Espumisan how to take after eating. Espumisan drops - instructions for use

Espumisan - carminative pharmaceutical drug. The active component of the drug is simethicone, which has surface activity and the ability to reduce surface tension at the liquid/gas interface.

Composition and release form

Release form

  • Capsules.
  • Emulsions.

Composition of the product

One capsule of the drug contains 40 mg of simethicone and individual auxiliary components: methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate and glycerin. The medicine is supplied for sale in cardboard packs in blisters of 25 pieces.

Storage: In a dry place inaccessible to children. Storage conditions for capsules are not higher than 30 ° C, and for emulsions - from 15 ° C to + 25 ° C.

pharmachologic effect

The drug Espumisan is classified as an “antifoam agent”. This category has the ability to reduce the surface tension of bubbles, promoting their collapse. The gas that is released is easily absorbed by surrounding tissues (for example, the intestinal wall) and is easily removed from the body thanks to intestinal peristalsis. Thus, in accordance with the listed properties of the drug, it is taken for flatulence (bloating) of the intestines and other situations when it is necessary to reduce the volume of free gas in the intestines (the day before surgical operations, diagnostic examinations).

In medicine, Espumisan is taken not only for medicinal purposes, but also for diagnostic purposes, for X-ray, ultrasound and endoscopic examinations gastrointestinal tract, when gases may obscure the image of the organs being examined. After Espumisan has been taken, the contrast solution injected into the gastrointestinal tract to obtain a high-quality image of the organ is distributed uniformly throughout the mucous membrane of the desired organ. Espumisan prevents the appearance of image defects that cause gas bubbles during ultrasound and x-ray examination.

Indications for use of Espumisan

For capsules:

  • Excessive appearance and concentration of gases in the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence, Roemheld syndrome, aerophagia, severe gas formation after surgery);
  • Preparation period for diagnostic studies of organs abdominal cavity and pelvis (including ultrasound, x-ray examinations);
  • The appearance of signs of excess gas formation, which are caused by functional dyspepsia;
  • At acute poisoning detergents that contain foaming elements (as a foam absorber).

For emulsion:

  • The appearance of signs of flatulence after taking the drug: bloating, a feeling of fullness and fullness in the epigastric region, severe gas formation (including the postoperative period, and also in newborns and infants);
  • With aerophagia;
  • For dyspepsia;
  • With Ramheld syndrome;
  • During preparation for diagnostic studies of the abdominal and pelvic organs (ultrasound, radiography, etc.), including as an additive to suspensions of contrast agents to obtain images using the double contrast method;
  • In case of poisoning with tensides (including surfactants that are part of detergents) as a foam damper.


For Espumisan capsules:

  • The appearance of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • children under 6 years old.

For Espumisan emulsion:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • the occurrence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

In people with severe sensitivity to the components of the drug (methyl parahydroxybenzoate and quinoline yellow dye), immediate hypersensitivity reactions and delayed hypersensitivity reactions may occur. When any allergic reactions You should not take the product, but you should consult a doctor.

Side effects

For capsules:

  • No side effects were observed when using the drug.
  • Allergic reactions may occur to Excipients drug.

For emulsion:

  • Sometimes there is individual intolerance to the constituent components of the drug.

Instructions for use

Method and dosage of capsules

For complaints related to excessive gas formation in adults and children over 6 years of age: it is recommended to take 2 caps. Espumisan 3-5 times a day, with a small amount of liquid, every time after meals and, if necessary, before bed. During preparation for diagnostic studies: prescribe 2 caps. means 3 times a day the day before the examination and in the morning on the day of examination 2 caps. without drinking liquid. For use against foam in cases of poisoning with detergents that contain foaming agents, a single dose for adults is 10-20 caps., for children over 6 years old - 3-10 caps. in one go; the dose depends on the severity of intoxication.

Emulsion method and dosage

The instructions note that 5 ml of emulsion contains 40 mg of simethicone and such auxiliary components as: saccharin sodium salt, polysorbate 80, sodium cyclamate, carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt, colloidal silicon dioxide, methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, hydrochloric acid, banana flavor and purified water. Espumisan is supplied to pharmacies in the form of an emulsion in dark glass bottles of 100 ml. The bottle of emulsion must be shaken before use. For proper dosing of the suspension, the bottle must be kept in vertical position hole down.

Espumisan is prescribed during or after meals; if necessary, it can be taken before bed. Infants and small children receive Espumisan with baby food from a bottle or after meals with drinks. In preparation for radiography and ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, take 2 tablespoons of the product 3 times a day the day before the examination and 2 measuring spoons in the morning on the day of the examination.

To obtain a double contrast image, add 20-40 ml of emulsion per 1 liter of contrast solution. In case of poisoning with detergents, Espumisan is prescribed to adults 50-100 ml, to children - 10-50 ml Espumisan 40, depending on the severity of the poisoning.

Espumisan for flatulence and poisoning

For flatulence, medication is prescribed according to the following scheme:

  • For children over 14 years of age and adults: 2 ml (50 drops) 3–5 times a day.
  • For children aged 6 - 14 years: 1–2 ml (25-50 drops) 3–5 times a day.
  • For children aged 1 - 6 years: 1 ml (25 drops) 3-5 times a day.
  • For infants: 1 ml (25 drops) of the drug is poured into a baby food bottle or given using a small spoon before or after breastfeeding.

According to the instructions, the drug Espumisan is prescribed to be taken during or after meals, and if necessary, given before bedtime. The duration of use depends on the severity of symptoms. If necessary, you can take the drug for a long time. In case of poisoning with detergents that contain foaming elements, they are taken as an antifoam; a single dose for adult patients is 10-20 caps. Espumisana, children over 6 years old - 3-10 caps. in one go; the dosage is determined depending on the severity of intoxication.

Espumisan for children

Children from birth to six years old pharmaceutical prescribed only in the form of an emulsion. Such patients are prescribed the use of the drug 40 mg (25 drops or one teaspoon) three to five times a day. Espumisan is prescribed to infants immediately after meals, or by mixing it with food.

During pregnancy and lactation

The drug can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding on the recommendation of a doctor, since it medicine almost not absorbed gastrointestinal tract, without having a negative effect on the fetus, and excreted in mother's milk.


