Examination of the boy at the urologist. Scheduled urological examinations of boys, at what age and why they are needed

Solving problems associated with the genitals and prostate of a man, adrenal glands and kidneys, diseases of the bladder and urethra is the main appointment of a urologist. Urology has several areas: geriatric (work with elderly patients), pediatric, male and female. Often a urologist specializes in all areas.

Children's doctor of the polyclinic - Urologist-andrologist

What does a pediatric urologist treat, what diseases can be detected in children?

This doctor deals with the treatment and diagnosis of diseases of the urinary tract, kidneys, reproductive system in children. Pediatric urologists have a narrow focus: urogynecologist (diseases of the urinary organs in girls), urologist-andrologist (diseases of the urinary organs in boys), and so on. Any pediatric urologist-andrologist applies instrumental methods for the examination and diagnosis, treatment of children with genitourinary diseases.

In Polyclinic No. 32 in Moscow, pediatric urologists diagnose and treat newborns, preschool children, and school-age children. We help to solve such problems as: diseases and anomalies in the development of the genital organs, anomalies of the urethra and bladder, inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, congenital diseases of the urinary system, bladder dysfunction (urinary incontinence in a child - enuresis), inflammatory diseases, metabolic nephropathy, inguinal hernia in children, phimosis, varicocele and others.

Qualified urologists have extensive experience in the treatment of a wide range of urological diseases.

Pediatric urologist

Presently children's polyclinic urologist offers a consultation if your child has such ailments as:

  • bed-wetting;
  • undescended testicle;
  • hydrocele;
  • phimosis (you can not expose the head of the penis);
  • pain, swelling, or redness of the scrotum or

During mumps (mumps), in boys, complications in the testicles and even the appearance of infertility are possible. Our urologist-andrologist recommends regular check-ups, especially after this illness.
By making an appointment with our specialists, you will solve your health problems in the shortest possible time.

The Importance of Choosing a Good Pediatric Urologist

Children often get sick and this is known to all parents. And this is due to the immaturity of the immune system, which is unable to independently withstand sufficiently harmful external influences. And a third of the pathologies that babies suffer from relate to the urogenital area, and children can have the same diseases as adults, with a few exceptions. Examination and treatment of the genitourinary sphere of the child is engaged in pediatric urologist, which is in every public and private medical institution.

Indications for visiting a doctor

Parents should carefully monitor the health of the baby, so if the child begins to complain of discomfort associated with the release of urine, or if the organs of his genitourinary system have changed in any way (redness, swelling, etc.) - this should serve as a reason to turn to pediatric urologist.

In addition, it is necessary to visit a urologist for preventive purposes - at least once a year. This will detect any abnormalities or disorders at the initial stage and prevent the occurrence of various serious diseases of the urogenital area in boys or girls.

Features of pediatric urology

Children are small adults, so they have anatomical differences, which the doctor should take into account when prescribing an examination and treatment of diseases of the urogenital area. A good doctor knows that the processes that take place in a small organism are different from those that are inherent in adults, and with this in mind, he should treat children's diseases.

It is very difficult to get a complete clinical picture from young patients, because children are very vague about their symptoms, so a pediatric urologist, to some extent, must be an educator who knows how to approach children. And he must be extremely careful not to miss a single detail of the clinical picture, which will make it possible to assume a probable diagnosis and further confirm it.

One of the main areas of pediatric urology is surgical, associated with the elimination of congenital malformations of the organs of the genitourinary system. Operations to correct congenital anomalies are carried out exclusively in childhood, and if the violation is not detected in a timely manner and a small patient is not operated on, he may simply not live to adulthood. That is, a pediatric urologist has a great responsibility, so it is important that he be experienced and qualified enough to make a diagnosis in time for a child who comes to see him.

Pediatric urologist-andrologist - a specialist in the detection of pathologies of the reproductive system

The health of the child's body must be maintained from his very birth. Most parents turn to doctors only when there are obvious signs of colds or infectious diseases. Few people know that boys need regular visits to specialists who will help identify reproductive problems in the early stages.

Today, specialists in the medical industry are studying many aspects of the reproductive system. Not only the anatomical system of the body is subject to research. Much attention is paid to hormonal and psychological factors. In the last decade, the interdisciplinary field of medicine, andrology, has become very popular. Examination of young male patients is carried out pediatric urologist andrologist.

Unfortunately, many diseases lead to infertility. Proper treatment started on time ensures that the client of the medical center will have full-fledged children in the future. An experienced andrologist always approaches the examination procedure globally. He pays attention to all vital indicators: vision, hearing, activity, psychological state. The main task of doctors working with a young audience is to identify deficiencies in the development of the reproductive system.

