Inflammation caused by the ingress of infectious agents or sialadenitis of the parotid salivary gland: symptoms and features of the treatment of the disease. What is sialadenitis, causes and treatment of inflammation of the salivary gland Sialadenitis of the salivary gland

How is sialadenitis treated, and what is it? You can find answers to these questions in this article. You will also learn about the causes of this disease and how it is diagnosed.

Basic information

Before telling you about how sialadenitis is treated, it should be said that there are several types of salivary glands in the human body. With inflammation of one of them, you can safely prepare for the development of sialadenitis.

The parotid, submandibular and sublingual salivary glands contribute to the production of such a specific secret as saliva. It enters the oral cavity through special ducts. The main function of this secret is to ensure the normal and healthy flow of the digestive process.

As you know, saliva softens the pieces of food entering the mouth, preparing them for direct entry into the stomach. It also helps a person to swallow them.

If the salivary glands are subject to inflammation, then saliva ceases to fulfill its main function. As a result, it becomes much more difficult to soften and swallow pieces of food.

Causes of inflammation

For what reasons can sialadenitis develop (the treatment of this disease will be described later)? According to experts, the parotid salivary glands are most often inflamed in humans. At the same time, doctors talk about several reasons for the development of such a pathological condition.

It is impossible not to say that a fairly common reason for the development of the inflammatory process in the salivary glands is the irregular observance of the banal rules of oral hygiene.

The main symptoms of the disease

How should parotid sialadenitis be treated? Treatment of this disease should be carried out by an experienced specialist after diagnosis. You can suspect the development of this disease in yourself by the symptoms that have arisen. The most common signs of inflammation of the salivary glands include the following:

  • dry mouth;
  • pain during eating and swallowing;
  • difficulty opening the mouth;
  • swelling of the face, redness of the neck;
  • noticeable violations of taste sensations;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • the presence of an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth;
  • increase in body temperature.

It should also be noted that chronic sialadenitis, the treatment of which should be carried out at the very beginning of the development of the disease, is often manifested by pain in the earlobe and its protrusion. In addition, with such a disease, the patient's natural consistency of the salivary secretion is disturbed. It can be cloudy, and sometimes with purulent formations.

It should be especially noted that with the development of acute sialoadenitis, the symptoms can subside as abruptly and quickly as they appear. But this is far from a reason to forget about the problems that have recently bothered you. After all, such a disease does not go away on its own. It can only go into a quiet stage, which in the future will inevitably lead to the development of chronic inflammation.


Why is sialadenitis dangerous in children? Treatment of this disease should be urgent. After all, any form of sialadenitis can cause a number of serious complications not only in children, but also in adults.

If therapy is not started on time, and if all the doctor's prescriptions are not followed, then the patient may develop:

  • salivary gland abscess;
  • phlegmon at the bottom of the mouth;
  • re-infection.

It should also be said that sialoadenitis of the submandibular salivary gland, which should be treated by an infectious disease specialist or a dentist, can also negatively affect the parotid and sublingual organs. In addition, in severe forms of this disease, inflammatory processes often occur in the NS, pancreas, kidneys, meninges and testicles.

How is it diagnosed?

Treatment of sialadenitis should begin only after its diagnosis. Only an experienced specialist can identify this disease at an early stage of its development. In the process of examining the patient, the doctor observes a significant increase in the salivary glands, and sometimes the release of purulent fluid. With a bacterial infection, a person may experience soreness of these organs.

In the event that the doctor suspects an abscess, the patient is recommended to undergo computed tomography or ultrasound.

Treatment of sialadenitis

The most effective therapy for the disease in question should be carried out when it is acute and has not yet become chronic.

Treatment of calculous sialoadenitis and other types of this disease consists in the use of special medicines that increase the secretion of salivary secretions. When confirming the diagnosis, patients are prescribed a 1% solution of pilocarpine or 2% potassium iodide.

It is impossible not to say that in the treatment of the disease in question, physiotherapy, especially UHF, plays a very important role. To alleviate your condition, dry and warm dressings can be applied to the affected area, and alcohol-camphor compresses can also be made periodically.

It is also extremely important to follow the basic rules of oral hygiene. Teeth should be brushed not only in the evenings and mornings, but also after each meal (for example, with dental floss or a toothpick). In addition, for the period of treatment, smokers need to get rid of their addiction.

Compliance with these simple rules helps prevent the subsequent development of the inflammatory process.

Other Therapies

How to cure submandibular sialadenitis? Treatment of the mentioned disease, as well as inflammation of the parotid and sublingual salivary glands, should be comprehensive. In addition to taking certain drugs and physiotherapy, the patient is advised to follow the correct diet. Foods that a sick person consumes should be cut into small pieces.

It should also be noted that a beneficial effect on the salivary glands can have an abundant intake of warm milk or rosehip broth, as well as fresh fruit drinks and juices.

If, with sialoadenitis, a person has an increase in body temperature, then the specialist is obliged to prescribe anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs.

Treatment of inflammation in dentistry

As mentioned above, the treatment of sialoadenitis is often handled by a qualified dentist. With the development of pain, a specialist may advise rinsing your mouth with a self-prepared solution. To do this, half a dessert spoon of salt must be diluted in a glass of warm water. Regular rinsing with this solution helps to relieve inflammation, as well as moisturize the oral mucosa. But, unfortunately, this tool gives only a temporary effect.

Also, to increase the production of salivary secretion, some experts recommend sucking on small pieces of fresh lemon (without the use of granulated sugar). It is advisable to carry out such procedures several times a day. Lemon should not be consumed too often, as citrus fruits destroy tooth enamel.

Massage and surgery

In some cases, gentle massage also helps to get rid of pain in the area of ​​the salivary glands.

According to experts, the treatment of chronic sialadenitis is a laborious and complex process. In this case, there is a high probability that a complete cure will not come. But, despite this, it is imperative to carry out sialoadenitis therapy in order to avoid all sorts of complications, as well as to improve the quality of life of the patient.

During periods of exacerbation of this disease, the patient is shown taking antibiotics, as well as drugs that increase the secretion of salivary secretions. In addition, a good effect is given by the impact of direct current of low and low voltage on the affected area.

With the formation of stones in the glands, specialists remove them surgically. This method is used only in the most severe cases, when there is a melting of the salivary gland under the influence of purulent secretions, as well as when a foreign body enters the ducts. Depending on the degree of damage and the clinical picture, not only the foreign object itself, but also the salivary gland can be surgically removed.

The reasons

Sialadenitis is an inflammation of the parotid salivary gland.. Pathology occurs for two main reasons:

  1. Epidemic inflammatory process.
  2. Non-epidemic inflammatory process.

Under epidemic inflammation the disease is caused by a viral infection. This disease, like mumps (mumps), is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Non-epidemic inflammation occurs from blockage of the salivary ducts. This may happen due to:

  • mechanical damage to the salivary duct;
  • the presence of foreign bodies in them;
  • sialolithiasis (salivary stone disease);
  • after operations in this area;
  • diseases such as typhoid, influenza, encephalitis;
  • poor oral hygiene.