When the patient used the drug Espumisan for more than 3 years at a dose of 160 mg, no negative side effects were observed. As a result of physiological and chemical inertia, an overdose of this medication is unlikely.

special instructions

Duration therapeutic treatment depends on signs of severe gas formation. If necessary, the pharmaceutical drug Espumisan can be used for a long time.

Interaction with other drugs

According to the instructions, there is no need to prescribe other drugs in parallel with Espumisan. medicinal products, since it is able to change their absorption in the intestines and stomach. In addition, prolonged use of the drug in significant doses along with medicinal drugs, reducing acidity gastric juice(antacids): aluminum hydroxide, aluminum and magnesium hydroxide, magnesium carbonate and others.

Domestic and foreign analogues

Currently, the most famous analogues of Espumisan are the following pharmaceuticals:

  • Kuplaton,
  • Disflatil,
  • Simikol,
  • Meteospasmil.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Espumisan in different pharmacies may vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and pricing policy pharmacy network.

Read the official information about the drug Espumisan, the instructions for use of which include general information and treatment plan. The text is provided for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

Many factors - poor nutrition, stress, physical overexertion can cause bloating, flatulence, intestinal pain, and increased gas formation. Symptoms are not uncommon in newborns due to imperfections in the gastrointestinal tract and an unformed immune system.

Espumisan is a carminative drug with an effect aimed at actively reducing gas formation in the stomach, eliminating the onset of nausea and flatulence.

Composition and release form

Release form:

  • tablets in blisters (10 pcs.);
  • suspension, colorless (slightly cloudy) emulsion (syrup) with banana flavor in dark bottles, convenient for children with severe intestinal disorders;
  • granules (14 sachets).

Packaging - cardboard pack (1, 2, 4 blisters), instructions for use

Composition of Espumisan tablets:

  • simethicone (active ingredient), organosilicon compound;
  • excipients: organquinoline yellow dye, gelatin, glycerol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Active components in suspension:

The safe medicine can be taken by babies from birth, and by women during pregnancy and lactation.

Espumisan reduces the surface tension of suspensions in the gastrointestinal tract, destroys gas bubbles, and frees the intestinal walls from putrefactive accumulations. Due to peristalsis, gases leave the body naturally.

pharmachologic effect

Espumisan is a carminative medicine containing chemically inert simethicone. Regardless of degree surface tension at the border of the liquid and gaseous environment, it promotes the complete destruction of accumulated foam, freeing the intestinal cavity from gases due to peristalsis.

When taken orally, Espumisan acts specifically in the intestinal lumen. Excreted from the body unchanged. Absorption from the gastrointestinal tract is not observed.

Indications for use

Espumisan (capsules) can be taken for different pathological conditions caused by increased gas formation in the walls of peristalsis.

Main indications:

Espumisan is prescribed for symptoms of flatulence, bloating as a result of various provoking factors:

  • errors in food;
  • abuse of gas-forming products, medications (antibiotics);
  • swallowing excess air;
  • heartburn;
  • fermentation, heaviness in the stomach;
  • Roemheld's syndrome;
  • poisoning with detergents (synthetic);
  • bloating.
  • Espumisan is an effective defoamer.

Often prescribed by doctors before conducting diagnostic examinations:

  • endoscopy to obtain a better contrast image;
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneum to avoid defects in the image caused by gas suspensions in the intestines.

The drug in syrup is a convenient form for use by newborns and infants:

  • diarrhea;
  • intestinal colic;
  • attacks of diarrhea;
  • adaptation of the body to the introduction of new foods into complementary foods.

The liquid composition (suspension) is used as an additive to the contrast agent to obtain a double contrast image at the time of endoscopy. Espumisan for children helps quick elimination unpleasant signs of flatulence, swelling, colic, abdominal pain, intestinal upset.

Contraindications for use

Despite all the harmlessness of Espumisan, it is still a medicine, so before use it is worth reading the instructions, taking into account contraindications, side effects, and the weight of the children.

In order not to cause unnecessary harm to the body, it is undesirable to use Espumisan:

  • for allergies;
  • individual tolerance to active components;
  • gastrointestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Side effects

Tolerability of capsules, Espumisan suspension is good, rare, but possible manifestation allergic signs, dyspeptic disorders.

Other side effects:

You should stop using the drug and consult your doctor. No cases of overdose were recorded. Although, it is not recommended to neglect the instructions for use by increasing the dose.

It is not advisable to take Espumisan in combination with alcohol or other drugs similar pharmacological group. At complex treatment If you have diarrhea or bloating, you should take 2.5 to 3 hours between doses.

Directions for use and doses


  • for adults, children from 6 years old— 2 capsules 3-4 times a day, taken before meals or at night, with a small amount of water.
  • Dosage before diagnostics— 2 capsules 3 times a day, starting 3 days before the study. The day before, you can take 2 tablets at once. For convenience, it can be given with a measuring spoon before or after breastfeeding.


Dosage of Espumisan in drops per day for children:


The predominant form of the drug for children is a suspension or emulsion. The course of treatment directly depends on the severity of signs of intestinal disorder and flatulence.

Features of application:

  1. Dose for children from 1 year before ultrasound, radiography of the peritoneal cavity— 50 drops 3 times a day. In order to obtain a double contrast image, you can increase up to 200 drops or 8 ml per 1 liter of contrast suspension.
  2. In case of poisoning with synthetic detergents the acceptable form of Espumisan is a suspension. Dose for adults - 10 - 20 ml (1/3 bottle) with a single dose. For children - 60 - 65 drops (2.5-10 ml).

It happens that babies spit out the medicine, despite the banana taste of the emulsion. It is convenient to give 15 drops with warm water after meals.

Stories from our readers!
“At first I used the drug during attacks, and then I took a course and was surprised by the result - I eat what I want, and my stomach behaves like it’s healthy. I’ve been thinking about getting treatment for a long time, but I couldn’t find the optimal drug.

Be sure to try it if you have stomach problems. I completely got rid of heartburn and digestive problems, I don’t get bloated after every meal. Amazing result!"

Espumisan tablets - instructions for use

Espumisan tablets are the optimal form of the drug for adults. It's always convenient to have a drink at public place, At work. For children, the process of swallowing the tablet whole is difficult, especially for infants. The preferred form is a suspension in bottles with a convenient dropper on the cap for dosing.

