Find out how to massage your eyes. Massage around the eyes

Conducting long time at the computer, a person may feel that his vision has deteriorated. After all, the eyes require maximum voltage to process numerous information, and overvoltage can lead to the following consequences:

  • discomfort;
  • drying of the mucous membrane;
  • rapid fatigue of the organs of vision.

All of the above symptoms indicate that the eyes are working at maximum stress and if they are not helped to relax, then visual acuity can be lost. And for recovery then you have to spend a lot of time and make every effort. Eye massage can help relieve tension even for people with 100% vision, and we will understand how to do it correctly in this article.

What is gymnastics based on to restore vision

Gymnastics that helps restore vision will take a little time. It is enough to allocate 15-20 minutes daily for massage movements around the eyes in order to:

  1. Remove fatigue.
  2. Activate the work of the lacrimal canal, due to the obstruction of which dryness appears.
  3. Get rid of cramps by improving ocular blood circulation and microcirculation of the eye organs.

Thereby nervous system a person will be able to tune in to a careful perception of any information, which, in turn, will make the work process more efficient.

Proper eye massage

Unfortunately, the person does not allocate required time for training exercises designed for the eyes. As a result, the muscles of the organs of vision begin to fail, overstrain, and by the age of 40-45 they are almost completely weakened. This leads to the development of myopia or farsightedness, and properly done massage can stop the development of ailments.

To carry out the procedure, you should follow the recommendations of specialists and perform the exercises in stages. Before gymnastics, it is necessary to remove glasses or contact lenses:

  1. First of all, you need to take a comfortable sitting position to relax the whole body.
  2. Hands are washed thoroughly, rubbed against each other for 40-50 seconds.
  3. With the help of warm palms, close your eyes for a few seconds, while making sure that inner part hands touched closed eyelids.
  4. Such exercises are repeated at least 6-8 times, then the hand is clenched into a fist and the eyeball is alternately rubbed with the fist. Do not press hard on the eyes, but a little effort will be required.

Such an exercise should resemble the movement of children's fists when the child is very sleepy.

Step-by-step massage movements around the eyes

Massage movements around the eyes should also be carried out in stages, using the pads of your own fingers:

  • You need to start the massage from the superciliary arch. If in this area, when probing, vulnerable ones are found, painful places, you need to massage them more carefully, allocating at least 40 seconds for each point;
  • massage of the lower part of the orbit is performed, while the actions are performed with a little pressure;
  • massage the outer and inner corners of the eyes with fingertips;
  • massage movements are made on the bridge of the nose, moving towards the beginning of the nasal arch. The nasal arch needs to be given a little more time, since it is in this place that the lacrimal canal. Effective massage movements of the nasolacrimal canal will help improve blood circulation and improve circulation;
  • the treatment of the sinuses, which are located under the organs of vision, is carried out. For effective massage, you need to feel the recesses by touch, they are located on the lower part of the eye socket. As soon as the recesses are found, with the help of fingertips they need to be massaged intensively and with little pressure for 2-3 minutes. Such depressions are considered as biologically active places. Daily massage of these points helps to raise the overall tone. human body and improve immunity;
  • closing your eyes, you need to press on the eyeballs with a little effort, relax the pressure and repeat the exercise again 7-8 times;
  • the massage ends with the first exercise - soft pressure with warm palms on the eyeballs.

Daily massage movements will help relieve the tension of the organs of vision, and also prevent the development of diseases.

Gymnastics for the eyes

  • in a comfortable position, preferably in a sitting position, you need to look alternately down and up, holding your gaze at the selected point for 15-20 seconds;
  • visually you need to draw a circle clockwise and in reverse direction;
  • several eyes are drawn geometric shapes- square, rhombus, oval;
  • using the eyes, you need to try to create several shapes, for example, choose the shape of a bow;
  • blinking often for centuries, bring the pupils to the bridge of the nose, and bring the index finger closer to the tip of the nose;
  • focusing on one corner of the room, you need to move it to another part, diagonally.
  • after completing each exercise, sit quietly for at least a minute without opening your eyes;
  • it is best to do gymnastics at the same time;
  • when doing exercises, make sure that the amplitude is maximum, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.

