Profitable business: production of animal feed. Production and marketing of animal feed

Having a pet - a dog or a cat, of course, the question arises about the pet's nutrition. Many breeders involved in professional animal breeding recommend using ready-made dry food as a more balanced diet. Any specialized enterprise has an automated feed production line, thanks to which constant quality control is carried out at all stages of the technological process.

Types and composition of prepared feeds

Ready-made feed industrial production, can be divided into groups:

  • dry, in the form of crackers;
  • wet, in bags for one feeding;
  • canned.

Dry and wet food contains: cereal crops (most of), meat and fat, as well as mandatory additives in the form of concentrates of vitamins and microelements necessary for balanced nutrition. Every worthy manufacturer adheres to its own recipe, improving the quality and taste of feed. Of course, the higher the meat content, the higher its price. Many professional feed manufacturers refuse to use chicken fat, corn, soybeans, replacing with other ingredients - white rice, turkey meat.

Wet cat food

The additives used in the feed range from standard vitamins and minerals to dried Antarctic krill and brewer's yeast.

Wet food differs more high content water and jelly in the product, packaged in sealed bags designed for one feeding.

Canned food typically contains more meat and meat products. Various by-products and waste from meat processing plants are the main composition of canned food, to which vitamins, minerals, and sometimes grain additives are added.

Benefits of dry food

It should be noted that almost all experienced breeders insist on feeding the dog dry food, as opposed to wet and canned food, it has a number of advantages:

Canned food spoils quickly
  • absence of pathogenic bacteria, unlike wet food, which is susceptible to mold and the development of microorganisms;
  • ease of storage and transportation;
  • independent dosing of feed volume without reference to bags.

Often wet food cat owners pamper their pets as a treat. And yet, breeders insist on using one type of high-quality food that will fully satisfy the animal’s needs for a full life.

Production of dry food for cats and dogs

Dog and cat food production line In the production of food, a line for the production of animal food is used. Moreover, for wet and dry food the production process is almost identical and involves standard steps technological process:

In accordance with the main technological stages, the production line of food for cats and dogs should consist of:

  • crushers;
  • dough mixing machine;
  • extruder (two or single screw);
  • air conveyor;
  • dryers;
  • drum for flavoring the product;
  • packaging equipment.

Technical characteristics of the line:

The cost of such a line will be 1,700,000 rubles.

The starting material for the production of animal feed is dehydrogenated raw materials - from natural product The moisture is evaporated and granules are formed, which are already included in the composition of the manufactured feed.

And due to the fact that complete animal feed is multi-component in composition, careful mixing of all ingredients is necessary. On initial stage all components are ground into a homogeneous mass, reminiscent of flour coarse. Then the raw material goes through two important stages: mixing the raw material with increasing temperature and extrusion. To do this, use a dough mixing machine and an extruder (equipment for forming plastic materials). It should be noted that the process taking place in the extruder barrel is technologically complex. It involves pressing the mass through a profiling tool (mold), then, under the influence of temperatures and pressure, splitting occurs complex carbohydrates on simple sugars.

It is this splitting that makes it possible to increase the digestibility of feed to almost 95%.

After the extrusion process, the raw materials are sent through the feed production line conveyor to the dryer. At this stage there is heat treatment dry food. After the final evaporation of the liquid, the almost finished product is treated with a mixture of oils and fats that fill the porous structure of the feed. It should be noted that after processing the food is almost tasteless, like human food without salt and spices. Therefore, it is necessary to flavor the product with oils and fats, which makes it palatable for dogs and cats. The finally finished chilled food is packaged. It is necessary to add preservatives to the finished product for long-term storage in a sealed form.

Manufacturing process canned food similar to the production of canned meat or fish in Food Industry. The ingredients are mixed at elevated temperatures and packaged in jars, undergoing a sterilization procedure.

If we draw analogies, then technological process preparing food for animals is not much different from producing food for humans.

Economic benefits of production

The primary task of production is the return on capital investments made through net profit. To calculate profit, it is necessary to subtract the cost of production from gross revenue. The cost consists of the cost of raw materials, wages, rental costs, utility bills, transportation costs, and packaging materials. The cost of 1 ton of animal feed is 8,000 rubles. You can produce 20 tons per month. The market value of the product is 14,000 rubles.