According to the instructions for use, dosage for adults:

  • to eliminate flatulence - 2 capsules 4-5 times a day after meals, washed down with water;
  • on the eve of the diagnostic examination- 2 capsules 3 times a day or 2 two capsules once - on the day of the examination, without drinking water;
  • in case of poisoning with foaming detergents - 12-20 capsules at a time.

Espumisan can be taken in long courses. Side effects are rare.

REFERENCE! Before taking the suspension, the bottle must be turned upside down and shaken well.

Advantages of Espumisan tablets as opposed to suspension:

  • affordability;
  • ease of use;
  • An excellent replacement for syrup for flatulence, poisoning, and dietary errors.

Espumisan is indicated for oral administration with or after food.

If necessary, you can take tablets at night. The duration of therapy is selected by the doctor individually.

Espumisan for newborns: can it be used?

According to the instructions for use, Espumisan emulsion is approved for use by newborns from birth.

  • Permissible dose for 1 session- 1-2 scoops, depending on how much colic, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, and bloating bother you.
  • Pediatricians recommend using Espumisan (for children) in syrup for newborns from 3 months to 6 years.
  • Suspension is the most convenient form of administering medicine to children under 1 year of age., but in compliance with a single dosage - 20 - 40 ml.
  • In case of poisoning with synthetic detergent components– 10 – 50 ml. Can be given together with formula by adding Espumisan suspension to the bottle.

REFERENCE! The exact dosage per day should be determined by the doctor, taking into account the state of health, the severity of the poisoning or intestinal disorders, weight, age, existing symptoms in young patients.

Discomfort in the intestines, colic, bloating, increased gas formation, discharge of stumpy loose stoolcommon problems In newborns, when they become restless, they begin to constantly cry and kick their legs.

To help resolve unpleasant manifestations– Espumisan, recommended by many doctors for children from birth. Additionally, mothers should carry out a light massage of the umbilical area, and often place the baby on the tummy.

Espumisan is safe and effective drug with soft enveloping effect. Although, without prior consultation with a specialist, you should not mindlessly give medicine to children, for example, for the purpose of prevention and long-term courses.

Espumisan for children: can it be used?

If you explore the potential benefits of this medicine in tablets, then it is worth taking into account the dose and age. Espumisan tablets are prescribed only to children over 6 years of age. You should not give this form of the drug to infants for the purpose of prophylaxis, preventing gas formation, accumulation of gases in the intestines.

An acceptable form for children is Espumisan emulsion, as it is absolutely harmless to the body of newborns. Although giving for prophylactic purposes is also inappropriate.

Still this medicinal composition, improper use, non-dosing may cause side effects.

Espumisan is an effective, time-tested drug. Often prescribed by pediatricians to get rid of atony, abdominal pain, and accumulated gases in the intestines. Espumisan in syrup has an active effect on the gastrointestinal tract. After just 15-20 minutes, it improves peristalsis and relieves unpleasant signs of diarrhea.

  • 16 years— 1 measuring spoon 4-5 times a day;
  • up to 14 years old– 1/2 spoon, 50-55 drops up to 6 times a day;
  • teenagers from 14 years old– 2 measuring spoons once, up to 5 times a day.

The emulsion is suitable for use by children who accidentally swallow a soap solution while bathing. However, dosages and contraindications should not be neglected.

Espumisan during pregnancy and lactation

Many expectant mothers are interested in whether Espumisan can be taken and at what stage of pregnancy. Manufacturers claim that the medication is safe and non-toxic. Can be used regardless of pregnancy due to the lack of penetration of the active component into the systemic circulation.

Dosage for women:

  • suspension - 25 - 35 drops 4-5 times a day after meals;
  • tablets - 3 - 5 pcs. per day.

On a note! Special studies There have been no studies on the effect of Espumisan on the fetus. If unusual symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking it and consult your doctor.

During pregnancy, excessive gas formation and bloating are common phenomena due to changes in the body, displacement internal organs against the background of growth and increase in size of the uterus.

REFERENCE! The capsules contain a dye. If you are prone to allergies, it is better for women to refuse to use the tablet form and give preference to syrup or prescriptions traditional medicine from diarrhea, gas formation, bloating by brewing herbs: fennel, dill seeds.

Espumisan for adults

Espumisan will help eliminate signs of flatulence in the walls of the colon, make you feel better, and minimize the surface tension of gas bubbles.


  • tablets for adults – 3 – 4 pcs. per day;
  • syrup 50 drops once.

To count the exact number of drops, you need to keep the bottle strictly in a vertical position. The duration of use will depend entirely on accompanying symptoms. The frequency of administration is 3-5 times a day.

Perhaps a single use of Espumisan in case of poisoning for quick disposal from flatulence, colic, bloating.

special instructions

It is worth considering certain features in order to take Espumisan correctly to have the proper effect:

  1. The capsules contain chemical dyes, so careful use is required if you are predisposed to allergies.
  2. Espumisan (tablets, syrup) does not contain sugar, so it can be used by patients with diabetes if prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Espumisan is recommended for children under 6 years of age to be used exclusively in syrup form, in tablet form, strictly for medical reasons.
  4. Suitable for use by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  5. The medication does not affect the speed of psychomotor reaction or concentration. Does not affect the functions of the central nervous system structures.


Cases of overdose are unlikely, since Espumisan is chemically and physically inert. Side symptoms even when doses are exceeded, they are not observed.

Drug interactions with other medications

The interaction of Espumisan with other drugs from an identical pharmacological group has not been identified.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Espumisan is available without a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

The shelf life of Espumisan (tablets) is 3 years, provided: in a dry place, out of reach of children. Optimum temperature +28+30 degrees.


Espumisan tablets, taking into account the number of capsules in the package, costs:

  • 25 pieces – 236 – 245 rub..;
  • 60 capsules – 290 – 460 rub..

Espumisan's analogs

WITH similar action and identical in structure according to the pharmacological group:

  • Bobotik.
  • Meteospasmil.
  • Disflatil.
  • Sub Simplex.
  • Simikol.
  • Babycalm.

