Local anesthesia for dental implants. Anesthesia for dental implantation: types and description of anesthesia

Fear of pain and the moment of implantation of a titanium prosthesis into the bone is no longer a reason to refuse dental implantation! In the network of dentistry "All your own!" in Moscow, it is possible to perform surgical operations under anesthesia or sedation (an alternative to anesthesia), but at a more affordable price.

During sedation, at the beginning of the session, the patient is intravenously injected with sleeping pills, and after the onset of medical sleep, the intervention site is anesthetized with an anesthetic injection. The surgeon puts the implant (if necessary, removes the tooth), sutures it. When the operation is completed, the patient wakes up and can leave the clinic immediately after implantation, since sedation has no side effects on consciousness, unlike general anesthesia.

During anesthesia, the patient's consciousness is completely turned off. Cardiac and respiratory activity are controlled by special equipment and an anesthesiologist. After the operation, the patient wakes up and remains under the supervision of doctors for some time.

In anesthesia or sedation, in any case, the patient undergoes a thorough preliminary examination to assess the risks.

"All yours!" - one of the few dentistry in Moscow that has a license from the Ministry of Health for dental implantation under anesthesia. We have new, high-precision equipment for monitoring vital signs during surgery, and we have qualified surgeons and anesthesiologists on our staff, which guarantees a successful and painless installation of implants in a state of medical sleep.

The cost of implantation



Implantation surgery under sedation (under the influence of sleeping pills and under the control of an anesthesiologist), 1 hour

18 185 rubles

20 000 rubles

The procedure is contraindicated during SARS, as well as for pregnant women in the 1st and 3rd trimester.
*The cost of implants is indicated without taking into account the cost of anesthesia, gum shaper, prosthetic elements, crown / prosthesis. The full cost of implantation can be clarified at the initial consultation with the doctor after the diagnosis.

Installation time

Preparations for sedation begin to act within 10 seconds after injection, and the operation itself under anesthesia lasts 1 hour.

Advantages of implantation under sedation and anesthesia

Sedation will make it easier to transfer the installation of dental prostheses to patients with dental phobia, a strong gag reflex, and neurological diseases. This is an excellent solution for long-term surgery, as well as for those who are allergic to anesthetics.

Considering the affordable cost of the service, every client of the All Ours dentistry, who can hardly tolerate tooth extraction, the type of blood and other features of surgery, can afford an operation in a state of medical sleep.

Sedation has a "sparing" effect on the mind, reduces the production of saliva and does not require a rehabilitation period. Her only side effect is that she remains a little sleepy for 3-4 hours after surgery.

Implant - first aid for tooth loss

The installation of dental prostheses under anesthesia or sedation will help to quickly and painlessly restore any defect in the dentition. In our dentistry, by the way, it is possible to place an implant immediately after tooth extraction (simultaneous implantation), preventing the thinning of the jawbone and the cost of more expensive prostheses in the future.

Anastasia Vorontsova

Anesthesia for dental implants is one of the important aspects of the healing process.

High-quality anesthesia is the key to physical and psychological comfort during any surgical intervention.

To date, there are several methods of pain relief that allow you to save the patient from pain and reduce discomfort during the treatment process.

With the help of the attending physician, you can choose the most appropriate method of anesthesia so as not to feel discomfort throughout the entire period of implant installation. The success of the operation depends not only on the professional skills of the implantologist, the quality of implants and equipment.

No less important is the psychological mood of the patient, especially the lack of fear of the operation.

Modern medicine adheres to the rule: anesthesia during surgery should always be reasonable and adequate.

  • The adequacy of anesthesia means the removal of pain to the required minimum.
  • Validity means the correct choice of the method of anesthesia depending on the specific case. In this case, the doctor uses the main principle: "do no harm." The question arises: what can harm? The fact is that strong pain causes great harm to the body. But pain relief measures can also be harmful. The more serious the surgery, the more dangerous the complications can be.


Anesthesiaduring implantation can be carried out in one of the following ways:

  • General anesthesia.
  • Local anesthesia.
  • Combined anesthesia.

