Why does the corner of the eye get wet. Redness and pain in the outer corners of the eyes

Edema of the eyes is a very unpleasant phenomenon. Often they are accompanied by other symptoms, such as itching, redness. Severe swelling, accompanied by pain, can significantly impair a person’s performance and complicate it. everyday life. The entire eye or its individual parts (upper or lower eyelid, corner, cornea, etc.) can swell. Swelling in the corner of the eye can occur both as a result of the disease, and due to less serious reasons.

Why does the corner of the eye swell?


Inflammation of the lacrimal duct is called canaliculitis. With this disease, the inner corner of the eye becomes inflamed, reddens and swells. There may also be mucopurulent lacrimation, crusts in the corner of the eye. Edema is observed along the lacrimal canaliculus, in appearance it resembles barley. If you press on the lacrimal canaliculus, you can observe a cloudy-purulent discharge with particles of calculi (dense formations).

Obstruction (blockage) of the tear ducts

This disease can occur for a number of reasons:

  • congenital blockage;
  • infectious inflammation;
  • age narrowing of channels;
  • facial injuries in the eye area;
  • tumors and other formations.

In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

  • lacrimation, sometimes with blood impurities;
  • swelling and redness in the inner corner;
  • secretion of mucus.


If the corner of the eye is swollen and sore, inflammation of the lacrimal sac may be the cause. This disease is called dacryocystitis. The disease can be acute and chronic form, and also happens congenital and acquired. The inflammation is usually unilateral. With dacryocystitis, the following symptoms are observed:

  • swelling of the inner corner of the eye;
  • redness;
  • lacrimation with purulent impurities;
  • soreness.


Blepharitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the edges of the eyelids. Most often, the disease is caused Staphylococcus aureus as well as fungi, mites and bacteria. Blepharitis affects both eyes. Swelling of the inner and outer corners of the eye is most often seen in angular blepharitis. In addition, symptoms such as:

  • redness of the tips of the eyelids;
  • crusts and scales near the eyelashes;
  • loss of eyelashes;
  • lacrimation;
  • photophobia.

Blepharitis is often chronic and difficult to treat.

Diplobacillary (angular) conjunctivitis

The causative agent of the disease is Morax-Axenfeld diplobacillus. Such a microorganism can get on the mucous membrane of the eye when washing or bathing in a dirty pond, as well as through towels or dirty hands. Symptoms of angular conjunctivitis:

  • itching and burning in the corners;
  • pain when blinking;
  • crusts and cracks that do not heal for a long time;
  • secretion of sticky mucus.

With this disease, both corners are affected. At improper treatment or its absence, a chronic form develops.

herpetic infection

Herpetic infection is another unpleasant and contagious disease which can cause redness and swelling in the corner of the eye. In addition, there may be severe itching and burning sensation especially in the outer corner, appear pain. The ocular herpes rash usually looks like blisters and often affects the upper eyelid.

computer vision syndrome

If the inner corner of the eye is slightly swollen, itching appears, in which you want to rub your eyes with your hands, possible cause may be working in front of a computer monitor for a long time. If you look at the screen for a long time, the person begins to blink less often. At the same time, the mucous membrane dries up and dry eye syndrome occurs, which is characterized by a sensation foreign body(sand), sensitivity and irritability of the eyes, photophobia, redness. In some cases, there is a cutting pain in the corners, especially when blinking.

Other reasons

There are a number of not very dangerous factors characterized by swelling of the corners of the eyes.

The ingress of a foreign body (mote) leads to the fact that a person begins to intensively rub his eyes with his hands. In this case, the mote often moves to the inner or outer corner, where it provokes even more irritation.

An insect bite (such as a mosquito) causes swelling and itching at the site of the bite.

If a person sleeps on a feather pillow, then a prick with the tip of a feather can also cause irritation and slight swelling of the delicate skin around the eyes. In this case, the outer corners are most often affected.

An ingrown eyelash is another cause of swelling and stabbing pain. Often the inner corner is affected, since it is there that the thinnest and smallest cilia grow.

How to remove swelling?