A visit to this doctor is mandatory for babies who have an enlarged scrotum or deformation of the penis. A pediatric andrologist accepts patients with suspected hernial formations or with pronounced phimosis. In childhood, it is much easier to treat and eliminate pathologies of the reproductive system.

If medical procedures are not started on time, then the disease is aggravated in direct proportion to the growth and development of the child. Lost years can lead to irreparable consequences. Reception doctor urologist andrologist conducts both in private clinics and in public medical institutions. In the treatment, conservative methods and even surgical intervention are used. The cost of the service depends on the form and degree of the disease, as well as the age of the child.

So that a visit to the doctor does not become the cause of the development of psychological complexes, the baby must be prepared for it in advance. To do this, you need to talk in general terms about the actions of the doctor and the reasons for such an examination. Qualified medical care will be able in the future to determine the duration of sexual activity, as well as the quality of sexual life.

Appointment with a urologist: what does a qualified doctor treat and how does he examine?

Pain and burning during urination, colic in the lumbar region, staining of urine in a bloody color, periodic incontinence - all these negative symptoms should alert a person and push him to visit a specialist. Urology deals with the different areas of medicine related to the ureters, kidneys and urethra. It can be female, male and childish. Not all future patients know what does a urologist treat, and what do professionals from related activities.

What is included in the competence of a specialist urologist?

Do not confuse this doctor with an andrologist. The latter deals exclusively with the treatment of male sexual diseases. And in urology there is a division according to sex and age characteristics. A female specialist diagnoses and treats inflammatory processes in the external and internal genital organs, as well as kidneys and bladder, urolithiasis and sexually transmitted diseases. The specialist prescribes medications and procedures in violation of the normal functioning of the urethra. If bad symptoms in a child are directly related to the problems of the genitourinary system, parents should show it to a urologist.

Injury to the genital organs and urinary incontinence are serious ailments, pathologies that manifest themselves in boys and girls. If timely diagnosis is made by a medical specialist, the situation will worsen at an older age. Adults should consult a urologist if symptoms such as:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • urinary retention, pain in the process;
  • prolonged feeling of fullness in the bladder;
  • change in the characteristics of urine (the appearance of blood, mucous secretions, unnatural color).

These symptoms are usually combined with fever, intense thirst and loss of appetite, general weakness and constant ailments.

Appointment with a urologist: what to expect from the examination?

The first appointment with a professional of the specified specialization begins with the collection of an anamnesis. The doctor finds out what the symptoms of the disease are and the general well-being of the person. Then there is an examination of the inguinal region and genital organs. There is a special gynecological chair for women in the office, which is used in the process. If you don't know how a urologist examines, do not be afraid of this process. It is necessary to overcome shyness so that the specialist can give a full assessment of the state of the genitourinary system, identify the inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa.

If the child needs to be taken to the doctor, the examination will be carried out in the presence of the parents. True, some people prefer to have their children examined by a surgeon right away. Prejudice causes untimely detection of dangerous pathologies. The Children's Municipal Clinic of Moscow employs professional specialists in the field of urology who receive small patients. The question is how to choose a urologist, often excites modern women. To do this, you need to find out the experience of a specialist, the availability of an academic degree, read reviews about him in a particular clinic. It is desirable that the urologist has been practicing for at least ten to fifteen years, has successful cases of treatment and is considered a good diagnostician. A serious approach to choosing a specialist can become a guarantee of the appointment of the right and qualified treatment. It is allowed to use special web resources with real patient reviews about urological doctors.

How to prepare a child for a visit to the urologist?

Many experts are of the opinion that most urological problems occur in the strong half of humanity due to the fact that they were not taught to visit a specialist. That is why it is worth visiting the urologist regularly, this will allow you to be confident in the health of the child, the absence of problems, and also teach the boy to visit the doctor. In some cases, special preparation is not required, and in some it is worth preparing in advance for the examination. If you are concerned about the question of how to prepare the boy for examination, then you should pay attention to the age of the child.

Children up to 3 years old

If you have scheduled a visit to a specialist, while your boy is not yet 3 years old, then no preparation is required. Specialists who work in the field of urology are of the opinion that it is necessary to be observed by a urologist from birth. No preparation at this age is required due to the fact that the baby does not need to carefully follow the rules of hygiene.

