method #4
Another method for preparing melt water was proposed by Yu.A. Andreev, author of the book "Three whales of health". He suggested combining the two previous methods, that is, subjecting the melt water to degassing, and then freezing it again. “The test showed,” he writes, “that there is no price for such water. This is really healing water and if there is any disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract, she is the remedy for him."

Method #5
There is one more new method obtaining melt water, developed by engineer M. M. Muratov. He designed a plant that makes it possible to obtain light water of a given salt composition with a reduced content of heavy water in it at home by the method of uniform freezing. It is known that natural water is a heterogeneous substance in its isotopic composition. In addition to the molecules of light (protium) water - H2 16O, consisting of two hydrogen atoms (protium) and one oxygen atom-16, in natural water there are also heavy water molecules, and there are 7 stable (consisting only of stable atoms) isotopic modifications of water. The total amount of heavy isotopes in natural water is approximately 0.272%. In the water of freshwater sources, the content of heavy water is usually about 330 mg / l (calculated per HDO molecule), and heavy oxygen (H2 18O) - about 2 g / l. It is comparable or even exceeds allowed content salts in drinking water. A sharply negative effect of heavy water on living organisms has been revealed, necessitating the removal of heavy water from drinking water. (Report by A.A. Timakov "The main effects light water"at the 8th All-Russian Scientific Conference on the topic "Physical and chemical processes in the selection of atoms and molecules" November 6 - 10, 2003) 2006 began to "facilitate" water for cooking and drinking by uniform freezing.
According to the method of M.M. Muratov water was aerated and cooled with the formation of a water flow circulating in the tank, until the formation of small ice crystals. Then it was filtered. Less than 2% of ice containing heavy water remained on the filter.
According to the author of this method, 6-month use of light water showed: When consumed in food and drink in the amount of 2.5-3 liters per day, a significant improvement in well-being on the 5th day of use. This was expressed in the fact that drowsiness and chronic fatigue, "heaviness" in the legs disappeared, seasonal allergic manifestations without the use of drugs. For 10 days, noticeably, about 0.5 diopters, vision improved. A month later the pain was gone. knee joint. Symptoms disappeared after 4 months chronic pancreatitis and passed small pains in the region of the liver. For 6 months, the pain associated with coronary artery disease and pain in the back and lower back disappeared. 1 viral infection passed in a very mild form, "on the legs". Decreased manifestations varicose veins veins. There was also a marked improvement palatability and water, and foods prepared with treated water. The latter fact is confirmed by the tasting commission of an industrial enterprise, and is clearly visible to ordinary water consumers.

Method number 6 - "talitsa"
There are also recipes for external use of melt water. Enthusiast of a healthy lifestyle, folk inventor V. Mamontov, knowing about the special properties of melt water, invented a method of massage with melt water - "talitsu". He added rock salt, which contains all the vital trace elements, and a little vinegar to the melted water, and used this solution for massage rubbing into the skin. And the miracles began. Here is how he writes about it: “After several rubbings, the heart, constantly reminding of itself with tingling, backache, sharp pains, stopped bothering, the work of the stomach improved, and sleep returned to normal. The veins began to disappear, which had previously acted like ropes and tourniquets on the legs and arms. After the normalization of metabolism, the vessels that are close to the skin began to recover. The skin itself on the face and body became elastic, soft, tender, acquired a lively, natural color, wrinkles were noticeably smoothed out. Legs warmed up, chronic periodontal disease disappeared in a few days, gums stopped bleeding.
A solution of "talitsa" is prepared as follows: 1 teaspoon is diluted in 300 ml of melt water. a spoonful of rock salt (preferably unrefined sea salt) and 1 tsp. a spoonful of table vinegar (preferably apple or other fruit).
For baths oral cavity(for sore throats, diseases of the teeth, gums, periodontitis) the “talitsa” should be kept in the mouth for 10-15 minutes, carrying out several procedures a day for 7-10 days.
Water and massage treatments using the "talitsa" can be diversified by replacing in various water procedures plain water on the "talitsa". Procedures with "talitsa" are generally available, do not require special equipment and training, have no contraindications, and give the body a general tone.

How to prepare and apply melt water?

