STG - growth hormone. Somatotropic hormone: norm and deviations

The name of the hormone is somatropin. Only in adolescence and childhood is it useful for growth. The hormone is very important for people. Throughout human life, it affects metabolism, blood sugar levels, muscle development and fat burning. And also it can be synthesized artificially.

Where and how is it produced?

Growth hormone is produced by the anterior pituitary gland. The organ located between the cerebral hemispheres is called the pituitary gland. There, the most important hormones for people are synthesized that affect the nerve endings, and to a lesser extent - on other cells of the human body.

Genetic factors influence the production of the hormone. To date, a complete genetic map of a person has been compiled. Growth hormone synthesis is controlled by five genes on the seventeenth chromosome. Initially, there are two isoforms of this enzyme.

During growth and development, a person produces additionally several manufactured forms of this substance. To date, more than five isoforms have been identified that have been found in human blood. Each isoform has a specific effect on the nerve endings of various tissues and organs.

The production of the hormone is produced from time to time with a period of three to five hours during the day. Usually an hour or two after falling asleep at night, there is the brightest surge in its production for the whole day. During a night's sleep, several more stages occur sequentially, only two to five times the hormone synthesized in the pituitary gland enters the bloodstream.

It is proven that such a natural production of it falls with age. It reaches a maximum in the second half of the intrauterine development of the child, and then gradually decreases. The maximum frequency of production is reached in early childhood.

In adolescence, during puberty, there is a maximum intensity of its production at a time, however, the frequency is much lower than in childhood. The minimum amount of it is produced in old age. At this time, both the frequency of production periods and the maximum amount of hormone produced at one time is minimal.

Distribution of growth hormone in the human body

To move within the body, he, like other hormones, uses the circulatory system. To achieve its goal, the hormone binds to its transport protein, which the body has developed.

Subsequently, it moves to the receptors of various organs, affecting their work, depending on the isoform and the action of other hormones in parallel with somatropin. When it hits a nerve ending, somatropin causes an effect on the target protein. This protein is called Janus kinase. The target protein causes activation of glucose transport to target cells, their development and growth.

The first type of impact

Growth hormone owes its name to the fact that it acts on bone tissue receptors located in unclosed bone growth zones. This causes a strong growth of children, adolescents during puberty, caused by the growth hormone produced in the teenage body at this time in sufficient quantities. Most often this occurs due to an increase in the length of the tubular bones of the legs, bones of the lower leg, and hands. Other bones (such as the spine) also grow, but this is less pronounced.

In addition to the growth of open areas of bones at a young age, it causes the strengthening of bones, ligaments, teeth throughout life. With a lack of synthesis of this substance in the human body, many diseases that elderly people suffer from can be associated - mainly diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The second type of impact

This is an increase in muscle growth and fat burning. This type of exposure is widely used in sports and bodybuilding. Three types of methods are used:

  • increase the natural synthesis of the hormone in the body;
  • improvement in the absorption of somatropin associated with other hormones;
  • acceptance of synthetic substitutes.

Today, somastatin preparations are prohibited doping. The International Olympic Committee recognized this in 1989.

The third type of impact

An increase in the amount of glucose in the blood due to the effect on liver cells. This mechanism is quite complex, and it allows you to track the relationship with other human hormones.

Growth hormone is involved in many other types of activity - it acts on the brain, participates in the activation of appetite, affects sexual activity, and both the effect of sex hormones on the synthesis of somatotropin and its effect on the synthesis of sex hormones are observed. He even takes part in the learning process - experiments on mice showed that those individuals who were additionally injected with it learn better and develop conditioned reflexes.

There are conflicting studies about the effect on the aging of the body. Most of the experiments confirm that the elderly, who were additionally injected with growth hormone, felt much better. They improved metabolism, general condition, showed activation of mental and physical activity. At the same time, animal experiments suggest that those individuals who received this drug artificially showed a shorter life expectancy than those who were not injected with it.

How is growth hormone related to other hormones?

Two main substances influence the production of growth hormone. They are called somastatin and somalibertin. The hormone somastatin inhibits the synthesis of somatotropin, and somalibertin causes increased synthesis. These two hormones are produced in the same place, in the pituitary gland. The interaction and joint effect on the body of somatotropin is observed with such drugs:

  • IGF-1;
  • Thyroid hormones;
  • estrogen;
  • Adrenal hormones;

This substance is the main mediator in the absorption of sugar by the body. When a growth hormone is exposed to a person, an increase in blood sugar is observed. Insulin causes it to decrease. At first glance, the two hormones are antagonists. However, this is not quite true.

