What is eye herpes and how to cure it quickly? Treatment of herpes on the eyelids of the eyes What is eye herpes.

Herpes on the eyelid, or ocular herpes, occurs very rarely, since the favorite localization of infection on the face is the area of ​​​​the lips. The herpes virus, once entering the body, manifests itself during periods of colds and reduced immunity. For centuries, herpes occurs after bringing it there with fingers, a towel, hygiene items. If the pathology in the eye area does not occur for the first time, it is worth thinking about the state of immunity.

Causes of herpetic lesions of the eyelids

The body produces antibodies that protect against viruses and other foreign agents. A decrease in the production of immune bodies in the body can occur due to a number of reasons:

  • weakening of the immune system against the background of stress, acute colds, beriberi;
  • trauma to the eyelids and eyes;
  • the period of bearing a child;
  • immunosuppression - treatment with drugs that suppress the immune system (cytostatics, glucocorticoids).

Ways of infection:

  • close contact with an infected person;
  • use of common household items.

Ways of spread of herpetic eruptions:

  1. Endogenous - when it first enters the body, the virus enters the bloodstream, settles in the nerve ganglia, in which it can stay for years, waiting for a failure in immunity.
  2. Exogenous way - the spread of the virus with the contents of the vesicles on the skin. For example, children can scratch the rash, infecting other parts of the face, including the eyes..

How does herpes appear on the eyelids

Regardless of the localization, on the upper eyelid or on the lower eyelid, the first symptoms of herpes will be the same:

  • swelling and inflammation of the skin and mucous membrane of the eye and eyelid;
  • copious secretion of lacrimal fluid;
  • pain syndrome or burning;
  • eye discomfort.

The main symptom of herpes is blisters that tend to merge. They are accompanied by itching and have transparent contents. Wounds after opening the blisters do not heal for a long time.

If the herpes virus affects the retina of the eye, then the following symptoms are observed:

  • distortion of the visual image (clouding, fog, curvature of lines);
  • flashes, sparks before the eyes;
  • double vision;
  • eyelid cramps.

How the disease progresses

Eye herpes can manifest itself in the form of one of the following pathologies:

  1. Dermatitis of the eyelids - hyperemia, swelling of the eyelids with the presence of itchy vesicles, on which crusts form over time. Possible increase in body temperature.
  2. Viral conjunctivitis. There is redness of the affected eye. Characteristic bubble rashes are located on the conjunctiva (the mucous membrane of the eyelids) with the transition to the skin of the nose, eyelids.
  3. Corneal infection - keratitis - is accompanied by lacrimation and fear of light, bubble rashes are located on the eye, the conjunctiva is hyperemic.
  4. Herpetic uveitis is an inflammation of the choroid of the eye, manifested by reddening of the conjunctiva and injected vessels.

With untimely treatment or severe course of the disease, the following complications may develop:

  • herpetic ulcer of the cornea;
  • acute retinal necrosis;
  • postherpetic trophic keratitis.

4 steps in the diagnosis of ophthalmic herpes

If bubble rashes and inflammation appear in the eye area, you should immediately visit an ophthalmologist and undergo an examination that will allow you to choose the appropriate treatment regimens.


The basis of herpes therapy is the relief of symptoms and the elimination of the cause of the disease. To relieve symptoms, local anti-inflammatory drugs are used, and to combat the pathogen, antiviral drugs are used not only externally, but also in tablet form. Herpes should be treated with a course of up to 1 month under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.

Overview of antivirals

Acyclovir is an effective antiherpetic agent, available both in the form of an ointment for topical application and in the form of tablets for oral administration. Adults are prescribed 200 mg 5 times a day for 5 days. Analogue - Zovirax. Possible side effects:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • anemia, leukocytopenia in blood tests;
  • allergic reactions;
  • decreased kidney function (increased creatinine and urea in the blood);
  • increased levels of liver enzymes;
  • neurological and mental disorders (hallucinations, tremor, psychosis).

Valaciclovir (Valtrex) is a new generation antiviral agent, is a prodrug. When ingested, it is metabolized to the active form, thereby increasing its effectiveness and reducing the risks of side effects. Assign inside 0.5 grams 2 times a day.

Famciclovir (Famvir) is a new generation antiherpetic drug. It has high bioavailability - 77% of the composition of the drug is absorbed into the blood. For adults, 500 mg is administered orally every 12 hours. Depending on the severity of the course and the type of virus, the doses may be adjusted by the doctor.

