How to treat acne in the intimate area. Purulent pimple in an intimate place in women and men: causes

Having discovered a purulent pimple in an intimate place, a person immediately panics. Undoubtedly, you need to consult a specialist, but everything is not always so scary. Inflammation can be caused by banal hypothermia of the pubic area, but it is necessary to exclude the possibility of a serious illness.

Why can a pimple appear in an intimate place?

To find out how to act when such a disease appears, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence.

Most often, acne occurs due to:

“Safe” pimples in intimate areas

Hair follicles are often confused with acne. White spots of dense texture (hair roots) do not need close examination and should not be a concern.

Don't worry about the sebaceous glands, the appearance of which is misleading. The skin in the groin is thinner, so it stands out from the general background.

To get rid of this phenomenon, you need to apply antibacterial treatment and maintain body hygiene. To prevent infection, you should not squeeze a pimple in an intimate place.

You can relieve inflammation of the sebaceous glands in men and women, which manifests itself in the form of dense ulcers, in very simple ways. Before any procedure, you need to thoroughly wash the affected area and apply a compress.

Having the ability to heal a pimple with purulent contents, aloe leaf juice will heal you in 3-4 days. Cut a small piece of leaf and attach it to the inflamed area. As a result, the abscess will go away and the skin will quickly recover.

An excellent remedy for retracting pus is ointment. "Levomekol". Treat the pimple twice a day and it will disappear completely. You can also use ichthyol ointment or "Vishnevsky's Liniment". Given their characteristics, apply the products before bed.

Iodine alcohol solution effectively fights ulcers. For maximum results, cauterize the pimple with an iodine-soaked cotton swab several times a day.

Fat cyst

These are small subcutaneous bumps of whitish color. They are caused by blockage of the sebaceous ducts in an intimate place not only in men, but also in women. As a result, subcutaneous fat accumulates, thereby forming hardenings. This does not cause pain or discomfort. The specialist will remove the tumor during a simple and short surgical procedure.

Venereal diseases

Promiscuous sexual intercourse between men and women entails a risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

A pimple that appears on the pubic area, perineum and genitals may indicate a possible infection with a similar disease. If acne occurs, accompanied by fever, enlarged inguinal lymph nodes, burning and itching in the genital area, do not delay a visit to a venereologist.

Syphilis is the most severe sexually transmitted disease. Infection can occur through sexual intercourse or through household methods. Signs of infection appear 1-1.5 months after infection, which is the danger of the disease.

Without suspecting this, the patient misses precious time and triggers the disease. As a result, the patient experiences a sore throat, weakness, temperature fluctuations, purulent pimples and ulcers.

Syphilis is treated with antibacterial therapy, and the duration of the course depends on how quickly the patient seeks help from a doctor.

Genital herpes shows its symptoms faster. A week later, the patient notices specific herpetic blisters like chancres on the genitals and pubic area. Blistering skin lesions are accompanied by itching, burning and swelling. When the tissue ruptures, the purulent contents flow out, leaving an ulcer in its place. After some time, the wounds heal.

Colds, nervous disorders, and pregnancy can trigger genital herpes. With the help of antiviral drugs, it is possible to temporarily suppress herpes, since orthodox medicine does not know methods of curing the disease.

A Bartholin gland cyst can occur in women in an intimate area and cause discomfort. It is caused by dysfunction of the excretory duct. As a result, the secretion, deprived of the opportunity to exit through the channels, accumulates in the subcutaneous space and hardens.

With severe inflammation or infection, the cyst can bother women and cause unpleasant and sometimes painful sensations not only during sexual intercourse, but also while walking.

Violation of output functions can be caused by:

  • Escherichia coli;
  • Staphylococcus;
  • Gonococcus;
  • Chlamydia.

With infectious bartholinitis, a tumor occurs in the labia minora area, accompanied by pain, and body temperature rises. To treat the cyst, women are prescribed antibiotics, a catheter is installed, or marsupialization is performed.

