What is pressotherapy and features of its implementation. Pressotherapy - what is it with before and after photos

Pressotherapy is hardware lymphatic drainage, which affects the human lymphatic system using compressed air, which is supplied through a special suit. The equipment for this procedure is created taking into account all anatomical features and human physiology.

Pressotherapy is innovative method weight loss, based on the fight against cellulite. The procedure gives good results thanks to the precise effect on problem areas with the help of a suit. Gentle, gentle massage gradually tightens the skin and eliminates wrinkles. It does not lead to microtrauma or damage to the skin.

The essence of the procedure

Photo: weight loss procedure

Pressotherapy is carried out for forty to forty-five minutes, during which the patient lies calmly on a specially prepared couch. He is put on a special suit, shoes and fifteen separate inflatable segments that affect the most problematic areas.

They are necessary to supply compressed air, which then acts subcutaneously on the fat layer.

Thanks to its rhythmic alternation of pressure and pauses, it stimulates increased blood circulation and increases the metabolic rate in the body.


Photo: treatment varicose disease pressotherapy

Initially, this method was intended for the treatment of varicose veins and the recovery procedure after liposuction. Its benefits were revealed later, when it turned out that it was able to noticeably tighten loose skin and make it firmer and more elastic.

However, her most important quality is a vasodilating effect, which is recognized as one of the better ways fight cellulite.

Today this procedure often combined with wrapping and according to statistics, after two or three sessions a significant effect appears - problem areas with cellulite are reduced by one to two centimeters. Another benefit is the treatment initial stage obesity. Moreover, the procedure has a general beneficial effect on the entire body, normalizing metabolism.

Pressotherapy is not accompanied by unpleasant or painful sensations, on the contrary, it helps to relax muscles and calm nervous system.

Photo: an innovative method of losing weight


Contraindications are the following factors:

  • thrombosis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • skin diseases;
  • trauma;
  • sharp pain;
  • kidney failure;
  • fever, fever;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus in decompensated form;
  • menstrual cycle;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • malignant tumors;
  • infectious diseases.

Video: Pressotherapy


Indications for the use of pressotherapy are the following factors:

  • the presence of cellulite;
  • spasms in the legs;
  • swelling;
  • excess weight;
  • venous insufficiency of chronic type;
  • decrease in skin elasticity;
  • prevention of skin aging;
  • decreased immunity;
  • rehabilitation after operations;
  • chronic leg fatigue;
  • diabetic angiopathy;
  • gout;
  • insomnia;
  • adhesive processes of the abdominal cavity.

Areas of use

In addition to eliminating cellulite, this method is actively used in the treatment varicose veins veins, and also improves lymph flow and blood flow. Accordingly, this leads to weight loss and body shaping. Pressotherapy is also suitable for people who play sports, as it relieves muscle spasms and prevents their subsequent appearance, gives a relaxing effect and is even used to combat stress. It is especially suitable for those people who are contraindicated in myostimulation of muscle tissue.

The benefit is obvious and implies a comprehensive and holistic cleansing of the body, namely:

Video: How to lose weight and get rid of cellulite?

What results to expect

The effect of pressotherapy is already noticeable after two or three sessions, and even thirty sessions of manual massage cannot replace it. After the first procedure, lightness in the legs appears, after the second, the problem areas begin to narrow, and after a while they disappear altogether.

Most often, the course is about fifteen sessions of thirty to forty minutes, and after that you can expect the following results:

  • disappearance of edema;
  • reduction of body fat;
  • disappearance of cellulite;
  • relieve muscle spasms;
  • improving the metabolic process;
  • improve skin elasticity;
  • increase immunity;
  • getting rid of chronic fatigue;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • increase the tone of the walls of blood vessels;
  • prevention of blood clots.

Side effects and complications

Complications during or after the procedure may occur due to incorrect dosage adjustments. A large compression force can adversely affect the tender and sensitive skin which may result in the formation of hematomas.

Incorrect adjustment of the air compression dose is also dangerous for patients who suffer from increased vascular vulnerability (for example, people with diabetic angiopathy). For them, this is fraught with the formation of hematomas and bruising.