Inosine pranobex (Isoprinosine) - an alternative agent based on an immunostimulant, does not have a direct antiviral effect. It acts indirectly: it activates lymphocytes, increases the formation of interferon, immunoglobulins, macrophages. These substances are involved in protective reactions against the herpes virus. The drug is able to increase the level of uric acid in the blood, which is contraindicated in gout.

The earlier antiviral treatment is started from the onset of symptoms, the higher their effectiveness.

Symptomatic remedies

  • Ultraviolet irradiation or quartzization for drying wounds and rapid healing.
  • Antiseptics - Miramistin, Chlorhexidine.
  • Anti-inflammatory drops - Naklof, Diclofenac.
  • Antiallergic drugs - Opatanol, Kromoheksal.

Prevention of ophthalmic herpes

The basis of prevention is the minimization of contacts with a sick person, the exclusion of the use of common household items with him, the prevention of immunodeficiency and beriberi, and the avoidance of stress. If symptoms of ophthalmoherpes occur, be sure to visit an ophthalmologist and undergo a complete examination.

To cure herpetic lesions of the eyelids, it is necessary to provide an integrated approach to therapy. Treatment includes taking medications according to the schemes prescribed by the doctor, local effects on the affected area with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral agents and physiotherapy methods.

It can affect all organs and systems, including the eyes. The most common diseases are herpes zoster, skin lesions of the eyelids, conjunctivitis, keratitis, inflammation of the choroid (iridocyclitis and chorioretinitis), optic neuritis, herpetic retinopathy, acute retinal necrosis. All these diseases are in the vast majority of cases chronic and often lead to complications.

Causes of herpetic eye damage

According to the time of occurrence, herpes is acquired and congenital. Herpes is caused by virus types 1, 2 and Varicella Zoster. Predisposing factors:

- stress
- concomitant severe diseases that contribute to a decrease in immunity, including infectious
- immunodeficiency
- malnutrition
- long-term use of antibiotics

Herpes infection is a highly contagious disease. Ways of transmission: airborne, contact, sexual, ascending (from other organs), transplacental.

Herpes zoster with manifestations in the eyes occurs when the first branch of the trigeminal nerve is involved in the inflammatory process. At first, pains on the affected side, malaise, body temperature may rise. Then bubbles with transparent contents appear on the reddened skin, then it becomes cloudy, and crusts form, which can leave scars.

The skin of the upper eyelid and the eyebrow area is affected, rarely the lower eyelid (with damage to the 2nd branch of the nerve). Regional lymph nodes enlarge and become painful. If the nervus nasociliaris is involved in the process, then characteristic rashes appear at the inner corner of the eye and on the cornea. Almost always, the virus affects one half of the face.

With herpes of the skin of the eyelids, severe itching and burning are noted, bubbles appear on the hyperemic (reddened) skin, their contents become cloudy, then crusts form. When they are combed, scars remain.

There are 3 forms of herpetic conjunctivitis: follicular, catarrhal and vesicular-ulcerative.

First type has a sluggish course, characterized by mild reddening of the eyes and poor mucous discharge. There are no typical symptoms.

At catarrhal form complaints are more pronounced, has an acute course.

Classic manifestations vesicular herpetic conjunctivitis- rashes in the form of bubbles, the formation of crusts without scarring.

Keratitis, caused by the herpes virus, is divided into tree-like, marginal, corneal erosion, discoid, bullous, metaherpetic. The symptoms of all kinds are similar. Characterized by blepharospasm (impossible to open eyes), photophobia and lacrimation, pain. The sensitivity of the cornea is reduced, which can lead to accidental injury and secondary infection. Eruptions and infiltrates appear on the cornea. The most pathognomonic herpetic keratitis is dendritic. In this case, bubbles appear along the nerve fibers of the cornea. Bursting, they cause pain.

Discoid keratitis is deep. There is a rounded clouding of the corneal stroma. The appearance of folds of the Descemet's membrane and precipitates on the endothelium is possible. Often passes into iridocyclitis. The prognosis is unfavorable, because. corneal opacities often remain.

Deep keratitis refers to keratouveitis. In these cases, the symptoms of iridocyclitis join the symptoms of inflammation of the cornea.

