Lymphatic drainage body massage how to do it right. Types and types

The lymphatic system consists of organs that provide the immune defense of the body, as well as vessels through which the lymphatic fluid moves.

To help the lymphatic system cope with its "duties", they do a special massage that affects the deep layers of tissues through which lymph flows. Such a massage can be done not only on problem areas where there is cellulite, but also on the face and back.

How to do lymphatic drainage massage? To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with special practices.

Indications and contraindications for lymphatic drainage massage

Any system loses its abilities with age. This also applies to the lymphatic system, which over time ceases to quickly remove toxins and toxins from the tissues. This causes stagnation of fluid in the body, the accumulation of toxins, which leads to excess weight and swelling.

Indications for lymphatic drainage massage:

  • increased immunity;
  • getting rid of the "orange peel";
  • weight loss;
  • getting rid of swelling and bruising;
  • elimination of frequent headaches;
  • getting rid of insomnia and stress;
  • strengthening skin tone;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • getting rid of acne;
  • elimination of stretch marks and shallow scars;
  • treatment of gastrointestinal diseases along with complex therapy;
  • elimination of wrinkles.
  • body rejuvenation.

Contraindications for lymphatic drainage massage:

  • blood diseases;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • the presence of tumors in the body;
  • neuralgia;
  • burns;
  • kidney failure;
  • diabetes;
  • thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • herpes;
  • wounds and cuts;
  • fragile vessels;
  • pregnancy.

If after it the swelling increased and bruises began to appear, then it is worth stopping the procedure, and also consult a doctor.

Levels and types of lymphatic drainage massage

There are three levels of procedure:

  1. Surface - in which lymph capillaries are activated. Helps tighten and smooth the skin.
  2. projection- Affects the lymphatic vessels. Such manipulations ensure the outflow of lymph and speed up the metabolism.
  3. Deep- activates the lymph nodes. Renders therapeutic effect on the body, eliminating cellulite and excess weight.

There are two main types of procedure:

  1. Manual- by tactile manipulations of the massage therapist.
  2. hardware- with the help of special devices.

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage

The hardware method is divided, in turn, into the following types:

  • pressotherapy;
  • vacuum manipulations;
  • microcurrent procedures.

Pressotherapy consists in putting on different parts of the body special covers that are compressed. As a result of pressure, the movement of lymph and blood through the vessels is activated. The compression of the covers occurs under the influence of compressed air under pressure.

The microcurrent procedure is carried out as follows: special bandages with electrical wiring are put on problem areas of the body. Impulse currents affect the body, improving lymph flow. This is a completely safe and painless procedure that gives amazing results! Excess fluid is removed from the body and subcutaneous fat is actively split.

Vacuum lymphatic drainage massage is carried out using special equipment. It is a nozzle in the form of a bowl, which is attached to a part of the body, and on the other hand, a tube is connected to it, pumping out air. The vacuum cup, having pumped out the air, begins to draw in the skin, thereby activating the work of the lymph nodes.

The nozzle is moved over the entire surface of the body. It turns out an intensive procedure. It is ideal for people who want to lose weight.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage

A session of manual massage is carried out for an hour. Only in this case there will be a noticeable effect.

Lymphatic drainage massage technique:

  1. Relaxation and removal of muscle clamps. The procedure begins with soft and relaxing influences. First, it is necessary to relieve tension in the patient, calm his nervous system. In this procedure, oils are usually used, which open the pores and thereby help to remove excess fluid from the skin.
  2. Soft pressure. Using the surge method, they easily press on the lymph nodes, moving from top to bottom: the base of the neck, abdomen, groin. At this stage, it is necessary to “wake up” the lymph nodes, as well as free the channels through which the lymph moves.
  3. Wave movements. Now they are made from the bottom up, in the direction of blood flow. Soft effects on the skin activate nerve endings, as well as blood capillaries. Movement should not cause pain. Manipulations on the body should be soft, smooth and slow.

Consequences of lymphatic drainage massage:

  • reduction of edema;
  • elimination of cellulite;
  • weight loss;
  • improving well-being;
  • metabolism stimulation.

Despite the numerous advantages of the procedure, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using it. The patient, at times, may not be aware of the presence in his body chronic diseases in which massage manipulations are contraindicated.

Lymphatic drainage massage at home

Lymphatic massage can be performed by any professional massage therapist. However, there is nothing complicated in this therapy. If you understand the basic rules of execution, then massage manipulations can be performed even by a non-professional at home.

Do you want something interesting?

Execution rules:

  1. Movements should be smooth and careful.
  2. Lubricate the body with essential oils or honey. This ingredient is very good at removing toxins from tissues.
  3. The movements on any site are almost identical: from the bottom up.
  4. The procedure should begin with warming up the part of the body that will be treated. To do this, gently stroke the body along the lymph flow.
  5. Next comes the active stage. It consists in exposing the body with the edge of the hand in exactly one direction.
  6. After the procedure, you should take a contrast shower.

Lymphatic drainage body massage

Trusting a person to massage his body, you need to make sure of his competence. After all, an experienced massage therapist must know exactly the location of the lymph nodes and the direction of movement of the lymph.

Main lines of lymph flow:

  • from neck to chest;
  • from the hands to the shoulders;
  • from the abdomen to the pelvis;
  • from knees to groin.

Lymph nodes are located:

  • under the jawbone;
  • on the sides of the neck;
  • in the armpits;
  • elbow bends;
  • under the knees;
  • in the groin;
  • in the center of the chest.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen is done in order to get rid of excess fat. As a result of the procedures, the stomach becomes flat and toned. This is due to the fact that fat cells begin to actively break down, and excess fluid leaves the subcutaneous tissues. After all, it is she who is the cause of cellulite on the stomach.

The procedure is carried out according to general rules starting from the navel. Hands should make circular movements in a clockwise direction. Manipulations should be soft and pleasant, so as not to damage internal organs abdominal cavity.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the breast allows you to strengthen the muscles and restore their elasticity. However, if there are diseases of the mammary gland: mastopathy, swelling, tumors, then massage is categorically contraindicated!

First, you need to perform a superficial stroking of each breast to warm up the tissues. Then the palms should be clasped around the glands, moving from the bottom up towards the armpits.

After manipulations, light rubbing should be done. All movements in relation to the chest should be very gentle and careful.

Lymphatic drainage hand massage helps relieve fatigue and tension. To do this, you need to pull right hand forward, and grab your wrist with your left. Then, with smooth strokes, you should hold your left hand to the right elbow. Manipulation should be repeated 5 times, and then change hands.

Lymphatic drainage foot massage

This procedure helps not only relieve tension, but also rid the limbs of cellulite.

For a home procedure, relaxing and patting movements are made in conjunction with a hard study of tissues. Duration of the procedure: 60 to 90 minutes.

Lymph nodes on lower limbs located under the knees and in the groin. It is in these areas that manipulations are carried out.