It should be immediately noted that a properly performed pressotherapy procedure does not pose any danger, so be vigilant and attentive when choosing a clinic and a specialist - this is a guarantee positive result and your health. The only one by-effect, which can manifest itself after a correctly conducted session - this is a diuretic effect.

Prices for the procedure

The cost of pressure therapy is quite high and depends on a number of factors:

  • costume quality;
  • type of device;
  • prestige of the cosmetology center;
  • specialist qualifications.

The minimum duration of one session is fifteen minutes, and its cost starts from 300 rubles. The average price for one treatment area in most clinics and salons is about 800 rubles. Thus, the price of a one-time procedure of thirty to forty-five minutes can reach 1,500 rubles.

Name of organizationsAddress Prices in rubles
Bcode (Bikod)Sokol, Voikovskaya, Shchukinskaya from 800 rub. 1 zone
Else Style (Elsie style)Schukinskaya, October field, Polezhaevskaya from 1500 rub.
Integra MED Beauty from 1200 rub.
La VitaMitino, Planernaya, Skhodnenskaya from 800 rub.
Laser Profi from 1300 rub.
My Silhouette (My Silhouette)University, Trade union, New Cheryomushki from 2000 rub.
Naomi (Naomi)Chistye Prudy, Turgenevskaya, Sretensky Boulevard from 2300 rub.
ReStart (Restart)Krasnoselskaya, Baumanskaya from 5900 rub. Subscription for a month
VITALITATaganskaya, Marxist from 1500 rub.
AvicennaAvtozavodskaya, Kozhukhovskaya from 850 rub.
Bio Spa ClinicProspect Vernadskogo, Yugo-Zapadnaya, Kaluga from 850 rub.
Eve SilhouetteNovokosino from 700 rubles
HealthPreobrazhenskaya Square, Semyonovskaya, Elektrozavodskaya from 800 rub.
Andrology ClinicKursk, Chkalovskaya from 500 rub.
Revival Youth Clinic (Revival)Sparrow Hills, Shabolovskaya, Leninsky Prospekt from 1500 rub.
La Strada from 850 rub.
minus centimetersUniversity, Prospekt Vernadsky, Yugo-Zapadnaya from 500 rub.
SPA IslandTverskaya, Pushkinskaya from 1500 rub.
Beauty EmbassyTverskaya, Pushkinskaya, Chekhovskaya from 1750 rub.
SvetlanaMedvedkovo, Babushkinskaya from 900 rub.

Number of required procedures

To achieve the top result, you need to go through about twenty procedures for thirty minutes. Experts advise taking a break between sessions for two or three days and treats yourself especially carefully at this time. If necessary and desired by the patient, the course can be repeated after five to six months.

Photo: equipment of the pressotherapy apparatus "Lymfatron"

Pressotherapy at home

Photo: pressotherapy machine

Manufacturers of lymphatic drainage devices offer new version pressotherapy is an inexpensive and compact device that will allow you to carry out procedures at home. The price of such a device on average reaches about thirty thousand rubles.

This option is convenient for bedridden patients and patients with sports injuries who find it difficult to move independently and visit the clinic every time.

The device is quite simple to use, however, before its direct operation, you must carefully read the attached instructions.

Most often, the device has several modes of operation and allows you to change the settings yourself.

Another advantage lymphatic drainage apparatus is his small size. So, it is easy to transport and take with you on trips, to the country house, etc.

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Frequently asked Questions

Can people of retirement age undergo the procedure?

Yes, they can, moreover, it is shown to them in many cases, for example, when arterial hypertension, after strokes and diseases of the spine.

Is it possible for children?

Yes, you can, but this requires special children's equipment, so check this point with the salon administrator before booking. Pressotherapy is useful for children, especially for scoliosis and problems with the spine.

Is it possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Does it help with cellulite?

Yes, cellulite is the main indication for the procedure.

Can it be done with varicose veins?

Yes, pressotherapy is indicated for varicose veins, but the dosage of air compression force must be taken with special care.

How often can you do it?

Experts advise taking breaks of two to three days between procedures.

Whether carrying out at a myoma is possible or probable?

When adjusting a figure with the presence this disease it is better to resort to pressure therapy, since it is not traumatic and does not pose a threat to health, however, before making a final decision, it is better to consult with your attending gynecologist.