Local anesthesia

It is the most popular method of pain relief during dental implant surgery.

When using local anesthesia, only the area where the manipulations are performed is subjected to anesthesia, while the patient is conscious.

Types of local anesthesia:

  • Surface or application. The area to be operated on is sprayed with lidocaine. The good news is that there is no syringe. The disadvantage of this method is superficial anesthesia.
  • Infiltration ("freeze") - is not deep enough, but one of the most common. It is carried out with the help of an anesthetic injection. Positive aspects - good tolerance and sufficient analgesic effect. Minus - the effect of anesthesia lasts no more than an hour.
  • Conduction anesthesia is ideal for operations performed on bone tissue. Pain medications are injected into the nerves surrounding the base of the teeth. This type of anesthesia allows, for example, to turn off the sensitivity of a certain part of the jaw.
  • Stem anesthesia is the strongest. It is introduced into the base of the skull, acting on the trigeminal nerves, blocking the jaw nerve endings.

Local anesthesia has only one serious contraindication to use: individual intolerance to the anesthetic.

But if allergy to novocaine is quite common, then to modern anesthetics it is extremely rare.

Pros and cons of local anesthesia


  • No pain during the implant placement procedure.


  • May cause an allergic reaction.
  • Exposure time limit.

General anesthesia

  • Despite the fact that this type of anesthesia has moved to a new level, implantation of teeth under anesthesia is still not recommended.
  • The risk of dental treatment under general anesthesia far outweighs the risk of implantation itself.
  • When using general anesthesia during the operation, during the entire period of its impact, the constant presence of a competent anesthesiologist is necessary next to the patient.

Implantation under general anesthesia is indicated in cases where it is not possible to perform it under local anesthesia.

The essence of general anesthesia is the introduction of anesthetics into the body, due to which the person is immersed in a deep sleep.

During this time, the doctor installs implants completely painlessly for the patient.

Combined anesthesia

  • It is an intermediate option and involves the use of any method of anesthesia with the simultaneous use of sedatives.
  • Due to this effect on the body, the patient is conscious, but does not feel pain at all and is absolutely calm.

The combination of local anesthetics becomes an excellent alternative to general anesthesia if there are contraindications to it.

Indications and contraindications

In what cases are implants implanted under anesthesia:

  • In the presence of allergic reactions to local anesthetics.
  • If the patient has a low pain threshold. When local anesthesia does not give the desired effect.
  • With an increased gag reflex for the presence of dental instruments in the oral cavity.
  • If there is a history of hypertension and cardiovascular pathology with a simultaneous combination of increased fear and anxiety before surgery.


Before the operation, the anesthesiologist finds out from the patient various nuances of his state of health and the list of medications taken.

Installing implants under general anesthesia is contraindicated:

  • If the patient has a history of severe pathology of the kidneys and liver.
  • In the case of a myocardial infarction that took place less than six months ago.
  • The presence of heart failure and heart disease.
  • After suffering infectious diseases.
  • Violation of cerebral circulation.
  • After a stroke.
  • With exacerbation of bronchial asthma.
  • During an acute respiratory disease.
  • In the presence of diabetes and severe diseases of the endocrine system.
  • While taking certain medicines, such as hormones.
  • With a "full stomach". Eating should be at least six hours, and fluids - four, before the introduction of anesthesia.
  • While the patient is intoxicated.

Video: "Sedation - dental treatment in a dream"

Side effect

The use of general anesthesia for dental implantation is quite rare, due to the presence of possible side effects:

  • Palpitation.
  • fluctuations in blood pressure.
  • Complete or partial loss of memory.
  • Laryngospasm.
  • Psychomotor agitation upon recovery from anesthesia.
  • Hiccup.
  • Bronchospasm.
  • Vomiting during awakening.
  • Increased motor activity.
  • Violation of the respiratory rhythm.
  • Convulsive muscle twitches.
  • Respiratory depression.


