Dislocation of the leg: types, symptoms and treatment. Algorithm for the treatment of dislocation of the foot at home and in the hospital: effective methods for eliminating pain and swelling

Dislocation of the leg is a generalized concept that implies injury to the limbs (legs), namely, displacement of the joint, as well as rupture of the ligaments. In medicine, there are three types of dislocations:

  • dislocation of the ankle or foot- one of the most common types of dislocations;
  • damage knee joint(shins)- common among people involved in sports;
  • dislocation hip joint - occurs much less often than the previous ones, but is the most severe form dislocation.

It happens during an accident, and is also congenital pathology. However, modern medicine successfully treats any kind of dislocations, fractures and sprains. Often, unconscious actions and lack of necessary measures citizen precautions.

Yes, a dislocation is not cancer or pneumonia, but with a negligent attitude to one’s health, a rather unpredictable outcome is possible, which can turn into chronic stage and ruin a person's life, depriving him of the opportunity active image life and joys available to healthy people. We will talk about the characteristics, causes and treatment of dislocations in this article.

What is the danger and consequences of dislocation

A dislocation is nothing more than a joint injury. There is fluid in the joint, which, due to trauma, forms a hematoma when the joint capsule ruptures. Hematoma over time gives inflammatory process. Due to the rupture of the tissues of the joint, a scar may form, which can be removed only with the help of surgery. So an insignificant-looking sore can develop and move on to more severe stages.

Symptoms of a dislocated leg

Symptoms are divided into two types: universal and specific.

Universal ones include:

  1. Pain at the site of a leg injury, which can often be aggravated by movement and walking.
  2. Inability to take a certain position of the leg, as the pain intensifies with it. In some cases, changing the position of the leg does not affect the reduction of pain. This happens with severe dislocations.
  3. There is swelling of the joint immediately after the injury. If the edema increases very quickly - this indicates that such a complication as hemarthrosis has appeared - profuse bleeding to the affected area.
  4. Inability to step on and lean on the damaged part of the leg.
  5. Change of joints in the injured area. Often these are bulges that form during trauma.
  6. The appearance of unidentified red spots in the area of ​​dislocation.

Reveal specific symptoms capable only of a doctor.

Important! Dislocation of the leg in terms of symptoms is very similar to a fracture, therefore, only a specialist can draw the necessary conclusions and make a diagnosis using an x-ray method.

Therefore, self-medication is strictly prohibited. The difference between a dislocation and a sprain is that when the leg is dislocated, it is in the same position.

Around the damaged area, redness, blueness, or swelling are formed, which symbolize the fact of dislocation. The difference from a fracture lies in the fact that with a fracture, the deformation of the structure of the leg is clearly visible. This does not happen with a dislocation.

First aid for a dislocated leg

The most important rule for a dislocation is not to try to do anything on your own, but to seek qualified medical help as soon as possible.

It is necessary to provide the victim with moral support and find the most suitable position to reduce pain. If necessary, apply a cold object to the affected part of the body and tighten the bandage. After that, it is necessary to accompany the victim to the emergency room.

Classification of dislocations

There are four main types:

  • outer;
  • rear;
  • front;
  • upper.

Outer means turning the foot in or out. Turning inward is more often a fracture, turning outward is possibly a sprain.

Rear means ankle injury as well as ankle flexion.

Front represents the rotation of the limb to the side. The same situation occurs with an injury to the lower leg from the back.

Upper occurs extremely rarely, mainly with an unsuccessful fall of a person from a height.

Where do dislocations, or a type of injury, come from?

A dislocation can appear in three cases:

  • injury (industrial, domestic, sports) - with impacts, stretching, displacement, involuntary flexion of the limb, dislocation may occur;

  • pathology - with a defect in the joints, any slight load can lead to a full dislocation. For example, during a normal jump, which healthy person will not cause any complications. Diseases preceding pathological dislocation: arthritis, pathological changes joints, arthrosis, tumor formations;
  • birth trauma - often due to wrong position embryo in the womb, resulting in damage to the hip joint the baby immediately after birth.