How many sessions do you need to get the full effect?

Depending on the desire of the patient and the size of the problem area (in case of weight loss) from fifteen to twenty.

Pressotherapy or myostimulation - which is better?

Myostimulation is a procedure based on impulse currents that restore the function of damaged organs, muscles and nerve endings. They are in many ways similar to pressotherapy: they have the same indications and contraindications, however, unlike myostimulation, during a pressotherapy session, the patient relaxes and gets pleasant sensations.

Is it possible to carry out during menstruation?

During menstrual cycle it is better to refrain from pressotherapy procedures.

How much does pressure therapy for legs and abdomen cost?

The cost of one procedure fluctuates around 800-1500 rubles. average price for Pressotherapy of the legs and abdomen is approximately 1200 rubles.

Photos before and after

64 864 0 Hello! In this article, we talk about another procedure of hardware cosmetology - pressotherapy. We will introduce you to contraindications, tell you about the benefits and harms, and also show you photos before and after the procedure.

What is pressotherapy

- a procedure of hardware massage, using compressed air for exposure. The main effect of pressotherapy is on the lymphatic system.

Pressotherapy is called pneumomassage, lymphatic drainage massage, pneumodrainage, barocompression.

The pressotherapy procedure is carried out using a special apparatus and a pneumosuit. The method of exposure to compressed air was discovered in the 19th century, and the first apparatus for pressotherapy appeared only in the 20th century in Holland.

The principle of operation of pressotherapy is based on the supply of compressed air of high and low pressure through the cuffs of the suit. The procedure is fully controlled, the effect of compressed air is carried out intermittently. With the help of pressotherapy, active lymphatic drainage is carried out, positive influence on metabolic processes, slags and toxins are removed.

As you know, lymph plays an important role in cleansing the body of toxins and foreign bodies, responsible for protective barriers. Pressotherapy has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic and blood vessels, the condition of the skin, muscles, subcutaneous fat layer.

The pneumosuit, through which compression pressure is applied, consists of several parts, which are removable cuffs - gloves, belt, shoes, corsets, boots.

Pressotherapy benefits appearance and internal state organism.

The effect of pressotherapy:

  • Improvement of skin elasticity;
  • Active circulation of blood and lymph;
  • Cleansing the body;
  • Stabilization of water balance;
  • Weight loss;
  • Fight against cellulite;
  • Volume reduction;
  • Reduced edema;
  • Restoration of venous flow;
  • Improving the tone of cells and tissues.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for pressotherapy Contraindications
the presence of cellulite;skin diseases;
overweight;kidney failure and kidney disease;
early stage of varicose veins and venous insufficiency;oncology and benign neoplasms;
swelling of soft tissues;tuberculosis;
the presence of hematomas;diabetes;
figure correction;pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
chronic fatigue;diseases internal organs;
recovery after heavy physical exertion.cardiovascular diseases;
unhealed fractures.

How is pressotherapy performed?

Types of pressotherapy

Lymphatic drainage pressotherapy has greater efficiency for weight loss and cellulite. In addition, compression massage is used in the recovery of the body after some severe injuries and operations, after a stroke, and for many problems with the joints.

There are two types of pressure therapy:

  • comprehensive- when pressotherapy is carried out on the whole body, in a one-piece suit like an astronaut's suit;
  • selective- pressotherapy on separate problem areas, carried out using separate cuffs.

Stages of pressotherapy

Step 1. Preparation for the procedure– mandatory consultation with a specialist to identify contraindications, the presence of chronic ailments, identification of problem areas.

Step 2 Pressotherapy procedure- put on a special suit or cuffs on problem areas. The optimal mode of exposure is selected. The procedure is painless. It turns out the compression pressure on the problem areas is undulating with alternating high and low pressure. From this effect, blood and lymph begin to circulate more actively, cells get rid of toxins and their decay products.

  • The effectiveness and results of pressotherapy are noticeable almost immediately after the first procedure.
  • The rehabilitation period is not required, as well as special care is not required. After the procedure, you can lead a normal life.
  • The duration of the session is approximately 30-40 minutes. Pressotherapy is suitable for any age and gender in the absence of contraindications.
  • Pressotherapy of certain parts of the body: pressotherapy of the legs (thighs, buttocks, calves), pressotherapy of the abdomen, pressotherapy of the hands allows you to eliminate the fat layer in these areas, tighten the skin, and get rid of cellulite.