  • Allows painless installation of a large number of implants.
  • Promotes compliance with hygiene requirements during surgery (drugs that reduce salivation are used).
  • The likelihood of complications after implantation is minimized.
  • The doctor can fully focus on the operation and not be distracted by the patient's emotions.
  • Does not cause allergic reactions.


  • It has many contraindications.
  • It has a negative effect on the body, its consequences are unpredictable.
  • Has a side effect.

Anesthesia for implantation

To carry out the implantation of the implant, local anesthesia is sufficient. If a deeper effect is needed, then sedation can be used.

  • Sedation is a new generation of anesthesia.
  • Classical anesthesia completely turns off the patient's consciousness.
  • Sedative drugs act a little softer: they are able to immerse the patient in a state close to sleep.
  • The duration of sedation is from two to ten hours.
  • The patient is able to maintain contact with the dentist during the operation, but at the same time he has an absence of such emotions as pain, fear, anxiety.
  • At the end of the operation, the patient can go home on his own.

This feature of anesthesia is very important for patients. An important point is also the absence of contraindications to this method of anesthesia.

But, it should be borne in mind that sedation, as well as any other type of anesthesia, is used strictly according to indications.

Video: "Anesthesia for dental implantation"

Dental implantation, or, to be more precise, implantation of artificial teeth roots, is an absolutely painless procedure that takes about ten minutes when one implant is placed without additional manipulations, such as bone augmentation or tooth extraction. Even in more serious cases, when implantation is performed in the absence of several or all teeth with simultaneous bone grafting, which can last from one to two hours, the patient does not experience any pain. Of course, this is only possible with the right choice of the type of anesthesia and its safe use.

What kind of anesthesia is used for dental implants?

The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) distinguishes several types of anesthesia: local anesthesia; minimal sedation (anxiolysis); medium, or superficial, sedation, when the patient remains conscious; deep sedation (oversedation), during which the patient is half asleep, and, finally, anesthesia, or general anesthesia. The doctor decides which anesthesia technique to use during implantation after evaluating the complexity of the clinical case and the psychological mood of the patient.

Photo of the patient before and after implantation

When is local anesthesia sufficient?

Local anesthesia, which is most often used during implantation, can be dispensed with during the installation of one to four implants, provided there is sufficient bone volume and there is no inflammation at the site of the extracted teeth. However, for greater patient comfort, we additionally use intravenous sedation, which has a calming and relaxing effect. Moreover, the use of sedatives leads not only to the complete calming of the patient, but often to a partial or even complete loss of memory of the events that occurred during the surgical intervention, which positively affects the psychological state of people suffering from dental phobia.

Sedation is also good because it gives the doctor the opportunity to communicate with the patient during the operation, which cannot be achieved with anesthesia, which, as you know, completely turns off the human mind.

In Europe, people with dental phobia have been sedated for many years, while in Russia, unfortunately, doctors almost do not pay attention to the patient's psycho-emotional state. Worse, some experts confuse sedation with general anesthesia and in every possible way dissuade people from having it, scaring them with scary stories about anesthesia. As a result of such unprofessional and negligent behavior of doctors, patients with a fear of the dentist either develop angina pectoris or a hypertensive crisis occurs, as a result of which they go to dentistry only in the most extreme cases.

In what situations is dental implantation necessary under "general" anesthesia?

Dental implantation under anesthesia is indicated for people with allergies to all types of local anesthesia, with a strong gag reflex that does not allow treatment of distant teeth, with mental illnesses and disorders of the nervous system (schizophrenia, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, etc.), with serious disorders in the functioning of the immune system, as well as in situations where the patient is to have a bone block transplantation from the parietal or ilium. In all other cases, in dentoalveolar surgery and implantology, local anesthesia in combination with intravenous sedation can be dispensed with.

What are the contraindications for dental implantation under general anesthesia?

The list of contraindications to anesthesia for all operations is the same. However, even in the case of diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease or arterial hypertension, it is possible to perform the operation under general anesthesia, the main thing is to properly prepare the patient and perform implantation in safe, non-life-threatening conditions.

Is it possible to perform implantation under anesthesia in all dentistry?