Toddlers over 3

Children who have reached this age realize that they are not going to an ordinary pediatrician, but to a special specialist. Therefore, in this case, you must first tell the child what the doctor will do, why this is necessary. The main thing is to convey to your son that it is important to take care of your health. Try to explain that all boys, men should visit this doctor. The best solution would be if dad takes up the explanations, tells that he also goes to this specialist. It is believed that it is enough to visit a urologist at least once a year. At the same time, you need to go to such a doctor not because something is sick, but in order to exclude the disease.

Child at school - explain in detail

If the boy is already going to school, then he can be told more about the specialist. Tell us why boys should visit a urologist, about the importance of monitoring the condition of the genitals. After all, the full development of the body, the opportunity to become a father in the future will depend on this. At this age, boys are quite frank with their parents. If something bothers them, they will definitely talk about their problems.

If you are planning to take your teenage son to an appointment, then you should prepare for it in advance. This applies in particular to those cases where the son has not been to a specialist before. The problem is that teenagers are often silent about their intimate problems. Even if the child is worried about something, he can endure to the last, just not to go to the doctor. But it is at this age that children can already realize how important men's health is. Therefore, the most important task of parents will be to convey information to their child. You need to be prepared for the negative reaction that you may encounter in a conversation with your son.

In the event that the examination is preventive, try to convince the young man that the examination of such a specialist is never superfluous. Let him know that you are sure that he is healthy, and visiting the doctor is just a preventive measure. it is also necessary to convey to the boy that he may not tell his parents about some things, but he can tell the specialist frankly about everything.

Do not insist that you attend the examination. This is desirable, but if the child refuses, then it is better not to argue with him. The best solution in this case would be to talk with a specialist after the appointment. As preparation for the reception, the young man will need to take a shower, as well as change his underwear. These are standard manipulations that every man should follow before visiting a doctor.

Also, do not forget to tell your son that the doctor will ask questions about possible pain, urine color, and other common symptoms of illness. The presence of parents at the first appointment is desirable, as the doctor will need to record information about the boy. In particular, questions may arise about how the pregnancy proceeded, childbirth, the development of the child, the presence of diseases. After a standard survey, you can leave the boy with the doctor.

Because she does not live sexually, and the boy - to the urologist-andrologist. For roughly the same reasons. In any case, if there are no complaints, it doesn’t hurt anywhere and everything looks like everyone else. Both of these are incorrect.

The fact is that even small children are not protected from diseases of the genitourinary system. Sometimes these ailments are asymptomatic, and children are not aware of them. Only a specialist can recognize something wrong in time. Urologists-andrologists say that often these problems are detected only at the first examination at school age or even at the military registration and enlistment office. Unfortunately, such examinations show that almost half of the boys have some kind of urinary system and reproductive health problems.

Arms, legs, cucumber

What should parents pay attention to first of all? There are certain signs of a violation of the children's genitourinary system. If at least one of them is “your”, then the child should be immediately shown to the urologist. These are the symptoms:

· your baby has any abnormalities in routine urine tests;

· the urine of the child has changed - color, unpleasant odor, turbidity;

· there were difficulties with urination - soreness, rare or, conversely, too frequent urges, urinary incontinence;

· an extremely alarming symptom - the complete absence of urination;

· pain in the kidney area, sometimes vomiting and bloating.

Examine your baby more often, try to pay attention to details. For example, swelling (dropsy) of the testicle or redness, soreness in the penis should be an alarm for you. Remember: any malformations are easier to eliminate at an early age. It happens that a boy starts crying when changing a diaper or taking water procedures, and you notice redness in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe glans penis. In this case, many mothers resort to washing with a weak solution of furacilin or potassium permanganate. Perhaps, indeed, there is nothing to worry about - some kind of infection has got, most likely from dirty hands. It's no secret how boys often grab themselves for "this" place.

But if you see that the inflammation and soreness do not go away, the baby cries when he pees, and even more so if this phenomenon recurs, run to the doctor. Perhaps this is phimosis - incomplete opening of the glans penis due to narrowing of the foreskin, which often causes inflammation, sometimes purulent. In the old days, this disease was usually treated with surgery, but today doctors believe that surgery should be used only as a last resort.

Suppose you do not see any anomalies in your child, and he does not complain about anything. The absence of alarming symptoms does not mean that the child does not need to be shown to an andrologist. Preventive examination is obligatory up to one year, and then at three years and at 14 years. The very first examination will show if the child has genetic defects of the genital organs, narrowing of the foreskin, undescended testicles and other troubles. Three years is the age when boys often develop diseases such as dropsy and hernia. And at the age of 14, vascular diseases of the testicles often develop - varicocele, so a visit to the doctor is required.