Attention! In order for the treatment to be effective, it is very important to find out the cause of the disease.


Sialoadenitis of the parotid salivary gland, regardless of the type, has common symptoms. To start the right treatment, the doctor must establish the correct diagnosis, and without the symptoms that the patient talks about, nothing will come of it.

It should be noted that it is more effective and faster to cure the disease at an early stage therefore, after detecting the first symptoms of sialadenitis, you should immediately go to the hospital for qualified help.

Most often, patients experience:

  • pain when chewing and swallowing;
  • inability to open the mouth wide;
  • feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • dyspnea;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • redness in the neck;
  • swelling of the face, in the ear and neck;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • change in taste sensations;
  • malaise;
  • dense and enlarged formations in the area of ​​​​the inflamed gland.

Important! If you experience any of the above symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

The patient does not always have all the symptoms, but this is not a reason to let the disease take its course. Also, sometimes the symptoms may subside, but this does not mean that the disease has gone away on its own. This means that it has become chronic, and a period of remission has begun.

Acute sialadenitis

Parotid sialadenitis has a complex classification. In the most general case, acute and chronic sialadenitis are distinguished. The first type can arise from various infectious diseases, after operations, due to poor nutrition. Often inflammation causes a pathogenetic factor, in which the flow of saliva decreases, and a disease occurs.

Acute sialoadenitis in almost all cases is localized in the parotid region, and only in 15% of cases there are submandibular or sublingual inflammations.

If you look according to the nature of the inflammatory process, then acute sialoadenitis can be:

  • purulent;
  • serous;
  • gangrenous.

Considering etiology, then the disease happens:

  • infectious (bacterial, fungal and viral);
  • allergic (reaction of the body to any allergen);
  • toxic (chemical factors affect);
  • traumatic (formed after injuries).

According to the localization of the disease, allocate:

  • bilateral;
  • unilateral.

Depending on the prevalence, acute sialoadenitis is divided into:

  • diffuse;
  • focal.

Chronic sialadenitis

Chronic sialadenitis can appear as an independent disease, or arise from a systemic lesion of connective tissues.

Important! In chronic sialoadenitis, periodic exacerbations occur, which turn into remissions.

There are three types of disease:

  1. Parenchymal sialadenitis- inflammation of the glandular tissue, secretory cells and excretory ducts. At the same time, dryness in the oral cavity, swollen glands are observed.
  2. On the interstitial sialadenitis hormonal, hereditary and autoimmune factors have an effect. It all starts with inflammation of the glandular tissue, which eventually grows and thickens.
  3. Calculous sialadenitis formed due to the formation of stones in the salivary ducts. The stone that has arisen in a certain place blocks the exit of saliva, and thus this process provokes inflammation.


The disease itself is not dangerous, its complications are terrible. Viral sialoadenitis (parotitis) can be complicated by meningitis, orchitis, mastitis, pancreatitis, inflammation of the inner and middle ear, joint diseases.

Attention! Only a doctor can correctly diagnose, identify sialadenitis of the parotid salivary gland, the treatment of which must be started immediately, at the first of its symptoms.

The diagnosis can be established after an external examination, laboratory and instrumental studies. These include microbiological studies of the secret, biochemical and cytological studies, biopsy of the salivary glands, enzyme immunoassay, ultrasound, sialography, sialoscintigraphy, thermography.

Treatment is based on increased salivation This promotes the movement of saliva through the salivary ducts. These drugs include Pilocarpine solution. It is also important to stop inflammation.

Peculiarities. The acute form is much easier to cure than the chronic form.

Patients may be prescribed:

  • bed rest, for a week, sometimes two;
  • rinsing the mouth with special solutions that you can make yourself or buy ready-made ones at the pharmacy;
  • proper nutrition, salivary diet (you need to avoid fatty foods, eat more dairy products, fruits and vegetables);
  • apply dry heat to the swelling;
  • to give up smoking;
  • compresses (alcohol-camphor);
  • more drinking;
  • self-massage of the glands or a professional massage course;
  • physiotherapy procedures (UHF, electrophoresis, galvanization, fluctuorization);
  • a course of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, antiviral or antihistamines.

Peculiarities. If the disease is of an infectious nature, then the patient should not appear in public places for ten days from the day he fell ill, as he is contagious.

With purulent sialoadenitis, the doctor is often forced to resort to surgical intervention. The skin or mucous membrane in the area of ​​​​localization of pus is cut to give it an outflow. After that, the patient's condition improves, and he is on the mend.

Be sure to follow the hygiene: brush your teeth twice a day, use dental floss and rinse your mouth after meals. If pain is felt, then it can be reduced with the help of massage and taking any analgesic. If the pain is very strong, then do novocaine blockade according to Vishnevsky.

With calculous sialoadenitis, surgery is done. Its purpose is to remove the calculus and remove the purulent exudate. After the procedure, control studies are carried out, if not all the stones have been removed, then you will have to resort to surgical intervention again.

Salivoliths (stones) in the salivary glands are removed in several ways, the most common are sialendoscopy, lithotripsy, and extirpation. All these types of operations are aimed at the destruction and destruction of stones.

If you turn to the hospital for help in a timely manner and follow all the recommendations of the attending physician, then the outcome of the disease is always favorable.

Acute lymphadenitis is treated with antibiotics for 10-14 days. If the disease has become chronic, which entailed the formation of calculi, scarring, fusion of the ducts, necrosis of the gland, or a persistent violation of salivation, then you will only have to wait for improvement in a month. If this does not happen, then an operation is performed or the treatment tactics are completely changed.

In almost all cases, sialadenitis is treated at home. Nonspecific parotitis is observed in the hospital. Patients who have had stones removed from the salivary ducts are also under observation for some time.

If you regularly brush your teeth, go to preventive examinations to the dentist, do not take foreign objects in your mouth, get vaccinated in a timely manner and eat right, you can avoid the occurrence of this disease. Particular attention should be paid to a diet that should not be broken, in any case.

Causes of the disease

The inflammatory process can be the result of the negative impact of several factors at once: a viral or bacterial infection, as well as foreign bodies entering the salivary canal - food particles, villi from a toothbrush, etc.

Among the most common causes that provoke the appearance of sialoadenitis, the following can be distinguished:

  • the growth of a stone in the tissues of the gland or the outlet section of the channel;
  • surgical intervention, as a result of which dehydration of the body occurred;
  • infectious diseases - measles, influenza, scarlet fever;
  • narrowing of the introductory duct on the parotid salivary glands;
  • the formation of an organic plug in the salivary canal, which may consist of a compacted mixture of leukocytes, epithelial cells and bacteria;
  • increased air pressure in the salivary duct;
  • professional activities of wind instrument musicians or glassblowers.

