Causes of severe salivation in a cat. Why does a cat drool from its mouth: signals to dangerous diseases

In the article I will tell you why the cat starts to drool. I will consider the nature of diseases that cause hypersalivation, what to do when a cat secretes clear saliva, how to treat and list the features of preventive measures. How is hypersalivation treated in cats?

Signs of hypersalivation in cats

Signs of increased salivation, scientifically referred to as hypersalivation, are:

  • Continuous swallowing of saliva.
  • The regular process of wiping the muzzle on furniture or a person.
  • Accelerated licking process.
  • Wool rolls down, loses its luster even with regular care.
  • The tongue becomes sluggish, often falling out of the mouth.
  • Wet spots appear on the bed of the pet.
  • The coat on the muzzle, chest or neck is constantly wet.

Any owner should understand that if a cat saliva flows from its mouth, this is a physiologically abnormal phenomenon, there is always a reason that is extremely important to determine.

Reasons why a cat is drooling

Abundant salivation is not always a signal for a cat’s illness, if, like water, however, if this symptom is detected, you should pay attention to the accompanying signs, there may not be anything.

More dangerous causes are divided into 3 types, according to the nature of origin.

Physiological reasons:

  • Reaction to feeding. Maybe an appetizing flavor or sight of food triggers reflex salivation.
  • Growth and change of teeth in a kitten. With this process, in addition to hypersalivation, inflammatory processes occur in the gums and an unpleasant odor appears, smell from the mouth.
  • Period or reaction to the caress of the owner. The most susceptible to such a manifestation of feelings are cat breeds with a long muzzle, as well as.
  • Response to bad-tasting drugs.


  • Overstrain of the nervous system. In a state of nervous excitement, cats automatically lick themselves, while white saliva is actively secreted.
  • Transportation. The process of traveling by train, car, plane, ship and other means of transportation causes the process of motion sickness and pet stress.
  • Stress when interacting with children.

Pathogenic causes are divided into contagious and non-contagious diseases.

Animals with a high temperament may secrete some saliva

Transmitted diseases are:

  • Tetanus.
  • Infectious diseases of the respiratory system.

Non-contagious representatives of diseases are:

  • Portosystemic shunt.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Lesions of the oral mucosa.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Kidney dysfunction.
  • Tumors in the mouth.

Other causes of hypersalivation:

  • Finding a foreign object in the mouth or esophagus. The inability to remove the foreign body on its own leads to frequent reflex salivation, the murka does not eat anything, drinks a lot and sits.
  • Accumulation of hair in the stomach and intestines after licking
  • Violation of the position and integrity of the jaw.
  • Overheating in the sun.
  • Contact with poisonous insects, amphibians and reptiles.
  • Injury to the salivary glands.
  • Worms.

Diagnosis of the true causes of excessive salivation

A correct diagnosis that provokes hypersalivation can be made by a veterinarian after examining the cat, as well as a number of other studies and anamnesis.

The veterinarian makes a diagnosis taking into account the accompanying salivation symptoms:

  • Rabies - high aggressiveness, light and hydrophobia, deviant behavior of the pet.
  • Leukemia - tooth loss, chronic stomatitis or gingivitis.
  • Tetanus - dysfunction of muscle activity, lethargy, involuntary muscle contractions.
  • Infectious diseases of the lungs - ulcerative formations in the oral cavity, sneezing, discharge from the eyes.
  • Portosystemic shunt is a genetic anomaly, disruption of the central nervous system.
  • Diseases of the digestive system - inflammatory processes and neoplasms in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Lesions of the oral cavity - dental diseases, which causes a violation of the integrity of the oral membrane.

The methods of in-depth diagnostics are the collection of blood, urine and feces, as well as x-rays and ultrasound examinations.

Pathological hypersalivation in veterinary medicine is called increased salivation in animals.

The process of diagnosing the causes of salivation by a veterinarian occurs in several stages:

  1. Visual inspection of the oral cavity.
  2. Search for inflammation of the oral mucosa.
  3. Additional research.
  4. Analysis decoding.
  5. The combination of symptoms, in addition to hypersalivation.
  6. Establishing diagnosis.

Treatment of strong saliva from the mouth

When establishing the non-physiological nature of the origin of increased salivation, the veterinarian determines the disease and prescribes the appropriate treatment.