What to do with a dislocated leg?

If your leg is dislocated, you should seek immediate medical attention.

How to treat a sprained leg?

After examining a doctor and determining the severity of the dislocation (as well as excluding a fracture of the limb), the stage of treatment begins. Treatment occurs independently, at home. The main thing to keep in mind is that the dislocated limb must be motionless, in a relaxed position. To do this, you can, while sitting in a chair, put your sore leg on an ottoman or stool, thereby fixing it in the desired position.

Treatment also involves the use of a variety of gels and ointments that the doctor will prescribe. They need to regularly treat the damaged area. Also, for the accelerated removal of tumors and edema, it is recommended to apply ice. Hold the ice for fifteen minutes every day and the swelling will go away faster.

The area of ​​injury can be bandaged with a bandage, but not tight, so as not to block the flow of blood to the dislocated part of the limb.

Important! In any category of dislocation, the limb should not be subjected to the natural forces that it is capable of enduring in normal functioning.

It is highly recommended to ensure the maximum comfort of the foot, that is, if possible, do not step on it and do not turn unnecessarily. A sharp pain will remind you of this. In case of complications, the attending physician may recommend the imposition of a cast. This procedure provides a fixed position of the dislocated part, which, in turn, reduces the risk of a new injury.

With the exception of birth defects in the hip, traumatic variants can be prevented if the necessary care is taken.

  1. One of the main rules is to always look under your feet, as there are often many objects and bumps on the way, which we often stumble and hit when walking. We advise women who wear shoes with heels to show increased care.
  2. Very winter important element safety will be a non-slip sole, in which you will confidently stand on your feet. In no case do not run on the ice and try to move around the ice.
  3. Limit jumping to the ground even from a slight height, it is better to go around and find the stairs. If there is no ladder, and a jump is inevitable, try not to jump, but to get down (do not jump while standing, try to sit down, then jump). Do not jump from railway platforms, high curbs, or go down steep slopes. All this can be bypassed and avoided in most cases.
  4. Do not run up stairs and uneven surfaces, do not try to save time. When going up and down stairs, hold on to the railing and try to look at your feet.
  1. Observe safety precautions when playing sports. This will help save a lot of time for treatment. It will also save your nerves and morale.

Important! A dislocated leg, although it seems like a minor injury, is actually a very unpleasant and painful ailment.

The tips above seem too obvious and even somewhat naive, but people who have experienced a dislocation at least once become much more careful and do not take risks in vain. It's no secret that human body- a rather fragile substance, and therefore you should not once again neglect the measures of caution.

It would seem that a comic injury can give complications that will entail chronic diseases, and in the worst case - will lead to disability. Do not ignore the advice and take care of your health, which you cannot buy!


A dislocation of any complexity can be treated, as it is not an irreparable injury. A dislocation does not give such a painful effect as, for example, a fracture, but it also causes a lot of discomfort to a person who is injured. In conclusion, I would like to say, based on the above: trust your health only to professionals, that is, people who have the appropriate education and the necessary skills.

Do not let friends, wives, parents and just passers-by to adjust, displace, pull, and so on. From relatives, only the first aid described above is possible. Any surgical intervention takes place only in medical institution using special painkillers. The consequences of self-employment can be very sad.

Also, do not take any medications without the direction of a healthcare professional. In the event of a dislocation or suspected dislocation, seek immediate medical attention. qualified help. Do not tempt fate, remember a simple rule: procrastination is similar to death. Follow these instructions and be healthy! Your life is in your hands!

Dislocation of the leg requires urgent professional treatment. It is important to skillfully set the articular bone and fix it correctly in its natural position. Without this, after about 3 weeks, the curvature will begin to overgrow with a new bone tissue. The victim is at risk of severe lameness and will have to undergo corrective surgery.