  1. Hands should be placed on inside hips around the knee.
  2. Lymph nodes in the groin are massaged in a circular motion along the lymph flow.
  3. Then the whole leg is massaged: from the ankle to the pubic bone. The first seven movements are performed intensively, and then the manipulations are relaxed.

Lymphatic drainage anti-cellulite massage is performed on the thighs. Start with inner surface. Stroking movements move from the bottom up: from the knees to the groin. Movements should be in one direction and not cause pain.

After working out the problem area, stroke the entire leg: from the foot to the pubis. Start with light movements, ending with intense manipulations. After 7 approaches, the intensity of strokes should decline.

At the end of the procedure, claps should be carried out different intensity on problem areas for 5 minutes. This will restore tone and improve blood circulation.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage

Facial massage with the effect of lymphatic drainage is an alternative to expensive cosmetic procedures in the cabin.

Indications for the procedure:

  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • double chin;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • wrinkles;
  • loose skin.

Manipulations are performed in the direction of the massage lines. Wave-like movements lightly press on the skin, moving along the lymph flow. Such manipulations allow you to remove muscle clamps, activate metabolic processes in tissues and accelerate the regeneration of skin cells.

After stimulation of the lymphatic system, the cells actively begin to remove toxins and toxins. As a result, the skin relief is leveled and natural elasticity appears.

Facial massage is performed for 15 minutes in several stages:

  1. Forehead. Close the fingers of both hands and place them in the center of the forehead. Then gently carry out the pads with smoothing movements towards the temples.
  2. Eyes. Lymphatic drainage massage around the eyes is done with stroking movements, starting from the bridge of the nose to the lower edge of the orbit, and then to the temple. Do not forget about the eyelids. Only movements in this case are performed in reverse order: from the temple to the bridge of the nose along the lower edge of the eyebrow.
  3. Cheeks. The pads of the fingers are gently drawn from the center of the chin to the lower edge of the ear. Then from the corners of the mouth to the temples.
  4. Nasolabial area. Fingers tap on the nasolabial fold, gently pressing on it.
  5. The chin. The thumbs are placed on the center of the chin, and then, slightly pressing on the skin, they are carried out to the ears.

Before performing a facial massage, the skin must be slightly steamed so that the liquid is more easily removed through enlarged pores. Do not press hard on the skin. After all skin covering very soft on the face.

Performing regular manipulations on the face, you can prolong youth without surgery.

Japanese lymphatic drainage massage

Asahi massage is Japanese traditional technique for facial rejuvenation. The essence of the method lies in the force effect on the muscles of the face. Manipulations should not be hard and painful. The procedure should be pleasant and relaxing.

The Japanese technique allows you to achieve the following results:

  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • skin tightening;
  • healthy skin color;
  • removal of edema;
  • face lifting.

Contraindications Japanese technology:

  • skin diseases;
  • diseases of the lymph nodes;
  • pathology of ENT organs;
  • temporary discomfort.

There are two main varieties of the Japanese technique:

  • lymphatic drainage massage;
  • deep muscle massage aimed at relieving tension and lifting the face.

To achieve the effect of rejuvenation, it is enough to spend 3 minutes daily on massage effects.

Preparation for execution:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the location of the lymph nodes in the neck. In the direction of the lymph flow, it will be necessary to do manipulations.
  2. Cleanse the skin with scrubs and exfoliation.
  3. Buy makeup remover cosmetics, as they will be used for manipulations.

The peculiarity of the Japanese technique is that it is performed when the patient is sitting or standing. AT exceptional cases massage is performed lying down. All movements should be performed along the course of the lymphatic vessels: from the extreme points to the center. In this case, you can not press on the lymph nodes themselves! Upon completion of the manipulations, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids:

  1. Spread your elbows and put in front of your face.
  2. Touch your fingers to the outer corners of your eyes.
  3. Gently swipe from the outer edges to the inner.
  4. Return the fingers to their original position and press on the temples for 3 minutes.
  5. Make circular movements: from the temples to the inner edges of the eyes along lower eyelid and then in reverse direction- on the top.
  6. Press lightly on outer corners within 3-5 seconds.

Nose and cheeks:

  1. Put your fingers on the base of the wings of the nose.
  2. Press lightly and make forward movements: up and down for 5 seconds.
  3. Place the fingertips at the base of the wings and make 2-3 stretching movements towards the ears.

Nasolabial folds and chin:

  1. Put your fingers in the center under the lower lip.
  2. Pressing lightly, circle the corners of the lips with your fingers. As a result, the fingers should meet above the upper lip in the center.
  3. Freeze in this position for 3 seconds.

Repeat all manipulations 3 times.

Japanese technology in the presence of certain problems:

  1. Swelling of the face. Gymnastics is best done in the morning. All movements should be light and gentle.
  2. Acne. First you need to get rid of the problem, and then, in order to avoid recurrence, start doing massage. In this case, you should not use fatty oils, so as not to clog enlarged pores.
  3. Couperose. Exercises should be light without strong pressure. In the cheek area, manipulations must be completely excluded.

Lymphatic drainage massage at home is a great way to rejuvenate by dropping excess weight and age. It should only be remembered that it should only be performed by an experienced person, location-aware lymph nodes, as well as the technique of the procedure.

The most natural processes in the body sometimes fail even for no apparent reason. For example, disruption of the lymphatic system affects the decrease in immunity, the appearance of edema, cellulite, and the development of internal diseases. The cause is lymph stagnation, a violation of the freedom of its movement through the courts, and lymphatic drainage massage will help to cope with this. Let's see what its essence is such an effect on the body, what types and techniques are there, when it is advisable to use it.

What is lymphatic drainage

The lymphatic system functions as a sewer in the body. Lymphatic drainage massage is a physiotherapeutic procedure aimed at the intercellular space, in which metabolic products and fluid accumulate. The essence of lymphatic drainage is the cleansing of the “clogged” distance between the cells of the body by improving the circulation of lymph (liquid connective tissue).

Lymph flows through the vessels due to the contractions of the muscles that surround it. Massage affects them and the entire lymphatic system as a whole. As a result of lymphatic drainage procedures, muscles relax, blood vessels become wider, lymph flows more freely, and is distributed more evenly. The process of metabolism (proteins, salts, water) between blood and tissues is facilitated, toxins (remnants of decayed cells), viruses, toxins are removed. Once in the lymph nodes, all this "garbage" is neutralized.

Lymph performs a metabolic, protective, homeostatic function, so its drainage heals and rejuvenates the body, improves immunity. Lymphatic drainage (normalization of lymph flow) is carried out using massage movements. From the capillaries, the lymph moves through the vessels and flows into the lymph nodes, so stimulating massaging is done along the course of its flow - to the lymph nodes.

Indications for and benefits of massage

The uniqueness of lymphatic drainage physiotherapy for adults is the ability to slow down aging. Children's massage is also a remedy for some congenital pathologies, disease prevention. A certain technique, its varieties, lymphatic drainage effects on specific areas of the body help to cope with aesthetic problems, correct figure flaws, it is easier to recover from illnesses.