In case of injuries, ointments, creams and drops are prescribed. In cases of diseases of the internal organs, complex treatment is prescribed, up to surgery. With psychological causes of hypersalivation, the cat is prescribed sedatives.

For other reasons, if the cat drools heavily, treatment is prescribed on an individual basis and takes place under veterinary supervision.

Self-medication with increased salivation without establishing a diagnosis will lead to the death of the pet.

If a cat is drooling, it can be a sign of a dangerous infectious disease.

Prevention of transparent salivation

To prevent hypersalivation, the following measures are taken:

With regular monitoring of the health of the pet, the risk of diseases and disorders of the pet's body will be minimized.

The health of a pet directly depends on the attentiveness and knowledge of its owner. A timely visit to the veterinary clinic with abundant salivation of a dangerous nature of origin will help cure the pet and prolong its life for many years.

The main function of saliva is to facilitate the swallowing of food by moistening and softening it. It also has a bactericidal effect on the teeth and gums, protecting the oral mucosa from mechanical damage. Excessive salivation in cats can be caused by various reasons, so diagnosis and further treatment in case of any abnormalities in health should be carried out in a timely manner and under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Conventionally, all the factors that cause hypersalivation are divided into three categories:

  • Physiological;
  • Psychological;
  • Medical.

Physiological salivation

This condition is a natural reaction of the animal to food and is common to all mammals. Usually, hungry cats drool profusely, as well as when changing the diet, when food appears on the table that is more attractive in taste and smell.

There may also be a reverse “response” of the body, for example, to taking medicines with a bitter or unpleasant aftertaste. Or the cat may sniff some specific plant outside that she doesn't like.

Another reason, the most pleasant and harmless, is connected with the host's caress. When a cat relaxes from strokes and other manifestations of human attention, it begins to “flow” with pleasure in the literal sense of the word. Saliva flows from the mouth in separate drops, without a bad smell, while the animal purrs quite enough and behaves absolutely calmly and balanced.

Psychological component

Increased salivation may be associated with the psychological state of the pet. There are many reasons for its occurrence, and in most cases they are all determined by the owner independently. The most common:

  • Transportation of an animal in public transport or car, especially when it is done for the first time, or there are a lot of people around.
  • Sudden fright associated with everyday situations, unexpected loud noises, a walk on the street, and so on.
  • Excessive activity of children, when the cat is frankly terrorized and brought to nervous stress.
  • Visit to the veterinary clinic. Usually in cases where the animal has already been there repeatedly, and visits to the doctor are associated with pain and fear.
  • Contact with other animals that are aggressive or larger than a cat.

Medical pathologies

Increased salivation can be the result of various disorders in the functioning of internal organs and the functioning of the body as a whole. This should include the following situations:

  • Allergy. It can be triggered by a change in diet or by switching the cat to homemade food/dry food. Concomitant symptoms: lacrimation, swelling of the mucous membranes, inflammation of the eyes, vomiting, nausea. If within a few days the condition of the pet does not return to normal, you should show it to the veterinarian.
  • Reaction to drugs or household chemicals. Often, owners do not take into account the fact that a cat can step on or lie down on a surface treated with some kind of chemical agent, and then begin to lick the fur or “wash” its paws. An animal can also get mild poisoning by inhaling vapors of flea spray, pesticides or paint.

In addition to abundant saliva, there is an increase in body temperature, thirst, general weakness, vomiting, convulsions, dilated pupils, paralysis. Symptoms do not have to appear together - it all depends on the severity of the poisoning and the causes that caused it.

  • Problems with gums and teeth. They occur either in small kittens when the dentition has not yet fully formed, or, conversely, in adult and older cats due to poor oral care and gum disease. Possible diseases: caries, gingivitis, stomatitis, etc.

Signs that the animal is experiencing discomfort in the mouth are not only abundant saliva, but lack of appetite, lethargy, "caution" when chewing food, unwillingness to touch the head with hands.

  • Stuck in the throat of a foreign body. In the process of eating, a cat can pierce the gum with a bone or swallow unsuccessfully, and then the bone gets stuck in the throat or already somewhere on the way to the stomach.

