Why rosehip syrup can not be pregnant. The main positive and negative aspects of the use of rosehip syrup during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is important for expectant mothers to pay attention to their diet, the composition of medicines that can be used for the benefit of the female body and the development of the baby. At this time, there are certain restrictions, especially for those women who have health problems. Often, expectant mothers wonder - is it possible to use rose hips during pregnancy? After all, this fruit is valued for its vitamin-rich composition. To understand to whom and in what quantities rose hips can be consumed during pregnancy, it is worth learning more about the properties of this fruit and the features of its use.

Composition of vitamins

Few people know that the second name of the plant is tea rose. For northern parts countries, wild rose is considered unique because it contains great amount useful substances and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on human body. Traditional medicine has been actively using its fruits, roots and inflorescences for many decades. They can be stored frozen or dried.

It is important to note that the maximum concentration of nutrients is concentrated in the pulp. It contains a huge amount of vitamins (C, K, B1, E, B2), phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese and other useful substances. Rosehip is popular for its beneficial properties. It is often included in various syrups for the treatment of hepatitis and cholecystitis. Also used for healing burns, stomatitis, in gynecology.

Can it be used during pregnancy?

As a rule, bearing a child is not a contraindication for the use of rose hips or formulations in which it is included. If there are no other diseases in which treating specialists can exclude it, then for women in position it can bring considerable benefits. At correct dosage helps to reduce the risk of colds (ARI, ARVI), flu, replenishes the supply of vitamins in the body.

However, it is important to consume rose hips in moderation during pregnancy. At intrauterine development calcium is often actively consumed. Since the rosehip contains a large number of ascorbic acid, this can lead to poor condition tooth enamel.

How does rosehip affect the body of a future mother?

During pregnancy, rose hips turn out to be valuable product due to the high content of vitamin A, amino acids and ascorbic acid. Since the fibers from the berries are not absorbed by the intestines, they have a beneficial effect on the body, forcing the digestive tract to work properly. Excreted from the body harmful substances and toxins, which is extremely important during pregnancy.

With intrauterine development of the fetus, it is extremely important to control the content of vitamin A in the female body. When it elevated level exists Great chance development of pathology in a child. carotene, which enough in wild rose, has no such drawback and is completely safe.

Rose hips also contain a large amount of vitamin C. It performs protective function and maintain normal operation immune system. In addition, the benefits of rose hips during pregnancy may be as follows:

  • Decreased blood cholesterol.
  • Increasing the rate of tissue regeneration.
  • Stimulation of hormone production.
  • Fight against hypertension.
  • Helps to get rid of puffiness.
  • Raising immunity and maintaining the general tone of the body.

Rosehip is useful during pregnancy early dates, in some cases it is a real salvation for women in the first trimester. When dried berries are added to tea, the drink acquires sourness, which is the best way to cope with the symptoms of toxicosis. However, to achieve optimal results, it is important to prepare the decoction correctly, preserving the entire storehouse of vitamins.

How to use correctly?

During pregnancy, rose hips are important to use in syrups, tinctures, teas and decoctions. It is worth taking note that many groups of vitamins do not withstand long-term use at all. heat treatment at high temperatures. Therefore, it is best to pour the fruits with a small amount of boiling water, and not boil.

How to prepare vitamin infusion?

For cooking, you can take dry fruits in the amount of a tablespoon and pour a glass of boiling water. After that, it is recommended to withstand the infusion in a water bath for 15 minutes. After this time, let the infusion rest for an hour. It is recommended to divide the resulting drink into three parts and take three times a day.

Also healing composition can be cooked in a thermos. First, chop the berries and pour boiling water. We insist for eight hours. It is best to cook in small portions in order to have time to drink it all in a day.

How to make rosehip tea correctly?

As a basis, you can take an ordinary tea bag. To it add a tablespoon of dried berries and a glass of boiling water. We insist for 15 minutes - an invigorating drink is ready for use. Rosehip tea during pregnancy is the optimal form of using this vitamin-rich fruit, since the concentration level of all substances is an order of magnitude lower than in an infusion or decoction.

Sugar or honey is also added for taste. Since the classic combination ordinary tea and rose hips sooner or later get bored, you can share other berries (lingonberries, blackberries, raspberries, currants).

Is syrup good?