Lymphatic drainage of the face is carried out by the method of hardware (myostimulation) and manual exposure. Such rejuvenation will be useful to everyone, but this massage procedure shown in special cases:

  • puffiness of the face;
  • the appearance of a second chin;
  • violation of the contours of the face in the aging process;
  • withering of the skin, its sagging;
  • early appearance of wrinkles;
  • recovery period after plastic surgery.


Lymphatic drainage of the legs includes an impact on the outer and inner side of the thighs, lower legs, feet, as a result of which the lymph flow normalizes, the functioning of venous valves improves. This procedure is effective prevention varicose veins, arthritis. The procedure is shown for:

  • removal of edema;
  • improving immunity;
  • correction of the shape of the legs;
  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • relieve pain, fatigue.


Carrying out lymphatic drainage massage for the purpose of healing, rejuvenation, improving the appearance can be in hardware and manual techniques. The procedure takes a different amount of time, but not less than 45 minutes. The indications for the procedure are the following:

  • excess weight;
  • cellulite;
  • weakened immunity;
  • swelling;
  • loose skin;
  • postoperative recovery period.

Around eyes

The area around the eyes is a delicate area of ​​the face. Ordinary massage manipulations are able to harm the thin skin of the eyelids and undereyes, as it is easily stretched, another thing is lymphomassage. The gentle techniques that distinguish lymphatic drainage are safe for the skin around the eyes. This type of manipulation has a strengthening effect on the eyeball, is shown the following cases:

  • prevention of aging;
  • reduction of "crow's feet";
  • increased visual acuity;
  • pain and "sand" in the eyes;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • elimination of edema.


Lymphomassage of the eyelids (point and general) is carried out with extreme caution. In this area, only manual techniques and myostimulation are used. Impact on lymphatic drainage in the eyelid area helps to eliminate:

  • bags under the eyes;
  • sagging of the upper eyelid;
  • small wrinkles;
  • dark circles under the lower eyelids;
  • skin laxity.


Doing lymphatic drainage massage treatments for the back in medicinal purposes, Special attention is given to the lower back and the area along the spine. This lymphatic drainage procedure is recommended during recovery from injuries, as an addition to neurological therapy. The aesthetic effect is achieved using a vacuum technique and pressotherapy. Lymphomassage of the back, which improves lymph drainage, helps:

  • partially get rid of neuralgia of various zones;
  • relieve difficult breathing;
  • reduce fat folds at the waist;
  • normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • reduce the fat "pillow" on the neck and upper back (vacuum massage).


Lymphatic drainage on the buttocks is used for aesthetic purposes. In this area, for the beauty of the body, hardware techniques are actively used: cupping massage, pressure therapy, myostimulation, and at least 20 minutes are allotted for each procedure. The benefits of lymphomassage effects on this part of the body:

  • reduction in the volume of the buttocks;
  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • skin tightening;
  • muscle strengthening.


Lymphatic drainage of the neck is combined with facial massage. Performed in manual massage technique, pursue the following goals:

  • saturation of the skin with oxygen;
  • removal of soft tissue edema;
  • improved blood supply;
  • slowing down the appearance of wrinkles;
  • muscle strengthening;
  • skin tightening.


This type of lymphomassage, performed on the abdomen, has a therapeutic and cosmetic effect. The procedure uses all manual and hardware lymphomassage techniques (depending on the purpose):

  • skin tightening;
  • reduction of the fat layer;
  • improvement of perylstatics;
  • removal of ballast from the intestine;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • scar healing;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • getting rid of chronic diseases.


Hardware or tactile (correct) lymphatic drainage effect on the human body has contraindications. This is due to the ability of the lymph to carry infection, toxins, metastases in cancer. Lymphomassage of any kind should not be carried out by pregnant women and with such diseases and disorders, deviations:

  • blockage of veins (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis);
  • vascular and heart disease in severe or chronic form;
  • active stage of herpes;
  • neurological disorders;
  • burns, open wounds, hematomas;
  • lymphadenopathy, lymphadenitis;
  • abscesses;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hematomas (bruises).

There are contraindications for lymphatic drainage effects on certain areas of the body. So, for example, it is not recommended to massage the groin, armpits, nipples, navel. After childbirth, abortion, with hernias, it is forbidden to massage the abdomen, and during menstruation - the lower back. It is impossible to have a massage effect on the mammary glands if touching causes pain or discomfort. Dermatitis and other skin diseases absolute contraindication to the lymphatic drainage procedure: it is allowed to act on nearby intact skin areas.

Lymphatic drainage massage techniques

Lymphatic drainage therapeutic massage procedure has become common, popular, affordable. It can be done on your own or by a professional. manual and hardware massage carried out in beauty salons, cosmetology clinics, massage rooms, with the departure of the master at home. If you go to a medical institution or order a session at home, it will cost you about 500-2000 rubles. Facial lymphomassage is the cheapest, and the cost of a full lymphatic drainage course of 12-15 procedures with an interval of two to three days is often discounted.


This technique is called manual. This is a way of tactile impact on a person in order to relax the body, speed up the movement of lymph, and normalize metabolism at the cellular level. It is carried out by sliding the hands along the lines of the lymph flow with light pressure, using oils and mixtures. According to the strength of the impact, such manual lymphomassage is divided into:

  • deep impact (vascular);
  • superficial (capillary);
  • internal (impact on the lymph nodes).


It is carried out as an independent procedure or as an addition to manual exposure. Hardware lymphomassage is performed using special devices both foreign and domestic production. This procedure uses myostimulation (the effect of vibration under the influence of electric current), vacuum and pressotherapy. Before any kind of hardware procedures, a preliminary examination is necessary, identifying contraindications to the effects of current and pressure.


With vacuum lymphatic drainage, special vessels (banks) are placed on the massaged areas. Under them, the pressure decreases, and the fluid from the body "sticks" to the surface. Example vacuum therapy- well-known medical cups for colds. The purpose of vacuum massage is to stimulate the movement of lymph and blood, to remove excess fluid at the intercellular level. The effect is the disappearance of cellulite bumps, the removal of edema, but it is dangerous for the appearance of hematomas.


The procedure is very similar to the process of measuring pressure, only the cuff is put on not on the arm, but on the whole body. The principle of exposure is pressure with compressed air, the goal is weight loss, the effect is a decrease in the volume of the hips, arms, buttocks, legs. Pressomassage is divided into compression and impulse:

  1. Barocompression lymphatic drainage effect by positive pressure on the lymph flow to reduce the volume of gases penetrating through the capillary walls.
  2. Impulse lymphatic drainage is a massage effect with positive and negative pressure in order to increase the elasticity of the vascular walls.

