Instructions for drawing up an application for the ACC state order. Scenario for planning purchases at ACC-Goszakaz within the framework of the new functionality

Scenario for procurement planning at ACC-Goszakaz

as part of the new functionality.

Procurement planning consists of two stages - drawing up a Procurement Plan and a Schedule Plan.

Based on their needs for a specified period - for the upcoming planning period (one or three years), Customers form an ED " Procurement plan».

After the formation of the ED " Procurement plan» customers form ED « Plan schedule", where they indicate the schedule for announcing planned purchases for the planned year.

One Purchase must correspond to one contract or one total line for purchases reported as the total funding amount (small volume purchases).

1. Creation of an ED “Procurement Plan”

List ED “Procurement Plan” opens via menu item Documents - Procurement Plan:

Rice. 1. List of ED “Procurement Plan”

To create an ED "Purchase Plan" in the list of documents, you must click the button.

The ED form “Purchase Plan” will appear on the screen:

Rice. 2. ED form "Procurement Plan"

When creating, you must fill in the following fields:

· Customer - official name of the customer organization

· – indicates the organization that, according to the selected work regulations, is authorized to conduct the customer’s PP. The default field is filled in by the user's organization.

· Number - PZ number. Generated automatically and can be changed.

· Date - date of creation of the PP. By default, the system working date is indicated . The field is editable and required.

· Year - indicated. The field is available for editing at the ED creation stage." height="556 src=">After filling out the fields described above, as well as the fields “Description of the procurement plan”, changes must be applied to the document ( click “Apply”),

after which you will be able to fill in other fields:

Rice. 3. Application of changes to the PP.

2. Completing the Procurement Plan.

2.1. General information tab.

DIV_ADBLOCK299">" width="31" height="36 id=">, open the editing form, clear the filtering panel, open/hide, refresh" width="68">Filtering is carried out by fields Product group, products, OKPD, OKVED, and Purposes of the procurement, procurement code, information on financing and BCC:" width="612" height="511 src=">

Rice. 6. “Purchases” tab

2.3.1. Adding a new purchase

ED "Purchase"- contains a complete set of information, formed for the procedures as a result of which the Contract will be concluded.

To add new purchases to the PO, you must select one of the available items:


· Customer

· Recipient – The field is filled in automatically by the customer organization.

Specifications will not appear for such purchases. It will need to be indicated in the contract itself. That is, there is no need to describe in detail each line of the specification for small volume purchases in the Procurement Plan and Schedule. It is necessary to indicate the total amount of contracts - small volume purchases in the context of the budget line.

2.3.2. Tab "Object of purchase"

Information is being filled in about financing by pressing the button:

Fig.8. Filling out funding information

The New Budget Line window opens. Source of financing– selected from the directory by pressing the button.

Fig.9. "New budget line"

Then, through the “Budget” button, select the budget line:

Fig. 11. Selecting a budget line using the “Budget” button

Fig. 12. Designed window “New budget line”

After filling in all fields, click “OK”.

Information about financing will be saved on the “Procurement Object” tab:

Fig. 13. Purchase with a completed “Financing” block

To fill out the specification, you must click the button" width="12 height=55" height="55">.gif" width="179" height= "2 src=">In the Specification Editor window, click . The directory of goods, works and services (hereinafter referred to as GWS) will open." width="129 height=12" height="12">DIV_ADBLOCK301">

v Price (unit price);

v Units ;

v field block Quantity(current year, first year, second year);

v field block Sum(current year, first year, second year):

ü The current year is the year for which the purchase is created, for example, 2015.

ü The first year is the next year after the current one, for example, 2016.

ü The second year is the one following the first, for example, 2017.

v Quantity not determined – the sign is set if the amount is known, but the quantity is not known. In this case, the quantity field block will become unavailable for editing;

v Description of the procurement object (minimum necessary requirements for the subject of the contract) – is filled out in accordance with what requirements the purchase is carried out:

Fig. 16. Designed window “Purchase Specification Editor”

After filling in the fields, click “OK”.

Fig. 17. Purchase with a completed “Specification” block.