When exposed to the enzyme, sugar in the blood is more efficiently absorbed during the work of the cells of tissues and organs awakened by it. This allows you to synthesize certain types of protein. Insulin helps this glucose to be absorbed in order to work more efficiently. Therefore, these substances are allies, and the work of the hormone for growth is impossible without insulin.

This is attributed to the fact that children who have type 1 diabetes grow much more slowly, and diabetic bodybuilders have difficulty building muscle if they have a lack of insulin. However, with too much somatropin in the blood, the activity of the pancreas can be "broken" and type 1 diabetes mellitus will occur. Somatropin affects the work of the pancreas that produces.


Factors affecting synthesis within the body

Factors that increase the synthesis of somatropin:

  • influence of other hormones;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • good dream
  • physical activity;
  • stay in the cold;
  • Fresh air;
  • consumption of lysine, glutamine, some other amino acids.

Reduce synthesis:

  • influence of other hormones;
  • high concentration of somatropin and IFP-1;
  • alcohol, drugs, tobacco, some other psychotropic substances;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • a large amount of fatty acids in the blood plasma.

The use of growth hormone in medicine

In medicine, it is used for diseases of the nervous system, the treatment of growth and developmental delays in childhood, the treatment of diseases of the elderly.

Diseases of the nervous system associated with are effectively treated using synthetic substitutes for somatropin.

It should be taken into account that the use of the drug in this case will in most cases cause a return to its original state, and a long course of its use can cause type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Diseases associated with pituitary dwarfism - some types of dementia, depressive disorders, behavioral disorders. In psychiatry, this drug is used occasionally, during psychotherapy and the recovery period.

In childhood, many children experience delays in growth and development. This is especially true for those whose mother during pregnancy took large doses of alcohol. The fetus can also be exposed to certain doses of alcohol, which cross the placental barrier and reduce growth hormone production. As a result, they initially have low levels of somatropin, and children need to take additional synthetic substitutes in order to catch up with their peers in their development.

In children with diabetes, there are periods when blood sugar is elevated and insulin is not enough. In this regard, they have a delay in growth and development. They are prescribed somatropin preparations, which must necessarily work with in one direction. This will prevent attacks of hyperglycemia. Provided that insulin with somatropin works together, the body tolerates the action of drugs more easily.

For the elderly, the effectiveness of somatropin has been confirmed in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It increases the hardness of bone tissue, its mineralization, strengthens ligaments, muscle tissue. For some, it helps in burning adipose tissue.

Unfortunately, this type of drug is associated with an increase in blood sugar, which is unacceptable for most older people, and long-term treatment with them is excluded.

The use of growth hormone in sports

Since 1989, the IOC has banned this drug for use by competitive athletes. However, there is a group of "amateur" competitions in which the use and doping is not controlled - for example, some types of fights without rules, some bodybuilding competitions, powerlifting.

The use of modern synthetic analogues of somatropin is difficult to control on doping samples, and most laboratories do not have suitable equipment.

In bodybuilding, when people train for their own pleasure, and not for performances, these substances are used in two types of training - in the process of "drying" and when building muscle mass. In the process of drying, the intake is accompanied by a large amount of intake of thyroid hormone analogues T4. During periods of muscle building, the intake is carried out in conjunction with insulin. When burning fat, doctors recommend injecting preparations locally - in the stomach, since men have the most fat in this area.

Pumping the relief of the body with the help of specialized substances allows you to quickly gain large muscle mass, little subcutaneous fat, however, the stomach is large. This is due to the large amount of digestible glucose when building muscle mass. However, this practice is much more effective than the use of drugs such as methyltestosterone. Methyltestosterone is able to activate the process of obesity, in which a person will have to "dry" the body.

Female bodybuilding also did not ignore somatropin. Its analogues are used in conjunction with estrogen instead of insulin. This practice does not cause a strong increase in the abdomen. Many female bodybuilders prefer this one, because other doping drugs are associated with male hormones, cause the appearance of masculine features, masculinization.

