How did you treat adenoids. Effective folk remedies for the treatment of adenoids in children

Adenoids are nasopharyngeal tonsils. They are part immune system organism. In normal operation, they serve as a reliable barrier that prevents penetration into internal environment bacteria, microbes and viruses. In childhood, the adenoids are more pronounced, as they grow older, they decrease in size. Specialists know how to treat adenoids in children without surgery up to a certain stage of development of the pathology. In some cases, surgery cannot be avoided.

general description

Adenoid enlargement is one of the most common diseases childhood. Pathology is sluggish with periodic relapses of inflammation and severe complications. The growth of the nasopharyngeal tissue is called adenoids.

Most often it affects children aged 3 to 7 years. As the inflammation subsides, the adenoid tissue comes to normal condition and accepts natural form without causing inconvenience. To adolescence pathology recedes, but the problem cannot be ignored, since it brings detrimental consequences for the development of the child.

Reasons for the appearance

Pediatricians and otolaryngologists cannot determine exact reasons the onset of the disease and do not know why some children suffer from this pathology, and some are not familiar with even minimal symptoms.

There are certain factors contributing to the development of pathology, namely:

  • Heredity, unfavorable living conditions ( increased dryness or humidity in the room, rare ventilation, dustiness).
  • Infectious diseases affecting the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx (rubella, measles, diphtheria, scarlet fever, etc.).
  • Frequent respiratory diseases or chronic diseases upper respiratory tract.
  • Tendency to allergic reactions (bronchial asthma, sinusitis, etc.).
  • Ecology (living in an ecologically unfavorable area, in places of emissions from industrial facilities, gas pollution, etc.).

Forms and stages

How to treat adenoids in a child should be determined by the doctor, based on these tests, the form and stage of the disease.

The clinical picture is displayed by 4 stages of pathology:

  • Stage 1 - the tonsils are enlarged and occupy ¼ of the lumen. Breathing through the nasal passages is difficult, especially at night.
  • Stage 2 - adenoids block 2/4 of the respiratory passages of the nose, making it difficult to breathe in daytime The child starts snoring at night.
  • Stages 3 and 4 - the nasal passages are blocked almost completely or completely, breathing occurs through the mouth.

Forms of the course of the disease:

  • Acute - the course of the disease is accompanied high temperature, difficulty breathing through the nose, signs of intoxication of the body appear. Acute adenoids are often accompanied by tonsillitis.
  • Chronic - the child coughs often and for a long time, quickly gets tired, his hearing is impaired, sleep becomes restless, appetite decreases significantly, complaints of headache.

Symptoms of the disease

acute form the course of the disease pushes parents to immediately consult a doctor, where diagnosis is a matter of time and several studies. The specialist already at the first appointment can give recommendations on how to treat adenoids in a child. Chronic manifestation pathology is not noticed immediately, but there are a number of signs that give rise to contact a pediatrician.

Classic symptoms:

  • The infant has difficulty suckling and is often hungry.
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose.
  • The child swallows with difficulty, badly distinguishes odors.
  • During sleep, snoring appears, sleep is restless.
  • Most of the time, breathing takes place through the mouth.
  • The voice is quiet, the articulation is broken, the behavior is apathetic.
  • There may be complaints of a lump in the throat, headache, fatigue.

The appearance of the child acquires features uncharacteristic for his age - a constantly ajar mouth, drooping jaw, malocclusion, smoothed nasolabial folds, etc. Upon examination, an ENT doctor may detect a curved nasal septum, deformation chest.

Disease dangers

Having found a pathology in a child, most parents figure out how to treat adenoids in children at home. Adequate therapy can only be appointed by a specialist after a series diagnostic procedures. The course of the disease has its own characteristics in each specific case, ignorance of the nuances can be harmful.

Adenoids cause the following complications:

  • Chronic otitis media hearing loss followed by hearing loss.
  • Weakened immunity, which provokes allergic reactions and frequent infectious diseases.
  • Difficulties with breathing cause speech and memory impairment.
  • Inflammatory diseases(tonsillitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, etc.).
  • Viral respiratory diseases (ARI, SARS, etc.).
  • Decreased performance, concentration, school performance.

Diagnostic methods

To decide how to treat adenoids in a child, a number of studies are required to develop therapy tactics. Depending on the form of the course of the pathology and the degree of tissue growth, the doctor selects medications and a number of physiotherapeutic procedures. Conservative treatment lends itself to stages 1 and 2 of the disease, 3 or 4 require surgical intervention.

To find out the full picture of the disease, possible or existing complications, the doctor prescribes the following types of tests:

  • General clinical analysis of blood and urine.
  • Pharyngoscopy - the condition of the tonsils of the palate and pharynx is assessed.
  • Anterior rhinoscopy - visual examination, for diagnosis are used vasoconstrictor drops into the nose.
  • Posterior rhinoscopy - a visual examination using a special mirror through the mouth.
  • X-ray diagnostics in the lateral projection to clarify the diagnosis.
  • Endoscopy - a detailed examination. When administered to young children, diagnosis is carried out using anesthesia.
  • Cytological studies.