Profit per month will be - 280,000 (20 t * 14,000) - 160,000 (20 t * 8000) = 120,000 rubles. After taxation, a net amount of income remains, from which you can gradually recoup the invested funds for the purchase of a production line for food for cats and dogs.

With proper marketing activities, the payback period will be 1.5 – 2 years.

Video: Animal food

Livestock in last years gradually began to regain its lost positions in our country. The leadership has finally begun to understand the importance of this industry for ensuring the food security of the state, and therefore state enterprises and private farmers have finally begun to issue loans for normal conditions, began to provide benefits for the purchase of all necessary equipment.

Unfortunately, the problem with feed for farm animals continues to remain quite acute. This was especially noticeable in sad famous summer 2010, when it suddenly became clear that farms simply did not have the required amount of compound feed, and there was no one to purchase it from.

Therefore, the production of animal feed will always remain a popular industry. If you approach the organization of your business wisely, you will be able to provide for yourself very well. First, let's look at the main stages of producing compound feed, which is always in high demand in agricultural regions.

What is compound feed?

This is the name of the combined feed composition for birds or animals. It is made from high-quality grain raw materials, fish, meat or meat and bone meal, as well as from mineral and vitamin supplements that compensate for the lack of microelements in winter and autumn-spring.

In poultry farming (in its industrial version) it is absolutely impossible to do without such feed, since otherwise it is simply impossible to provide the birds with everything they need. Thus, the composition of quail feed includes many vitamins that are simply not found in standard feed. If you do not use such additives daily, then you can’t count on getting large gains and volumes of eggs.

What assortment should I focus on?

In order for your production of animal feed to justify all the costs of it, you need to decide in advance on the range of products. If you approach this issue without due attention, you simply will not fit into this market niche, which already has plenty of strong players.

Firstly, there is concentrated feed, which pure form not used for feeding. It is used only for diluting regular feed. Balancing supplements that are used to compensate for the lack of certain things are also similar to this type. minerals or trace elements in a specific region.

Finally, there are also complete feeds. It is the production of animal feed of this type that is the most promising, since it does not require high equipment costs. The fact is that the production of concentrates and balancing additives requires not only serious material support, but also specific raw materials, which in many cases will have to be purchased abroad.

Naturally, in this case there is no particular need to think about high profitability.

What is the consistency of mixed feed?

Firstly, there is a traditional loose type, which can be distinguished by fine, medium and coarse grinding. IN Lately The granular type is becoming popular, as it is easier to dose, and animals eat it more willingly.

Finally, the production of animal feed may involve the production of briquetted feed, which is especially suitable for use in farms that breed large animals. cattle.

Which type should you prefer? Experts say that in recent years, consumers have given preference to granular varieties.

What raw materials are used in production?

So, what raw materials will you need to purchase in order to produce animal feed? The business plan should include the purchase of high-quality hay, straw and cake. Of course you will need a large number of grain raw materials, which must be purchased only from trusted suppliers.

Have you bought a batch of grain affected by fungal spores? A whole batch of feed will be sent for rejection, and you will be subject to litigation with farmers whose animals have been poisoned.

More the situation is more complicated with meat and bone, meat and fish meal. These products must be completely fresh, they spoil quickly, and there are not so many companies that produce them. Solve this issue in advance! Finally, supplements with vitamins and microelements. Definitely purchase them only through the official representative offices of the manufacturers. You can find out about these at local Zoovetsnab branches.

Example of basic feed

Let us consider, as an example, the basic composition of quail feed. It contains approximately 50% high-quality durum wheat and about 15% soybean meal. I would like to dwell on the last point in more detail.

The fact is that soybean meal has recently been increasingly prepared using chemical methods, using a lot of reagents. You cannot feed quails with such products! Therefore, you will have to immediately look for a normal supplier.

Among other things, you will need more than 10% fresh and not rancid fishmeal, about 0.7-1% fish oil(however, its necessity depends on the quality of the flour), as well as mineral additives. These include limestone flour, salt and monocalcium phosphate. This is the simplest option for feeding birds.

We purchase equipment

As a rule, home business technologies do not involve the purchase of truly expensive equipment. It's nice that the production of animal feed is no exception. So, for a small home factory you can buy the same LPKG-1 line for the production of granulated feed for farm animals.