A dislocation can happen out of the blue. For example, the head was spinning, and the person stumbled, his leg turned up in uncomfortable shoes. A person loses balance, presses on the limb with his mass. From this, the ligaments are stretched, the joint is deformed. Shoots instantly sharp pain sometimes to the point of losing consciousness. Swelling is poured with cyanosis, it is impossible to step on the foot.

What to do first of all with a dislocation of the leg? In case of a strong displacement of a part of the limb - the patella, ankle, fingers - it is urgent to apply ice, any frozen or cold foods. But the first thing to do is call an ambulance. Next, you need to impose a semblance of a tire:

  • a smooth, rigid piece of wooden or plastic lath;
  • umbrella;
  • broom;
  • folded magazine.

The damaged area is fixed with the capture of the legs above and below. The design is tied with a tie, scarf, handkerchief.

These simple activities take off sharp pain, stop the swelling of the joint, and most importantly - do not allow the traumatic process to worsen.

professional treatment

Choice medical measures depends on the nature and location of the dislocation.


Dislocation patella rarely occurs in humans. It is strong enough, held by strong ligaments and muscles. Nevertheless, there are a number of reasons that lead to displacement of the patella - patella:

  • injuries on the road, at work, in sports;
  • congenital high position of the calyx;
  • knee surgeries;
  • shallow depression above the knee;
  • abnormal development of the condyles, patella.

There is a chance that the knee will go back on its own. But more often, the injury provokes severe swelling, numbness and cold are felt due to vascular damage. Acute dislocation of the patella does not allow treatment at home.

To save the mobility of the leg, surgical intervention is required, followed by plaster immobilization. Seeing a doctor quickly greatly reduces the risk of complications.

As an additional measure, with a dislocation of the knee joint, treatment at home can be prescribed.

Ankle (ankle, ankle)

Most often, the ankles, as the most mobile part of the leg, suffer from dislocation. The ankle is capable of self-healing. Mild forms of dislocation can be treated at home. Cold compresses relieve swelling, and in the following days they switch to warming procedures to relieve inflammation.

In the case of a sharp prolonged pain, rapidly increasing swelling should immediately appear to the traumatologist, as these are symptoms of a severe dislocation or crack. In this situation, you can not do without x-rays and gypsum.


Dislocation of the foot occurs infrequently. This is a pretty solid area. It can be damaged as a result of strong twisting or due to a blow with the edge of the foot at the time of landing from a height. The injury is complicated by rupture skin, undermining ligaments, nerves, blood vessels. A dislocation of the subtalar joint is especially difficult to tolerate. For its reduction often resort to surgical procedures.


Dislocation of the finger, phalanx is very rare. But this area is very sensitive, so the pain during dislocation is strong initially and increases with the slightest movement of the leg. A bluish edema is poured on the finger.

It requires only professional reduction with local anesthesia and plaster immobilization for about two weeks.

Receptions of folk treatment

herbal remedies, natural oils, salts are able to penetrate deeply into tissues. They relieve pain in the damaged area, improve blood and lymph circulation, remove edematous fluid, treat inflammation and hematomas, and strengthen the immune system.


Attention! All folk methods should be checked for individual tolerance.


Very useful for dislocations lower divisions feet daily warm baths with medicinal additives lasting 15 minutes. Water with a temperature of up to 38 ° C warms damaged skin. The pores expand, opening up access to deep-seated tissues. The procedure is performed at night so that the ankle, foot or fingers wrapped in a warm scarf are restored in many hours of rest.


Compresses with herbal decoctions, like baths, are effective for dislocations. Healing components accelerate the recovery of injured tissues and bones. The prepared extract is impregnated with a clean white cloth, gauze. Apply to a sore spot, cover with parchment or film. From above, the application is bandaged or glued with medical tape. The exposure time is from 2 to 12 hours, as prescribed by the doctor. With prolonged imposition, the compress is periodically changed.

Some healers claim that it is possible to cure an injury with urine. Do not use this method to avoid infection through skin lesions.