Trying to cough up, the animal provokes vomiting, drinks a lot or turns its head to rid itself of uncomfortable sensations. As a result, profuse salivation begins until the foreign object burps or pushes deeper into the esophagus.

The cause of the torment can be a hairball, which causes irritation of the mucous membrane, as well as various acute-angled toys, with which the cat can scratch the palate, tongue and inner sides of the cheeks during the game. To exclude or confirm the "diagnosis", you need to carefully and without coercion examine the oral cavity for scratches, sores and inflammation.

  • Helminthiasis. One of the signs of the presence of helminths in the body is hypersalivation. In addition, the cat will have bad breath and exhibit excessive restlessness.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Signs of an exacerbated ulcer, colitis, gastritis and other problems with the digestive system are profuse salivation, as well as nausea, putrid breath, and belching. The animal looks lethargic, apathetic, eats little and resists caresses.
  • Viral infections. Cats, like people, are able to easily "catch" the virus and fall out of normal life for 7-10 days. Signs that the animal is sick or already sick are fever, snot, protruding tongue, cough and drooling.
  • Rabies. One of the scariest scenarios that can happen to a cat. The disease is dangerous not only for the animal itself, but also for the surrounding people. A kind and affectionate pet turns into a real monster - angry, aggressive and unpredictable. Saliva flows from the corners of the mouth in endless streams mixed with shreds of foam, a fear of water and light develops. Also, coordination of movements is disturbed and appetite disappears.

Diagnosis and treatment

If suspicious symptoms are detected, the cat should be taken to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Diagnostic measures usually come down to the following:

  • Taking blood, urine and stool samples;
  • Visual examination of the mouth, teeth, throat;
  • X-ray.

After the research, the doctor prescribes the treatment and decides where it will be done - at home or in a hospital. Depending on the diagnosis, antibacterial or antiviral drugs, a special diet, vitamins, and so on may be prescribed.


It is better to prevent a problem than to spend time, effort and money on its solution. To protect your pet from potential danger, you should consider the following points:

  • Keep household chemicals, medicines, paints, building materials and other substances and objects that are potentially dangerous for cats out of their reach.
  • If the animal is being treated with drugs that are applied to the surface of the skin or coat, care must be taken that it does not lick them off with the tongue. To do this, it is recommended to wear a special collar.
  • Do all the necessary vaccinations and scheduled examinations at the veterinarian in time.
  • Do not give cats fish with small bones and exclude pointed toys.

What to do if the cat is drooling: video from the vet

The appearance of a pet is associated with positive emotions. Owners like to watch animals, but they do not always notice the onset of diseases and other problems. Not everyone knows why a cat drools from his mouth - a similar phenomenon is called hypersalivation. It is not always the result of a pathological process.

Salivation in a cat occurs due to changes in the conditions of detention. Short-faced breeds and sphinxes are characterized by increased love of love. They caress the owner, rub their muzzle against him, and from an overabundance of feelings, their salivation increases. In some animals, this process is observed before meals, especially if they are always at the same time. Before feeding, strings of liquid will hang from the corners of the mouth. Cats are sensitive to stress. The cause of anxiety can be:

  • change of owner;
  • moving;
  • veterinary procedures;
  • extreme heat or cold.

Therefore, if a kitten suddenly begins to salivate, then it is worth considering whether he had reasons for a nervous shock. In most cases, it is enough to leave the pet alone for a while, and he will calm down.

Saliva begins to drip after taking certain medications that reduce the sensitivity of taste buds. Sometimes pieces of food get stuck between the teeth, and this leads to hypersalivation. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully examine the oral cavity when such a violation occurs.

Kittens can catch various insects and arthropods that taste bitter. The pet actively catches them and swallows them, which causes increased salivation. This happens due to the effect on nerve receptors.

Liquid may escape from the mouth during transportation. Some cats do not tolerate travel well. If there are no other symptoms, then there is nothing to worry about.

Pathological processes

The cat drools for various reasons, this is a symptom of various problems. Sometimes a pet needs urgent veterinary care. Signs of dangerous conditions:

  • the volume of the liquid changes;
  • attacks last more than 1.5 hours;
  • hypersalivation appears at any time of the day;
  • there are additional symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.).