2.3.3. Tab "General information about the purchase".

Fig. 18. Tab "General information about the purchase"

Name of program activity, non-program activities – selected from the directory “Procurement Purposes”.

Terms (frequency) of procurement – entered manually.

2.3.4. "Changes" tab.

To be completed if changes are made to the plan.

In field Reason for making changes you need to select the value from the “Base” reference book.

Fig. 19. "Changes" tab.


After filling out all the required fields in the “Purchase” ED, click the “OK” button. The purchase will be saved in the ED “Purchase Plan”:

Fig.20. ED “Procurement Plan” with Procurement included in it.

Fig.21. ED “Procurement Plan”, “Purchases” tab" height="425">

Fig.22. ED “Procurement Plan”, “General Information” tab

Before processing the request, you must re-select the customer in the “Customer” field and click on the button to update information about the customer and enter the required value in the “OKOPF Code” field." width="302" height="246">

Rice. 24. Action "Process"

The purchase will move to the “Approval” status.

Then treat the ED "Procurement plan":

Rice. 25. Processing of the Procurement Plan.

Fig.26. Procurement plan with “Project” status.

When processing the ED “Purchase Plan”, the status of the Procurements included in it also changes, they will also switch to the status Procurement approved:

Fig.27. The procurement plan has the status “Procurement plan approved”. "Purchases" tab.


1. Postponed Approval (PBS)


1. Project postponed (PBS)

2. Project Approval of RBS (PBS)

3. Approval by RBS Procurement plan approved (GRBS)

3. Creation of a schedule.

The schedule is created and located in the menu Documents – Schedule. To create a PG you need to click on the panel:


Rice. 28. List of ED “Schedule”

The ED “Schedule” form will appear on the screen:

Fig.29. ED "Schedule"

In the new schedule plan window that opens, fill in:

· Customer - official name of the customer organization.

· Organization responsible for maintaining the plan – the field is filled in automatically, by default by the user’s organization.

· Number – is generated automatically and can be changed.

· date - date of creation of the PP. By default, the system working date is indicated. The field is editable and required.

· Year - the year for which the PG is created, the field is available for editing at the stage of creating the ED.

3.1. General information tab.

On this tab, general information about the customer organization, a description of the purpose of the document and the employees responsible for its maintenance are filled in (similar to filling out the tab in the ED “Procurement Plan”).

Fig.30. General information tab.

· Approval date – is filled in automatically when the PG ED transitions to the “Plan schedule approved” status.

· Registry number - is filled in automatically after registration of the PG at the Environmental Protection Agency.

· Version – not available for editing, filled in automatically when changes are made to the approved PG (version of the previous PG +1)

· Description of schedule plan – Required field.

· Block of fields Customer information – filled out automatically from the customer organization’s card.

· Responsible executor – filled in with the data of the employee responsible for drawing up the plan.

· Schedule plan approved - filled in with the details of the employee responsible for signing the plan.

3.2. "Purchases" tab.

The tab is intended for managing the “Purchase” ED (adding/excluding, as well as filling and processing).

At the top there is a toolbar with standard function buttons. With their help, you can perform the following actions: create a new purchase, open the editing form, clear the filtering panel, open/hide" width="31" height= "22">.

Filtering is carried out by the fields Product group, products, OKPD, OKVED, as well as the purpose of the purchase, purchase code, information about financing and BCC.

To add new purchases to the PG, you must click on the button “Add from procurement plan”.

Fig.31. Purchasing tab

Then select in the window that opens the purchases necessary to add to the PG, mark them and click “Select”:" alt="warning" width="27 height=25" height="25"> Необходимо учитывать, что в открывшемся окне Закупки для добавления, будут отражаться !} only already approved purchases. On the status: Purchase approval won't be visible.

Fig.33. Schedule with added purchases

After adding purchases to the PG, you need to fill in information about placement, terms and other fields for them, for this open Purchase for editing:" width="138" height="11">

Fig.34. Editing Purchases

3.2.1. Filling in the ED “Purchase” with information about placement

Fig.35. Purchase

In the ED “Purchase” fields Number, date, year, Customer, Recipient and schedule plan item number, as well as the Procurement Object tab will be filled in automatically.