Iridocyclitis, caused by the herpes virus, can occur in an acute, subacute and sluggish form. By the nature of the process is serous and serous-fibrinous. Characterized by pain in acute and subacute course, pericorneal injection of the conjunctiva, sebaceous precipitates on the endothelium of the cornea, moisture of the anterior chamber opalescent (if secondary flora joins, then hypopyon), hyphema is possible (erythrocytes in the moisture of the anterior chamber), posterior synechia (the pupil does not expand or has irregular shape), the formation of adhesions between the iris and the lens or in the angle of the anterior chamber (intraocular pressure increases accordingly). The iris becomes full-blooded, edematous, its pattern is smoothed.

Acute retinal necrosis- one of the types of chorioretinitis, a possible cause is the herpes virus. It occurs more often in people with immunodeficiency (for example, HIV-infected). Symptoms: loss of vision if the central region is involved in the process. First one eye is affected, and after a few months the second. Inflammatory foci appear, first on the periphery, then they merge, and this can lead to exudative retinal detachment. Perhaps the appearance of infiltration in the vitreous body. Later, strands may form, leading to tractional retinal detachment. More than half of people who have acute retinal necrosis go blind.

Other eye diseases do not have specific manifestations of herpes infection. The presence of the virus is detected only during the examination.

Diagnosis of the herpes virus

To make a diagnosis, you need:

On external examination, there may be characteristic rashes on the face and eyelid skin,
- visometry - vision can be sharply reduced in the presence of corneal infiltrate, chorioretinitis or optic neuritis,
- perimetry,
- analgysemetry - with herpetic infection, the sensitivity of the cornea is reduced,
- biomicroscopy, including after staining with fluorescein,
- inspection in transmitted light to determine the transparency of the media of the eye,
- ophthalmoscopy, as well as examination with a Goldman lens to identify foci of infection in the fundus.

In most cases, the symptoms are not specific to herpes, so a diagnosis cannot be made without laboratory confirmation. One of the diagnostic methods is the determination of antibodies to the virus in a scraping from the conjunctiva using the method of fluorescent antibodies. In the general blood test, the level of leukocytes and lymphocytes is increased (if there is an immunodeficiency, then it is reduced), with a primary infection, intradermal allergic tests are performed. Examine the state of the immune status for the correct appointment of immunomodulators. In smears-prints from the cornea and conjunctiva, PCR can detect virus DNA.

The most reliable diagnostic method is virology (the virus is grown on chicken embryos or special nutrient media), but it is very expensive and lengthy (up to 3 weeks), therefore it is used more often for scientific purposes, and not for prescribing treatment.

Also determine the antibodies to herpes in the blood. An elevated IgG level indicates a previous infection. If IgM is detected, then the process is acute. They appear on the 5th-7th day of the disease, so it does not make sense to test for antibodies earlier (for example, ELISA - enzyme immunoassay).

Mandatory consultations of a dermatovenereologist, infectious disease specialist, neuropathologist.

Eye herpes treatment

Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of an ophthalmologist. If the skin of the face and eyelids is affected, the bubbles are smeared with acyclovir ointment 3% 4 times a day for up to 2 weeks. To dry the inflammatory elements, it is possible to use dyes locally (brilliant green solution, iodine solution, fucorcin).

Oftan-IDU is instilled into the conjunctival sac 4 times a day for 10 days to prevent the spread of infection.

With herpes zoster and severe pain, novocaine blockades are made, and antiherpetic drugs are taken orally for a week (Acyclovir 5 times a day, 0.2 grams, Valaciclovir, 0.5 grams 2 times a day). To accelerate healing, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment (UHF, UFO) are locally used.

With herpetic conjunctivitis, the following drugs are prescribed:

Antiviral drops and ointments - Oftan-IDU 1 drop 6 times a day, Okoferon 1 drop 6 times a day, Acyclovir ointment 3% 2-3 times a day
- antiseptic drops - Miramistin, Okomistin 1 drop 6 times a day
- anti-inflammatory drops - Indocollir, Naklof, Diklof 1 drop 3 times a day
- antibacterial drops when secondary bacterial flora is attached (Floxal, Tobrex, Oftakviks 1 drop up to 6 times a day)
- antihistamine drops - sodium cromoglycate or Opatanol 1 drop 3 times a day when an allergic reaction occurs.

Long-term treatment, at least 3-4 weeks under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.

Complications of herpes in the eyes:

spread of infection (keratitis), allergic reactions.