In the process of licking, the wool enters the stomach, after which it accumulates in the large intestine. Large lumps hardly come out on their own due to weak peristalsis. The animal has increased thirst, constipation. On palpation, a swollen portion of the intestine can be determined. To remove the hair, a surgical operation will be required, without it there will be a fatal outcome.

Poisoning- that's why the cat saliva flows from the mouth. Hazardous substances are found in plants, household chemicals, and some products. Hypersalivation is a natural reaction of the body, which is aimed at the rapid removal of poison. It is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, after which general intoxication occurs with disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Hypersalivation occurs in feline leukemia- a viral disease that affects the circulatory system. The level of immunity decreases sharply, which leads to the appearance of stomatitis, gingivitis, and tooth loss occurs. There is no cure.

Increased salivation occurs with rabies is a dangerous disease that is transmitted to people. It is accompanied by inadequate behavior, aggression, fear of light and water. The animal cannot be cured, it can only be euthanized.

Diseases of the oral cavity

If a cat is drooling from his mouth, then he may have problems with his teeth. With a mucocele (a salivary gland cyst), a blockage of the ducts occurs, which contributes to the accumulation of fluid in nearby tissues. The affected area is swollen and painful.

The inflammation of the gums is gingivitis. It can be contagious or non-contagious. Accompanied by reddening of tissues, bad smell from the mouth, nervousness, apathy. In severe cases, bleeding ulcers appear that cause severe pain.

In the pulp of the tooth, purulent inflammation can begin, which will lead to an abscess. A damaged tooth is visible by chips, cracks and caries.

Diagnosis and treatment

At home, you can independently remove food particles that get stuck between the teeth. To do this, the pet's mouth is opened, the jaws are held with fingers and food is removed with tweezers. After the mucosa is washed with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.

If the pet ate an insect or plant, after which it began to drool profusely, it needs to forcefully rinse the mouth with water. Symptoms of poisoning should resolve within 36 hours. When lethargy, apathy, vomiting, diarrhea appear, the cat is urgently taken to the veterinarian.

Hypersalivation occurs for various reasons, an accurate diagnosis will be made by a veterinarian after a visual examination. The collection of anamnesis includes information about the appearance of the first attack, its duration, and concomitant symptoms are taken into account. The oral cavity is carefully studied, the condition of the gums and teeth is checked.

If a foreign body is suspected, an x-ray or ultrasound is done. If necessary, an operation is performed to remove it. With gingivitis, it is necessary to remove tartar - this is done using ultrasound.

Inflamed gums are treated with special ointments or gels. In severe cases, the areas are washed with liquid antibiotics. For the treatment of diseases, a course of drugs is prescribed.

When the gastrointestinal tract is affected, painkillers, antispasmodics are used. Additionally, they give antibiotics, drugs that restore the gastric mucosa. Droppers are made only with a strong degree of dehydration.

During treatment, the animal needs rest and a special diet. Food should be warm, soft and not traumatic to the mucous membranes. There are lines of therapeutic feeds that are characterized by low calorie content and lightweight composition.

Prevention measures

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, creating the right conditions for keeping cats can reduce the likelihood of problems. The kitten must be immediately accustomed to brushing his teeth - for this they use a special brush and paste. The procedure is carried out once a week.

Timely vaccination helps against viral diseases. Rabies is vaccinated free of charge at local veterinary stations.

Normal and nutritious nutrition is the key to high immunity. It is necessary to feed the cat with premium food or meat products. You can not give food from the table, bones, sausage, etc. The basis of a natural diet is lean meat, fish, raw vegetables. Portions should be small and fresh. Everything not eaten is immediately removed, the bowls are washed.

All sources of potential danger are removed to inaccessible places. The animal should not have access to indoor plants, household chemicals, medicines. For the same reason, the trash can should always be closed.

It is desirable to protect the pet from stress. Before trips, you can give the medicine "Cat Bayun" or "Stop-Stress". They reduce the excitability of the nervous system, and the cat will not react so sharply to a change of scenery.

The oral cavity must be constantly examined. If tartar is visible, swelling of the gums, then the animal must be urgently shown to the veterinarian. Preventive cleaning reduces the likelihood of developing gingivitis and other inflammatory processes. At the initial stage, the problem is solved quickly and easily. Therefore, do not neglect the examinations and consultations of a specialist.