AT last decade the load on our organs of vision has increased significantly, which negatively affects the health of the eyes. Every year the number of people with various problems with vision, only increases.

Search becomes relevant effective ways relieving stress from the eyes, avoiding the appearance of certain pathologies visual system.

One of the available and safe methods treatment and prevention various diseases organs of vision is considered to be a massage of the eyeballs. We will talk more about this procedure in this article.

Eyeballs is an excellent way to prevent and treat various pathologies visual system. The therapeutic method allows:

Regular massage of the eyeballs helps to reduce eye fatigue, relieves pain and spasms.

Under the influence of massage movements, blood supply to tissues improves, nervous tension which is good for eye health.

Contraindications to the use of eyeball massage

Even to such, at first glance, simple and safe procedure there are contraindications that should not be ignored.

  • in rehabilitation period after ophthalmic operations;
  • in the presence of purulent processes, inflammation;
  • with injuries of the organ of vision, manifestations;
  • at high degree myopia, some types;
  • with malignant tumors.

In addition, the procedure is contraindicated in persons suffering from tuberculosis, increased nervous excitability, hypertension, hyperthermia and some other diseases.

Eyeball massage technique

Massage relieves irritation

Eyeball massage can be performed both independently and by a specialist. Professional massage is used to treat various pathologies of the visual system: glaucoma, scleritis, etc.

But most often self-massage is used to relieve eye strain. Let us consider in more detail the procedure for each type of massage.

Self massage

Before starting the procedure, you must:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly warm water with soap.
  2. Take a comfortable position that allows you to relax as much as possible.
  3. Warm up the palms of your hands. To do this, they must be rubbed against each other for 50 seconds.

First of all, you should perform preparatory exercises. To do this, with warm palms, you need to close your eyes for a couple of seconds. At the same time, it is important that inner surface palms touched closed eyelids. The exercise is performed 6-8 times.

Then you need to clench your hands into fists and gently rub the eyeball with them, avoiding too much pressure.
After the preparatory work, they proceed to the actual massage of the eyeballs, which is performed in stages with the help of fingertips.

For each step, it is advised to devote at least two minutes:

  • Stage 1. Superciliary arch massage. Performed in a circular motion. When identifying painful points, it is necessary to massage each of them for at least forty seconds.
  • Stage 2. Massage of the lower region of the eye socket. Massage movements must be performed with light pressure.
  • Stage 3. Massage the inner and outer corners of the eyes.
  • Stage 4. Bridge of the nose massage. Movements must be performed to the beginning of the bridge of the nose. Special attention should be given to the nasal arch, in which the lacrimal canal is located.
  • Stage 5 Massage of the sinuses, located below the visual organs. To achieve better results, you need to feel the recesses in the lower region of the orbit with your fingertips and massage them well, gently pressing. These depressions are considered biologically active points. Massage of such points can improve the overall tone of the body.
  • Stage 6 Close your eyes and press lightly on the eyeballs with your fingertips. Then loosen the pressure.

It is necessary to repeat the exercise 8-10 times. final stage is the first exercise performed in preparation for the massage: with heated palms, touch the eyeballs.

Professional massage

Eyeball massage - for prevention eye diseases

The massage procedure is carried out through the eyelids. The duration of treatment depends on the type of ophthalmic disease. As a rule, a massage course includes 10-15 procedures, the duration of each of which is on average 5-7 minutes.

The patient takes a supine position. Not applied to his eyelids a large number of special cream or vaseline, eyebrows are treated with alcohol. The masseur carefully prepares his hands: washes, disinfects, warms his palms.

Usually, massotherapy eyeballs alternates with actions in the facial and collar areas. The first step is to massage the anterior facial vein, for the purpose of outflow of blood from it.