Symptoms of sialadenitis

Regardless of the organ in which the inflammatory process began, the disease can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • "shooting" pain in the area of ​​the affected gland, which strongly radiates into the oral cavity and neck;
  • unpleasant smell and taste in the mouth, sometimes the appearance of pus in the cavity;
  • redness of the skin and swelling in the place where the salivary canal passes;
  • the presence of an organic formation in the area of ​​the affected gland;
  • severe dry mouth, which is associated with a sharp decrease in the amount of saliva secreted;
  • a feeling of pressure and fullness in the area of ​​​​the inflamed channel, which may indicate the formation of a purulent plug;
  • pain when chewing food;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • elevated body temperature, usually up to 39 °C.

A particularly dangerous form of the disease is mumps, also called mumps. The disease can provoke serious consequences, affecting not only the salivary, but also other glands of the body.

In addition, parotitis is a contagious disease, so at the first symptoms of sialadenitis, you should immediately seek medical help and limit contact with others. With untimely treatment or its absence, as a rule, complications and purulent diseases develop. The body temperature rises sharply, the patient's condition worsens to extremely severe, and a breakthrough of a purulent formation into the oral cavity or epithelium is possible. Treatment of such an abscess is difficult to treat and entails unpleasant consequences.

How to diagnose a disease?

It is almost impossible to examine and identify sialadenitis on your own, so you need to seek qualified help from a dentist or general practitioner. Specialists carry out diagnostics and can determine the increase in the salivary gland, which becomes the first sign of the disease.

It is necessary to consult a doctor if you have noticed pain in the area of ​​the glands, in some cases - purulent formations in the oral cavity. Depending on the severity of the lesion and the condition of the patient, the doctor may refer the patient to an ultrasound, computed or magnetic resonance imaging.

Treatment of a simple form of sialadenitis

Elimination of the root cause of the disease and symptoms must be entrusted to the hands of a medical professional, since improper treatment of inflammation of the salivary gland can lead to the transition of the disease to a chronic form, which occurs with acute exacerbations and serious consequences. Timely diagnosis of the problem helps the patient to get by with standard therapy, without the need for surgical intervention.

Treatment of simple forms of sialoadenitis occurs on an outpatient basis: the patient is prescribed bed rest, as well as a balanced diet. At the same time, food is crushed for comfortable chewing and it is recommended to drink as much warm liquid as possible. An effective way to treat inflammation of the salivary gland is local therapy. During the procedures, the doctor applies warming dressings to the affected area, as well as compresses for resorption based on alcohol-camphor. At a more complex stage, various physiotherapeutic procedures are recommended for patients.

In some cases, the attending physician may prescribe a surgical opening of a purulent formation and drainage of the salivary canal. With this method of treatment, antibacterial agents are injected directly into the inflamed organ.

Since the main task is to ensure a constant outflow of saliva from the canal, a special diet is recommended for patients. Before eating, the patient needs to keep a slice of lemon in his mouth, and also add sauerkraut, lemons, cranberries and other acidic foods to his diet. In addition, the doctor prescribes drugs that contribute to active salivation. This treatment method is aimed at resolving stagnation in the salivary canal, as well as removing bacteria and dead organic cells from it. However, the doctor prescribes each decision regarding the stimulation of salivation depending on the individual course of the disease.

Elimination of the chronic form

If sialadenitis has passed into an advanced form, it is practically impossible to cure such a disease, but painful symptoms can be eliminated. During the period of exacerbation, the attending physician prescribes rinsing the mouth with antibacterial solutions, taking antibiotics, drugs that promote active salivation. Often, patients resort to folk remedies that have a sedative effect: rinsing the mouth with saline to moisten the mucosa, resorption of sour lemon, etc.

Possible Complications

Sialoadenitis, as a rule, ends either with a complete recovery, or with the transition to an incurable chronic form. In this case, the outcome is cirrhosis of the salivary gland, followed by atrophy of the acinar zones or stromal lipomatosis, in which functions cease and Sjögren's syndrome may develop. To avoid unpleasant and irreversible consequences, it is recommended to contact a medical specialist in a timely manner at the first manifestations of sialadenitis.

Causes of sialadenitis of the salivary gland

Sialoadenitis usually results from hyposecretion or obstruction of the duct, which can occur on its own. Sialoadenitis most often occurs in the parotid gland and usually occurs in patients aged 50-60 years, in patients with chronic dry mouth, Sjögren's syndrome, and in patients who have undergone radiation therapy of the oral cavity. Adolescents suffering from anorexia are also located to this disease. The most common cause of sialadenitis is Staphylococcus aureus; sometimes streptococcus, Escherichia coli and other anaerobic flora are sown.

Symptoms and signs of sialadenitis of the salivary gland

The main symptoms are fever, chills, unilateral pain and swelling. The gland is compacted and painful on palpation, which is accompanied by erythema and swelling of the skin and soft tissues over the gland. When pressing on the gland, a purulent discharge often appears from the duct, in which case a crop should be taken. With a pronounced increase in the gland, an abscess should be suspected.

Diagnosis of sialadenitis of the salivary gland

CT, ultrasound, and MRI are used to confirm the diagnosis of sialadenitis or abscess that is not clinically evident, although an obstructive stone may not always be seen on MRI. If a purulent discharge is separated from the duct, it should be sown on the flora and gram-bearing.

Treatment of sialadenitis of the salivary gland

  • Antibacterial drugs with antistaphylococcal activity,
  • Topical treatments (eg, saliva stimulants, warm compresses)

The main treatment is the use of antibacterial drugs active against S. aureus (for example, dicloxacillin 250 mg, first-generation cephalosporins or clindamycin), the appointment of which may vary depending on the results of culture. In connection with the growth of methicillin-resistant strain5. Aureus, especially in elderly patients who live in nursing homes, vancomycin is often used. It is also important to use moisturizing and salivation stimulation (lemon juice, gummies or other substances that promote salivation), warm compresses, gland massage, thorough oral hygiene. If an abscess is present, it must be drained. In some cases, it is recommended to perform a superficial parotidectomy or excision of the submandibular gland in patients with chronic recurrent sialadenitis.

Other salivary gland infections

Mumps often causes swelling of the parotid salivary glands. Secondary enlargement of the parotid salivary glands often occurs in HIV-infected patients on the background of one or more lymphoepithelial cysts. In cat-scratch disease caused by Bartonella, the infection often invades the parotid lymph nodes and can infect the salivary glands behind the ear. Although cat-scratch disease is not contagious, antibiotic treatment is necessary, and if abscesses form, they need to be opened.

An atypical infection of the palatine tonsils or teeth may also spread and affect the major salivary glands. The tuberculin test may be negative and a biopsy and histological examination of the tissue for the presence of acid-fast bacteria may be needed to confirm the diagnosis. There is a lot of controversy about the methods of treatment. One method is surgical excision of the gland, complete removal of the infected tissue, and administration of anti-tuberculosis drugs (rarely).

Causes of sialadenitis

Inflammation of large and small salivary glands, in particular the submandibular glands, develops due to various reasons. The pathological process in most cases covers only one pair of glands.