“The reproductive system is not an easy thing,” says Andrey Klokov, a urologist-andrologist of the highest category. – It includes many aspects: hormonal, psychological, anatomical. That is why andrology is at the junction of several specialties and is interdisciplinary.”

A pediatric andrologist is both an endocrinologist who examines the hormonal status of a future man, and a surgeon, because many (but far from all) malformations are treated with surgery, and a psychotherapist, because the urogenital area, even for a child, is an intimate, delicate thing. The older he is, the more difficult it is to talk about his problems. An andrologist, as an experienced general practitioner, will definitely take an interest in the patient's lifestyle and pay attention to a lot of additional indicators - even vision and hearing. “Andrology is called the most jewelry specialty: if the goal of a surgeon, for example, is to cure a patient, then the goal of an andrologist is to cure a patient so that he can have children in the future,” says Andrey Klokov. “And sometimes, oh, how difficult it is.”

How to prepare a child for a visit to a urologist-andrologist? Everything, of course, depends on the age of the young patient. A baby under three years old usually does not feel any psychological discomfort during examination. If you go to the doctor with a suspicion of dropsy, then it is better to try to make an appointment not immediately after sleep: the boy must be in an upright position, otherwise the examination will not be very informative.

Older children do not need special physical training either. However, since this age is already conscious, it is worth explaining to the boy what kind of doctor he is and what kind of examination he will have. Explain that this is also important and necessary - because every boy wants to grow up strong and healthy. Say that all boys and men should go to this doctor at least once a year, and not because something hurts them, but in order not to hurt.

Teenage boys are the most difficult contingent. Even knowing about their problem, they prefer to remain silent, like partisans, to suffer and endure, than to complain to their mother. And after all, you won’t look, like a little one, if everything is in order. That is also why it is so important from childhood to accustom the boy to regular visits to such a specialist, and best of all - to the same one. In a few years, he will get used to the doctor and will trust him - in some ways even more than you. And that's okay.

If it is time for a teenager to go to a urologist-andrologist, and this happened for the first time, try to calmly talk to him, to convince him that this is necessary. Tell him something like this: “I know that you are already an adult, and most likely everything is fine with you. However, extra confidence does not hurt. In addition, records of all specialists are important in the medical record.” If the teenage boy does not want you to be present during the inspection, go out into the hallway. Let him stay with the doctor one on one. And you can always talk to your doctor. Yes, he will tell you himself, if necessary.

If the boy himself said or hinted to you about the desire to visit such a doctor, do not postpone the visit. Tomorrow the child's mood may change, and it will be very difficult to persuade him. Remember to remind your growing son to take a shower and change his underwear before the examination.

Now the universal advice: in order to avoid any urological problems, you need to ensure that the child observes intimate hygiene from early childhood, wears natural loose, nowhere tight underwear. This is important for the health of his urinary organs. In addition, it is necessary to dress warmly during cold weather, be sure to keep your feet warm. This will allow you not to "chill" the kidneys and bladder.

All mothers were girls, and these memories become the basis of a new relationship when a woman has a daughter. With boys it's different. There are only questions around, which often baffle, giving rise to anxiety and unreasonable fears. What diapers to choose? What changes in the genital organs of a boy should be paid attention to? Is an early erection normal for a baby? A lot of men's health problems begin in the first five years of a child's life, - urologist-andrologist Alexander Batsenko is sure.

Alexander Batsenko - urologist-andrologist, doctor of the highest category. Practicing since 1992. Constantly takes part in seminars, conferences, congresses of the European School of Urology (ESU course) in Belarus, Austria, Czech Republic, Sweden, Russia and Israel.

Boy's health under 5 years old: important information for parents

How can a mother understand that a newborn boy is all right with the genitals? Are there any external signs that should be alarming?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the urinary canal. It should run the entire length of the penis and open at the head. The external opening of the urinary canal should not be narrowed. This can be seen during urination. Normally, the foreskin is mobile and does not compress the glans penis, and the testicles should be located in the scrotum, this can be determined by touch. There should be no additional holes or slots in the perineal area.

Often mothers are frightened by stories about “undescended testicles”. What is it and in what case is it really worth sounding the alarm?