Treatment is carried out by treating with special means after removing the hair where insects live, and maintaining hygiene of the body and home.

Molluscum contagiosum can also cause rashes on the genitals. Symptoms of the disease are specific acne. They look like hard pink cones containing a cheesy liquid.

So, you have a pimple in your intimate area. What is the reason? As the most common factors, doctors name, firstly, conditions that are accompanied by hormonal imbalance (these include pregnancy, menopause and the so-called “adolescent age”). In addition, pimples may indicate unsuccessful epilation of the bikini area and non-compliance with hygiene rules. Think about it: are you overusing synthetic underwear? The appearance of rashes can also be triggered by poor diet, severe stress, and sexually transmitted infections.


Sebaceous glands

A pimple in an intimate area may well turn out to be enlarged. This is explained by the fact that the skin in the intimate area is thinner and more delicate than anywhere else. This is why sebaceous glands are easily mistaken for pimples. Such skin formations will not cause you the slightest harm - of course, if you do not squeeze them out. Otherwise, your skin may suffer. The best thing you can do is to train yourself to regularly treat inflamed areas with special antibacterial agents. In addition, it is necessary to maintain personal hygiene (wash daily and change underwear regularly) and avoid junk food.


However, a pimple on an intimate place may not be as harmless as it seems. If in appearance it resembles this, this indicates that it looks rather unaesthetic, and besides, such pimples can be very painful and, when ripe, stain panties.

It is quite possible to remove the purulent one yourself. To do this, carefully wash the affected area with warm water, wipe dry and apply a compress of aloe pulp over the inflammation (just take a leaf, cut it in half and secure with a bandage). The compress should be left overnight. This remedy will relieve inflammation in just a few days - the very next morning you will see that the pimple has significantly decreased in size. You can also treat the abscess with hydrogen peroxide several times a day (you can buy it at the pharmacy). In order to speed up the process of pimple maturation, you can use iodine or All these remedies are quite cheap, but very effective. on an intimate place is not recommended: this will only make things worse.

If your skin in the groin area is covered with white subcutaneous tubercles, these are nothing more than cysts. Their appearance is explained quite simply: the sebaceous gland is closed by the skin, as a result of which fat accumulates under the skin. It hardens quite quickly, so it is not possible to squeeze it out. Removal of cysts is performed surgically and usually takes only a couple of minutes.

Rash on the genitals or acne on the genitals is always associated with the presence of infections in the body, less often physiological abnormalities can give such an effect. The skin on and near the genitals is usually smooth and does not have rashes or irritations; if any, this is a disorder. In both cases, it is worth seeking the help of a dermatologist; sometimes this problem can be solved by simply prescribing ointments.

The main rashes include:

  • dark spots– have a dark color, clearly visible on light skin;
  • depigmented spots– light in color, similar to ripe pimples;
  • vascular spots– most noticeable by their pink or dark red color.

The main signs of a rash

Simple acne on the genitals can manifest itself in different ways, they look like nodules, blisters, peculiar tubercles and even warts. As a rule, they always protrude on the outside of the skin, but they can also be deep.

Blister-like ulcers appear on the skin, their density is usually liquid. The color is cloudy or transparent, they may have the color of blood, there is pus inside them and if they are squeezed out, then it is worth treating the skin with alcohol.

Ulcerative erosions remain after squeezed out ulcers, their depth reaches the subcutaneous layer. But if left untreated, the infection can spread to the muscles and bones.

As these ulcers heal, scabs or crusts form. A completely prolonged crust has the appearance of a scar; such a scar noticeably tightens the skin, leaving a pinkish stain that may fade over time.

The rash is divided into:

  • blisters - urticans;
  • maculosis – spotted;
  • papular - nodular;
  • verrucous - warts;
  • ulcers are pustular.

Rashes can be monoform or polyphoric. The former contain only one type of rash, the latter may include two or more types, each of which is clearly visible.