Which method of obtaining melt water to use for you, decide for yourself, dear readers. The following are helpful tips and recommendations on how to properly prepare and use melt water.

For the preparation of melt water, one should not take natural ice or snow, since they are usually polluted and contain many harmful substances.

To freeze water, it is better to use plastic jars designed for storing drinking water. Glass containers can break as water expands and expands when it freezes.

Do not freeze water in a metal vessel, as this significantly reduces the effectiveness of its action.

In no case should you get melt water by melting a snow coat in a freezer, because. this ice may contain harmful substances and refrigerants and, in addition, have an unpleasant odor.

Melt water retains its healing properties for 7-8 hours after snow or ice has been defrosted.

If you want to drink warm melt water, remember that it cannot be heated above 37 degrees.

Nothing should be added to fresh melt water.

It is better to drink melted water on an empty stomach in the morning, afternoon and evening before meals and 1 hour after that do not eat or drink anything.

For therapeutic purposes, fresh melt water should be taken half an hour before meals every day 4-5 times for 30-40 days. During the day, it should be drunk in an amount of 1 percent of body weight.

The nominal rate of melt water is 3/4 cup 2-3 times a day at the rate of 4-6 ml of water per 1 kg of weight. An unstable, but noticeable effect can be observed even from 3/4 cup 1 time in the morning on an empty stomach (2 ml per 1 kg of weight).

If the body weight is 50 kilograms, then every day you should drink 500 grams of fresh melt water. Then the dose is gradually reduced to half the specified. For prophylactic purposes, fresh melt water should be taken in half the dose.

Melt water has no contraindications and side effects.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that in our age of "scientific and technological progress" humanity has reached the point that almost no food product can do without artificial colors, sweeteners, flavors and gene modifiers. It is not surprising that the number of people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is continuously increasing in the world. Water, in fact, has remained the only natural element on the basis of which it is possible to build a system of healing for a person through food, but it also loses its structure in the process of purification at water treatment plants, heating and passing through pipes. In this regard, the preparation of melt water at home is the cheapest and effective method water purification.
Ph.D. O.V. Mosin - IA " - Electronic market of drinking water and soft drinks", 12-11-2008

Water is an indispensable component of all biochemical processes in our body. After all, a person is 70% water, 92% water is part of the blood, and 8% water is in human brain. Scientists have found that a person should drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day. And with high brain activity, you need to increase daily allowance up to 4 liters. It is interesting to know that we become thirsty when the body loses 2% of its body weight of water (an average of 1.5 liters). With a loss of 6-8% of body weight, you can faint, and a loss of 10% can lead to lethal outcome. As you can see, the human body cannot function without water. Water used for food is not only a chemical element, but also impurities containing useful trace elements and bacteria. Water quality has a direct impact on our health. In the conditions of the city, when cooking, we are everywhere faced with tap water. Chemical structure such water, of course, is lost at treatment plants, when passing through pipes, at deironing installations, etc. Melt water will be very useful in structure for our body. But not everyone knows how to get melt water at home. It can be done without special efforts. Let's look at how melt water is obtained and what is the use of melt water for the body.

Melt water is obtained from the natural process of melting ice or snow as the temperature rises. Obtaining useful melt water consists in purification from deuterium (a heavy isotope of hydrogen). This "heavy water" reduces the rate of energy metabolism that occurs in the cells of our body. A decrease in metabolic processes leads to physical weakness, deterioration of vitality, premature aging. Also, when receiving living water, it is cleaned from pesticides and bacteria, salts of heavy metals.

The benefits of melt water for the body

Before talking about how to get melt water at home, let's talk about the benefits of melt water for the body. She found her use in a wide range various diseases.