To begin treatment, it is first necessary to identify the cause of discomfort in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corners of the eyes. This may require careful diagnosis and consultation with an ophthalmologist. If the edema is caused by serious inflammatory diseases, then only a doctor can prescribe treatment. In this case, therapy should be started as early as possible, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, complications or the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

It is important to remember that if the corner of the eye is very swollen, there is redness, pain and purulent discharge, the causes of such symptoms are quite serious. Often without medical care don't get rid of them.

In case of blepharitis important role meticulous eyelid hygiene plays. In addition, hydrocortisone eye ointment and moisturizing drops are prescribed.

In some diseases, such as canaliculitis, conservative treatment is ineffective. Appoint warm compresses and antibiotics, however, if stones are found in the lacrimal canaliculus, then without their complete removal, the disease will recur. For cleaning, they usually open the tubule and remove pus from it.

In dacryocystitis, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. However, if the treatment fails, they also resort to surgical method. The lacrimal sac is opened and washed with antibiotics (tetracycline) and antiseptics.

If your eyes swell and hurt because of working at a computer, it will be enough to adjust your daily routine. If you give your eyes more rest, unpleasant symptoms will go by themselves. In addition, you can use drops of artificial tears, and when working for a long time at the monitor, you need to do gymnastics for the eyes every hour of work.

If discomfort occurs in the corners of the eyes, self-medication can only help in case of not very serious reasons. If there is any inflammatory disease, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible, who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

By this condition is meant a symptom that is manifested by unpleasant or painful sensations in the outer corner of the eye or internal. At the same time, the pain can be either permanent or intermittent.

Actually, pain in the corners of the eyes is only one of the manifestations of a whole symptom complex of many diseases of the organ of vision and is often accompanied by:

  • Itching and redness of the skin of the eyelids.
  • Redness of the eyes.
  • Discharge from the eyes.

Causes of pain in the corners of the eyes

Pain in the corners of the eyes can be caused by a number of conditions and diseases, including:

  • Canaliculitis. It's inflammation tear ducts located in the inner corner of the eye. Inflammation of the lacrimal duct can occur with penetration infectious agents both directly into the eye and into the nasal cavity. During a vacation, pain in the corner of the eye is accompanied by swelling and redness of the upper or lower eyelids, purulent discharge, lacrimation from the eyes. In therapy this disease used antibacterial and anti-inflammatory medications in drops.
  • Obstruction lacrimal ducts. The obstruction may be partial or complete and accompanied, in addition to pain, by active lacrimation and severe discomfort in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eyes. Cause similar condition usually become injuries and tumors of the lacrimal ducts. Treatment for a blocked tear duct is usually surgery to repair the tear duct.
  • . The disease is an inflammation of the lacrimal sac, and therefore there is pain in the inner corner of the eye. At the same time, swelling occurs in the same area, and abundant purulent discharge begins to flow from the lacrimal openings. The disease is mostly curable conservative methods, but in difficult cases and when the process goes to chronic course, the operation is scheduled.
  • . This is an inflammation of the skin of the eyelids, which initial stage can cause discomfort in the outer and inner corners of the eyes, accompanied by pain and itching.
  • Angular. It is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye infectious nature caused by the bacterium Morax-Axenfeld. The disease proceeds with damage to the skin of the eyelids in the corners of the eyes and is accompanied by a characteristic clinical picture when the corners of the eyes begin to hurt, turn red, the skin becomes covered with small cracks. Moreover, when blinking, the pain increases significantly.
  • Eye herpes. The onset of herpetic infection of the eyes is very often accompanied by discomfort in the outer corner of the eye, which only intensifies with the development of the disease. With an increase in symptoms, redness of the eyes, photophobia, develops pain syndrome.
  • Ingrown hair (). Often, the reason discomfort in the inner corner of the eye becomes the wrong growth of ciliary hair. Ingrown hairs can cause redness, itching, and mild pain. With this problem, you will definitely have to contact a specialist, since it is impossible to see an ingrown hair with the naked eye.