Sialoadenitis of the submandibular salivary gland can result from:

  • the development of salivary stone disease, in which stones of various sizes are formed in the duct or submandibular gland (from small ones in the form of grains of sand to large ones - 1-2 cm in diameter);
  • viral infections (syphilis, tuberculosis or actinomycosis);
  • infection from foci of caries;
  • the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • prolonged starvation, exhaustion, dehydration of the body, which leads to a decrease in immunity;
  • surgical procedures, during which anesthetics are used that inhibit salivation.

Also, sialoadenitis can be diagnosed in newborns who become infected with the cytomegalovirus in utero.

If the formation of stones led to the development of inflammation, the patient has a blockage or narrowing of the salivary ducts.

Symptoms of the disease

Most often, a patient who comes to see a doctor notes the presence of such symptoms of inflammation of the submandibular gland:

  • tingling, bursting at the site of stone formation;
  • swelling of the gland during meals;
  • discharge from the ducts of saliva of a viscous consistency with mucus or pus;
  • paroxysmal pains in the area of ​​the bottom of the oral cavity due to a delay in the outflow of saliva;
  • lack of saliva, feeling of dryness and bitter taste in the mouth;
  • sharp pain when swallowing food or liquid;
  • swelling extending to the front of the neck;
  • hyperemia of the skin in the problem area;
  • deterioration of well-being;
  • elevated body temperature (up to 39 ° FROM);
  • body intoxication.

If the cause of the development of inflammation is associated with the presence of a foreign body, there is a thickening and enlargement of the gland, aching pain, the possible formation of pus and the spread of the inflammatory process to the bottom of the oral cavity.

These symptoms will appear until the foreign body exits through the duct. When medical care is provided on time, the patient quickly recovers and recovers.

The acute form of the disease is characterized by pronounced symptoms. Exacerbation can lead to suppuration and abscess. In such cases, the patient needs urgent hospitalization.

Chronic sialoadenitis of the submandibular salivary gland may also occur, which develops as a concomitant disease against the background of serious diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's syndrome, lupus erythematosus, etc. In this case, there are no painful sensations.

The chronic condition is characterized by a gradual increase in the gland and the growth of connective tissue in the stroma, which leads to compression of the duct.


When the first signs of sialoadenitis appear, you should immediately get an appointment with a specialist who will determine the causes that provoked the development of the inflammatory process and prescribe the necessary treatment. Also, to make an accurate diagnosis, the patient will need to pass serological and bacterial tests.

Therapy will include:

  • taking antibacterial, antifungal or antiviral drugs, as well as antibiotics, depending on the type of pathogen;
  • washing the internal cavity of the gland with an antibacterial solution (through a special catheter that is inserted into the duct);
  • introduction into the oral cavity of Pilocarpine in the form of a 1% solution to relieve spasm of the duct;
  • the use of external compresses based on Dimexide, which are applied to the site of inflammation;
  • carrying out novocaine blockade (with chronic sialadenitis);
  • physiotherapy procedures: UHF, electrophoresis, fluctuorization, galvanization;
  • salivary gland massage;
  • rinsing the mouth with potassium permanganate, soda solution or furatsilin (with a mild inflammatory process);
  • the use of antipyretics at elevated temperatures (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen).

In the case of suppuration and the development of an abscess, the surgeon opens the inflamed area to remove the pus. In addition, a complication of sialadenitis can be the formation of fistulas, stenosis of the ducts of the gland, deterioration of its functioning, impaired salivation, salivary stone disease.

Here are some simple tips to speed up the healing process:

  • compliance with bed rest;
  • eating food with a liquid or viscous consistency;
  • proper drinking regimen, including a sufficient amount of liquid;
  • elimination of manifestations of intoxication;
  • carrying out manipulations aimed at improving blood flow.

Preventive measures

In order to avoid the development of sialoadenitis, it is necessary to remember about the prevention of the disease:

  • regularly take care of the oral cavity, carrying out mandatory hygiene procedures;
  • systematically visit a dentist who will carry out the necessary treatment in case of development of caries, gum disease, various inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • to carry out timely treatment in the event of viral colds;
  • conduct an examination of the mouth yourself;
  • strengthen the immune system so that the body can cope with the infection on its own.

How is sialadenitis treated, and what is it? You can find answers to these questions in this article. You will also learn about the causes of this disease and how it is diagnosed.

Basic information

Before telling you about how sialadenitis is treated, it should be said that there are several types of salivary glands in the human body. With inflammation of one of them, you can safely prepare for the development of sialadenitis.

The parotid, submandibular and sublingual salivary glands contribute to the production of such a specific secret as saliva. It enters the oral cavity through special ducts. The main function of this secret is to ensure the normal and healthy flow of the digestive process.

As you know, saliva softens the pieces of food entering the mouth, preparing them for direct entry into the stomach. It also helps a person to swallow them.

If the salivary glands are susceptible, then saliva ceases to perform its main function. As a result, it becomes much more difficult to soften and swallow pieces of food.

Causes of inflammation

For what reasons can sialadenitis develop (the treatment of this disease will be described later)? According to experts, most often a person becomes inflamed. At the same time, doctors talk about several reasons for the development of such a pathological condition.

It is impossible not to say that a fairly common reason for the development of the inflammatory process in the salivary glands is the irregular observance of the banal rules of oral hygiene.

The main symptoms of the disease

How should sialoadenitis be treated? Treatment of this disease should be carried out by an experienced specialist after diagnosis. You can suspect the development of this disease in yourself by the symptoms that have arisen. The most common signs of inflammation of the salivary glands include the following:

  • dry mouth;
  • pain during eating and swallowing;
  • difficulty opening the mouth;
  • swelling of the face, redness of the neck;
  • noticeable violations of taste sensations;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • the presence of an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth;
  • increase in body temperature.

It should also be noted that chronic sialadenitis, the treatment of which should be carried out at the very beginning of the development of the disease, is often manifested by pain in the earlobe and its protrusion. In addition, with such a disease, the patient's natural consistency of the salivary secretion is disturbed. It can be cloudy, and sometimes with purulent formations.

It should be especially noted that with the development of acute sialoadenitis, the symptoms can subside as abruptly and quickly as they appear. But this is far from a reason to forget about the problems that have recently bothered you. After all, such a disease does not go away on its own. It can only go into a quiet stage, which in the future will inevitably lead to the development of chronic inflammation.


Why is sialadenitis dangerous in children? Treatment of this disease should be urgent. After all, any form of sialadenitis can cause a number of serious complications not only in children, but also in adults.

If therapy is not started on time, and if all the doctor's prescriptions are not followed, then the patient may develop:

  • salivary gland abscess;
  • phlegmon at the bottom of the mouth;
  • re-infection.

It should also be said that sialoadenitis of the submandibular salivary gland, which should be treated by an infectious disease specialist or a dentist, can also negatively affect the parotid and sublingual organs. In addition, in severe forms of this disease, inflammatory processes often occur in the NS, pancreas, kidneys, meninges and testicles.

How is it diagnosed?