The effect of pressotherapy lasts for several months - six months. With the support of physical form through training and balanced nutrition, the results of pressotherapy last longer.

One pressotherapy session can replace 15-20 sessions of manual (manual) massage.

How to do home pressure therapy

Still relatively not so long ago, pressotherapy was only salon procedure. Modern developments in the field of hardware cosmetology allowed to pay portable devices for pressotherapy at home. With the help of such a device, it is possible to carry out pneumomassage on certain parts of the body.

Before conducting pressotherapy at home, it is also necessary to undergo a consultation and examination with a specialist.

Portable pressotherapy devices are smaller, more compact, easier to use and relatively expensive.

Cabin devices have great functionality, multi-mode, additional parameters for monitoring the procedure.

Possible complications and side effects

During any procedure, side effects. With pressotherapy, they can also be observed:

  • increased urination;
  • sometimes the formation of hematomas.

Complications can occur if the procedure is not carried out correctly, the specialist is not qualified enough, and existing chronic ailments are hidden.

  • Pressotherapy for varicose veins: pneumomassage is used to prevent varicose veins and in its early stages. In other cases, pressotherapy is not recommended at all or with careful dosage, duration and frequency. It is also possible to use compression stockings during the session.
  • Pressotherapy during menstruation : since pneumomassage activates blood and lymph circulation, it is contraindicated during menstruation, otherwise heavy bleeding can be caused.
  • Pressotherapy for gynecological diseases possible only after consultation with a doctor. With most of these "sores" pressotherapy is contraindicated (cysts, fibroids, etc.).

Compatibility and comparison with other procedures

  • Pressotherapy and manual massagehardware massage more efficient in terms of efficiency. As already noted, one session of pneumomassage replaces about 20 manual procedures. However, if there are contraindications or due to individual features the question of which is better - pressure therapy or massage, will be answered by a specialist.
  • Pressotherapy and cavitation- these procedures perfectly complement and reinforce each other. They are used in a complex, alternating in stages.
  • Pressotherapy and myostimulation– full compatibility of procedures and enhancement of the effect. Also used in combination. There are courses of procedures "pressotherapy + + cavitation".
  • Infrared pressotherapy- also effective method body correction based on a complex of pressotherapy procedures and infrared radiation. The so-called "infrared pants" can significantly enhance the breakdown of fat, have a similar effect with pressotherapy active action for blood and lymphatic vessels. Read:
  • Wrap along with pressotherapy, it enhances the anti-cellulite effect, helps to tighten the tone of the skin and muscles. There is also a course of procedures, consisting of a complex of infrared therapy, pressotherapy and body wraps.
  • Pressotherapy or are also compatible procedures. The choice between these procedures depends on the desired effect and the problematic body. Important is the presence of contraindications.
  • Vacuum pressotherapy- combines vacuum massage and pneumomassage. Gives enhanced effect, fast loss excess weight and lasting effect.

The right course of body shaping: cavitation + LPG massage + pressotherapy

Useful articles:

Pressotherapy is a kind of hardware lymphatic drainage massage using compressed air. basis therapeutic effect serves to accelerate lymph and blood flow. This is explained by the fact that air compression mimics muscle contractions and increases blood flow by 50%. As a result, there is a decrease in puffiness, an improvement in tone. blood vessels and metabolic processes in tissues.

It should be noted that despite the pronounced positive effect that pressotherapy gives, there are contraindications for this procedure.

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage - technique and effect on the body

The idea of ​​creating an apparatus for carrying out this physiotherapy procedure belongs to the Dutch scientist Van Der Molen. He found that successive stimulation of the muscles by their rhythmic compression restores the flow of lymph in the body and increases blood circulation.

Approximate price for a pressotherapy session

In beauty salons and clinics, the cost of one 30-minute procedure costs an average of 1000 rubles. A subscription for 10 sessions will cost about 7,500 rubles. The price includes a consultation with a professional cosmetologist who will check your general health and draw up an individual program.