In most cases, it will be more effective for a bodybuilder under the age of 30 not to take somatropin. The fact is that while taking this drug, you will have to enhance its effect with the help of other hormones, the side symptoms of which (obesity) will need to be compensated for with additional efforts. The lifeline in this situation will be the use of other synthetic drugs, which also increase the endogenous production of growth hormone.

Among the hormones of the pituitary gland is the growth hormone somatotropin, which enhances bone growth and the accumulation of muscle mass. In search of growth stimulants, endocrinologists have already synthesized somatotropin in the laboratory.

But the composition of this hormone is very complex, it has 188 amino acids and therefore is not available for industrial synthesis. In addition, the hormone is strictly species-specific - somatotropin taken from an animal does not affect a person. Therefore, until now, children who are sharply lagging behind in growth have been treated with a natural hormone isolated from the pituitary gland of dead people. This drug is, of course, expensive.

It has recently been established that the body can be forced to intensively produce its own somatotropin. A group of researchers led by the famous English endocrinologist J. Tanner managed to isolate a substance that induces the pituitary gland to synthesize somatotropin. It turned out to be a relatively simple compound, consisting of ten amino acids.

Thus, for the first time, it was possible to produce a drug for growth regulation. An open decapeptide is available for industrial production. And, what is very important, it is not species-specific - it can be used not only to treat people, but also to control the growth of animals.

However, this was not the only discovery. In a large series of experiments, it was possible to establish that the growth of the organism is controlled by a three-link hormonal chain. The first link is the already mentioned decapeptide produced by the hypothalamus. The second link is somatotropin known to science for a long time. And the third link is the recently discovered substance somatomedin. It is produced in the liver and kidneys under the action of somatotropin, which comes here from the pituitary gland.

Somatomedin turned out to be the last hormonal instance, on which the growth of bones and muscles directly depends, and therefore its discovery is of particular interest. It has been proven that the growth rate of the body depends on the concentration of somatomedin in the blood. Somatomedin is a universal hormone. For human treatment, bovine, pig, or ram somatomedin can be used. The composition of somatomedin is relatively simple - about 30 amino acids, which makes it available for industrial synthesis.

Two newly discovered growth substances, somatomedin and the as yet unnamed decapeptide, are likely to be even more important to animal husbandry than to medicine. Having them at their disposal, a person receives the key to a fantastic opportunity, even today, to speed up the production of meat, milk, and wool at his own discretion. In principle, this problem seems to be solvable now. The point is the large-scale production of these growth hormones.

It is quite possible that now the pace of development of agricultural animal husbandry will depend on the chemical industry.

Science and humanity. 1975. Collection - M.: Knowledge, 1974.

Growth hormone (STH) is directly involved in the proper development of the child's body. essential for a growing organism. The correct and proportional formation of the body depends on STH. And an excess or deficiency of such a substance leads to gigantism or, conversely, growth retardation. In the body of an adult, somatotropic hormone is contained in a smaller amount than in a child or adolescent, but it is still important. If the growth hormone is elevated in adults, this can lead to the development of acromegaly.

General information

Somatotropin, or STH, is a growth hormone that regulates the development of the whole organism. This substance is produced in the anterior pituitary gland. The synthesis of growth hormone is controlled by two main regulators: somatotropin-releasing factor (STHF) and somatostatin, which are produced by the hypothalamus. Somatostatin and STHF activate the formation of somatotropin and determine the time and amount of its excretion. STH - it depends on the intensity of the metabolism of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and Somatotropin activates glycogen, DNA, accelerates the mobilization of fats from the depot and the breakdown of fatty acids. STH is a hormone that has lactogenic activity. The biological action of somatotropic hormone is impossible without the low molecular weight peptide somatomedin C. With the introduction of growth hormone in the blood, “secondary” growth-stimulating factors, somatomedins, increase. There are the following somatomedins: A 1 , A 2 , B and C. The latter has an insulin-like effect on adipose, muscle and cartilaginous tissues.