Treatment of sialadenitis should begin only after its diagnosis. Only an experienced specialist can identify this disease at an early stage of its development. In the process of examining the patient, the doctor observes a significant increase in the salivary glands, and sometimes the release of purulent fluid. With a bacterial infection, a person may experience soreness of these organs.

In the event that the doctor suspects an abscess, the patient is recommended to undergo computed tomography or ultrasound.

Treatment of sialadenitis

The most effective therapy for the disease in question should be carried out when it is acute and has not yet become chronic.

Treatment of calculous sialoadenitis and other types of this disease consists in the use of special medicines that increase the secretion of salivary secretions. When confirming the diagnosis, patients are prescribed a 1% solution of pilocarpine or a 2%

It is impossible not to say that in the treatment of the disease in question, physiotherapy, especially UHF, plays a very important role. To alleviate your condition, dry and warm dressings can be applied to the affected area, and alcohol-camphor compresses can also be made periodically.

It is also extremely important to follow the basic rules of oral hygiene. Teeth should be brushed not only in the evenings and mornings, but also after each meal (for example, with dental floss or a toothpick). In addition, for the period of treatment, smokers need to get rid of their addiction.

Compliance with these simple rules helps prevent the subsequent development of the inflammatory process.

Other Therapies

How to cure submandibular sialadenitis? Treatment of the mentioned disease, as well as inflammation of the parotid and sublingual salivary glands, should be comprehensive. In addition to taking certain drugs and physiotherapy, the patient is advised to follow the correct diet. Foods that a sick person consumes should be cut into small pieces.

It should also be noted that a beneficial effect on the salivary glands can have an abundant intake of warm milk or rosehip broth, as well as fresh fruit drinks and juices.

If, with sialoadenitis, a person has an increase in body temperature, then the specialist is obliged to prescribe anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs.

Treatment of inflammation in dentistry

As mentioned above, the treatment of sialoadenitis is often handled by a qualified dentist. With the development of pain, a specialist may advise rinsing your mouth with a self-prepared solution. To do this, half a dessert spoon of salt must be diluted in a glass of warm water. Regular rinsing with this solution helps to relieve inflammation, as well as moisturize the oral mucosa. But, unfortunately, this tool gives only a temporary effect.

Also, to increase the production of salivary secretion, some experts recommend sucking on small pieces of fresh lemon (without the use of granulated sugar). It is advisable to carry out such procedures several times a day. Lemon should not be consumed too often, as citrus fruits destroy tooth enamel.

Massage and surgery

In some cases, gentle massage also helps to get rid of pain in the area of ​​the salivary glands.

According to experts, the treatment of chronic sialadenitis is a laborious and complex process. In this case, there is a high probability that a complete cure will not come. But, despite this, it is imperative to carry out sialoadenitis therapy in order to avoid all sorts of complications, as well as to improve the quality of life of the patient.

During periods of exacerbation of this disease, the patient is shown taking antibiotics, as well as drugs that increase the secretion of salivary secretions. In addition, a good effect is given by the impact of direct current of low and low voltage on the affected area.

With the formation of stones in the glands, specialists remove them surgically. This method is used only in the most severe cases, when there is a melting of the salivary gland under the influence of purulent secretions, as well as when a foreign body enters the ducts. Depending on the degree of damage and the clinical picture, not only the foreign object itself, but also the salivary gland can be surgically removed.

Teeth are normal Other diseases How to treat sialadenitis? Causes and symptoms of the disease

There are several types of salivary glands in the human body. Inflammation of any of these is called sialadenitis. It can become inflamed as one gland, or several at once. Treatment of sialoadenitis must be started on time, as the disease can turn into a dangerous chronic form. In addition, if the disease is not treated, serious complications can be earned.

Salivary glands

In the human mouth, on the surface of the mucous membrane, there are 3 pairs of salivary glands:

  1. The parotid glands are located under the auricle and in front of it. These are the largest glands.
  2. The submandibular gland is located behind the back teeth under the lower jaw.
  3. The sublingual salivary glands are located under the oral mucosa to the right and left of the tongue.

The purpose of all salivary glands is to produce saliva, which is secreted through special ducts inside the mouth. Saliva aids in the normal process of digestion by softening hard pieces of food before they enter the stomach. If the salivary glands become inflamed, saliva loses its useful properties, as a result of which it becomes difficult for a person to swallow food.

The main causes of occurrence

Appearance of an inflamed salivary gland

Most often, the parotid glands become inflamed. There are two types of causes of the disease:
1. Inflammation of an epidemic nature.
This is a viral infection. Mumps is the most common cause of sialadenitis. The disease is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person. The salivary glands are greatly enlarged. Children often get sick with mumps.
2. Inflammation of a non-epidemic nature.
The disease can occur due to blockage of the salivary duct, due to the following factors:

  • Mechanical damage
  • Ingress of foreign bodies
  • Salivary stone disease
  • Improper oral hygiene
  • Encephalitis, typhoid, influenza
  • After surgery.

Routes of infection:

  1. From the mouth
  2. Lymphogenic
  3. Contact
  4. Hematogenous.

Types and symptoms of the disease

Human salivary glands, clickable

1. Viral sialoadenitis is divided into mumps and cytomegalovirus sialoadenitis.
2. Bacterial sialoadenitis occurs due to bacteria entering the oral cavity: streptococci, staphylococci and others.

According to the nature of the course of the disease, there are:

  1. Acute sialadenitis
  2. Chronic sialadenitis.

According to etiology, they are distinguished:

  1. Viral.
  2. Bacterial.
  3. Fungal.

Most often, the parotid glands are affected, less often - submandibular, very rarely - sublingual.


  1. Pain while chewing and swallowing food
  2. Neck and face are swollen and red
  3. Sense of taste is disturbed
  4. Bad taste in the mouth
  5. Feeling of dry mouth
  6. It becomes difficult to open your mouth
  7. Dyspnea
  8. Body temperature rises
  9. Pain in the ear (ear lobe)
  10. Violation of the consistency of saliva - it becomes cloudy, sometimes with purulent discharge.

Important : Symptoms in the acute stage of the disease appear and disappear very quickly. But this does not mean that the disease went away on its own. Timely treatment of sialoadenitis is the key to a quick recovery and a chance to avoid complications.

Complications after illness

Both acute and chronic forms of the disease can have complications. This can happen if therapy is not started on time or self-medication. The most common complications include:

  1. The formation of an abscess at the bottom of the oral mucosa
  2. Purulent inflammation of the salivary glands
  3. Re-infection (relapse).

In especially severe cases, inflammatory processes can occur in the kidneys, testicles, pancreas, and also in the lining of the brain.

Diagnosis of sialadenitis

At the first symptoms of sialoadenitis, it is necessary to consult a general practitioner and a dentist. During the examination, an increase in the salivary glands, the release of pus, as well as pain at the location of the salivary glands are most often detected. If an abscess is suspected, a CT scan and ultrasound may be needed.