A lot of things can happen to a cat, but what if the cat is drooling, and constantly? Of course, the universal advice is to immediately pack up and take him to the vet. However, there are a number of false reasons for increased salivation, in which you should not worry at all, you yourself can provide your pet with all the necessary assistance. So let's take a closer look at this topic.

The problem we're talking about today is called hypersalivation. There is a second name for increased salivation - ptyalism. Of course, the most obvious sign is the constant flow of saliva from the pet's mouth. You should also pay increased attention to the constant swallowing of saliva by animals, to washing too often, to wool that will stray into “icicles” during ptyalism, to a flaccid tongue (sometimes it can fall out of the oral cavity), as well as to wet spots on your favorite sleeping place. your four-legged friend.

Sluggish tongue in a cat

And also pay attention to whether transparent saliva flows from the mouth or foam is released along with it. If the latter, then here you need to urgently take to the veterinarian, because. this is a clear sign of rabies. But we will talk about this a little later.

The simplest and safest causes of salivation

Let's start with the easiest options that lead to salivation. The reasons may be the following:

  • Motion sickness, after long trips in transport, it happens not only in humans, but also in animals, including cats. When motion sickness, fluffy ones can salivate, and quite plentifully;
  • Disorders, unrest. Little children ran into your house, squeezed the cat half to death, and after that saliva began to stand out? The phenomenon is normal, a disorder of the nervous system can cause salivation. Only next time, protect the cat from such mental trauma!
  • Feeding, including anticipation. Like all people, cats salivate profusely when they see a tasty morsel of food when they are hungry. Therefore, it is not surprising if your cat salivates before eating, this is quite normal. But if salivation does not go away after eating, you need to think and consider other reasons;
  • Unfamiliar food can also provoke profuse salivation;


Diagnosis of salivation

What actions do veterinarians take if you bring in a cat that is drooling? If there are no other signs, then the procedure is as follows:

  1. First, the oral cavity is examined to see if there are foreign bodies stuck there;
  2. If nothing is found, then look at the tongue and teeth. It is here that there can be inflammation, wounds, chips, which lead to the release of saliva;
  3. If there is reason to believe that a foreign body is stuck in the esophagus, the veterinarian performs an x-ray, ultrasound;
  4. After that, a stool and blood test is prescribed. Thanks to such analyzes, helminths are detected in the body, and in fact they can be the cause of salivation;
  5. And finally, a urine test is performed, the results of which can tell about problems in the genitourinary system.
  6. Analysis of urine

    As a result, the doctor accurately detects the source of the problem and prescribes the appropriate treatment.

    Always remember two kinds of reasons

    All the reasons for dripping saliva from the mouth can be divided into two large groups: the first does not pose a big threat, but the second is very dangerous for the cat.

    The first includes fairly safe, which are in no way associated with diseases, pathologies. This includes nervous disorders, bitter medicines, the upcoming meal, and many others. But there is another group of causes, in which there are many dangerous diseases, often leading to death. Therefore, if you did not find anything from the first group, then urgently take your pet to the veterinarian, because the consequences of delay can be irreparable.

Salivation in cats is a physiological process and is of great importance for the normal functioning of the animal's body. Saliva is a transparent liquid that performs a protective function of the oral mucosa and teeth. It is involved in the process of chewing food and swallowing. Sometimes salivation in a cat becomes abundant, this phenomenon is called ptyalism or hypersalivation. The reason may be the usual processes in the body, but sometimes increased salivation indicates malaise and health problems. It is necessary to determine the factor causing this phenomenon in a short time, since the animal may require qualified treatment.

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    Signs of excessive salivation

    Hypersalivation in an animal quickly attracts the attention of the owner and often causes his anxiety. You can understand that a cat is secreting too much saliva by several signs:

    • the pet swallows saliva too often;
    • wet spots remain on the sleeping place of the animal;
    • the cat constantly rubs its muzzle on the corners and furniture;
    • the animal often washes;
    • untidy appearance of wool on the face, neck and chest of the pet, even with constant care;
    • the tongue periodically falls out of the mouth and looks sluggish;
    • icicles appear on the wool.

    In the presence of these factors, it is worth carefully monitoring the general condition of the pet. But you should not wait long, and if there are other manifestations of health problems, you need to take action immediately.