  • . The disease is accompanied not only by pain and itching in the corners of the eyes. Its distinctive feature is: lacrimation, nasal congestion, allergic rhinitis. Treatment is prescribed by a specialist and is carried out using antihistamines local and systemic action.
  • Wrong glasses. A fairly rare problem, when pain in the inner corners of the eyes occurs due to incorrectly exposed nose pads in the frame of glasses. It is solved simply - by going to the workshop for ordering glasses.
  • Computer vision syndrome. Serious problem caused by prolonged eye strain while working at a computer. In the future, pain in the eyes and uncomfortable visual sensations accompany people not only when working at the monitor, but also on the screen of a tablet or smartphone. The severity of such symptoms, while directly depends on the duration spent behind the screen time. In most cases, the problem of drug treatment does not require and goes away on its own after a night's sleep.


Elimination of pain in the corners of the eyes is possible only after finding out the cause of it. Only a specialist in the process can help with this. diagnostic examination organ of vision. To alleviate discomfort, you can independently apply moisturizing drops and cold compresses to the eye area.

A slight itching around the eyes is rarely a cause for concern. But if pain and redness occur, eyes itch in the corners, what to do in such cases? Should I go to the doctor, or will it go away on its own? Is this a sign of some serious illness?

To begin with, it is necessary to determine the symptoms in more detail, because such itching can have different intensities, while the subjective factor also plays a role. The symptoms are varied, as are the causes that cause this syndrome. Sometimes the eyes itch in the corners near the bridge of the nose or at the outer edges, and sometimes the entire area from the nose to the temple is covered with itching.

Itching sometimes develops into a burning sensation or pain, there is a strong feeling of pain.

Often irritation occurs with redness, tearing and swelling. Trying to soothe itching, a person involuntarily rubs his eyelids, thereby increasing irritation. It is difficult to get rid of such a problem without the help of doctors. But very often itching in the corners of the eyes is just a manifestation of fatigue or drowsiness.

Symptoms associated with itchy eyes

For diagnosis, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  1. Sometimes the mucous membranes and eyelids not only itch, but also secrete thick mucus, which, when dried, forms crusts. After removal, they soon reappear. The largest number secretions accumulate overnight. Normally, the inner corners of the eyes can accumulate a small amount of mucus, which is usually removed when hygiene procedures. But if the accumulations of mucus have a jelly consistency, dry up, turning into crusts, and the amount is noticeably higher than usual, then this almost always indicates a pathology.
  2. If, along with itching, a burning sensation occurs, and thick and viscous secretions in the corners of the eyes are yellowish, then the development of an inflammatory process can be ascertained. At the same time, tearing increases, the eyelids turn red and swell. Temperature rise is possible.
  3. Sometimes not only the corners of the eyes itch, but there is also a feeling of dryness, I want to rinse the mucous membranes cold water or squint.
  4. It happens that the itch turns into a sensation foreign object, while there is a desire to remove the mote and rinse the eyes, it seems that after such a procedure everything will pass. Alas, unlike the mote, inflammation does not disappear quickly.

What diseases can cause these symptoms? Why do eyes itch? What to do to avoid negative development of the process? It is impossible to make a diagnosis based only on the syndrome of itching in the corners of the eyes. After all, such itching is often one of the many symptoms. Adequately assess the patient's condition and establish accurate diagnosis only an ophthalmologist (oculist) can, after additional examinations. Self-diagnosis is fraught with error and often leads to a more serious development of the disease.

Before considering diseases of the organs of vision, it is worth mentioning their usual fatigue. From long painstaking work, especially if a bright light source enters the field of view, or in twilight conditions, eye muscles get tired, signaling fatigue with a slight itch. Sometimes it’s enough just to be distracted for a few minutes, blink, look into the distance, wash your face, after which the itching will go away.

This syndrome (called xerophthalmia) is caused by insufficient tear fluid covering the eyeball. Working at a computer screen for a long time, especially in dry air conditions, and staying in an overly air-conditioned room contribute to the occurrence of dry eye syndrome. Causes may also include autoimmune processes, endocrine diseases, kidney pathology, skin diseases and some other ailments.

Misuse contact lenses also leads to disruption of moisturizing processes in the mucous membranes.

In all cases, along with discomfort, pain and a desire to close your eyes, itching occurs (eye itches). Dry eye syndrome (if this is it, diagnosis should be carried out using special means) can lead to serious irreversible damage to the surface of the eyeball, and in the most difficult cases even to corneal perforation.

The simplest action to help avoid dry eyes is blinking. It is in the process of blinking that the tear film on the surface is renewed. If it starts to itch in the corners of the eyes, the first thing to do is to make a few frequent blinks within 10-30 seconds. In the process of working at the monitor, you should always remember the need to blink.

