Hofitol diuretic effect. The medicine "Hofitol" - what helps

Hofitol is a herbal preparation with the main component in the form of an extract of the field artichoke. It contains trace elements and vitamins that help improve biochemical processes in the body. As a result, Hofitol, the instructions for use of which provide explanations about correct use This medicine has a choleretic, diuretic and hepatoprotective effect. Provides liver protection from toxins and improves their excretion.

In what form is it produced and when is it used?

  • tablets (0.2 g) - packed in 60 or 180 pieces;
  • solution for pen oral administration(suspension, syrup) - 200 ml, and Hofitol for newborns is presented in drops in a bottle with a dispenser;
  • solution for injections (in 5 ml ampoules).

Tablets or syrup can be bought at the pharmacy without a prescription. But they should be taken on the advice of a doctor. The cost of Hofitol varies depending on the form of its release. You do not need to look for cheaper analogues of this medicine on your own - if it is prescribed by a specialist, then you should follow all his instructions. In addition, the price of the drug is quite affordable.

The instructions for the use of Hofitol clearly spell out when and why it is prescribed. The tool is used for:

  • chronic hepatitis, nephritis, cholecystitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • fatty hepatosis of various origins (toxic, viral);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • a large amount of acetone in the blood;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • toxicosis in different trimesters of pregnancy;
  • phytoplacental insufficiency and fetal growth retardation;
  • obesity
  • fungal diseases of the skin and nails;
  • psoriasis;
  • belching, bloating and nausea.

Its purpose in the complex treatment of many diseases has long been known. It is used in dermatology, gastroenterology, nephrology, obstetrics and gynecology. Large range of therapeutic action, low toxicity, the ability to use the drug long time, affordable price- these are the main advantages of Hofitol. As a result, doctors, if necessary, prescribe Hofitol during pregnancy. The drug is well tolerated by patients. But in order to use it, there must be indications for use, namely certain symptoms, in the event of which it is important to consult a specialist.
You can buy this drug for weight loss, because it allows you to restore normal process metabolism and remove toxins. The effect obtained from its use is quite high, as evidenced by positive reviews about Hofitol, the price of which is quite acceptable.

Who is contraindicated?

The tool is not prescribed for:

  1. obstruction of the bile ducts;
  2. cholelithiasis;
  3. renal and liver failure heavier degree;
  4. diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder in acute stages;
  5. hypersensitivity to components.

Are there side effects?

Chofitol has side effects, which include:

  1. allergic manifestations (angioedema, urticaria);
  2. diarrhea (if the remedy is used for a long time in high doses).

Remember that you can buy this remedy, the price of which is quite commensurate with the effect obtained, only if it is prescribed by doctors. It is specialists in different medical fields who determine why Hofitol should be used, in what forms and doses.

Can Hofitol be given to children?

Pediatricians prescribe Hofitol for children with:

  • jaundice, which is common in newborns;
  • hepatitis;
  • poisoning with harmful substances;
  • decrease daily amount urine;
  • chronic nephritis, cholecystitis;
  • dyspeptic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disruption of the gallbladder and biliary tract;
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • skin diseases.

Hofitol for newborns is considered absolutely safe for use. When the dosage for the baby is chosen correctly, then no side effects should occur (unless the child has intolerance to the components of the remedy). Usually for young children, Hofitol is used in drops, as a result of which it is very convenient to dose the drug. Newborns are prescribed Hofitol for jaundice, the symptoms of which disappear already on the second or third day after treatment. Reception of funds should be continued for another week for a complete recovery.

If doctors prescribe drops for babies, then for older children and adults Hofitol solution is used to internal reception or for injection, as well as tablets. Indications for the use of one form or another of the drug depend precisely on the age of the patient. The price of the drug is formed taking into account the form of its release.

Hofitol for expectant mothers

Today, doctors prescribe Hofitol during pregnancy very often. Indications for its use may be as follows:

  1. metabolic disorders between the fetus and mother;
  2. lack of oxygen for the fetus;
  3. development of early toxicosis;
  4. the occurrence of gestosis.

Often the use of Hofitol for pregnant women is preventive in order to improve blood microcirculation and support liver activity. But indications for use may have therapeutic character when it is necessary to eliminate some of the ailments of the expectant mother. Hofitol during pregnancy should be taken under the supervision of the attending physician, who establishes for the patient certain dosage and treatment period. As a result, the required healing effect and no harm is done to the fetus.

What dosage and how to take?

Hofitol is used in tablets, syrup or injections. It is taken orally on an empty stomach, usually 3 times a day. Adults and children over 12 years of age should take 1-2 tablets. A child from 6 to 12 years old - 1 piece. Therapy continues for 2-3 weeks.

Syrup for adults and children over 15 years of age is prescribed 2.5-3 ml. A child from 6 to 15 years old - ¼ - ½ of the dose recommended for an adult. The duration of therapy is 2-3 weeks.

When prescribing injections for adults and children from 15 years old, one injection (5 ml) is given per day. Children from 6 to 15 years old are assigned ¼ - ½ of adult dose. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks. Then it is recommended to take tablets or syrup.

Newborn children are given drops, the dosage of which is determined depending on the body weight of the child. Premature - 1 drop of the drug 3 times a day, children weighing 2-2.5 kg - 2 drops, and a child whose weight is greater - 3 drops.

The use of Hofitol for pregnant women is determined by a doctor who assesses the patient's condition, sets the course of treatment and the correct dosage. And it may be somewhat different from the one that is assigned to just an adult. When using Hofitol for pregnant women, side effects may occur, as a result of which the drug should be stopped and consult a doctor.

Are there similar drugs?

As preparations having the same composition as this remedy, Artichoke extract Hexal, Hepafitol, Heptral, Flamin, Oxaphenamide, Holiver can be used. The use of these drugs as an analogue of Hofitol is possible as a result of the occurrence side effects on this remedy, but only on the recommendation of a doctor. You can also buy any of the analogues presented in various pharmacy chains.

