The cat's cancer is in its last stage. Mammary tumor in a cat

In this article I will talk about what oncological diseases (cancer) occur in cats, what are the reasons for their development and the main symptoms. I will describe methods for diagnosing such diseases, methods of treatment, and what the owner should do if detected. terrible disease in an animal. I’ll tell you whether feline oncology is dangerous for humans, and what prevention is.

Oncology is a disease in which cells begin to grow and expand into surrounding tissues completely uncontrollably. There are two types of malignant tumors: localized (when the tumor is limited to one affected area) and generalized (spread throughout the body).

The following cancers occur in cats.

Mammary cancer (breast in an animal)

Breast cancer (in first place in terms of prevalence).

It affects unsterilized cats, and is more often observed in pets that have never given birth.

Tumors or lumps grow inside the mammary glands (breasts). First, small dense balls appear, which gradually increase in size and at the last stage open. If left untreated, the animal will not live long.


Abnormal cells affect The lymph nodes, first one, and then spread to the others and affect the liver and Bone marrow. The disease manifests itself as compaction of the affected lymph nodes.

Sarcoma (fibrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, liposarcoma)

This type of cancer is the most aggressive, as it spreads throughout the body very quickly. May occur in abdominal cavity cats Manifested by lameness, apathy, emaciation. The animal experiences severe pain, worries.

Sarcoma is the most aggressive look cancer in cats

Carcinoma and adenocarcinoma

This tumor affects epithelial cells internal organs and skin. It metastasizes very quickly. May be manifested by the formation of ulcers on the skin, damage to the gums and mucous membranes oral cavity. The wound may open. If the lungs are affected, the cat may cough and pant. When the intestines are damaged, constipation, abdominal enlargement, and vomiting are observed.

This type of cancer affects the cat’s oral cavity and can affect the tongue, palate, and tonsils. In this case, non-healing ulcers form on the mucous membrane, a strong and bad smell. As the disease progresses, your pet may lose teeth and become crooked.

Almost all types of oncology are accompanied by such general symptoms, such as a significant decrease in body weight, apathy, enlarged lymph nodes.

Squamous cell carcinoma is characterized non-healing wounds in the cat's mouth

Causes of cancer development

The exact reasons for the development of oncology have not yet been identified. Veterinarians believe that in most cases, the predisposition to cancer is inherited. Development factors also include prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, chemical substances etc. This type of cancer, such as lymphoma, is more often observed in pets suffering from the immunodeficiency virus or coronavirus infection.

Oncology can develop after vaccination. A lump often forms at the injection site, which after 2-3 months begins to transform into a tumor, so it is better to remove any tumors as soon as possible.

Methods for diagnosing cancer diseases

Diagnosis of cancer is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. First, blood and urine are taken from the animal. Using tests, the functioning of internal organs is assessed.
  2. X-ray. This type of examination allows you to detect metastases that have spread throughout the body. For breast cancer, an X-ray is called a mammogram.
  3. Ultrasonography. In this way, tumors that are located shallowly can be detected. A biopsy is also performed using ultrasound.
  4. Biopsy. It is carried out in three ways: using a puncture, an endoscope and surgically. In the first case, tumor particles are taken with a special needle (the material is drawn into a sterile syringe) or an endoscope (a few affected cells are pinched off). In the third method, biomaterial is collected during surgery, and the surgeon can completely remove the tumor or take only a small piece of tissue for examination.

Biopsy is the most accurate analysis for oncology

Treatment of breast tumors and other neoplasms

After all diagnostic measures The veterinarian prescribes appropriate treatment.

There are three forms of cancer therapy: tumor removal surgically, chemotherapy or radiation.

The first method is the most effective, but it is carried out only if there are no metastases. The surgeon removes the malignant tumor under general anesthesia. After surgery, the animal is given chemotherapy to destroy any remaining abnormal cells.

Radiation therapy involves treating a cancerous tumor ionizing radiation. The procedure is carried out under general anesthesia in two ways: remote (irradiation occurs at a distance from the animal) and contact (the radiation source is introduced into the tumor itself or the cavity in which it is located).