This remedy not recommended for women suffering from diabetes. The fruit contains a large amount of sugar. Rosehip syrup during pregnancy also has a beneficial effect on the condition of a woman, as if she were eating fresh berries. A concentrated solution perfectly compensates for the lack of vitamins, minerals and other essential substances necessary for the functioning of the body.

Rosehip compote during pregnancy

For these purposes, both fresh and dried berries are suitable. For 2 liters of water, 2/3 cup of fruit is enough. Rosehip is thoroughly washed, placed in boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes. After that, leave the broth under a closed lid for at least 3 hours. To attain maximum effect It is recommended to drink rosehip compote half an hour before a meal.

In order for the drink to be saturated with vitamins and minerals at the same time, you should pay attention to another recipe that is often used in traditional medicine. 2 tablespoons of wild rose are poured with boiling water and left for 20 minutes. Then you need to pass the drink through the filter. It is recommended to use compote at room temperature. Since the solution contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, which adversely affects tooth enamel, after use, it is best to rinse your mouth with plain water.

Using rose hips for swelling during pregnancy

This ailment worries a large number of women, starting from the second semester. And if in the early stages the dog rose during pregnancy helps to fight toxicosis, then in the second half of bearing a child, it becomes effective tool against edema. Since this fruit is great for this problem, doctors often prescribe it as a medicine.

But it is important to understand that everyone is individual. You can not self-medicate, especially during pregnancy. Before use, you should consult your doctor. Moreover, in some cases, severe swelling may be an indication for hospitalization.

If a woman notices signs given state, then you must first seek advice from a specialist who will prescribe the maximum effective methods to solve the problem. Puffiness can cause untimely removal of fluid from the body due to kidney pathology.

Often, rose hips, due to the high concentration of vitamin C, help fight swelling. For this, women use it in the form of infusion or decoction.

Are there any contraindications?

Although this fruit rich in vitamins and beneficial substances, is popular in folk medicine and is often used to treat and maintain health, yet there are exceptions to the use of wild rose during pregnancy. Contraindications may be diseases localized in the gastrointestinal tract system. This is due to the fact that the fruits contain a large amount of acid. With gastritis, ulcers and other diseases, rose hips are not recommended.

Since the berries of the plant actively fight high blood pressure, they should not be used by people suffering from hypotension or cardiovascular diseases. With pathologies at work excretory system(kidney, liver) it is also not recommended to eat rose hips, decoctions and infusions prepared on its basis.

It is important to take into account that some people suffer from a specific reaction to certain components that are contained in rose hips. Sometimes observed allergic manifestations. During pregnancy, the body's reactions are greatly exacerbated. This means experimenting on your own. own health Not recommended. Therefore, in order to unequivocally answer the question “Is it possible to have rose hips during pregnancy?”, You should first consult with a specialist in order to avoid undesirable consequences, including an allergic reaction or negative impact to the fruit.

Rosehip is considered the leader in content ascorbic acid. During the period of bearing a child, it brings tangible benefits to the body. Dosed intake of wild rose provides protection against colds and general strengthening life support systems.

    About rosehip

    Rose hips are famous nearby valuable properties that have a positive effect on human health. The plant was nicknamed the wild rose, not only for its resemblance to beautiful flower during the flowering period, but also for belonging to the Pink family. Rosehip is considered perennial shrub, whose height does not exceed two meters.

    The flowering period begins in late spring and ends in June. The flowers of the plant are white or pink tint and fragrant aroma. The plant is prone to rapid growth, due to the presence tap root. The chemical composition of the plant includes: organic acids, fiber, tannins, pectins, sorbitol, flavonoids, polysaccharides and essential oils. The mineral reserve includes the following substances:

    • phosphorus;
    • cobalt;
    • chromium;
    • magnesium;
    • sodium;
    • copper;
    • calcium;
    • manganese;
    • potassium.

    More commonly used in medicine plant fruit. AT folk recipes the leaves, roots and flowers of wild rose are also involved. Fresh berries are practically not consumed. Compotes, decoctions, juices and tea drinks.

    • lowering cholesterol levels;
    • strengthening the chair;
    • anti-inflammatory effect;
    • fight against fungal diseases;
    • normalization of the gallbladder;
    • antibacterial action;
    • improved tissue regeneration;
    • diuretic effect;
    • decrease in body temperature.