  • Stroking with the pads of the index and middle fingers of the lower part of the orbit of the eye from the outer corner to the inner. Further - to the root of the nose and along the upper part of the orbit in the opposite direction (from the inner corner of the eye to the outer). Then strokes move to the fossa located in the temporal zone. And from there - to the earlobe.
  • Circular rubs. In this case, the exercise is performed with a little effort at the same time with the pads of two fingers. The index finger works on the upper, and the middle finger works on the lower parts of the orbit of the eye, in the direction from the inner corner to the outer.
  • Vibrating touches with the tips of the index, middle and ring fingers of the parts of the orbit of the eye.
  • Each exercise is performed 4-5 times.

Then the specialist goes directly to the massage of the eyeballs. The massage therapist performs the following groups of exercises:

  1. Stroking through the eyelid with the pad of the middle finger in various directions.
  2. Rubbing in a circle with the tips of the index and middle fingers. Next, the surface is rubbed with shading movements eyeball starting from its front section.
  3. Kneading - rhythmic pressure with the pads of the index and middle fingers on the surface of the sclera, as well as light compression of the eyeball with the thumb, index and middle fingers.
  4. Vibration movements with fingertips at a fast pace.
  5. Punctuation.

Each massage technique is performed 4-5 times.

Vibration massage of the eyeballs can be carried out using a special device.

The modern world of rapid development modern technologies very closely associated with computers and other innovations. They have a positive effect on the quality of life, but the condition of our eyes is not always good. Today, people with visual impairments are quite common. Eye massage can improve and even restore vision. Take literally 10 minutes of your time and you will immediately notice how your eyes will become less tired, pain and tension will go away.

Of course, many other factors also influence the state of our vision. For example, the environmental situation. Therefore, do not put off classes indefinitely. We need to act here and now. Due to correctly performed exercises, the metabolism in tissues will improve, the muscles of the eye will strengthen, and blood circulation will be activated. Which will positively affect the state of vision. This procedure also used as a prophylaxis for glaucoma and cataracts.

Tension and fatigue will go away in the same minute

Execution technique

Wash your hands thoroughly before massaging around the eyes. The face must also be clean. As a rule, before the procedure, you need to rub your hands together well. This movement will warm your hands and activate blood circulation in them.

Basically used. It is performed with the pads of the thumb and forefinger. The pressure exerted by horizontal fingers should be vertical.

Even completely simple exercises able to have a positive effect, toning the nerve endings and nerves of the eyes. It can be light kneading, light stroking actions of closed eyes, massage with warmed palms. The most widely popular technique is when both eyes are massaged with the thumb and forefinger at once. It is worth doing this exercise at least 10-15 times. Also, one of the most common exercises are movements along the lower edge - to the nose and along the upper edge - above the eyebrow.

Showed excellent results and such a technique: back side the second phalanx of the thumb is lightly manipulated with slight pressure from the bridge of the nose towards the temples. Eyes at this time should be closed. To be effective, you need to use this exercise at least 20 times.

Make sure that your eyes do not overwork. It is recommended to use palming after each dose. Palming is a technique that relaxes the eyes, giving them time to rest and recuperate. To do this, warm up your hands well, crossing your palms together, put them on your eyes without pressing them.

Massage around the eyes: exercises

Regular and systematic application of these exercises will give a very effective results. You can feel the change after the first gymnastics for the eyes.

  • Convergence of the eyes

The first exercise is called eye contact. To do this, take a pencil, place it at a distance outstretched hand and slowly move it towards the nose. You need to move the pencil until it starts to double. First you move the pencil 10 times in front of the bridge of your nose, then in front of each eye. You can use your finger instead of a pencil.

  • Looking to the side

The next exercise will be moving the eyes to the side. To do this, you need to raise right hand to eye level, focus your attention on the thumb and slowly move your hand to right side. At this time, you need to follow the finger without turning your head, then return your hand to its original position. Repeat the same technique with the left hand.

  • mark on glass

To complete this exercise, you need to draw a round mark on the glass. The mark should be at eye level, at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes. After that, on the line of your gaze, you need to designate any object you like: a tree, a house, a monument, etc. The item must pass directly through the mark. You need to first look at the mark, then look at the object and vice versa.

  • Look up and down

To do this, stretch your arms forward, focus your attention on the fingertips. While inhaling - raise your hands up, look at the location of the hands without raising your head. As you exhale, lower your arms while continuing to follow your arms.