Treatment of sialadenitis

Treatment of sialadenitis is most effective if therapy is started in the acute stage of the disease. Treatment of the chronic form is much more difficult. Treatment for sialadenitis includes:
1. Taking medications that increase the secretion of saliva.
2. Physiotherapeutic procedures. Dry warm dressings are applied to the affected area.
3. It is important to maintain oral hygiene.
4. Smokers are advised to get rid of bad habits.
5. Food must be chopped.
6. The use of warm liquid stimulates the production of saliva: rosehip broth, milk, fruit drinks, juices.
7. Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs at elevated body temperature.
Sometimes you can treat sialoadenitis with folk remedies. But this type of therapy cannot replace traditional treatment in its effectiveness, but can only supplement it. You can use the following recommendations:
1. It is necessary to rinse your mouth with warm saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of water). Rinse moisturizes the mucous membrane and relieves inflammation for a while.
2. You need to slowly dissolve a slice of lemon.
3. You can gently massage the affected areas to reduce pain.
Chronic sialadenitis requires longer treatment. There is not always a chance to recover completely. But therapy is necessary in any case to avoid dangerous complications:
1. During periods of exacerbations, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs or drugs that promote salivation.
2. Galvanization of the salivary glands is carried out (exposure to current).
3. If stones have formed, they are removed surgically.
The operation is carried out only in especially difficult cases:
1. If the salivary gland has melted under the influence of pus.
2. If a foreign body has entered the salivary ducts. The operation is most often an opening and drainage of the salivary gland. Then antibiotics are injected into the wound.

Calculous sialadenitis

Calculous sialodenitis, gross specimen

Calculous sialoadenitis is a dangerous type of disease during which stones are deposited in the salivary ducts. Most often, the submandibular salivary gland with its ducts is affected.
The causes of the disease have not been fully elucidated. But there is an assumption that the disease occurs as a result of inflammatory processes in the salivary ducts, which provoke a decrease in the lumen in them. As a result, the flow rate of saliva slows down, and its beneficial properties also change.
If fish bones, grains of cereals get into the ducts, stones begin to form around them. Salivary stones vary in shape and size.

There are 3 stages of the disease:

  1. initial stage
  2. Acute calculous sialadenitis
  3. Late stage (chronic sialadenitis).

The disease most often occurs without symptoms. Over time, the following symptoms occur:

  • Delayed salivation
  • Pain at the location of the salivary glands
  • Enlargement of the glands
  • Difficulties with eating.

Treatment most often involves surgery. Stones are removed from the ducts, an antibacterial drug is injected. With relapses, removal of the glands is possible.

Thanks to the process of salivation, the body can more easily cope with the digestion of food due to its pre-treatment with saliva. Saliva also helps protect against the entry of viruses and bacteria into the body through the oral cavity, thus performing a protective function. Synthesize saliva 3 pairs of salivary glands: submandibular, sublingual, parotid.

Sialadenitis of the parotid glands is an inflammation caused by the ingress of infectious agents (usually viruses, bacteria), as a result of which the salivation process is disturbed. ICD 10 disease code - K11.2. According to statistics, sialoadenitis accounts for about 50% of all cases of salivary gland lesions. The most common form of sialadenitis of the parotid glands is mumps, which is more often diagnosed in children. In order to correctly prescribe the treatment of inflammation, it is necessary to find out its causes, to determine the pathogen. Untimely diagnosis and failure to provide medical care can lead to the development of complications and infection of the whole organism.


Inflammation of the parotid salivary glands is classified based on the characteristics of the course of the pathological process, the causes, and the mechanism of infection.

Allocate acute and chronic forms of sialadenitis. Acute sialadenitis occurs in several stages:

  • serous form;
  • purulent;
  • necrosis.

Depending on the nature of the pathogen, acute sialadenitis is:

  • viral (caused by influenza viruses, Coxsackie, mumps);
  • bacterial (due to past infections, after surgery, due to obstruction of the salivary gland).

Chronic inflammation can be:

  • parenchymal;
  • interstitial;
  • ductal (sialodochitis).


Inflammation of the parotid salivary glands can be epidemic and non-epidemic, depending on its cause. Epidemic sialadenitis develops as a result of the spread of infection from one person to another. An example of this is mumps (mumps).

Non-epidemic inflammation can occur under the influence of predisposing factors:

  • mechanical damage and trauma to the parotid glands;
  • the presence of stones in the glands;
  • non-compliance with oral hygiene;
  • ingress of foreign bodies;
  • postoperative infection;
  • encephalitis, typhoid and other primary infections.

Pathogenic organisms can enter the parotid glands in several ways:

  • hematogenous (through the blood);
  • lymphogenous (by lymph flow);
  • contact (from nearby organs);
  • ascending (from the oral cavity).:

Clinical picture

The acute form of pathology is characterized by:

  • heat;
  • soreness of the affected gland;
  • redness of the skin around the affected area;
  • puffiness.

With a detailed examination, a swelling can be detected in front of the auricle, which is constantly increasing. The pain syndrome can radiate to the temporal region, under the lower jaw.

The function of the parotid gland during inflammation is disturbed, which leads to the appearance of additional signs:

  • difficulty eating and swallowing food;
  • malocclusion;
  • dryness in the mouth;
  • the appearance in the saliva of mucus, pus.

On a note! The manifestations of the disease depend on its form and type of pathogen. Acute sialadenitis is characterized by a sudden and pronounced onset. Chronic sialadenitis is characterized by periodic exacerbations, the symptoms of which are similar to acute inflammation. The temperature is kept at the subfebrile level. The patient feels difficulty opening his mouth, chewing.


Inflammation of the parotid glands, based on the age of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases, the etiology of the process, requires consultation of various specialists (pediatrician, dentist, surgeon, infectious disease specialist). The doctor examines the patient, according to the characteristic external signs, he can make a preliminary diagnosis.

To differentiate various forms of sialadenitis, additional diagnostics are necessary, which may include:

  • secretion analysis for cytology, biochemistry, microbiology.

The anatomy and functionality of the parotid glands is examined using:

  • sialography;
  • sialotomography;
  • thermography;
  • sialometry.

During the diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude the presence of sialodenosis, tumors of the glands, lymphadenitis, infectious mononucleosis.

On the page, learn about what is epithelial ovarian cancer in women and how to treat oncopathology.

Therapeutic measures

Inflammation in the salivary glands must be treated as soon as possible. The consequences of the disease can be very dangerous for the health of the patient. The disease can be complicated by meningitis, orchitis, rheumatism and other pathologies. The tactics of treating sialoadenitis is selected individually, taking into account the form of inflammation, the nature of the infection, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

For 1-2 weeks, the patient must comply with bed rest. With viral sialoadenitis, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with interferon solutions, strengthen the immune system with the help of vitamin therapy, taking immunostimulants.

In bacterial forms of the disease, the introduction of antibiotics and proteolytic enzymes into the duct of the affected gland is used. In the presence of an infiltrate, blockades are made with Novocain according to Vishnevsky, compresses of a solution of Dimethyl sulfoxide on the diseased area.