How to do self-massage at home

Manual (manual) lymphatic drainage can be done independently. This procedure is no more difficult than a regular facial massage at home. For it, you need to purchase a special mixture or use vegetable oil diluted with a few drops of essential oil. Rules for independent lymphatic drainage:

  1. Start a course of lymphomassage only after a medical consultation, making sure that there are no contraindications for this procedure.
  2. Do not engage in lymphatic drainage self-massage immediately after eating.
  3. General massage to start with the limbs, follow the sequence: legs, arms, torso, head.
  4. Perform lymphatic drainage procedure in the afternoon (preferably in the evening).
  5. Lubricate all massaged areas with special oil or massage mixture.
  6. When performing lymphatic drainage, do not allow sudden movements, strong pressure, pinches, squeezes. The main technique is stroking.
  7. The impact on the massaged areas should be carried out only in the direction of the lymph nodes (neck, armpits, groin area). For the face: from the center line to the temples and ears.
  8. During the week, perform at least two and no more than three sessions.
  9. Before self-massage, be sure to familiarize yourself with the methodology for its implementation.
  10. Do not do lymphomassage during pregnancy and during menstruation.

Step-by-step instruction how to do lymphomassage of legs:

  1. Lubricate your hands with oil and rub your feet thoroughly, intensively for about 7 minutes.
  2. Sit on a chair, put your leg extended in front of you on the other. Grab your ankles with your palms. With light pressure, move your hands up to the knee. So massage the lower leg for 5-7 minutes. Change your leg.
  3. Lubricate with massage oil outside hips. Rub well. Pat the massaged areas with your palms. Change your leg.

Facial lymphomassage:

  1. Clean the steamed skin, moisturize, lubricate with cream (oil).
  2. With the fingertips of both hands, stroke the forehead from the center between the eyebrows up and to the temples.
  3. Middle and index fingers massage the area around the eyes in a circle - from the outer edge of the orbit to the nose.
  4. With light point pressure, walk along the same path.
  5. Massage the cheekbones and cheeks in the same way: from the nose, corners of the mouth, the center of the chin to the ears.

Find out what it is, how to do it correctly.

Photos before and after

The best demonstration of the effectiveness of lymphatic drainage massage is a good example. The photographs show that the course of such procedures helps to significantly reduce the volume of the body: the waist becomes thinner, the “ears” on the hips decrease, the legs become noticeably slimmer, the stomach is tightened. Lymphatic drainage also works as an anti-cellulite massage: irregularities on the skin of the thighs and buttocks disappear, the body looks smooth and elastic.

Video instruction

Do you want to know what is the essence of lymphomassage? Why do such manipulations have a rejuvenating effect? How does the masseur “make” the lymph move faster, why is excess fluid released between the cells under his hands, what is the lymphatic drainage process from the inside? Would you like to know what it looks like in practice? japanese massage zogan?

Watch a master class from Japanese stylist Yukuko Tanaka where she shows important points rejuvenating lymphatic drainage therapeutic facial massage. Listen to a description of the technique of a professional massage therapist, who presents a lesson in aesthetic manual lymphatic drainage, talks about its rules and possible consequences technical errors.

How to do lymphatic drainage at home

Zogan Yukoko Tanaka


Elizabeth, 25 years old: I never had any special problems with the figure, but the second chin is my scourge! Signed up for a professional massage in a beauty salon. I was offered myostimulation. I took a course of hardware lymphatic drainage procedures - there is an effect, but hardly noticeable. Then I asked for a manual one, although this service is more expensive. Within two weeks, my second selection simply disappeared! I continue to go to my massage therapist once a month - for prevention.

Valentina, 34 years old:­ I thought for a long time how to lose weight in the hips, because no exercises helped to remove fat on the thighs. A friend advised me to go for a hardware massage. I went through 10 press massage sessions - the effect is amazing! Flabby thighs disappeared somewhere, instead of them plump, but elastic legs appeared. Nothing shakes when walking, and I buy jeans a size smaller.

Margarita, 50 years old: Accidentally got on a session of manual lymphatic drainage. This is just a magical procedure, much more pleasant than ordinary massaging. The effect for me was unexpected: stuffy nose. Then I found out that this is normal for lymphatic drainage. After the massage, there was an extraordinary lightness and a crazy surge of energy. Cheerful mood and activity lasted 10 days! I want to pass full course lymphomassage.

The lymphatic system is responsible for excretion harmful substances formed in the course of human life. The deterioration of the lymphatic system leads to the fact that the waste products of vital activity are not removed, but accumulate, therefore, intoxication of the body occurs. In addition, the lymph nodes contribute to the destruction of microbes. To stimulate the lymphatic system and facilitate the movement of fluid in the body, lymphatic drainage massage is necessary.

What is lymphatic drainage massage?

This is a physiotherapeutic procedure that removes toxic formations from excess liquid from the body. The main effect of lymphatic drainage is to increase the speed of lymph flow. This helps the organs get rid of decay products faster and get more nutrients and oxygen.

The basis of the lymphatic drainage session is knowledge of the location of the lymph nodes and the direction of movement of the lymph. This is an absolutely painless process based on stroking and pressure.

Cosmetologists and medical workers It is strongly advised to carry out this simple but effective procedure at least once a week, which will help you look young without the intervention of surgeons.

Indications and contraindications

The following problems of the body can serve as the basis for prescribing a course:

  • swelling of the skin;
  • varicose disease of the extremities;
  • excess body fat;
  • reduced skin turgor;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • the presence of postoperative and burn scars and stretch marks;
  • weakening of the lymph flow with cellulite;
  • decreased immunity;
  • circulatory disorders in the limbs.

Like any therapeutic procedure, lymphatic drainage has contraindications:

  • acute stage of thrombophlebitis;
  • increased fragility of blood vessels;
  • various skin diseases;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • diseases of the lymph nodes;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • prone to growth benign tumors;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • frequent headaches of unclear etymology;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney failure;
  • diabetes mellitus of any form;
  • menstruation;
  • infectious diseases.

Zones for lymphatic drainage

Excess fluid can accumulate in different parts body, especially the face and legs suffer from this:

  • Lymphatic drainage facial massage relieves swelling, redness, skin laxity, change complexion. It is also prescribed for acne, in the presence of mimic wrinkles. It also helps with postoperative skin restoration.
  • Lymphatic drainage of the areas under the eyes is performed during a facial massage. This procedure relieves swelling under the eyes, restores elasticity to the skin, gives a healthy, fresh look. Lymphatic drainage for the face and the area around the eyes should be carried out by a specially trained cosmetologist or massage therapist in a salon, as unskilled handling in this case can be harmful to health. It can not be carried out in the presence of abscesses on the skin, neuralgia of the facial nerve, oncological diseases.
  • Lymphatic drainage body massage is used in anti-cellulite programs and for body modeling. It stimulates metabolic processes, accelerates the movement of blood and lymph, which helps to reduce body volume and weight.
  • Lymphatic drainage of the legs will help those who suffer from swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the limbs. The session can be held separately or included in general massage body. A serious contraindication in this case is thrombophlebitis.