Only licensed clinics can use anesthesia, and in order to obtain it, a number of requirements of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation must be met. Firstly, in dentistry, an operating unit should be organized, as well as a room for the temporary stay of patients. Secondly, the clinic should be equipped with an anesthesia machine and resuscitation equipment. And, thirdly, there should be an anesthesiologist in the staff of dentistry, since a specialist should deal with each case. The implant surgeon already has a rather difficult task - to correctly perform the operation, if he is simultaneously distracted by thoughts about the conduct and course of anesthesia, this can be fraught with consequences that are dangerous for the patient's health, which is why an anesthesiologist is needed.

Today, there are several options for anesthesia during dental implantation, which help to facilitate the procedure and reduce the risk of complications associated with pain shock. High-quality anesthesia gives the patient not only physical, but also psychological comfort during the manipulation.

In medicine, pain relief is called sedation. Today, various techniques are used to ensure comfortable manipulation. The most popular types are local, combined and general anesthesia. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

According to the results of the examination, the specialist determines the possibility of using one or another method. An important role is played by the level of the pain threshold, since there is a group of patients who are not amenable to local anesthesia even with minimal intervention. The other part can endure the procedure without the use of general anesthesia. After determining the method of sedation, it is allowed to proceed directly to implantation.

Local anesthesia

Thanks to this method, the negative effects of drugs do not extend to the central nervous system, as with general anesthesia. There are several types of local influence:

  1. Superficial - is the simplest and safest method when an anesthetic in the form of a spray is applied to the desired area. The medicine quickly eliminates sensitivity, and the doctor can proceed with the procedure. The disadvantage of this method is the minimum exposure time. Among other things, there is a group of patients who do not respond to such pain relief.
  2. Infiltrative - is considered the most popular variety. It consists in the introduction of an anesthetic that affects the sensitive nerve endings for no more than 60 minutes and is called the term "freeze". After the set time, the effect gradually weakens over 30-50 minutes, depending on the individual characteristics of each patient. A similar method is used not only during implantation, but also during filling or extraction of teeth.
  3. The conductor method is also popular and, according to the mechanism of action, resembles an infiltrative one. The anesthetic is administered locally, but its action is aimed at blocking the nerve endings that surround the site of the intended impact. Due to this, the area becomes isolated, and the patient does not feel pain. The disadvantage of the technique will be that during the introduction of the agent, the specialist cannot always accurately determine the location of the nerves, since it may differ slightly for each patient.
  4. Stem anesthesia is not used as often as previous methods. It involves injecting an anesthetic into the base of the skull. From there, the effect extends to the trigeminal nerve of the jaw. Seems to be quite efficient.

A few years ago, Lidocaine was used for local sedation, but today Ultracaine is most commonly used. The drug contains a similar active substance, but is considered more effective. The dose is determined strictly individually.

The most serious disadvantage of this method of anesthesia is the high risk of developing allergic reactions to the drug.

Combined anesthesia

This type of sedation is most often used for patients with a low pain threshold, as well as chronic vascular and heart pathologies. The essence of the method is the introduction of a local anesthetic and the simultaneous infusion of sedatives. This technique is also allowed for allergies to certain medications.

Thanks to the complex effect, the patient does not feel pain, and his nervous tension is weakened. The impact on the brain with this method is minimal, the effect of the drug lasts from 3 to 10 hours, depending on the dosage of the funds. An essential advantage is the ability to apply the method for children.

The received doses of drugs are quickly excreted, which reduces the risk of negative effects on internal organs. After the procedure, the patient does not need much time to recover, which is also considered an advantage of this method. The cost of combined sedation is affordable, and the effectiveness is quite high.

General sedation

The essence of the method is the introduction of drugs that immerse the patient in a kind of sleep. He does not feel pain, which allows the specialist to carry out the procedure for replacing teeth. As a rule, this technique is used for those who have a low pain threshold, allergies to local anesthetics, as well as serious vascular pathologies. The indication is also the lack of effect from the use of Ultracaine and its analogues.