  1. Slows down the aging process. In old age, there is usually a decrease in the amount of water in the cells of the body. Melt water prevents this.
  2. Rejuvenates the body. The structure of melt water is identical to the structure of the cells of our body. Thus, it facilitates the work of the cardiovascular system, nervous system, and other internal organs. Normalizes muscles, improves overall well-being. A special effect is noticeable in people over the age of 40 years.
  3. Gives extra energy. Melt water increases the body's resistance to viral infections and cancer. It also reduces fatigue, significantly stimulates vital processes. Even sleep becomes stronger.
  4. Accelerates metabolic processes and recovery processes. Melt water helps to restore the immune system. Increases the healing process after surgery. Restores the body after physical and mental stress. The effectiveness of medications taken from melt water increases dramatically.
  5. Increases alertness and performance. In people engaged in mental work, brain activity improves. And the productivity of workers physical labor. Melt water is especially useful for schoolchildren, thanks to which they become more attentive in the classroom and learn the material better.
  6. It is used in the treatment of skin diseases with a strong allergic component. Such diseases include psoriasis, dermatitis, toxicoderma, erythroderma, etc. 5 days after taking live water, irritation decreases, itching of the skin is significantly reduced or completely disappears. The disease process proceeds faster in the fixed stage.
  7. Normalizes the tone of the muscles of the bronchi, reduces the sensitivity of the mucosa. The use of fresh melt water for inhalation of inflamed lungs in children led to the elimination of wheezing and the normalization of blood tests, temperature and respiratory functions.
  8. cosmetic properties. Beauticians recommend periodically washing with melt water. She stimulates metabolic processes skin, improves complexion, rejuvenating it and refreshing.
  9. Helps with weight loss. Since melt water charges the body with energy and endurance, speeds up metabolic processes, the effectiveness of diets for weight loss increases. This removes toxins and other harmful substances.

It is obvious that the benefits of melt water for the body are great and it has a large number of useful properties. However, it will not be possible to feel it on your body immediately, but after a certain time of its use. Moreover, useful properties she only possesses for 12 hours.

How to get melt water at home

The general principle of how to get melt water at home is to freeze the water and drain the remaining unfrozen water (heavy water). Since pure water freezes first, and water with impurities second. Then the ice is thawed. It is not difficult to get melt water at home, for this you need purified water (tap water will do) and a freezer. Consider several popular recipes for preparing melt water for internal use.

Recipe #1

Cold tap water is poured into a half-liter jar and closed with a plastic lid. The jar is placed in the freezer and something is placed under it to insulate the bottom (for example, cardboard). Please note that about half the volume of water in the jar should freeze. So you get half a can of water and half a can of ice. We drain the water, as it contains impurities and salts. Ice containing pure, free of impurities, water must be thawed and consumed within 12 hours. This method is the easiest and fastest. Experimentally, the freezing time of half the volume of water in a half-liter jar was established: from 8 to 12 hours. To obtain more purified melt water, additional purification of tap water can be used. Filter tap water through any existing filter and then freeze it. The first thin layer of ice is removed as it will contain harmful impurities.

Recipe #2

A more complex recipe for melt water is as follows: filtered or ordinary tap water is poured into enameled dishes. Water is frozen in the freezer for about 4-5 hours. The walls of the dishes and the surface of the water will be covered with ice. Unfrozen water is poured into another container. The ice that remains contains heavy water molecules, which freezes earlier. This first ice containing heavy hydrogen is discarded. Place the bowl of water back in the freezer. When two-thirds of the water in the bowl freezes, the unfrozen water is drained and the remaining ice is melted. Melt water is ready!

Recipe #3

Tap water is heated to a temperature of 94-96˚С, that is, until small bubbles appear. After that, the water is rapidly cooled, for example, by pouring it into larger containers. The water is then frozen and thawed with standard methods. According to the author of this method, water thus passes through all phases of the natural cycle - it evaporates, cools, freezes and thaws. The name of the resulting water is degassed, that is, free from gases.

Recipe for external use

Melt water is used not only for internal use, but also for external use. There is a recipe for making such water, the so-called "talitsa".

To the melt water obtained by any of the above methods, add rock salt, which contains all the necessary vital trace elements, and a little vinegar. This solution is rubbed into the skin with massaging movements. From this, the skin on the face and body becomes elastic, soft and tender. Such rubs have positive influence and on the organs, as after drinking melt water inside.

The proportions for the preparation of "Talitsa" are as follows: add 1 teaspoon of salt (preferably sea) and 1 teaspoon of vinegar (preferably apple) to the prepared melt water (300 ml).

"Talitsa" is also used in the treatment of diseases of the teeth, gums, periodontitis and angina pectoris. External use of the "talitsa" helps to increase the overall vitality.