The main functions of somatotropin in the human body

Somatotropic hormone (GH) is synthesized throughout life and has a powerful effect on all systems of our body. Let's look at the most important functions of such a substance:

  • The cardiovascular system. STH is a hormone that is involved in the regulation of cholesterol levels. Deficiency of this substance can provoke atherosclerosis of blood vessels, heart attack, stroke and other diseases.
  • Leather. Growth hormone is an indispensable component in the process of producing collagen, which is responsible for the condition of the skin. If the hormone (GH) is lowered, collagen is synthesized in insufficient quantities and, as a result, the aging process of the skin is accelerated.
  • The weight. At night (during sleep), somatotropin is directly involved in the process of lipid breakdown. Violation of this mechanism causes gradual obesity.
  • Bone. Growth hormone in children and adolescents provides lengthening of the bones, and in an adult - their strength. This is due to the fact that somatotropin is involved in the synthesis of vitamin D 3 in the body, which is responsible for the stability and strength of bones. This factor helps to cope with various diseases and severe bruises.
  • Muscle. STH (hormone) is responsible for the strength and elasticity of muscle fibers.
  • Body tone. Somatotropic hormone has a positive effect on the entire body. Helps to maintain energy, good mood, sound sleep.

Growth hormone is very important for maintaining a slim and beautiful body shape. One of the functions of somatotropic hormone is the transformation of adipose tissue into muscle tissue, this is what athletes and everyone who follows the figure achieve. STH is a hormone that improves joint mobility and flexibility, making muscles more elastic.

At an older age, the normal content of somatotropin in the blood prolongs longevity. Initially, somatotropic hormone was used to treat various senile ailments. In the world of sports, this substance was used by athletes for some time to build muscle mass, but soon the growth hormone was banned for official use, although today it is actively used by bodybuilders.

STH (hormone): norm and deviations

What are the normal values ​​of somatotropic hormone for a person? At different ages, indicators of such a substance as growth hormone (hormone) are different. The norm for women also differs significantly from the normal values ​​for men:

  • Newborn children up to one day - 5-53 mcg / l.
  • Newborns up to one week - 5-27 mcg / l.
  • Children aged from one month to a year - 2-10 mcg / l.
  • Middle-aged men - 0-4 mcg / l.
  • Middle-aged women - 0-18 mcg / l.
  • Men over 60 years of age - 1-9 mcg / l.
  • Women over 60 years of age - 1-16 mcg / l.

Deficiency of somatotropic hormone in the body

Particular attention is paid to somatotropin in childhood. GH deficiency in children is a serious disorder that can provoke not only growth retardation, but also delayed puberty and general physical development, and in certain cases, dwarfism. Various factors can cause such a violation: pathological pregnancy, heredity, hormonal disorders.

An insufficient level of growth hormone in the body of an adult affects the general state of metabolism. A low value of growth hormone accompanies various endocrine diseases, and growth hormone deficiency can also provoke treatment with certain medications, including the use of chemotherapy.

And now a few words about what happens if growth hormone is present in excess in the body.

STH increased

An excess of growth hormone in the body can cause more serious consequences. Significantly increases the growth not only in adolescents, but also in adults. The height of an adult can exceed two meters.

At the same time, there is a significant increase in the limbs - hands, feet, undergoes serious changes and the shape of the face - the nose and become larger, the features coarsen. Such changes can be corrected, but in this case, long-term treatment under the supervision of a specialist is required.

How to determine the level of growth hormone in the body?

Scientists have found that the synthesis of somatotropin in the body occurs in waves, or in cycles. Therefore, it is very important to know when to take STH (hormone), that is, at what time to do an analysis for its content. In ordinary clinics, such a study is not carried out. It is possible to determine the content of somatotropin in the blood in a specialized laboratory.

What rules should be followed before analysis?

A week before the analysis for STH (growth hormone), it is necessary to refuse to conduct an x-ray examination, as this may affect the reliability of the data. During the day before blood sampling, you should adhere to the strictest diet that excludes any fatty foods. Twelve hours before the study, exclude the use of any products. It is also recommended to stop smoking, and in three hours it should be completely eliminated. A day before the test, any physical or emotional overstrain is unacceptable. Blood sampling is carried out in the morning, at this time the concentration of somatotropic hormone in the blood is maximum.

How to stimulate the synthesis of growth hormone in the body?

Today, the pharmaceutical market presents a large number of different preparations with growth hormone. The course of treatment with such drugs can last several years. But only a specialist should prescribe such medicines after a thorough medical examination and if there are objective reasons. Self-medication can not only not improve the situation, but also cause many health problems. In addition, it is possible to activate the production of somatotropic hormone in the body in a natural way.