Are there harmless rashes in intimate areas?

In men, peculiar papules that have the color of mother-of-pearl may form around the head of the penis. Their formation does not affect health and does not infect others through contact. Most often, bumps form between the ages of 15 and 30; they are not very large and do not bother you. Their color is white, the main reason for their occurrence lies in the overgrown glands of the epithelium. Androgens are especially active during puberty and can cause similar defects; papules do not require treatment. If you wish, you can use laser therapy to remove defects, but there is a possibility that they will form again over time.

An epidermal cyst is filled with remnants of the stratum corneum of cells and a sebaceous mixture of the skin. It most often occurs in teenagers, whose skin begins to change and becomes covered with teenage acne. Such rashes on the genitals are considered more a cosmetic defect than a disease, unless they begin to bother you.

The rash is more likely to appear on the labia majora in women, and on the scrotum in men. Usually the formations are small and can be easily squeezed out when pressed, which is best not to do. In some cases, complications and even inflammation may occur. Pimples become painful and form after themselves peculiar wounds, around which the skin turns red.

In healthy women, small pimples may appear at the beginning of the vagina - micropapillomatosis. No more than 5% of women encounter it; it is not dangerous and is more of a cosmetic defect. It can be identified by small and soft peculiar pimples, located tightly to each other and in large numbers. They are pinkish or flesh-colored and are more often found in the labia minora area. This formation indicates hormonal disorders.

Rash in the presence of sexually transmitted infections and diseases

Vulvovaginal candidiasis manifests itself as inflammation in the perineal or vaginal area. The infection is associated with a yeast fungus of the genus Candida. The first signs are small red spots, which over time acquire a white coating. It is most noticeable when itching appears and there is a peculiar discharge of a sour smell, pain during sexual intercourse, increased itching during sleep and after a shower with hot water. Complications appear when a burning sensation is felt after urination, swelling of the perineum or its redness may appear. Vaginal discharge becomes thick and heterogeneous, crusts or cracks form in the perineum.

In men, this kind of inflammation on the head of the penis is called. It appears in different sizes and shapes, but it can be identified by the following characteristics:

  • the most noticeable thing is itching and a slight burning sensation;
  • the appearance of a curd-like coating;
  • a peculiar sour smell appears.

Lice infestation indicates pediculosis pubis; it is most likely to become infected during sexual intercourse. It does not appear immediately; symptoms can appear either after 2 weeks or after a month. The most noticeable itching is followed by the formation of medium-sized spots that are blue in color. The itching intensifies and scratching is visible; on the pubic area such spots can be found near the place where hair forms.

Molluscum contagiosum manifests itself in the following way:

  • nodules appear, both single and in groups;
  • the surface is without bulges and has a pinkish color;
  • if you press, a whitish substance is released, no pain is felt;
  • can be on the pubis, penis, labia, around the anus and even the abdomen.

After 2-4 months from the beginning Treponema infections can manifest itself. The disease causes periodic rashes or does not manifest itself at all for several years. Is determined by the following characteristics:

  • rash with red spots or warts;
  • lymph nodes enlarge.

In the place where the infection manifests itself, changes in the internal organs may occur. As a rule, the rash does not cause itching or pain. Most often, dense red protrusions appear on the sides or stomach. After treatment or disappearance, there are no scars left, as well as seals.

If, during secondary recurrent syphilis, nodular formations appear, the surface of which is smooth and shiny, symptoms indicate papular syphilides. Over time, these formations begin to dry out and wrap the edges into a kind of collar. This happens due to peeling of the nodules, but only in the case. Such papular formations often appear directly on the genitals, less often near the anus, and can be on the feet or palms. If such formations appear on the foot, they can easily be confused with simple calluses. Signs by which syphilides can be accurately identified:

  • the callus has the shape of a small pad;
  • the color of the callus is more yellow;
  • When pressed, the callus does not burst:
  • syphilides have a similar shape, but peeling forms around them;
  • syphilides are purple or red.