  • snow or ice from the street cannot be used to prepare melt water, as they contain many harmful substances;
  • it is strictly forbidden to melt ice taken from the walls of the freezer, as it contains hazardous substances and refrigerants;
  • glassware may break as the volume of water expands when frozen. It is better to use plastic containers for freezing, preferably from drinking water;
  • no metal utensils the best way for freezing water;
  • thawing of ice should take place in a tightly closed container at room temperature;
  • in order to maximize the benefits of melt water for the body, for medicinal purposes it is taken half an hour before meals about 4-5 times a day, for one and a half, one month. The amount of melt water consumed should be in the amount of 1% of body weight;
  • It is better to try not to drink melt water on an empty stomach.

Melt water is not distilled water, completely devoid of useful substances. This is pure water, which is 80-90% free of impurities, including heavy isotopes. It is suitable for use at any age, as it does not have any contraindications or side effects. And now that you know the benefits of melt water for the body and how to get melt water at home, you can discover a new source of health!

Surely everyone knows that the human body is 90 percent water and this is the absolute truth. Thus, the quality of water that a person consumes directly affects his state of health. It is also known that water has a special crystal lattice, which can change from external environmental conditions. The more harmonious the molecular structure of an inorganic liquid, the more valuable its properties for the body. To date, quite a lot of tools are known that allow you to change the molecular network of a substance, one of them is the freezing method.

Melt water - what is it?

It is necessary to start with the fact that the water that is considered drinking and flows through the pipeline is a homogeneous system. In other words, tap water is a substance in which several substances are evenly dissolved, which are part of each other. The liquid has such a structure because it is affected by special chemicals that are aimed at destroying the bacteria living in it. Thus, specific inorganic matter can be divided into:

  • "living" water, which is fresh, the freezing point of which is 0 degrees;
  • "dead" water - in its structure, hydrogen atoms are replaced by deuterium and tritium atoms. It freezes at a temperature of 3-4 degrees;
  • brine is soluble salts and pesticides that freeze only at temperatures from -5 to -10.

Thus, during freezing, “dead” water freezes first, then fresh water, and only at the end does the brine, consisting of chemicals, freeze. This state of affairs makes it possible to separate layer from layer, thereby purifying "living" water from other harmful components.

Melt water is water, which has been thawed after freezing. A feature of such water is a change in the molecular structure, which, when defrosted, begins to resemble the structure of human blood protoplasm. It is obtained by systemic freezing of the liquid with the removal of the first ice ("dead" water) and subsequent thawing in order to remove the brine and various impurities.

Thanks to modern technologies, you can quite clearly see how ordinary tap water under the influence of cold changes its molecular lattice, which is similar to the structure of ice molecules. When defrosting, the molecular structure of water remains ideally correct for some time, but this condition directly depends on temperature indicators. If you resort to using a microscope, you can see that the melt water has the shape of regular crystals.

The dimensions of the crystal lattice of melted water are much smaller than tap water, respectively, such a liquid will be much easier to absorb, passing through cell membranes. The described modernized drink promotes the activation of metabolic processes, as well as the renewal of the body on cellular level. It is also important that with the help of properly structured water it is possible to carry out effective cleaning body from harmful deposits.

The benefits of melt water for the human body

It should be rightly noted that melt water is the best tool for preventing diseases of all organs and systems in the human body. Such water perfectly tones, increasing the physical resource of everyone. At the same time, experts say that melt water is a recipe for longevity and eternal youth.

Thus, it is necessary to allocate positive properties melt water for human health:

  • increases the barrier properties of the body, enhancing general level immunity;
  • rejuvenates the body;
  • cleanses the blood of cholesterol;
  • promotes the removal of toxins from the body;
  • reduces the risk of developing dermatological disorders with daily washing;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • is an excellent method of toning the gastrointestinal tract, having a beneficial effect on the digestive process;
  • raises the level of endurance and performance during the day;
  • favorably affects mental activity and development mental processes, including attention and thinking;
  • acts as a guarantor of normal blood circulation, taking part in the process of its formation;
  • makes the body more resilient and less sensitive to external changes such as extreme heat, high atmospheric pressure, etc.;
  • acts as a natural fat dissolver, due to which it is used to lose weight, etc.

