Lymphatic drainage massage: what is it and how to do it? Contraindications and possible complications. Features of Japanese technology

Massage can lead to amazing results: correct execution a person's well-being improves markedly body systems work without disturbance.

Let's figure out what it is - lymphatic drainage massage, which is different high efficiency and many medicinal properties.

What is lymphatic drainage massage?

This type of massage is defined as effects on lymph nodes and blood vessels by pressing, rubbing. The pressure should be very light. The patient does not feel pain or discomfort.

The procedure is very pleasant. Massage can be done for different parts body: , hands, body and . acting on certain points, body function improves.

The main goal of this procedure is to strengthen and improve the activity of blood vessels.

The person is getting healthier already after the first session. The effectiveness of the procedures is very high.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • The impact is on the painful area.
  • Beneficial action is aimed at nervous system, because the person during the procedure relaxes.
  • It is possible to eliminate bruises and scars after the first two or three sessions.
  • Puffiness, fatigue disappear.
  • Improves lymph drainage.
  • Complications are extremely rare.
  • If the procedure is performed on the face, the appearance of the person improves. He becomes more attractive.
  • Massage on the legs or arms allows you to remove swelling, improves blood flow.
  • A procedure performed primarily on the trunk can improve metabolic processes, functioning various systems organism.

Watch a video about the benefits and techniques lymphatic drainage massage:

Indications and contraindications

  • Varicose veins at the initial stage;
  • Acne;
  • puffiness;
  • Scars and stretch marks;
  • Healed burns;
  • Reduced immunity.

However, in some cases, the use of such a massage will have to give up:

  • Pregnancy;
  • You can not carry out such a procedure under the age of 18;
  • skin inflammation;
  • infections;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • lactation period.

Hardware and manual

There are two types of massage: hardware and manual. Each of them has some features.

Hardware procedure applied to general health body, as well as for body shaping. Women often use this method to lose weight, remove fat in certain parts body.

Apply various devices, which cause no pain, no harm. A person can relax during the procedure, lie down calmly. The duration of the procedure can vary from twenty to thirty minutes, depending on the apparatus, part of the body.

For example, a face is affected for only ten minutes - this time is quite enough to achieve noticeable result.

Hardware massage has some advantages:

  1. Improving the functioning of all internal organs.
  2. Slags and toxins are introduced from the body.
  3. The skin condition is noticeably improved.
  4. Puffiness and fatigue disappear.
  5. There is a slight weight loss, the disappearance of the fat layer.
  6. The average price of such a procedure is 500 rubles.

Despite the huge variety of devices, does not lose popularity manual massage. The specialist gently acts on the body, lightly pressing on certain points of the body, slowly moving his hands, relaxing the patient.

It's incredible pleasant procedure, which can eliminate neurosis and stress. A person is recovering, the work of internal organs is getting better.

An experienced massage therapist knows exactly which parts of the patient's body need the most impact.

Benefits of manual technology:

  1. Gentle pressure on the lymph nodes. This does not harm the body, but leads to the improvement of many processes.
  2. The fatty layer disappears.
  3. You can achieve noticeable results after the first two sessions.
  4. The duration of the procedure is one hour, which makes it possible to enjoy the process for a long time. The exception is facial massage. It lasts 10-15 minutes.
  5. The average cost of the procedure is 400 rubles.

Japanese lymphatic drainage view

This type of massage has been known to man for many centuries. It is used to treat people of all ages.

Features of Japanese technology:

  • This massage is mainly performed to combat puffiness, fatigue, scars and signs of aging.
  • Regular treatments can help rejuvenate.
  • It must be remembered that massage is not performed during infections, colds, inflammation, skin diseases and too little fat.
  • It should also be remembered that the this species massage only on the face. This is its main feature.

You can perform the presented procedures at home, but before that it is very important to familiarize yourself with technique:

Anticellulite massage

It's pretty easy to do. Necessary work with problem areas.

  1. First of all, the skin is lubricated with anti-cellulite cream. This will warm the skin, help the hands slide over the body area without causing discomfort.
  2. The procedure begins with slow movements. Gradually they become more intense, faster.
  3. The movements must be circular. In this case, you can not strongly squeeze the skin and press - this will lead to complications.
  4. The duration of the procedure is ten minutes. The skin should turn slightly red, perhaps a slight burning sensation and a feeling of discomfort. However severe pain should not be.