  • Circular movements

At the end of the gymnastics around the eyes, we perform circular movements, massaging the points at the bridge of the nose. 9 times in one direction and 9 times in the other. Do not forget to perform palming after each exercise.

The procedure serves effective prevention glaucoma and cataracts

Massage according to Zhdanov

Now let's look at some effective and useful exercises for the restoration of vision, which were proposed by Zhdanov V.G. These techniques are very popular and very popular. This massage recommended for those who suffer from myopia and astigmatism.

This technique also includes partial, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Algorithm for carrying out according to Zhdanov

  • First, a forehead massage is performed: for this, with three fingers: index, middle and ring fingers. After massaging, light stroking is performed from the center of the forehead to the temporal zone.
  • Then we move on to the eyebrow massage. O is performed in the same way, only in this case you need to find a dimple in the center of the eyebrow - optic nerve and massage it.
  • This is followed by a massage of the temples. It is performed with two fingers.
  • With three fingers, we stroke the upper cheekbone, located directly under the eyes.
  • After the index finger, massage the sinuses at the nostrils.
  • Then, with the middle fingers, massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nose and bridge of the nose.
  • We find the ear dimple at the end of the cheeks and begin to massage it. Then gently stroke.
  • Let's move on to neck massage. We perform massage, light movements behind the neck.
  • We proceed directly to the massage of the eyelids. Apply light pressure with two fingers.
  • From the corners of the eyes, we begin to massage the eyelids.
  • Massage the eyeball with four fingers.
  • Finish the eyelid massage by closing your eyes. We perform 3 times.

Eyelid massage relieves tension, restores vision, improving metabolism in the tissues of the eyes. Systematically performing exercises to give youthful eyes and a clear look.

In our age of advanced technology and endemic computerization, not every person can boast of perfect vision. And similar problems occur not only in the elderly, but also in young people, students, schoolchildren and even children preschool age. The reason for this may be not only age-related changes, but also frequent sitting at the TV or computer monitor, stress, malnutrition, bad habits And so on.

Modern medicine has various methods vision correction - from medications to laser surgery. But if the deterioration of vision did not occur as a result of any disease (for example, diabetes) or a traumatic brain injury, where one cannot do without the help of drugs and various kinds of devices, then in other cases (and according to statistics they are 75%), vision can be restored. And one of these methods is eye massage.

Eye massage will help not only stabilize the current condition, but also prevent visual impairment.

Just 10 minutes of daily sessions will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes (improving their blood circulation and tissue metabolism), help strengthen and relax tense eye muscles, and improve visual acuity.

In addition, eye massage is:

  • relaxation and good rest for eyes,
  • prevention and prevention of the development of myopia and hyperopia,
  • prevention of cataracts and glaucoma.

Massage techniques to improve vision

For the treatment of the eyes, several types of massage procedures are used:

  • classic body massage performed by a massage therapist,
  • self-massage,
  • water.

Whatever type of eye massage you choose to improve your vision, you should consult an ophthalmologist about its expediency and correct implementation, who will conduct necessary examination, will find out the cause of your vision deterioration and offer an adequate method of treatment.

Classic massage

It is a widely used method for the treatment of many diseases, various systems and organs. Classical massage includes 4 main techniques:

  • stroking,
  • trituration,
  • kneading,
  • tapping.

These techniques can be performed in different variations, but in a strictly defined sequence (for any disease). Completes the massage session, as it begins, stroking. Receptions may differ depending on the area being massaged and the disease.

Classical massage is also used in the treatment of various visual impairments, but there are whole list contraindications to this method:

  • fever body,
  • general severe condition
  • severe pain, relieved only by drugs,
  • any skin disease
  • all diseases of the blood and tendency to bleed,
  • the presence of any (including benign) tumors,
  • severe hypertension,
  • acute purulent processes,
  • physical and mental fatigue,
  • mental illness and increased excitability
  • open form tuberculosis.

When treating the eyes, as a rule, a back massage is performed at the level of the cervical (from the border of hair growth to the 7th cervical vertebra- it is the most protruding) and thoracic (from the 7th cervical vertebra to the lower ribs) sections of the spine - it is in this area from spinal cord the nerve endings responsible for the condition of the eyes and visual acuity depart.