If long work at the computer is professional activity You may need to apply moisturizing eye drops. Most often, artificial tears are used to restore a stable tear film on the surface of the eyeball. The more difficult the course of the disease, the higher the viscosity of the drops should be; in severe cases, a gel is used. Correct selection such means is carried out by a doctor.

Allergies and foreign bodies

An allergic process develops under the influence of certain substances (allergens). This provokes a reaction of sensitive immune system body: first there is discomfort and itching, then pain in the eyes, profuse lacrimation, redness and swelling of the mucous membranes. Allergens can be:

  • pollen of flowering plants;
  • particles of animal hair;
  • certain foods and other irritants.

Often after visiting the pool with chlorinated water there is a pronounced desire to scratch the corners of the eyes - this is also an allergy. The ingress of foreign bodies under the eyelids (mote, dust particles or cosmetics) causes a reaction close to an allergic one. Irritating agents, once on the mucous membrane, cause redness, swelling and itching. After the irritant is removed, the allergic condition usually subsides quickly (unlike infectious inflammation).

To treat allergies, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate exposure to allergens. Medical treatment is the use of antihistamines. Currently, you can buy such drugs without a prescription in a pharmacy; their choice is very large. Usually it is customary to divide them into 2 main groups:

  1. Having a sedative side effect (Diphenhydramine, Tavegil, Suprastin, etc.). The use of these drugs has limitations associated with contraindications and side effects.
  2. Means without a sedative effect ("Claritin", "Erius", etc.). It's over modern drugs. side effects they have little, and the restrictions are usually insignificant.

Antihistamines are preferably used in the form of eye drops. Unlike tablets, they do not cause drowsiness or headache, they act directly on the focus and additionally help to moisturize the mucous membranes. The mode of administration and dosage in all cases are agreed with the doctor.

Eye diseases of infectious origin

The conjunctiva is the mucous membranes of the eyes and inside century; their inflammation is called conjunctivitis. If it is called allergic factor, then they talk about allergic conjunctivitis; infectious agents lead to viral or bacterial conjunctivitis.

Inflammatory lesions can be unilateral and bilateral, acute and chronic.

It is believed that in adults, 85% of cases of this disease are caused by adenoviruses, and microorganisms are the causative agents in only 5%. Sometimes conjunctivitis occurs along with inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis) or the cornea (keratitis).

Viral conjunctivitis is often related to infection of the upper respiratory tract. Most often, itching first occurs in one eye, gradually turning into pain, then the choroid of the eyeball and eyelids turn red, sometimes reaching an intense red color; can appear persistent feeling foreign object and photophobia. Mucus (usually white) accumulates in the corner of the eye. Recognize the adenoviral origin of conjunctivitis help previous or concomitant acute viral infection(ARVI), fever, runny nose and enlargement of regional lymph nodes.

Drug of choice in treatment viral conjunctivitis are eye drops with interferon. The most famous of them:

  • "Ophthalmoferon";
  • "Poludan";
  • Aktipol.

Inside, it is recommended to take Acyclovir tablets, and in the morning rinse your eyes with a solution of furacilin. When a bacterial infection is attached to the virus, drops with antibiotics are prescribed: "Ciprofloxacin", "Signicef". A visit to an ophthalmologist should not be postponed, because the consequences and complications can lead to loss of vision.

Bacterial conjunctivitis is caused by microorganisms.

A distinctive symptom in this disease is a thick gray-yellow discharge. After sleep, the eyelids can stick together so much that it is impossible to open the eyes without the help of hands. Another symptom associated bacterial disease, serves dry eyelids.

Both types of infectious conjunctivitis usually first affect one eye, then can move to the other. It usually takes 2-3 days from infection to the onset of symptoms.

conjunctivitis with bacterial origin sometimes they can go away on their own. But eye drops or ointments containing antibiotics can help speed up the healing process. With conjunctivitis with profuse purulent discharge, local antibacterial agents are always prescribed.