    Drinks prepared on the basis of wild roses have tonic action. They effectively quench thirst and normalize well-being. The roots of the plant have antimicrobial and diuretic effects. A decoction of rosehip leaves is recommended for people with diabetes and nervous disorders.

    ADVICE! After using rose hips or products based on it, it is recommended to rinse oral cavity water. This will prevent the destruction of tooth enamel.

    Is it possible to have rose hips during pregnancy?

    If a pregnant woman has no contraindications to the use of the fruits of the plant, she should not doubt the possibility of its use. wild Rose extremely useful for the female body during the period of bearing a child. It saturates the body useful elements and enhances its protective properties.

    In the early stages

    A woman who has recently learned about her situation is faced with changes in the work of her body. The first trimester is characterized symptoms of toxicosis. A decoction of wild rose helps to reduce their manifestations due to the sour taste.

    A moderate intake of vitamin C, which is contained in rose hips, has a beneficial effect on pregnancy. But overabundance of vitamin can cause early miscarriage.

    At a later date

    In the second half of pregnancy, a woman is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being. The most common problems during this period are swelling, shortness of breath, jumps in blood pressure, headaches and nervous tension. Enrichment of the body with useful substances enhances its resistance.

    Regular consumption of rose hips on the later dates pregnancy improves the functioning of blood vessels and the heart. As a result, it normalizes blood pressure. The calming effect of rosehip helps to reduce anxiety associated with the upcoming birth.

    ON A NOTE! Rosehip broth is considered a good alternative to carbonated drinks and coffee, which are prohibited during pregnancy.

    Benefits and harms during pregnancy

    Harmful effect a wild rose can have a pregnant woman only when misuse. To avoid this, it is necessary to take into account contraindications. Rosehip can exacerbate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. At low pressure it has a depressing effect on well-being. In this case, fainting is possible.

    The dosed use of the plant and its derivatives has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy and the condition of the woman. The benefits of rose hips during pregnancy are as follows:

    • nausea reduction;
    • elimination of edema;
    • prevention of viral and infectious diseases;
    • diarrhea treatment;
    • acceleration of skin regeneration;
    • removal of toxins from the body;
    • aid in the absorption of vitamins E and A.

    Methods of use and dosage

    Useful properties of the plant are preserved at any way of using. But in fresh berries ah vitamins are much more than in dried fruits. Pregnant women are more suitable for decoction or rosehip tea.


    To prepare a decoction, you need to thoroughly rinse and grind one tablespoon of berries in a meat grinder. The resulting mass is filled with water in an amount of 300 ml. brew a drink should be at least 15 minutes. After cooling, it is filtered. The decoction is taken before meals for half a glass, 2-3 times a day.

    REFERENCE! The main supply of nutrients is in the seeds of berries. Getting rid of them is not recommended.


    Rosehip syrup can be purchased at ready-made or cook it yourself. Fresh fruits in a volume of 1.3 kg are poured with 2 liters of water. Received mass boiled for 20 minutes. After filtering and cooling, 1.3 kg of sugar is added to the broth. Next, the syrup is cooked over medium heat until the desired density is obtained.

    single dose syrup is 1 dessert box. You can use it no more than 3 times a day. Storage is in the refrigerator. The expiration date is 20 days.


    To prepare the infusion, you need a thermos. 20 grams of dry fruits must be poured with 500 ml of boiling water and closed with a lid. The composition is infused for at least 8 hours. Then it is filtered and consumed before meals one glass each. It is not recommended to take the infusion more than 2 times a day.


    To make juice, fresh berries are boiled for a few minutes and then placed in a juicer. If desired, sweeteners are added to the resulting mixture. To reduce the concentration of the drink, it is diluted with water. Pregnant women are allowed to take no more than 2 glasses of juice per day.

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rosehip drinks are not only healthy, but also delicious. But sometimes their use causes an allergic reaction. It is indicated by the appearance of a rash, skin itching and mucosal edema. With these symptoms, you need to as soon as possible contact a gynecologist.