Massage sessions can be carried out both in a sitting position and in a lying position.

Sitting massage:

  • sit on a chair or stool near the table,
  • put your arms bent at the elbows on the table, head on them (if necessary and for greater convenience, you can put a hard pillow, a stack of wide books or linen) so that the spine remains straight,
  • relax your muscles.

Lying massage:

  • lie on a couch or a fairly hard surface face down (on your stomach),
  • turn your head to the side
  • stretch arms along the body,
  • relax all muscles.

Massage is carried out in a strictly defined sequence:

  1. Stroking- a mandatory reception at the beginning of any massage. The masseur puts open palms on the back of the patient in the area of ​​​​the lower border thoracic and slowly, for a long time, strokes along the spine up - to the base of the neck and slightly to the sides - to shoulder joints. Stroking the cervical region is performed vice versa: from upper bound down, easily and not with the whole palm, but only with fingers folded together. Stroking each section is performed 10 times with an increase in pressure, but so that the skin does not gather into folds: the pressure on the patient's skin is such that it does not move in relation to the underlying muscles.
  2. Trituration- second phase. It's over intensive reception, so the skin shifts and gathers into a small fold that forms in front of the massaging hands to warm up the skin, improve blood flow to the massaged area. Rubbing can be carried out not only from top to bottom, but also in different directions - rectilinear movements in opposite directions with both hands at the same time or in a spiral motion with one hand. On the back, rubbing can be done with the entire palm or its edge, fist or fingers, and on the neck - with the edge of the palm, fingers folded together.
  3. kneading- the third stage of massage, performed for a deep impact on the muscles. It is carried out with the fingers of both hands: the muscles are slightly lifted and squeezed. However, it is impossible to capture the back muscles - these are too wide layers, and therefore the main technique here is pressure, which is performed with the entire palm, its base, fist, fingertips - with jerky movements several times in the same place, with a frequency of 20-60 times in a minute. The direction of movement along the muscles of the back is to the left and to the right of the spine.

After the session is completed, make circular eye movements clockwise and counterclockwise 10 times in each direction.

Back massage to improve vision is carried out 3-4 times a week.

Self massage

Self-massage is performed in a sitting or standing position with absolutely relaxed muscles (for this, the head should be tilted to the chest) and always with clean hands. For self-massage, apply classical tricks, but only in accessible areas of the body (cervical region). Receptions are performed slowly, each 5-6 times.

Eye massage - how to perform?

Before starting the session, you need to wash and warm your hands, revive blood circulation in them. To do this, rub your palms well against each other for 30-40 seconds.

When massaging the eyes, techniques are used classical massage- stroking closed eyes, light kneading, rubbing with the palm of your hand.

First you need to close your eyes and perform palming - a method of relaxing the eyes (cover tightly with the palms of your hands without pressing on your eyes and relax all the muscles of the face for 1-2 minutes). Repeat several times.

And now do the previous exercise, but increase the pressure with your palms (without fanaticism!) - repeat 5-7 times.

The most common technique is when both eyes are massaged at once (with the index and middle fingers 10-15 times): along the lower edge - to the nose, along the upper edge - above the eyebrow.

The following exercise is also effective: with the back of the 2nd phalanx of the thumb, lightly pressing on closed eyes, make stroking movements from the bridge of the nose to the temples (at least 20 times).

During the massage, the eyes should not get tired, and after the end of the session, you need to do palming (5 minutes) or just blink.

Eye massage according to Zhdanov

It is performed not only in the eye area, but also on the entire face. This type of massage will be effective for myopia and astigmatism and is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Massage the forehead with three middle fingers, after that - light stroking.
  2. The same eyebrow massage: it is important to find a dimple in the center of the eyebrows - the optic nerve.
  3. Massaging the temples with two fingers.
  4. Massaging and stroking with three fingers of the upper cheekbone under the eyes.
  5. Massage with index fingers of the sinuses. Finish with strokes.
  6. Massage the nose and bridge of the nose with middle fingers.
  7. Find a dimple at the end of the cheeks near the ear - massage and stroking.
  8. Back neck massage.
  9. Eye massage - two fingers vibrating movements on the upper eyelid.
  10. Massage the eyes with your middle fingers, starting from the corners.
  11. Massage the eyeball with four fingers.
  12. Massage the astigmatic point with the index finger.
  13. Close your eyes three times and make "Chinese" eyes.