Effective in chronic inflammation, in addition to medications, resort to special massage and physiotherapy:

  • electrophoresis;
  • galvanization;

To speed up recovery, you should follow a salivary diet. Do not eat fatty foods, increase vegetables, fruits, dairy products in the diet.

If purulent foci form during the development of the disease, they resort to surgical intervention. The doctor makes an incision in the area of ​​​​accumulation of pus, gives him the opportunity to outflow. If there are stones in the gland, they must be removed surgically. The most common ways to remove stones are lithotripsy, sialendoscopy.

Forecast and prevention

In most cases, the outcome of sialoadenitis of the parotid salivary glands is favorable. The acute form of the disease can be cured within 2 weeks. Advanced cases of inflammation can lead to the formation of scars in the ducts of the gland, to necrosis and chronic impaired salivation.

To avoid the development of sialadenitis, it is recommended:

  • carefully monitor oral hygiene;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • timely stop the foci of infection in the body;
  • regular check-ups at the dentist;
  • vaccinate against mumps.

Sialadenitis of the parotid glands can be prevented if all recommendations for prevention are followed. If infection has already occurred, it is necessary to find out the causes of the inflammatory process as soon as possible and begin treatment. This will allow you to quickly restore health and avoid unwanted consequences.

Human digestion begins with the salivary glands. In the mouth, chewed food is moistened with saliva. It is produced by three large glands (parotid, sublingual, submandibular) and many small ones.

Inflammation of the salivary gland downstream proceeds as an acute or chronic disease. The disease is called sialadenitis. Local signs of inflammation can have unexpected consequences.

What you need to know about the structure and functions of the salivary glands?

The salivary glands are paired secreting organs. They have a different location and structure. Small or small glands are located deep in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, nasopharynx and tonsils. According to localization, labial, palatine, buccal, gingival, lingual are distinguished. Among the major salivary glands, the parotid, sublingual, and submandibular glands are distinguished.

In the body of an adult, 1000-1500 ml of saliva is secreted per day. The total amount depends on the stimulating role of food, nervous and humoral effects. It is estimated that 69% of the volume is produced by the submandibular glands, 26% - parotid, 5% - sublingual.

Saliva contains:

  • lysozyme, amylase, phosphatase and other enzymes;
  • proteins;
  • electrolytes (sodium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium);
  • parotin (an epithelial and nerve growth factor) and other substances with hormonal activity.

The parotid gland is located in the zone of masticatory muscles in the retromaxillary fossa. Above it lies the external auditory meatus and the zygomatic arch. It is covered in front and behind by strong neck muscles, so it is poorly palpated normally. This is the largest of all salivary glands, weighing up to 30 g. It is divided into superficial and deep lobes.

The dense capsule of the gland is fused with the muscles, but becomes thinner on the inner surface, there is no continuous coating here and there is communication with the peripharyngeal space. The processes of the capsule go inward, forming lobules.

Other glands are arranged according to the same principle. 60% of people have an additional share. The secret enters the salivary ducts, which merge to form a single excretory duct of the parotid gland (length up to 7 cm, width about 2.5 mm).

Nearby are such important structures as the carotid artery, facial and ear-temporal nerves, large veins, fibers of the sympathetic and parasympathetic plexuses, and lymph nodes. The path of the excretory duct can vary from straight to curving, rarely bifurcating. It opens on the buccal mucosa.

In old age, part of the tissue atrophies, its fatty degeneration is observed. According to the secretory composition, the parotid gland is considered purely serous.

The secretion in the lobules is produced by pyramidal cells, protection against infection, so that the gland does not become inflamed, provides mucus secreted by goblet cells

Submandibular gland - located in the submandibular fossa between the lower jaw and the digastric muscle. Back in contact with the sublingual gland. In the zone of the angle of the lower jaw, it is very close to the parotid. Weight is 8-10 g (decreases in old age). A dense capsule is surrounded by adipose tissue, lymph nodes.

The excretory duct is up to 7 cm long, the lumen is 2–4 mm, it opens in the floor of the oral cavity near the frenulum of the tongue. According to the composition of the secretion of iron, it belongs to the serous-mucous. The blood supply comes from the facial artery. The lingual nerve passes in close proximity.

The doctor in cases of surgical treatment of inflammation of the submandibular salivary gland has to take into account the possibility of the location of the lingual nerve in the surrounding adhesions. This also applies to the projection of the facial nerve. The need for removal (extirpation) of the gland requires caution in choosing the site of the incision. Otherwise, curing one disease can cause serious complications.

The sublingual gland is located at the bottom of the oral cavity in the area between the frenulum of the tongue with the wisdom tooth. Outside and below it is limited by dense muscles. Nearby are the lingual nerve and the endings of the hypoglossal nerve, the lingual vessels, the excretory duct of the submandibular gland.

The capsule is thin. Weight up to 5 g. The excretory duct flows into the mouth of the duct of the submandibular gland. Its length is up to 2 cm. It belongs to the mixed glands of the serous-mucous type.

Why does sialadenitis occur?

The cause of acute inflammation of the salivary gland is one of the infectious agents or a mixed infection. The most common viruses are mumps, influenza, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr, herpes, Coxsackie. The route of infection is airborne with the saliva of a sick person.

The tissues of the salivary glands are particularly sensitive to the mumps virus. Getting on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, it goes deep into the parenchyma of the parotid gland, multiplies and forms an inflammatory response. In addition to local inflammation, the circulation of the mumps virus through the circulatory system is important.

Once in the testicles of boys, the microorganism causes irreversible changes that threaten infertility in the future.

Bacteria - come from the oral cavity with lymph or through the ducts. The source can be carious teeth, tonsillitis, purulent discharge from the nasopharynx with sinusitis, lack of proper hygiene measures for care. With the bloodstream, bacteria can enter the salivary glands with scarlet fever in children, typhoid fever (typhoid pneumonia).

With lymph, they are transmitted with boils on the face, in the throat, and purulent wounds. One of the factors contributing to infection with further inflammation of the salivary gland is mechanical obturation (lumen occlusion) of the ducts.

It comes as a result of:

  • the formation of a stone inside the duct, the stagnation of the secret quickly becomes infected (such inflammation is called calculous);
  • introduction of a foreign body;
  • reactive obturation - reflex narrowing of the ducts and a decrease in saliva production occurs under the influence of stress, malnutrition, surgical interventions on the abdominal organs, exhaustion in chronic diseases, malignant neoplasms, and diabetes mellitus.

The accumulated saliva in the duct serves as a good medium for the growth of pathogenic microorganisms from the oral cavity.

Chronic inflammatory diseases rarely progress from the acute form of sialadenitis. They are characterized by independent development, which is caused by the predisposition of the gland tissue. This feature is explained by autoimmune processes, genetic disorders, various underlying diseases.

The provoking factors are:

  • stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • pregnancy;
  • past trauma;
  • decreased immunity due to a serious illness, aging of the body.

Chronic inflammation occurs against the background of a deterioration in blood supply with widespread atherosclerosis in the elderly.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Symptoms of inflammation of the salivary glands depend on the location, form, have local and general signs.