The price of Hofitol will be different depending on the manufacturer, the form of release and the quantity in the package. Tablets of 60 pieces in Russian pharmacies cost from 220 to 320 rubles. The price for 180 pieces is 550-750 rubles. A solution of the drug 200 ml can be purchased for 300-350 rubles. The price of the medicine in ampoules is 2300-2400 rubles. The solution for injection is released only by prescription.

First, let's talk a little about why our body needs bile. Liver healthy person per day should produce about 500 ml of this product, which is a kind of colloidal thick solution, in which there are phospholipids, bile acids, cholesterol, bilirubin and various salts in a certain ratio. Without bile, normal digestion is impossible. digestive tract fat soluble vitamins, lipids (that is, fats) and their absorption. Only in the presence of bile does emulsification of fats occur, they become available for retraction by the intestinal walls. Moreover, bile must flow into duodenum when the person is eating. If bile does not enter there well, with its lack of fats remain undigested. Then the bacteria that live on the walls “take over” them. gastrointestinal tract. As a result of such processing, a person has pain in the abdomen, discomfort, heaviness, increased gas formation, stool disorders, sometimes weight loss. If this happens for a long time, bile is constantly lacking, this leads to a deficiency in the body of fat-soluble vitamins. For example, vision deteriorates at dusk, bones become brittle, bleeding is often disturbing. We also add that bile helps the body get rid of excess bad cholesterol, prevents the flow of putrefactive and fermentative phenomena in the intestine, showing antibacterial properties. How to understand that a person has impaired bile secretion? And here are the signs:

  • pain that appears under the "spoon" or in the area of ​​​​the right hypochondrium, if a person ate smoked meats or fatty, fried foods;
  • bitterness in oral cavity, nausea;
  • excessive gas formation;
  • if in gallbladder there are stones, then spasmodic pains, called attacks of biliary colic, can occur.

If any of these symptoms appear, then this is a signal to consult a doctor. Perhaps the body needs help in the form of choleretic agents.

General information about Hofitol

Hofitol is included in the group of choleretic agents. It contains an extract prepared from the leaves of the field artichoke.

They produce the drug in the form of a liquid, tablets, syrup and even ampoules.

Biconvex round tablets are brown in color, similar to lentils. There may be 180 or 60 of them in a package. As excipients talc, cornstarch, magnesium stearate and trisilicate are used. The shell consists of talc, rosin, gummilac, gelatin, sucrose, carnauba wax, polysorbate 80, calcium carbonate, ethyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, dyes. The solution intended for oral administration is opaque, has dark brown color, a yellow precipitate is allowed. Glycerol, ethanol, orange flavor, purified water, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate are taken as auxiliary components. The volume of liquid in the vial is 120 ml.

pharmachologic effect

The properties of the drug are due to the presence in it of a thick or dry extract extracted from the leaves of the field artichoke, containing a whole complex of biologically active substances:

  • cynarin and phenolic acids endow the drug with choleretic and hepatoprotective (restoring liver cells) actions;
  • inulin, vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamine, carotene help in the normalization of metabolic processes, especially lipids and cholesterol;
  • diuretic effect, the drug enhances the excretion of urea;
  • removes alkaloids, nitrates, heavy metals from the body.

When is Hofitol prescribed?

Usually, the drug is prescribed for the complex treatment of such ailments as:

  • chronic form of non-calculous cholecystitis (that is, when there is no accumulation of stones);
  • dyskinesia of the bile ducts, proceeding according to the hypokinetic type, that is, when their motor function;
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • CKD (chronic kidney failure);
  • chronic nephritis;
  • urinary retention in pathologies of the liver and heart;
  • conditions when the content of acetone in the blood is increased;
  • toxicosis with alcohol abuse and infectious diseases;
  • , arising as a manifestation of a lack of bile in the intestine;
  • belching with sour or, as it were, "rotten" air;
  • obesity;

Contraindications and side effects

MirSovetov warns that during treatment sometimes there are undesirable phenomena, these can be:

  1. Rash on skin body.
  2. Soft stools, sometimes even diarrhea.

Most often, such reactions are observed in patients who exceed the recommended dosage of Hofitol.

And now we list the contraindications:

  • obstruction biliary tract;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • acute stages of diseases of the kidneys, gallbladder and liver;
  • severe forms of renal failure;
  • allergy to the components that make up the drug.

How to apply the drug?

The most common forms for taking are considered solution, tablets, syrup, here are their methods of taking.

Hofitol should be taken before meals. Adults take one or two tablets three times a day. Or measure from 2.5 to 5 milliliters of the solution, the number of doses is the same as in the treatment with tablets. Children are allowed to give tablets if they are over six years of age, depending on weight and age, the dosage is set by the doctor, on average it is one tablet three times a day. If the child is under six years old, then it is better to give him syrup or dig the solution into a small amount of water.

It is better for infants to dose the medicine by digging the required number of drops into a small amount of water, calculated by the pediatrician.

Before taking a syrup or solution, the vials must be shaken.

The course of treatment in adults and children is the same in duration, most often it is two or three weeks. According to the doctor's prescription, after a while the course can be repeated.

Sometimes doctors prescribe Hofitol one or two ampoules for 7-15 days into a vein or muscle, and only then the patient switches to tablet or liquid dosage forms.

Draw your attention to, dear readers MirSovetov that the drug can be prescribed to pregnant women, not only for the treatment of the liver, but also for later dates, preeclampsia, which is accompanied by the appearance of protein in urine tests, edema, and increased. But taking Hofitol by pregnant women or nursing mothers should be prescribed only by the attending physician with further monitoring of the patient's condition.

If suddenly there are side effects, then the medicine is canceled, choosing another remedy.

Special conditions for storage this drug is not required, do not forget that medicines must be placed out of the reach of children. You can buy solution and tablets from a pharmacist without a prescription, but to buy ampoules you need a prescription from a doctor.

The drug Hofitol is suitable for the treatment of the liver, gently affects the body, improving the condition:

  • some organs,
  • vessels.