It is recommended to carry out lymphatic drainage massage procedures once or twice a week. In this case, the duration is one to two months. After that, you need to take a break for a few months. No more than two or three massage courses per year complications may arise.

To understand exactly how to do lymphatic drainage massage, visit a specialist once. Then you can perform the procedure yourself at home.

Thus, with the help this massage can not only improve the functioning of various body systems, but also get yourself in shape and get rid of fat. A person becomes even more attractive, his well-being improves.

Lymphatic drainage procedure is a physiotherapy method of recovery venous circulation and normalization of lymph outflow, involving the removal of excess fluid with metabolic products dissolved in it from the intercellular space. Doctors began to study the lymph and lymph flow only in the thirties of the last century.

If you notice local or general swelling on your body, then lymphatic drainage is vital for you. The most delicate parts of the body are the hands and face, they swell first. The purpose of lymphatic drainage is to speed up normal lymph flow, which has been slowed down for one reason or another. More uniform distribution fluid throughout the body with its partial removal literally before our eyes transforms the body. Therefore, lymphatic drainage refers not only to health, but also to cosmetic procedures.

Types of procedure

According to the depth of impact of the lymphatic drainage procedure, there are three main types:

  1. Surface. Such manipulations affect the surface of the skin, including receptors that conduct impulses from the skin into the body.
  2. Such a deep impact directly affects the microscopic vessels. This type of procedure causes various muscles to contract, which significantly speeds up the fluid exchange in the body and contributes to the normalization of the state of deep vessels.
  3. Interior. This is a special technique of acupressure in the groin and popliteal zones.

According to the methods of exposure, lymphatic drainage procedures are classified as follows:

There is a facelift, in terms of effectiveness almost equivalent to plastic corrections. Manual (manual) massage lymphatic drainage type on the face can be carried out simultaneously with the application of masks. If you prefer salon procedures, it doesn’t hurt to add a little money and order simultaneous facial lymphatic drainage along with a mask.

Home procedure lymphatic drainage of the face requires compliance with certain rules. You need to massage cleansed, steamed and heated skin. First massage the forehead. Fingertips with light pressure should be carried out from the center to the temples. Near the eyes, you need to work very carefully, because the skin there is sensitive and delicate.

In the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples along the lower edge of the eye socket, you need to gently draw with the pads of your fingers. Exactly the same movements need to be processed upper part eye sockets in the direction from the inner corner of the eye along the eyebrows to their tips. The cheeks are massaged in the direction from the corners of the mouth to the temples. On the cheeks, the movements need to be strengthened and the massage should be carried out with pressing touches. In the zone of nasolabial folds, the treatment consists in light pressure and finger strokes. The chin needs to be massaged with slight pressure from the center point of the chin towards the ears.

Body lymphatic drainage

If you decide to do health and weight loss, then you need to start with lymphatic drainage of the body. This procedure will allow you to correct the contours of the figure, improve the condition of the skin, up to smoothing stretch marks and scars, heal the veins, saturate the body with oxygen. If you keep to this time healthy eating, then problem areas will begin to melt literally before our eyes, you will gradually get rid of cellulite.

Many women have foot problems. This is due to the ratio of uncomfortable shoes and work on your feet. As a result, there are many vascular diseases, which are accompanied by malaise and pain, and the legs do not look at all aesthetically pleasing. Lymphatic drainage of the legs helps to cope with these problems. The cosmetic effect is to eliminate cellulite and tighten the skin. Pain, swelling and heaviness are reduced in the legs. Inflammatory processes are removed, vascular system gradually recovers. To do this, it is enough to carry out manual lymphatic drainage at home. But professional procedures in clinics will provide a much more powerful effect.

In general, the procedure for lymphatic drainage of the body, including the legs, is carried out by actively rubbing anti-cellulite agents and cosmetic oils. Massage necessarily includes techniques such as pinching and light strokes. The legs are massaged with a fairly significant pressure on the skin and muscles.

Thus, if you provide your body and face care with regular lymphatic drainage massage, while not forgetting about the normal daily routine and full balanced diet, then in the very near future you will be able to achieve stunning success in improving your internal condition and appearance!

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Today, such a procedure as lymphatic drainage massage is very popular. What it is is of interest to many people who want to experience this technique for themselves. In fact, this type of massage is very popular for a reason. It can help you get rid of excess weight, cellulite, as well as rejuvenate and cleanse the body. In this article, you will find out for whom this procedure is indicated and contraindicated, as well as what benefits it can bring to your body.