If you are not sure, then squeeze out one of the formations: a clear liquid will come out of the callus, and the skin will heal quickly.

Simple warts can easily be confused with, but you need to know the difference:

  • condyloma formations often merge with each other;
  • the condyloma itself has a weeping appearance:
  • white coating on the surface;
  • high density and difficult to squeeze out;
  • usually appear near the anus.

Condylomas that appear indicate secondary syphilis; this is one of its first symptoms.

Allergic rash in intimate places

Allergies can be caused by the following irritants:

  • condom lubrication;
  • ointments or suppositories for intimate use;
  • contact with latex or alloys containing latex.

If an allergy occurs, you need to identify the irritant. An allergic reaction occurs differently for everyone, and the allergen itself contributes a small amount. Some people simply sneeze and their eyes turn red, while others may go into anaphylactic shock.

Contact balonoposthitis is characterized by swelling, itching, burning sensation and inflammation in the form of redness. The most dangerous complication is swelling of the foreskin, as phimosis may occur. When an allergen affects the groin area, there will be a rash on the scrotum or groin, accompanied by itching. When blisters form on the skin, necrosis is visible in the upper layer of the skin and the skin begins to peel off, it means that the disease has become severe.

With STDs, urethritis and infectious diseases differ from contact urethritis because its symptoms go away very quickly. After cessation of contact with an allergen, especially an antiseptic, side effects do not leave traces and may not manifest themselves until the next contact.

Contact vulvaginitis often appears if you use creams, suppositories and tablets for intimate areas, which are needed to prevent pregnancy or treat infections. If you are allergic to the drugs used in such products, you should avoid their use. If severe itching, a white coating or irritation appears in the area of ​​application, this may indicate vulvar candidiasis.

If the genitals are red and itchy, this is first symptoms of erythema fixed. The skin cracks in the form of a mesh, acne is clearly visible. If the disease is caused by taking drugs, for example, sulfomylamide, then after stopping the use, the symptoms disappear within half a month.

When redness or irritation of the skin on the genitals occurs after or during sexual intercourse, this indicates a post-coital allergy. The main reason for a couple is the substances released during sex. If burning and redness occur during sexual intercourse, you need to thoroughly rinse your genitals with water and preferably with intimate gel. Such defects are not dangerous, but can cause a lot of trouble, so you need to consult a doctor for help.

Diseases whose symptoms are rashes on the genitals

Simple skin mite can also settle in the genital area. The main symptom is itching, which is clearly noticeable at night even through thin underwear. You can check for ticks at home: just apply iodine to the irritated areas. If there are peculiar stripes, then they indicate the movement of the tick. It can be removed using special ointments.

The appearance of fungus in the groin speaks of athlete's foot inguinal, may also appear on the genitals. Most often it can be found in the folds near the buttocks or near the anus, in men - on the scrotum, and for women, it is most likely to appear under the breasts or in the lower abdomen. The disease can be identified by the following signs:

  • pink spots form;
  • the spots take on a more wavy appearance;
  • Erosion begins to form around the spots;
  • the skin becomes white in the affected area.

With high humidity and elevated temperatures, the itching becomes stronger.

Dermatosis indicates psoriasis, it is usually a hereditary disease and the carrier does not infect others. Skin defects can be harmless until an exacerbation occurs, which can be caused by any factors that irritate the body. This most often occurs when there is a change in diet, a sudden change in temperature, or the influence of medications. Papules may not bother you for up to a month, after which the rash spreads further. Rashes characteristic of psoriasis have the following symptoms:

  • most often form in the joint area: knees, elbows, pubis, armpits and even on the head;
  • formations are light red or pink;
  • if scraped, the discharge is blood-colored and runny.