This method is perfect for those who sedentary image life, eating irregularly, undergoing rehabilitation after an injury or surgical intervention. According to research, one pressotherapy treatment can replace two sessions in a fitness club or several sessions of a classic, manual massage.

In an effort to achieve ideal forms, women adhere to different diets, visit fitness centers, and even resort to plastic surgery.

For body shaping, cosmetic anti-cellulite creams and specialized massage are used.

Anti-cellulite massage helps not only to get rid of cellulite deposits, but also to restore the efficiency and vitality of the whole organism.

The formation of cellulite is explained by the changeable hormonal background women. The situation worsens with a sedentary lifestyle and a violation of the diet. Without bringing these two points back to normal, it is simply pointless to start anti-cellulite massage.

The purpose of the massage is to restore blood flow and lymph circulation in the subcutaneous tissues.

Thus, anti-cellulite massage is wellness. As a result, gas exchange begins to proceed more actively in skin cells, excess water and slag, regeneration is accelerated.

The skin becomes more elastic and toned, puffiness subsides.

By area of ​​application

According to the area of ​​​​impact, anti-cellulite massage is classified into:

  1. general surface (for small correction and prevention)
  2. local (work separately with each problem area);
  3. local therapeutic (combines the elimination of toxins).

By way of doing

According to the method of implementation, they are divided into the following types:

  • using essential oils and honey;
  • vacuum massage with a silicone jar;
  • dry rubbing with a brush, massage mitt, towel.


  • hydromassage (using pressurized water);
  • pneumomassage (variable air pressure);
  • vibration massage.
Variations of manual massage can be carried out independently at home, the main thing is to observe correct technique execution. Hardware types of massage are prescribed in specialized salons and are carried out by qualified specialists.

What is pressotherapy?

Pressotherapy is a relatively new and increasingly popular procedure for getting rid of cellulite, which is one of the varieties of pneumomassage.

The essence of the method is the impact on the lymphatic system with compressed air. Hence the second name of the procedure - lymphatic drainage massage.

The pressotherapy apparatus, invented by a Dutch scientist, is based on the stimulating effect of intermittent air pressure on the removal of excess lymphatic fluid.

During this absolutely painless procedure, toxins and slags are removed along with the liquid, the breakdown of fats is activated, blood circulation and cell metabolism are improved in parallel.

Pressotherapy is also used in medical complexes for initial stages varicose veins and tissue swelling. This appointment is determined by the ability of compressed air to relieve spasms and dilate blood vessels.

Observations and testing of the device note the ability of the technique not only to break down fat conglomerates under the skin, but also to directly deal with excess weight. During the sessions, there is an intensive displacement of fluid, and with it, excess weight also goes away.

How is pressure therapy done?

Pressotherapy is carried out exclusively in a specially equipped salon room under the supervision of a trained specialist. Although now they produce devices for domestic use, they must be treated with caution.

The patient puts on a sealed suit with compressed air valves, which is a voluminous rubber "boots" elongated either to the waist or to the chest.

The design and external performance of the suit depend on the manufacturer, but in general, despite the apparent bulkiness, it is quite comfortable to wear.

The session takes place in a lying or reclining position on a special chair, so you can completely relax and unwind.

A visual aid on how the pressotherapy procedure is carried out in a beauty salon.

After turning on the device, compressed air begins to flow through the cuffs into the valves and the suit gradually inflates. It does not mark any pain or a feeling of discomfort.

Air pressure alternately changes from high to low with a given rhythm. The interval between pressure drops can vary from 2 to 0.5 minutes: the shorter the interval, the more intense the rhythm.

Thus, parts of the body are not compressed by air (as in the cuff of a tonometer), but begin to be massaged by different flows.

The duration of the procedure is determined individually and ranges from 20 to 45 minutes. The course may include up to 10-15 procedures every six months. After each procedure, a break of 2-3 days is determined. The effectiveness of the course depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the degree of obesity.

The most popular pressotherapy of the legs and abdomen. After the procedure, the patient notices weightlessness in the legs and lack of stiffness.

Despite the fact that pressotherapy refers to the hardware type of massage, the technique of its implementation and the nature of the action are very close to manual massage. In parallel with the solution of the problem of cellulite, there is a massage effect on the muscles, reducing tension and relaxing. As a result, efficiency increases and muscle tone normalizes.