During pregnancy, a woman needs to be especially careful in the use of any chemical or herbal medicines. However, in the pantry of nature there are such plants that can bring a lot of benefits to both the expectant mother and the baby. One such plant that can help during this special and delicate period is the rosehip. What is useful rosehip during pregnancy? How to brew rose hips? How can rosehip oil help pregnant women and nursing mothers? What should be daily dosage? Are there any contraindications? We will try to deal with all these questions.

Healing qualities of the "wild rose"

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Useful chemical composition of fruits

The pulp of rose hips is the most valuable part of the plant. It contains vitamins; macro- and microelements such as iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, silicon; organic acids; tannins and pectins. Rose hips are a real vitamin "bomb", rich in ascorbic acid, carotene, B vitamins, vitamins P, K and E. In addition to fruits, therapeutic effect also possess the roots, branches and flowers of the plant. By the amount of carotene, wild rose berries successfully compete with apricot, sea buckthorn, persimmon, carrot and orange.

The beneficial properties of rose hips are mainly based on exclusively high content in the fruits of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid, vitamin C, in rose hips ten times more than in chokeberry; fifty times more than in yellow-sided lemon; and as much as a hundred times more than in green apples. In northern latitudes, wild rose is often referred to as the "orange of the North." Most likely, this is due to the fact that the concentration of ascorbic acid in berries increases significantly with the advance to the north. Moreover, the amount of vitamin C in fruits also depends on the area in which the shrub grows: in the plains or mountains. In mountainous areas, the fruits are different high content ascorbic.

What is the benefit of vitamin C contained in rose hips:

  • strengthens the immune system, protecting the body from infections;
  • increases strength and elasticity blood vessels;
  • helps to lower blood levels bad cholesterol;
  • stimulates work endocrine glands, synthesis of hormones and enzymes;
  • improves digestibility fat soluble vitamins(especially A and E) and essential fats;
  • reduces the impact on the body of various allergens;
  • helps to cleanse the body of poisons (exhaust gases, cigarette smoke, animal poison);
  • improves the condition of the liver;
  • accelerates the healing of bruises, abrasions, wounds and burns.

As experts note, the sepals of fruits in high-vitamin varieties are directed vertically upwards, while in less vitamin varieties they are directed downwards, and even pressed against the berries. At home, rose hips can not only be consumed fresh, dried or frozen, but also prepared from them compotes, jams, jams, jams, candied fruits.

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What is useful rosehip for pregnant women

Ripe rose hips appear in autumn period just when all of us, and pregnant women in particular, are most susceptible to seasonal viral and colds. Since the main reserves of the body during pregnancy go to the development and growth of the baby, the immune forces of the future mother somewhat weakened. Rosehip is exactly the remedy given to us by nature itself, which will effectively help to increase defensive forces body of a pregnant woman with the maximum benefit for her health and for the health of the baby. In addition, this remedy is also very pleasant, because treat yourself to a cup of fragrant rosehip tea with honey after a walk on fresh air or visiting crowded places is a pleasure!

In general, you should always keep a stock of wild rose in the house, because it can be taken not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of an already onset cold. For home use it is best to take rose hips independently collected in the forest or in the country, in extreme cases, you can buy it at a pharmacy, but you should not take it “from grandmothers with hands” - it could grow along roads and absorb salt heavy metals. During drying, rose hips must be protected from direct contact with sunlight because under the influence of ultraviolet radiation is destroyed most of useful substances. In addition, berries can be frozen.

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How to brew wild rose for infusions and decoctions

Vitamins are destroyed not only under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, but also during prolonged boiling, therefore, in order to preserve beneficial features rosehip, you need to learn how to brew it correctly.

To prepare a vitamin infusion or decoction, first of all, the fruits must be washed, dried, and then crushed, preferably with a wooden pestle in an enamel or porcelain bowl. We do not throw anything away - we use the crushed fruits completely. The daily portion of rose hips is about 20 g (one handful) of fresh or dried berries.

  • First way

We fall asleep in a thermos with 20 crushed rose hips and pour 0.5 boiling water. We insist 6-8 hours, filter well through several layers of gauze, add honey or sugar to taste and drink the infusion during the day in two or three doses.

  • Second way

This method saves a lot large quantity vitamin C than with prolonged infusion. Pour the crushed fruits with boiling water and boil over low heat for about 10 minutes. Remove from heat, wrap well for 15-30 minutes, filter through several layers of gauze so that bones and prickly hairs do not get into the drink, which can irritate the throat and oral mucosa. Add honey or sugar to taste and drink during the day in two or three doses before meals.