Lymphatic drainage massage techniques

According to the degree of impact on the body, three methods can be distinguished:

  1. Superficial lymphatic drainage has a positive effect on small vessels. The masseur makes circular movements with a slight pressure on the tissues, which facilitates the movement of lymph to the nodes, relieves spasms of blood vessels. To enhance the effect, you first need to relieve muscle tension with the help of relaxing techniques.
  2. Deep technique stimulates the muscle layers of tissues accordingly. In this case, the most intense effect of the massage therapist on the patient's body is assumed. Deep techniques increase blood flow, improve muscle tone, dilate blood vessels, which helps the fluid to actively move through the intercellular spaces. This technique perfectly reduces the volume in the buttocks and thighs.
  3. Point or projection lymphatic drainage works on the areas of projections of the main lymph nodes. This involves the use of microcurrent therapy, pressure therapy or LPG massage.

According to the methods of action on the body, there are two main techniques: manual and hardware, which often complement each other:

  1. Manual involves an accurate, gentle, measured effect of the massage therapist's hands on the lymphatic areas of the body, so the qualifications of the master and his experience are very important here. The delicacy of the procedure improves its quality, which leads to excellent results. The intensity of exposure increases gradually towards the middle of the session. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the direction of movement from the lower to the upper body, which allows the fluid to smoothly change the direction and pace of movement.
  2. Massage with the use of equipment is based on the use of electrical impulses, which, when influenced by tissues, stimulate the removal of accumulated lymphatic fluid. It is of the following types:
    • Galvanization. The metabolic processes in the skin are activated by a low voltage current, which relieves it of excess fluid.
    • Electroiontophoresis. Substances are introduced into the skin with the help of electrodes, which stimulate the removal of toxic formations from the pores of the skin while moisturizing it.
    • Process therapy. A special suit worn by the client and two connected microprocessors create pressure on the entire body, which speeds up the circulation of fluid and its elimination in a natural way. This is the most effective method, the action of which is similar to the work of the masseur's hands.
    • vacuum massage. Increased drainage of the lymphatic fluid causes the effect of negative pressure. This method is quite complicated, it requires perfect knowledge, and it is better to entrust its implementation to a professional who can control the strength of the action, otherwise the epidermis tissues can be damaged.
    • Lymphatic drainage with microcurrents. Very low electrical impulses directed to the upper layer of the skin relax the muscles of the face. This helps to smooth wrinkles on the forehead and around the lips.

Each method of lymphatic drainage has its own specific action on the human body. Depending on the problem areas of the patient's body, the following methods are used:

  • Lymphatic drainage technique is used for anti-edematous body shaping. The masseur uses smooth and sliding rubbing, soft rhythmic movements and stroking. In-depth technique involves affecting the muscle tissue, in this case, the techniques are performed more intensively. The same method is effective for preventing complications in varicose veins and in an anti-cellulite program, has a calming effect.
  • The anti-cellulite technique removes the hypertrophy of fatty deposits, the so-called orange peel. Relaxation of soft tissues, removal of excess fluid and toxins, loosening of connective and adipose tissues restores blood circulation in areas affected by cellulite. It is done locally, in places with identified violations. If there are many such regions, then they alternate. The main purpose of this technique is to restore microcirculation in certain problem areas, as this is the main thing in the treatment of cellulite.
  • The lipolytic technique focuses on reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat. It is effective only in the case of local cosmetic defects body combined with cellulite. The main condition for this is the absence of fluid stagnation, so this technique is used after the elimination of lymph stagnation and anti-cellulite sessions. The essence of the technique is a smooth transition from a superficial to a deeper effect exclusively on the subcutaneous fat, so special techniques are used here that allow you to control the depth of penetration.
  • Modeling technique on this moment the most well-known method of body shaping. All attention when using this type is given best action for specific zones. The intensity of exposure is selected individually for each patient. This technique is very comfortable, there are no painful techniques, while the fat layer is significantly reduced, the release of fluid is facilitated, and the skin becomes easier to breathe.
  • The lifting technique is used for acute disorder skin conditions, such as after sudden weight loss, pregnancy and childbirth. The technique enhances metabolism, stimulates the production of collagen, which prevents skin aging.

Carrying out the procedure - step by step instructions

A session of lymphatic drainage massage includes three main stages:

  1. Training. The course is selected personally for each client, depending on the problem. As a rule, preventive courses are 6 - 12 sessions held every other day. For best results, the patient should drink enough liquid before the session. The client undresses and lays down on the couch. With a cleansing gel, the massage therapist removes impurities from the skin, then applies cream or oils. If the use of hardware is intended, it is recommended to preheat the skin with a manual massage, and then apply special composition. For the duration of the procedure, all conditions are created for the complete relaxation of the patient, a comfortable air temperature in the room is necessarily maintained.
  2. Performance. The principles of lymphatic drainage are based on the rules classic massage. The procedure always begins with exposure to the lymph nodes. All further techniques are performed strictly along the flow of lymph to the nearest lymph nodes. Stroking should be gentle, wavy, performed slowly and softly enough. The duration of the session, depending on the size of the problem areas, ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
  3. Completion. At the end of the session, the skin in the treatment area is cleaned of the remnants of the massage cream or oils (if you have dry skin, this can be omitted), after which a moisturizing milk or cream is applied.

There is no special preparation required for this procedure. There are only a few conditions, the fulfillment of which will make it more effective:

  • during the entire course it is undesirable to smoke and drink alcohol;
  • in evening time undesirable to take a large number of food and liquid;
  • it is better to carry out in the evening, a few hours after eating.

Before the session you need:

  • thoroughly cleanse the body by taking a shower;
  • it is desirable to carry out scrubbing to improve the penetration of the agent used by the massage therapist into the skin.
  • ten minutes to remain at rest, better lying down;
  • you need to drink plenty of water, preferably just warm water;
  • apply a lymphatic drainage wrap to prolong the outflow of lymph.


A course of lymphatic drainage massage is an effective means of relaxing and strengthening the body. After the first procedure, there is lightness in the body, a decrease in swelling, and after a full course of 6-12 procedures, the following positive changes are noted:

  • body weight is significantly reduced, especially of edematous origin;
  • headaches disappear;
  • passes chronic fatigue;
  • the skin becomes even, elastic, acquires a healthy color;
  • mood improves;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • improves metabolic processes in tissues;
  • increases the elasticity of the skin;
  • figure flaws are corrected.

Lymphatic drainage massage - before and after the procedure

Possible complications and side effects

Lymphatic drainage massage is a physiological procedure, therefore, in the absence of contraindications, it practically does not cause complications and unwanted effects. Sometimes, after a session carried out with the help of the device, light bruises appear. The reason for this is increased vascular fragility, which is most often found in smoking patients. As a rule, these cosmetic defects do not cause concern to the patient and pass quickly.

Lymphatic drainage massage at home

Not every woman, due to busyness or financial problems, can afford a full course of lymphatic drainage massage. But if you give him just a few minutes a day at home, then the trip to the massage therapist can be postponed.