Treatment of adenoids of the first degree

Adenoids disappear with the growing up of the child, but possible consequences can significantly affect his future health. Blocked, even partially, nasal passages do not allow the brain to receive oxygen to the full extent, the lungs, which are deprived of full functionality, also suffer. No less problems lie in wait for other organs and systems.

The first degree of pathology is successfully treatable, the disease is not cured, but its manifestations become minimal. According to most experts, in order to prevent further tissue growth, it is enough to wash the nasopharynx 3-5 times a day with saline or preparations based on sea ​​water.

Allowed use folk recipes, but in this case, a doctor's consultation is required. AT folk medicine applied a large number of ingredients plant origin, which can cause allergies, especially in young children.

How and what to wash your nose

Experts have long known how adenoids are treated in children in the nose at the first stage of the disease. the best way Conservative therapy is recognized as washing and wetting the nasopharynx at least 3 times a day. For the procedure, saline or preparations based on sea water are used.

One glass is enough for cooking warm water dissolve 1 teaspoon of sea salt (can be replaced with table salt) and soda. Having achieved complete dissolution of the crystals, you can proceed to the procedure. There is a danger in home recipes - the lack of sterility of all ingredients, the approximation of the recipe, the danger of damage when entering into nasal cavity.

  • The saline solution is sterile.
  • Series "Aquapore" for babies and children.
  • Salin, etc.

The best results are shown by preparations in the form of a spray, for children under one year old - in the form of drops. If the child already knows how to blow his nose on his own, then it is possible to use special systems for washing the nasopharynx ("Aquamaris", "Dolphin", etc.). It is strictly forbidden to use a syringe for washing, a syringe. Without calculating the strength, you can apply the remedy with excessive pressure, which will cause otitis media.

Adenoids of the 2nd degree: therapy

The disease can worsen and move to the next stage. In this case, therapy is extended. How to treat adenoids in a child of the 2nd stage of development? First of all, you need to see a doctor, go through a full range of diagnostics and follow the doctor's instructions in the future. Usually, in addition to washing the nose, vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed to restore normal breathing and eliminate edema.

Drops and sprays of this series of drugs are used no longer than 3 or 5 days in a row. With more long-term use addiction develops, and adenoids are aggravated by chronic rhinitis. If the measures taken do not help and the disease progresses, then a course of antibiotics based on amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid is prescribed.

The duet enhances the effect, but the acid can cause exacerbations if the baby has a diagnosed ulcer or erosion of the stomach and intestines. In this case, the doctor selects a different combination of medications.

Experts recommend using a combined approach. How to treat grade 2 adenoids in a child using physiotherapy methods? Doctors recommend the following procedures: electrophoresis, laser therapy, cryotherapy, UHF.

When is surgery needed?

A surgical operation is always an intervention in the body, and many try to avoid such an aggravation, trying to understand how to treat adenoids in a child of the 3rd stage of the development of the disease. In some cases, suction of pus occurs. The procedure is performed by an experienced specialist. If you do not take such steps, then the pus will continue to migrate to the rest of the nasopharynx. When all possible methods conservative therapy has been exhausted, adenotomy is prescribed.

best age for intervention - from 3 to 6 years. Operation in younger age increases the chances of a recurrence of the disease. Indications for carrying out are:

  • The presence of adenoids 3-4 degrees of development. Sometimes such recommendations are given in the acute course of the disease, classified as 2 degrees, but are visible clear signs qualitative leap in more severe form.
  • Frequent otitis, colds.
  • Nocturnal snoring and choking during sleep.

In some cases, doctors refuse to perform an operation, and this is due to existing blood and skin diseases. Additional intervention will cause complications, then are used conservative methods requiring precise execution of all procedures.


special and mandatory measures that prevent the appearance of adenoids, no. There are recommendations that reduce the risk of the onset of the disease:

  • Immunity strengthening (hardening, low temperature in the bedroom, sports activities, walks).
  • Holding wet cleaning premises at least 3 times a week.
  • It is worth getting rid of objects that actively collect dust (soft toys, long-haired floor coverings, books on open shelves, etc.).
  • Take measures to eliminate mold in the premises and prevent its occurrence in the future.
  • Be sure to treat colds and viral diseases.

It is believed that it is impossible to insure against the appearance of adenoids in children. Komarovsky tells how to treat this disease both in books and in a TV show in detail. But he also points out that if there are indications for surgery, it should not be postponed. Delay will lead to complications.

Does your child often catch colds and runny nose? Parents of such children often have to take sick leave. At a loss, they think that the situation is hopeless, one SARS is replaced by another. One of the reasons for frequent snot can be adenoids. it common problem children attending kindergartens. What should parents do if the child has adenoids? On this topic meet different opinions, is hard to figure out. The main question that worries parents is whether the treatment of adenoids in children without surgery is effective? Read more about the problem in the article.

What are adenoids in children

Adenoids are the nose pharyngeal tonsil, which is located at the junction of the nose and pharynx in humans. It protects the body from penetration harmful bacteria, viruses. In a child, adenoids are often enlarged due to the formation of immunity. After 10-12 years, the disease declines. In adolescents and older children, the disease does not manifest itself. If the size of the tonsils is enlarged, then this is called adenoid hypertrophy, together with inflammation - adenoiditis.