How is it useful for weight loss?

Melt water, as noted earlier, is extremely useful for people suffering from overweight or just trying to lose some weight. The specifics of the action of water in this case can be divided into two active areas: the dissolution of fats and the removal of harmful deposits from the body that disrupt metabolic processes, including the absorption of valuable substances.

According to the recommendations of experts, in order to get rid of extra pounds, it is necessary to drink melt water daily. If desired, the described substance can be used as a tool for unloading or cleaning with it. During a specific event, intestinal plugs are softened and waste accumulated on the walls of the intestine is removed.

General rules for freezing water for purification

Oddly enough, but in order for the melt water to be truly effective tool, with its proper properties, it is necessary to follow the basic rules for its preparation. Most experts believe that it is best to freeze water in glass or enamel containers, avoiding plastic containers, as they can be toxic. Others, on the contrary, say that best vessel for freezing is food plastic, since it is in it that it is easiest to prepare melt water.

It is also important to take into account the fact that water freezes gradually, for this reason it is impossible to uncontrollably send a vessel with liquid to the freezer and forget about it. It is necessary to constantly control the freezing process, removing layer by layer, so you can get high-quality, clean and structured water.

Methods for preparing melt water at home

There are several ways to prepare melt water at home. Each of the options has its advantages and disadvantages, but the process does not always matter, because the main thing is to get good water. Usually, all approaches are divided into sequential freezing with the removal of each subsequent layer and complete freezing, in which the separation of harmful deposits occurs through their separate removal. That is why below are several options for creating melt water.

How to freeze water in a plastic bottle

It is known that the freezing point of each structural component of water is different. Thanks to this, you can achieve the desired result. In order to prepare melt water in a bottle, you need to collect cold water from the tap into a plastic container. Then send the container to the freezer for about 5 hours, but this is not exact time and it must be corrected by constantly monitoring the freezing process.

After the contents of the bottle are covered with an ice crust, the water must be poured into another container, which will facilitate the process of removing ice, which is heavy water. After it was possible to get rid of the ice into the bottle, it is necessary to return the liquid again and again send everything to the refrigerator. Now you need to wait until the total volume of the container becomes two-thirds of ice - this is the very pure water. Now you need to pour out the rest of the liquid from the bottle and, after waiting for the ice to defrost, start drinking melted water.

How to make melt water in a drinking jar

According to another method, it is necessary to prepare a jar with sides that do not taper towards the top, so that the ice can be removed from the container without changing its shape. As part of the approach, you will have to collect running water in a jar and send it to the freezer. To do this, set the temperature to approximately 1-2 degrees. After some time, the ice that has appeared is thrown out, and the unfrozen liquid is sent to the freezer until completely frozen. As a result, you need to get a jar and substituting it under a stream of hot water, melt cloudy, opaque areas out of it - these are deposits of harmful substances. The remaining ice is purified water, which should be drunk after defrosting.

Freezing boiled water

According to experts, it is the water that was originally brought to a boil that has great beneficial properties. This is argued by the fact that such water passes through all natural states: steam, water and ice. However, there is a little trick. In order to prepare melted water from boiled water, you need to fill a pan with running water and bring it to a temperature at which bubbles begin to set on its surface, but the boiling process has not yet begun - this is a temperature of 95-96 degrees. Heated water should be cooled as quickly as possible, and then frozen by passing it through the steps described above.

Video: how to prepare melt water

The video offered for viewing is informational material explaining the specifics of the formation, action and preparation of melt water. A specific video is presented by a TV show, in which a specialist describes in detail the features of the effect of crystallized water on the body, giving answers to the most interesting questions.

How to drink water from the freezer for the purpose of treatment

Doctors say that you need to drink melt water throughout the day, starting with a glass of water on an empty stomach. It is also recommended to drink liquid before each meal for an hour. There is one significant rule: you cannot defrost water using artificial temperature increase. Water should melt at room temperature and be stored in liquid form for no more than 7 hours, since after this time the water will lose its beneficial properties.

Possible harm from the use of water

Melt water is an inorganic substance that has a regular crystal lattice, due to which such water is better absorbed. For this reason, there is no reason to argue that the agent in question can adversely affect the human body.