The history of the development of this procedure

Before understanding all the features of such a procedure as lymphatic drainage massage (what it is is described in this article), it is worth understanding where the roots come from. AT modern world so many beauty salons offer their patients to try out such a massage in cosmetic purposes However, earlier this procedure was used only to achieve a therapeutic effect.

It was recommended to patients who suffered from swelling of the neck and limbs, and this suggests that massage helped to cope with a very narrow range of problems. Now this method is used not only for general improvement health conditions, but also to normalize the condition of the skin. It is very important to know how to do lymphatic drainage massage, because the effect of the procedure will depend on the qualifications of the specialist.

Application in cosmetology

Many women are familiar with the problems that arise as a result of improper blood flow and the presence of puffiness in the body. It is these phenomena that lead to the fact that the skin becomes too flabby, and begins to age prematurely. You need to know that lymphatic drainage massage is a tool that can have some effects on the body:

    Reducing the amount of body fat, as well as eliminating the "orange peel".

    Restoration of a healthy natural color of the epidermis.

    Removal of puffiness.

    Recovery in the body of regenerative processes.

Lymphatic drainage massage for medicinal purposes

As you know, cellulite occurs as a result of improper blood flow, as well as flabbiness. muscle tissue. To eliminate such defects, experts recommend using this procedure. In addition to the cosmetic effect, it has a general healing effect on the body. A course of massage is able to boost immunity well and improve emotional condition. Indeed, during the procedure, it is released into the blood a large number of endorphins. Also, the procedure well relaxes tense muscles and strengthens blood vessels, which is a good prevention of varicose veins. In addition, the blood flow returns to normal, and excess fluid is removed from the body.

The massage technique will be able to choose good specialist, guided by individual features your body, as well as the tasks.

The technique of this procedure

Several methods can be carried out such a procedure as lymphatic drainage massage. What is it, you will be able to tell in all details qualified specialist. There are several ways to carry out this technique. Its definition in your particular case will depend on individual indicators your health. AT beauty salon you may be offered a manual and hardware massage. Consider the features of each of them.

Features of manual massage

Lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen and other parts of the body should be carried out in a clinic or beauty salon by an experienced massage therapist. Depending on the goal you want to achieve, the specialist will choose the massage technique. It can be superficial, deep and internal.

Superficial manual massage is able to stimulate the natural processes occurring in the epidermis, as well as unblock small blood vessels. Deep impact can provide outflow excess fluid from internal organs. This massage is done by strong finger pressure on the blood vessels. But with internal direct exposure, the doctor will work with the lymph nodes themselves. The technique of internal massage should only be used by an experienced qualified clinician.

During manual massage, the doctor will be able to control the force of pressure on different areas your body, so each part of the body will be worked out in a special way. To achieve the maximum effect, the massage therapist can use massage oil, cream or a special gel.

Methods for conducting hardware massage

In a beauty salon, you can be offered several varieties of hardware lymphatic drainage massage. Pay attention to these of them:


    anti-cellulite massage using vacuum technologies;

    microcurrent drainage.

Depending on the condition of the patient, as well as on the tasks set by him, the method of conducting the massage will be chosen. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

What is pressotherapy

This procedure is a special effect on the patient's body of compressed air. This type of massage can only be done in a massage room with special equipment. Such a massage is indicated for patients who want to get rid of excess weight in the arms, hips and legs. You will be put on a special suit that will tightly cover all parts of your body. Please note that this procedure should not be performed on people suffering from diseases. of cardio-vascular system. Therefore, if the cosmetologist asks you about the presence of such ailments, honestly confess to him, and he will offer you another procedure.

Carrying out anti-cellulite massage using vacuum technologies

Vacuum has a very good cosmetic effect for those people who want to get rid of cellulite and get a smooth and smooth skin without flabbiness. During this type of massage, vacuums will be installed on the problem areas of the patient's body, in which the pressure will decrease due to the action of special equipment. During the operation of the vacuum, all excess fluid comes to the surface of the skin, due to which the condition of the epidermis improves.

Are there any contraindications for the procedure?

In fact, even such useful procedure like a massage can bring serious problems with health, if you do not follow all the rules for its implementation. First of all, you should pay attention to a number of cases when it is better to refuse lymphatic drainage massage.