Healing drink

  1. Barberry has analgesic, antipyretic, bactericidal properties. Pour 600 ml of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of twigs with thorns and leaves. Cook for 10 minutes on a low flame. Insist under a warm cape for 2 hours. Drain the liquid, mix evenly with milk. Drinking drink 100 ml three times a day.
  2. Infusion of blue cornflower has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, healing effect. He kicks out excess liquid which helps relieve swelling. Infuse two teaspoons of flowers in 250 ml of boiling water for an hour. Decanted broth to drink three times a day for 100-120 ml. You can eat in 20 minutes. Prepare a fresh batch daily.

Folk remedies are included in the course of treatment simultaneously with physiotherapy, self-massage, therapeutic exercises.

Very dislocated leg frequent injury arising in sports and domestic situations. It can be a minor injury that can be treated at home, or a serious injury that requires surgery and long-term rehabilitation. Therefore, in the presence of severe and not subsiding symptoms, it is recommended to seek medical help, first of all, in order for the doctor to assess the degree and nature of the damage, so that a severe case does not go untreated. Dislocation of the leg can occur in:

  • ankle joint,
  • knee joint,
  • in the foot, for example, when the toes are touched,
  • hip joint.

After an injury, one or more of the following symptoms may occur:

  • Changed appearance of the leg
  • Joint deformity
  • Change in color in the affected area
  • Numbness and decreased sensation
  • Limited mobility in the injured joint

First aid

To reduce the effects of injury at home, you need to:
  1. Stop any physical activity and reduce the load on the injured leg as much as possible. Only a traumatologist can deal with the reduction of a dislocation.
  2. Call a doctor.
  3. Take pain medication if necessary pain symptoms. Suitable Analgin, ibuprofen or their analogues.
  4. Apply ice to the dislocation site by wrapping it in a towel to avoid frostbite on the skin, which can happen if the ice is in direct contact with it. This will help reduce pain and swelling.
  5. Fix the leg with a bandage on a board or similar object if the victim has to be transported to medical assistance on its own, which is not recommended. Self-fixation of the injured limb can worsen the condition, so the best solution is to wait for the doctor to properly splint for transport to the hospital.


Before starting treatment, you may need:
  • Examining and questioning the casualty about symptoms and how the injury occurred. It will also be useful for the doctor to know the presence of chronic diseases and previous trauma of the patient.
  • An x-ray is most often needed to exclude a leg fracture, the symptoms of which are very similar to a dislocation.


Medical treatment usually consists of the following procedures:
  1. Reduction of the joint where the dislocation occurred. Usually occurs after the introduction of painkillers, which contributes to the comfort of the victim and a smoother return of the articular surfaces to their original position.
  2. Surgical intervention if the joint capsule is seriously damaged, it is necessary to restore ligamentous apparatus or nerve endings.
  3. Immobilization of the leg, for which they can be used elastic bandage, bandage or plaster. The wearing period is set by a traumatologist, and most often it is at least 21 days.
  4. Prescribing a special ointment for rubbing into the leg and recommendations for maintaining bed rest and reducing all physical activity tensing the injured limb.

Treatment at home

Treatment at home should accelerate tissue healing, help restore joint function, and for this you need:
  • Keep your leg in a raised position, placing it on a chair while sitting, and while sleeping on a pillow or cushion.
  • Foot massage, with light circular movements at the site of dislocation, as well as acting on neighboring tissues, which is good to do with ointments. It is best if the victim massages the damaged area on his own, this will allow him to better feel when to stop massaging, for example, when pain or negative sensations appear.
  • Physiotherapy and exercise therapy to restore the former mobility and strength, about when to start classes and how to perform them, the attending physician should inform, because different exercises and physical activity are necessary for different dislocations.
  • Application traditional medicine. A hot bath with coniferous decoction for 10-15 minutes or rubbing with tincture of arnica and alcohol (half a glass of alcohol per 100 grams of arnica) is well suited.