Cheap substitutes from domestic manufacturers:

  1. Disflatileffective analogue in the fight against flatulence. The release form is a suspension, approved for use by infants up to one year old. Price - 180 rub..
  2. Kolykid for abdominal cramps (tablets). Indications: children over 12 years old, 1 pill after meals 3 times a day. There may be signs of allergy if the dosage is abused. Price - 150 rub..
  3. Pepphys (effervescent tablets) normalizes digestion, actively removes gases and accumulated suspensions from the gastrointestinal tract. Approved for use by children over 1 year of age. Release form: tablets, dissolved in water (1 glass), 3 times a day after meals. Price - 130 rub..
  4. Antareit with the active substance – simethicone. Relief from bloating and gas formation in the intestines. Release form: tablets for use by children over 12 years of age by chewing, sucking, and keeping in the mouth until completely dissolved. Dosage – 7 – 8 tablets per day. Contraindication: fructose intolerance. Price - 95 RUR.
  5. Imodium plus with dimethicone in the composition against flatulence, colic in the intestines. Release form: chewable tablets. Price - 170 rub..

What is better - Espumisan or Bobotik?

The drugs contain an identical active ingredient - simethicone. The difference is in its quantity. Bobotik contains no more than 8 mg.
Espumisan is given to children in drops after meals or when added to infant formula. Bobotik - during meals with possible mixing with baby formula and boiled water.
Both drugs contain sugar and do not differ in their mechanism of action. Quickly breaks large gas bubbles in the intestines into smaller ones. The difference is in the age of use.
Espumisan can be given to children from the first days of life Bobotik - from 28 - 30 days
The drugs are also excellent in price. Espumisan costs 2 times more expensive According to doctors, Bobotik was produced specifically for infants, to relieve pain, colic, and bloating. Sold without a prescription.

According to parents, it is better - Bobotik is reliable, harmless drug. If you choose: which is better, then it is worth considering individual characteristics child, doctors' recommendations.

Which is better: Espumisan or Sub Simplex?

No special studies have been conducted on which drug is better. Price difference.

Meteospasmil or Espumisan - which is better?

Both drugs are used when there is an accumulation of bubbles, foam and air in the intestines, in particular before diagnostic testing of the abdominal organs. Contains simethicone, which does not lead to side effects, non-toxic, inert component with anti-foam activity.

Meteospasmil additionally contains alverine (60 mg), which has an analgesic effect and a direct effect on the sensitivity of the intestinal walls in connection with neuroreceptors.

  • antifoam and antispasmodic at the same time due to simethicone, aniline citrate in the composition;
  • contains almost 7 times more active substances than 1 capsule of Espumisan - so we can assume that the effect is stronger.

Meteospasmil is used for irritable bowel syndrome, stomach pain, and gastrointestinal disorders.

The main difference is in the contraindications. Espumisan - capsules can be given to children from 6 years old, Meteospasmil - from 14 years old. If you track the benefit in price, it is approximately the same.

Which is better – Espumisan or Bebicalm?

Bebicalm - drops with antispasmodic, antibacterial, carminative, sedative effect. Helps eliminate signs of flatulence and bloating in children under 1 year of age. Lead to normalization of well-being.

Contains dill oil to quickly remove accumulated gases and toxins from the intestines and normalize peristalsis.

Bebicalm will have an antibacterial effect, affecting suspensions and microbes in the intestines. Anise oil in the composition normalizes peristalsis, relieves irritation, cramps and bloating, and has a calming, anti-inflammatory effect.

The main action is aimed at releasing gases. But according to reviews, Espumisan is better. Relieves intestinal tension more quickly, relieves pain and colic.

If you are worried about gases and your baby is constantly kicking his legs, then it is better to use Babycalm. If signs of flatulence are observed in episodes, then as emergency assistance You can give your child Espumisan.

Babykalm – excellent drug for infants with increased gas formation in the intestines, signs of flatulence.

Espumisan is a carminative used for increased gas formation, accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract and associated conditions, as well as in preparation for diagnostic procedures Gastrointestinal tract.

Original carminative from Berlin Hemi (Germany). It is used to reduce flatulence or, more simply, increased gas formation. The active ingredient is simethicone.

By reducing the surface tension at the interface, it impedes the formation and promotes the destruction of gas bubbles in the nutrient suspension and mucus of the gastrointestinal tract. The gas released during this process can be absorbed by the intestinal walls or excreted through peristalsis.

During sonography and radiography, it prevents interference and overlap of images and promotes better irrigation of the colon mucosa with a contrast drug, preventing rupture of the contrast film.

Indications for use

What does Espumisan help with? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • flatulence (bloating in the abdomen due to accumulation of excess quantity free gas), including in patients in the post-operative period;
  • before operations and (or) diagnostic manipulations of the abdominal cavity (helps improve intestinal contrast, prevents the occurrence of image defects, allows for more complete irrigation of the intestine with a contrast agent);
  • allowed for use in pediatrics for flatulence and colic in infants;
  • aerophagia;
  • dyspepsia;
  • Roemheld's syndrome;
  • as an “antifoam agent” for acute poisoning with detergents;
  • as an additive to a contrast media suspension to obtain a double contrast image.

Instructions for use of Espumisan, dosage

The drug is administered orally. Capsules are taken after meals and at night (if necessary). They can be washed down with water.

Dosage of Espumisan capsules according to instructions:

  • For symptoms of excessive gas formation, children over 6 years old and adults – 3-5 times a day, 2 capsules. The duration of use of the drug is determined by the severity of symptoms of flatulence. If necessary, the capsules are taken for a long time.
  • In preparation for diagnostic procedures - 3 times a day, 2 capsules the day before the examination and on the day of the examination in the morning - 2 capsules (do not drink with water);
  • For poisoning with detergents: adults - 10-20 capsules once, children over 6 years old - 3-10 capsules once.

In most cases, a one-time use of Espumisan is sufficient. Before operations and diagnostic studies, the frequency of administration is determined by the attending physician.

Used for children under 6 years of age.

Side effects

The instruction warns about the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Espumisan:

  • Allergic reactions to the excipients included in the drug are possible.


Espumisan is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug,
  • intestinal obstruction,
  • obstructive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • children under 6 years old.


Due to the chemical and physiological inertness of this drug, an overdose of the drug is unlikely.

Analogues of Espumisan, price in pharmacies

If necessary, you can replace Espumisan with an analogue active substance- these are drugs:

  1. Simikol,
  2. Disflatil.

When choosing analogues, it is important to understand that the instructions for use, price and reviews do not apply to drugs with similar effects. It is important to consult a doctor and not change the drug yourself.