Pressotherapy can be successfully combined with anti-cellulite creams and wraps, which increases its effectiveness.

Advantages of this type of massage

Compressed air improves circulation blood cells are actively saturated with oxygen, saving tissues from oxygen starvation.

The impact on the lymphatic system is accompanied by cleansing the body of toxins and decay products. As a result, the skin becomes elastic and acquires a healthy color.

Improved blood supply

Without having a direct effect, pressotherapy indirectly contributes to the normalization of digestion, restoring metabolism.

Restoration of lymph flow has a positive effect on general well-being and immune system organism.

Normalization of muscle tone

Strengthening muscles and normalizing their tone, relieving spasms - all this is reflected in performance and recovery after exercise.

The relaxation effect, which is noted by each patient, helps to relieve emotional stress and stress.

Getting rid of cellulite

After full course there is a complete disappearance of cellulite. The skin becomes elastic and elastic. The restorative and healing effect is reflected in the mood and well-being.

Restorative effect

Pressotherapy is used to recover from injuries and surgeries. In the first months of pregnancy, the procedure is prescribed to relieve swelling in the legs.

The effect of the procedure can be seen after the first session. After a full course, the achieved result is stored for a long time, allowing you to forget about problems with the figure.

Pressotherapy differs from other types of anti-cellulite massage in its complex effect on the body, affecting important cleansing systems and the absence of side effects.

Indications and contraindications

The main purpose of pressotherapy is the fight against cellulite and overweight. However, it is also prescribed in other cases. As already noted, this is an effective way to relieve swelling and prevent varicose veins.

Very often, pressotherapy is used to restore tissue after liposuction.

The vasoconstrictive effect and stimulation of blood circulation make it possible to use this method in general therapy in the treatment of venous insufficiency. In addition, this type of massage is prescribed for athletes to restore muscles after high loads and overwork.

The pressotherapy technique is gentle, and its soft action is an alternative to other methods with a similar effect.

Pressotherapy can be included in medical complex with arthrosis, arthritis, gout, osteochondrosis, disorders of the nervous system and insomnia, intestinal motility disorders.

Pressotherapy also has a number of contraindications, which arise from the nature of the device. So, the procedure is prohibited for hypertensive patients, patients oncological diseases suffering from cardiovascular, renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Do not prescribe pressotherapy for bleeding (including during menstruation), inflammatory processes, with fractures, bruises and dislocations, skin diseases and festering wounds, elevated temperature body.

Pressotherapy is contraindicated for people who have had a heart attack or stroke, as well as those suffering from aneurysms and deep thrombosis. You should also refrain from the procedure final stages varicose veins and angiopathy in patients diabetes. The presence of vascular atherosclerosis can also be a reason for refusing the procedure.

The ban on pressotherapy also applies to pregnant women from the age of 4 months, as well as to carriers of electronic implants.

It is not recommended to fully focus on the presented list of contraindications - in any case, you will need to consult your doctor.

It is possible that you will need to additional examination and take tests. That is why the use of pressotherapy at home should be alarming.

Pressotherapy is still a new direction in the fight against cellulite, but it is of considerable interest to women.

Some reviews are filled with delight from the procedure and admiration for the result, while others, on the contrary, evoke doubts and a negative attitude.

In any case, this is the experience of one specific person, his feelings, understanding and opinion. How effective massage becomes clear only after application. Of course, you should not expect a slender, toned figure after the first visit to the salon.

In addition, once again I would like to note that the procedure is used as a corrective after the normalization of weight by diets and sports.

The effect obtained from the course will quickly disappear if you do not follow the diet and do not active image life.

You can also keep your skin in good condition with a manual anti-cellulite massage with honey or cosmetics, so the result of pressotherapy will last longer.

For those who like to experiment, it is worth paying attention to all contraindications and listening to the recommendations of specialists.

If there is even the slightest risk, it is better to abandon the experiment or reschedule it for another time when health problems are eliminated.

Pressotherapy can also be used as a general strengthening procedure to keep the body in good shape and cleanse the body of toxins. In this case, it can be carried out during unloading diets.


In conclusion, we note that pressotherapy is an innovative method of combating cellulite, which has managed to prove itself with better side. The results of such a procedure can exceed any expectations.