During psoriasis, if a fungus has formed, its effect may intensify. The fungus spreads quite actively on the feet or under the nails. If the fungus is left untreated, foot lesions can make it very difficult to move. Symptoms similar to psoriasis can be confused with other infections; before taking any medications, it is better to consult a doctor.

Most people have ordinary inactive herpes, it is absolutely harmless until an irritant appears. It can be stress, hypothermia, a long cold, or a digestive disorder. Herpes on the genitals may not manifest itself for years and begin to actively spread after sexual intercourse. In women, it most often appears on the clitoris or labia. In men, it can be found on the foreskin or its inner side. The formations look like bubbles and spread en masse. If the bubble is squeezed out, a clear liquid will appear, after a few days the bubble will fill again and may have a blood color. Do not squeeze out the bubbles; they serve as a protective layer for the skin. Open wounds at the site of the blisters can cause even greater inflammation.

If the rash on the genitals does not go away for a long time and begins to bother you, you should immediately consult a doctor. The following factors will help identify complications:

  • itching intensifies especially at night;
  • swelling of the genitals appeared;
  • the rash did not go away after a couple of weeks;
  • wounds do not heal for a long time;
  • inflammation appeared after or during sexual intercourse;
  • lymph nodes swell;
  • the bottom of the wounds is dense.

If rashes on the genitals and intimate area are not treated promptly, inflammation can cause not only inconvenience, but also health complications.

The appearance of a pimple in the intimate area should not be ignored, as it may be a sign of an infectious disease. And even if this is not the case and you are absolutely healthy, then a pimple in the groin and genital area, in any case, causes a lot of inconvenience, both aesthetic and moral. We must try to distinguish “dangerous” acne from “harmless” ones, and if you suspect the former, consult a doctor.

We define types of acne on private parts

Black acne is a banal blockage of the sebaceous glands located at the mouths of the hair follicles, fat, dead epithelial cells, secretion of sweat glands, etc. They do not pose any danger, but if they appear in large numbers, then you should be concerned - the groin and genitals are not the place for increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

White pimples in the groin area and intimate areas are the result of insufficient hygiene: dead skin cells do not slough off and clog the pores. Sometimes this same phenomenon is associated with metabolic disorders, then white pimples are present on various parts of the body, in addition to intimate places - on the back, in the décolleté area and on the face.

Red, dense pimples appear when clogged ducts of the sebaceous glands become inflamed due to infection. Such pimples should never be squeezed out, and it is better not to touch them at all. A red, inflamed pimple should “ripen” with the formation of pus and empty itself.

If the red pimples are watery, then you should think about the presence of herpes type 2. This is a viral disease that affects the genitals. Watery rashes appear, which subsequently burst and ulcers form. Such pimples on the genitals are extremely unpleasant and unsightly, and during the period of exacerbation, herpes is contagious. That is why, if it is detected, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Sick, purulent pimples indicate insufficient care of the intimate area.

Also, such rashes can be caused by inaccurate depilation, usually with a razor. The skin is damaged during shaving, the hair is cut at the wrong angle, and both of these factors provoke a further reorientation of hair growth in a different direction - the so-called “ingrown” hair is formed. This process in itself is painful for the skin, and if an infection is added, pus cannot be avoided. What to do: try to draw out the pus using aloe juice, ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment. Do not try to squeeze out a pimple, this will lead to increased inflammation, its spread to larger areas, and, in the worst case scenario, to sepsis and even death. If the pimple becomes more and more painful, pus does not drain, and a black or brown dot appears in the center of the pimple, consult a doctor to rule out furunculosis. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, surgery will be required.

Acne in the intimate area is not a rare occurrence and, as a rule, is not associated with any serious diseases. With proper care, following the rules of general and intimate hygiene, monitoring the absence of scratching the sore spot and squeezing the pimple, it will go away on its own within a short period of time.

Why do acne appear in the intimate area?

There are as many reasons for the appearance of acne in the intimate area as there are reasons for the appearance of acne in general, although there are also specifics.