During the procedure, an anesthesiologist should be constantly next to the patient, who monitors his condition. The most popular drugs for general sedation are the following:

  1. Sevoran - refers to the safest. It acts quickly and allows the patient to wake up immediately after the end of the manipulation. It is used for children, as it rarely provokes allergies. It is well excreted by the body and reduces the likelihood of negative reactions from the internal organs.
  2. Foran - used for sedation during procedures that take at least 90 minutes. However, it is quite rarely used without Sevoran in small amounts.
  3. Xenon is a tasteless and odorless gas. Applies to adults and children. It is considered safe for the body, is quickly excreted and rarely provokes negative reactions.

After choosing an anesthetic, the specialist calculates the dosage, which will be different in each individual case. It should be noted that implantation under general anesthesia has contraindications, including the following: severe heart failure, recovery period after a stroke or heart attack, thyroid pathology, bronchial asthma, advanced stage kidney and liver disease.

If the patient is taking any hormonal drugs, it is necessary to warn the specialist about this, since complications may occur when using general anesthesia. For patients with diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, the doctor adjusts the dosage of antihypertensive and hypoglycemic drugs before the procedure. This is considered a necessary condition so that the procedure does not provoke adverse reactions.

Necessary examination

Before the procedure of implantation of teeth under anesthesia, the patient must undergo an examination that will determine the readiness and general state of health. In case of serious pathologies, the replacement is postponed indefinitely.

A mandatory step is to conduct a laboratory study of urine and blood. It is important to determine the level of cholesterol, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, the number of platelets and leukocytes. If signs of inflammation are found, it is worth waiting with implantation.

If the patient suffers from diabetes, it is necessary to determine the level of glucose in the blood before the procedure. It should be noted that in case of severe diseases of the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, such manipulations are contraindicated, since they can threaten the health and even life of the patient. Computed tomography is considered an additional method.

The method allows you to study the structure of the skull and jaw of a particular patient, which greatly simplifies further actions. The decision to replace the teeth is made only by a specialist after receiving the results of the diagnosis.

Features of the procedure

Titanium is considered the most preferred material for prosthetics. It takes root well in bone tissue, rarely provokes allergies and other complications. Due to these advantages, the material is often used to replace teeth. The design is a kind of titanium root screwed into the bone through a pre-cut gum.

At the root is an artificial tooth, consisting of an abutment, a crown and an implant body. Dental implantation is carried out only under anesthesia and consists of several stages:

  1. The patient is given an anesthetic.
  2. After that, the specialist makes a small incision in the gums.
  3. The next step will be drilling a hole in the bone and inserting a special plug into it, into which a titanium root is screwed.
  4. Next, the gum is sutured and the patient visits the doctor after 2 weeks.

The engraftment of the root takes from 2 to 3 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. The type of anesthesia is determined by the specialist.

Side effects

Local and combined anesthesia quite often provokes various complications. The patient may develop Quincke's edema or acute urticaria as a reaction of the body to the action of Ultracaine or its analogues. Depending on the characteristics of each patient, the degree of manifestation of symptoms also differs.

In severe cases, the patient's condition worsens, there may be suffocation, a rash on the skin, severe itching, and allergic rhinitis. Such signs require the immediate cessation of the administration of the anesthetic and symptomatic therapy.

However, most often complications arise when using general anesthesia, since the drugs have a direct effect on the central nervous system and the centers responsible for the heartbeat, breathing and blood circulation. During implantation, the patient may experience sudden jumps in blood pressure, respiratory rhythm disturbance, shortness of breath, convulsions, vomiting, tachycardia.

During the period of recovery from anesthesia, there are signs of anxiety, memory impairment, and emotional arousal. The patient reports nausea and headache. As a rule, such manifestations disappear after 30-60 minutes, but sometimes they accompany a person until the next day. Such a condition does not require special treatment, if there are no convulsions, loss of consciousness, a critical decrease or increase in body temperature.