3.2.2. Tab "Terms of purchase"

Fig.36. Tab "Terms of purchase"

· Method for determining the supplier– select from the directory using the button DIV_ADBLOCK305">

· SignProcedure By price units of production (quantity not determined) – the sign is established in the case of determining, during the procedure, a unit of product.

· Name of the subject of the contract - the subject of the contract is indicated. Required to fill out.

· The planned start date for the procurement is: planned order placement date.

· Planned contract date – date of conclusion.

· Planned contract execution period – the planned expiration date of the contract.

· Duration of execution of individual stages of the contract (month, year) – filled in manually by contract execution stages

· Planned period (frequency) of delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of services (indicate the month, year or frequency of delivery) – the frequency or delivery time is specified manually.

· Prohibitions and restrictions in accordance with Art. 14 44-FZ (application of national treatment in procurement) - if prohibitions and restrictions are established, respectively. from Art. 14, they must be specified.

· Organizer - the organizer of the procedure is indicated and selected from the “Organizations” directory.

· Base - articles of the law as the basis are selected from the “Bases of Documents” directory or filled in manually from the keyboard.

· Information about banking support of contracts

· Information on mandatory public discussion of procurement

To save the changes made, you must perform the action "Apply."

3.2.3. Tab "Benefits and requirements for the participant"

The tab defines the features of the planned purchase.

To specify features, you must click

Fig.37. Tab "Benefits and requirements for the participant"

The Feature Editor window will open:

Rice. 38. Feature Editor

You must click to select values ​​from the ordering features directory:" alt="warning" width="27" height="25 src=">!} It is necessary to select those features that have OOS codes.

Fig.40. Purchase with added placement features

3.2.4. Collateral tab

The tab determines the amounts of advance payment, application security and contract, if required.

Fig.41. Collateral tab

· Advance amount – optional, enter the advance amount, after which the % is automatically calculated and vice versa, when you enter the % of the advance, the amount is calculated.

· Additional information about the advance – optional field, you can specify additional information, text field.

· Sign “Set application security” - allows editing of application security fields.

· Sign “Establish contract performance security” - allows editing contract security fields

· Conditions for securing the contract – terms of financial support, text field.

To save the changes made, you must perform the action "Apply."

3.2.5 “Additional information” tab

Fig.42. Additional information tab

· Sign “Electronic supplier identification form” - is entered automatically for the “Electronic Auction” placement method

· Trade number – the field is used to combine several purchases into one procedure (merging lots)

· Volume of attraction of SMP/SONO contractors - the amount indicated in the field should not exceed N(M)CC.

· % of the NMCC volume of attraction of SMP/SONO contractors – when you enter %, the value of the amount in the field “Volume of attraction of SMP/SONO contractors” is automatically calculated.

· Payment procedure under the contract – text field, enter the payment procedure.

· Delivery condition – filled out from the directory

· Payment term – filled out from the directory

· Block field “purchase characteristics” - signs are established if necessary.

To save the changes made, you must perform the action "Apply."

3.2.6. Changes Tab

Fig.43. Changes Tab

Reason for making changes to the schedule - is selected from the directory of Reasons for making changes by pressing . The reference book “Grounds for making changes to the plan” opens:

Fig.44. Reasons for making changes to the plan

Field " Reasons for making changes to the schedule is filled in for a new purchase with the value added during the year - “the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances”, when canceling the procedure - “cancellation by the customer, authorized body.”

At the initial establishment, the PG is not filled out.

To save the changes made, you must perform the action "Apply."

3.2.7. Processing ED “Purchase” and ED “Schedule”

Fig.45. Procurement Processing

From the “Pending” status, you can delete the document or select “Process”. ED will move to the following status “Approval”:

Fig.46. Purchase with the status “Approval”

Fig.47. Schedule with status “Postponed”

Fig.48. Processing the Schedule

Rice. 49. Schedule on the “Approval” status

The PG will switch to the status “Plan schedule approved” and all purchases included in it will switch to the status “Purchase approved”.