The use of the drug helps to lower the level of lipids in the blood. Hofitol works as a means of accelerating the production of bile. The drug is allowed even for pregnant women.

Release form

Hofitol biconvex tablets, Brown color. For sale:

data-pagespeed-lsc-hash="mASkoSNejz" data-pagespeed-lsc-expiry="Tue, 17 Oct 2017 19:35:49 GMT">

  1. in cardboard packages of 12, 30, 60 pieces;
  2. in plastic tubes of 60 or 80 pieces.

The oral solution is:

  • dark brown syrup
  • turbid,
  • with a sediment in the form of yellowish particles.

The solution for injection is released in ampoules of five milligrams.

The composition of the product

Field artichoke extract is the active component of the drug Hofitol. Inactive ingredients include:

  • corn starch,
  • talc,
  • carnauba wax,
  • gelatin and others.

Pharmacological action of Hofitol

The artichoke is useful plant, which has pronounced properties in terms of:

Hofitol for the liver, produced on the basis of the extract of this plant:

  • reduces the level of urea in the blood,
  • effectively copes with the hepatoprotective function,
  • improves the production of coenzymes Q10 by liver cells, accelerating metabolic processes in the body.

The medicine helps to reduce toxic substances after treatment with antibiotics and other drugs. Hofitol is prescribed to improve metabolism. The drug helps to free the body from:

  • harmful, nitrogen-containing organic substances,
  • heavy metals and their salts,
  • toxins.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The action of a complex of vitamins and microelements that are present in artichoke leaves determine the pharmacological properties medicinal product. It is impossible to carry out observations using the kinetic method and identify the components involved in metabolism, since therapeutic effect Hofitola is common action all its useful substances.

Indications for use Hofitol

Treatment with Hofitol is carried out in conjunction with other drugs in complex therapy. It is prescribed in case of diseases such as:

  1. Acute renal and hepatic dysfunction.
  2. Blockage of the bile ducts.
  3. Cholelithiasis (formation of stones in the gallbladder).
  4. Severe disorders in the liver and gallbladder.
  5. Individual intolerance to individual components.

Alcoholic beverages should be avoided during treatment with Hofitol.

The drug should be administered with caution to patients who have:

  • alcohol addiction,
  • epileptic disease,
  • there is a TBI due to the presence of alcohol in the composition of the drug.

On the early dates pregnancy, the drug is prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of early histosis. During late toxicosis, the drug is taken in conjunction with other medications. The dosage of the drug is similar to the dosage of an adult patient.


Composition and form of release

The drug Hofitol is available in the following forms:

  1. Coated tablets Hofitol. They have the shape of a brown lentil grain. Each tablet contains 200 mg of active ingredient. Active ingredient: dry aqueous extract of artichoke leaves.
  2. Syrup Hofitol. 1 ml of the substance contains 200 mg of the active ingredient. The capacity of one bottle is 200 ml. For ease of dosing, the drug is available in the form of drops. Active ingredient: thick aqueous extract of field artichoke leaves.
  3. Solution for injection Hofitol. 1 ml of Hofitol contains 200 mg of the active substance. Contents of the package: 5 ampoules, 5 ml each. Active Ingredient: Purified Juice Extract fresh leaves field artichoke.

Clinical and pharmacological group: phytopreparation with choleretic and diuretic effect, reducing azotemia.

What is Hofitol used for?

The drug is used in the complex therapy of biliary dyskinesia of the hypokinetic type, chronic non-calculous cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic nephritis, chronic renal failure.

The drug is used as part of the complex therapy of various diseases and conditions:

  1. Biliary dyskinesia;
  2. Chronic acalculous cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder);
  3. chronic hepatitis;
  4. Cirrhosis of the liver;
  5. Chronic renal failure.
  6. Chronic nephritis.

pharmachologic effect

A drug plant origin. The pharmacological effect of the drug is due to the complex of biologically active substances that make up the artichoke leaves.

Cynarin in combination with phenolic acids has a choleretic and hepatoprotective effect. Ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins B1 and B2, inulin contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes.

It also has a diuretic effect and enhances the excretion of urea.

Instructions for use

The use of the drug in one form or another is determined by the age of the patient and the nature of the disease.

  • Children over 6 years of age are prescribed 1-2 tablets 3 times / day before meals. Oral solution, depending on age, is prescribed at a dose of 1/4 to 1/2 of the dose used in adults. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
  • Adults are prescribed 2-3 tablets or 2.5-5 ml of oral solution 3 times / day before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

The need for repeated courses of therapy with Hofitol is set individually, depending on the indications.


Hofitol and analogues of the drug, as a rule, are well tolerated, but some groups of people are contraindicated. Their list is given below:

  • patients with gallstone disease;
  • patients with obstruction of the biliary tract;
  • patients with diagnosed acute diseases of the kidneys, liver, urinary and biliary tract;
  • patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Instructions for Hofitol in the form of tablets warn against the impossibility of prescribing the drug to children under 6 years of age.

Side effects

From the side digestive system: possible development of diarrhea with prolonged use of the drug in high doses. Others: allergic reactions.

Pregnancy and lactation

The use of Hofitol during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) is possible only under medical supervision.

special instructions

Hofitol should be used with extreme caution in pathologies that can potentially provoke obstruction of the biliary tract, as well as in severe liver pathologies.

The occurrence of abdominal pain and / or diarrhea should be a reason to stop treatment and consult a doctor.


Similar drugs with a similar mechanism of action: Allohol, Arnica tincture, Berberine, Gepabene, Konvaflavin, Leptandra, Olimetin, Tansy flowers, Cholagogue collection, Tanacehol, Phytogepatol No. 2 and No. 3, Flamin, Cholagol, Cholemax, Holos, Holosas, Kavehol, Tsikvalon, Rosehip fruits.


The average price of HOFITOL in pharmacies (Moscow) is 300 rubles.