In an hour, this equipment can produce up to a ton of feed, and only three people are required to operate the line. This equipment costs approximately 1 million 200 thousand rubles.

If you need more power, it makes sense to look towards a similar line LPKG-3. It already produces up to three tons of feed per hour, and the number of staff increases to only four people.

A little about the staff

In this case there is also one positive aspect that it is possible to attract unskilled workers.

It will be necessary to hire only one technologist who will be responsible for the correct dosing of mineral and vitamin supplements, while the rest of the workers will be busy loading and unloading raw materials finished products. Since the lines are fully automated, no special intervention is required in their operation.

Thus, if you purchase this equipment for home production, you can start producing feed for only two to three million rubles.

Of course, there is no escape from the costs of purchasing raw materials, but it is not possible to provide specific figures here. The cost of the same grain is constantly jumping, so in this matter it is better to rely on local specialists who know the realities of a particular region.

Food for cats and dogs

But all the above information will be useful to you only if you plan to organize the production of feed for the needs of the agricultural sector. Are there any relatively affordable home business technologies that involve setting up the production of food for cats and dogs? After all, the cost of the same canned pet food is very high!

Alas, in this case everything is somewhat more complicated. To begin with, to produce this type of food you will need to buy meat and offal. You understand that their cost will be much higher than the price of the same hay or grain that is used in the production of animal feed.

Let's consider what exactly is required to start the production of dry food for cats and dogs.

Technical support

What equipment for home production will have to be purchased in this case? Firstly, you will need a special dough mixing machine. Yes, don’t be surprised: all products are first processed into a mass with a dough-like consistency.

But much more important is the screw extruder into which this “dough” is fed to form finished feed pellets. A good extruder with high productivity can cost you 600 thousand rubles. The finished granules are transferred to an air conveyor, where they are dried by being exposed to a stream of warm air.

This process is completed in a three-tier dryer. In most cases, the feed ends up in a special drum, where it is additionally treated with flavoring additives.

If we talk about how canned dog food is produced, then in this case it is necessary to purchase an industrial meat grinder, lines for boiling and packaging food, as well as an autoclave for sterilizing the finished product.

Organization of a store for selling feed, sales

So we got to the most important thing. Whichever way you go: whether you organized your own production, or decided to buy already ready-made feed, you need to solve something with sales.

However, there is no need to worry too much when producing feed for cattle: provided the price and quality are normal, any farm that breeds livestock will gladly accept it.

But what exactly do you need to consider before opening a pet food store? First, you will need a room. Unlike production, it is better to locate it closer to the central part of the village.

Alas, the rental costs will be considerable. You will need to obtain permission from the sanitary-epidemiological station, from firefighters and the local municipality.

You receive a hygiene certificate from Rospotrebnadzor. In addition to this, it will be necessary to obtain veterinary reports for each batch of raw materials and finished products, as well as hygienic permits for them.

Finally, in your pet food store business plan, include the costs of wages personnel. It will include a salesperson (or several), an account manager, and a marketer involved in product distribution strategies. If sales volumes are large, separate drivers and loaders will be required.

Don't forget about buying office furniture, computer equipment and shop windows.

Becoming more and more popular every day. Breeding cats, dogs, rodents and even reptiles is also considered profitable business and an activity that brings pleasure. But in order to keep any pets, including pets, you need to choose the right food. Only in this case can you count on the pets being healthy, beautiful and living a long life.

Russian animal feed manufacturers

Most pet food presented on the shelves of Russian stores belong to foreign brands. However, every year, products from Russian manufacturers have become increasingly common, due to the variety and quality of which there is no longer a need to buy and prepare it yourself.

There are different types of food - dry, frozen and canned. Many of them do not need to be supplemented with vitamins or minerals, which is usually indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Advice: Many people are afraid to purchase special food for their pets, in particular dry food. High-quality food is always balanced in proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and microelements, so they are optimal nutrition. The most important thing is to try not to choose the most budget options.

Bioenergia-OS LLC

The Bioenergia-OS company develops, produces and sells high-quality feed for animals, fish and birds. Thanks to the completeness and balance of feed, it is significantly easier to feed sheep, pigs and other domestic animals. This diet includes meat, grains, legumes, oilseeds, shells, bones, nuts, which provides optimal dosages of nutrients and vital important substances. The product is produced in granules in special dextrin packaging, which allows for long-term storage.