Fig.50. Schedule approved

4. Schedule with the status “Approved”

From the “Approved” status, the “Make changes” action is available:

Fig.51. Making changes to the schedule

After this, the PG ED will be formed on the status "New", in which changes will be made. And the previous one (parental ED PG) will switch to the status "Changing the schedule" and then, after approval of the new one, will go to “ Archive".

When changes are made, the previous version of the document is saved, and the new PG is entered version +1:

Fig.52. Making changes to the schedule

Fig.53. Schedule with “New” status

4.1. Making changes to an approved purchase.

If it is necessary to make changes to an already approved purchase - execute action "Make changes" in Purchasing on the “Purchasing” tab:

Fig.54. Making changes to the Procurement

When making changes, be sure to fill out "Grounds for making changes" from the directory, on the tab "Changes" then re-approve the purchase:

Fig.55. Purchase with “New” status

Fig.56. Purchase with the status “Approval”

5. Schedule on the status “Refused”


(For budget and autonomous institutions of the Irkutsk region,

main managers of budget funds)

NOTE: for the effective and prompt processing of Agreements/Contracts, Procurement Plans, Schedule Plans, and procurement procedures, the joint work of specialists from the customer’s contract service and specialists from departments involved in planning and financing is required.

Information about the availability of unfinished redistributions of planned indicators (PFHD), balances of planned indicators, accepted obligations (Agreements/Contracts) are tracked in the ACC-Finance program (this program is located at the Customer’s departments involved in planning and financing).

To work with the ED "Purchase Plan" in the ACC-GZ program in the "Register of Procurement Plans" section, you need to configure the list by adding the following columns:

- status,

- plan status in SKIB,

- status of the plan in the UIS.

Adding additional columns is done through the menu that appears when you press the button by moving the parameter from the available columns menu to the displayed columns menu.

1.1 ED The procurement plan in ACC-Goszakaz is in the plan status in SKIB “Control passed”,

or “control passed (changes made)”.

To register ED Purchase Request, ED Contract, ED Agreement ED Procurement Plan must be found b The status of the plan in SKIB is either “control passed” or “control passed (changes made)”.

NOTE: The status of the plan in SKIB “Control passed (changes made)” indicates that the ED Procurement Plan was transferred to making changes for adjustment, approved in the ACC-GZ based on the results of the initial control in SKIB, but the new amended version of the procurement plan has not yet passed control at SKIB and was not transferred to “passed control”. At the same time, ED Purchase Request, ED Contract, ED Agreement , generated from purchases introduced/adjusted by the customer in the new version of the ED Procurement Plan, must be registered only after the new version of the ED Procurement Plan in SKIB is transferred to the status “control passed”.

1.2 ED The procurement plan in the ACC-Goszakaz is in the status of the plan in SKIB “Control not passed.”

The status of the plan in the SKIB "control failed" indicates that the ED Procurement Plan did not pass the control in the SKIB, and an error is generated in the "Properties" tab in the "Comment" field of ACC-Government Order in the ED Procurement Plan document. To correct an error in the ED Procurement Plan with the status in the ACC-GZ "Plan approved", perform the "Make changes" operation, after which the ED Procurement Plan with the status "new" is generated. The Customer must make adjustments corresponding to the error and process the document according to the established workflow scheme.

    1. ED The procurement plan in ACC-Goszakaz switched to the status of a plan in
SKIB "Financial support has been reduced."

Cause: When making changes to planned indicators for PFHD payments(reduction of funds), the ED "Procurement Plan" automatically switches to the status of the plan in the SKIB "Reduced financial support".

a) The Customer must determine the line of the FCD plan for which the funds of the FCD plan were reduced (hereinafter - Funds).

R decryption of the line of the FCD plan, according to which the funds of the FCD plan were reduced, is available on the plan status in SKIB “Financial support reduced” and the plan status in ACC-GZ “Plan approved” in the “Properties” tab in the “Comment” field. In the ED Procurement Plan with the status in ACC-GZ “Plan approved”, perform the “Make changes” operation, after which the ED Procurement Plan with the status “new” is generated.

b) The customer in the ACC-State Order makes changes to the ED Procurement Plan and is processed in accordance with the established document flow scheme. After checking the availability of the balance of Funds in SKIB, the ED Procurement Plan switches to the status “Plan approved” and the status of the plan in SKIB “There is provision” and then “Control passed”. In the ACC-State Order ED, the Procurement Plan with the status “Plan approved” is subject to uploading to the UIS in the Customer’s personal account, for the purpose of placement and further control in the personal account of the Financial Authority in the UIS.