It is necessary to carefully prepare for this procedure, having studied the location of the lymphatic zones, the principles of lymph movement, which will allow you to get rid of unpleasant consequences with the wrong technique.

The first step is to warm up the body by taking a bath or shower. For massage, special lymphatic drainage or anti-cellulite creams, essential oils are used, and the use of honey will make it even more effective, since honey enhances the removal of toxic formations.

Warming up with home lymphatic drainage is not required. Hand movements for the beginning should be free, stroking, gradually turning into springy and patting, going in the direction of the lymph flow. These movements should not be kneading and cause pain.

At the end of the procedure, you need to rest for several hours, so it is best to perform it in the evening. The duration of the home session is no more than 30 minutes.

Masseurs and cosmetologists strongly do not recommend doing lymphatic drainage self-massage of the face at home. In any case, to carry out this procedure in order to avoid undesirable consequences a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Cost of the procedure

The price of one session of lymphatic drainage massage is relatively low. The cost depends on the size of the area, the duration of the procedure and the qualifications of the master. For example, facial lymphatic drainage in the salon costs from 600 to 900 rubles. Massage of other parts of the body is a little more expensive - from 1000 rubles. The cost of lymphatic drainage of the whole body starts from 2000 rubles. and higher. As a rule, a discount is provided for a course of 10-15 procedures in all salons and clinics.


During the procedure, it is first necessary to relieve tension and spasms - throughout the entire volume, "in layers", both on the surface of the tissues and in their depth. After that, the pumping of the lymphatic is carried out.
Manual lymphatic drainage is performed with light and wavy movements directed from below along the current of the lymph itself. These movements should be so calming that a person can completely relax during the session. The relaxing effect of this massage is due to its peaceful effect on the central area. nervous system. During the massage, there should be no pain.

Massage of the inguinal lymph nodes. The massage therapist should be on the side of the patient, perpendicular to his body. Massage is performed with one hand, in the form of “stationary circles”. Receptions should be performed slowly, 8-10 times.

Front surface massage. With one hand, pumping is performed, with successive short passes, towards the inguinal upper nodes. In the first phase of movements, the skin will stretch towards the lymph nodes, and in the second phase, towards the supramuscular-inguinal line. The third phase involves a passive return to the original point of movement. Short phases of passes turn into longer ones.

After the completed passes, an alternating pumping technique is performed on each line, alternately with both hands. In conclusion, 1 long pass is performed on each line of movement, along its entire length.

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  • do lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage is a complex of massage procedures that enhances the natural outflow of lymph. Its purpose is to set in motion stagnant lymph by influencing the lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels.

Efficiency of lymphatic drainage

The lymphatic system is responsible for removing toxic waste from the body - the remains of decayed cells, viruses, microbes that enter the lymph nodes through the lymph vessels and are neutralized there. Depends on the state of the system appearance and well-being. If it works poorly, lymph nodes often experience congestion. Symptoms of intoxication develop: chronic fatigue, headaches, unhealthy complexion, swelling, etc.

Lymphatic drainage promotes the removal of excess fluid from the intercellular space, provides partial removal interstitial fluid and its uniform distribution in the body, improving the contours of the body. Procedures normalize metabolism, stimulate work immune system.

How is lymphatic drainage performed?

There are several basic options for lymphatic drainage. Massage can be done manually, using a special apparatus or a vacuum. It is performed using various techniques: hardware lymphatic drainage, pressotherapy, myostimulation, etc. Suitable technique doctor chooses.

Manual lymphatic drainage should be carried out by a professional massage therapist. Massage is performed according to a special technique aimed at working with striated muscles, lymph nodes and vascular system. To enhance the effect, special aromatic oils, gels, creams are used to enhance lymph flow.

Hardware lymphatic drainage are performed using a special microcurrent apparatus, on which you can set the required length and frequency of the pulse, the duration of pauses. Vacuum lymphatic drainage massage is an impact on a part of the body with negative pressure. This creates a difference between oncotic and hydrostatic pressure, which leads to an increase in the fluid flow rate and an increase in metabolism.

When performing vacuum lymphatic drainage, the specialist should pay special attention to the strength of the vacuum, since thin capillaries may break due to the formation of a zone of negative pressure and improvement in the permeability of the epidermis. As a result, hematomas are formed.

In addition to vacuum massage, pressotherapy is used - exposure to positive pressure. The alternating use of pressotherapy and the vacuum method improves the tone of the lymphatic and blood vessels. In the process of performing electric lymphatic drainage (myostimulation), electrodes are placed on problem areas. Pulse current causes the muscles in the body to contract and relax. As a result, blood and lymph flow increase.

One of the effective novelties in cosmetology is lymphatic drainage facial massage. Hardware or manual massage using this technique allows you to cope with age-related changes, restore skin elasticity. Lymphatic drainage can be used both to eliminate wrinkles, double chin, and to remove various cosmetic defects.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage, like body massage, is aimed at stimulating lymphatic and blood circulation. This procedure helps to eliminate swelling, bags under the eyes. Cosmetic massage is indicated not only in adulthood, it is also recommended for young women who want to achieve a radiant complexion.

Benefits of lymphatic drainage facial massage

Lymphatic drainage massage is aimed primarily at removing excess fluid from the body. This procedure activates the lymph flow, as a result of which the metabolism is accelerated, toxins are removed from the cells. Massage helps to make the oval of the face more perfect, the relief becomes clear.

The technique of lymphatic drainage facial massage saturates the skin cells with oxygen. There are many indications for such a procedure - flabbiness of the skin, puffiness, the appearance of facial wrinkles, the severity of nasolabial folds and more. These defects can be eliminated by manual or hardware lymphatic drainage massage for the face.

Manual massage is comparable in efficiency to hardware massage, you can master it and apply it even at home. Skills will be reduced to the use of light strokes, rubbing, pressing the skin in certain areas strictly along the massage lines. There are several hardware varieties of lymphatic drainage massage - galvanization, microcurrent massage, vacuum, etc.

Who is lymphatic drainage facial massage suitable for?

The benefits of lymphatic drainage massage will be obvious if carried out cosmetic procedures regularly. The result can be seen if the massage is performed by an experienced specialist. It is also important at what age the patient should turn to a beautician. It is much easier to prevent the formation of deep wrinkles and loss of skin tone than to deal with pronounced nasolabial folds and loss of elasticity.

Without knowing the intricacies of lymphatic drainage massage, you can harm your health. Therefore, it is necessary to trust the performance of massage only to professionals. high class. It should be borne in mind that lymphatic drainage massage is contraindicated in thrombophlebitis, the presence of internal bleeding, inflammation, skin cancer, diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes. You should not take risks during pregnancy, elevated body temperature. Before starting the procedures, it is necessary to consult with your doctor in order to exclude contraindications.

There are practically no drawbacks to lymphatic drainage facial massage; with proper implementation, the technique helps to improve skin condition. The treatment course traditionally consists of 10-15 procedures with breaks of 3 days. For prevention, it is enough to perform lymphatic drainage massage once every 2 weeks. A side effect of the procedure can only be the appearance of micro-, macro-nodes, fatty skin seals.