The third type is chemotherapy. It is often combined with surgical removal of the affected tissue. The procedure involves intravenous infusion toxic drugs which have a detrimental effect on cancer cells.

During chemotherapy treatment, your cat may lose all of its hair.

Such infusions are carried out several times according to a specific schedule. Usually the following drugs are used for treatment: Vincristine, Cisplatin, Epirubicin, Cyclophosphamide, etc. Medicines are prescribed only by a veterinarian.

Chemotherapy has serious side effects: hair loss, nausea, lethargy, digestive disorders.

Is cat tumor dangerous for humans?

Oncological diseases, which infect cats, are not at all dangerous to humans. Many people believe that you can become infected with cancer if the tumor is opened, but this is not true. Numerous studies prove that oncology is not dangerous to others.

Disease Prevention

There are several effective preventive measures that will protect your pet from developing cancer:

  1. Sterilization. This measure will protect the cat from developing mammary cancer almost 100%, and it is advisable to carry out the operation either before the first heat or immediately after it.
  2. Isolate chemicals from your pet. There is an opinion that the development of oncology can be caused by prolonged exposure to chemicals on a cat. Therefore, it is necessary to keep fertilizers detergents and other substances in places inaccessible to the animal.
  3. . This procedure will protect your pet from such serious illnesses as the immunodeficiency virus and coronavirus infection.
  4. Balanced diet. It is very important to pay attention to the preparation of your pet’s diet. Better to give preference industrial feed class not lower than super-premium. Such nutrition will protect the cat from developing pathologies such as diabetes, obesity, etc.
  5. Removal from breeding of animals whose ancestors suffered from cancer. There is an opinion that a predisposition to cancer is inherited, so you should not get offspring from cats that have had sick pets in their family.

Oncology is not always a death sentence.

In the early stages, this disease can be treated, but for this it is necessary to contact a veterinarian at the first signs of cancer. If your pet begins to lose weight, refuses to eat, has a fever, or is limping, immediately take your pet to a doctor.

If the veterinarian has diagnosed late-stage cancer, you need to assess the cat's quality of life and consider humane euthanasia if she is in severe pain.

What is a tumor? Uncontrolled and abnormal growth of cells foreign to the body is a tumor. Neoplasms can be benign or malignant (cancerous). Tumors of the first group are encapsulated, grow slowly, and do not penetrate other tissues and organs; after surgical removal There are no relapses, but under the influence of certain influencing factors they can become malignant. But this group of tumors, on the contrary, grows very quickly, penetrating internal organs, causing metastases and spreading throughout the body. Tissue cells are aggressive, have an abnormal structure, and are difficult to differentiate. It is these tumors that turn out to be cancerous. After removal of such a tumor, as a rule, there is always a relapse. Such neoplasms are also dangerous because they cannot be seen with the naked eye. Thus, you may lose valuable time during cancer treatment.

Causes of tumors in cats

The appearance of neoplasms is not limited to any one specific factor. Heredity can play a fatal role, and a tumor in a cat can appear as early as mature age. Another very common (and also hereditary) cause of neoplasms can be viruses (for example, papillomavirus or FeLV retrovirus). Under certain circumstances, even sunlight may provoke tumor growth.

What types of tumors do cats have?

Less often in cats, formations are observed on the bones and in the mouth. Tumors in the peritoneum and sternum are also rare. Lymphosarcoma is diagnosed much more often (the cause is the same FeLV virus). Breast tumors are quite common and are usually malignant.
But most often in cats there are benign tumors on the skin or subcutaneous tissue, such as lipomas. Such neoplasms do not pose a danger to the body; tumor removal is easy, without consequences or relapses.

Localization of neoplasms in cats

Neoplasms can appear on any part of the body. For example, carcinoma affects the ears, nose and eyelids, a tumor of the mammary glands forms in the area of ​​the nipples (often several at once). Lymphoma can appear as a tumor anywhere where there are lymph nodes. This is why it is important to have your pet examined by an experienced doctor.