If it itches in the corners of the eyes, there is redness of the cornea, eyelids and swelling, under the eyelids there is a feeling of a foreign body, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. Some diseases can go away on their own, but others carry the risk of complications and irreversible visual impairment. If you are prone to allergies, you should always have with you antihistamines and avoid exposure to allergens. If you work at a computer screen for a long time, you should blink as often as possible and take hourly breaks of at least 10 minutes.

Do not neglect hygiene, the corner of the eye should always be free from any secretions or foreign particles (cosmetics).

Discomfort or pain in the area of ​​​​the inner (near the bridge of the nose) or outer corner of the eye may disturb periodically or constantly. At the same time, very often pain in the corners of the eyes is combined with such eye symptoms, as in the area, eyelids or in the corners of the eyes, hyperemia and directly from the eyes, .

Pain in the corners of the eyes can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • Canaliculitis - inflammation of the ducts. This disease can occur when infectious inflammation in the eye itself or in the nose. At the same time, along with painful sensations edema develops in the corner of the eye, hyperemia of the upper or lower eyelid, lacrimation and purulent discharge from the eyes appear. For the treatment of this condition, it is advisable to use topical antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Complete or partial obstruction of the lacrimal ducts. Along with discomfort and pain in the inner corner of the eye when given state there is profuse lacrimation. The causes of obstruction of the lacrimal ducts are more often injuries or tumors. As a rule, surgical correction is necessary to treat this problem.
  • Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the lacrimal sac. With this disease, edema develops in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner corner of the eye and purulent discharge in in large numbers. In most cases, the disease responds well conservative treatment but sometimes surgical correction is required.
  • - inflammation of the skin of the eyelids. At the initial stage of development, it can also cause pain in the corners of the eyes.
  • Diplobacillary (angular) - develops when the bacterium Morax-Aksenfeld is introduced into the mucous membrane of the eye. In the corners of the eyes, this causes itching, cramps and burning. The corners of the eyes are hyperemic, with small cracks which may get wet. The pains are aggravated by blinking.
  • Herpetic infection in the eye area. Often begins with discomfort in the outer corner of the eye, and with further development the disease appears swelling in the eyelid area, pain, hyperemia and.
  • Ingrown eyes often cause discomfort in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye. Moreover, it is not possible to identify the problem visually without special tools. You need to see an ophthalmologist.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis. With this disease, along with discomfort in the corners of the patient's eyes, itching, tearing and nasal congestion may disturb. Treatment is selected individually, antiallergic drugs.
  • Wrong glasses. Sometimes, when the nose pads of the spectacle frames are not properly installed, pain or discomfort can occur in the corners of the eyes.
  • . A range of eye and visual symptoms, including pain in the corners of the eyes, can occur in people after working at a computer, viewing tablets and phones. These symptoms regress after rest or sleep.

Treatment of pain in the corners of the eyes

Treatment is selected individually, after consultation with a doctor, based on the identified cause of the disease. It is allowed to use only cold compresses and moisturizing drops on your own. However, it is important to note that if pain in the corners of the eyes is accompanied by hyperemia of the eyes, decreased vision, photosensitivity, it is necessary to urgently consult an ophthalmologist.

Itchy eyes in the corners, what to do? This question often arises in people whose eyes are in constant voltage. It's not a disease, but a blurry and indefinite clinical symptom. No one, even the most qualified and experienced ophthalmologist, can make a diagnosis according to such a description. In order to answer this question, more than one analysis may be needed, moreover, a disease with such signs is not always within the competence of an ophthalmologist.

The presence of itchy eyes is extremely uncomfortable and causes natural anxiety, because the organ of vision is one of the main sources of information received by a person about the outside world. Any discomfort may indicate the development of a negative scenario.

Depending on what causes itching, allergic reaction, skin lesion or a midge accidentally caught, it is impossible to give a definite answer without examining and not taking into account all the accompanying signs.

It all depends on how long the negative feeling lasts, how severe symptoms, manifested in this case, whether there are concomitant parallel lesions of the body. Perhaps the reason is quite insignificant and a simple washing is enough. But a negative development scenario cannot be ruled out. Constant irritation and the desire to alleviate it by scratching the eye can become a source of infection, which can ultimately affect vision.

The main advice in such a situation is to immediately apply for medical assistance. The best way relieve itchy eyes - first find out what causes it, and then treat it depending on the source of the problem.