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The human lymphatic system helps to facilitate the removal of excess water, harmful toxins and other harmful substances from the body. During the massage, stagnant fluid leaves the lymph nodes, thanks to a special technique of soft kneading of the lymph nodes, the patient feels that the swelling in the body has decreased. For the quality of such a massage, special knowledge and experience are required, as well as an understanding of the functioning of the lymphatic system.

There are several types of lymphatic massage:

Facial massage - effective technique, developed in Japan many centuries ago and passed down from generation to generation. This technique was revived by the famous Japanese cosmetologist Hiroshi Shisashi, who, in turn, was told about it by his grandmother. This massage gives a visible result after the second session. It acts on both superficial and deep facial wrinkles, helping to smooth the face and return it to youth. Since massage promotes the outflow of fluid, it is not recommended for people with a thin face.

Body massage - helps to improve the circulation of lymph in the body, tones the muscles and rejuvenates the skin. Massage is performed by stroking the skin in accordance with the lymphatic pathways from the edges to the center. Body massage also promotes weight loss.

Foot massage - this requires a couple of chairs, one to sit on, and the other to put your feet in order to reduce the force of gravity on the lymphatic fluid in the body. Otherwise, a foot massage is no different from a body massage, namely, stroking the legs in places where the lymph nodes accumulate. This massage is done to eliminate cellulite, it also helps to relieve swelling and fatigue in the legs after a hard day's work.

Lymphatic massage is recommended not only to maintain the external beauty and youth of the body. It is also recommended for stress, sleep disorders, depression. In addition, such a massage is quite effective when it is required to reduce chronic joint pain. It also helps a lot to get rid of overweight and reduce general swelling.

However, before this massage, you should familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications. Lymphatic massage is not recommended for people who:

First trimester pregnancy. At a later date, only foot massage is allowed solely for the purpose of removing puffiness, which often accompanies women in late pregnancy.

Various acute infectious and inflammatory diseases, since massage will contribute to a faster penetration of pathogens into the lymphatic system. This, in turn, can exacerbate or intensify the course of the disease. However, after such diseases, lymphatic massage will help the body recover faster.

Heart disease, because during the massage, the load on the heart increases dramatically. It can also complicate the patient's condition.

Oncological diseases, since such massage can promote the growth of a malignant tumor.

Thus, the specialist should carefully examine the patient before proceeding with lymphatic massage.

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The face is calling card each person. But time is inexorable: it takes away the main weapons of women - beauty and youth. Facial massage helps to significantly slow down this process.

What is facial massage for?

The skin on the face is very delicate and thin, and under it there are enough small muscles. People have their own individual facial expressions, depending on the nature and emotional perception of the world. Someone goes through life with a smile and sparkling eyes, which is reflected in the nasolabial folds and corners of the eyes. And someone frowns and is sad all the time, earning wrinkles on the forehead and sagging cheeks.

Facial massage will help not only stop aging, but also bring it back to normal. psychological condition, improve lymphatic drainage and blood circulation.

Deep impact on muscles

Deep facial massage allows you to transform your face and find peace in your soul. Its main effects:

  • Smoothing wrinkles;
  • Relaxation of the muscles not only of the face, but of the whole body;
  • Getting rid of fears, worries and experiences;
  • Improving the condition of the skin.

With the help of pressure movements along the massage lines, the beautician makes the excess fluid leave the face area. This gives it a rested look and eliminates the appearance of bags under the eyes. A deep massage affects all the muscles of the face, providing skin tension.

The technique of this procedure does not involve gentle strokes, but specific pressure. For facial muscles, this is an impetus for maximum relaxation. The procedure does not deliver pain, as it is unacceptable when performing a facial massage. The beautician finds a golden mean.

The prevalence of deep massage

This technique originated in Japan, where women seem to be immortal. Only the deepest wrinkles are reflected on their faces. And they leave only a superficial imprint. The whole secret is that deep massage in this country is not considered a privilege, but daily ritual like washing your face or brushing your teeth.

The deep impact technique is used in the world famous Tsogan/Asahi massage. And at the moment it is recognized that this is the best deep massage with a rejuvenating effect. Every cosmetologist should master this technique, and to maintain the effect, it can be performed at home.

Incorrect execution of the procedure

Deep facial massage is performed with effort, and for many it seems that it stretches the skin. But in fact, such movements help the skin to be more elastic, which reduces the number of wrinkles. You can understand that deep massage is performed incorrectly by several signs:

1. Feeling pain. Although the procedure is performed with effort, it should cause only pleasant sensations. Pain indicates insufficient qualifications of the cosmetologist. Performing the massage yourself, you should ease the pressure.

2.​ Severe redness may appear due to movements in the wrong direction.

3. Different sensations on the right and left sides of the face. For the muscles of the face, it is important that the movements are the same on both sides. Otherwise, on the one hand, the muscles will be more relaxed, which will entail uncomfortable sensations.

The key to a good massage

Of course, the most important thing for a high-class procedure is a qualified specialist. But facial massage also depends on following a few simple rules.

First, tell the massage therapist about individual features your face and body. The presence of Botox, fillings and allergies should be discussed in advance. Facial massage according to the deep impact technique should be performed carefully in the area of ​​the treated teeth.

The next rule is that facial massage will have the maximum effect with a minimum of makeup. You need to wash your face before the procedure itself, as makeup constrains the face a little, which will reduce the effect of the massage. The skin simply does not have time to rest.

And the last thing that will help improve muscle massage is an internal mood. You must let go of all the accumulated negativity, you can make a couple deep breaths and sharp breaths. This will relieve tension immediately.

Maximum effect from the procedure

The face must be protected from youth. Already at the age of 25, you can begin to intensively monitor the skin and get used to a deep facial massage. Similar procedure- this is not plastic, not chemistry, but a natural effect. Everything that a cosmetologist does is simply activates the physiological processes of the body.

It also needs regularity. After a course of procedures, you can take a break of one or three months and start a second course. During this period, self-massage should be done to get the maximum effect.

Caring for one's own beauty should never leave a woman's thoughts. After all, no matter how self-sufficient and successful she is, her main advantage is always attractiveness. Love yourself and others will love you the same.

Tip 6: Lymphatic drainage facial massage. The effect depends on the correct action.

- swelling of the skin of the face;
- redness of the skin;
- premature aging faces;
- acne;
- unnatural complexion;
- tired, flabby, aging skin;
- "bags" and dark circles under the eyes;
- small mimic wrinkles;
- the appearance of a double chin;
- the need to restore skin elasticity after some operations.

After the lymphatic drainage procedure, the face restores skin elasticity, firmness, healthy color. In addition, the “breathing” of cells improves, and the skin itself is saturated with oxygen. The oval of the face becomes clearer. Skin edema decreases, and after the course of massage, they completely disappear.