Symptoms and signs of adenoiditis

A child who has a chronic nasopharyngeal runny nose should appear to an otolaryngologist to find out if he has adenoid vegetations (overgrowth of the adenoids). Only a doctor can see this. There are three stages of vegetation. If there are such symptoms of adenoids in a child, it is necessary to go to the doctor immediately. If left untreated, the disease can lead to complications.

1st degree

In the first degree, the child has difficulty breathing at night during sleep, may snore. The growth of the adenoids covers a third of the posterior opening of the nasal passages (choana). As a rule, this is the result of a prolonged runny nose, the treatment of which is possible with conservative methods. Removal at the first degree of development of the disease is not required.

2 degrees

At the second degree of increase, the child breathes through the mouth already during the day, and snores at night. His speech may become slurred. Adenoids cover more than half of the lumen of the nasopharynx. With such a vegetation of the tonsils, it is proposed to use conservative treatment. Surgery to remove adenoids in children is not required.

3 degrees

With the third degree of adenoids, the child can no longer breathe through his nose either at night or during the day. The nasopharyngeal tonsil covers the nasopharynx by almost 100%. Such a medical picture indicates not only hypertrophy of the adenoids, but also the presence of inflammation of the adenoids - adenoiditis. Chronic adenoiditis- an indication for the removal of the tonsils.

The reasons

Why do adenoids grow in a child? What can cause them to grow? The main reasons for the appearance and aggravation of this phenomenon include factors such as:

  • hereditary predisposition.
  • Pathology of pregnancy and childbirth of the mother.
  • Consequence of diseases in infancy(scarlet fever, measles, whooping cough, diphtheria, frequent SARS and other viral diseases).
  • Vaccinations.
  • Nutrition (abuse of sweets, chemical products).
  • Tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Immunodeficiency in a child.


The cause of difficulty breathing is not in all cases the vegetation of the adenoids, there are also curvature of the nasal septum, allergic rhinitis. Recognize the origin of the common cold is possible only during the examination. When diagnosing adenoids, it is important to use modern methods for determining the size of the tonsils. Palpation, examination of the nasopharynx with a mirror, x-rays are considered outdated, painful for children and unreliable. Computed tomography/endoscopy is recommended. This method will allow you to examine all parts of the nasopharynx.

Treatment without surgery at home

Parents, before agreeing to surgery, should try all existing conservative methods of therapy. Surgery is not urgent in this matter. How to treat adenoids in a child at home? In addition to the use of medicinal and folk remedies, you should use:

  • Neck and face massage.
  • Breathing exercises.
  • Flushing the nose with saline solutions or herbal preparations.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Resort therapy.
  • The child's menu should include fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

Folk remedies

Reduce the size of small inflammation in the nasopharynx will help folk remedies. The therapy includes gentle gentle methods that can help get rid of the progress of the tonsil vegetation. What kind alternative means can be used if the child has enlarged adenoids:

  • Drink special herbal preparations.
  • Instill thuja oil, beetroot juice into the nose.
  • Drink fish oil.
  • Take the mummy inside and bury it in the nose.
  • Instill celandine juice, 10% alcohol solution of propolis into the nose.
  • Rinse the nose with special herbal preparations (oak bark, St. John's wort, ivy), sea salt.


A conservative and non-surgical method of treating adenoid hypertrophy with drugs has been successfully applied. It lies in the fact that the disease is treated by careful disposal of mucus. After that, for example, "Protargol" is used. A 2% solution dries and slightly reduces the tissue of the tonsils. Drops must be fresh, otherwise there will be no effect. The drug "Nasonex" is used in the treatment more and more often, successfully proving its effectiveness.


Treatment of the disease with homeopathy is individual: in some cases it brings stunning results, sometimes it is useless. One of the effective homeopathic medicines is Lymphomyosot. If the child has enlarged adenoids, the "Job-baby" granules are used. They do not give the tonsils the opportunity to increase more. However, it is recommended to contact the homeopath himself so that he can prescribe a remedy that is suitable specifically for your child.

How are adenoids removed?

Excision of adenoids is practiced if all conservative therapy has not been effective, the disease recurs more than four times a year, complications are observed (otitis media, sinusitis, frequent SARS; facial deformity - it may look like with symptoms of mumps; respiratory arrest in sleep). It is possible to cut out the tonsils with the help of laser therapy and a standard surgical operation.

With the operation

Surgery to remove adenoids is called an adenotomy. It has been held for over 100 years local anesthesia in a hospital, if there are no contraindications (age up to 2 years, anomalies in the structure of the nasopharynx and others). In a traditional operation, the doctor does it "blindly", which does not exclude the possibility of removing the adenoid tissue incompletely. Endoscopic removal adenoids in children, aspiration adenotomy, surgery using shaver technologies are considered more modern and effective methods. Removal of adenoids in children under general anesthesia is rarely performed.