Price in Russian pharmacies: Espumisan capsules 40 mg 25 pcs. – from 260 to 321 rubles, extra gran. 125 mg sachet 14 pcs. – from 320 rubles, according to 420 pharmacies.

The drug is stored in a dry place at room temperature for no longer than 36 months. Sale in pharmacies without a prescription.

It is noteworthy that the released gases can either be excreted from the intestine or dissolved within the intestine, being absorbed into its walls.

The product in question is being released medicine in the form of an emulsion and in the form of capsules - in the first case, the drug is intended for children, although adults can also use it. The active substance in two pharmacological forms is simethicone in an amount of 40 mg; there are also auxiliary components that do not have any effect on the clinical picture.

Espumisan - indications

The drug in question is used not only to suppress gas formation in the intestines, but also in preparation for certain diagnostic studies.

The official annotation for Espumisan indicates the following indications:

  1. Classic symptoms of flatulence are a feeling of bloating, distension in the epigastric region, and increased gas formation. Moreover, it does not matter at all at what age such symptoms occur - the drug is used in both general therapeutic and pediatric practice.
  2. Intestinal colic - severe pain in the abdominal area, the patient cannot determine the exact location of the pain syndrome.
  3. Upcoming diagnostic tests - for example, ultrasound or x-ray. Espumisan can also be used as a supplement to contrast agents.
  4. Tenside poisoning.

How to take Espumisan

In order for the drug in question to bring real benefits, you need to know both the principles of its use and dosages for different age groups.

Espumisan capsules

They are prescribed to adults and children over 6 years of age. The recommended dosage is 2 capsules 3-4 times a day.

Espumisan capsules are taken after meals with a small amount of water. If increased gas formation leads to discomfort and pain syndrome at night, then the last 2 capsules per day are taken before bedtime. If this pharmacological form Espumisan is prescribed before a diagnostic examination, then the day before the prescribed procedure, 2 capsules are taken 4-5 times a day, and on the day of the examination, 2 capsules are taken in the morning.

Emulsion (drops) Espumisan

  • adults and children over 14 years of age – 50 drops of emulsion 4-5 times a day;
  • children aged 6-14 years – a drop of Espumisan 3-4 times a day;
  • children aged 1 to 6 years – 25 drops 3 times a day.

Espumisan emulsion is prescribed for increased gas formation and for very young children - how to give Espumisan to newborns?

Children in infancy It is recommended to give a drop of the drug in question 2-3 times a day after meals. Doctors advise mothers to add Espumisan drops to a bottle of formula or complementary foods. If the drug is given after a meal, be sure to give the baby something to wash it down with - the emulsion has an unusual consistency, which not all children like; they will simply spit out the medicine. Note: in some cases, mothers give the drug in question to young children as a prophylactic agent to prevent the formation of large amounts of gas in the intestines. Despite the fact that the emulsion is absolutely harmless to the newborn’s body, such prophylaxis is impractical - after all, Espumisan medicinal product.

Before use, the bottle of emulsion must be shaken! Espumisan drops are also used as part of the preparatory period before diagnostic studies. The usual dosage is 25 drops three times a day 24 hours before the scheduled examination and 25 drops in the morning on the day of the procedure.

Side effects

It is generally accepted that the drug in question is well tolerated by children and adults. But in some cases, an inadequate allergic reaction may occur - this especially often happens when Espumisan is given to children under 3 years of age. Parents should closely monitor the baby's condition - breathing problems may begin (it becomes deep and frequent), skin rashes. In this case, you should immediately seek help from medical workers and, naturally, stop giving the baby Espumisan.

Espumisan - contraindications

There are several diseases that serve as a categorical contraindication to the use of the drug in question. These include:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an obstructive nature;
  • hypersensitivity and/or individual intolerance to the main active substance in Espumisan or excipients.

Espumisan during pregnancy

Doctors actively recommend using Espumisan during pregnancy - during this period, a woman’s body can react with increased gas formation and intestinal colic to eating even the most common foods. The dosage of the drug in question for pregnant women is 25 drops 3-5 times a day immediately after meals.

Important: it is worth knowing that no studies have been conducted regarding the effect of Espumisan on the body of a pregnant woman - expectant mothers need to be extremely careful and immediately stop taking Espumisan if any unusual syndromes appear.

Espumisan's analogs

There are many analogues of Espumisan - they are all identical in composition, and their effectiveness is the same. Analogues of Espumisan include:

There is also a Russian analogue of Espumisan - the drug Bobotik, which is recommended to be given for intestinal colic and increased gas formation to children from the 28th day of life. The recommended dosage of Bobotik is 8 drops 4 times a day after meals. Drops of the presented Russian analogue of Espumisan are diluted with milk or water, and if the child is on breastfeeding, then immediately after the medicine gets into his mouth, you need to let him drink it down. Bobotik begins to act in the child’s intestines minutes after consumption - this is considered a good effect.

Espumisan is considered one of the surest means of preventing flatulence in newborns and older children. Despite the fact that the drug in question has a lot of useful properties, don't forget about possible emergence side effects. In general, the use of Espumisan at any age, and even more so during the neonatal period, should be regulated by a doctor.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category.

Antigrippin: instructions for use, analogues, use during pregnancy
Losek maps 10, 20 mg: instructions for use, analogues
Drugs to improve cerebral circulation

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The information is provided for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor. There are contraindications, a doctor's consultation is required. The site may contain content prohibited for viewing by persons under 18 years of age.


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Espumisan is a drug that helps reduce flatulence.

Release form and composition of Espumisan

Espumisan is available in the form of a white emulsion with a banana odor and in the form of yellow gelatin capsules, the main active ingredient of which is simethicone.

Excipients are:

  • emulsion: purified water, hyprolose, sodium cyclamate, sorbic acid, sodium saccharinate, banana flavor;
  • capsules: glycerol, gelatin, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, quinoline yellow dye, sunset yellow dye.

Pharmacological action of Espumisan

The drug has a carminative effect. Simethicone, which is its main active ingredient, is able to reduce surface tension at the gas-liquid interface. As a result, the gas bubbles merge, the foam collapses, and the released gas is absorbed or naturally under the influence of intestinal peristalsis is displayed.