Treatment of tumors in cats

It is very important to identify the problem as early as possible. To do this, it is necessary to palpate the animal quite often and carefully, this is how any compaction can be detected immediately. This is the minimum that cat owners can do.
A tumor does not always mean cancer in a cat, sometimes it can be subcutaneous inflammation or abscesses. In this case, the cat’s lump is drained, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
But sometimes it happens the other way around, when the symptoms of a tumor are mistaken by the owners for signs of a banal infection or other disease, which leads to wasted time on ineffective treatment or waiting. further development events. In any case, before you panic or, on the contrary, give up, you should contact a veterinary clinic. Only a specialist can diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment.
If a neoplasm is nevertheless confirmed, you need to determine its group (benign or cancer), and then follow all the doctor’s instructions. Malignant tumors are removed surgically; if necessary, chemotherapy and supportive treatment can be prescribed. When deleting benign neoplasm the animal returns to normal after a couple of days, returning to its normal lifestyle. Separately, I would like to add that metastasis occurs from malignant tumors and the cat dies in agony, which sometimes

Cancer or malignant tumor - common names for a group of cancer diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell growth and division. If the cat is not provided with qualified, timely assistance, it may die, as cancer cells gradually penetrate into the surrounding tissues, thereby damaging and compressing them. A malignant tumor can disrupt the functioning of the internal organ in which it develops and poison the pet’s body with toxic substances. Against the background of oncology in cats, there is a significant decrease protective function body and physical exhaustion.

Qualified diagnosis and treatment is important veterinary clinic. Uncontrolled treatment at home will cost the cat its life.

Stages and types of cancer in cats

Cats get cancer various types, since a tumor can form in different internal organs. The most commonly observed types of cancer are:

  • lymphoma (blood cancer);
  • breast cancer (older females are most susceptible);
  • lungs' cancer;
  • bone tumor;
  • basalioma;
  • liver cancer;
  • squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity.

As for the stages, there are 4 stages of development of a malignant tumor:

  • First. This stage is characterized by the presence of a limited tumor node and the absence of metastases and pronounced symptoms.
  • Second. At this stage, the tumors continue to grow, and the cancer penetrates into the organ, forming metastases to the lymph nodes.
  • Third. During this period, tumor mobility decreases, and the number of metastases increases.
  • Fourth. At this stage, the process is considered irreversible because the cancer affects large areas.

There is a myth that cancer is transmitted from cat to person. But people can't get cancer from pet because the disease is not transmitted by airborne droplets, through saliva and blood, and this fact has been scientifically proven.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The exact reasons why a cat develops cancer have not yet been identified. But most experts identify several main reasons that give impetus to the development of a tumor:

  1. 1. Significant reduction in the body’s protective function. A cat’s immunity is reduced due to improper feeding, previous diseases and poor environment.
  2. 2. Injury. The cause of the development of a malignant tumor is not only injuries to internal organs, but also various bruises and fractures.
  3. 3. Heredity. The predisposition to cancer increases in those cats in whose family several generations have had cancer.
  4. 4. Inhalation cigarette smoke. If a cat is constantly forced to stay in an apartment with a heavy smoker, then he has a high probability of developing lung cancer.
  5. 5. Hormonal imbalances. Most often, those pets whose owners resort to using hormonal drugs, replacing castration with them.
  6. 6. Long-term exposure ultraviolet rays. Cats love to bask in the sun, but prolonged exposure to its rays can lead to skin cancer.
  7. 7. Negative effects of stress. If your pet is constantly stressed or experiencing for any reason severe stress, then his risk of developing serious diseases, including oncology, increases.

Despite the fact that most often a malignant tumor is detected in cats over 5 years of age, pets of any age category are equally susceptible to this disease.


Careful monitoring of your pet and preventive annual examinations veterinarian will help identify the disease early stage.Symptoms of cancer:

  • refusal of food;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • depression;
  • the appearance of tumors in the oral cavity, in the mammary glands or in the ears;
  • appearance on the skin age spots and non-healing ulcers;
  • plaintive meowing for no apparent reason;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • bleeding gums and foul odor from mouth;
  • dyspnea;
  • bloody stool;
  • the appearance of a dry cough, turning into a hysterical cough (sometimes discharge of pus is observed).