Removal of adenoids in children with a laser

Other alternative way vegetation removal is a laser method. Most ENT specialists consider this type of treatment to be effective and safe, but the effects of laser exposure are poorly understood, and there have been no special studies on how the laser affects the body. Laser therapy reduces inflammation, increases immunity, removes lymphoid edema.


Prevention of adenoids in children involves the absence of contact with the infection. It takes at least two weeks to restore an organism that has not grown stronger after a cold or flu. Systematic infection in the body of an undertreated child leads to the development of hypertrophy of the tonsils. The occurrence, as a result, of adenoiditis is a natural result of such actions.

Video of Dr. Komarovsky about adenoids

What to do if the child has enlarged adenoids? This question will be answered by the beloved pediatrician of Russia and the CIS countries - Dr. Komarovsky. After watching the video, you will understand how dangerous this unpleasant disease is, what modern methods of therapy exist. The child therapist will traditionally answer the questions of worried moms and dads, talk about effective ways prevention.

Tonsils are natural defenders in the body that are part of the immune system and consist of lymphoid tissue, they recognize infections and viruses and actively fight pathogens when they enter the nasopharynx. In total, there are 8 such tonsils in a person, and one of them will be discussed in this article - this nasopharyngeal tonsil or adenoids, more precisely, we will consider methods for the treatment of adenoids in children.

At the age of 7 years, adenoids in children can physiologically increase significantly, this is due to their increased activity, since during this period the formation of the immune system takes place. And after 7 years, this protective function passes to the receptors of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. And parents, when the following appear, experience serious stress, constant worries, long time are treating the baby, as the child is significantly impaired nasal breathing and arise serious problems with health:

  • The child cannot breathe through the nose at night, and with 2-3 degrees of enlargement of the adenoids and in the daytime.
  • In a dream, the child sniffles, snores, and in severe cases, obstructive sleep apnea may occur - when stops appear, holding the breath.
  • The speech of the child becomes illegible, the voice is nasal.
  • The child may have hearing loss, otitis media and sinusitis often recur.
  • Children with adenoids are very often and more severely ill with colds, viral diseases, they often have bronchitis,.

Diagnosis of adenoids in a child

To see the adenoids in a child is simply impossible when opening the mouth, for this there are special methods diagnostics - examination with a mirror, x-ray, examination with a finger and endoscopy of the nasopharynx.

  • The study by the finger method is not used today, since it is a painful and uninformative examination.
  • X-ray is more accurate in determining the size of the adenoids, but is also not informative enough in terms of the presence inflammatory process in the nasopharyngeal tonsil, besides, even a one-time X-ray examination carries a radiation load on the child's fragile body.
  • The safest, painless and most informative modern method diagnosis of adenoid proliferation is endoscopy - while the doctor and parents can see the whole picture on the monitor screen. The only condition for such an examination is the absence of recurrence of inflammation of the adenoids, it should be carried out only if the child has not been sick for a long time, otherwise the clinical picture will be false. This can lead to unnecessary worries and a possible referral to surgery when this can be avoided.

Myths about adenoids

  • Myth 1 - After the removal of the adenoids, the child's immunity decreases - yes, it decreases, but only after the operation and within 2-3 months after the adenotomy, it is restored, since after the removal of the nasopharyngeal tonsil, the tonsils of Valdeer Pirogov's rings assume protective functions.
  • Myth 2 - If the tonsils are enlarged, then the child often suffers from viral and infectious diseases due to their enlargement. Just the opposite, from the fact that the child, for some internal and external reasons frequent acute respiratory viral infections occur, each time the baby's lymphoid tissue increases more and more.
  • Myth 3 - Removal of adenoids in early age leads to their re-growth. Re-enlargement of the adenoids rather depends not on the age of the children, but on the quality of the operation, 20 years ago, when operations were performed almost blindly, particles of lymphoid tissue in 50% of cases remained not removed, which increased the likelihood of their further growth. Modern endoscopic operations help the doctor to see the entire clinical picture and the secondary growth of adenoids is now much less common, in about 7-10% of cases.
  • Myth 4 - Adults do not suffer from enlarged adenoids. There are cases when the adenoids do not decrease with age, and in adults, similar operations are also performed.

How to treat adenoids in a child - remove or not?

Adenotomy is by far the most common in pediatric ENT practice. surgical operation. Indications for the mandatory removal of adenoids are the following symptoms and comorbidities:

  • If a child has a serious violation of breathing through the nose, sleep apnea syndrome appears, that is, holding the breath for 10 seconds or more, this is dangerous by the occurrence of constant hypoxia of the brain and leads to a lack of oxygen supply to all organs and tissues of the growing organism.
  • If a child develops exudative otitis media when mucus accumulates in the middle ear cavity and the child's hearing decreases.
  • With malignant degeneration of the nasopharyngeal tonsil.
  • If overgrown adenoids lead to maxillofacial anomalies.
  • If conservative treatment for at least a year does not give a tangible effect and adenoiditis is repeated more than 4 times a year.

Adenotomy is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Availability infectious disease or a flu epidemic, only 2 months after recovery, an operation is possible.
  • Serious cardiovascular disease.
  • Removal of adenoids is contraindicated in children with bronchial asthma and with serious allergic diseases Since the operation exacerbates the disease and worsens the condition of the child, the treatment of adenoids with such pathologies is carried out only by conservative methods.