  1. The most intense production of growth hormone occurs during deep sleep, which is why you need to sleep for at least seven to eight hours.
  2. Rational diet. The last meal should be at least three hours before bedtime. If the stomach is full, the pituitary gland will not be able to actively synthesize growth hormone. It is recommended to have dinner with easily digestible foods. For example, you can choose low-fat cottage cheese, lean meat, egg whites, and so on.
  3. Healthy menu. The basis of nutrition should be fruits, vegetables, dairy and protein products.
  4. Blood. It is very important to monitor the level of glucose in the blood, its increase can cause a decrease in the production of somatotropic hormone.
  5. Physical activity. For children, volleyball, football, tennis, and sprinting sections will be an excellent option. However, you should know: the duration of any strength training should not exceed 45-50 minutes.
  6. Starvation, emotional overstrain, stress, smoking. Such factors also reduce the production of growth hormone in the body.

In addition, conditions such as diabetes mellitus, pituitary injuries, and increased blood cholesterol levels significantly reduce the synthesis of growth hormone in the body.


In this article, we examined in detail such an important element as somatotropic hormone. It is on how its production in the body proceeds that the functioning of all systems and organs and the general well-being of a person depend.

We hope you find the information useful. Be healthy!

Before you understand how growth hormone (somatotropic hormone) works and why it is prescribed, you need to determine what it is and analyze the effect on the body. Growth hormone can also be called somatotropin, representing in its structure a protein consisting of the 191st amino acid. Included in the family of polypeptide hormones along with placental lactogen and prolactin.

In humans, growth hormone is produced by the endocrine gland - the pituitary gland. The anterior lobe is responsible for the secretion of somatotropin. A distinctive feature from other pituitary hormones is the production in large quantities, continuing with some downward fluctuation throughout life.

During the day, growth hormone is synthesized by pituitary cells in waves. There are several time periods when the concentration of somatotropin increases. Peak values ​​are observed approximately two hours after a person falls asleep. It also increases the concentration during physical activity received during training.

The following factors naturally stimulate the production of a hormone important for growth:

  • drop in glucose levels
  • physical exercise;
  • increase in estrogen concentration;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, expressed in the occurrence of hyperthyroidism;
  • intake of a number of amino acids, for example, arginine, ornithine, etc.;
  • hunger.

Allows you to stimulate the production of growth hormone proper nutrition with a predominance of protein foods, which contain amino acids that are catalysts in the production of somatotropin:

  • meat - chicken, beef;
  • cottage cheese, milk;
  • cod;
  • eggs;
  • porridge - oatmeal, rice;
  • legumes, cabbage;
  • nuts.

Suppress the synthesis of somatotropin "fast" carbohydrates contained in confectionery, sugar, so these products are recommended to be excluded from the diet. You can replace them with "slow" carbohydrates - cereals, fruit and vegetable dishes, bread made from wholemeal flour. Fats on the menu should be mandatory, but in limited quantities.

Factors such as excessive concentration of glucose and lipids, which are diagnosed in the blood, suppress the process of producing the hormone necessary for vital activity.

Level by age

Studying information about growth hormone makes it possible to understand that its concentration changes throughout life and depends on age. The maximum is observed at the stage of intrauterine development (approximately 4-6 months). After birth, in further age periodization, several peaks are observed, when the amount of somatotropin increases significantly. These are periods of intensive growth (infant - up to a year and adolescence).

After reaching the age when the growth of the organism stops, the synthesis of growth hormone begins to decrease and its amount decreases by about 15% in each subsequent decade.

If a child at an early age had a lack of growth hormone caused by genetic defects, then he has a number of pathological changes, expressed in growth retardation, and sometimes puberty. If the level of somatotropin is below the normal value in an adult due to a developed pituitary adenoma, then this can cause a number of negative manifestations:

  • rapid rate of accumulation of body fat;
  • early atherosclerosis;
  • decreased motor activity;
  • osteoporosis;
  • decreased sexual function.

When analyzing the mechanism of action, it becomes clear that such a growth hormone can not only slow down development with its obvious lack in the body, but also lead to an uncontrolled increase in size, causing such a phenomenon as gigantism.

If the excess is detected already in an adult, then acromegaly occurs - a disease characterized by hypertrophied degeneration of tissues and bones. Disproportionate enlargement of the mandible, nose, hands, or feet may occur. Particular suffering is represented by a tongue that has grown to a size that does not fit in the mouth. All internal organs can also increase, joints thicken.