As an aid in home treatment can serve various ointments, which are especially worth using in the first weeks after the injury, if a fixing bandage or plaster is not applied to the leg. Before using any ointment, it is best to consult a doctor. You can use the following ointments:
  • Lidocaine and Venoturon-gel, for pain relief
  • Heparin and Troxevasin, to reduce bruising
  • Finalgon and Apizatron, ointments that warm and accelerate the healing of ligaments, which are best not used in the first 2 days after dislocation, so as not to increase swelling.


When competent first aid is provided and treatment is carried out in a timely manner, dislocation of the leg rarely brings big problems. The main thing to remember is that in no case should you set it yourself, it should be entrusted to a traumatologist. The doctor will also tell you how to treat a dislocated leg. the best way so that there is no trace of it, even if the treatment will take place only at home.

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Dislocation in medicine is called a special condition in which there is a displacement of the surfaces of the joint. In this case, it is precisely that part of the limb that is remote from the body that is considered dislocated.

The dislocation should be adjusted independently only in an emergency, when it will not be possible to get to the clinic within 2 hours.

Reduction of dislocations

It is important that a qualified doctor deals with the reduction of the dislocation, since only in this case it is possible to avoid the appearance of many complications that create consequences and slow down the healing process. It is possible to determine the type of injury received, as well as its features, only after carrying out full inspection and X-ray examination which is impossible to do on your own.

There are many methods for repositioning dislocated joints., but in each individual case, an experienced doctor chooses the technique individually and it depends not only on the location of the injury and the damaged joint, but also on other factors. To select a specific reduction method, the doctor must necessarily take into account all the features of the injury, the factors that resulted in damage, the patient's age and physique, as well as the specifics of his activity.

The reduction of any joint is carried out under anesthesia, which can be used as local anesthesia or anesthesia general plan. As a rule, in children of any age, the reduction of dislocation is always carried out under general anesthesia so that the child is not afraid and does not interfere with the actions of the doctor. For adults, the choice of type of anesthesia is carried out individually and mainly depends on the complexity of the injury.

Medication treatment

Treatment of any dislocation, regardless of the location of the damaged joint, always begins with its reduction. How quickly a person was taken to the clinic and received qualified medical care will depend on the complexity and duration of the treatment of the injury, as well as recovery period after that.

After the dislocation is reduced, a fixing bandage or plaster must be applied to the site of the injury. to provide the damaged joint with complete rest for a certain time.

It is important to remember that improper application of an immobilizing bandage (gypsum), as well as insufficient duration of wearing it, can lead to habitual dislocation, which will require further surgery to strengthen the ligamentous apparatus.

As medical devices in the treatment of dislocation, a variety of painkillers are always used, both general and local action. As a rule, immediately after the injury and its reduction, the patient can only take drugs by mouth or receive them by injection. At the initial stage, means are used that reduce pain, as well as drugs that eliminate the inflammatory process in damaged tissues.

After removing the fixing bandage, the patient is prescribed special ointments, which have a local anesthetic effect, as well as contribute to the heating of tissues to improve blood circulation in them and speed up recovery.

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Joint dislocation treatment with massage

Massage sessions are prescribed to the victim only after the injury has been reduced and the immobilization period has ended, when the fixing bandage is removed and the recovery period begins. It is important to remember that in some cases massage will be contraindicated. These include various complications of dislocation, for example, the presence of fractures of the ends of the articular bones.

In this case, massage is prohibited, since such actions can lead to the appearance of lush callus at the site of injury, which will further affect the mobility of the joint and may require surgery.

The massage technique used always depends on the injury site., the age of the patient, the characteristics of the injury and the physique of the person.

In case of damage to the shoulder joint, massage can be carried out literally from the first days after, but not to affect the place of damage on which the fixing bandage is applied.

In this case, the massage is performed while sitting and covers cervical regions the spine with the shoulder girdle, that part of it that is not under the bandage, as well as the deltoid muscle. Massage movements should be light, relaxing, not causing discomfort to the patient and not causing pain.