AgroTroika LLC

The AgroTroika company specializes in the production of dry food and canned food for dogs and cats. The organization promises that their food will become a complete replacement for natural and natural food for predators, providing them with everything essential vitamins, microelements and nutrients.

GC "Zolotaya Rybka"

Operating since 1991, GC " gold fish» produces products in Russia under the DoktorZOO brand. Among the company's developments are multivitamin complexes and treats, accessories, shampoos and many other products. In addition, the Group of Companies imports feed from Europe.

LLC "Clover"

Among the products from the Klever company there are special functional foods for pets in Russia. The manufacturer guarantees that its products have high quality and does not contain anything other than natural and herbal ingredients.

Leader PTK LLC

The Leader PTK company, opened in Russia in 2012, produces goods under the IDEAL brand. Today, the main products that the company offers to the market are specially developed food for parrots and rodents. The company independently formulates its products and constantly improves their quality and updates its range.

Rostock LLC

The Rostock company produces feed for farm animals: cattle, rabbits, birds different types. The organization provides supplies to the market of promising seeds, feed, feed additives, mineral and vitamin complexes, fertilizers and means to protect plants from pests.

LLC "STM-Bryansk"

Products of the STM-Bryansk company can be purchased under the “7 seeds” brand. The most popular foods and treats for rodents and birds, grains and hay. Under this brand you can also find other products, such as fillers, wood shavings, and scratching posts.


The company's products are canned food for cats, dogs and ferrets, which is produced under the Lunch For Pets brand. The quality of feed is guaranteed by balance nutrients, mineral and vitamin supplements, as well as a base of natural ingredients. High technologies allow products to be stored for a long time without loss of quality.

LLC "Technolaim"

The Technolime company also has its own production in Russia, which supplies modern innovative pet products under the Design series. The products include any goods from economy to premium for various purposes, sold through large and small retail chains, online stores. Under the company's trademark you can purchase high-tech food for birds, rodents, fish, soft toys, collars, scratching posts, leashes and much more.

Occupies a unique position in design of enterprises for the production of dry food for pets. We are a company capable of carrying out the full scope of work on the project and supplying turnkey production lines.

When producing dry animal feed, specialized and high-performance equipment is required for mixing, extruding and drying the product. Over 20 years of experience in the processing industry allows us to apply our knowledge to key processes in feed production. Our technology base is based on process knowledge that allows precise short time.

Technology and equipment for production.

Description of work feed production lines for pets (dogs, cats, etc.).

Dry pet foods are made by mixing dry and wet ingredients together. In a special mixer, the future dry food is formed in the form of a homogeneous mass. Next, the finished mass is fed into the extruder, where, under the influence elevated temperature and pressure, it passes through a matrix with predetermined shapes. In this part of the equipment, the mass is cut into pieces that may have different shapes, from standard pads to fish shapes, bones, etc.

After molding, the feed is supplied to the feed, where the product is dried to the required moisture level. The moisture content must be low enough to provide the feed with the required shelf life. After drying, the food goes into a mixing machine, where the dry food is saturated with the necessary fats and flavors. After completing all technological operations, the feed is cooled and packaged in consumer and transport packaging. Packaging options can also be developed individually during the preparation and implementation of the project.

Production lines are designed by Dry Food for different capacities, depending on your needs. Production capacity finished products can be 150-500-1000 or more kg per hour.

Selection of ingredients for dry food.

The most important point design of a feed production plant is the choice of the necessary formulation of the future product. The further development of production technology and equipment decisions depend on this.

Many ingredients used in the production of animal feed are derivatives or by-products of animal (or fish) origin. In dry pet food, the ingredients are usually used in the form of a semi-finished product (for example, dried poultry meal, meat and bone meal, fish meal, etc.). These semi-finished products are produced on special equipment where difficult process dehydration of raw materials and flour production. Many other ingredients, such as grains and dried vegetables, used in dry pet foods come already dry and are ground on site, immediately before mixing. The recipe also includes vegetable oils, animal fats, vitamins, minerals and other ingredients necessary for a complete diet pet.

Our team of specialists will develop technology project production line according to your unique recipe, or will help you create it.