    There are a lot of reasons for hypersalivation, but serious diseases are usually accompanied by other symptoms. Often, in combination with profuse salivation, a cat develops bad breath, watery eyes, foam is released, snot flows, and there may be other ailments.

    Why is my cat drooling so much?

    It is important to determine how serious the problem may be. Factors affecting increased salivation can be divided into physiological, pathological and psychological.

    In the first case, there is no reason to worry, while in others, the intervention of a specialist is required.

    The general condition and behavior of the animal is of great importance. It is necessary to observe what changes in behavior have arisen, whether other alarming symptoms have appeared. These data will later help the veterinarian to determine the exact cause of changes in the pet's body.

    Physiological causes of excessive salivation

    Hypersalivation in a cat occurs due to feeding. At the sight of food and during the period of its absorption, the production of gastric juice and saliva increases in the animal. This is especially true for animals accustomed to a certain feeding time. The cat's body gets used to receiving food at the same time, so drooling can begin to flow even before food is in sight. Sometimes such a reaction occurs to a new unfamiliar food.

    The reaction to affection also refers to the causes of the problem. But in this case, the amount of saliva does not increase very much. This is especially pronounced during physical contact, if the cat purrs, rubs against the owner, floor or furniture. When the animal calms down, salivation should return to normal.

    Medications are often the cause of excessive salivation. Anthelmintic, bitter or simply unpleasant-tasting remedies always provoke a strong salivation, sometimes even with foam. This phenomenon disappears within half an hour after taking the medicine.

    High humidity and heat can provoke ptyalism. In this case, the animal usually opens its mouth, which makes the amount of saliva released even more. When the air temperature changes to a more favorable one, the problem disappears on its own.

    The change of teeth in a kitten occurs at 3-7 months. This process affects the amount of saliva produced. If a small pet has such a problem, it is worth carefully examining the oral cavity, perhaps there are not enough milk teeth or new ones are already appearing. This process is accompanied by a desire to gnaw something. Everything returns to normal after the eruption of all molars.

    The presence of wool in the stomach of a cat is a common occurrence, but periodically the pet needs to spit it up. In preparation for this process, hypersalivation occurs, since it is quite difficult for an animal to clean the gastric tract. If his attempts remain unsuccessful for too long, it is worth taking the cat to the veterinarian.

    Psychological factors

    The animal experiences a strong nervous tension, which causes copious salivation. The reasons may be different:

    • change of owner or familiar environment;
    • new pets at home;
    • visiting a veterinary clinic or any procedures;
    • close contact with the dog;
    • stress from communicating with young children;
    • a trip in transport (cats get sick);
    • sudden changes in temperature.

    Severe stress in a cat can be provoked by various factors, and hypersalivation is a consequence of the tension of the nervous system of the animal.

    Solving this problem on your own is not difficult. It is enough to do everything so that the cat calms down and returns to its usual way of life. The symptom caused by stress does not go away immediately, but after some time after the elimination of the stimulus, it disappears without a trace.

    Causes of a pathological nature

    If the cat is drooling, and there are no visible reasons for this, then the situation is serious. The release of liquid in drops constantly and for a long time is a reason for contacting a veterinarian. Especially if it does not stop even in a dream and is accompanied by other disturbing symptoms.

    Viral diseases can attack the body of an animal at any time of the year. With this diagnosis, the cat's temperature rises, which provokes thirst and nausea, and severe salivation is a consequence of ailments. The animal has a discharge from the nose, watery eyes, the general condition becomes lethargic. Many pets refuse to eat when they are sick. Such symptoms are a reason to contact a specialist in the near future to prescribe the necessary drugs.

    A foreign object in the throat, esophagus or stomach of a pet is extremely dangerous for its health. In addition to salivation, the cat has nausea and thirst, she drinks a lot, does not eat anything, and bows her head down. Often the owners themselves are to blame. Giving your pet food with bones (fish, chicken), which he is not able to chew, can put his life in serious danger. Animals often swallow such objects whole, which leads to damage and irritation of the mucous membranes of the internal organs. Sometimes these processes are accompanied by bad breath. In the presence of such symptoms, the animal must be given an x-ray, the result of which will depend on further treatment.

    Pet poisoning occurs from:

    • poor quality food;
    • household chemicals, even its vapors;
    • cosmetics;
    • unsuitable food (insects, plants, etc.)