Using Espumisan in preparation for diagnostic studies Prevents image defects caused by gas bubbles.

After oral administration, simethicone is chemically inert, is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and acts only in its lumen.

Espumisan does not interact with enzymes and microorganisms and does not affect digestive processes and is excreted unchanged from the body.

Indications for use of Espumisan

According to the instructions, Espumisan is used for:

  • accumulation and excessive formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract (Roemheld syndrome, flatulence, dyspepsia, increased formation of gases in the postoperative period);
  • intestinal colic in infants;
  • preparation for diagnostic studies carried out on the pelvic and abdominal organs (radiography, ultrasound and others), as an additive to contrast agents when obtaining double contrast images;
  • symptoms of excessive gas formation, which is caused by functional dyspepsia;
  • poisoning with detergents containing foaming agents (as a defoamer).


According to the instructions, Espumisan cannot be prescribed for:

  • hypersensitivity to its constituent components;
  • intestinal obstruction;

and also in childhood up to 6 years (capsules).

Method of use and dosage of Espumisan

The drug is administered orally.

Espumisan capsules are taken after meals and at night (if necessary). They can be washed down with water.

Espumisan emulsion is taken during or after meals and at night (if necessary).

The bottle with the emulsion for dispensing drops should be held vertically with the opening down. The bottle must be shaken before use.

Espumisan emulsion dosage:

For symptoms of flatulence:

  • children over 14 years old and adults – 3-5 times a day, 50 drops (2 ml);
  • children 6-14 years old – 3-5 drops (1-2 ml) once a day;
  • children 1-6 years old – 3-5 times a day, 25 drops (1 ml);
  • infants– the emulsion is added to a bottle of food in 25 drops (1 ml) or given to the child with a spoon before or after breastfeeding.

The duration of use of the drug is determined by the severity of symptoms of flatulence. If necessary, Espumisan emulsion is taken for a long time.

In preparation for ultrasound and radiography of the abdominal cavity - the day before the procedure, 50 drops (2 ml) 3 times a day, on the day of the study in the morning - 50 drops (2 ml). In case of poisoning with detergents:

  • adults: 1/3-2/3 bottle (10-20 ml);
  • children - 1/3 bottle (2.5-10 ml or 65 drops).

Dosage of Espumisan capsules:

  • For symptoms of excessive gas formation, children over 6 years old and adults – 3-5 times a day, 2 capsules. The duration of use of the drug is determined by the severity of symptoms of flatulence. If necessary, Espumisan capsules are taken for a long time.
  • In preparation for diagnostic procedures - 3 times a day, 2 capsules the day before the examination and on the day of the examination in the morning - 2 capsules (do not drink with water);
  • In case of poisoning with detergents: adults capsules once; children over 6 years old capsules once.

Side effects of Espumisan

According to reviews, Espumisan causes virtually no side effects.

Only allergic reactions to the excipients included in the drug are possible.

Overdose of Espumisan

According to reviews of Espumisan, no cases of drug overdose have been recorded.

An overdose of this drug is unlikely due to its physiological and chemical inertness.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Interaction with other drugs

No clinically significant interaction of Espumisan with any drugs has been established.

special instructions

Espumisan can be taken in the postoperative period.

Since the drug does not contain sugar, it can be used in patients with diabetes mellitus.

In people who have increased sensitivity to the components of Espumisan, delayed and immediate hypersensitivity reactions may occur.

If allergic reactions occur, you must immediately stop taking the drug and inform your doctor.

Taking the drug does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and the level of concentration.

Espumisan's analogs

Analogs of Espumisan are drugs such as Simethicone, Simikol, Disflatil, Antiflat Lannacher, Meteospasmil, Bobotik, Sab simplex.

Storage conditions for Espumisan

Espumisan capsules and emulsion are stored at a temperature of no more than 30ºC.

Espumisan caps. 40mg n25

Espumisan No. 25 capsules

Espumisan 40 mg n25 caps

Espumisan extra gran. 125 mg sachet No. 14

Espumisan L emulsion 40 mg/ml 30 ml

Espumisan Extra granulate 125 mg

Espumisan L emulsion 40mg/ml 30ml

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When using materials from the site, the active reference is obligatory.

Should I take Espumisan with water?

A drug that reduces flatulence. Defoamer.

Espumisan ®: 25 capsules (one capsule contains 40 mg of simethicone) in a blister in a cardboard box.

Espumisan ® 40: 100 ml of emulsion with a concentration of simethicone 40 mg in 5 ml (40 mg in 1 measuring spoon) in a dark glass bottle and in a cardboard box, a measuring spoon is included.

Espumisan ® L: 30 ml of emulsion with a concentration of simethicone 40 mg per 1 ml (= 25 drops) in a dark glass bottle with a dropper stopper and a measuring cap, in a cardboard box.

  • intestinal colic;
  • excessive gas formation and accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence of any etiology, including postoperative period, as well as in newborns);
  • preparation for diagnostic studies of the abdominal and pelvic organs (ultrasound, radiography, endoscopy, etc.).

for newborns and infants

Espumisan ® can be added to baby food/drink bottles or given directly from a spoon. The duration of use depends on the severity of symptoms. If necessary, Espumisan ® can be used for a long time.

for children from 1 year and adults:

from 1 year to 6 years

from 6 years to 14 years

emulsion with measured

emulsion in drops*

The drug is taken during meals or after meals, and if necessary, also before bedtime. The duration of use depends on the severity of symptoms. If necessary, Espumisan ® can be used for a long time.

Scheme of use for adults in preparation for ultrasound examination abdominal organs

emulsion in drops

Espumisan ® capsules small size, so they are convenient to swallow without drinking water.

Espumisan ®, capsules: P N/01

Espumisan ® 40, emulsion with measuring spoon: P N/01

Espumisan ® L, emulsion in drops: P N/01

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There are contraindications, please read the instructions for use

How to take Espumisan for adults?

How many times a day should an adult take Espumisan?