During pregnancy, it is useful to combine rose hips with other fruits: black currant, mountain ash, cranberries, raspberries, cranberries, sea buckthorn, strawberries. It is also good to brew rose hips with carrot roots and nettle leaves. All these fees are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, and in combination with rose hips, they become even more healing.

Do not forget that a large amount of ascorbic acid contained in teas, infusions and rosehip decoctions adversely affects the condition of tooth enamel, so be sure to rinse your mouth after taking them. clean water. In addition, to reduce the destructive effect of acids on tooth enamel, rosehip infusion can be drunk through a straw.

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Rosehip oil during pregnancy and after childbirth

In Russia, good fellows were treated with rosehip oil for wounds. It is recommended that pregnant women adopt the valuable experience of their ancestors and use rosehip oil instead of brilliant green or iodine for unforeseen wounds and injuries. This will help to avoid suppuration and contribute to more rapid healing fabrics. The regenerative properties of rose hips are also useful for abrasions and shallow nipple cracks in nursing mothers.

During pregnancy, weight gain is inevitable, and the likelihood of stretch marks increases accordingly. To prevent their appearance or get rid of postpartum stretch marks, rosehip oil will help, which contains vitamins C, A, E, essential for the health and elasticity of the skin. fatty acid and anti-inflammatory compounds. Ready oil should be used once or twice a day during massage, paying attention to Special attention belly.

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Precautions and contraindications

Despite the obvious usefulness of rose hips for pregnant women, they should not be abused. The fact is that an excess of vitamin C gives a rather serious burden on the kidneys, so it is recommended to use an infusion of berries or a decoction in moderation: if the kidneys work without problems, no more than one liter per day.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that foods rich in ascorbic acid do not benefit all people. At hyperacidity, peptic ulcer or gastritis, it is better to completely refuse the use of rose hips during the period of bearing a child, or use it very carefully, after consulting a doctor in advance. Special care should also be taken with dermatological problems and heart disease, and with high blood pressure, hypotension, constipation, impaired blood outflow, a tendency to thrombophlebitis and thrombosis, the use of wild rose during pregnancy is generally prohibited.

From the article you will find out whether rose hips can be used during pregnancy. We will take a detailed look at the effects of rose hips on the health of mother and child, dosage issues, and share the best recipes.

The benefits and harms of wild rose

Rosehip is the leader in the content of vitamin C. According to this indicator, it surpasses peppers, currants and even lemons. Rosehip is useful for beriberi, effective for the prevention of colds. But this is far from all that the fruits of the “wild rose” are capable of (as the plant is called by the people).

The rosehip fruit consists of a red or yellowish fleshy pericarp and hard seed-nuts surrounded by coarse fibers. The taste of the fruit depends on the variety of the plant, it is mild, slightly sweet, with a slight sourness.

Rose hips can be beneficial and harmful, it all depends on the method of application and dosage. Rosehip has three components that positively affect the health of pregnant women:

  • beta-carotene (plant pigment);
  • a huge amount of vitamin C;
  • coarse fibers.

The composition also includes vitamins B, K, P, E, sugars, organic acids, micro and macro elements, tannins.

beta carotene
A thin layer of rosehip pulp contains yellowish-orange pigments. This is beta carotene. The substance works in the body of a pregnant woman in two directions:

Beta-carotene is called the precursor, provitamin of the "real" vitamin A. Inside the body, one molecule of β-carotene is converted into two molecules of vitamin A by the action of enzymes.

Taking vitamin A during pregnancy must be strictly dosed: its excess is no less dangerous than a deficiency. What can not be said about beta-carotene: oversaturation with it is not dangerous.

The substance accumulates in the body without causing intoxication. Its action is more gentle, and the possibilities are wider than that of vitamin A. The body transforms beta-carotene into vitamin A as needed. Until then, he calmly waits in the wings, accumulating in adipose tissue or subcutaneous tissue.

Vitamin C
If you think that acidic foods have the most vitamin C, then this is not true. Let's compare the amount of vitamin C in different foods:

  • in rose hips - 800 mg / 100 g;
  • in blackcurrant 400 mg / 100 g;
  • in lemon - 80 mg / 100 g.