Action and effect on the body

This hormone acquires priority importance for the development of the human body as a mechanism that regulates protein metabolism, as well as the most important processes directly related to growth.

It also affects the normalization of the functioning of various processes necessary for a full life.

An excessive set of extra pounds with observed failures in the mechanism of production of somatotropin, characterized by its insufficient amount, is explained by the fact that this hormone takes part in the process of normal breakdown of fats. For this reason, he gained popularity among ladies who want to quickly get a beautiful figure. For the manifestation of a fat-burning effect, it is necessary that other hormones, such as sex and thyroid glands, be present in the body along with somatotropin.

  • Skin

The synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for the healthy appearance of the skin, maintaining its elasticity and tone, is also not complete without the participation of growth hormone. Its deficiency becomes a trigger for rapid withering and aging of the skin.

If the pituitary gland, which produces the vital growth hormone, provides them with the body in the required amount, then the muscles remain elastic and strong for a long time.

  • Bone

In the process of growing up until reaching a certain youthful age, the rate of bone growth is important - it is regulated by the hormone somatotropin. It must be taken into account that it is able to exert its effect on linear growth and protein synthesis only in the presence of insulin. In adults, growth hormone provides skeletal strength. This is due to the ability in its presence to synthesize vitamin D 3, which is responsible for bone stability.

  • positive body tone

At a normal concentration at any age, growth hormone begins to act as a catalyst for good mood, filling the body with energy and promoting good sleep. If a person goes to bed before midnight and feels alert in the morning, this becomes the key to maintaining health.

Growth hormone is needed to stimulate protein synthesis, which, along with accelerated fat burning, leads to muscle building. Also, with its participation, carbohydrate metabolism can be normally regulated, the functioning of the pancreas can improve.

The use of stimulants

In medical practice, stimulants are used to treat pathologies caused by growth hormone deficiency. The cause can be both a hereditary predisposition, and a birth injury or craniocerebral lesions - tumors, injuries. With timely treatment after the administration of drugs, children begin to grow and, with systematic treatment, by the time they grow up, they reach normal average growth parameters.

In therapeutic practice, somatotropin is also prescribed in the treatment of nervous disorders. There is an improvement in memory and stimulation of cognitive functions, mood rises, stress resistance is strengthened.

Like other therapies, stimulants can cause side effects:

  • swelling;
  • joint pain;
  • weakening of kidney function;
  • headache;
  • the appearance of nausea;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • increase in pressure.

Growth hormones have been used in sports practice, due to the promotion of an increase in muscle mass while reducing fat stores in the body. Another positive effect is the ability of growth hormone to strengthen bones, make cartilage and tendons stronger. Athletes note that during the use of growth hormone, the recovery period after injuries occurs faster.

Since somatotropin contributes to maintaining skin health, maintaining its elasticity and preventing aging, it has gained popularity in cosmetology. With the right combination of physical activity and taking growth hormone preparations, you can make the body toned, slim, while the skin of the face is smoothed out, wrinkles gradually disappear.


Analyzing artificial types of growth hormone, it should be noted that there are two basic varieties of it:

  • recombinant somatropin obtained by genetic engineering methods, similar in structural formula to natural, containing 191 amino acids, growth hormone;
  • synthetic somaterem, which has 192 amino acids.

Somatropin is superior in quality to somatrem, which is why it is used, for example, in sports pharmacology. One of the selection criteria is the homogeneity or degree of purity of the drug, which for different manufacturers can be in the range of 94 - 98%. The highest limit of this indicator demonstrates that this preparation contains a minimum of ballast substances and is safer to use.

Growth Hormone Wachstum

Wachstum growth hormones (Germany) are known for their quality. Among their advantages is the use of high-quality raw materials, a high degree of purification, and an affordable price. This name is translated from German as "growth", reflecting the main purpose of the drug.

Upon purchase, a complete set will be offered:

  • active ingredient - 10 vials of 10 units of growth hormone;
  • bactericidal water - 10 ampoules with a volume of 2 ml;
  • insulin disposable syringes u100 - 10 pieces;
  • instruction.

Before use, bactericidal water is first drawn into the syringe - 1 ml. Then, on the bottle where the active substance is located, the plastic cap is removed. The contents of the syringe are introduced smoothly without shaking into the vial, where complete dissolution of all particles must occur. After that, having collected the resulting solution into an insulin syringe, the skin fold on the abdomen is compressed with two fingers of the free hand and the syringe needle is inserted at an angle of approximately 45 degrees and all its contents are slowly squeezed out. The dosage is calculated individually. The optimal range is 5-10 units within 24 hours.