Exercises and exercise therapy in the treatment of dislocations

Highly important place in the process of treating dislocation and restoring joint mobility, it takes exercise therapy and special gymnastics. Special attention is given to the initial period of rehabilitation, when the first exercise therapy exercises are prescribed, aimed at strengthening the muscles.

The first exercises are usually very simple, leading only to the movement of the muscles of the injured joint, which is in a fixing bandage.

For example, in case of shoulder dislocation, the first exercise therapy exercises can be considered to be flexion and extension of the fingers of the injured hand, slow clenching of the hand into a fist, and movement of the wrist joint. Gradually, the exercises become more difficult, moving to elbow joint. And after removing the bandage, the gradual development of the shoulder begins, by carefully performing fairly simple movements.

Usually, First stage recovery takes about 2 weeks, but in each case this period will be different. Implementation plan exercise therapy exercises, as well as other restorative procedures, is always prescribed by the doctor individually, with the obligatory consideration of the characteristics of the injury, the presence of complications, the age and physique of the person, as well as the specifics of his lifestyle and work activity.

Folk remedies for the treatment of dislocations

Of course, to carry out the reduction of any dislocation should only qualified specialist, but relieve pain and alleviate the condition of a person until the moment of rendering medical care, as well as during the rehabilitation period, proven folk methods can also be used. Folk doctors have been using various means in the treatment of dislocations.

For example, for fast elimination pain, you can knead a thick dough from vinegar and any flour, roll it into a thick layer and apply it to the injury site, wrapping it with an ordinary bandage. This will allow the person to experience less pain during transport to the clinic and relieve pain after the reduction.

For the same purpose, you can use fresh wormwood, the leaves of which must be kneaded to a state of gruel, put it in a fabric or gauze bag (you can simply wrap it in a piece of bandage) and attach it to the injury site, wrapping it on top with a handkerchief soaked in cold water.

Lavender oil can be used to rub the diseased joint after removing the immobilizing bandage.. You can buy this drug at a pharmacy or cook it yourself by taking the crushed flowers and grass of the plant, and pouring them with sunflower oil. The proportions are 1:5. Infusion occurs within 6 weeks with mandatory periodic stirring. When getting sprains and dislocations, this oil is considered an excellent pain reliever.

Another very effective tool in the treatment of dislocation during the rehabilitation period is the onion. For cooking, grate or chop the onion (fresh or baked), adding sugar to the gruel in a ratio of 1:10. The mass should be used for lotions, changing dressings every 6 hours.

Now you know how to cure a dislocation after repositioning the joint.

A dislocation is one of the most difficult and at the same time common injuries that people come to the emergency room with. Outwardly, its symptoms are very similar to the signs of a fracture. Therefore, when thinking about how to treat a dislocated leg at home, it is worth remembering that you cannot set it yourself. This can only make the situation worse. To reduce a dislocated limb or bone, you must go to the hospital. When the diagnosis is confirmed, a qualified specialist will correct the dislocation and apply a splint, you can begin to treat the injury at home.

First aid

In order to answer the question: “How to treat a dislocated leg at home?”, You must first understand the concept itself.

A dislocation is a displacement of the bones in the joint capsule, sometimes accompanied by damage to the joint or the cause may be swipe, the fall. External signs- this is pain, swelling, change to an unusual shape of the joint, lengthening or shortening of the limb.

Before treating a dislocated leg, you need to know how to help in the first minutes after a person is injured. The first aid will be to apply a bandage or splint to the dislocation site to fix the joint. Next, you need to apply cold to the damaged area to reduce swelling and relieve pain. An ice pack is perfect for this. Next step there should be a delivery of the victim to the nearest emergency room, where they will take an x-ray, set the dislocation and apply a temporary fixing bandage.

Dislocations must be reduced, because after three weeks the joint begins to grow together incorrectly. If this happens, then it is set surgically removing new tissue.