Rosehip contains ten times more vitamin C than sour lemon. The fact is that lemon is sour due to citric acid, and not ascorbic (it is she who is responsible for the content of vitamin C).

Do not overdo it with dosage. 100 g of rose hips contains 20 daily norms vitamin C.

Lemon is often used as a vitamin supplement. But it can cause heartburn in pregnant women. Rosehip, on the contrary, is well perceived by expectant mothers.

coarse fibers
Coarse fibers of rose hips are not digested in the stomach, they swell in the intestines and contribute to normal peristalsis, cleanse the walls of accumulated toxins.

Another one important feature rosehip - hypoallergenic. Means from it do not cause allergies to either the mother or the unborn baby.

What parts can be used

In medicinal, culinary and cosmetic purposes most commonly used flowers, root and mature fruits of wild roses. Usually all parts are dried, but they are useful fresh.

As a vitamin supplement, the fruits of the plant are used. You can collect them during the ripening period. The shelf life of rose hips is extended by freezing or making them:

  • juices;
  • puree and jam;
  • tinctures and syrups.

However, the most popular and easy way preservation - drying of ripe fruits. Let them have a little less vitamin C, but such a preparation with proper storage can be used for years.

The fruit can be eaten whole, including the seeds. No part of the rosehip is toxic.


You can take funds that include rose hips only if the pregnant woman does not have diseases from the list below.

Contraindications include:

  • tendency to form blood clots;
  • gastritis, stomach ulcer;
  • hypertension (alcohol infusions) and hypotension (water infusions);
  • endocarditis and other heart diseases;
  • diseases of the gallbladder and liver;
  • (plant roots).

If, after taking drugs based on this plant, there is an excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines, you need to combine it with parsley, celery and dill.

The composition of the plant includes substances that destroy tooth enamel. Decoctions, teas and infusions of wild rose should be drunk through a straw, or rinse the mouth with clean water after each dose.

Collection and storage

It depends on the quality of raw materials whether it will bring benefit or harm. You can prepare a vitamin supplement while walking outside the city. Best time for this - August-September. At this time, the wild rose bushes can be seen from afar: branches strewn with scarlet clusters look very picturesque.

Collection rules

Only ripe fruits contain maximum amount vitamins, beta-carotene and other useful substances. Do not take green fruits, they will not be useful. And keep in mind that different varieties ripen at different times.

Follow these rules:

  • Harvest rose hips away from roads, factories, and other air pollutants in dry weather;
  • It is better to harvest fruits from bushes growing far from settlements(wild rose collected within the city limits accumulates heavy metals);
  • Pluck fruits with cups and stalks (it is more convenient to clean the raw materials from excess parts after drying).

How to dry fruits

The fruits are dried in different ways: whole and in halves, in the oven and in the oven. You can use an electric dryer. They are not dried in the sun, so they lose their medicinal properties.

Rose hips are cleaned of dry leaves, rotten and blackened berries are discarded, then they are laid out in one layer on a baking sheet. Put the rosehip in the oven, heated to 40 ° C for an hour. Then raise the temperature to 50°C and dry for about 10 hours. Drying with hotter air reduces the amount of vitamin C.

Dry fruits can also be bought at the pharmacy. Store dried raw materials in a cool, dry place. Linen bags, paper bags and boxes are ideal for this. If you fold the rosehip into glass jar, do not close it with a lid: the fruits must "breathe", then they will not become moldy. Maximum term storage - 3 years.


Rose hip - strong remedy to fight the common cold. If the bearing of the baby takes place in the cold season, then a glass of tea from several fruits compensates for the lack of vitamins in the body and will help to cope with attacking viruses.

Rosehip in early pregnancy helps to cope with toxicosis. It is also shown for:

  • beriberi;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • malfunctions of the genitourinary system;
  • kidney disease.

The plant is a powerful tonic and immunostimulating agent. It can be used on different terms pregnancy with others medicinal herbs: lingonberry and raspberry leaves and berries, carrot roots and nettle grass.

You need to know that the effect of wild rose depends on the form of application. So, water infusion lowers arterial pressure, and alcohol - increases.

From edema

If earlier doctors restricted pregnant women from drinking, today this norm is outdated. But what about swelling? Rosehip helps the kidneys cope with the increasing load, eliminates swelling.