Shiatsu massage to improve vision

The Shiatsu system comes from Japan and was created in 1912. This is acupressure - a way to influence various points body by pressing with fingers or palm ( medications are not applied). The purpose of the method is to activate the processes that maintain and restore health.

The method is based on the fact that a person around each eye has about 10 active shiatsu points for exposure. If you stimulate these points by pressing your fingers, then it is possible:

  • reduce eye fatigue
  • reduce eye muscle tension
  • normalize eye pressure
  • improve visual acuity.

The positive effect of the shiatsu system in the treatment of vision is that, as a result of exposure (pressure) to certain points around the eyes, blood vessels(which in turn improves blood flow to the eyes), and as a result, this has a beneficial effect on ophthalmic nerves. However, the Shiatsu system is not recommended for use in the presence of the following diseases:

  • glaucoma,
  • low blood pressure (hypotension),
  • eye infections.

According to the Shiatsu method, several exercises are performed, and it should be remembered that the massage is done gently so as not to cause discomfort(without rough and sharp pressure):

  1. Index, middle and ring fingers at the same time along the top edge eye socket, gently press with your fingers for 7 seconds towards the eyebrow, without touching the eyeball. Do the same on the lower edge of the orbital cavity, pressing down.
  2. Place the index and ring fingers along the edges of the eyebrow, middle finger- on the center of the eyebrow. Press on the eyebrow for 7 seconds.
  3. Separately, for 7 seconds, with your fingertips, press on the inner and outer corners eye.
  4. Press for 10 seconds inside thumbs on the eyelids of both eyes.
  5. Press on the cheekbone or temples with three fingers for 7 seconds.

Important: before you start using the shiatsu system, consult your doctor about the correctness of the exercises, as inept execution can lead to the opposite of the expected result.

Acupressure to improve vision

Active points that can improve vision are located not only near the eyes, so you can apply acupressure on the following points (the impact is carried out no more than 1.5 minutes):

Point 1- in a fossa at the base of the skull, 3 cm above the scalp, between occipital bone and the first call.

Point 2 (steam room)- located behind the ear, on the border of the scalp.

Point 3- located at a distance of 1.5 cm from the edge of the scalp, at the junction of the frontal and parietal bones.

Point 4 (steam room)- is located at an equal distance between the middle of the eyebrow and the front hairline.

Point 5- located in the center of the forehead.

Point 6 (steam room)- located in the middle of the eyebrow (middle of the supraorbital foramen).

This massage is especially useful for the prevention of cataracts.

Head massage

Head massage, in addition to being pleasant, is also useful, as it helps to maintain vision (after all, it relieves general tension and activates the blood supply to the eyes):

  • Massage of the back of the head and neck (with fingertips) along the spine activates the blood circulation of the head and eyeball.
  • Tilt your head down - look at the floor. Slowly raise your head up and gently lean back - look at the ceiling. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • Gently massage the skin around the eyes with your fingertips (clockwise). Press the area under the eyes and eyebrows a little harder.
  • For 20 seconds, press on a point at the outer edge of the eye. Repeat 4-5 times.

To improve your vision with massage, you will need quite a bit of time. Spend just 10 minutes a day better evening) to your eyes - and in a month you will feel and notice that they have become less tired, you are no longer worried about pain and dryness, and you have become better and clearer in seeing.