If, after the examination, it turns out that the adenoids in the child are enlarged and he suffers greatly from this, sleeps poorly, breathes mainly through his mouth, which prevents him from eating and sleeping normally, of course this requires treatment. In every clinical case method of therapy - conservative or surgical, is decided individually:

  • Choice of method of therapy

When choosing - surgery or drug treatment, one cannot rely only on the degree of enlargement of the adenoids. With 1-2 degrees of adenoids, many believe that their removal is not advisable, and with 3 degrees, adenotomy is simply necessary. This is not entirely true, it all depends on the quality of the diagnosis, there are often cases of false diagnosis, when the examination is performed against the background of an illness or after a recent illness, the child is diagnosed with grade 3 and the adenoids are recommended to be removed. A month later, the adenoids are significantly reduced, as they were enlarged due to the inflammatory process, while the baby breathes normally and does not get sick too often. And there are cases, on the contrary, with 1-2 degrees of adenoids, the child suffers from constant acute respiratory viral infections, recurrent otitis media, occurs in a dream sleep apnea syndrome- even 1-2 degree may be an indication for the removal of adenoids.

  • The child is often sick

If a child lives in a metropolis, goes to kindergarten and often gets sick 6-8 times a year, this is normal, and if he is diagnosed with grade 1-2 adenoids, but at the same time he breathes normally during the day, and sometimes breathes through his mouth at night, this is not 100% indication for surgery. Diagnostics, preventive procedures and complex conservative treatment should be carried out regularly.

  • Don't rush the operation

If your doctor insists on surgical removal of adenoids, take your time, this is not an urgent operation, when there is no time for reflection and additional observation and diagnosis. Wait, watch the baby, listen to the opinion of other otolaryngologists, make a diagnosis after a few months and try everything medical methods. Now, if conservative treatment does not give a tangible effect, and the child has a constant chronic inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, then for advice, you should contact the operating doctors, those who do the adenotomy themselves.

  • The dangers of not removing the adenoids

It should be remembered that adenoids are removed not because the baby is often sick, but because overgrown adenoids do not allow breathing through the nose, lead to complications - otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis.

  • Treat or remove?

If a recurrence of the adenoids occurs after the operation, this is an obvious sign that the removal was not appropriate, since it would be better not to operate, but to eliminate the pronounced immunodeficiency in the child. Many doctors contradict themselves, arguing that recurrent adenoids should be treated conservatively, then why remove non-recurrent adenoids, which are even easier to treat than recurrent ones. Therefore, when deciding whether a child needs to have adenoids removed, one should think carefully, any surgical intervention in the child's body has negative consequences and not always justified.

Conservative treatment

In addition to an otolaryngologist, a child with adenoids should be examined by an immunologist, an allergist, a phthisiatrician, and an infectious disease specialist. Consultation and diagnosis with these doctors will help determine true reason proliferation of adenoids and their inflammation, which can lead to the right way therapy. Conservative drug treatment includes a number of different procedures and the use of various drugs:

  • Balneotherapy is a very effective treatment for children with adenoids in the sanatoriums of the Caucasus and Crimea
  • Physiotherapy - UFO, UHF
  • Homeopathy is the safest and in most cases very effective method of treating adenoids today.
  • Washing the nose and nasopharynx with various solutions
  • Use of topical antibiotics
  • The use of topical glucocorticosteroids locally in the form of sprays

Therapy of this disease is long, painstaking, requires patience, perseverance and skill from parents. Moreover, the mother should carefully monitor what helps the child, what does not, what causes allergies or worsens the condition. The selection of methods and medicines for treatment should be individual, what helps one child may not help another. The only thing that helps everyone is surgery, but you should try everything possible ways conservative treatment and, if possible, avoid any surgical intervention.

Washing the nasopharynx in a child can be done using the Dolphin device. Sometimes even a few washes of the nasopharynx can significantly improve the condition of the child. As solutions for washing, you can use pharmacy sea salt without additives, 2 teaspoons of salt should be dissolved in a glass of warm water, strain and use the Dolphin device. You can also make a similar composition of sea water from table salt- 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of soda and 2 drops of iodine, also in a glass of water.

You can use ready-made pharmaceutical solutions of sea salt in the form of sprays - Aquamaris, Quicks, Gudvada, Atrivin-More, Marimer, Allergol Dr. Theis, Physiomer.

For washing it is very good to use decoctions medicinal herbs if the child is not allergic to them - this is a eucalyptus leaf,. In addition to mechanical cleansing, such solutions also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

You can use propolis to wash the nasopharynx - 20 drops alcohol solution dissolve propolis with 1/4 teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm water.

The pharmaceutical preparation Protorgol is also used for adenoids, but its use helps only after thorough washing of the mucus, otherwise the effect will be insignificant.

Otolaryngologists sometimes recommend using both Protorgol and Argolife. One week to instill Protorgol and thuja oil, the second week Argolife and thuja oil and so alternate for 6 weeks. Before instillation, be sure to rinse the nose, then instill 2 drops in each nostril 2-3 times a day.