In order not to create health problems for yourself, you must adhere to several rules

  1. First, read the instructions for Espumisan. Indications for use this tool will be: flatulence (gas formation in the intestines); aerophagia; dyspepsia; intestinal colic in babies; bloating in the postoperative period. Espumisan is considered to be one of the the best means in its category, it has good vertigon qualities, destroying the surface tension of gas bubbles and allows you to remove gas from the intestines almost painlessly.
  2. For children preschool age(up to 6 years) you can only take Espumisan in the form of emulsions and drops, tablets are strictly prohibited. For infants, the medicine is prepared by dissolving the emulsion - 25 drops (or 40 mg) of Espumisan L - in water or baby food, while the dosage does not change. Infants and preschool children can take this remedy 3-5 times a day.
  3. Adults take Espumisan tablets or emulsion immediately after meals and before bed. Adults are recommended to drink 1-2 tablets 3-5 times a day, washing down the drug with a small amount of water. Children aged 6-16 years are prescribed 1 tablet. 3-4 times a day.
  4. Please note that Espumisan is good remedy in case of acute poisoning of a child with soap solutions and similar detergents if they are swallowed. In this case, Espumisan plays the role of a “defoamer”, destroying surface tension soap bubble and removing these substances from the body. In case of such poisoning, adults are prescribed poml, children - emulsions, depending on the severity of the poisoning.
  5. Do not forget that Espumisan should not be given to children without first consulting a doctor. And in case long-term use, adults should also consult a doctor. Any medicine has contraindications, and Espumisan is no exception. If you do not take this drug correctly, complications may occur.

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Espumisan syrup: rules for using the drug

With the birth of a baby, parents have a lot of troubles. In most cases, the situation is complicated by the child’s restlessness at night. Young mothers and fathers perceive night vigils painfully and have a hard time coming to terms with the need for nightly troubles.

To minimize nighttime wakefulness, it is necessary to take all measures to normalize the baby’s night sleep. The main thing is to provide your child with timely nutrition, “dry” sleep and take care of the absence of other discomfort.

The most common reason night crying - colic. To eliminate this problem, a product such as Espumisan for newborns has been developed. Here we talk about some of the features of this drug and the rules for its use.


Espumisan is available in syrup form.

Espumisan is a medicine that is produced in 2 forms: drops and syrup. The main active ingredient is simethicone.

There are several varieties of this tool. If the discomfort does not cause much concern, you can use Espumisan 40, it acts gently.

The same remedy is used in preparation for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Espumisan L has increased the amount active substance, so its efficiency is higher.

This is absolutely safe remedy, which will not harm even the smallest patients. Simethicone and other components of the drug are chemical compounds, but they do not have any harmful effects, because they are not absorbed by the body, they are eliminated completely.

The presence of a dispenser attachment makes it easy to use: you can easily measure the required number of drops per dose. This eliminates overdose.


For intestinal bloating - Espumisan.

There are 3 main areas of use for Espumisan:

  • bloating;
  • before ultrasound examinations to improve the quality of results;
  • for first aid in case of ingestion of detergents.

Espumisan is used to relieve bloating. When bloated, a person suffers from unpleasant sensations, this stabbing pains in the intestines, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen.

This discomfort is associated with the pressing effect that gas bubbles have, accumulating, stretching the intestinal walls. This drug prescribed to children and adults to correct this condition. Age only affects dosage.

Simethicone has a beneficial effect on the intestines, soothes it, reduces gas formation, and eliminates accumulated gases. Under the influence of this remedy, gas bubbles disappear, and relief comes very quickly.

The effect of the drug is felt within a quarter of an hour after taking the dose. Getting rid of gas bubbles is painless because Espumisan has an analgesic effect. As a result, the baby gets relief from discomfort and quickly falls asleep.

The high speed of action is highly appreciated by parents, who with the help of this medicine are able to calm the baby and spend a peaceful night. Espumisan is given to newborns to improve the digestion process. Since the infant’s body is not fully formed, it produces insufficient amounts of enzymes, making it difficult for it to digest incoming food.

Lack of enzymes leads to fermentation, which produces a lot of gases. Their bursting force negatively affects the condition of the intestines and leads to crying in children.

For such colic, you can use Espumisan itself and its analogues, which include Riabal, Bobotik. These drugs also contain simethicone, which “deflates” the bubbles, reducing pressure on the intestinal walls. These remedies are relevant for combating night colic, because they can short term help the child by relieving him of unpleasant sensations.

Espumisan is often prescribed before ultrasound examinations. When a doctor examines the condition of the abdominal organs, he should not be disturbed by accumulated gases. After all, air interferes with the passage of ultrasonic waves. If gases are present, the examination results may be incorrect. The absence of gases in the intestines is the key to objective ultrasound diagnostics.

If a child accidentally swallows shampoo or other detergents that produce a lot of foam, Espumisan should be given to neutralize the soap components of the detergents. After providing first aid, you should consult a doctor for further treatment.

The thematic video will introduce you to the rules for taking Espumisan:

Mode of application

Espumisan can be taken by children of any age.

Features of the use of the medicine are contained in the attached instructions. Before taking, you should always read the instructions to know the mechanism of action of the drug and possible unpleasant consequences.

It also contains information on dosage and method of administration. It is necessary to know the dosage corresponding to a specific age and weight.

Espumisan is given to children of any age. Already in the first month of life you can take this remedy. The liquid consistency of the drug allows you to add it to water, milk, or drink it from a bottle.

If the child is exclusively breastfed, then the medicine should be given using a spoon at the end of feeding. The product in the form of syrup should be washed down warm water or milk.

Since the product has a pleasant taste (banana), children love this medicine and take it without problems. If the child does not like it, then Espumisan should be added to the milk, which will neutralize the taste of the medicine. You need to take a little milk and drink the mixture with a spoon. Parents often practice taking Espumisan before bed.

Then gases do not accumulate in the intestines at night, the baby sleeps peacefully and does not bother mom and dad by crying. After all, night is the time when colic most often haunts newborns. If you decide to give Espumisan as prophylactic from gas formation, you need to carefully calculate the dose. The number of drops depends on the age of the child.

The smallest children are given 10 drops. Older children are 25. You cannot increase the dose for children. In order not to make a mistake and not to prevent drops from coming out, you must hold the bottle upside down vertically during use.

The maximum frequency of administration is 5 times. Most often, the drug is taken 4 times: in the morning, during the day, in the evening, and before bedtime. The reception is adjusted to one or another feeding. The maximum duration of treatment is 3 – 4 months. Usually the child is given the remedy until the colic stops tormenting him.