    In this case, excessive salivation is an indicator that the pet is sick.

    An allergic reaction is often the cause for hypersalivation. This is usually due to a change in pet food. The adaptation period of the cat's body lasts about 2 days, if the symptoms do not go away, such food is not suitable for the animal. An allergy occurs to an insect bite, then it is necessary to choose a medicine.

    Diseases of the organs and oral cavity - a serious cause of ptyalism

    Inflammation of the gums, mucous membranes and dental diseases lead to constant salivation in a cat. Such problems are noticeable if you look into the mouth of an animal. Sometimes the gums become too red, there may be damage or inflammation on the oral mucosa. A foreign body can get stuck in the cat's teeth. Animals often develop stomatitis, abscesses, or problems with the teeth themselves. The pet chews food very carefully, if it does not refuse it at all, it smells from the mouth.

    An unpleasant odor and excessive salivation occurs with oncological diseases. Lesions may be in the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, brain, or blood.

    Rabies is now extremely rare, especially since most owners do not miss vaccinating an animal against this disease. But in a number of symptoms of this disease there is increased salivation, convulsions and obvious changes in the behavior of the animal appear.

    Improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by constant salivation and the smell of rot from the cat's mouth. This is due to the fact that food is poorly digested, which causes the effect of "fermentation".

    Ptyalism is a symptom that occurs in animals with the following diseases:

    • diabetes;
    • heart attack;
    • tetanus;
    • ulcer;
    • botulism;
    • chronic renal failure;
    • problems in the gallbladder or spleen;
    • colitis;
    • gastritis.

    It is extremely difficult to find out the exact cause on your own. If this manifestation is temporary and does not disturb the pet all the time, then there is no reason to worry. In other cases, it is necessary to show the animal to a specialist in order to solve the problem in a timely manner.

    Diagnosis and treatment of diseases

    The specialist makes a diagnosis on the basis of studies that are carried out sequentially. Sometimes this happens quickly, in other cases a complete examination of the cat will be required. An appointment with a veterinarian takes place in several stages:

    • examination of the pet, starting with the oral cavity;
    • Ultrasound of all digestive organs to exclude a foreign body;
    • urine, blood and stool tests.

    Treatment is determined depending on the diagnosis. The veterinarian prescribes medications, topical agents and various procedures depending on the severity of the pathology. In most cases, the problems are not so serious, which makes it possible for the owner to provide the necessary assistance to the cat at home.

    Each disease requires an individual approach and careful planning of therapy. Most commonly used drugs can be purchased at pet stores. Examination of a pet by a specialist is a necessity, since it is impossible to make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment on your own.

    Treatment of diseases of the oral cavity

    Examination of the animal's mouth allows a specialist to assess the severity of damage or inflammation:

    1. 1. Lip inflammation in a cat can be eliminated at home. It is necessary to wash the affected area with an antiseptic solution 2 times a day and use an ointment containing an antibiotic. Therapy lasts until the symptoms disappear completely. If the animal has a complication in the form of periodontitis, dental treatment is carried out in the clinic under anesthesia.
    2. 2. The inflammatory process of the gums goes away from the daily treatment of the entire oral cavity with an antibiotic preparation. Specialists often prescribe Amoxicillin, Oxytetracycline, Clavulanate. Any remedy can be used strictly following the instructions and only after a prescription from a veterinarian.
    3. 3. Infectious lesions of the tongue or inflammation due to chemical burns require the use of antibiotics, most often topical agents are prescribed. It is necessary to wash the animal's mouth several times a day with a weak antiseptic solution. Cat food should be soft to avoid additional injury to the mucous membrane and tongue.
    4. 4. Stomatitis in a pet is treated in a hospital under general anesthesia. The specialist cleans the oral cavity, removes tartar and diseased teeth if necessary. Further therapy involves taking antibiotics, regular oral antiseptic treatments and a diet.
    5. 5. Thrush often occurs as a complication after long-term treatment with potent drugs or from inflammatory processes in the cat's mouth. You can get rid of it with topical antifungal agents and taking high doses of vitamin B group. The drug can be selected after testing and determining the strain of the pathogen.

    Ranosan and Levomekol ointment, Exalet hydrogel, ASD 2, Zooderm, Vetericyn spray, Migstim antiseptic solution, Alusprey are often used as healing and disinfecting agents. Before use, you need to consult a specialist.