Often, the complex therapy includes immunomodulating drugs, local - such as Imudon, IRS-19 or general action- Ribomunil, Dimephosphone. These funds should be prescribed and be under the supervision of the attending physician.

For local treatment sprays are also used - Propolis spray, Ingalipt spray, and Chlorophyllipt.

homeopathic treatment

In addition to washing and using thuja oil, Protorgol and Argolife, homeopathic treatment with the help of the German remedy Lymphomyosot is very effective - this complex preparation has a pronounced lymphatic drainage, anti-allergic, detoxifying effect. Take it orally 3 times a day, 5-10 drops for 2 weeks, such courses can be repeated periodically. As with any homeopathic treatment at first there may be a slight exacerbation, in this case, as well as if any side effects stop taking it and consult a doctor.

In addition to these drops, you can use homeopathic granules Job-baby. This is also complex drug, with the use of which even the most advanced stages of adenoids resolve in many children, inflammation in adenoiditis decreases, and nervous excitability in children with adenoids decreases. Contraindications to their use are acute inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx - sinusitis, sinusitis.

Treatment should be long-term, homeopathic therapy is different in that only in the case of long-term continuous use of drugs is the effect achieved. Full recovery sometimes requires whole year, if there is an exacerbation of symptoms at the beginning of the use of Job-baby, it is recommended to interrupt its intake for 2 weeks, then start again, if adverse reactions recur, the scheme should be changed - take the medicine less often, for example, take 2 days, 5 days off . During the treatment period, no vaccinations can be given. If a child has such a primary aggravation, homeopathic doctors consider it a good sign This means that the body is rebuilding itself for healing.


With grades 1 and 2 of adenoiditis, the doctor prescribes medications that help reduce swelling of the lymphoid tissue, eliminate allergic reactions organism, as well as destruction pathogenic microflora and increase the protective properties.

Nose drops help to restore breathing and reduce swelling of the upper respiratory tract. More often than others, otolaryngologists prescribe Nazivin, Naphthyzin, Albucid, Nazol drops to children. It should be noted in advance that instillation is recommended for 5-7 days. It is undesirable to use drugs longer than the proposed period, as addiction may develop, which will lead to chronic rhinitis. In case of complications or after surgery, babies are prescribed antibiotics: Ampicillin, Cefuroxime, Sumamed.

For each patient individually, depending on the stage and symptoms, the doctor may prescribe additional medicines: lozenges, sprays and inhalers. Now you know how to treat adenoids in a child at 4 years old.

To prevent development this disease experts recommend giving babies immunomodulatory drugs, such as Tsitovir-3. It has a complex effect, allows you to strengthen the immune system, and also has negative impact for viral infections. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections on the early stages. It is also shown to be taken prophylactically to maintain defensive reaction organism. Issued medicine in the form of syrup, powder for solution and capsules. To make it appealing to children, the suspension has fragrant flavor additives- strawberry, orange, cranberry.

Alternative Methods

Another effective way treatment of adenoiditis in a child is the conduct of aromatherapy. Before performing this technique, make sure that the patient is not allergic to the selected essential oil. For therapeutic therapy, oils such as:

  • lavender;
  • sage;
  • pine;
  • fir;
  • basil.
Parents can bury one of herbal remedies or independently prepare a mixture of several components. So treating adenoids in a child aged 3 to 5 years is safer than using strong drugs. But home procedures can be carried out only after consulting a doctor.

Effective in this disease breathing exercises. Of course, not all kids will be able to perform it, however, there is nothing complicated in it. It is enough for mothers to take the initiative and interest the child. Before performing it, it is necessary to clear the nasal cavity of accumulated mucus. Below is a list simple techniques to make breathing easier:

  • Ask the baby to tightly close both nostrils alternately and make 10 deep breaths. Classes are recommended to be held outdoors.
  • Invite the child to close the nasal passages one by one. While in this position, he should take a deep breath and hold his breath for a few seconds. You need to repeat the exercise at least 10 times.
Many are interested in the question: are adenoids treated in children by folk methods. Phytotherapy can be used as a supplement to the main drug therapy. Here are some effective recipes:
  • Sea buckthorn oil (reduces inflammation, moisturizes the nasal mucosa). It is recommended to instill into each nasal passage; before use, it is necessary to slightly warm the glass bottle in a water bath. You can apply no more than two weeks.
  • Eucalyptus tincture. The tool improves respiratory process and prevent reproduction. pathogenic microorganisms. Two tablespoons of dry leaves are poured with 300 milliliters of boiling water. After that, the solution should be infused for at least 60 minutes. The resulting decoction can be gargled no more than 3 times a day.
Folk remedies should complement the main therapy prescribed by the attending physician. The sooner you start complex procedures, the more likely you are to cure adenoids in a child without surgery.

Adenoids are one of the most common ENT pathologies in children. preschool age. If the disease is not recognized and treated in time, it will lead to serious consequences. The most radical method of treatment is the surgical method, but in the early stages, drug therapy helps well.