Herpetic keratitis is the most common viral infection affecting the eyes. Treatment is complex and is carried out in a hospital. Approximate treatment regimen: instill into the affected eye 6 times a day, 1 drop of Oftan-IDU, Okoferon, Okomistin, Floksal; 3 times a day Indocollir and Acyclovir ointment 3%. With deep keratitis, mydriatics are prescribed to prevent the occurrence of synechia (Tropicamide, Midriacil 2-3 times a day). If the corneal epithelium is not damaged, then hormonal drops and ointments are used (hydrocortisone ointment 1%, dexamethasone drops 0.1% 2-3 times a day). Some drugs are best administered subconjunctival or parabulbarno, for example, interferon, mezaton, dexamethasone, antibiotics. Local treatment is combined with general therapy: antiviral (Acyclovir 0.2 grams 5 times a day), vitamin therapy (ascorbic acid, B vitamins). Interferon production inductors are also shown, for example, Cycloferon according to the scheme or Amizon. If necessary, the immunologist prescribes immunomodulators. Physiotherapy accelerates the healing process: UHF, UVI, magnetotherapy, laser therapy, phonophoresis.

If conservative treatment is ineffective, laser coagulation or cryotherapy of inflammatory foci is used. Complications of keratitis: uveitis, allergic reactions, clouding of the cornea up to the walleye.

Treatment herpetic uveitis (iridocyclitis and chorioretinitis) requires intravenous infusion of acyclovir at a dosage of 5-10 mg / kg every 8 hours, intravitreal administration of valaciclovir or famciclovir is possible. In severe cases, with proliferative changes in the vitreous body and the risk of retinal detachment, surgical treatment is indicated - vitrectomy and laser coagulation of the affected areas of the retina. Complications: loss of vision, retinal detachment.

Prevention of herpes

Herpes affects 95% of the total population. The virus lives in the human body and may not manifest itself, but under adverse conditions, relapses of the disease occur. Therefore, prevention consists in strengthening immunity, timely and comprehensive treatment of exacerbations, good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, and vaccination during remission.

Ophthalmologist Letyuk T.Z.

Herpes on the eyelid is one of the most common infectious diseases affecting the eye area. It is known that the localization of this disease is very extensive and can include not only the skin around the eyes, but also the mucous membrane of the sclera and its vessels. There are many methods to cope with the disease quickly and painlessly. However, in order for the therapy to bring the desired result, one should know the causes of the development of the disease, the symptoms and ways to stop them.

Causes and types of disease

The progression of herpes on the eyelid of the eye provokes the activity of viruses of types 1 and 2. As a rule, this virus can enter the body of the carrier in 2 ways:

  • congenital - the herpes virus is initially present in the human body and, due to the individual characteristics of the carrier, periodically manifests itself;
  • acquired - the virus enters the carrier's body through any of the main routes of transmission (airborne, contact, sexual).

As a rule, after entering the human body, the herpes virus is able to remain latent for a long time. An ailment can manifest itself only after exposure to the immune system of factors leading to a decrease in its functionality.

The reasons leading to the manifestation of herpes in the upper eyelid and the surrounding area include the following:

  • hypothermia;
  • nervous strain;
  • diseases leading to a decrease in the function of the immune system;
  • immunodeficiencies;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • prolonged use of antibiotic drugs.

Symptoms of herpes on the eyelid

Due to the impact on the body of the causes presented, symptoms may develop that can identify the infection near the eye and on the sclera.

It is known that the manifestation of symptoms depends on the form of the disease. For the diagnosis of herpes on the eyelids, photos can provide more complete information about the external manifestations of the disease.

With simple external herpes, the following symptoms are observed:

  • the appearance of small bubbles on the eyelid, eventually degenerating into erosion;
  • itching and burning at the site of infection;
  • thickening and redness of the skin of the eyelid;
  • mild discomfort.

With an infection that affects the sclera, the following manifestations can be noted:

  • puffiness;
  • redness of the white of the eye;
  • expansion of the vascular network of the eye;
  • profuse tearing;
  • intense burning sensation inside the eye.

It is important to remember that in the event of the development and manifestation of the symptoms presented, the appeal to the hospital should be made immediately. In an outpatient setting, a general practitioner and an ophthalmologist will be able to identify the nature of the symptoms and prescribe treatment.

Herpes on the eyelids is a disease that is fraught with a much greater danger than it might seem at first glance. Herpes under the eye in the photo is a confirmation of this.