“Bags” under the eyes also disappear, the tone improves muscle tissue persons, warned early aging skin. After several procedures, there is a noticeable rejuvenation of the face.

However, it is important to remember that with insufficient professionalism, such a facial massage can provoke compression of the lymphatic capillaries. Therefore, it should be carried out in specialized institutions by cosmetologists or masseurs with medical education who received skills in special courses.

Nevertheless, if you wish, you can master the necessary skills of lymphatic self-massage. All effects must be performed very carefully and gently, without tension on the skin, in the form of touches, light strokes and pats. Such actions should be carried out in accordance with the natural direction of the lymphatic flows.

Since the skin of the face is quite thin, rough and incorrect manipulations can cause irreparable harm to it.

Therefore, it is necessary to take the procedure of facial lymphatic drainage as responsibly as possible, observe movements along the lymph flow and perform them correctly. Manual facial massage should be done with fingertips, making 3-4 movements in the right direction.

Step 1. Start the massage from the forehead. Put both hands to the middle of the forehead, and then with smooth strokes move the fingertips to the temples.

Before carrying out lymphatic massage, it is recommended to apply on clean skin face cream or massage cream. This will provide better glide and prevent stretching of the skin.

Step 2. Then move on to the area around the eyes. Place the pads index fingers on the bridge of the nose, then swipe them along upper eyelid to the level of the temple, and from it - along the orbit of the lower eyelid to the bridge of the nose.

Step 3. Treat the cheek area in the following sequence:
- from the middle of the chin to the end of the lower jaw;
- from the edge of the lips to the lower earlobe;
- from the center upper lip up to the upper earlobe.

Step 4. Place the pads of your index fingers on and run over it with light pressure. For self-massage of the lower chin, position thumbs in its middle, and then with light strokes and pressure, swipe towards the ear.

End each step with the movement of the fingertips from the temple along the edge of the cheekbones, cheeks and neck towards. This is necessary for pumping, as well as the outflow of lymph. The whole procedure of such self-massage will take no more than 15 minutes.

It should be borne in mind that lymphatic drainage facial massage has contraindications:
- inflammation of the lymph nodes in the face;
- oncological diseases;
- herpes;
- cardiovascular diseases 3 degrees;
- tuberculosis;
- viral infectious diseases;
- blood diseases;
- open wounds, allergic and acute inflammatory processes on the skin of the face.

fight with overweight and the desire to always stay young and beautiful can be combined to get more effective result in both cases. We propose to consider how lymphatic drainage is performed at home, massage techniques for the face and abdomen, as well as contraindications to this technique.

Why do you need lymphatic drainage?

The main function of the lymphatic system is to store fluid and distribute it throughout the body in an even amount. From the work of this part human body depends on the state of the immune system, cell regeneration, the production of many hormones (including endorphins). In most adults, it is lymphatic system the first to react to a deterioration in health: the lymph nodes increase slightly in size due to insufficient fluid intake.

Lymphatic drainage body massage helps to:

  1. The distribution of fluid throughout the body evenly;
  2. Improving the condition of the skin, hair, blood vessels;
  3. Increased immunity;
  4. Slimming and getting rid of cellulite;
  5. Prolongation of youth;
  6. Improving well-being, getting rid of stress.

It should be noted that lymphatic drainage of the legs at home is not used for weight loss. To lose weight by a few kilograms or remove a couple of extra centimeters, you need to use a whole range of procedures:

  1. Seaweed wraps;
  2. Manual anti-cellulite massage;
  3. Diet food, fasting days.

How to do lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage of the abdomen at home on your own can be done literally with improvised means. We will consider several options, the best is a combination of two or three and their alternation, later you can choose the best one for you.

Dry brushing

You will need a simple wooden massage brush (a similar tool is also often used in Russian baths to warm up the body). Apply a massage mixture of relaxing oils to the skin and gently begin to move from the side of the limbs along the stomach to the heart. Do not press hard, there should be no pain or burning. If you have problems with blood vessels or the heart, this technique is categorically not suitable.

Cold and hot shower

The easiest way to do it yourself is a contrast lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen. To do this, after the end of the bath procedures for thirty seconds, turn on and point to problem area elastic jet hot water, after at the same time cold. Repeat several times.

Salt scrubs

Simple sea salt will help to establish blood and lymph circulation in the body. With its help, you will get an excellent cleansing mask for the whole body, an anti-cellulite mixture for the abdomen and a means to maintain skin elasticity. You need to mix a few teaspoons of ground salt with 5-10 drops of an anti-cellulite essential oil (for example, lemon or orange). Stir the mixture and gently apply to the body, rub, increasing the intensity for 5-8 minutes. After that, leave the salt on the skin. Perhaps there will be a burning sensation or itching, but as soon as you wash off the mask, everything will pass.

Photo - Lymphatic drainage massage

Use after shower to essential oil remained on the surface of the abdomen.

Reviews about facial lymphatic drainage at home delight every woman:

  1. Removes swelling from the eyes and cheeks;
  2. Reduces wrinkles;
  3. Gives the face a healthy color and tone.

It is a little more difficult to perform than self-massage of the abdomen, we will describe several options.

Lymphatic drainage procedures of the face should be started from the neck for warming up. Place your fingers on cervical lymph nodes. After we begin to gently drive them with our fingers up and down. We continue for a few minutes. Next, we go to the nodes under the ears, we do the same manipulations.

After we put our fingers on the nose, it is necessary to move towards the temples, you can press down a little harder than on the temples or neck - there are no direct lymph nodes in this area. After a couple of minutes of such a massage, we move the skin with our fingers a little further than the cheeks - closer to the chin.

Photo - Hardware lymphatic drainage

If, in addition to improving the condition of the skin, you need to cleanse it, then we recommend combining any of the exercises with by special means. good recipe It's coconut oil and aloe juice. The mixture moisturizes the epidermis, relieves wrinkles, promotes skin regeneration. Some pharmacies even sell a special oxygen cocktail for the face.

For the fastest and best effect, you need to buy a special device for massage. Good feedback about lymphatic drainage unit AM-309L for home use. But its price exceeds 30,000 rubles.

Video: Gua Sha lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage in the salon

Of course, performing the procedure in a beauty salon or massage parlor is much more pleasant and effective than doing it yourself at home. The treatment course of procedures is 5-8 sessions. At the same time, the master not only gives you a massage on problematic lymph nodes but also massages the deep layers of the epidermis. In most cases, the body is also tightened with special elastic bandages.

This technique provides not only the restoration of hydrobalance, but also the entire immunity in general, it is prescribed for elephantiasis, cellulite and to accelerate weight loss. Quite often, a special drainage apparatus is used for the procedure, but manual treatment is still considered more effective.

Regardless of which method you choose, remember to contraindications:

  1. Do not do lymphatic drainage with blood clots and serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system;
  2. The procedure is strictly prohibited if you have inflammation of the lymph nodes in this area;
  3. With individual contraindications.