Pharmacological properties:

  • strengthening and growth of muscles;
  • reduction of body fat;
  • stimulation of wound healing;
  • rejuvenating effect;
  • growth (up to 26 years) and strengthening of bones;
  • regulation of protein metabolism;
  • boosting immunity.

When starting the use of Wachstum growth hormone, it must be remembered that, like other similar drugs, it has a number of contraindications:

  • allergic reaction;
  • malignant tumors;
  • serious pathological conditions of the body - the postoperative period, acute respiratory failure.

It is forbidden to start taking somatropin, women during the entire period of pregnancy and while breastfeeding the baby.

Care must be taken if the following diseases are diagnosed:

  • frequent increase in intracranial pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • insufficient production of thyroid hormones - hypothyroidism.

When planning to take the drug, it should be borne in mind that the joint use of alcohol and growth hormone is unacceptable. Naturally produced somatotropin has the highest concentration when a person sleeps peacefully, and alcohol negatively affects the biological rhythms of sleep, disrupting them and preventing the production of growth hormones in the amount necessary for the body.

Also in the process of training, there are regulations prohibiting the use of alcohol if somatropin is being taken. This drug already has a strong effect on the entire body, which, under the influence of alcohol-containing substances, can lead to serious negative consequences.

Influence on the work of the heart

Since growth hormone is one of the important regulators of a stable cholesterol level, somatotropin deficiency can cause the development of atherosclerosis of the vessels. Also, with insufficient concentration of growth hormone, serious heart diseases appear - heart attack, stroke, etc.

In the process of research, it was found that at a normal age-related level of growth hormone, the load on the wall of the heart decreases, which improves its functioning. If, according to physiological indications, somatotropin is prescribed in adulthood, then an increase in the mass of the left ventricle and stroke volume of the heart is noted. It is shown that this drug stimulates the production of nitric oxide, leading to the expansion of arterial vessels.


  1. Androgen deficiency in women and the possibility of its hormonal diagnosis 2011 / Goncharov N.P., Katsia G.V., Melikhova O.A., Smetnik V.P.
  2. Features of the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction in patients with hypogonadism 2010 / Gamidov S.I., Tazhetdinov O.Kh., Pavlovichev A.A., Popova A.Yu., Tkhagapsoeva R.A.
  3. Study of circulating endothelial cells in patients with surgical and natural menopause 2013 / Kolbasova Elena Anatolyevna, Kiseleva Natalya Ivanovna, Tikhonova Lyudmila Vladimirovna

Roman is a bodybuilding trainer with over 8 years of experience. He is also a nutritionist, among his clients there are a lot of famous athletes. Roman is with the author of the book “Sport and nothing but ..

Growth hormone (or somatotropin), which is produced by the anterior pituitary gland, is responsible for the growth of a person in height. Under the action of somatotropin, an insulin-like growth factor is formed in the body, which is responsible for the development of cells and tissues of almost all organs in the human body. In addition, growth hormone affects protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism: it has an anabolic effect (accelerates the formation of muscle structures), promotes fat burning and an increase in blood glucose concentration.

The anabolic and fat-burning properties of somatotropin have led to the fact that drugs based on growth hormone have been widely used in sports (especially in bodybuilding to increase muscle mass and improve muscle relief). However, the artificial introduction of somatotropin into the body has a lot of side effects that are not always commensurate with the effect obtained - these are hyperglycemia, arterial hypertension, cardiac hypertrophy, tumor processes, and much more. In addition, most of these drugs have a very high cost. Therefore, both for professional athletes and for people who want to improve their physical shape, doctors recommend using alternative methods to increase the concentration of growth hormone in the body. They will be discussed in the article.

Features of the secretion of growth hormone

The production of somatotropin does not occur constantly, but in waves. During the day, as a rule, there are several peaks, during which the concentration of growth hormone in the blood increases significantly. Moreover, the peaks of the greatest amplitude are noted at night, a couple of hours after falling asleep in the evening (which is why they say that children grow in their sleep), as well as during physical activity.