NOTE: In case of changes to the Funds (decrease/increase in Funds) (changes are made and communicated to the Customer by a higher-level GRBS) - the Customer must, in the ACC-State Order program, make appropriate changes to the ED “Procurement Plan”, with subsequent uploading to the Unified Information System.

If changes are made to the ED Procurement Plan, the corresponding changes must be made to the ED Schedule according to the document flow diagram.

The customer in the ED Schedule with the status “Plan approved” performs the action “make a change”, a document is generated with the status “new”. In the document with the status “new”, the corresponding changes are made, after which the document is subject to approval by the ACC-GZ and placement in the EIS.

To bring the financing in the ED Schedule Schedule in accordance with the ED Procurement Plan, it is recommended to use the button “Update financing lines and specifications from the procurement plan” (if the specification in the ED Procurement Plan corresponds to the specification in the ED Schedule Schedule). If the specification in the ED Procurement Plan does not correspond to the specification of the ED Schedule, re-select in the ED Schedule the source of funding corresponding to the ED Procurement Plan strictly by clicking on the "Budget" button).

For correct registration of generated ED documents, the schedule must be brought in accordance with the UIS, in terms of filling out the position number of the schedule corresponding in the UIS to the unique register number of the schedule position ( !).

Important clarification! The correct value for the register number of the procurement plan position is 24 characters (201703343000003001000088) and for the schedule plan position number of the schedule plan is 28 characters (2017013420001790010000030004) you can clarify the exact values ​​in the “closed part of the UIS” by going to the document in the customer’s personal account, often in the open part visualized The information is crooked, so you can’t trust it blindly.


To correctly register the ED Purchase Request, you must:

  1. The ED Schedule must be brought into compliance with the ED Procurement Plan (if changes are made to the ED Procurement Plan, the corresponding changes must be made to the ED Schedule).

  2. In the Purchase of ED Schedule, the position number of the schedule must be filled in in accordance with the UIS and the date of publication of the position in the UIS.

  3. ED The purchase request generated from the ED Schedule Plan must have a connection with it; when you click on the “Purchase” button located next to the schedule item number, the corresponding purchase should open in the ED Schedule.
ED Purchase Request:

Purchase in ED Schedule:

When processing the ED "Purchase Request" the following situations arise:

  1. ED The purchase application, based on the results of passing the control of limits in SKIB, switches to the status “no limits”.
In this case, The institution's procurement specialist should contact his accounting department to check the balance of funds in the program "ACC-WEB Budget Recipient" (ACC-Finance):

Cause: This error occurs if there is a started (not completed) procedure for reducing Funds. The Customer needs to contact the higher-level GRBS to clarify the time for completing the transfer procedure (withdrawal of Funds). If the required amount of Funds is available, re-submit the Purchase Request for registration.

2) ED The purchase application, based on the results of passing the control of limits in SKIB, switches to the status “refused”. The note contains the error: “The Procurement Plan containing the procurement identification code from the Agreement/Contract was not found (an error occurred in the find_parent method of the Buying Authority/Autonomous Purchase Order document for the purchase of products."

Causes: This error occurs if the ED “Purchase Plan” is in the status “Reduced financial security” (due to a decrease in Funds). It is necessary to follow the recommendations specified in the ED section Procurement Plan. Only after following these recommendations and when the status of the procurement plan in SKIB corresponds to “Control passed”, the Customer re-submits the Purchase Request for registration in SKIB.

Additionally: it is necessary to check the compliance of the IKZ in the ED Purchase Request and ED Procurement Plan. If necessary, update this information using the "Update" button.


For correct registration of the ED Contract/ED Contract in the ACC-GZ must have a connection with the ED Schedule; when you click on the “Purchase” button located next to the item number of the schedule, the corresponding purchase should open in the ED Schedule. The schedule position number must correspond to the unique register number of the schedule position in the UIS ( specified in the Customer’s personal account!).