So, doctors prohibit the use of massage in such cases:

    lymphatic drainage massage should not be performed on pregnant and lactating women, as well as children without special recommendations doctor;

    refuse the procedure if you have noticed a pathology such as thrombosis;

    on the skin that is subject to exposure, there are burns or inflammatory processes;

    the patient suffers from neurological ailments;

    also be sure to notify the doctor about the presence of benign and malignant formations in the treated areas.

    Home lymphatic drainage massage

    Do not expect that applying such a procedure at home, you can get exactly the same result as in a beauty salon. However, if you master correct technique, then you can count on the fact that the cells of your body will actively begin to work, and your overall health will improve significantly.

    Be prepared for the fact that for such a massage you need to have enough strong hands so it will be hard for you at first. But over time, you will train, and you will do it with ease and pleasure. So, experts recommend a few days before the start of the procedure, start drinking two liters of water per day. It will speed up general exchange substances and prepare your body for the massage.

    Lymphatic drainage massage at home: technique

    First, take a comfortable position. It is best to do this sitting or reclining. Start making moves with inner surface hips. Start stroking the skin near the knees and slowly rise up to the inguinal muscles. Do seven strokes, increasing the force of pressing, and then seven, on the contrary, reducing it. Massage the inner surface of the calves in the same way.

    It is very important to do lymphatic drainage massage on the inner surface of the legs. You can do this procedure at home, even without special education.

    Facial treatment at home

    Lymphatic drainage facial massage at home is not difficult to do. This method will take you about fifteen minutes. With regular use, you will notice how the skin color will improve, and it will become fresher and more elastic. The technique of lymphatic drainage facial massage includes several stages.

    First of all, the forehead is massaged. Place the pads of your fingers in the center of your forehead and stroke your temples. At first, your movements should be very light, after which the intensity can be slightly increased. Followed by lymphatic drainage massage of the eyes. Put the pads index fingers on the bridge of the nose, and with gentle pressure, move them along the upper part of the eye socket. Swipe your fingers to the temple, then begin to gently massage the skin above the eyes. Now you need to move, on the contrary, from the temple area. Place your fingers over your eyebrows, and move in a circular motion towards the bridge of your nose.

    When performing, do not forget to pay enough attention to your cheeks. To begin, place your fingers in the center of your chin and slide them to the beginning of the jaw. Now place your fingers at the corners of your lips and swipe up to your ears. Cheek massage should always end with a line from upper lip to the temples.

    And finally, massage your chin. Place the pads of your thumbs and forefingers in the middle of your chin and slide them up to your ears.

    Important nuances

    Lymphatic drainage japanese massage on the face is best done after your skin has been steamed. Due to this, all the vessels and capillaries on the face will expand. During the massage on the face, in no case do strong pressure. After all, this can lead to very serious complications.

    In what cases should the procedure be abandoned?

    A procedure such as lymphatic drainage facial massage at home is very useful. The technique of its implementation is not complicated, so everyone can master it. However, it should be borne in mind that in some cases it is best to refuse the procedure. Otherwise, you can cause serious harm to your health.

    So, wait a little with lymphatic drainage facial massage if:

      on your skin mechanical damage, inflammation and pustules;

      also, the procedure should be abandoned if there is allergic reactions on the skin;

      you can not do massage in the acute active stage of herpes;

      in the presence of diseases facial nerves or in diseases of the blood;

      It is also worth considering the presence of oncological ailments.


    Lymphatic drainage massage is very effective procedure, which allows to improve overall health, strengthen the immune system, get rid of excess fat and cellulite, improve skin condition, as well as give good mood. Very often, this procedure is indicated for women suffering from overweight and cellulite, but it also gives a very good healing effect for the whole body. Before carrying out such a massage, be sure to consult a specialist. He, depending on the state of your health and your goals, will offer the most suitable type of lymphatic drainage massage for you. Be sure to tell the doctor about your medical conditions, as this will play a decisive role in the need for the procedure.

    Lymphatic drainage facial massage at home is very simple. However, before that, be sure to consult with a specialist and study all the information on the execution technique. And soon you will see a positive effect.

    Don't expect good result after one procedure. Usually, experts recommend ten to fourteen procedures with an interval of several days to achieve the maximum effect. Be healthy and take care of yourself.