Bright pronounced sign Oncology is the appearance of neoplasms.

According to statistics, mammary gland cancer most often develops in cats (about 60% of cases). If at least one of the characteristic features You should immediately take your pet to a veterinary hospital. Oncological diseases are extremely dangerous for a cat’s life and only correct treatment could save her life.

A breast tumor (MBT) is a neoplasm associated with pathological tissue growth that increases in size over time. This is one of the most common neoplasms found in cats. Modern medicine located nearby effective techniques on their treatment, but a successful outcome and the pet’s future life depends primarily on the timeliness of seeking medical help.

The tumor is a lump, the size of which varies from a small nodule to a tennis ball. It can be of two types:

  • Benign (cyst, adenoma) - does not pose a threat to life, but can cause significant inconvenience to the pet if it reaches a large size. She usually has correct form, is separated from nearby tissues by a capsule, is located only on one of the glands and grows slowly, without penetrating into nearby tissues, but only moving them. But such compactions require constant monitoring, as they can develop into malignant formations.
  • Malignant (carcinoma, sarcoma) is a deadly neoplasm that provokes the development of metastases and grows into neighboring tissues and organs. It usually has irregular shape and a lumpy, nodular surface.

Fibroadenomatous hyperplasia in the Sphynx

Most often, AMF occur in unsterilized elderly individuals (over 7 years old), as well as in those who have suffered trauma to the mammary glands or suffer from hormonal imbalances. And for a share benign formations accounting for 10-15% of cases, while the rest are classified as malignant. The pathology does not occur in animals that were sterilized before the first heat, and all other individuals are already at risk. Moreover, the disease can be detected even in young pets (up to 2 years of age).

A neoplasm can be diagnosed using palpation, x-rays or ultrasound. But its type and nature can only be determined through cytological or histological examination of material taken from the tumor using a syringe. Additionally taken general analysis blood and other studies are carried out that allow us to assess the health of the animal and determine further actions that will be appropriate in a particular case.


The main method of treating breast tumors is surgery, during which the overgrown tissue is completely removed. After surgery, the removed material is sent to histological examination, and based on its results it is assigned further treatment and its outcome is predicted.

In the postoperative period, in some cases, a course of chemotherapy is prescribed, which is necessary to destroy possible residues in the body tumor cells. It is a procedure of drip administration of drugs (cytoxan, mitoxantrone, etc.) with an interval of 21 days and is usually well tolerated by cats without causing hair loss.

As additional funds For treatment, you can feed the animal with decoctions of milkweed, calendula, arnica, wild rosemary, and knotweed. They contain substances that block the development of tumor cells. But this can only be done after the veterinarian's approval.

How is the operation performed?

Progress of the operation to remove the tumor:

  • Preparation surgical field(hair shaving, treatment with antiseptics);
  • providing access to the tumor (cutting skin);
  • ligation and cutting off of the vessels feeding the compaction;
  • removal of the tumor, including 2-3 cm of healthy tissue, as well as nearby lymph nodes;
  • suturing the wound.

Depending on the severity of the lesion, the lump, one mammary gland, or an entire line is removed. In particular difficult situations As part of the treatment, a bilateral mastectomy is performed - removal of two lines of mammary glands, which is carried out in two steps.

The operation to remove a breast tumor belongs to the category of complex surgical interventions. Due to the fairly high percentage of relapses, doctors do not promise fast recovery and a favorable outcome of the operation. One of the factors on which recovery depends is the degree of damage:

  • on initial stages removal of the tumor can save the cat's life;
  • in the later stages, most likely the doctor will not perform the operation, since it will not be justified. In such cases, palliative treatment is prescribed, which is aimed at improving the pet’s quality of life. It includes antibiotics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The operation is not always possible due to the age of the animal: the older it is, the more difficult it is to tolerate general anesthesia and postoperative period.