But you can not abuse the courses - it is advisable to follow the recommendations and take them no more than six months later. Beauty is in health, so the most important thing is not to harm it!

The lymphatic system is a kind of "sewerage" of the body. It is through it that slags and toxins that are not processed by cells, as well as split fats, are removed. Disruption of work, or a slowdown in the speed of the lymph flow, leads to the fact that in the area lymph nodes“waste products” (slags, toxins, fat cells) begin to accumulate. Such accumulations develop into cellulite deposits over time. Decreased lymph flow affects general condition human health: the skin loses its natural color, its elasticity and elasticity decrease, the functionality of internal organs is disturbed.

Pressotherapy accelerates the process of removing toxins from the body, restores water balance cells, allows in any of its development, as well as other consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. Pressotherapy allows you to massage eight parts of the body at the same time. One pressotherapy procedure replaces 10-20 manual massage sessions.

Indications and contraindications


  • Cellulite.
  • The appearance of edema on the skin.
  • Violation of cellular metabolism.
  • The appearance of the first signs of skin aging and the prevention of their occurrence
  • Obesity.
  • The need for rehabilitation after surgical operations, including plastic ones.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Chronic leg fatigue.
  • Rehabilitation after mastectomy.
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
  • Edema during pregnancy.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Prevention of thrombosis and thromboembolism.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.


  • Integrity violation skin(pustular formations at the site of the procedure)
  • Diseases of the internal organs in the area of ​​​​pressotherapy
  • Diabetes
  • Impaired kidney function
  • The presence of blood clots in the blood and vessels or a tendency to form them
  • Stage III cardiovascular disease
  • Period of the menstrual cycle
  • Unhealed fractures
  • Pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding)
  • The presence of malignant or benign tumors prone to growth
  • Tuberculosis

Pressotherapy is allowed for people who have contraindications to procedures such as electrophoresis, ultrasound, or manual massage.

The main stages of the procedure

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a specialist who will determine the degree of a particular disease, and also develop an individual 8-step pressotherapy program.

For pressotherapy, a special apparatus with compressors is used, through which air is supplied. For this, special tubes are used that connect the apparatus and cuffs. Depending on the treated area, inflatable pants, pressure therapy boots, cuffs, gloves, corset or belt are used.

Before starting the procedure, the patient is located on the couch and one or more of these cuffs are put on him. With the help of pressotherapy, 8 areas of the body can be massaged simultaneously, including the buttocks.

After the patient has been dressed in a pressure therapy suit, an automatic program is launched that regulates the alternate injection and suction of compressed air from the nozzles, thereby providing the effect of a “squeezing massage”.

In the process of air injection, the lymph nodes are compressed, and its suction is accompanied by their expansion. Thus, during the session, the superfluous interstitial fluid from the body and excretion naturally through the human renal system.

Thanks to the eight-step program, pressotherapy provides a wave-like contraction of blood vessels that stimulates the work lymphatic system and restores the water balance of the body. The automatic program controls the level and force of pressure on the patient's skin in certain areas of the body.

The alternation interval between vacuum and compression states is from 30 s to 2 minutes. Reducing pressure on the skin triggers the expansion of blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the skin, muscles and subcutaneous tissue. During pressotherapy, the patient has increased sweating, rhythmic vibrations of the pads create the effect of lymphatic drainage massage.

Pressotherapy refers to painless types of procedures. After its completion, the patient feels lightness, warmth throughout the body and a surge of strength. The total duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes.

After the procedure

Pressotherapy results:

  • Disappearance of edema of the skin.
  • Improving cell nutrition, oxygen saturation of tissues.
  • The disappearance of signs of cellulite.
  • Weight loss.
  • Correction of the contours of the figure.
  • The skin takes on a natural tone.
  • Raise defense mechanisms organism (resistance to disease).
  • The disappearance of the effect of chronic fatigue.
  • Mood improvement.
  • Normalization of the work of internal organs.
  • Improvement of firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Slowing down the aging process of the skin.
  • Eliminates heaviness in the legs.
  • Increased tone of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Promotes quick recovery body after trauma or surgery.
  • General detoxification of the body is carried out.
  • Prevention of blood clots.

Combination with other types of procedures

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