In the treatment of eye diseases, several types of massage can be used: classic body massage by a massage therapist, self-massage and water massage.
Classical massage is a widespread method. It can be used for many diseases various bodies and systems. Classical massage is a combination of four basic techniques, each of which can be performed in several variations.
The sequence of techniques is also strictly defined for any diseases: stroking, rubbing, kneading, tapping, and at the end of the session and after each technique is performed, stroking again. Depending on the specific disease, the massaged areas and the techniques used may differ. In general, the list of diseases in which massage is an important method of treatment is very wide and includes, among other things, various visual impairments. No less extensive is the list of contraindications to massage:
1) general serious condition;
2) elevated body temperature;
3) availability severe pain removed only by drugs;
4) all diseases of the blood and a tendency to bleed;
5) all skin diseases;
6) heavy arterial hypertension;
7) any tumors, including benign ones;
8) open form of tuberculosis;
9) acute purulent processes;
10) mental illness with increased excitability;
11) mental and physical fatigue.
Therefore, before using massage and self-massage, you should consult a doctor.
In case of eye diseases, a back massage is performed at the level of the cervical and thoracic spine. It is here that nerve endings depart from the spinal cord, which are responsible for the condition of the eyes and visual acuity.

The cervical region starts from the border of hair growth along the back of the neck and continues to the seventh cervical vertebra, which is the most outward of all vertebrae due to its spinous process. The thoracic region continues from this area to the lower ribs, where it borders on the lumbar region.
Back massage for visual impairment can be performed in a sitting or lying position.
When choosing a sitting position, you need to sit on a chair near the table so that you can put your arms bent at the elbows and your head on a support, the spine remains straight, and the muscles are relaxed. To do this, you can put, for example, a stack of large books on the table, covering them with something soft, or a stack of linen to the required level.
When massaging in a prone position, you need to lie on your stomach on a fairly hard surface (for example, a couch), stretch your arms along the body, turn your head and relax your muscles.
Stroking is a must at the beginning of any massage session. At the same time, the massage therapist places both hands with fully open palms on the patient's back in the region of the lower border of the thoracic spine and makes unhurried long stroking movements simultaneously with both hands towards the base of the neck and slightly to the sides, towards the shoulder joints. Stroking in cervical region, on the contrary, it is performed from the upper border down, from the median line to the shoulders, and not with the whole palm, but only with fingers folded together. Stroking is easy. The massage therapist's palms press on the patient's skin, but do not move it in relation to the underlying muscles. Stroking each section is performed 10 times, and each time the pressure increases, but so that the skin does not fold.
Rubbing is performed immediately after stroking. This technique is performed more intensively, so the skin is shifted and collected in a small fold, which is constantly formed in front of the massaging hand. Rubbing can be done in different directions, not just from bottom to top or top to bottom. Its purpose is to warm up the skin, improve blood flow to the massaged area. Rubbing is usually performed with spiral movements of one hand or short rectilinear movements of both hands simultaneously in opposite directions. On the back, rubbing can be performed with the entire palm, the edge of the palm or fingers clenched into a fist, on the neck - with the edge of the palm or only with fingers folded in one plane or in a tong-like manner. Sometimes during stroking and further rubbing, small areas of compaction can be felt in the muscles. If it's not a tumor and inflammatory process, and the sections increased tone muscles, you can try to disperse them with multidirectional movements of the entire palm, the edge of the palm or fingers.
Kneading is performed for a deep impact on the muscles. Usually, when performing this technique, separately lying muscles, well delimited from others (muscles of the arms and legs), are captured by the fingers of both hands, slightly lifted and squeezed. But the muscles of the back, massaged for visual impairment, are wide layers that cannot be captured. Therefore, the main option for kneading in this case is pressure. It is performed with the whole palm, its base, fingertips or back surface fingers clenched into a fist, and consists in intermittent, jerky pressure several times on the same place. With such pressing movements, they pass through the muscles of the back to the right and left of the spine. Pressure is performed at a frequency of 20-60 times per minute.

After a massage session, you need to make 10 circular movements with your eyes to the right and left.
Back massage to improve vision is carried out 3-4 times a week.
Self-massage is performed independently. In general, his techniques correspond to those of classical massage, but are applied to accessible parts of the body.
Self-massage is performed in a sitting or standing position. In this case, the neck muscles should be completely relaxed, for which the head can be slightly lowered to the chest. Receptions are performed slowly. Each reception of the complex is repeated 5-6 times.