Why do eyes itch in the corners of the cause

When eyes itch, there are several common causes common to most people. The most common is prolonged sitting at the computer, which causes dry eyes and, as a result, the eyes itch and redden.

In addition, this condition can be caused by:

An allergic reaction of any origin (from a reaction to certain medications to a rejection of food product or present component in the air);

an eye infection or common infection the organism for which this is a concomitant symptom;

Inflammatory process in the organs of vision or located next to them;

A reaction to an injury, accompanied by hematomas, or edema;

Physiological problems (overwork, stress, lack of sleep, foreign body ingress);

stress, negative psycho-emotional state, a consequence of profuse lacrimation;

Iatrogenic causes (after surgery, healing, or postoperative complications);

A consequence of closely localized oncological diseases.

Allergy and infection, what to do

Today, allergies affect thousands of people around the world. Sometimes it is also inherited. Therefore, the reaction can be to an irritant, both external and internal. The most common causes of allergies are:

Allergy to food;

Incorrect or long-term use of medicines;

Dust, tiny particles solids;

Animal wool;

Pollen and smell of plants;

Poor quality cosmetics;

Idiopathic provocateurs

And so on.

Itching in the corners of the eyes, resulting from the reaction of the immune system to an irritant, is eliminated only by eliminating the provocateur, taking appropriate medications or antihistamines. Eye drops will also be required, especially if the person did not immediately take care warning signs within a few days.

This condition, when itchy eyes are caused by allergies, doctors call allergic conjunctivitis. This is a mini-reaction of the body to some allergens: seasonal, pets, certain types food.

If you know for sure that your eyes start to itch only in the presence of, for example, a cat, then antihistamines or eye drops for allergies can help, which will help relieve itching.

Some chemical substances or ingredients in personal care products may cause contact dermatitis, irritating and itchy skin rash. This is especially true for cosmetic products or jewelry. Itching can be caused by other irritants, but makeup and skin care, including cosmetics for care around the eyes, the most common causes.

Poor-quality cosmetics can lead to swelling, especially around the skin of the eyes. Switching to hypoallergenic cosmetics can solve the problem of itching and swelling of the eyes.

Most dangerous reasons, on which eyes can itch, can be considered eye infections. Conjunctivitis caused by chlamydial lesions, gonococci, bacteria various kinds, adenovirus infections including herpes. About 40 species have been identified in humans.

Dry eyes

This is another problem in which the eyes can itch and turn red. It often occurs in older people who do not have enough tear fluid to lubricate and nourish the eye. There is burning, itching, blurring of vision and watery eyes. Unlike other causes of itchy eyes, this problem refers to chronic and requires treatment by an ophthalmologist. The use of artificial tears will help reduce or relieve redness and reduce itching.

Blephibitis, or inflammation of the eyelids, is most commonly caused by staph bacteria, dandruff, or a skin condition such as rosacea. This disease causes itching, swelling and swelling, the eyes become red, watery, dryness appears. Dandruff often forms where the eyelashes are. In severe cases, this condition can lead to eyelash loss or blurred vision.

Sitting at a computer or TV for a long time can cause itching and make your eyes itch. The basic rule of 20-20-20 should apply here, i.e. after 20 minutes of sitting in front of the monitor, you need to look at a distance of 20 centimeters for 20 seconds.

Foreign objects, such as dust, grains of sand, midges, and so on, which especially often happens in summer, can cause itching, redness, and as a result, the eye begins to itch in the corner. This may continue for some time even after removing the foreign object.

Wearing contact lenses daily is another common cause of itchy eyes today. Wearing lenses for a long time can increase your risk of developing dry eyes. Allergens can also accumulate in the lenses themselves. The main risk factors in this situation include poor contact lens hygiene, hereditary allergies, asthma, eczema or hay fever.

Itchy eyes near the bridge of the nose

The condition when the eyes itch in the corners near the bridge of the nose may be due to infections of the nose, throat or ears, which are accompanied by permanent irritation of the mucosa. If you have symptoms of a concomitant cold or viral disease then it will go away after treatment general illness. However, the inner corners of the eyes can itch for a more disturbing reason, which is called the inflammatory process. It could be:

Keratitis - affects the tissues of the cornea, and as a result of this process, necrosis of a certain area occurs, which later captures the eyeball, and can cause complete rejection of the cornea. With this inflammation, the eye also itches at first.

With phlegmon, the lacrimal sac, orbit, and periorbital space become inflamed. This happens when staphylococcal or gonococcal infection. In the second case, it is also a lesion of the genital area. Although in the first case, things are not much better.

Barley. Inflammation of the hair ciliary follicle, sometimes acquiring the character of a multiple lesion. In all cases, unpleasant, threatening consequences in the form of infiltrates, purulent abscesses, the spread of infection eyeball. In this case, at the first sign, the affected area also really wants to be scratched.

Of course, the situation is not always so gloomy and not always itching and burning can be caused by such gloomy reasons. Quite often, this is indeed the consequences of midges in the eyes or reagent conjunctivitis caused by seasonal components or cigarette smoke. In any case, after a visit to the doctor, the soul will become calmer, and helpful advice with a recipe will help you choose the right rinse. And in case of irritation caused by a professional environment or activity, it will be necessary to additionally apply an ointment at night.

The corner of the eye that itches from getting a foreign body is best left to the hands of a specialist who will remove the midge and wash it thoroughly so that there is no inflammation.

In all other, obviously dangerous, cases, the treatment process can be complex and complex, and, most likely, lengthy. I don’t even want to believe that itching in the corner can pose such a threat.

Nature has provided several degrees of protection for human eye, starting with tear fluid, eyelashes, eyelids and ending with immunity, but it is still the most precious and most vulnerable of the organs of perception outside world that a person has.

Itchy eyes in the corners treatment

In many cases, an adult and conscious individual can prevent the onset of serious complications or even the onset of a disease. Itching in the eyes may accompany chronic and systemic diseases internal organs including the digestive organs.

All this could have been avoided if healthy lifestyle life, eat right, give your body a healthy and good rest, reasonable physical exercise to avoid hypothermia.

Consciousness and common sense of a person are determined not only by how he takes care of the external side of his life, earns, acquires, supplies himself with everything necessary. An adult understands that his health is one of the main tools that should be taken care of in the first place, because the lost health can no longer be acquired for any money. Therefore, with threatening symptoms of any plan, whether it is eye itching, or tingling in the lower back, it is best to consult a doctor. Only a doctor can correctly determine the source of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

When you know exactly the reason why your eyes itch, you can use home and folk remedies. So, if the reason for a long sitting at a computer or TV is to limit the time spent behind them or even refuse for a while.

If a long stay at the monitor is associated with work, then be sure to take breaks, perform simple exercises aimed at relieving fatigue from the eyes.

To relieve fatigue from the eyes, with dryness caused by stress, lotions are often used at home:

With a decoction of chamomile;

tea leaves;

Infusion of calendula (marigold);

Just a cold compress.

Make them easy. You need to moisten a cotton ball or disc in the prepared herbal infusion or brewing black tea and apply them to your eyes for several minutes.

Calendula and chamomile have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, antiseptic properties help soothe itching. Tea contains tannins, which also help relieve itching and inflammation.

Porridge from fresh cucumber applied to the eyelids.

Many people have itchy eyes after visiting the pool. It is called disinfectants used for water disinfection. In this case, be sure to wear goggles to help reduce the risk of eye irritation.

Do not forget about eye protection in sunny weather. Wear Sunglasses and it's better if they are with protective glasses from ultraviolet radiation.

For itching caused by the ingress of a foreign body, after extraction, make lotions from the above home remedies. After all, the eye can itch for some time after extraction, and this will help relieve irritation and relieve itching.

After removing a hard, sharp foreign body, your doctor may prescribe drops to prevent infection and reduce irritation. Usually prescribed albucid.

With allergies, only a doctor can choose the right antihistamines that will help to cope with a similar problem.

At inflammatory processes antibiotics are usually prescribed. What and how to take is determined only by the doctor.

In general, the eyes are one of the main organs of our body. And they need to be taken care of no less than wrinkle fighting. Preventive visits to the doctor, eye examination will only benefit. Especially with the doctor you can talk about eye drops, which can be used to prevent dry eyes, relieve fatigue.

Why do my eyes blush about what health problem they can tell

Eye fatigue exercises