How to treat and what to do with a dislocation of the leg, everyone should know. First, let's look at the types of these injuries.

Dislocation of the knee joint

In the knee joint, the bones of the lower leg and thigh are displaced relative to each other. enveloped by a dense plexus of ligaments. Displacement occurs when the ligaments are torn. This is a fairly strong joint, dislocation of it is relatively rare. To move such bones, a large force must be applied. Such injuries occur after accidents, accidents, falls from a height.

Signs and treatment

What symptoms can be observed when a leg dislocation occurs (signs of injury)? First aid depends on which organ is affected.

With such a dislocation, the knee joint changes its shape greatly, it is simply impossible not to notice this. Sometimes it happens that the dislocation of the knee itself is reduced, since this joint is quite strong and a strong displacement is extremely rare. In this case, there is severe swelling and pain, numbness and cold tissue. And although reduction in such a situation is not required, the treatment after the injury will still be no different.

With a dislocation of the knee joint, surgical reduction is most often resorted to, since this is a serious injury, in which arteries and large arteries are almost always damaged. blood vessels. Therefore, a cast is applied in the hospital, and for some time the patient will be forced to walk on crutches.

The only treatment that can be applied in this situation is taking painkillers, applying ice to the site of dislocation and applying ointments and rubbing to dissolve bruises and heal abrasions.

Dislocation of the foot

Dislocation of the foot is quite rare. More often, subluxations of its parts are determined in this way. Frequently encountered such injuries are dislocation of the transverse joint, fingers, subtalar

Injury treatment

The symptomatology of a dislocation or subluxation of the foot is similar to a history of tucking of the foot. There is acute pain, swelling, inability to move the joint or fingers, discomfort when trying to get up, bruising and cyanosis are present. Such dislocations appear due to a fall or when the foot is twisted during an awkward landing after a jump.

There is different ways what and how to treat dislocation of the foot. The treatment prescribed by the doctor will depend on which bones are affected.

With subtalar dislocation of the foot after repositioning it under local anesthesia gypsum is applied for a period of 5 weeks. After it is removed, the doctor will prescribe exercises and physiotherapy. And you also need to wear a special comfortable orthopedic shoes or insoles within next year.

How to treat a dislocated leg at home? In case of trauma to the bones of the tarsus or metatarsus, after repositioning the joint under anesthesia or local anesthesia, plaster is applied for 8 weeks, and then the patient is sent to classes physical therapy and visits to physiotherapy. For the next year, it is mandatory to wear orthopedic shoes.

Dislocation of the phalanges of the toes

Quite a rare case. With such a dislocation, the fingers swell and turn blue, and any movement of the foot, even a slight one, causes pain. They are set under local anesthesia, a cast is applied for 2 weeks, and after removal, physiotherapy and exercises for warming up the toes are prescribed.

Sprained ankle

Dislocation of the ankle medical language will be called "dislocation ankle joint". This is the most common type of such injury. It happens when you fall, slip or twist your legs. Such dislocations can be both strong when all the methods described above are used for treatment, and minor when the joint itself falls into place. In this case, the pain intensifies, it is almost impossible to stand on the foot, swelling of the foot occurs.


Such a dislocation can be treated at home. In the first days, it is necessary to limit the load on the leg, apply cold, apply a fixing bandage. After the edema subsides, the approach to treatment is radically changed. Now it is necessary to arrange the heating of the place of dislocation.

What to do at home?

It should be clarified that all types of such injuries are treated in the same way, but home treatment begins after the plaster is removed and there is no swelling.

So how to treat a dislocated leg at home? First of all, it is necessary to carry out warming procedures. These include warm compresses, for example, from a decoction of ginger, rubbing with warming ointments. Warm helps well. An excellent antiseptic and warming agent are compresses from alcohol celandine, calendula.

Any of these methods will help relieve pain and speed up the healing process. But it is important not to forget: before thinking about what to do with a dislocated leg at home, you need to visit a doctor who will professionally correct this injury.