Terms and conditions of storage

Hofitol should be stored at room temperature. The shelf life of the tablets is 3 years. The shelf life of the oral solution is 4 years. The shelf life of the solution for injection is 2 years.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Hofitol in the form of tablets and oral solution is approved for use as an over-the-counter drug. Hofitol in the form of a solution for injection is available by prescription.


Composition and form of release

Produced in film-coated tablets. Also made:

  • Injection solution 20 mg/ml, ampoules 5 ml.
  • Oral solution (as a suspension or syrup) in 120 ml dark glass bottles.

The composition of one tablet of Hofitol, which helps the drug with cholecystitis, includes 200 mg of dried aqueous extract of the leaves of Cynara scolymus (field artichoke), as well as pregelatinized corn starch, talc, magnesium trisilicate, magnesium stearate.

Composition of the oral solution: thick aqueous extract of the leaves of Cynara scolymus (field artichoke) at a concentration of 200 mg / ml, ethanol 96%, alcohol tincture orange peel, additives E218 and E216 (methyl parahydroxybenzoate and propylparaben), glycerin, purified water.

Compound injection solution: purified extract of the leaves of Cynara scolymus (field artichoke) at a concentration of 20 mg / ml (100 mg / amp.), as well as distilled water in a volume of up to 5 ml.

Pharmacological properties

The main active component of the composition of the drug Hofitol, from which the medicine helps with liver diseases, are artichoke leaves, rich in a complex of vitamins, trace elements and other biologically active substances. Due to the action of phenolic acids in combination with cynarin, Hofitol has a choleretic and hepatoprotective effect.

Inulin, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, in particular B1 and B2, as well as carotene, have a normalizing effect on the body's metabolic processes. In addition, important pharmacological effects The drug, according to reviews of Hofitol, is an increase in urine excretion and a diuretic effect of the drug.

Solution, drops and tablets Hofitol: what does the medicine help with

Indications for use include the following diseases:

  • dyspeptic disorders, manifested by nausea, flatulence, heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region;
  • chronic non-calculous cholecystitis;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia of the hypokinetic type (characterized by slowing and lethargy of the outflow of bile);
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • chronic nephritis.

What else does Hofitol help with? In combination with other drugs, field artichoke preparations can be used to treat:

  • chronic intoxication (salts heavy metals, alkaloids, nitro compounds, hepatotoxic substances);
  • uraturia;
  • urolithiasis;
  • anorexia;
  • obesity;
  • atherosclerosis.


Hofitol and analogues of the drug, as a rule, are well tolerated, but they are contraindicated in patients with:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • obstruction of the biliary tract;
  • diagnosed acute diseases of the kidneys, liver, urinary and biliary tract;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug Hofitol, from which an allergy may occur.
  • Tablets are not prescribed for children under 6 years of age.

Preparation Hofitol: instructions for use


Patients over the age of twelve are prescribed to take the tablets three times a day (before meals), 1-2 pieces at each dose (daily dose from 600 mg to 1.2 g). Treatment usually lasts 2 to 3 weeks. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe a second course.

Hofitol solution: instructions for use

A solution based on an extract of artichoke leaves is intended for intravenous and intramuscular injection.

Daily dose for patients older than fifteen years - 1-2 ampoules. If necessary, the doctor may increase the dose. Parenterally, the drug is administered for 8-15 days, after which the injection therapy is replaced with an oral solution.

Drops Hofitol: instructions for use

The oral solution is shaken before use and diluted with water. A single dose for an adult is 5 ml (1 tsp). Multiplicity of applications - 3 rubles / day. The duration of treatment depends on the nature and characteristics of the course of the disease.

The use of Hofitol in pediatric practice

In solutions for oral or parenteral use, they are prescribed without age restrictions, tablets are prescribed for children over six years of age.

Indications for use in children are:

  • motor disorders and decreased tone of the gallbladder and its ducts;
  • stoneless chronic cholecystitis;
  • obesity;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • acute or chronic hepatitis;
  • skin diseases(teenage acne, psoriasis, etc.);
  • chronic nephritis;
  • oliguria;
  • increased concentration of acetone in the blood, intoxication (salts of heavy metals, nitrates, etc.);
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • neonatal jaundice;

Children over the age of twelve are prescribed to take the tablets in the same dose as adults. The daily dose of Chofitol tablets for children 6-12 years old is 600 mg (the dose should be divided into three doses).

Hofitol injections for children are done once a day. A single dose for a child under the age of fifteen is 0.25-0.5 ampoules. For adolescents over fifteen years of age, the drug is used in an adult dosage.

Optimal dosage form for newborns are drops. According to the instructions for Hofitol, for newborns, it is necessary to measure 5-10 drops of medication for each dose. The medicine is given on an empty stomach 3 rubles / day. Before giving the child Hofitol in drops, the required dose is first dissolved in 5 ml of water.

For adolescents over twelve years old, 2.5-5 ml of the solution is diluted in 1 tbsp. l. water. Children under twelve years of age take 2-3 (depending on age and indications) milliliters of the drug for a similar volume of water. Take the indicated dose should be 3 rubles / day. 20 minutes before meals.

How to take Hofitol during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

The optimal dosage of tablets during pregnancy is 500 mg / day. The medicine is usually taken for three weeks.

Intramuscular injections of Hofitol do 1 r./day. using a dose of 10 ml (the contents of two ampoules). Parenterally, the drug is administered no more than 15 days in a row. Then, if necessary, the doctor may recommend switching to the oral dosage form.

In the form of an oral solution, Hofitol is taken three times a day for a teaspoon (5 ml). The course of treatment is usually about two weeks. Data on the safety of the use of the drug during breastfeeding are not provided.

Side effects

As a rule, there are no side effects during treatment with the drug. However, in extremely rare cases, there may be adverse reactions even with obvious indications for Hofitol and the absence of contraindications. First of all, such a reaction of the body is caused by long-term use of the drug in high doses. Among side effects known allergic reactions and diarrhea.