In addition, the concentration of somatotropin is affected by the age of a person. The maximum level of growth hormone falls even in the prenatal period of a child's development. After birth, a significant increase in the concentration of somatotropin in the blood occurs when children are actively growing (the first year of life, adolescence). After 20 years, the rate of growth hormone synthesis gradually decreases, which affects the general physical condition of a person.

How does a lack of growth hormone manifest itself?

A decrease in the activity of somatotropin synthesis with age is a completely normal physiological process. When the concentration of growth hormone in the blood goes beyond age norms, this is already a pathological condition.

The causes of impaired growth hormone synthesis in children, as a rule, are various congenital and genetically determined conditions, less often acquired (hypoxia, head injuries, tumors of the central nervous system, etc.). In adults, problems with growth hormone occur with pituitary adenoma, due to radiation and operations performed on the brain.

Hyperproduction of somatotropin in childhood leads to the development gigantism, in adults - acromegaly. Insufficient secretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland in children is the cause pituitary dwarfism(dwarfism of varying severity).

In adults, somatotropin deficiency can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • (fat accumulates mainly in the abdomen).
  • early.
  • An increase in the concentration of fats in the blood.
  • Low level of physical activity.
  • Disorders of sexual function.

In addition, it has been proven that the lack of somatotropin in the body increases the risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases.

How is growth hormone secretion regulated?

The main regulators of growth hormone production are peptide substances produced by the hypothalamus - somatostatin and somatoliberin. The balance of these substances in the body is largely influenced by various physiological factors. Stimulate the production of growth hormone (increase the synthesis of somatoliberin by the hypothalamus):

The following factors suppress the formation of growth hormone (that is, stimulate the release of somatostatin):

  • increased concentration of glucose in the blood;
  • hyperlipidemia;
  • an excess of growth hormone in the body (for example, if it is administered artificially to a person).

There are several ways to increase growth hormone:

Any physical activity is already a stimulation of the production of growth hormone.
However, some types of physical activity have a particularly noticeable effect on the process of somatotropin synthesis. Such loads include aerobic training - this is brisk walking, running, skiing, etc. That is, for an ordinary person (not an athlete), a daily jog or an hour-long walk at an active pace in the park will be enough to keep his body in good shape.

For those who want to get rid of body fat and build muscle mass, the approach to stimulating growth hormone synthesis should be somewhat different. In such cases, a combination of strength and aerobic exercise (for example, exercises with a barbell and dumbbells followed by running on a treadmill) is considered ideal. Such combined workouts should last 45-60 minutes, take place at an active pace and be repeated 3-4 times a week.

In the diet of a person who seeks to increase growth hormone in the body, protein foods should prevail, since they contain amino acids that stimulate the production of somatotropin.
But it is better to exclude “fast” carbohydrates (sugar, confectionery) from your menu altogether, since a sharp increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood inhibits the synthesis of growth hormone. Preference should be given to "slow" carbohydrates - vegetables, fruits, cereals, wholemeal bread, etc.

It is also better to limit fats in the diet, but you should not completely abandon them, because the body needs them and cannot make up for the deficiency of a number of fatty acids due to something else.

If we talk about specific products that can affect the concentration of growth hormone in the body, then they include:

  • Milk.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Eggs.
  • Chicken meat.
  • Beef.
  • Cod.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Nuts.
  • cabbage.
  • Legumes.

It is necessary to eat in small portions 5-6 times a day.

It is also possible to provide the body with amino acids useful for the synthesis of growth hormone with the help of dietary supplements. In addition, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA or GABA) has good efficiency in terms of stimulating the production of somatotropin.

and growth hormone

Neither physical activity nor proper nutrition will help increase the concentration of growth hormone without a full one. Only by combining these three methods can a good result be achieved.

Therefore, you should accustom yourself to go to bed between 10 and 11 o'clock in the evening, so that by 6-7 o'clock in the morning (sleep should last at least 8 hours), the body has a full rest and has developed a sufficient amount of somatotropin. In addition, experts recommend taking a contrast shower every morning, which also has a very positive effect on the regulation of growth hormone synthesis processes.

Summing up, I would like to note once again that the human body responds best to the natural stimulation of physiological processes, and any influence on these processes by artificial means (growth hormone injections, peptides, etc.) cannot pass without any complications and side effects. actions. Therefore, everything that is done to improve health and improve one's physical form should be as natural as possible, otherwise it simply does not make sense.

Zubkova Olga Sergeevna, medical commentator, epidemiologist