Therapy for herpes on the eyelid

After a detailed examination and establishing the source of the manifestation of symptoms, treatment of herpes on the eyelid can begin. Treatment is prescribed by an ophthalmologist. On average, therapy can last 2-4 weeks and directly depends on the clinical picture.

The type of treatment depends on what form the disease has acquired and what area has been affected.

With external herpes, therapy has the following form:

  1. Elimination of external manifestations. The blisters must be lubricated, for example, with Zovirax eye ointment for 2 weeks.
  2. immunosuppressive therapy. A vitamin complex is prescribed that stabilizes the state of the affected immunity. All factors that can lead to relapse (hypothermia, stress) are eliminated, preventive measures are prescribed for family members.
  1. Pain therapy. To eliminate discomfort, the patient is prescribed analgesics for internal use.
  2. Treatment of the affected sclera. Eye drops are prescribed to reduce swelling and eliminate infection. For these purposes, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drops are widely used.
  3. internal treatment. Prescribed drugs that affect the virus. Thus, the cause is eliminated, due to which herpes appeared on the upper eyelid of the eye. In addition, the patient is prescribed immunostimulating and maintenance therapy, the purpose of which is to restore the immune system and reduce the risk of relapse.

As a rule, therapy does not require a permanent stay of the patient in the hospital and is successfully carried out at home. However, if complications develop, hospitalization may be required. The decision regarding the type of therapy, its duration and the conditions in which it will be carried out, should only be made by the treating person. Self-medication is unacceptable and can be hazardous to health.

Elimination of herpes on the eyelid using traditional medicine

The treatment of herpes in the lower eyelid and the surrounding area with folk remedies is very popular with patients.

One of the most effective methods to cure external herpes is to lubricate the blisters around the eyelid with herbal infusion. To prepare a wipe, you must:

  1. Take 1 tsp. crushed roots of kopeechnik, licorice, aralia, leuzea, succession and chamomile flowers and combine in a collection.
  2. Next 2 tbsp. l. herbs pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist for 8-10 hours.
  3. With the resulting infusion, it is necessary to wipe the eyelid and the skin around it 3-4 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely.

If the herpes has affected the eye itself, it is recommended to use a decoction of the lungwort. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. herbs, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist for 2 hours. Rinse the eye with the resulting decoction 5-6 times a day for 2 weeks.

When eliminating herpes under the eye, treatment with folk methods can stop only the external manifestation of the disease and practically does not affect the cause of the disease - the virus. In order for the therapy to be more successful, it is recommended to combine it with traditional medicines and be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.

Ophthalmologists say that in most cases, the diseases provoked by this infection are chronic and often accompanied by complications. In case of symptoms of herpes in the eye area, contacting a medical facility should be immediate.

Herpes on the eye is a viral disease that occurs in ninety-five percent of the population. The herpes virus is easily transmitted by airborne droplets, through contact and sexual intercourse.

The disease is both congenital and acquired. But in any situation, it can take a chronic form, which is no longer subject to final cure.

Herpes for a long time may not declare itself and not show any symptoms. But there are many factors that can trigger this process. These include the following.

  • Hypothermia.
  • The use of prostaglandins and cytostatics.
  • The period of bearing a baby.
  • Weakened immune function.
  • Long stay in the sun.
  • Injury to the visual organ.
  • stressful situations.
  • Violation in the digestive system.
  • Unbalanced nutrition.
  • Long term antibiotics.

Symptoms of the appearance of herpes under the eye

Shingles type of herpes occurs against the background of inflammatory processes of the first branch of the trigeminal nerve. This leads to the manifestation of pain and an increase in body temperature. If there is no treatment, then other symptoms are added in the following form.

  • Puffiness on the eyelid.
  • Photophobia and increased tearing.
  • Redness of the eyeball.
  • Sensation of a foreign body in the eye.

A day after this, bubbles appear on the skin, which gradually become cloudy and covered with a red crust. After recovery, scars often remain.

Rashes are formed on the area of ​​​​the upper eyelid and in the eyebrows. Herpes under the eye manifests itself when the second branch of the trigeminal nerve is damaged, which occurs in rare situations. The main symptom is usually attributed to an increase in lymph nodes and pain when touched.