Drugs with a similar mechanism of action:

  • Tsikvalon.
  • Flamin.
  • Tansy flowers.
  • Phytogepatol.
  • Leptandra.
  • Holagol.
  • Olimetin.
  • Allohol.
  • Berberine.
  • Arnica tincture.
  • Rosehip fruit.
  • Convaflavin.
  • Tanacehol.
  • Gepabene.
  • Cavehol.
  • Choleretic collection.
  • Holos.
  • Holosas.
  • Cholemax.
  • Artichoke extract.

Which is better - Allohol or Hofitol?

Allochol, like Hofitol, is intended for the treatment of pathologies of the liver and biliary tract. Its basis is activated carbon (enterosorbent), bile, garlic bulbs and stinging nettle leaves. The choice in favor of Hofitol is made in situations where the patient is simultaneously diagnosed with liver pathology.

Price where to buy

In Moscow, you can buy Hofitol at a price of 424 rubles. In Kyiv, the product is sold for 98-277 hryvnia. In Minsk, the medicine costs 11-40 Belarusian rubles. In Kazakhstan, its price reaches 4335 tenge (No. 180 TABLE.P.O.).


If we study the reviews of doctors left about Hofitol, we can conclude that the remedy is effective in chronic cholecystitis and, in addition, it “works” well in disorders of the liver. As a hepatoprotector, the drug is most often used to eliminate the consequences of toxic liver damage (including drug damage).

Feedback on the treatment of children

The forums also often discuss the feasibility, safety and efficacy of prescribing Hofitol for children (in particular, for newborns). For older children, the medicine is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the biliary tract and gallbladder, as well as for the elimination of dyspeptic symptoms, for newborn children - for the treatment of physiological jaundice.

Reviews about Hofitol for children indicate that the drug not only copes with the task very well, but is also very well tolerated by young patients. In addition, the drug is very convenient to use and easy to dose, which is very important when we are talking on the treatment of breastfeeding.

For newborns - the reviews are proof of this - the drug is prescribed mainly in cases where the child has long period physiological jaundice persists.

The timely use of Hofitol for newborns contributes to the normalization of liver function and the biotransformation of insoluble toxic indirect bilirubin into non-toxic direct bilirubin. Mothers of young children note that the child's blood bilirubin decreased on average by the ninth day of life, and by the end of the second or third week, the symptoms of jaundice completely disappeared.

"On the Internet, I read that Hofitol is also prescribed for excessive weight gain during pregnancy, edema. I had no problems with this before taking the pills, but after I started taking them, my appetite increased, I did not notice a diuretic effect, I began to gain weight more. So from this they do not help everyone. From the pros - the tablets have a pleasant taste and small size. "

"A big PLUS of Hofitol tablets (in my case) is what really helps to normalize metabolic processes. That is, they soften, which is important during pregnancy, because the fetus presses on the intestines and there are often problems with stools. Such problems over time pills were not taken.

A huge MINUS of the Hofitol tablets (in my case) is that during their intake my appetite increased, I wanted to constantly eat and, as a result, I gained 3.5 kg in almost a month of taking the tablets.

“I also drank them during pregnancy, but there was no such appetite ... Perhaps these are the features of the perception of the drug by the body”?

"I drank them for the first 16 weeks of pregnancy almost constantly - there was a terrible toxicosis, only they saved me."

"The artichoke was drunk by pregnant women back in ancient rome! To relieve toxicosis and improve the nutrition of the child with oxygen through the placenta.


Hofitol - a drug produced by a French pharmaceutical company, is of plant origin: it is an aqueous extract (extract) from the leaves of the field artichoke plant.

This drug restores liver cells, has a choleretic effect, a mildly pronounced diuretic effect, and helps to reduce the level of urea in the blood serum. The drug normalizes the production of enzymes by liver cells, thereby normalizing cholesterol and fat metabolism. In combination with other drugs, it causes the removal of toxins from the body, heavy metals and nitrates.

Hofitol contains in its composition trace elements, vitamins (C, B1, B2, carotene), biologically active substances in high concentration, which contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. The drug can be prescribed at any age, treatment can be carried out outside the hospital.

Hofitol has found application in gastroenterology, dermatology, cosmetology, nephrology and obstetric and gynecological practice. The advantages of the drug are: a wide range of therapeutic action, the possession of a mild hepatoprotective and diuretic effect, practically complete absence adverse reactions, low toxicity and the possibility of use for a long period without complications.

Already after 2 weeks of taking the medicine, there is an improvement in general well-being, appetite and sleep are normalized. Within a month, taking the drug leads to a subjective and objective improvement in the condition in 80-90% of patients; in 10-20% of patients, although the manifestations of the disease persist, they are much less pronounced. The drug is well tolerated by patients.

Release form

Hofitol tablets 0.2 g each - No. 60 and No. 180 tablets in one package.

Hofitol solution for internal use (in the form of syrup or suspension) 200 ml each (200 mg in 1 ml). For newborns Hofitol - drops in bottles of 200 ml with a dispenser. The solution contains ethanol(in a small amount).

Hofitol solution for injection - 5 ml per ampoule (in 1 ml - 200 mg), 5 ampoules per pack.

Instructions for use Hofitol

Indications for use

Chronic hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) various etiologies: viral, toxic, alcoholic;
initial stage cirrhosis of the liver;
fatty hepatosis (replacement of liver cells with fat cells);
acalculous chronic cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder);
coma and high level acetone in the blood;
toxicosis during pregnancy (early and late gestosis);
placental insufficiency, fetal growth retardation;
intoxication with infectious disease, nitrate poisoning, alcoholic drinks, salts of heavy metals;
decreased motor function (dyskinesia) of the biliary tract and gallbladder;
decrease in diuresis (daily amount of urine) in the pathology of the heart and liver;
mild degree CRF (chronic renal failure);
inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis) and urinary tract(pyelonephritis);
obesity and cellulite;
rosacea with demodicosis;
onychomycosis or fungal disease nails (as part of complex therapy);
dyspeptic manifestations: belching "sour" or "rotten", bloating, nausea.

Special care should be taken when prescribing the drug, if obstruction of the biliary tract is not excluded.