Dental implants can be performed under general anesthesia if there are strong indications for its use. The thing is that today in dental practice more gentle and at the same time no less effective anesthetics are used, which allows you to completely eliminate the sensitivity of oral tissues, while leaving the patient conscious. However, in some situations, radical measures cannot be dispensed with, because a person may be allergic to other pain relief options or, for example, overwhelming fear and panic before treatment.

About when dental implantation is indicated under general anesthesia, as well as what the consequences may be, will be discussed further.

Implantation without pain - what are the options

To begin with, let's take a closer look at the question of what general anesthesia is used for. So, today in dental practice, 4 main methods of anesthesia are used.

Firstly, local anesthesia, which provides for the desensitization of a limited location, that is, after the administration of the drug, the patient will feel numbness only in the area where manipulations are planned. The product can be applied by spray (superficial anesthesia) or by injection (infiltration). When it comes to implantation of teeth under anesthesia, especially when implanting structures on the lower jaw, then the conductor type of anesthetic injection is more common here - the drug is implanted near the nerve itself, so it is possible to achieve a longer and more reliable effect.

Secondly, sedation, which involves the introduction of an anesthetic gas "cocktail" intravenously, provides complete relaxation of the body and eliminates any pain during the procedure. All this time the patient remains conscious, somewhere on the verge of sleep and wakefulness. He can fulfill the elementary requests of the doctor, for example, to open and cover his mouth, but he is unlikely to remember them after the drugs wear off. Here, xenon gas is usually used, the safety and effectiveness of which has long been proven in practice. Rarely nitrogen.

Thirdly, the treatment is under general anesthesia. It begins with intravenous administration of powerful painkillers that immerse the patient for several hours in a deep drug-induced sleep. The combination of drugs is most often administered intravenously, but in some situations an inhalation method of anesthesia is allowed.

And the fourth is the combined method, which combines the use of sedative drugs and local anesthetics. The conduction method is supposed to be used in combination with sedation, that is, using xenon or nitrogen.

General anesthesia as a guarantee of a painless procedure

Implantation and extraction of teeth under anesthesia is carried out only if there are good reasons. At the same time, the dental center where treatment is planned should have an equipped intensive care unit, as well as qualified specialists who should have all the medicines and equipment for emergency response at their disposal.

If the procedure is performed in a small private center, make sure that there is a qualified anesthesiologist who can determine the effective and yet safe dose of drugs. Ideally, treatment under anesthesia should be carried out in a large multidisciplinary medical center that has everything necessary for emergency care. Another good option is if the operation will be attended by invited specialists from the relevant institution with a full resuscitation kit. That is, not just anesthesiologists, but anesthesiologists-resuscitators.

What are the indications and limitations

As can be judged from the reviews, dental implantation under anesthesia is carried out in the following situations:

  • severe allergic reaction to local types of anesthesia,
  • nausea that occurs during dental treatment,
  • high blood pressure,
  • overwhelming fear of dental treatment,
  • high susceptibility to pain
  • the need to install many implants at a time - mainly with complex solutions, for example, when it is carried out.

On the other hand, general anesthesia may not be used in all cases. So, for example, this method to deprive the patient of sensitivity is strictly contraindicated in diseases of the liver and kidneys, as well as in violations of the cardiovascular system and thyroid gland, bronchial asthma and taking a course of hormonal drugs of a separate category. Also, experts in the field and anesthesiology advise not to eat about 6 hours before the procedure. In addition, 4 hours before the operation, you should not drink liquids.

Preparation is an extremely important step

In order to minimize any risks associated with the negative impact of painkillers on the health of the patient, before treatment, he must undergo full training, which includes an examination of the state of the body and all elements of the oral cavity. To do this, a tomography or at least a panoramic image is performed, as well as appropriate tests. Their full list can be clarified directly at the clinic where it is planned to undergo treatment.