  • Insufficient hygiene leads to blockage of the sebaceous glands with dead but not removed epithelial cells, as well as skin secretions and dirt. All this contributes to the formation of acne.
  • Excessive hygiene leads to dry skin, cracking, decreased local immunity and susceptibility to infections.

  • Tight synthetic underwear, for women - use of inappropriate tampons and pads.
  • Previous infections, including respiratory infections, temporarily weaken the immune system and can cause acne.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases can appear as rashes.
  • Other diseases not included in the list of sexually transmitted diseases: bartholinitis, molluscum contagiosum, lice, etc.
  • Type 2 herpes causes watery pimples on and around the genitals.

  • Careless depilation causing ingrown hairs. Shaving pimples are the most common type of acne in intimate areas. The skin of the pubis and groin is naturally sensitive. Being constantly hidden under clothes, she reacts more vividly to any irritants.
  • Problems with the endocrine system, including sex hormones.

Separately, it is worth noting that acne in intimate areas during pregnancy is most often associated with hormonal imbalances, but for obvious reasons they require consultation with a gynecologist.

If you squeeze out a pimple, and after that your skin becomes very red, inflamed, itchy, your body temperature has risen and you feel unwell, consult a doctor immediately.

How to get rid of acne in intimate places

The following can be listed as general preventive rules:

  • Wearing underwear made from natural fabrics.

  • Taking vitamins, restorative decoctions, immunostimulating drugs.
  • Parting with bad habits: smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • Establishing normal hygiene of intimate places.
  • Take antihistamines if large areas of redness appear.
  • Lubricating acne with alcohol tincture of calendula, alcohol solution of furatsilin, aloe juice or ichthyol ointment to draw out pus.

The main goal pursued when fighting acne in intimate places is to strengthen the immune system and get rid of provoking behavioral factors, such as insufficient hygiene, etc.

Sexual relations are an integral part of a woman’s full life. This is the key to her psychological and physical health. It is important for a woman to feel sexy and desirable, which is why so much effort and money goes into improving her appearance. But the body sometimes throws up aesthetic problems that spoil your mood and make you think about your health. We are talking about acne that, instead of the usual location (face, back, chest), chose other territories - intimate places. What to do if a pimple appears on the labia or pubis? Make a scandal with your spouse, visit a gynecologist, or forget by treating the rash with brilliant green? Could they be the result of serious illnesses?

A wide variety of rashes may appear in the designated area. Based on their appearance and location, the gynecologist makes a primary diagnosis and then refers the patient for additional tests.

  • On the labia majora, as on other parts of the body, with the exception of the feet and palms, there are sebaceous glands. Therefore, the familiar whiteheads and blackheads may appear on this part of the pussy.
  • They do not occur on the mucous membranes, therefore any rashes on the vestibule of the vagina and on the clitoris are most likely caused by infections. They are provoked by fungi, bacteria or viruses. They also look different, depending on the reason that prompted their occurrence. This includes a red rash, small watery pimples, ulcers or internal formations, and nodules.
  • Comedones, acne or red bumps are usually observed on the pubic area.
  • Special glands live and work inside the labia majora, which provide moisture to the vagina. When they become inflamed, a subcutaneous formation is felt inside the fold, similar to a hard pimple.
  • The labia minora are in constant contact with vaginal secretions, therefore, when their composition and quality change, they become covered with a rash and crusts on the inside.

The appearance of rashes on intimate places tells a gynecologist a lot. Sometimes, if a pimple pops up in the groin, women put off visiting the doctor as long as possible, fearing uncomfortable questions and fearing the diagnosis.

Don’t worry, rashes on the genitals and pubic area do not necessarily indicate that these are sexually transmitted diseases. But if this is the case, then postponing a visit to the doctor is all the more pointless - such problems do not disappear on their own, and their treatment is more successful the earlier it is started.