Before you figure out why you need drainage lymphatic system, and what the Lymphatic Drainage product is, let's remember why lymph is needed in the human body. is a wide network of blood vessels located throughout the body. Every day, a large amount of fluid flows from the blood into the tissues of the body. The lymphatic vessels collect this fluid and keep the tissues from swelling.

The feature of this liquid connective tissue in the fact that it moves through the lymphatic vessels in only one direction - from the bottom up and passes through the lymph nodes in the process of movement. These nodes contain many cells that filter interstitial fluid, removing pathogens of any infection. About three liters of lymph are drained and cleaned daily, which in a purified form returns to the subclavian vein through the subclavian vein.

Do not think that the drainage of the lymphatic system is important only to prevent swelling, leading to weight gain and cellulite. Human immunity primarily depends on the state of the system. The lymphatic system is not only vessels, but also a complex of organs of the immune system - lymph nodes, Bone marrow, appendix, adenoids, tonsils, thymus. A vicious circle is observed: a malfunction in the lymphatic system reduces immunity, and a decrease in immunity, in turn, indicates a violation in the lymphatic system.

Just imagine what would happen to our health if the purification of the liquid from toxins, toxins and all this muck through the blood vessels were delivered to various tissues and organs? Definitely: metabolism, cell regeneration is disturbed, the body is poisoned. This leads not only to premature aging, the development of chronic diseases, but also death.

It is very important to prevent the emergence and development pathological processes, interfering with both the movement of lymph and the provision of hydrostatic equilibrium between tissue and blood. For this purpose, NSP specialists created New Product called Lymphatic Drainage. The product contains red clover flower extract, stillingia root, aerial parts tenacious bedstraw, Zanthoxylum bark.

What is so special about these medicinal plants, which allows to ensure the drainage of the lymphatic system, prevent lymph stagnation, improve the absorption nutrients, boost protective properties immunity? AT chemical composition tenacious bedstraw iridoids, saponins, vitamin C and K, flavonoids, which allows you to strengthen immunity, restore useful intestinal microflora, increase hemoglobin levels, tone up the lymphatic system, slow down growth cancer cells, including tumors lymph nodes.

Red clover flower extract contains phytoestrogens, vitamins C, P, B vitamins, folic acid, carotene, protein, essential oils, salicylic acid. has long been used in folk medicine to improve blood circulation. In addition, it dissolves cholesterol plaques, strengthens blood vessels, restoring their structure and elasticity.

The medicinal properties of the stillingia root are ensured by the presence in the plant of the alkaloid stillgin, resins, tannin, essential and fatty oils. Due to this, it not only exhibits a selective effect on lymphoid tissue and is used for lymphadenitis, but is also indicated for chronic cystitis, laryngitis, gastritis, hepatitis, bronchitis, bone inflammation and osteomyelitis.

Stimulates the work of the lymphatic and circulatory systems organism of the bark of zanthoxylum. Another name for the plant is yellow tree. It grows in the southern part of the United States of America. Zanthoxylum bark extract contains a large amount of bioflavonoids, resins, tannins, alkaloids, essential oils and other components. In addition to strengthening vascular wall vessels and activation of microcirculation, the extract has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Improves the functioning of the digestive organs by increasing secretion gastric juice strengthens the heart, reduces blood pressure, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.

When should I drain the lymphatic system using Lymphatic Drainage NSP? The product is indicated if the lymph nodes are enlarged, there are edema, hypertension, various skin manifestations in the form of neoplasms, psoriasis, dermatitis, allergies, bad smell body and mouth. When there is increased or decreased salivation, there are diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder. Useful reception Lymphatic Drainage, if weakened the immune system, disturb frequent colds. Support for the body is necessary for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, have overweight, suffers chronic constipation. Syrup is taken ¼ teaspoon in a glass of water twice a day.

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One of the procedures that can improve the general condition of a person, as well as his appearance, is lymphatic drainage. It is based on the removal of excess fluid from the intercellular space of body tissues. It accumulates as a result of violations of the function of the lymphatic system. chronic diseases, stress, lifestyle, ecology - factors that affect the activity of all organs and systems human body. As a result of certain malfunctions, the lymph slowly travels through the lymphatic vessels and lingers in them, which leads to intoxication. Overcrowding of tissues with lymph also affects appearance: the skin loses its former elasticity, becomes flabby, cellulite appears. Lymphatic drainage procedures will help get rid of toxins and toxins, which contributes to the disappearance of edema, inflammation, puffiness of the face, bags under the eyes and cellulite in problem areas.