When it comes to the use of modern implantation with immediate loading of the prosthesis, here the question of the importance of the preparatory stage is particularly acute. So, for example, the maxillofacial surgeon and implantologist explains that modern protocols for immediate loading place even higher demands on the preparatory stage:

“The fact is that in 90% of cases such techniques are used without prior bone grafting, and the most detailed clinical picture, as well as information about the condition and volume of bone tissue in different parts of the jaw, play a very important role here. Before one-stage implantation, as if prosthetics on 4 or 6 implants, or even , the patient must necessarily undergo computed tomography (CT), which gives the most detailed picture, allowing you to assess the bone and soft tissues in three planes at once. All this is necessary to select the optimal models of implants and places for their implantation. Do not forget that all stages of treatment in this case are developed using a computer 3Dmodeling, which, in turn, allows you to minimize the risks of making the slightest errors and inaccuracies. Quite often, such operations are performed under general anesthesia, and careful preparation makes it possible to exclude any complications for the patient.”

How much does general anesthesia cost

When giving preference to anesthesia as a method of pain relief, it should be understood that the introduction of a combination of such powerful drugs will cost much more than standard local anesthesia. To appreciate the difference, take a look at the comparison table, which shows the approximate prices for the methods used today.

The formation of the total cost can be directly influenced by such factors as the complexity of the upcoming procedure, its duration, the method of administration of drugs, as well as the level of prestige of the dental center.

What are the advantages and what are the disadvantages

General anesthesia is an absolute guarantee of painlessness. Other indisputable advantages of this method include the following advantages:

  • lack of excitement and fear of the upcoming treatment,
  • providing the doctor with the opportunity to calmly go about his business, without being distracted by unforeseen reactions of the patient,
  • reducing the intensity of saliva secretion, which also greatly facilitates the work of a specialist,
  • the possibility of implanting a large number of implants at one time,
  • high-quality results of treatment and nullification of any risks of complications - the probability of making a mistake due to the fault of the doctor is minimized.

“I have been preparing for dental implantation for a long time, collecting money, and when it came time for treatment, I was terribly scared. I walked in a fog, could not gather my thoughts and decide to undergo this procedure. Then I started digging on the Internet and found out that it turns out that implantation can be performed under anesthesia. I came to my implantologist, explained for a long time that I could not cope with fear. Then he told me to undergo a thorough examination and take all the necessary certificates from other doctors. I did everything I was supposed to, although it took a lot of time. But I slept through the whole operation like a baby. When I came to, I felt dizzy for a while and felt nausea. But by the time I woke up, everything was ready, and on the third day I got a denture! What a relief! So do not be afraid of anesthesia, you just need to prepare well for it. ”

Maryana_11, St. Petersburg, 50 years old, review on the forum

General anesthesia really makes it possible to significantly facilitate the procedure for implanting artificial roots both for the patient himself and for the specialist who performs the operation. However, this technique has a whole list of very serious drawbacks, including severe rehabilitation. How long the effect of the drugs lasts after the procedure depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body, as well as on the anesthesia under which the operation was performed. In the first hours after waking up, a person may experience dizziness, a sharp decrease in pressure, bouts of nausea and vomiting. Another indisputable disadvantage, which we have already mentioned a little higher, is the inevitable increase in the cost of treatment, because general anesthesia is much more expensive than local anesthesia.

Important! The most serious and terrible complication is cardiac arrest, and it, in turn, can only happen with an overdose of painkillers or due to malfunctions of the cardiovascular system. In both the first and second cases, the true reason will lie in the low competence of the anesthesiologist and the mistakes he made. However, at present, such a complication is extremely rare, because modern equipment gives specialists an excellent opportunity to closely monitor and track the smallest changes in the functioning of the heart and other vital organs throughout the operation.

Unfortunately, even for absolutely healthy people, no one can guarantee the absence of complications after the use of general anesthesia. In this case, everything is very individual, and it is very, very difficult to predict the exact reaction of the body to such powerful pain relief. For this reason, anesthesia is still rarely used in dentistry and only if there are undeniable indications for its use.

A detailed report on implantation and complete restoration of teeth at the Smile-at-Once Clinic

1 Petrikas, A.Zh. Clinical efficacy and safety of anesthesia of the pulp and hard tissues of the tooth with modern local, 2005.