In today's dynamic world, life is closely connected with computers and other technological innovations, so it is not surprising that visually impaired people are increasingly found on the streets.

Certainly on general state, including vision, other factors also have a considerable influence, for example, the environmental situation ... And you need to deal with vision "here and now" without delay. And it is not necessary to visit paid clinics or purchase expensive drugs that often do not bring the expected result. You just need to set aside a little time for yourself and do a massage to improve your vision at home.

Eye massage is able to restore vision, improve metabolism in tissues and increase blood circulation, strengthen the muscles of the eye. It is also used to prevent cataracts and glaucoma.

To date, there is a large amount of literature that tells how to properly massage the eyes on your own, even with illustrations and video applications.

Eye massage: basic rules for performing

Before proceeding to the actual massage, you need to rub one palm well against the other to warm your hands and revive blood circulation in them.

Acupressure is made by pressing with the pads of two fingers - thumb and forefinger, and the direction of pressure must be vertical, and the fingers must be placed horizontally or at an angle, but not vertically.

Simple unpretentious manipulations have an excellent tonic effect on the nerve endings and nerves of the eyes: light kneading, stroking closed eyes, palm massage. One of the most common is the technique when two eyes are immediately massaged with the index and middle fingers 10-15 times: along the lower edge - to the nose, along the upper edge - above the eyebrow.

An exercise is also effective when the back of the second phalanx of the thumb is stroked from the bridge of the nose towards the temples, slightly pressing on the closed eyes. The movement must be repeated at least 20 times.

When doing massage, it is important not to forget that the eyes should not be overworked! For example, after the exercise, do palming or just blink.

Eye massage: exercises

1. Convergence of the eyes. The pencil must be moved to arm's length, and then to the nose. Focus your gaze until it starts to double. 10 times you need to move to the bridge of the nose, and the same number - in front of each eye.

Instead of a pencil, you can use a finger: bring it close to the nose and focus on it for 5 seconds, when the texture of the skin is already visible, then quickly transfer to any object lying on the table to distinguish the details. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

2. Raise your right hand to eye level, look at thumb. Then slowly move your hand to the right, continuing to follow your finger, while not turning your head. Return the hand to its original position, again without taking your eyes off the fingertip. Repeat the exercise with the left hand.

3. Label on glass. Attach a small (4-5 mm) round mark on the glass at eye level at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes. Designate any distant object you like, for example, a tree or a lantern, on the line of sight that passes directly through the mark, and alternately look from the mark to the object and vice versa.

4. Stretch your arms forward and look at your fingertips, while inhaling, raise your hands up, following the movement of your hands with your eyes, then lower your hands (on exhalation). Do all this without raising or lowering your head.

5. In a circular motion, massage the points at the bridge of the nose (the inner edge of the eye section) 9 times in one direction and the other.

Eye massage according to Zhdanov

Useful and effective in restoring vision are the exercises proposed by Zhdanov V.G. In his fourth lecture, you can get acquainted with how to properly massage the eyes, which is especially necessary for astigmatism, as well as myopia.

According to his method, eye massage includes massage of the entire face. The sequence of exercises is as follows:
1. Massage the forehead with three fingers (middle), after which - lightly stroking it.
2. A similar eyebrow massage, and it is important to find a dimple in the center of the eyebrows - the optic nerve.
3. Next - whiskey, massaging with two fingers.
4. With three fingers, massage and stroke the upper cheekbone under the eyes.
5. The sinus at the nostrils is massaged with the index finger. Do not forget to stroke after the massage.
6. Use your middle fingers to massage the nose and bridge of the nose.
7. After you need to pay attention to the ear, or rather, find the dimple at the end of the cheeks. Massage and stroking.
8. Finally, you need to massage the back of your neck.
9. Now the actual eye massage. Press with two fingers, producing a slight vibration, on the upper eyelid.
10. Massage the eyes with your middle fingers, starting from the corners.
11. Massage the eyeball with four fingers.
12. Do not forget to massage the astigmatism point. Only the index finger is involved.
13. At the end of the massage, you need to close your eyes three times and make the so-called "Chinese" eyes.