Obstruction of the bile ducts;
acute stage diseases of the gallbladder and liver;
acute stage of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract;
severe renal and hepatic insufficiency;
individual intolerance to any component of the drug.

Side effects

Side effects appear after long-term use or taking the drug in high doses:
1. Slight loosening of the stool; with continued use of the drug, diarrhea may develop.
2. Allergic manifestations in the form of urticaria, Quincke's edema (swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue).

Treatment with Hofitol

How to take Hofitol?
Depending on the disease, the age of the patient and the form of release of the drug, Hofitol can be used orally in the form of tablets and solution (syrup) and in injections (intramuscular and intravenous). Inside the drug is used before meals; the solution should be shaken before use.

Hofitol does not affect the speed of reaction and concentration, so there are no professional restrictions during treatment. Chofitol should be used with caution in the form of drops in persons treated for alcoholism, because. drops contain ethyl alcohol.

Dosage of Hofitol
Adult patients, depending on body weight, are prescribed 1-2 tablets 3 r. in a day. The dose of Hofitol in the form of a solution for oral administration is 3-5 ml (0.5-1 tsp) 3 r. in a day. The course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks. In some cases, the doctor may extend the treatment up to 1 month.

Hofitol in injections is administered at a dose of 5-10 ml per day, once. If necessary (depending on the severity of the condition), the doctor may increase the dose and number of injections up to 2 times a day. In injections, Hofitol is usually administered for 1-2 weeks, and then they switch to the drug release forms for internal use.

Hofitol for children

Hofitol is also used in pediatric practice.

Indications for the appointment of Hofitol for children:
neonatal jaundice;
hepatitis (acute and chronic);
chronic cholecystitis (non-calculous);
fatty hepatosis;
decline motor activity(dyskinesia) of the gallbladder and biliary tract;
increase in the level of acetone in the blood;
cirrhosis of the liver;
poisoning (nitrates, salts of heavy metals, etc.);
chronic nephritis;
decrease in the daily amount of urine;
chronic renal failure;
skin diseases (psoriasis, acne in adolescents);
dyspeptic disorders (bloating, nausea, belching).

Even for newborns, Hofitol is completely harmless. With proper dosage, the drug does not cause adverse reactions. Jaundice of newborns is significantly reduced, and even completely disappears after 2-3 days of treatment. After the disappearance of symptoms, it is recommended to continue taking the drug for another 7-8 days.

The dosage depends on the age of the child. Until the age of 6, Hofitol in the form of tablets is not used. From 6 years to 12 years is prescribed 1 tablet 3 r. in a day; children over 12 years old - 1-2 tablets 3 r. in a day.

For babies of the first year of life, Hofitol is used in the form of drops: add 5-10 drops of a solution for internal use to 5 ml of water and take on an empty stomach 3 r. in a day.

For children from 6 to 12 years old, Hofitol in drops is prescribed 2-3 ml (or 0.5 tsp or 40-60 drops) with 15 ml of water (on an empty stomach).

Adolescents from 12 to 18 years old - 0.5-1 tsp each. with 15 ml of water 3 r. in a day.

Hofitol injections for children under 15 years old: 2.5 ml (half an ampoule) or 5 ml 1 p. per day. If necessary, increase the dose of treatment is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a physician.

The course of treatment with Hofitol usually lasts 2-3 weeks.

Despite the apparent safety of the drug, children should not self-medicate.

Hofitol during pregnancy and lactation

In early pregnancy, with existing risk factors, Hofitol is used to prevent late preeclampsia. FROM therapeutic purpose the drug is used as part of complex therapy for the development of late preeclampsia (preeclampsia, edema, with an increase blood pressure the appearance of protein in the urine). Doses of Hofitol during pregnancy do not differ from dosages for adult patients. If adverse reactions occur, the drug is immediately canceled. Treatment of a pregnant woman is carried out according to the prescription and under the supervision of a doctor.

Clinical data on the results of the use of Hofitol in breastfeeding no.

drug interaction

Data about drug interaction Hofitol is not listed in the manufacturer's instructions. Clinical data on drug interactions are also not available.

Hofitol's analogs

Hofitol synonyms having the same composition: Cholebil, Artichoke extract, Artichoke leaf extract.

Analogues (drugs with a similar effect): Odeston, Heptral, Oksaphenamide, Hepafitol, Rafacholin C, Hepatophyte, Artichoke extract Hexal, Flamin, Artichol, Holiver.

Hofitol instructions for use are positioned as a herbal preparation that can have a choleretic and diuretic effect, reduces the amount of urea in the blood. Due to the normalization of the production of liver enzymes, fat and cholesterol metabolism is normalized. As part of general therapy it is prescribed for adults and children to remove toxins, nitrates and salts of heavy metals from the body. Who is prescribed Hofitol, what does the medicine help with and how to use it correctly?

The drug Hofitol is made from herbal ingredients, therefore it is considered safe for the child, since it practically does not cause side effects. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that can normalize metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, the drug is often prescribed after the course. antibiotic therapy.

The composition of the drug contains biologically active substances that can relieve dyspepsia and eliminate the main manifestations of toxicosis in pregnant women, restoring liver function.

The form of release of the drug may be different:

  1. Hofitol tablets. They contain an extract of the dried leaves of the artichoke plant. Hofitol tablets are produced in 60 pieces in a blister or 60 and 180 tablets in a plastic tube.
  2. Hofitol in drops for oral use. The drops contain an aqueous extract of the artichoke plant. It happens in the form of drops (syrup) or suspension, which is prescribed to newborns.
  3. Hofitol solution for injections. It contains a purified extract obtained from the leaves of the artichoke plant. In the pharmacy it can be bought in ampoules.

Each form of release differs in the concentration of the active substance.

The purpose of the drug Hofitol instructions for use allows you to use it alone or in conjunction with other drugs in the composition complex treatment.