The disease begins suddenly with an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees. Swelling in the parotid region is formed on both sides. Patients experience pain when moving the jaw, talking, chewing. Radiates to the ears. Puffiness makes the face round, so the popular name for the disease is “mumps”. In adults, inflammation of the submandibular salivary gland and sublingual gland occurs simultaneously.

In the photo, unilateral sialadenitis

There are stages of the disease:

  • Serous - appears dry mouth, soreness and swelling of the face in the ear area (noticeably elevated position of the earlobe). The pain is moderate, felt when eating, salivation at the sight of food. The skin is not changed. The temperature is low. Pressure does not cause saliva, little painful.
  • Purulent - the pains become sharp, do not give the opportunity to open the mouth, "shoot" in the ears, lead to insomnia. The temperature rises to 38 degrees and above. Puffiness extends to the temples, lower jaw. The pressure is very painful, pus is released into the mouth. The gland is of dense consistency, the skin in the area of ​​inflammation is reddened.
  • Gangrenous - it is difficult, the temperature does not rise high due to the weakening of the protective forces. The skin is partially destroyed and necrotic tissues pass through it. Perhaps a septic course with a fatal outcome or acute bleeding from the arteries of the neck.

Inflammation in the submandibular gland

Sialoadenitis of the submandibular salivary gland is manifested by swelling in the submandibular region. The gland is palpated as an enlarged, dense, bumpy, painful formation.

As inflammation increases, swelling increases, pain appears when swallowing

When examining the mouth under the tongue, redness, swelling are visible, it is possible to detect the release of pus from the duct. Localization in the submandibular salivary gland is most often accompanied by the formation of a stone in the duct (calculous process). The reason is a high concentration of calcium in the blood, the introduction of a foreign body.

Signs of calculous inflammation are:

  • in changing the nature of the pain to a sharp, stabbing, there remains an increase in eating;
  • impaired salivation;
  • constant feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • dense bumpy surface of the gland.

Massaging movements cause the release of pus under the tongue.

Sublingual sialadenitis

Inflammation of the sublingual salivary gland is very rare. It is detected by dentists in case of complicated course of periodontitis. Maximum soreness and swelling are detected under the tongue. It is felt when talking, eating.

Forms of chronic inflammation

Inflammatory diseases of the salivary glands in chronic course differ in forms. Interstitial sialadenitis - observed in 85% of patients with lesions of the parotid glands, more often in women and in the elderly. It is asymptomatic for a long time.

It progresses slowly, accompanied by a gradual narrowing of the ducts. The aggravation begins suddenly, the gland increases, is painful, but has a smooth surface. After treatment, the size does not return to normal.

Parenchymal - also affects almost always the parotid glands. Patients are of any age, women are more likely to get sick. The hidden current has been going on for many years. The clinic of exacerbation does not differ from acute sialadenitis. In the initial stage, patients note the appearance in the mouth of abundant brackish mucus when pressing on the parotid zone.

Then pain, induration, tuberosity of the gland, pus in saliva appear. Dryness, painful swallowing or chewing are not characteristic.

Sialodokhitis - this is the name of an isolated lesion of the ducts. It often develops in old age due to the anatomical expansion of the excretory tract. The main symptom is profuse salivation when eating and talking. This contributes to the formation of jam in the corners of the mouth.

How is the diagnosis made?

Diagnosis is based on clarifying the symptoms and examining the patient, palpation of the glands. In addition to the therapist, you may need to consult an otolaryngologist, dentist. Acute processes usually have a pronounced association with infection.

Palpation is carried out with soft massaging movements.

Chronic sialadenitis is detected by X-ray examination after the introduction of a contrast agent into the duct (sialography). Then the pictures reveal characteristic changes:

  • in the interstitial form - narrowing of the ducts, against the background of a small introduction of Iodolipol (up to 0.8 ml instead of 2-3 is normal);
  • with parenchymal - multiple small cavities, ducts and gland tissue are not determined, and up to 8 ml of solution is needed to completely fill the cavities.

If necessary, differential diagnosis is used: ultrasound of the salivary glands, biopsy with analysis for cytology, bacteriological culture of saliva, biochemical analysis of the composition of saliva, polymerase chain reaction technique to identify the pathogen.

Types of treatment for sialadenitis

Treatment of inflammation of the salivary gland necessarily takes into account the stage and form of the disease, the age of the patient. Acute sialadenitis in the serous stage can be treated on an outpatient basis, following all the orders of the doctor.

With viral mumps, including epidemic, it is useless to treat inflammation of the salivary gland with antibiotics. Interferon-based drugs, immunomodulators, symptomatic drugs for pain relief, fever reduction are shown. In order to reduce the concentration of the virus in the bloodstream, drinking plenty of water is recommended.

In bacterial acute inflammatory processes, a special salivary diet is prescribed. The food includes crackers, lemon, sauerkraut, cranberries. To stimulate the excretory ducts, a solution of Pilocarpine in drops is used.

Antibiotics are introduced into the ducts in stationary conditions. At home, it is recommended in intramuscular injections or capsules. To wash the ducts, solutions of antiseptics (Dioxydin) are used. With inflammation of the salivary gland under the tongue, it is recommended to rinse with a warm preparation with a slight delay in the mouth.

Treatment of sialoadenitis is not complete without compresses on the gland area (once a day for half an hour).

For the compress, diluted heated vodka, Dimexidine is used, the patient feels a decrease in pain

From physiotherapy, UHF is used for anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Against the background of severe edema and pains that make it difficult to eat, blockades are used with a solution of Penicillin with Novocain.

To prevent the formation of adhesions and impaired patency of the ducts, Trasilol and Kontrykal are used intravenously. Surgical treatment is indicated in severe cases requiring opening of the abscess from the outside. The operation is performed under anesthesia. At the same time, a stone in the duct is removed, if it has formed.

Chronic sialadenitis is treated during an exacerbation by the same methods as acute ones. But it is important to support salivation, the release of purulent plugs during periods without exacerbation. For this it is recommended:

  • conduct a course of duct massage with internal administration of antibiotics;
  • novocaine blockade and electrophoresis with Galantamine - stimulate the secretion of saliva;
  • galvanization procedures;
  • the introduction of Iodolipol into the gland once a quarter to prevent exacerbations;
  • course intake of potassium iodide;
  • surgical removal of the gland, if it causes frequent exacerbations.

Treatment with folk remedies suggests: rinsing your mouth with a salt solution, slowly sucking on a slice of lemon, adding herbal teas with anti-inflammatory effects (mint, chamomile, calendula) to your drink.


Children at the age of one and a half years are vaccinated with a three-component vaccine against mumps, measles, rubella. The most available general protective measures: oral care (brushing teeth at least twice a day, rinsing after meals), treatment of carious teeth, tonsillitis, sinusitis.

It is important to wash hands after contact with different people, before eating, wearing a mask when caring for sick family members, dressing for the season, and avoiding hypothermia. Participation in flu shots helps adults protect themselves from sialadenitis. Prevention measures should be taught to children from preschool age.