What to do when opening a tumor

If the tumor was not detected in a timely manner and no treatment was carried out, it may open. This phenomenon also indicates the progression pathological process and advanced stage of the disease. In this case, a wound appears, from which contents with a sharp unpleasant odor, sometimes pus and blood, are released. In this case, the pet should be immediately shown to a veterinarian to receive recommendations on further actions. Optimal method in this situation is the same surgical removal of the breast cancer, excision of painful tissue. All other methods do not solve the underlying problem and metastases can spread to other organs, which deprives the pet of a chance for recovery. But if a cat’s mammary tumor bursts, and surgery is impossible for health reasons or other reasons, then the following is prescribed:

  • Treatment of the wound with antiseptics (chlorexidine, miramistin, levomekol, etc.).
  • Taking antibiotics (Tsiprovet, Fosprenil).
  • Wearing a blanket or bandage that covers the wound but allows air to flow freely to prevent infection.

How long will a cat live?

If any kind of lump is detected in the area of ​​the cat's mammary glands, it should be immediately shown to a veterinarian for a diagnosis. How long a cat diagnosed with a mammary gland tumor will live depends on the timeliness of seeing a doctor, as well as the age general condition health and type of education. One of the main factors that affects life expectancy is the size of the tumor at the time of treatment (measured along the largest side):

  • up to 2 cm – approximately 3 years;
  • more than 3 cm – about 6 months.

If the diagnosis is made in the early stages, removal of the AMF significantly increases the chances of prolonging the pet's life. Late diagnosis with large tumor sizes and the development of metastatic processes gives a prognosis for life within 6-12 months.

That is why it is important for the cat owner to regularly monitor the condition of her mammary glands, and if suspicious lumps appear, not to postpone a visit to the veterinarian.

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One of the most dangerous and varied in symptoms diseases is skin cancer in cats. 75% of all registered skin tumors in cats are malignant. Depending on the type of tumor cells, treatment, prognosis and Clinical signs vary greatly. In this regard, one of the most important stages of therapy is accurate diagnosis pathology.

Despite the fact that skin cancer in cats accounts for 20% of all diagnosed neoplasms, the exact reasons for the development of the pathology have not been established. We can say for sure that an excess of UV rays causes skin, but other unidentified factors can also lead to it to the same extent.

As for other types of skin tumors, nothing can be said here. No dependence on feeding or viruses has been established. There is no predisposition for any breeds.

Types of tumors

Based on their origin, tumors are divided into primary (initially arising in the skin) and secondary tumors (cancer cells brought in from the lymph). According to localization, they can be divided into single and multiple. According to the flow - into malignant and benign.

Skin is the most large organ in cats, it consists of several layers, each of which is composed of a unique type of cell. Because of this very important classification is division by histological composition:

  • Cutaneous lymphoma.
  • Mast cell tumors.
  • Melanocytic tumors.
  • Soft tissue sarcomas.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma.

When making a diagnosis, it is very important to distinguish skin tumors from similar diseases:

  • viral damage to the dermis;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • changes associated with hormonal disorders;
  • hyperplastic;
  • granulomatous processes.

For this, as well as to establish the histological composition of the tumor, prints and scrapings from tissues, aspirates and biopsies are taken.

Squamous cell carcinoma

Description. The tumor originates from flat cells of the epidermis. In the early stages, the neoplasm has the appearance of erosions with convex borders, reminiscent of productive papillomas or cauliflower.

Symptoms The main location is the fingers and head (ears, nose, lips). This is due to the fact that the predisposing factor is an excess of sunlight.

Flow. Typically, the tumor does not affect the lower layers of the skin, although in advanced cases it can reach the subcutaneous layer.

Forecast. Typically, squamous cell carcinoma is well localized and does not spread through blood and lymph, so with proper resection the prognosis is favorable.

Treatment. Due to high differentiation, the most effective is surgery. The problem may be cancer on the tip of the nose. The nose, along with the pterygoid cartilages, is removed, and later, in several stages, reconstruction is made from the surrounding skin (by moving flaps).


Description. It comes from mesenchymal cells of the dermis and subcutaneous layer, which include muscle, fat, fibrous, and vascular cells. To determine the histological type of sarcoma, they take laboratory samples. Some sarcomas do not have clear differentiation and are called spindle cell or anaplastic.

Signs. They are the same for all histological types of sarcomas; a neoplasm develops anywhere, deep in the skin. Usually the tumor does not have clear boundaries, but sometimes due to rapid development a false “capsule” of compressed healthy tissue is formed around it. It is not real and cancer cells are often found outside of it.

Flow. Sarcomas develop in older cats (up to 9 years old), with the exception of fibroscarcoma, which develops in pets up to 5 years old. The disease is dangerous and often metastasizes to the lungs and other organs.

Forecast. From cautious to unfavorable. Metastases occur in 25% of fibrosarcomas; cancerous hemangiopericytes rarely metastasize (but often relapse). Anaplastic sarcomas and hemangiosarcomas are the most dangerous; they metastasize in most cases and quickly spread throughout the body through the blood.

Treatment. Sarcomas are resistant to chemotherapy and radiation, so the only effective way is resection. If the tumor is localized on a limb, it is amputated; if it is localized on the skin, the largest possible area is captured.

Melanocytic tumors

Description. They appear from melanocytes, which belong to the basement membrane (the junction of the epidermis and dermis). They usually develop in the oral cavity and are malignant. Melanomas appear less frequently on the skin, but in this case they become benign.

Symptoms Skin benign melanomas look like dark nodules. Malignant melanomas on the mucous membranes are sometimes also pigmented, but not always. They often ulcerate and bleed, and are often complicated by secondary infections.

Flow. Skin melanomas may disappear on their own. Malignant melanomas quickly metastasize, sometimes only to the lymph nodes, and sometimes spread throughout the body.

Forecast. For cutaneous melanoma – favorable, for malignant neoplasm on the mucous membrane – unfavorable or cautious.

Treatment. Radiation and chemotherapy may be used to treat cutaneous melanomas. If this fails, surgical resection is used. Malignant tumors are excised with surgical margins of more than 3 cm, although due to their location (oral cavity) this often becomes a problem for the surgeon.

Mast cell tumors

Description. Mastocytoma develops from mast cells connective tissue which are responsible for allergic and inflammatory reactions. The cells have a large number of dark inclusions, which is why they got their name. These “grains” secrete histamine, heparin and other vasoactive and proteolytic enzymes, so mastocytoma is always complicated by local and systemic reactions.

Signs. A tumor develops in the dermis or subcutaneous tissue. It looks like a dark dense plate under the skin with clear boundaries. Because of severe inflammation the area is very painful, the tumor under the skin often ulcerates, and a local increase in temperature is observed.

Flow. The neoplasm can be single, or it can quickly metastasize throughout the body (usually to the liver and spleen). At first they are single and grow slowly, but then they degenerate and become aggressive, giving many metastases. In cats, the tumor usually quickly progresses to an aggressive stage.

Forecast. If the tumor is detected at an early stage, the prognosis is favorable, otherwise it is cautious or unfavorable. In cats they usually quickly become aggressive.

Treatment. At an early stage, surgery or surgery combined with chemotherapy is used. However, since pathology in cats is diagnosed, as a rule, late stage, then chemotherapy is more often used and radiation therapy.

Cutaneous lymphomas

Description. A rare disease for cats. Develops from T-type lymphocytes and is a systemic pathology that is localized not only in the skin, but affects many organs. Cutaneous lymphoma is diagnosed when the pathology is most pronounced on the skin.

Symptoms It looks like multiple nodules on the epidermis, which sometimes transform into ulcerated areas of the skin. There are almost always others systemic signs diseases that depend on which organs are affected (usually the liver and spleen).

Flow. Lymphoma eventually affects all organs and leads to the death of the pet.

Forecast. Unfavorable, since lymphoma in cats is difficult to treat, cancer cells hardly respond to chemotherapy.

Treatment. Chemotherapy is used exclusively. Surgical intervention or radiation therapy is often not useful since the source of the disease is the lymph, but these methods can be used when the skin is severely affected to alleviate the patient's condition.