Reasons for appearance

Let’s conditionally divide the whole variety of factors into two categories based on the first thought that comes to the fair sex when they detect suspicious rashes in an intimate place: is it dangerous or not.
Under ideal conditions, there should be no pimples, nodules or blisters on the external genitalia. But, despite this, let us highlight a couple of cases when the rashes do not cause any harm to their “happy” owner:

  • Acne caused by improper depilation. You can give preference to any method of hair removal in the bikini area: razor, wax, laser. But each technique requires following rules, violation of which entails dermatological reactions. Ingrown hairs look like red bumps and are usually painless. Irritation is manifested by itching, redness, and small pimples. Cuts and other skin injuries can become infected, causing painful, inflamed ulcers to break out in the area in question.
  • Tight underwear. If, when you take off your panties after wearing them for some time, you find red streaks from the seams on your thighs, buttocks and genitals, throw them away, no matter how beautiful they are. The places where the seams touch the body are prone to irritation. This additional injury creates micro-abrasions and scratches in intimate areas, which cause the appearance of purulent pimples when they become infected.
  • Allergic reactions cause a red rash that can itch and peel. It manifests itself in the quality of linen, antibiotics and other medications, washing powders or fabric softeners, intimate hygiene products, condoms or pads. It is important not to scratch the area of ​​the rash to avoid infection. If you don't know what you're allergic to, remove all irritants at once and introduce them back one at a time.
  • Red, painful lumps sometimes become a consequence of hypothermia. The hair follicles become inflamed and cause discomfort to the woman. Such rashes go away on their own.
  • The child has small white subcutaneous pimples may appear on the pubic area during hair growth. There is no need to do anything with such rashes. It is important to explain to the girl what is happening in her body and patiently convey all the rules of personal hygiene and talk about the upcoming changes. Photos from the Internet will come to the rescue if some moments are difficult to explain in words.

It is better to show other rashes that appear on intimate places to a gynecologist, because they can signal problems with the genitourinary system or the body as a whole.

  • A scattering of small watery blisters in the bikini area may signal the activation of the herpes virus in the body. Such rashes are usually easy to identify. Before their appearance, the future location itches very much, then turns red, and then rashes appear, increasing and as if breaking out. The skin around them is inflamed, swollen, and the pimples themselves are painful. On the third day, the blisters burst, leaving wounds that hardly hurt and become covered with crusts. Those who have been familiar with the herpes virus for a long time understand perfectly well when a relapse begins and keep medications with acyclovir at the ready. Pimples can appear on any part of the genital organs - from the pubis to the clitoris and mucous membranes.
  • Purulent pimples, deep or superficial, large or small, appearing on any part of the genitals. Such rashes may indicate sexually transmitted diseases. Squeezing out pus is strictly prohibited! It is important to show such abscesses to the doctor as early as possible, and before that, avoid sexual intercourse.
  • Nodules under the skin on the inside of the labia minora may indicate vulvitis. Due to constant contact with vaginal discharge, this intimate area is prone to rashes. The labia minora also have sebaceous glands, which sometimes become inflamed in a humid environment and under the influence of microorganisms living in the vagina.
  • Large pimples filled with yellowish fluid, painful, with a red rim. This is the result of staphylococcus activity. These pimples are located everywhere: on the lips, pubic area, clitoris. Under no circumstances should they be squeezed out, because their contents are very contagious. Staphylococcus becomes the cause of boils, which in themselves are painful, and in such a tender place as a pussy, lead to the inability to lead a natural lifestyle, walk, or have sex.
  • Single or a scattering of small, pointed, dense rashes on the intimate area and pubic area indicate the presence of the human papillomavirus. They do not hurt, do not itch and do not cause any discomfort. But they tend to increase, so they cannot be ignored.
  • Internal, hard, painless pimples on hairy areas that are not noticeable but can be clearly felt when palpated may be hair follicle cysts. When they are large and cause discomfort, they are excised surgically.