Rosehip from edema is used in the form of decoctions and infusions. There are ready-made tea bags with rose hips in stores. You shouldn't use them. It is better to prepare drinks yourself from a pharmacy or self-collected raw materials.

If a pregnant woman does not experience discomfort after taking the first portion of the drink, then you can drink a rosehip decoction for a week, then take a break for a day and brew another plant. A week later, you can again return to the wild rose.

How much can be consumed

Talk to your doctor before taking herbal medicines. Even such natural remedy there are contraindications for use.

If you have a wild rose bush in your dacha, then you can eat fresh fruits, 10-15 pieces a day. To do this, they are cleaned of seeds, since hard villi can irritate the gastric mucosa. When dried, these fibers are not dangerous.

It is enough for women to drink a glass of decoction or infusion of wild rose a day to keep the body in good shape. With the permission of the doctor, this dose can be increased to a maximum of 1 liter. Permissible concentration - a tablespoon of dried fruit per 200 ml of water.

How to brew

Infusions and decoctions for pregnant women are prepared only for one day. During storage in drinks, the concentration of nutrients decreases.

Rosehip infusions do not boil, so you can save the maximum amount of vitamins. Decoctions are characterized by a high content minerals. For maximum benefit these two drinks are mixed together.

You can increase immunity with the help of an infusion prepared according to this recipe:

  • pour a tablespoon of dry rose hips with a glass of boiling water;
  • infuse the remedy for an hour in a sealed container or thermos;
  • strain the infusion;
  • add a teaspoon of honey to improve the taste and drink half a glass in the morning and evening.

Tasty and healthy vitamin infusion of wild rose:

  • chop 50 g of wild rose;
  • add 20 g of dry raspberries and 30 g of nettle;
  • 1 st. l collection pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • 2 hours to insist;
  • strain and take 250 ml twice a day half an hour before meals.

To support the heart and blood vessels, rose hips are brewed with hawthorn and mountain ash. In case of problems with the liver, unshelled oats are added to the wild rose, poured with boiling water and insisted all night.

Rosehip decoction normalizes metabolism, promotes the activation of metabolic processes in the body. Prepare it as follows:

  • 100 g of dry fruits are poured with a liter of boiling water;
  • heated in a water bath or boiled over low heat for about 20 minutes;
  • insist in a dark place for at least 10 hours, but no more than a day;
  • the broth is filtered.

This remedy has a hematopoietic effect, is suitable for eliminating puffiness, lowers blood pressure. Pregnant women feel a decrease in body fat after daily monthly intake funds. This is due to the acceleration of metabolism.

If you add a few fruits to a teapot with regular tea, you get a healthy fortified drink. Lemon, honey or sugar are added to improve the taste.

Tea can be turned into delicious and useful jelly. To do this, 100 g of dry rose hips are poured with two liters of boiling water, boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, a slice of lemon and 50 g of diluted in cold boiled water starch. Bring the mixture to a boil and remove from heat.

In pharmacies you can see alcohol tinctures rose hips, oil and syrup "Holosas". Pregnant women do not need alcohol, but rosehip syrup and oil can come in handy.

Holosas is a rosehip extract with sugar syrup. It is convenient to use and has the same indications as the natural fruits of the plant. The drug is recommended for pregnant women with diseases associated with stagnation of bile. He helps with chronic cholecystitis and improves intestinal motility.

The oil is made from the seeds of the plant. Pregnant women can only use it externally. The tool gives the skin elasticity, helps fight stretch marks, heals wounds.


Rosehip helps pregnant women resist colds if used correctly. But don't forget that:

  • The plant has both useful properties and a number of contraindications;
  • Rose hips contain a record amount of vitamin C;
  • Drinks should be drunk through a straw to minimize contact with the teeth and not destroy the enamel;
  • The fruits have a hemostatic, diuretic, choleretic and hepatoprotective effect, help fight overweight;
  • Rosehip oil for pregnant women can only be used externally;
  • Depending on the form of use, rose hips can increase or decrease blood pressure.

In conclusion, we can add that everything is good in moderation. Rosehip should not be taken uncontrollably, even if it's just tea. Alternate his reception with others useful herbs and enjoy the period of waiting for a miracle - the birth of a baby.