Contraindications, side effects

Individual intolerance can manifest itself in the form of allergies.

The only contraindication is individual intolerance. There are no other contraindications, even for newborns.

Individual intolerance may manifest itself as allergic manifestations, these include the following:

If the listed signs are noticed, you should stop taking Espumisan immediately. Of course, such signs may be a reaction to other influences, but you can’t take risks; it’s better not to take the drug if signs of individual intolerance appear.

You cannot take Espumisan on your own. Despite its safety, you should not recklessly give it to your child to drink without a doctor’s prescription. Situations where Espumisan is taken in parallel with other medications are particularly dangerous.

In case of intestinal obstruction, an ambiguous effect of the drug may be observed. Sometimes it helps normalize the situation, sometimes it complicates the situation. Therefore, each use of Espumisan, like other medications, must be agreed with the attending physician.

The pediatrician must comprehensively analyze the situation and prescribe medication according to need and optimal combination with other medications the baby is taking.

It is also necessary to eliminate colic by normalizing nutrition; when breastfeeding, it is necessary to review the mother’s diet, eliminating foods that can provoke colic in babies. A favorable emotional climate also contributes to the elimination of colic.

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  • Anna ⇒ Increased gas formation in the intestines: treatment of an unpleasant condition

Increased gas formation in the intestines (flatulence), rumbling in the abdomen, discharge of gases, accompanied by a specific sound and unpleasant smell and so on. sometimes can bring a person more trouble than even the appearance acute pain in a stomach. Almost any disease digestive tract can lead to increased formation of gases, as well as disruption of their passage through the intestines. Such conditions may appear in at different ages and due to a variety of reasons.

Espumisan is a drug for reducing flatulence, which belongs to the group of “foam suppressants” (carminative medications). This group has the ability to reduce the surface tension of bubbles, thereby promoting their collapse. Espumisan is a medical product that is prescribed to children and adults for bloating and other esophageal disorders. Used to remove excess gases naturally or due to absorption into the bloodstream.

The active ingredient of Espumisan is a surfactant stable polydimethylsiloxane - simethicone. Simethicone is a high molecular weight polymer of dimethylsiloxane with the addition of 4-7% powdered silica. Under the influence of simethicone, a change in the surface tension of gas bubbles in the intestines and stomach occurs. As a result, gas bubbles are destroyed.

Release form of the medicine:

1. Soft gelatin capsules yellow color, each of which contains the active component - simethicone (40 mg).
2. Emulsion intended for oral administration, 5 ml of which contains 40 mg of simethicone (used for children under 6 years of age).

Espumisan photo capsules and emulsion

Absorption of the current active compound Espumisan does not occur. Output unchanged.

Indications for use of Espumisan

  • Flatulence (bloating in the abdomen caused by accumulation of large quantity gases), including in patients in the postoperative period;
  • Before performing diagnostic or surgical operations of the abdominal cavity;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Erography;
  • Benign tumors of the glands that produce hormones;
  • Roemheld syndrome;
  • Heartburn;
  • Increased number of mast cells.

Instructions for use of Espumisan, dosage

Espumisan is used orally. Espumisan capsules are taken after meals and at night (if necessary). They can be washed down with water. Espumisan emulsion is taken during or after meals and at night (if necessary).

Adults with flatulence are prescribed 80 mg (2 teaspoons) once.
Children from 6 to 14 years old: 40-80 mg (1-2 teaspoons or 1-2 capsules) once.

For poisoning with surfactants (surfactants included in detergents) - take 1 capsule or more.

Espumisan drops (emulsion) for children under 6 years of age:

- children aged 1 to 6 years - 1 ml (25 drops) 3-5 times a day;
- for infants - 1 ml (25 drops) of the drug is added to a bottle of baby food or given with a small spoon before or after breastfeeding.

The duration of use depends on the severity of symptoms. If necessary, you can use the drug for a long time.

The use of Espumisan in preparation for diagnostic studies prevents the appearance of image defects caused by gas bubbles. In this case, it is recommended to start using the drug several days before the examination. Adult patients are recommended to drink 2 tablespoons of emulsion three times a day. The last dose of the drug should be several hours before the test.

Features of application

Espumisan does not contain sugar, so it can be used by patients with diabetes and patients with digestive disorders.

The drug does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and the ability to concentrate when working with precision mechanisms or when driving vehicles.

Some patients noted that Espumisan did not have the promised therapeutic effect and did not relieve flatulence. Indeed, simethicone can sometimes be completely ineffective regarding increased gas formation. This is due, first of all, to individual sensitivity to the active substance.

Do not start taking Espumisan without first consulting your healthcare professional if you have kidney disease (including kidney stones, severe dehydration and/or if you drink alcohol to excess).

The drug can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding on the recommendation of a doctor, since this medication is almost not absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, without having a negative effect on the fetus, and is excreted in mother's milk.

Side effects and contraindications of Espumisan

In most cases, no side effects were observed during the use of Espumisan.

Allergic reactions may develop.

Very rarely, nausea, constipation, diarrhea and headache occur when taking espumisan.

If any allergic reactions or other discomfort that can be associated with the use of Espumisan, you should immediately stop taking it and contact your specialist to continue treatment and prescribe adequate therapy.


According to reviews of Espumisan, no cases of drug overdose have been recorded. An overdose of this drug is unlikely due to its physiological and chemical inertness.


  • intestinal obstruction;
  • children under 6 years of age (for capsules);
  • obstructive gastrointestinal diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (allergy to simethicone or to one of the components of the drug).

Analogues of Espumisan, list of drugs

  1. Bobotik,
  2. Antiflat Lannacher,
  3. Sub Simplex,
  4. Kuplaton,
  5. Disflatil,
  6. Simikol,
  7. Simethicone,
  8. Meteospasmil.

Important - instructions for use of Espumisan, price and reviews do not apply to analogues and cannot be used as a guide to the use of drugs of similar composition or action. All therapeutic prescriptions must be made by a doctor. When replacing Espumisan with an analogue, it is important to consult a specialist; you may need to change the course of therapy, dosages, etc. Do not self-medicate!

If after one week of taking Espumisan your symptoms worsen and/or you think you have serious illness, get a medical examination as soon as possible.