What are adenoids?

Adenoids are characterized by significant growth palatine tonsil, that leads to uncomfortable sensations and breathing problems in the child. Such a bacterial pathology often manifests itself in children 3-7 years old. Adenoid tissue helps fight infections that enter the body during breathing, being a kind of trap for them. Under the influence of pathogenic bacteria, it swells, and when it improves, it decreases.

Many parents have symptoms of the disease on initial stage often confused with common cold and do not attach much importance to them, trying to cure the child on their own. Adenoids cannot be diagnosed without complete examination at the otolaryngologist, according to the results of which treatment is prescribed.

Symptoms and signs of adenoiditis in children

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In healthy children, adenoids in the nasopharynx do not show any symptoms. They occur only after colds or viral infections that provoke the growth of adenoid tissue. Symptoms of adenoiditis vary depending on the stage of progression of the inflammatory process (more details in the article:). There are three degrees of adenoids in children.

1 degree

Adenoids of the 1st degree do not have pronounced signs. At the initial stage of inflammation, they occupy a third of the nasopharynx and do not interfere with breathing. In most cases, grade 1 adenoids are diagnosed only when passing scheduled inspection at the doctor's.

To prevent the transition of the disease to the next stage, you should contact the pediatrician if the child has:

  • heavy breathing in a dream, loud sniffing;
  • feeling of congestion;
  • lethargy during the day;
  • watery discharge from the nose.

The horizontal position of the body contributes to an increase in the pharyngeal tonsil, which causes respiratory failure in the baby. Lack of oxygen during sleep often leads to nightmares. Children do not sleep well, complain of constant fatigue.

The disease at stage 1 can be cured with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and immunostimulating drugs. Washing the nasal passages and inhalation help well.

Parents should know the first symptoms of pharyngeal tonsil hypertrophy in order to prevent the transition of the disease into a severe form that is not amenable to conservative methods of treatment. Signs such as breathing through the mouth and the appearance of snoring in a child serve as a reason for a visit to the pediatrician.

Degrees of enlargement of adenoids in children

2 degree

Adenoids of the second degree have more pronounced signs, since the lymphoid tissue already covers 50% of the nasal passages. This leads to serious respiratory problems. With timely diagnosis, the disease can be cured with physiotherapy and drug therapy.

Adenoids of the 2nd degree can be recognized when a child has:

  • loud snoring and sniffling during sleep;
  • changes in the timbre of the voice;
  • prolonged runny nose;
  • lethargy and chronic fatigue;
  • hearing impairment;
  • distraction and poor sleep;
  • lack of appetite.

Adenoid hypertrophy grade 2 may affect further physiological development baby. Hypoxia causes problems with the functioning of the brain, which affects mental abilities child. Violation of the patency of the nasal passages leads to the fact that the child constantly breathes through the mouth. Wrong position jaw during breathing contributes to its gradual deformation.

Against the background of pronounced adenoids of 2-3 degrees, the child may develop otitis

Another severe consequence adenoid vegetations of the 2nd degree is otitis media. Hearing loss in a child occurs due to clogging of the auditory opening with an enlarged tonsil. In the absence of ventilation between the nasal cavity and the middle ear, the ear cavity accumulates serous fluid, which becomes the main cause of inflammation and leads to otitis media.

3 degree

Grade 3 adenoids in children lead to total absence nasal breathing, in which the air is warmed, cleaned and moistened. When breathing through the mouth, the process of supplying oxygen to organs and tissues continues, but along with cold air, dust and bacteria enter the body.

Running hypertrophy of the adenoids leads to characteristic changes:

  • nasal congestion;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose or mouth;
  • snoring and heavy sniffing;
  • nasality in the voice, when clarity in pronunciation is disturbed;
  • deformation of the face, in which there are no nasolabial folds, the lower part is extended, the teeth are on upper jaw bent, and the chin becomes flat;
  • deterioration of memory, concentration and attention;
  • stuffiness in the ears;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis and sinusitis;
  • frequent colds and acute respiratory infections;
  • drowsiness and rapid fatigue;
  • general weakness.

Grade 3 adenoids in a child lead to a lack of oxygen in the body, which affects the mental and physical development baby. He is difficult to cope with tasks, does not get along with his peers.

Causes of formations

Adenoid vegetation - frequent illness in children aged 3 to 7 years. The risk group does not include babies under one year old. By adolescence, adenoid tissue takes correct form and does not interfere with breathing. In adults, adenoid hypertrophy is very rare, but this is not a reason to ignore the disease, since the inflamed area is a constant source of pathogenic bacteria.

There are several main reasons for the formation of adenoids in preschool children:

  • genetic predisposition. An enlarged nasopharyngeal tonsil in some children is a hereditary anomaly in which thyroid function is impaired.
  • Complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Education adenoid vegetation in babies, in some cases, it becomes a consequence of viral infections suffered by the mother at 6-9 weeks of gestation, as well as taking medications that are contraindicated when carrying a child. The appearance of adenoids may be associated with birth trauma, pathology of fetal development, or oxygen starvation.
  • Vaccinations and diseases transferred during infancy.
  • Unbalanced diet, a large amount in the diet food additives and sweets.
  • Infectious diseases - measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, rubella, scarlet fever.
  • Frequent colds, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections, rhinitis, viral infections.