Only if there is a connection in the ACC-GZ between the ED Agreement/ED Contract with the ED Plan and Schedule, subsequent successful registration of documents is possible!

The procedure for working in the program "ARM-WEB Budget Recipient" (ACC-Finance).

NOTE: To determine the amount of the balance of planned indicators, you must go to the program "ARM-WEB Budget Recipient" (ACC-Finance)

(path: Viewing operations – Viewing BU/AU operations):

Adding additional columns is done through the menu that appears when you press the button

To obtain more complete information about the amounts associated with procurement procedures, the Customer needs to add additional columns: Payments, Plan as amended for 2017; Procurement plan 2017; Obligations under the procurement plan 2017; Commitments, Commitments accepted 2017; Reserve for applications 2017; Payments, Liabilities accepted year; Payments, Restoration of accepted obligations; Balance of the FCD Procurement Plan, year, Total balance of planned payments by line (including PP), year.

To do this, click on the sign, and in the menu that opens, transfer Parameter from the menu Available columns in Displayed columns

Designations of the Columns in “AWS – WEB Budget Recipient” (ACC-Finance):

Designations of the Columns in AS "ATSK-Finance" (WEB-client ACC-Finance):

  • Payments, plan with changes year – Updated planned amount of payments

  • Procurement plan year – Amount approved by procurement plans

  • Obligations under the procurement plan year – Amount of monetary obligations under the procurement plan

  • Reserve for applications - The amount of reserved planned indicators for accounting/accounting obligations

  • Liabilities, liabilities accepted year – Amount of accepted liabilities according to registered ED “Information on obligations and the accounting/accounting agreement”

  • Reserve for applications year - the amount of applications of BU/AU for the purchase of products with the status "Accepted", with the generated posting of Liabilities - Reserve for the planning period. The posting is reversed when the processing of the BU/AU application for the purchase of products is completed

  • Payments, Obligations Accepted – Amount of accepted non-contractual obligations without taking into account the restoration of payments

  • Payments, Restoration of accepted obligations year – restoration of accepted non-contractual obligations

  • The balance of the FCD Procurement Plan for 2017 – calculation column = Payments/Plan with changes - Procurement Plan

  • Total balance of planned payments by line (taking into account PL) 2017 - Total balance of planned payments by line (taking into account obligations under PL), the amount in the specified column must be>=0
Calculated using the formula: Payments – Plan with amendments” - (Approved – Procurement Plan- Obligations - Procurement Plan + Obligations – Accepted obligations (with approval date) + Obligations – Reserve + Payments – Accepted obligations – Payments – Restoration of accepted obligations) >=0

Example of speaker setup:

Errors that occur when registering ED Agreement/ED Contract:

  1. Error in the Agreement/Contract: The Procurement Plan containing the procurement identification code from the Agreement/Contract was not found (an error occurred in the find_parent method of the document Fixed Sum Agreement No. 4 dated 02/20/2017 (ID=1600004217738)).
Cause: This error occurs in the following cases:

a) if in the ACC-GZ the ED Contract/ED Contract does not have a connection with the ED Schedule, as a result of which the ED is uploaded to SKIB without IKZ;

: In the ACC-State Order program, the Customer needs to match the position number of the schedule in the ED Schedule and ED Contract/ED Contract in accordance with the Unified Information System

At the same time, it is unacceptable to ignore the following controls when processing the ED Agreement/ED Contract:AZK-1043. The schedule plan position number "2017ХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХ" was not found for the customer in the schedule for 2017 (document Contract No. 8031210/17 dated January 10, 2017 (ID=3001000208162)).

b) if the ED “Purchase Plan” is in the status “Reduced financial support” (due to a decrease in planned payment indicators).

Actions performed by the Customer : The Customer must follow the recommendations specified in the ED section Procurement Plan. Only after following these recommendations and when the status of the Procurement Plan in SKIB is “Control passed”, the Customer re-sends the Agreement/Contract to SKIB (CITP) for registration.