Most of the symptoms are similar to an allergic reaction or a bacterial eye infection. If neuritis has a herpetic form, then there is a pain in the orbit, the visual field narrows, a blind spot appears and pain is felt when turning the head. In some situations, nausea and vomiting may occur.

If symptoms are ignored, complications may appear in the form of double vision, the appearance of sparks and lightning before the eyes, blurred and distorted nearby objects.

Types of herpes under the eye

Herpes above the eye is usually divided into three main forms.

  1. Follicular type. The process is slow. The main symptom is only redness of the eyelids.
  2. catarrhal type. It is characterized by an acute course of the disease, where the symptoms are pronounced.
  3. Vesicular-ulcerative type. In this situation, rashes appear in the form of bubbles, which later heal without scarring.

Herpes above the eye can cause unpleasant consequences.

  1. Keratitis. The main symptoms include blepharospasm, severe pain, photophobia and increased tearing. Eruptions appear on the cornea. If they burst, they will cause discomfort and pain. Treatment lasts long enough that it can lead to clouding of the cornea.
  2. Iridocyclitis. This disease leads to swelling of the iris and plethora, resulting in increased intraocular pressure and pain.
  3. Acute necrosis of the retina. This disease occurs in people who are immunocompromised. It is characterized by symptoms such as loss of visual function for several months due to retinal detachment.

Diagnosis of herpes under the eye

First of all, the patient needs to seek help from a doctor. Based on the examination and complaints of the patient, he will prescribe an examination. It includes the following items.

  • Visiometry. This method will reveal a decrease in visual function, especially if there is optic neuritis or corneal infiltrate.
  • Analgisemetry. Helps to detect reduced susceptibility of the cornea, which causes the herpes virus.
  • Biomicroscopy.
  • Ophthalmoscopy.

Symptoms of the disease are not specific. Therefore, it is possible to detect herpes under the eye only through a laboratory examination. Using the method of fluorescent antibodies, the presence of antibodies to the herpes virus is determined. Take it in the form of a scraping from the conjunctiva of the eye. They also conduct a study of the patient's immune function and virology.

Treatment of herpes under the eye

Herpes under the eye is treated by treating the affected surface and strengthening the immune function. To do this, it is necessary to lubricate the eyelids with an ointment, the active substance of which is acyclovir. If there are rashes on the eyebrow area, then you need to use a product with a five percent content of the active substance. It is worth smearing at least four times a day for two weeks.

It is also recommended to take Acyclovir tablets five times a day. The course of admission is approximately ten days. After that, you need to drink immunostimulators. When herpes under the eye has just appeared, it is worth observing hygiene measures. To exclude the prevalence of the disease on the mucous membrane, you can not wet the eyes.

To avoid infection of healthy areas of the visual organ, you can apply an antiviral ointment as needed. To relieve pain, novocaine blockade is performed. To act directly on the virus, it is necessary to instill Ophthalmoferon eye drops. Also, to cure herpes above the eye, it is worth taking B vitamins.

The appearance of herpes above the eye in children

Herpes above the eye is found not only in the adult population, but also in children. Often in a child, the disease manifests itself due to infection of the visual organs and oral mucosa from unwashed hands. Also, herpes under the eye can occur due to wiping with a regular towel, which was previously used by a patient infected with the virus.

According to statistics, in fifty percent of cases, children under three years of age are infected. Herpes above the eye occurs due to infection of the first type, which is referred to as a cold on the lips. First, the infection spreads to the mucous membrane of the lips and in the mouth. When a child touches the infection sites with his hands, he brings the virus to the conjunctiva and the cornea of ​​​​the visual organ.

Types of childhood herpes

Depending on the location of the lesion and its depth, herpes under the eye can be divided into several types.

  1. Herpes keratitis. Indicates damage to the cornea of ​​the eye.
  2. Stromal keratitis. There is a defeat of the deep layers of the cornea, resulting in scarring.
  3. Herpes retinitis. The virus enters the eye tissues and infects the retina.
  4. Iridocyclitis. The iris of the eye is affected.

Treatment of herpes in children

To cure herpes under the eye, you should seek the help of a doctor. If this is not done on time, then the child may lose a full-fledged visual function. Before coming to the doctor, you can take preventive measures in the form of instillation of Ophthalmoferon drops. Such a local remedy will help to avoid the penetration of the virus into the deep tissues of the visual organ. As a treatment, antiviral drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets and ointments, the use of non-specific immunoglobulins and vaccination. Also, additional treatment consists in taking antihistamines and antiseptic therapy. If herpes above the eye is severe, then surgery is prescribed in the form of coagulation or keratoplasty. Herpes under the eye of a child is treated for a long time up to four weeks.