    How to treat viral diseases and lesions of internal organs

    Diseases of a viral nature in cats are quite difficult and time-consuming to treat. In this case, therapy is aimed at eliminating pathogens, strengthening the immune system of the animal's body and restoring the protective functions of the mucous membranes. The pet needs to choose the right diet that will allow the body to be saturated with vitamins and all the necessary elements.

    At the initial stages of the development of the disease, apply:

    • serum and globulins: Vitafel-S, Vitafel;
    • interferon preparations: Neoferon, Camedon, Maksidin 0.4%;
    • immunostimulants: Mastim, Immunofan, Anandin, T-activin.

    If treatment begins late, then these funds are not recommended for use. Doctors prescribe Gamavit and Fosprenil.

    Problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract in animals are quite common. Gastritis requires proper treatment to avoid complications. Specialists usually use:

    • antispasmodics: Papaverine, Spasmolitin;
    • anesthetic drug Baralgin;
    • enveloping to restore the mucous membrane: Kvamatel, Zantak, Gastrocepin;
    • Dexamethasone and other anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • Synulox - an antibiotic, prescribed at a high temperature;
    • intravenous drips and injections are used for severe dehydration;
    • antiemetics: Metoclopyramid, Cerucal, Chlorprozmalin;
    • sedatives: valerian or "Cat Bayun".

    The animal needs rest and a strict diet. The pain syndrome is eliminated by means of dry heat, for example, a heating pad. Sometimes after treatment, the cat needs to be periodically given enveloping agents (Maalox, Almagel, etc.). They can be replaced with traditional medicine, marshmallow root, flaxseeds, potato starch and licorice help well. Treatment can be started only after consultation and examination of the pet by a veterinarian.

    If removal of affected tissues is not possible, chemotherapy, radiation and immunotherapy are used. The cat is prescribed painkillers and heart medications to improve the general condition. Some owners prefer folk remedies for cancer. Various herbal infusions, soda-based recipes, ASD preparation and much more. When choosing this method in addition to the main treatment, consultation with a specialist is extremely important. Self-treatment can harm the health of the pet.

    • a weak solution of Cyteal is used to treat affected areas of the skin;
    • Amitraz, Butox 50, Stronghold or "Lawyer" are applied externally;
    • Ivermek, Acaromectin, Neostomazan, Cydem are also used for treatment;
    • at the end of therapy, thick consistency agents are required, for example, aversectin ointment, Demos, Amidel-gel.

    Each tool can be used after the appointment of a specialist.

    For any disease, it is important to contact a veterinary clinic. Self-care can make the situation worse.

    Prevention of hypersalivation

    The most common causes of illness can be prevented with simple but regular actions. It is necessary to choose the right food for the animal, appropriate for age. Cleaning teeth and tongue with special products is necessary for a cat quite often.

    It is necessary to use household chemicals and cosmetics in the absence of an animal. It is necessary to protect the cat from severe stressful situations and regularly show the veterinarian. Many problems can be eradicated at the initial stage with the right approach and responsible attitude.

    Bad breath and its causes

    Cat owners often face the problem of fetid odor from the animal's mouth. This symptom signals problems in the functioning of the body and the likelihood of many diseases. Bad breath from a cat can tell you what kind of health problem has arisen:

    • rot indicates digestive problems, gastritis or ulcers;
    • sweetish, but unpleasant notes signal problems in the liver;
    • the smell of acetone speaks of diabetes, but sometimes it looks like overripe apples;
    • sharp ammonia occurs when there are problems with the kidneys, usually it is insufficiency, nephritis, urolithiasis, sometimes in the aggregate the animal has halitosis;
    • the smell of rotten meat occurs in diseases of the digestive system and teeth.

    It is impossible to make a diagnosis on the basis of these data alone, each disease has other manifestations. But if the cat smells from the mouth, drooling, or any other ailments occur, you should contact a specialist immediately.

    If one or more of the symptoms are present, the kitten may feel great and lead a normal life. This does not mean that you can postpone the visit to the clinic and not rush to solve the problem. Such manifestations may indicate serious health problems of the animal. Only a specialist can accurately diagnose, treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian.