Symptoms of adenovirus infection. Causes of infection with adenovirus infection: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Adenovirus infection is an infectious disease belonging to the ARVI group (acute respiratory viral infections), characterized by damage to the lymphoid tissue and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract / eyes / intestines, with concomitant moderate intoxication.

The causative agent was discovered quite recently - in 1953 by a group of American researchers who isolated this virus in the tissues of removed adenoids and tonsils. The virion (virus) contains double-stranded DNA covered with a capsid - this causes relative stability in the external environment both at low temperatures and drying, and under normal conditions (preservation up to 2 weeks). Resistance to ether and chloroform, to alkaline environments (soap solutions). The pathogen is inactivated by boiling and the action of disinfectants. The causative agent contains 3 pathogenic factors - antigens (Ag) "A", "B" and "C" - there are several varieties of them and, depending on their combination, there are about 90 serovars, that is, variations of the adenovirus virion, of which about 6 are dangerous to humans. Ag A - complement-fixing (causes suppression of phagocytosis - absorption of the pathogen by cells of the immune system), B - toxicity, C - adsorbed on erythrocytes.

Causes of infection with adenovirus infection

The source is a sick person who excretes the pathogen with nasal and nasopharyngeal mucus, and later with feces. There is also a risk of infection from virus carriers (95% of the total population). Ways of infection - airborne, and later fecal-oral. The most susceptible contingent is children from 6 months to 5 years old, up to 3 months old babies have passive non-specific immunity (as a result of the positive effects of breastfeeding). Poorly diagnosed autumn-winter epidemic outbreaks due to a decrease in the systemic immune status are also characteristic.

Getting on the epithelial cells, the incubation period begins (the period without symptoms - from the onset of infection to the first general manifestations), this period can last from 1-13 days. During this period, attachment to cells, the introduction of the virus into the nuclei of cells, the synthesis of the virus's own DNA by suppressing the cell's DNA, followed by the death of the affected cell, take place. As soon as the maturation of the virus has ended and mature pathogens have formed, the prodromal period begins, characteristic of all acute respiratory viral infections, the disease lasts from 10-15 days.

The peculiarity of infection with adnovirus is the sequence of lesions of organs and tissues: nose and tonsils, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, conjunctiva, cornea, intestinal mucosa. And so, successively changing symptoms:

1. The onset of the disease can be both acute and gradual, it depends on the immune status.
In the beginning, there will be symptoms of intoxication (chills, mild headache, aching pain in the bones/joints/muscles);
By day 2-3, the temperature rises to 38-39 ⁰С;
Nasal congestion with serous discharge, which changes to mucous, and then to purulent.
The tonsils are hyperemic (reddened), with a whitish coating in the form of dots.
Enlarged submandibular and cervical lymph nodes.

2. Damage to the pharynx, trachea, bronchi - laryngopharyngotracheitis, followed by bronchitis; All of this is shown:
- hoarseness of voice;
- there is a dry / barking cough, which is subsequently replaced by a wet mixed cough. Wheezing after coughing does not disappear, it is present both on inhalation and exhalation;
- subsequently, shortness of breath joins, with the participation of auxiliary muscles (retraction of the intercostal spaces);
- cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle indicates decompensation from the side of the cardiovascular system, namely, an increase in pressure in the small circle and an increase in the load on the left parts of the heart.

A vivid clinical picture, accompanied by severe respiratory manifestations, is more typical for young children, this is due to the hyperreactive reaction of the lung tissue in children.

3. If the conjunctiva and cornea are affected, symptoms of keratoconjunctivitis appear - pain and pain in the eyes, copious mucous discharge, conjunctival hyperemia (redness and swelling), scleral infestation. The formation of films on the conjunctiva is often observed.

4. When the intestinal mucosa is affected, mesadenitis (hyperplasia of the intestinal lymphoid tissue - as an increase in lymph nodes, only in the intestine) appears as a response, and the following clinic appears:
- paroxysmal pain in the navel and right iliac region (this symptom can be confused with appendicitis, so urgent hospitalization is necessary)
- bowel dysfunction

Diagnosis of adenovirus infection

1. More often diagnosis based on clinical manifestations, successively replacing each other for 3 days
2. Additional research methods:
- immunofluorescence (This is an express method and gives an answer about the presence of the Ag-At complex (antigen-antibody) within a few minutes)!!! And therefore it is considered the most effective.
- Virological method (determination of virus prints in smears)
- Serological methods: RSK, RTGA, RN - these methods are highly sensitive and specific, but time-consuming and lengthy (waiting for the result reaches 3-7 days)

All these methods are aimed at detecting the pathogen and specific antibodies (except for virological - in this case, only the pathogen is detected).

1. Etiotropic therapy (antiviral). Often, at the first symptoms of a cold, people do not turn to specialists, but self-medicate. In this case, the choice of drugs should fall on broad-spectrum virocidal drugs that can be used already at an early age. For treatment, the doctor may prescribe:

Arbidol (from 2 years old) is used for 6 days, taking into account age dosages.
Ribovirin (virazole) - this drug, in addition to the hepatitis virus, is active against influenza viruses, parainfluenza, herpes simplex, adenoviruses, and coronavirus.
Kontrykal or Gordox (blocks the entry of viruses into the cell and the synthesis of viral DNA, inhibits the proteolytic processes that occur during the synthesis of viral polypeptides, as well as the fusion of viruses with cell membranes);
Oxalin ointment, or Bonafton, or Lokferon (antiviral therapy for topical use).
Deoxyribonuclease in the form of ointments and eye drops (blocks DNA reproduction)

Recommendations are given in accordance with modern research (2017) and a request to doctors who wish to criticize the proposed treatment, first improve their skills in this matter. You will find a lot of interesting things for yourself, and most importantly, you will treat patients more effectively.

2. Immunomodulators - IF (interferon, sold in a pharmacy, in ampoules - the contents are diluted with warm water until division, drawn into a pipette and dripped into the nasopharynx, trying to get on the back of the pharynx).

3. Immunostimulants:

Anaferon (from 6 months from birth),
Echinocea (natural origin, simply added to tea)

4. Antibiotics: they are used when secondary microflora is added as local agents and systemic use, in the absence of the effect of therapy for 3 days, with damage to the respiratory tract (because bronchitis is rarely only of bacterial or only viral origin - more often combined) . Local antibiotics (they can be used in conjunction with antiviral drugs):

Yoks (as an antiseptic)

Systemic antibiotics: cephalosporins of the 2nd or 3rd generation are the drug of choice (cefatoxime - captivates with its low cost and effectiveness); but systemic antibiotics of this group are only for parenteral use, i.e. intramuscularly or intravenously (which is not at all welcomed by children).

5. Symptomatic therapy:

With a runny nose, for starters, it is necessary to do a wash with a warm, weak saline solution or an analogue of it, Aqua-Maris. After that, to relieve swelling of the mucosa and as an antiseptic drug, Pinosol or Xilen can be used (very effective for severe edema, but addictive).

Antitussive therapy depending on the stage of the disease: Expectorants (thyme decoction, mukaltin, "cough pills", ACC) + Erespal (a complex drug, as an expectorant and as an anti-inflammatory, but it is better to use it already in the later stages of bronchitis, when the outgoing mucus does not so plentiful, because it can reduce the availability of the drug). Inhalations with isotonic solutions + non-narcotic antitussives (Sinekod, Stoptussin) with a prolonged cough.

Complications of adenovirus infection

otitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, exacerbation of chronic diseases, neurotoxication, DIC, infectious toxic shock, laryngeal stenosis, bronchial obstruction.

Prevention of adenovirus infection

For 1-2 weeks of the rise in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections, immunomodulators and immunostimulants are used (the drugs are listed above), the use of Oxolinic ointment, IRS-19 (it can be used from 3 months, to stimulate specific and nonspecific immunity - after preliminary cleansing of mucus, apply 1 dose / pressing on each nostril, 2 times a day, for 2 weeks). Specific vaccination has not yet been developed.

Doctor's consultation on adenovirus infection

Question: Is it necessary to carry out routine vaccination at the time of the rise in the incidence?
Answer: Definitely! But at the same time, absolute contraindications should be taken into account (acute disease at the time of vaccination, exacerbation of chronic diseases, etc.). Vaccination is necessary because it is built on the basis of an already genetically modified influenza virus, that is, one that will be distributed, also taking into account other pathogens.

Question: Is home treatment acceptable?
Answer: If the patient is older than 5 years, then yes. Up to this point, the risk of generalization and fulminant infection with a high lethal outcome is very high. You just might not be able to save it.

Therapist Shabanova I.E

Adenovirus infection is one of the varieties. The causative agents are DNA-containing viruses. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in children and adolescents. Outbreaks of the disease are most often recorded in the cold season. The infectious agent affects the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and intestines. Often lymphoid tissue is involved in the process. One of the rather characteristic symptoms is the defeat of the conjunctiva of the eyes, therefore this pathology is also called "pharyngoconjunctival fever".

Important:the disease is characterized by seasonality, but individual cases are recorded year-round.

Adenovirus is most often spread by airborne droplets. Contact and alimentary transmission of the pathogen is also possible. The clinical signs of the disease are varied, but the most common are a runny nose and fever, i.e., symptoms characteristic of SARS. The disease can be quite severe, especially in a small child (under 3 years old) with a weak immune system.

If a child has acute symptoms, it is necessary to contact the pediatrician. Self-medication can only harm the patient. With adenovirus infection, quite serious complications are not excluded.

Note:do not be surprised if a child was diagnosed with SARS several times during one autumn-winter season. This does not mean that he does not develop immunity. Diseases from the ARVI group can be caused by a wide variety of pathogens, and the acquisition of immunity to one of the strains of the influenza virus does not completely exclude infection with adenovirus.

Etiology and pathogenesis of the disease

The causative agent of adenovirus infection is characterized by a very significant degree of resistance in the external environment, which leads to a high contagiousness of the disease. In this regard, outbreaks are not uncommon in preschool institutions. At room temperature, adenoviruses can survive up to two weeks. The virus is able to withstand half an hour of heating and repeated freezing; it dies only when boiled and when the room is treated with an ultraviolet lamp.

The source of the pathogen is an infected person. The virus is excreted with the secretion of the nasopharynx and feces. The patient poses a danger to others within three to four weeks from the moment of infection. Most often, transmission occurs by airborne droplets. It is also possible alimentary infection (fecal-oral transmission with insufficient personal hygiene) and the spread of the virus through household contact. The causative agent can be present in open water bodies and enter the body through accidental ingestion of water.

The duration of the incubation period in various cases ranges from 1-2 to 12 days. An infected child may not yet have characteristic symptoms, but the pathogen is already being released into the environment.

Note:the probability of infection of the baby is relatively small, since the baby is reliably protected by antibodies present in the mother's body and obtained with breast milk.

After an adenovirus infection, children develop immunity, which lasts 5-8 years. It should be noted that immunity is type-specific, and more than 50 types of adenovirus have already been identified. In this regard, the transferred disease does not insure against infection with another type of virus of this group.

The "entrance gates" for adenovirus are the mucous membranes of the organs of the respiratory and digestive systems, as well as the conjunctiva of the eyes. Having penetrated the epithelium, the virus actively multiplies, killing cells within a few hours. A characteristic feature of the disease is the high probability of damage by the pathogen to lymphoid tissue cells.

Symptoms of adenovirus infection

All clinical manifestations can be combined into two syndromes:

  1. Respiratory - characteristic of all SARS, but with a particularly high probability of "overlapping" a secondary bacterial infection;
  2. pharyngoconjunctival fever syndrome.

Adenovirus infection in children is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • perspiration, soreness and sore throat (increased during swallowing);
  • severe difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • increase in overall body temperature (from 37.5˚С to 39˚С);
  • damage to the conjunctiva (accompanied by lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids, pain in the eyes and the presence of purulent discharge);
  • loss of appetite;
  • sleep disorders;
  • general weakness;
  • pallor;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased irritability;
  • copious discharge from the nose (at the beginning of the disease, the secret is watery and transparent, and then thick green);
  • cough (initially dry, but on day 3-4 wet with sputum discharge);
  • pain in the abdominal region (near the navel);
  • vomiting (not always);
  • diarrhea (up to 5 times a day, without mucus, blood, etc.);
  • bloating;
  • swelling and hyperemia of the tonsils;
  • mucus on the back of the throat;
  • point purulent plaque on the tonsils;

The lymph nodes, although enlarged, are not soldered to the surrounding tissues. Their palpation during the examination does not cause pain.

For a particularly severe course of adenovirus infection, a symptom such as hepatosplenomegaly is characteristic, i.e., an increase in the liver and spleen

Important:in children of a younger age group (especially in infants), convulsions may develop at the peak of a febrile reaction. For younger age, stool disorders and bloating due to inflammation of the mesenteric (mesenteric) lymph nodes are more characteristic.

The severity of conjunctivitis in adenovirus infection is different. Its symptoms appear at different stages of the disease (both at the very beginning and on days 3-5). First one eye is affected, and soon (usually after 1-2 days) the inflammatory process also affects the second. The eyelids of the child are swollen, and in the morning it is difficult for the patient to open his eyes, since the purulent discharge sticks together the eyelashes.

Depending on the form of adenoviral conjunctivitis (membraneous or follicular), one of 2 standard treatment regimens can be used:

Complications of adenovirus infection in children

The average duration of the disease in children is 1 week under the condition of an uncomplicated course. With a protracted course, symptoms are noted for 2-3 weeks. Clinical manifestations of conjunctival lesions subside earlier, and inflammation in the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract can persist for 3 weeks.

In some cases, there is a "wave-like" course of the process, when, against the background of a clear improvement, some characteristic symptoms again clearly appear.

Complications that develop against the background of adenovirus infection, as a rule, are due to the active reproduction of pathogenic microflora due to a general weakening of the body. A bacterial infection mainly affects the respiratory system, resulting in bronchitis and pneumonia (bacterial pneumonia) often develop.

If the virus infects the lymph nodes of the peritoneum (mesentery) located in the abdominal cavity, the development of appendicitis is not excluded, which requires urgent surgical intervention.

Among other possible complications - and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In infants, there is a high probability of complications such as inflammation of the middle ear (). In addition, in babies, the so-called. "generalization" of the pathological process. The causative agent with blood flow can enter various organs. In particular, the development of viral (hemorrhagic) pneumonia is not excluded. In this severe complication, the infectious agent infects the blood vessels of the lung alveoli (vesicles). As a result of stagnation of blood, gas exchange is disturbed, and the child rapidly develops respiratory failure.


A very characteristic symptomatology in most cases allows an accurate diagnosis based on the patient's complaints and clinical manifestations.

It is also important to correctly differentiate an adenovirus infection from others, for example, from a rhinovirus infection:

The atypical course of an adenovirus infection may require a differential diagnosis of the disease with a pathology such as infectious mononucleosis. A laboratory study of the patient's blood is carried out in order to detect antibodies.

During an epidemic, a virological diagnostic method is used to accurately determine the type of adenovirus. The material for the study is a wash from the mucous membrane of the patient's nasopharynx.

In a laboratory study of peripheral blood, changes common to viral diseases are noted - lymphocytosis, leukopenia, and a slight increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. General blood and urine tests for this disease are not very informative.

Treatment of adenovirus infection in children

In most cases, the treatment of adenovirus infection in children is carried out on an outpatient basis, that is, at home. The placement of a child in a hospital may be required in case of a severe course of the disease or the development of serious complications, in particular, with a generalization of the process.

Specific methods of therapy have not been developed, and standard antiviral drugs are ineffective.

In this regard, only symptomatic therapy is carried out. Bed rest is necessary for the child until the fever passes. Indications for the appointment of antipyretics (antipyretic drugs) is a rise in body temperature above 38.5 ° C. At lower values, these funds are used if there is a high probability of developing seizures against the background of a febrile reaction (for example, in young children).

In addition to pharmacological agents to lower the temperature in the treatment of adenovirus infection, physical methods can be used, such as cold rubdowns and the application of a heating pad with ice in the projection of large blood vessels. To accelerate the removal of toxins from the body, the patient is shown a plentiful warm drink.

Milk with a small amount of baking soda and alkaline mineral waters help to alleviate a dry hacking cough. Antitussives should not be used! To reduce inflammation of the respiratory tract, the child is shown with the drug Lazolvan, as well as with physiological sodium chloride solution. Bromhexine and ACC are recommended to liquefy bronchial secretions (sputum). To improve sputum discharge with a wet cough, mucolytic and expectorant agents (Ambroxol, Mukaltin) are indicated. Remember that only the attending physician can prescribe the optimally suitable drugs.

Inflammation of the conjunctiva requires regular eye washing. For the procedure, you can use a weak (pale pink) solution of potassium permanganate, or furacilin. Natural remedies are also effective - a decoction of chamomile flowers and weak tea brewing. Of the drugs for the treatment of conjunctivitis with adenovirus infection, drops of Oftalmoferon are also shown (even with unilateral inflammation, it should be instilled in both eyes) and Oxolinic ointment (laid behind the lower eyelids).

With nasal congestion, you can use the vasoconstrictor drops Nazivin or Galazolin (in a "child" concentration). You can use these funds 3-4 times a day and preferably no more than 3-5 days in a row in order to avoid the development of drug dependence.

For rinsing an inflamed throat, antiseptic agents are shown - a solution of furacilin and a decoction of chamomile.

The presence of complications due to the addition of a bacterial infection is an indication for treatment with a course of systemic antibiotic therapy.

With an adenovirus infection, it is difficult for a child with a sore throat to eat ordinary food, so pureed and semi-liquid dishes should be included in his diet. To strengthen the immune system, vitamins are needed, which the baby should receive both with fresh vegetables and fruits (or juices), and in the form of complex preparations.

In the room where the sick child is located, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning twice a day. The room should be ventilated more often. Until the symptoms of conjunctivitis subside, it is important to provide subdued lighting.

Walking in the fresh air is allowed only as the symptoms disappear with normal general well-being.


A specific vaccine has not yet been developed.

During the period of seasonal outbreaks, you should, if possible, visit crowded places with your child (including public transport) as rarely as possible. The baby needs a general strengthening of the body, which involves hardening and good nutrition.

A good prophylactic is leukocyte interferon (diluted with water and buried in the nasal passages).

To get more information about the treatment of infectious diseases in children, in particular, the treatment of adenovirus infection, we recommend that you watch this video review - Dr. Komarovsky gives advice to parents:

Chumachenko Olga, pediatrician

Adenovirus infection is a disease of viral origin, in which the mucous membranes of the eyes, upper respiratory tract, intestines are affected, and the lymphatic system suffers. Children and young people are more susceptible to the disease. The causative agent of the infection is adenovirus, numbering about 90 of its varieties.

In the structure of the adenovirus there is DNA from two chains, covered on top with a strong shell. It provides the resistance of the virus in the environment, makes it immune to the action of low temperatures, drought. Duration of viral activity at room temperature is up to 2 weeks. It dies only during disinfection and boiling.

Infection occurs by airborne droplets from a sick person to a healthy person with discharge from the nasopharynx and nose, less often fecal-oral. It can also be a source of infection virus carrier where they are 95% of the population.

Children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years are particularly susceptible to the virus. The first 6 months after birth there is nonspecific immunity to adenoviruses. The maximum height of the infection occurs in the cold season, when the internal immunity of a person is weakened.

The latent period ranges from 1 to 7 days, then the first symptoms of adenovirus infection appear:

The next day of illness, the temperature rises, rarely to high values. Tonsils are red with a serous-whitish coating. There is an increase in lymph nodes in the neck and lower jaw.

Gradually, the process descends down the upper respiratory tract: into the larynx, trachea, and lungs. This is evidenced by the appearance of hoarseness, coughing, dry cough, turning into a wet one. Sometimes patients have shortness of breath, in which breathing is disturbed. When listening, wheezing is detected, aggravated by coughing.

Against the background of developing bronchitis, laryngotracheitis, manifestations of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract are possible. This is evidenced by paroxysmal pain in the small intestine, diarrhea, intestinal dysfunction, perhaps even a slight increase in the digestive organs.

With the defeat of the mucous eyes, there is pain, pain, redness, lacrimation, the appearance of serous plaque on the cornea.

Delayed treatment of the infection can lead to complications: ear inflammation, secondary pneumonia, purulent pharyngitis, impaired kidney function.

Treatment of infection is symptomatic and depends on the severity of the ongoing process. With a mild form of the disease, the use of local preparations is sufficient: drops for the nose, eyes, ointments (oxolinic).

Inside prescribe antiviral drugs, multivitamins to increase resistance to viruses. An ambulance at a temperature in the first hours consists in warming: mustard foot baths, heating pads, warm blankets. Provide the patient with a warm alkaline drink, a light diet - soups, broths, kissels.

The severe course of the disease requires the use of antibacterial drugs intramuscularly, topically in the form of sprays, aerosols, rinses. To prevent detoxification, drip administration of saline solutions is prescribed. According to indications, vasoconstrictor drugs and inhalation solutions are used.

My child often gets sick, the doctors say that this is an adenovirus infection, but I still doubt it, not all the symptoms are the same ... Maybe a common cold.

And in my opinion, now doctors have generally stopped making such a diagnosis - adenovirus infection, more and more SARS - an acute respiratory viral disease for any reason.

  • Health ABC 80
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  • Types of massage 21
  • Hydrotherapy hydrotherapy 13
  • Q&A what, where, why 42
  • Hirudotherapy treatment with leeches 2
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  • Shilajit treatment 3
  • Treatment with bee products 13
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Who doesn't want to be healthy?

Probably, there will not be a single person who proudly shouted in response: "I am." Just the opposite situation is observed, everyone wants to be healthy, every holiday they make toasts with appropriate wishes, they consider health to be the main value in our age.

But nevertheless, they do not cherish, miss, lose ...

Years flash by, education, career, family, children.. Diseases.. Regrettably, but over the years we almost inevitably acquire diseases. Which very quickly progress, become chronic, lead to premature old age. Well, we can go no further...

However, I'm not here to sigh on a virtual mound and read a dying epilogue to us all!

You can start fighting, changing life for the better at any stage. And at 30, and at 40, and at 60 .. Simply, the possibilities in this struggle will be different.

Let everything go by itself? Or every day, systematically do something for your precious health. Let a little bit, half a step! But it will be a movement that will actually happen.

If you don’t do anything for years, and then on one Monday you start all at once - do exercises, go on a diet, start leading a healthy lifestyle, then I can upset you .. You won’t be enough for a long time. 97% of all beginners give up this “failed” activity by the end of the week. Everything is too sharp, too much, too scary .. Change everything ..

But you and I will not be globalists doomed to failure, we are little by little, but every day Let's take care of our health.

Let's get healthier, shall we? Not tomorrow.. Not from Monday.. But here.. And now!

On the site you will find many effective and affordable ways and methods to improve your own health at home. We are considering treatments

  • via massage(mostly pinpoint, which allows you to help yourself on your own),
  • exercise,
  • therapeutic fasting,
  • hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches),
  • apitherapy (treatment with bees and bee products).
  • There are also methods mummy treatment,pet therapy,herbal treatment.

Particular attention is paid proper (rational nutrition) and personal experience of the author, who has tried most of the techniques described here.

Alternative medicine provides an alternative to medical officialdom, allows a person to find their own methods of treatment without drugs, cleanse your body of toxins, toxins and excess stress(we remember the hackneyed truth that all diseases are from nerves).

Psychological tests and methods of dealing with stress (strengthening the spirit) help you survive in a fast paced world. Lack of time should not affect your health. The methods proposed here take very little time, but require regular implementation.

Viral infections, which are widespread among the population of different recurrent categories, are considered an urgent problem of modern medicine and society. It is known that about 90% of people, although once a year, suffer from colds, which at first glance are completely harmless. Adults often ignore the symptoms of a cold, but few people know that it is viral infections that in 70% of cases provoke the development of pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis and other diseases that have a complex course and often become chronic.

Viral infections represent a large group of diseases that are caused by various viruses. Among all the stamps and types of viruses, a special place is given to adenoviruses, which in 30% of cases are the cause of the development of diseases affecting the mucous membranes of internal organs.

What is an adenovirus infection?

adenovirus infection- an acute anthroponotic disease affecting the respiratory tract, mucous membranes of the eyes, intestines or urinary system. The causative agent of the disease is a virus of the adenovirus family, of which there are about 90 subtypes in virology. This type of virus is quite stable, tolerates low temperature conditions well, but quickly dies under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

According to medical indicators, it is adenovirus infection that most often affects children, less often adults, and at the beginning of development resembles a common cold. A person who has been ill with this disease is not immune from re-infection. Despite advances in modern medicine, the pathogenesis of adenoviruses is not well understood. For the first time, this type of virus was found on adenoids in the throat mucosa, which is probably why it got its name. It is known that after the penetration of a pathogenic virus into the body, it settles in epithelial cells, causing their death, and then penetrates and infects new cells, causing catarrhal inflammatory processes.

Adenoviruses, penetrating into cellular structures, can cause latent or active infection. If the virus is in a latent state, then it affects only lymphoid cells. In cases where it penetrates into deep cells, then the disease causes intoxication of the body, followed by damage to one of the organs. Among the 90 subtypes of adenoviruses, only 49 species can infect the human body. For example, adenovirus types 1, 2, 5 and 6 are more likely to affect preschool children, and virus types 3, 4, 14 and 21 are found in adults. After an adenovirus infection, a person develops species-specific immunity, but it cannot protect against reinfection.

How does adenovirus infection develop?

The primary replication of adenovirus occurs in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, intestine or lymphoid tissues. The entrance gate for adenovirus is the mucous membranes of the eyes, intestines, nasopharynx. Cells damaged by the virus increase in size and undergo destruction. Such a pathological process leads to the accumulation of serous fluid and the formation of fibrinous films on the mucous membranes. Adults are more resistant to the virus, but, nevertheless, untimely treatment can cause complications.

How is adenovirus infection transmitted?

Adenovirus infection is transmitted by airborne or fecal-oral route. After infection with the virus, a person is most contagious in the first 7 days. Infection with adenovirus infection occurs after contact with a sick person, less often after eating products that have not undergone the necessary processing. Children under six months of age do not get adenovirus infections, as they have innate immunity. In rare cases, intrauterine infection of the fetus can occur when a woman has been ill with this disease during pregnancy.

Clinical signs of adenovirus infection

After infection with an adenovirus infection, symptoms develop gradually and depend on the location of the virus. During this period, the virus firmly settles in the body and causes a number of pronounced symptoms. At first, the disease resembles a common cold or flu, fever appears, body temperature rises, cough, runny nose, general intoxication of the body appears. When examining a patient, the doctor notes hyperplasia of lymphoid tissues, tonsils are enlarged, contain a gray coating on their surface, which can be easily removed with a spatula. In addition to changes in the mucous membrane of the throat, there is a strong cough without sputum discharge. When listening, the doctor hears single dry rales.

The onset of the disease can be acute or develop gradually, it depends on the person's immunity. Adenovirus can cause the following diseases and symptoms:

Gastroenteritis - characterized by an acute onset, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, nausea, increased body temperature, intestinal colic, general intoxication of the body. Adenovirus affecting the intestinal mucosa is most common in children, less often in adults.

Tonsillopharyngitis- inflammation of the palatine tonsils (tonsillitis). Urinary tract infections - burning, soreness during a trip to the toilet, an admixture of blood in the urine.

Eye infections (conjunctivitis)- Inflammation of the lining of the eye. The patient's eyes become red, there is lacrimation, discharge from the eyes, itching, sensation of a foreign body in the eyes.

Keratoconjunctivitis- damage to the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye with a virus. The clinic, expressed and characterized by pain in the eyes, redness, also includes symptoms of general intoxication of the body with severe damage to the nasopharynx and respiratory tract.

Adenovirus infection - symptoms in which the mucous membrane of the eye is affected, is more common in children under 5 years of age. In adults, adenovirus almost always causes symptoms of an acute respiratory infection or influenza.

Timely treatment of adenoviral infection, as a rule, does not cause complications and takes place 5-7 days after the onset of the first symptoms. Poor-quality treatment or its absence can lead to the development of complications, such as viral pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis, bronchitis. In more severe cases, there may be disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular or nervous system.

Diagnosis of adenovirus infection

Adenovirus infection should be treated under the supervision of a doctor, who must exclude other infections and carry out appropriate treatment. Diagnosing adenovirus is quite difficult, since its symptoms almost always resemble the common flu. But if you observe the symptoms of the disease in dynamics, then you can distinguish it from the flu virus. To confirm the diagnosis - "adenoviral infection", the doctor may prescribe the following examination methods:

  • blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • immunofluorescence (an express method that allows you to detect antibodies of the virus within a few minutes);
  • virological method;
  • serological examination methods: RSK, RTGA.

The results of the examinations allow the doctor to make a complete picture of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

At the moment, there is no medicine that is intended for the treatment of adenoviruses. Therefore, the treatment of adenovirus infection is symptomatic and aimed at eliminating specific symptoms. Usually the doctor prescribes:

  • Antipyretic drugs.
  • Antitussives for dry coughs or expectorants to loosen phlegm.
  • Eye drops for conjunctivitis, which have anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties.
  • Vitamin therapy.
  • interferon preparations.
  • Immunomodulators.
  • Antiviral drugs.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Probiotics, enzymes, antidiarrheals for gastroenteritis.

With the development of adenovirus infection, antibacterial drugs are prescribed only if complications are suspected. Treatment of an adenoviral infection usually does not require hospitalization of the patient, but if small children are sick, or the doctor suspects complications, then it is better to be hospitalized in the infectious diseases department.

In addition to therapeutic treatment, patients are prescribed bed rest, light meals with a restriction of meat, salty and spicy dishes. The prognosis after treatment is usually favorable, but, nevertheless, this disease should not be treated as a simple cold. With adenovirus infection, the main thing is to carry out high-quality and competent treatment, which will help to avoid health problems.


It is difficult to protect yourself and your family from adenoviruses, especially when the disease becomes widespread among the population, but by following some preventive measures, you can still protect yourself from the virus or reduce the risk of infection by several times.