Preventive measures to prevent the appearance of herpes under the eye

In order to avoid herpes above the eye, several preventive recommendations should be followed.

  1. If there was already a herpes under the eye, then it is worth remembering that it can worsen. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the immune function. This is especially true for small children. You should also avoid the occurrence of colds and hypothermia, because herpes above the eye is their complication.
  2. Each family member should have individual things: a towel, dishes, a brush.
  3. The rule for the female half of the population - you can not use other people's cosmetics.
  4. So that herpes under the eye does not appear in the unborn baby, a pregnant woman needs to be treated with Miramistin before giving birth.
  5. If herpes under the eye appears regularly, then it is worth vaccinating.

usually affecting the cornea of ​​the eye.

To herpes, in whatever form it manifests itself, doctors warn to be taken lightly. If we are talking about the eyes, treatment should be approached with special responsibility - the disease can lead to loss of vision, and in the most difficult cases - to blindness.

Unfortunately, the recurrence of this disease is not uncommon: medicine knows cases when sluggish ophthalmic herpes, having accumulated strength, attacked a person exhausted by an unpleasant and dangerous disease 3-5 times a year.

We talked about what remedies exist for the treatment of herpes on the face.

Thanks to the lacrimal fluid - it contains secretory immunoglobulins that reliably protect our eyes from various infections. Her strength, unfortunately, is not enough if the immune defense of the body as a whole weakens.

In such circumstances, ophthalmic herpes quickly finds a “weak link” and manifests itself in all its “glory”.

The immediate impetus for the start of his hostilities is:

  • eye injury;
  • contact with a sick person;
  • using the same hygiene products with the patient;
  • use of immunosuppressants.

An outbreak of the disease can occur in a pregnant woman, because during pregnancy a cardinal restructuring of the body occurs, and the immune system weakens.

Experts identify two ways of infection: endogenous (viral herpes, once in the body, under favorable circumstances, manifests itself in various areas, including the cornea of ​​​​the eye or on the eyeball) and exogenous (the infection enters the mucous membrane of the eye from the outside).

The second option is more common in a child than in adults, because children continually violate the rules of hygiene, participate in common games and can easily catch any infection.

According to medical statistics, 80 percent of infections in young patients occur in the process of exogenous infection.

In the event that a primary infection has occurred, the incubation period lasts from 2 to 7 days.

The disease begins with the same symptoms as an allergy or a bacterial infection (for example, conjunctivitis), and it looks very similar.

Here are some characteristic features:

  • the inflamed place itches;
  • swollen eye;
  • tears flow;
  • the eye reacts painfully to bright light;
  • redness can be on the eyelids, and on the skin around the eyes, and on the eyeball.

When the initial stage passes, and the disease captures the retina, appear symptoms characteristic of ophthalmic herpes:

If the herpetic lesion continues to develop, turning into neuritis, the following symptoms may be added to the listed symptoms:

  • debilitating pain in the eyebrow area;
  • narrowing of the field of view;
  • a blind spot in the center of the "picture" that a person sees.

Outwardly, the rash resembles herpes simplex and herpes zoster. Fluid-filled blisters can be located on the upper eyelid or on the inside of the eyelid, but they are more painful than those that appear on the lips, for example. We talked about methods for the rapid treatment of herpes on the lips in the article.

There are clinical forms of ophthalmic herpes. Among them:

  • eyelid dermatitis;
  • keratitis (the cornea becomes inflamed and cloudy, the patient cannot open his eyes);
  • stromal keratitis (vascular damage, displacement of the eyeball);
  • trophic keratitis (the cornea loses sensitivity);
  • herpetic ulcer of the cornea;
  • blepharoconjunctivitis (rash on the inside of the eyelids, along the edge and in the corner of the eye);
  • herpetic uveitis (the vitreous body of the eye becomes cloudy);
  • retinal necrosis (dangerous loss of vision).

There is also species classification of ocular herpes. Among the most common types:

Diagnostic methods

For an accurate diagnosis and selection of the appropriate treatment for the disease, visual examination, various tests (visometry - for visual acuity, perimetry - for the width of the field of view), laboratory methods, as well as psychosomatics - a technique for studying the impact of psychological factors on the patient's condition are used.