There are many reasons for an increase in adenoids, so frequent colds of a child can contribute to this process.
  • Allergy.
  • Low immunity.
  • Bad ecology.
  • Household items and toys made of toxic materials.

Diagnosis of pathology

To compile a complete clinical picture diseases, the otolaryngologist clarifies complaints and examines the patient in several ways:

  • pharyngoscopy - examination of the overgrown tonsil through oral cavity when using a special spatula and a mirror;
  • anterior rhinoscopy - examination of the nasal passages after instillation of a vasoconstrictor;
  • posterior rhinoscopy - examination of the inflamed area using a special mirror.

Radiography of adenoids varying degrees gravity

If at initial examination the diagnosis was confirmed, the otolaryngologist prescribes a number of additional surveys to determine the condition of the mucous membrane and the size of the inflammation:

  • Endoscopy is performed by inserting a thin tube into the nose, equipped with a camera and a flashlight. The camera image during the examination of the nasopharynx is transmitted to the monitor. If necessary, a photo is provided to the patient. Endoscopy helps to accurately determine the size of the adenoids and the nature of the inflammation.
  • A radiographic picture is taken in a lateral projection, while the child needs to open his mouth.
  • By using bacterial culture determine the composition of pathogenic microflora in the sample of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
  • Allergy analysis.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging allows to exclude a cerebral herniation at the time of diagnosis.
  • Laboratory tests (OAK and OAM, ELISA diagnostics, cytological examination).

After determining the degree of the disease, the doctor decides whether the patient needs to be operated on. If the removal of adenoid tissue is not required, the doctor prescribes a treatment regimen based on the results of the examination.

Treatment without surgery

Hypertrophy of adenoid tissues of 1 and 2 degrees can be cured without surgery. Why expose a child surgical intervention, when positive results can be achieved medical therapy? When prescribing a treatment regimen, it is necessary to observe A complex approach, at which they are combined general therapy and local effect on the nasopharyngeal tonsil.

General therapy includes the following types medicines:

  1. antiallergic - Diazolin, Suprastin, Cetrin, Fencarol in a course of 5-10 days (we recommend reading:);
  2. vitamin complexes;
  3. immunostimulants - Imudon, Tsitovir, Apilak, IRS 19 (we recommend reading:);
  4. antibiotics (in acute purulent form of the disease).

Local treatment involves the use of:

  1. Drops in the nose, relieving swelling and eliminating runny nose. Sanorin, Nazol, Naphthyzin, Vibrocil are used to prepare the nose for washing (we recommend reading:).
  2. Salt solutions for washing - saline, Okomistin, Furacilin, Dekasan, Elekasol.
  3. Turunda soaked drug- Albucid, Sinoflurin, Avamys, Nasonex).
  4. Inhalations in a nebulizer with Mentoclar, Fluimucil, Chlorophyllipt, Rotokan.

Persistent therapeutic effect observed from cryotherapy, in which an applicator is inserted into the nose to spray drops liquid nitrogen on the inflamed surface of the adenoid tissue. The procedure for a child is absolutely painless, strengthens the immune system, reduces swelling, and has a beneficial effect on the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

How are adenoids removed?

Surgery (adenotomy) is prescribed when there are no results from drug treatment. surgical procedure It is not difficult and takes no more than 15 minutes. Adenoids are best removed in autumn or winter, as it is difficult to avoid bleeding in summer. The operation is carried out by one of three methods:

  1. Classical adenotomy is done after preliminary anesthesia. The surgeon inserts a special instrument (adenot) into the oral cavity and removes the nasopharyngeal tonsil.
  2. Endoscopic adenotomy is performed only under general anesthesia. A tube is inserted into the nasal passage, equipped with a camera to monitor the operation process on the monitor. The surgeon crushes the overgrown adenoid tissue and removes it with a special suction.
  3. Laser adenotomy is the least traumatic procedure. The "soldering" of the vessels damaged during the removal of the adenoids is done. The laser is used as the main tool.

Before deciding whether it is worth removing the child's grade 3 adenoids surgically, it is imperative to weigh the pros and cons. It is better to check with the doctor in advance, at what age the child can be operated on.

Laser adenotomy using high-precision laser equipment

The procedure does not work for two reasons:

  1. With a predisposition to hypertrophy of the adenoid tissues after adenotomy, the pharyngeal tonsil grows again after a while.
  2. Adenoids exercise protective function in the body - create a barrier to pathogenic bacteria. Their removal is dangerous for the health and immunity of the child.

After adenotomy, it is necessary to protect the baby from bacterial infections and viral diseases. To avoid recurrence of the disease, in the postoperative period, it is necessary to carry out drug treatment.

Preventive actions

To prevent inflammation of the adenoids, it is necessary to remember about preventive measures:

  • hardening of children;
  • contrast shower when bathing;
  • timely treatment of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • balanced diet;
  • taking complex vitamin preparations;
  • prophylactic drug therapy.