Even if it seems to you that your pimple that has popped up in the groin is harmless, refrain from trying to squeeze it out. The delicate skin of the labia will react with inflammation, irritation, and if an infection occurs, there is a high probability of getting a fistula.

When is it important to see a doctor?

An extra trip to the gynecologist will not harm any woman. Therefore, even if your pimple or another, as it seems to you, stupid problem is not worth distracting the doctor from real work, remember that your ill health will bring difficulties to you.
Remember that you should definitely run to the doctor without thinking about how to get rid of acne at home if you find the following symptoms:

  1. The formations on an intimate place appeared after an accidental night with a new person. The presence of a condom does not exclude the possibility of diseases if there was oral-genital contact or careless manual manipulation;
  2. In addition to unaesthetic pimples in the bikini area, you are worried about other symptoms: fever, weakness, swelling, discomfort when urinating;
  3. Pimples itch a lot, burst, become injured and new ones appear, the area around them hurts;
  4. Purulent rashes do not dry out and do not disappear within a week;
  5. Your sexual partner has similar problems.

Answer your gynecologist's questions honestly. The information you provide him will determine how quickly a diagnosis will be made. If a trip to the doctor does not reveal any pathologies, relax and mark the date of your next scheduled visit in six months on your calendar.

Prevention measures and principles of treatment of rashes on the genitals

It seems to everyone that the rules for caring for the genitals and a healthy sex life are known and there is no point in repeating them again. But the flow of patients to the gynecological office is not thinning, which means that the problem is not fully addressed.
To maintain a healthy sex life and reproductive function, follow these rules:

  • Keep your private areas clean. Wash yourself daily and correctly. Buy a special product and avoid regular soap - it dries out the mucous membranes. Choose intimate gels without fragrances and bright dyes.
  • Limit yourself to one sexual partner during the current period of time.
  • Choose natural underwear in the right size. It is better if the models are without a seam at the back, between the buttocks. Thongs are evil for women's health. And it’s not always pretty.
  • Choose your washing powder and rinse aid responsibly. If you are prone to allergic reactions, then it is better to refuse the mouthwash altogether, and prefer children’s powder to avoid allergies in the pussy and groin.
  • At home, depilate intimate areas only with a machine with sharp blades. The dumber they are, the greater the likelihood of damage to the skin in the described area. Treat the bikini area with special epidermis-softening agents before depilation and soothing agents after. If you prefer hair removal in beauty salons, find a trusted professional who has the appropriate permits.
  • Avoid panty liners or change them every four hours. The same applies to pads used during menstruation.
  • Do not sit on cold surfaces to avoid cold rashes in the described area.
  • Boost your immunity. Healthy food, clean water, quality sleep, physical activity are the key to a strong immune system. And it is a protective barrier between the body and the outside world, full of viruses, bacteria and fungi.
  • Visit your gynecologist at least once a year. And the period between preventive examinations should be shorter the older the woman is.

The health of the genitourinary system largely depends on the woman herself. An irresponsible attitude towards it over time leads to problems that will make it difficult for the patient to feel like a woman: infertility, removal of the labia, scars, fistulas. Be concerned about your own health and teach your child the same.

If a pimple still pops up, but you don’t yet see the need to visit a doctor, then at home it is permissible to cauterize single pustules in an intimate area with brilliant green, alcohol, or a cosmetic pencil with tea tree oil. If the choice fell on green, then wear underwear that you don’t mind, because it will stain. Handle these products with care on the clitoris and mucous membranes.
For girls who are familiar with herpetic rashes in intimate areas, it is important to keep acyclovir ointment on hand and not pick off the crusts that form after the rashes.
Cold pimples that appear as a result of hypothermia can be lubricated with anti-inflammatory ointments and non-hot lotions made from herbal decoctions. If such pimples appear on a girl, it is better not to wonder whether they can be dangerous, but to show them to a doctor.

Video about genital herpes, as one of the causes of pimples on the labia

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