The main role is still assigned to laboratory methods with the help of special equipment.

Slit lamp test

Examination using this device helps to establish the nature of the lesion of the cornea and detect symptoms that are typical for a herpes infection.

Immunofluorescent analysis (IF)

Experts consider this type of diagnostics to be the most accurate.. Under a microscope, material taken from an infected area is studied.

After exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the sample gives (or does not give, then the diagnosis is not confirmed) a special glow.

Linked immunosorbent assay

The method is used in the most difficult cases when other studies and analyzes give conflicting results.

The method is based on the fact that in case of ophthalmic herpes, samples taken from infected areas should contain immunoglobulins M.

Depending on the form and severity of the disease, the doctor selects etiotropic and symptomatic therapy: the first is aimed at combating the causative agent of the disease, the second helps to get rid of unpleasant symptoms when the eyelids swell, become inflamed, and itch.


A large group of antiviral drugs used to treat ophthalmic herpes include:

  • Acyclovir (tablets and ointment);
  • Valaciclovir (tablets);
  • Famvir (tablets);
  • Oftan-IDU and TFT (eye drops);
  • Vidarabine (gel).

The patient is prescribed immunomodulators made from donated blood and modifying cell membranes in such a way as to protect them from the penetration of the virus: Interlock, Reaferon, Cycloferon.

These drugs are used for injections, as well as in the form of tablets and eye drops.

Used to relieve symptoms of the disease Atropine, Irifrin- they relieve spasms that often accompany eye infections.

With allergic reactions, Opatanol drops help. From burning and itching, you can smear the places of inflammation with tetracycline or erythromycin ointments.

If wound healing takes a long time and causes pain, the doctor prescribes physiotherapy (UVI, UHF).

Let's start with the taboo: on some forums on the Internet, garlic is recommended as a cure for eye herpes, but in no case should they treat sores on the eye or even under the eye.

The reaction of the body to such a radical agent can be unpredictably severe.

But what traditional medicine is approved by professional doctors:

Any folk remedy is only a help, and not the main medicine, but they must be used to alleviate the patient's condition.

Vaccine use

Vaccines are used in cases where the patient suffers from relapses of the disease. The most commonly used domestic drugs Gerpovax and Vitagerpevac, as well as the Belgian Gerpevac.

Vaccination is carried out when the patient has an exacerbation period. It is allowed to repeat it no earlier than after 6 months.

A vaccine-like effect is exerted on the body by antiherpetic interferon (it is produced in the form of an ointment). It blocks the activity of the virus, does not let it through to healthy cells of the body.

Many are interested in whether pets (for example, kittens) can have herpes and how to protect their health. It turns out that the problem of herpes also applies to our smaller brothers, and the infection chooses the smallest, weakest animals.

Fortunately, vaccination is also provided for them - in the clinic it will be carried out by a veterinarian for pets from 3 months to 3 years.

The causes of the development of the disease are almost the same in children and adults, but the symptoms are somewhat different, which means that the treatment is different.

In addition to the classic symptoms of ophthalmic herpes, the child has a cold on the lips.

This, on the one hand, allows you to quickly make an accurate diagnosis, and on the other hand, complicates the treatment. Therefore, trying to cope with the disease without medical support is strictly prohibited.

But you can provide first aid to the baby before going to the doctor: drip drops of "Ophthalmoferon" into the diseased eye.

By the way, often eye herpes occurs in children who are being treated for chickenpox. Parents need to keep this in mind and monitor the condition of the eyes of their baby.

The most dangerous complications occur in cases where herpes is localized not near the eye, but directly in its tissues. This may cause:

Such a development of events can be expected if the patient did not attach due importance to the disease, tried to self-medicate at home, and the method he chose turned out to be insufficiently developed for this disease and is not supported by official medicine (for example, homeopathy).


Any type of virus (herpes zoster, ophthalmic) is dangerous for relapses, so the doctor prescribes to patients who have been ill antivirals as a prophylaxis.

They help to avoid frequent repeated outbreaks, but they cannot completely defeat the disease.

  • keep close contact with the sick to a minimum, since the virus is contagious;
  • use only your own hygiene items;
  • do not overheat in the sun and do not overcool the body in winter;
  • eat right, do not forget about vitamins;
  • strengthen health (hardening, physiotherapy exercises will help).