How is lymphatic drainage performed?

Lymphatic drainage can be carried out in two ways - manually and with the help of special devices. The manual method of cleaning the vessels consists in a special massage technique that helps to cleanse them and increases the tone of the walls. Manual lymphatic drainage happens:

  • superficial;
  • deep;
  • internal.

The surface method is aimed at cleansing the vessels located closer to the surface of the skin. Massage is based on the stimulation of receptors, which, by contracting smooth muscles skin, at the same time reduce the lymphatic vessels. The deep method of manual lymphatic drainage promotes the restoration of blood vessels located deep in the tissues. The internal method is used to stimulate regional lymph nodes, which are located in the popliteal, femoral and inguinal regions.

Procedure hardware lymphatic drainage directed to the striated muscles of the body. Exposure to it with special devices contributes to the outflow of lymph. And to stimulate it, surge is carried out, that is, pressure on the lymph nodes, as a result of which they open and release all the accumulated fluid. Surging is repeated after the procedure - to close the lymph nodes.

There are several types of hardware lymphatic drainage, which differ from each other by the method of operation of the selected device.

  • Microcurrent lymphatic drainage occurs by excitation of the muscles and nerve fibers low frequency current pulses. It also improves blood circulation as a result. The method is shown at sensitive skin and damage to the integrity of the skin.
  • Myostimulation involves the application of electrodes to the region of the lymph nodes, the passage electric current through which it will contribute to impulse muscle contraction and activation of the function of the lymphatic system.
  • Vacuum lymphatic drainage aimed at stimulating small vessels and capillaries. The massage effect of the device's drainage tubes is activated along the lymph flow paths. As a result, the function of small vessels is restored, blood supply and lymph flow improve.
  • With pressure therapy compressed air is used in cuffs of various pressures. With its help, they affect muscle innervation, subcutaneous fat, blood and lymph vessels.
  • Endormology- carried out by a vacuum-roller machine, the movements of which are directed along lymphatic vessels. As a result of the procedure, stagnant lymph leaves the tissues, and their condition improves.
  • Already after the first procedure of lymphatic drainage, improvements are noticeable both externally and internally. The patient feels lightness, inner warmth, a surge of energy and cheerfulness. Swelling gradually decreases, and eventually disappear altogether. For a stable result, it is recommended to carry out from 8 to 12 procedures, their number depends on the complexity of the disease and the type of procedure chosen.

    Indications for cleansing the lymphatic vessels

    Lymphatic drainage is carried out only after a doctor's prescription and in the absence of contraindications. The procedure is recommended for:

    • initial stage varicose veins veins;
    • chronic venous insufficiency;
    • complications after diabetes;
    • edema and inflammatory processes skin;
    • shallow scars and scars of the skin;
    • obesity
    • cellulite;
    • acne;
    • decrease in skin elasticity.

    The course of the procedures passed ensures the removal of excess fluid, ridding the body of toxins and toxins, as well as improving the general condition and reducing body volume and weight.

    Lymphatic drainage is still carried out in combination with other cosmetic procedures, with its help you can get rid of swelling of the face, in particular bags under the eyes. The procedure is included in the complex anti-cellulite program and guarantees positive and quite noticeable results.


    But there are conditions accompanying illnesses in which lymphatic drainage can only do harm. For example, the indication in question is pregnancy. Many expectant mothers complain of edema, they can be treated with lymphatic drainage, but the appointment is made only if the benefit of the procedure for the mother outweighs the risk of fetal deterioration. It is also impossible to carry out cleansing stimulation of blood vessels with:

    • ARVI in the acute stage;
    • exacerbations of diseases of internal organs;
    • cardiovascular diseases of the third degree;
    • blood diseases, violation of its coagulability;
    • blood clots in the bloodstream;
    • renal failure;
    • skin diseases;
    • thyroid diseases;
    • tuberculosis;
    • malignant tumors.

    The procedure for cleansing the lymphatic vessels is universal in use, it can be carried out both in a beauty salon and at home. And after a while, external improvements and changes in the general condition will be noticeable. After completing the course of lymphatic drainage, you can easily get rid of headaches, rapid fatigue, swelling, cellulite and other diseases. Perhaps, in some salons, the procedure is not quite cheap, but the effect is worth it. In addition, each session is painless and brings a pleasant feeling and lasting results.