  1. Error in Agreement/Contract: AZK-4124. The excess of the accepted obligations, taking into account the procurement plan, is 383,758.93 of the amount of planned payments of 247,931.00 for the declared operations with the parameters [Institution: OGBUSO "Sayan Psychoneurological Boarding School", KES: 2.2.5, KVR: 2.4.4, KFSR: 00.00, Industry code: 806999000000000 00, KVFO: 4, Subsidy code: 806012999] for the current operating day.
Cause: When the Customer forms an Agreement/Contract in ACC-Goszakaz and sends it for registration in SKIB (in CITP), an error occurs. An Agreement/Contract with this error is subject to refusal by the preliminary control of the financial authority. The error text informs the Customer that:

  1. the amount of the current Agreement/Contract, taking into account previously registered Agreements/Contracts (as well as movements of planned payments), exceeds the amount balance of planned payments– in this case, the institution’s procurement specialist must contact the institution’s economist to check the planned payments in the “ACC-WEB Budget Recipient” program:

    1. check column " Total balance of planned payments by line (including PP) year- if the balance amount is less than the amount of the current Agreement/Contract, then the Agreement/Contract will not be registered. –
Actions performed by the Customer: The Customer needs to contact the Founder about increasing the planned payments, only after increasing the planned payments should the Agreement/Contract be re-sent for registration or the amount of the Agreement/Contract reduced.

The procedure for working with the documents Procurement Plan and Schedule in the ACC-Goszakaz, in accordance with which the connection between the ED Procurement Plan (ED PZ) and the ED Plan-Schedule (ED PG) placed in the Unified Information System will be restored without uploading through the ACC-Goszakaz.

1. Important conditions for starting activities in the ACC-Goszakaz system to restore the connection of plans with the Unified Information System:

a. Information to restore the upload must be taken from the Customer's personal account in the UIS (due to defects in the display of information in the open part of the UIS).

b. In the ED Procurement Plan, Plan Schedule, reconcile each position of the plan (ED Procurement) with a similar position in the UIS (be sure to check the completeness of the general data, amounts, dates, IKZ), it is necessary to fully comply with the data in the ED Procurement with the contents of the position posted in the UIS. If a discrepancy is identified, perform the “Make a change” action in the Procurement ED and make the necessary adjustments in the newly created Procurement ED with the “New” status.

2. If the ED Procurement Plan/ED Plan Schedule in the ACC-State Order are in the status Procurement Plan approved/Plan approved and the content of the plan in the ACC-State Order is absolutely identical to the plan posted in the Unified Information System, then for each position it is necessary, following the instructions with screenshots, to enter publication dates and registration numbers of plans and plan positions.

3. If the content of the ED Procurement Plan/ED Plan Schedule in the ACC-State Order differs from the content in the UIS, then from the status of the Procurement Plan approved/Plan approved, it is necessary to perform the “Make changes” action. The generated ED PZ/ED PG will be formed with the status “New”. In ED Procurement, you also need to perform the “Make a change” action. Make the necessary adjustments. Then process the ED Procurement Plan according to the scheme to the status “Purchase Plan Approved” and the ED Schedule Schedule to the status “Plan Approved”.

It is IMPORTANT to maintain the sequence of actions when making such changes: first, the ED Procurement Plan is brought into compliance, then, when the ED Procurement Plan is in the status “Purchase Plan approved,” you can bring the ED schedule into compliance.

4. After the ED Procurement Plan and ED Schedule are staged in accordance with the versions posted in the UIS and brought to the statuses “Purchase Plan approved” and “Plan approved” respectively, there is NO REQUIREMENT to upload the ED data to the UIS!

5. If it is necessary to make actual changes to the plan, perform the procedure for making changes directly to the changed positions of the ED PZ and ED PG (from the statuses of the documents “Purchase Plan approved” and “Plan approved”, perform the action “Make a change” and implement the required ones in the new document changes with subsequent uploading to the EIS).
Basic information of the procurement plan:

Procurement information in the procurement plan

General information about the schedule

Information about the connection between GHG and PP

General information about procurement as part of the schedule

Information about the date of publication of the purchase in the schedule plan