  1. Lack of contact with a sick person.
  2. Hardening of the child's body from early childhood.
  3. During the epidemic of acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections, you need to take multivitamins or drugs to increase immunity.
  4. No hypothermia.
  5. Proper and balanced nutrition.
  6. Compliance with personal hygiene.
  7. Frequent ventilation of the room.
  8. Walks in the open air.

Compliance with the elementary rules of prevention will protect the body not only from adenovirus, but also from other viral diseases.

What is an adenovirus infection? Find out the symptoms of this disease and methods of prevention that will help to avoid it.

Each of us has been diagnosed with SARS more than once - an acute respiratory viral infection. The disease caused by such an infection can manifest itself in different ways and pass with varying degrees of severity. The severity of its course depends on which virus "settled" in our body. One of the forms of ARVI is adenovirus infection.

"Adenoviral infection is an acute infectious disease characterized by moderate general intoxication, damage to the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, conjunctiva of the eyes, intestines and lymphoid tissue", - writes Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Igor Vladimirovich Bogadelnikov.

Among all kinds of acute respiratory viral infections that people get sick, from 5 to 20% are adenovirus infections. Most often, we become infected with this infection, like other acute respiratory viral infections, in autumn, winter and spring.

How is the disease transmitted?

Adenovirus infection is transmitted by airborne droplets or by contact (when the virus enters the gastrointestinal tract). After the onset of the disease, a person is “dangerous to others”, i.e. able to transmit the pathogen by airborne droplets, usually within 7-12 days. But sometimes a former patient can be contagious for up to 25 days. The virus can also be passed in faeces for up to 1.5 months.

At room temperature, adenovirus can exist in the external environment for up to two weeks, but quickly dies in the light under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. This pathogen remains viable for a long time in cold air. And in water at a temperature of + 4 degrees, he can live for 2 years.

Symptoms of adenovirus infection

Manifestations of adenovirus infection are in many ways similar to the flu. The incubation period of the disease lasts from 2 days to 2 weeks, on average 5-8 days. The disease begins with chills, mild, recurring headache, lethargy and loss of appetite. The body temperature rises. As a rule, with adenovirus infection, it is subfebrile (37-37.5), although it can reach 38-39 degrees. There is a sore throat and a severe runny nose, at the same time a cough develops. Eyes hurt and profusely watery. The lymph nodes are enlarged.

“Adenovirus infection often occurs with involvement in the process and the eye. Usually, additional treatment is not required, as the healing progresses, the eyes also recover. Personal hygiene, ventilation, wet cleaning - for prevention. Rinse eyes with chamomile decoction. But if the process is pronounced, - swelling of the eyelids, redness, discharge from the eyes, then the help of an ophthalmologist is required., - says ophthalmologist Kozina Ekaterina Nikolaevna.

Sometimes the disease is accompanied by a disorder of the stool.

Possible complications of adenovirus infection

  • adenovirus pneumonia. In adults, this occurs, as a rule, 3-5 days after the onset of the disease. In children under 2-3 years old, it can begin suddenly. If the fever persists, the cough becomes stronger, weakness increases, perspiration appears on the forehead - an urgent need to call a doctor.
  • Otitis. Ear inflammation is a common complication after an illness.
  • In a severe form of the course of the disease, disorders of the cardiovascular system may develop.

Treatment of adenovirus infection

There are currently no effective drugs for this infection. Therefore, we can only wait until the body itself defeats the disease. To alleviate the condition, they use the means that we usually use when we get sick with ARVI: plenty of warm drink, bed rest and food rich in vitamin C. If necessary, you can use drugs that reduce the symptoms of the disease and alleviate the condition, but without extreme necessity, this should not be done. Give your body a chance to deal with the disease on its own.

In severe cases, interferons and immunoglobulins are used - preparations containing human antibodies. These drugs stimulate the body's immune response and thus alleviate the course of the disease.

You don't need to take antibiotics. These medicines only work on bacterial infections and do not work on viruses. Antibiotics are prescribed only in cases where some bacterial infection is activated as a complication.


Even in time, illness can be avoided. To do this, you need to take a number of preventive measures. These are the usual precautions that are appropriate for other SARS.

  • avoid contact with a sick person
  • ventilate the room often
  • do not overcool or overheat
  • take care of home hygiene and cleanliness of hands

The chance of "catching" a viral infection is always higher in immunocompromised people, so try to maintain your immunity. Eat plenty of vitamins, lead a physically active lifestyle, be outdoors more often.

A healthy lifestyle and strong immunity will help you avoid illnesses, and if you do get sick with SARS, you will quickly cope with the infection and restore health.