With the self-appointment of Hofitol, the indications for use are as follows:

  • toxicosis of pregnant women (preeclampsia or toxicosis of the 1st trimester);
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Hepatitis B chronic form;
  • cholecystitis in a chronic form;
  • dyspeptic disorders, which are accompanied by heaviness in the epigastric region, nausea, flatulence and heartburn;
  • nephritis in a chronic form;
  • biliary dyskinesia with obstructed outflow of bile.

The use of the drug together with other drugs is indicated for:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • uraturia;
  • the presence of kidney stones;
  • anorexia;
  • obesity
  • poisoning the body with nitrates, alkaloids or other toxic substances.

The official annotation prohibits the use of Hofitol for:

  • exacerbation of cholecystitis;
  • the presence of stones in the bile ducts and their blockage;
  • exacerbation kidney disease;
  • individual intolerance to individual components of the drug;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the liver or urinary system;
  • breastfeeding a baby;
  • as well as children under 6 years of age.

It is extremely rare that there are situations in which the patient experienced side effects of the medication.

Among them:

  • rash on the skin (dermatitis, urticaria);
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • dry skin in the cheek area;
  • violation of the digestive process (heartburn, etc.);
  • pain in the right hypochondrium, stomach or intestines.

Usually the drug is well tolerated by the patient's body.

How to take the drug for liver diseases and other pathologies should be told by the attending physician. The dosage in this case will depend on the age of the patient and his diagnosis.

Hofitol in syrup, drops or tablets is taken orally before meals. Since the medicinal product contains plant components, precipitation is possible. In this regard, the syrup should be shaken well before use. Hofitol solution is used for intravenous or intramuscular administration.

  1. The tablets are used to treat liver and other diseases in patients over 6 years of age. In this case, the patient drinks an average of 3 tablets per day before meals. Adults and children who are already 12 years old should take Hofitol 1-2 tablets, depending on the diagnosis and the degree of pathology, three times a day. Wherein daily dosage is 600 mg - 1.2 g. The duration of the drug is about 2-3 weeks. If necessary, the doctor may recommend using it longer than this time.
  2. Solution for oral administration in the form of injections. Medicine injections can be given to patients who are already 15 years old. The average dose is 1-2 ampoules with a solution. In cases where the disease occurs in a complicated form, the dosage may be increased at the discretion of the attending physician. Usually, injections of the drug are prescribed in the first 7-14 days of the course of treatment. After that, the medicine is taken orally in the form of a syrup or tablets.
  3. Hofitol for children is prescribed in the form of syrup. A single dose of the drug is 5 ml, which is equal to 1 teaspoon. It should be taken up to 3 times per day. Hofitol children of the first years of life can be mixed with a small amount of liquid and given 5-10 minutes before meals. How long to take it should be determined by the attending physician. On average, the therapeutic course is 3-4 weeks, but sometimes the doctor may recommend extending its intake by children. In order to remove the sediment, the bottle with the product must be shaken well before use.

These are the main methods of taking the medication.

Regardless of which method of using the drug was prescribed by the attending physician, it should be used with extreme caution by those who have severe liver pathologies or biliary tract obstruction. If a patient who drank Hofitol noticed pain in her abdomen or she developed diarrhea, the treatment should be stopped and a doctor should be consulted.

The composition of 1 tablet of the drug includes 0.08 g of sucrose. This should be considered by those who have fructose intolerance, sucrose deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.

Other features of the use of Hofitol include:

  1. Since the drug contains preservatives, the patient may experience hypersensitivity to its constituent components.
  2. The oral form of the drug Hofitol and alcohol are incompatible. This is due to the fact that the composition of the drops includes ethyl alcohol. Simultaneous reception drugs and alcohol can make it impossible to drive or use machines.
  3. The drug in the form of tablets or injections does not lead to a violation of concentration, and is also not able to reduce the reaction rate.

For pregnant

Hofitol is often prescribed to women during pregnancy.

Regardless of why the doctor prescribed the drug expectant mother, it is able to have a positive effect on her body and the condition of the baby:

  • contributes to the normal outflow of bile, which is often disturbed in the second half of pregnancy due to the rapid growth of the uterus;
  • protects the liver, due to the activation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body of a woman, therefore it is indicated to reduce edema;
  • relieves pregnant women morning sickness, which may appear in the first months of pregnancy (toxicosis of pregnant women);
  • improves appetite;
  • promotes the elimination of toxins and nitrogenous slags from the body;
  • has an antioxidant effect on the body, protecting cells from free radicals;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, which helps to improve utero-placental metabolism.

At the same time, it must be taken in such doses:

  • 2-3 tablets with an interval of 8 hours;
  • 1-2 ampoules dissolved in 200 ml of saline;
  • From 2.5 to 5 ml of solution 3 times a day.

For kids

Pediatricians often prescribe Hofitol to children. If the child is already 12 years old, then the dosage prescribed to him will be similar to that of an adult (600 mg per day, divided into several times). Children are given injections only once a day.

For newborn babies, the medicine is prescribed during the treatment of jaundice:

  1. At this age, you can use the remedy in the form of syrup. For 1 dose, you can use from 5 to 10 drops of the medicine, diluted in a spoon pure water. Hofitol is taken three times a day.
  2. When treating children who are under 12 years old, 2-3 ml of syrup is dissolved in a small amount of pure water.
  3. The dose for children from 12 to 15 years old is 2.5-5 ml of syrup, which can be dissolved in water.

The instructions do not contain data on the interaction of the drug Hofitol with other drugs. This is because the compatibility tests various drugs this has not been done.

However, doctors do not recommend taking it simultaneously with any sorbents (Enterosgel, Activated carbon etc.). This is due to the fact that they are able to absorb the active substances of the drug, which significantly reduces its therapeutic effect on the patient's body.

If you take Hofitol at the same time with drugs that have a choleretic effect, a person is at times more likely to develop negative side effects or the appearance of signs of an overdose.

The drug Hofitol has analogues that are similar to it in composition and pharmacological property. Among them there are both cheap and expensive medicines. Most affordable analogue Hofitola - Artichoke extract. It is available in the form of tablets or dragees for oral administration. The composition of this medication also includes an extract of the artichoke plant.

Among the drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect, can be distinguished:

  • Cavehil;
  • Arnica tincture;
  • Berberine;
  • Cholemax;
  • Olimetin;
  • Phytogepatol;
  • Gepabene;
  • Holosas;
  • Leptandra;
  • Cyclovan;
  • Artichol;
  • choleretic collection.

Popular Articles

Hofitol: application

Hofitol is a herbal preparation, active substance which is an extract of the leaves of the artichoke field. It has a mild diuretic, choleretic action, restores liver cells, normalizes metabolism (cholesterol and fats) and removes nitrates, alkaloids and heavy metals from the body. Hofitol has different forms release: syrup, tablets and injection. Tablets can be used from 6 years. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks, 1-2 tablets three times a day. The syrup must be taken before meals, 5 ml (1 teaspoon) also three times a day. Injections are given intramuscularly or intravenously, 1-2 ampoules per day for 7-14 days.

Hofitol during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman may experience or worsen the most various diseases. At the same time, the load on the body as a whole becomes greater, especially for the liver. Therefore, sometimes you need to help her in fulfilling her functions and facilitate her work by resorting to taking various drugs. One of these medicines is Hofitol - a preparation of plant origin, it includes an extract of the leaves of the field artichoke, which consists of such biologically active components like ascorbic acid, inulin, carotene, vitamins B1 and B2. All these components together have a protective effect on the liver, lower blood cholesterol levels, have a mild choleretic and diuretic effect, improve microcirculation, and have an antioxidant effect. Also, when taking Hofitol, it improves general state pregnant woman. However, you should not take the drug on your own, it is necessary to consult a doctor before taking it.

Hofitol for newborns

Unfortunately, jaundice can sometimes occur in newborn babies, which puts their parents in a panic state. But don't worry too much, because modern medicine has all the necessary tools for successful treatment this disease in newborns. One of the effective medicines for the treatment of jaundice in newborns is Hofitol, which can be prescribed by a doctor. You can talk a lot about how harmful to children with a weak body various medicines, however, it should be noted that Hofitol is herbal preparation, which has a choleretic and hepatoprotective effect. Already on the 12th-14th day after treatment with Hofitol, all signs of jaundice almost completely disappear in newborns.
As for the safety of using this drug for your baby, it is worth noting that various studies have been conducted on the use of Hofitol in newborns, while none of them showed side effects, even allergic reactions.

Hofitol: original instructions for use


Chophytol (Chophytol)


active ingredient hofitola is dry water extract from field artichoke(leaves) - Cynara scolymus. Biologically active substances of the field artichoke have choleretic, hepatoprotective, diuretic effects. It also helps to reduce the level of urea in the blood serum. The drug increases the ability of hepatocytes to produce coenzymes, which improves the metabolism of cholesterol, lipids and the metabolism of ketone bodies. With concomitant antibiotic therapy, it acts on the parenchyma of the kidneys and liver, as a detoxifying agent.

Inulin and B vitamins (B2, B1), included in the list of biologically active substances of the field artichoke, normalize metabolic processes in the body. The drug helps to cleanse toxins, including nitro compounds, salts of heavy metals and alkaloids. The mechanism of action of hofitol is due to the sum of the effects of all components of the field artichoke, therefore, it is not possible to study the kinetic parameters and determine metabolites in the body using biological studies or markers.

Indications for

Hofitol is prescribed as a drug for complex therapy.
- Chronic hepatitis (including alcoholic),
- non-calculous chronic cholecystitis,
- acetonemia,
- fatty liver
- atherosclerosis,
- cirrhosis of the liver,
- hypokinetic variant of biliary dyskinesia,
- chronic intoxication, including poisoning with hepatotoxic substances, alkaloids, nitro compounds, salts of heavy metals,
- oliguria in cirrhosis of the liver and heart failure,
- chronic renal failure,
- obesity,
- chronic nephritis.

Mode of application:

Chophytol tablets: applied orally 1-2 tablets 3 r / day for children over 12 years old and adults. At the age of 6 to 12 years - 1 tablet 3 r / day. The duration of the course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. For subsequent courses, a doctor's prescription is required.

Hofitol - oral solution: 2.5-3 ml 3 r / day before meals. The duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks. Children under 15 are prescribed 1/4-1/2 of the adult dose.

Hofitol for injections used intramuscularly and intravenously. Children from 15 years of age and adults are prescribed 1-2 ampoules / day (if necessary, the dose can be increased) for 8-15 days. Then you can switch to a tablet form or a solution for internal use. Children under 15 years of age are prescribed 1/4-1/2 of the adult dose.

Side effects:

- Diarrhea- when taking the drug for a long time in high doses,
- allergic reactions(especially on parahydroxybenzoate esters contained in tablets and oral solution) - urticaria.


obstruction of the biliary tract,
- acute diseases kidneys, liver, urinary and biliary tract,
- individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (including ethyl parahydroxybenzoate or methyl parahydroxybenzoate),
- severe liver failure,
- cholelithiasis.

other medicinal
by other means:

Not described.


Appointment of hofitol during pregnancy should only be done by a doctor.

There are studies on the use of hofitol for the complex therapy of preeclampsia (improvement clinical condition patients). Also, the drug is used in early pregnancy to prevent late preeclampsia in the presence of risk factors for its development.

Research to study the safety of the use of hofitol during lactation not carried out.


With an overdose, there is an increase in the symptoms of side effects.

It is prescribed with caution in conditions that contribute to the development of biliary tract obstruction, as well as in case of severe liver failure. For diarrhea or pain syndrome in the abdomen, you must stop taking hofitol and consult a doctor.
The disperse dye contains ethyl parahydroxybenzoate (E 214) and methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E 218). 1 tablet contains 0.08 g of sucrose. AT childhood(up to 6 years) tablets are not prescribed (it is necessary to use other forms of release of hofitol). Hofitol does not affect the speed of psychomotor response, therefore it is not contraindicated for drivers of vehicles and persons working with precise mechanisms.