This disease, which is called "cryptorchidism" - the absence of one or both testicles in the scrotum. In most cases, it is detected in the first year of life. Cryptorchidism in children is an anomaly in the development of the internal genital organs, the essence of which is the incomplete descent of the testicles into the scrotum. Approximately 3% of full-term boys are diagnosed with cryptorchidism at birth. By the age of 6-12 months, the problem with testicular descent persists in 1% of boys.

Cryptorchidism is present in 30% of premature babies. Factors predisposing to the development of cryptorchidism: prematurity, low birth weight, intrauterine growth retardation, the birth of twins, taking estrogen drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Long-term cryptorchidism is accompanied by irreversible changes in the testicle. Therefore, it is desirable to treat cryptorchidism in infancy, primarily because of the risk of developing an undescended testicular tumor.

What diapers are best for boys?

In my opinion, it is optimal to use reusable diapers.

What is their advantage?

The following advantages can be mentioned:

  • Benefits for baby skin. Made from natural fabrics, these diapers allow the skin to breathe and, as long as you change a wet liner regularly, your baby will never get diaper rash. Due to air circulation, the skin under the diaper does not heat up, which means that the testicles do not overheat;
  • In the manufacture of disposable diapers, fragrances and artificial materials are used, therefore, an allergic reaction often occurs on the skin of babies. Then parents have to treat dermatitis and pick up diapers of a different brand. Reusable analogs made from natural fabrics reduce the risk of allergies to zero;
  • An important point: reusable diapers allow parents to control the amount of urination in babies, which helps to diagnose some diseases;
  • Profitability: when used from birth, the benefits are obvious;
  • Environmentally friendly: disposable diapers contain cellulose, which requires wood to produce. So, using diapers in caring for a baby, in one and a half to two years you contribute to the destruction of 4-5 trees.

But let's be objective: the disadvantages of reusable diapers include the inconvenience of using them on the road and at night.

How to properly care for the genitals of a boy?

This is a very important question, since many male health problems begin in the first five years of a child's life, and they are associated with poor hygiene. Some believe that it is enough to bathe boys in the morning and in the evening, it is not necessary to wash away when changing a diaper.

In fact, for a boy, constant hygiene is no less important than for a girl.

If you do not do this, there is a risk of bacteria under the foreskin. They cause inflammation of the glans penis - balanoposthitis. And proper hygiene just helps to avoid this disease. The principles are simple: wash your baby every time after he pees or about every three hours. Again, from prolonged wearing of disposable diapers, the scrotum overheats - to prevent this from happening, change them on time and regularly arrange air baths.

Do I need to open the foreskin myself during washing?

It is necessary to wash the boy's genitals with soft movements, effortlessly, slightly exposing the head. If the exposure of the head is difficult, then it is better not to injure the foreskin. Rough exposure of the baby's glans can lead to scarring of the foreskin with subsequent surgery. The best advice in this situation, if there are difficulties, is to consult a urologist.

If the hygiene of boys is carried out correctly, then the risk of male inflammatory diseases (including those leading to infertility) will be minimized. When the boy grows up, you need to teach him to take care of his genitals on his own. And in order for these good habits to be fixed for life, it is worth starting as early as possible.

Another parental fear is dropsy of the testicles. How to recognize it?

Often, parents themselves pay attention to the increase in one or both halves of the scrotum in boys. This may be dropsy of the testicle, inguinal or inguinal-scrotal hernia. Hydrocele of the testicle and spermatic cord is the accumulation of fluid in these organs, which leads to an enlarged scrotum and sometimes swelling in the groin. Self-healing of communicating dropsy of the testicle occurs, which is often observed in the first months of life. But most children with communicating hydrocele require surgical treatment, which is recommended at the age of one and a half years. Failure to follow these recommendations leads to underdevelopment of the testicle and reduced chances of having children. What to do if the baby has an enlarged scrotum? Do not panic. A visit to the urologist will allow you to correctly diagnose. Diagnosis of this condition is simple: examination and ultrasound of the scrotum.

Frequent urination traditionally worries parents, but is it worth worrying if the child rarely goes to the toilet "in a small way"?

To understand whether there is a problem or not, you need to understand what is considered to be the norm of urination:

  • newborns and babies up to 6 months urinate 15-25 times a day;
  • babies from 6 to 12 months - 15-17 times;
  • from a year to 3 years - about 10 times a day;
  • from 3 to 7 years - 7-9 times;
  • from 7 to 10 years - 6-7 times;
  • older than 10 years - 5-7 times a day.

In cases where the child began to write little, it is worth paying attention to physiological factors:

  • non-compliance with the drinking regime (the child does not always talk about thirst and cannot determine how much liquid he needs);
  • increased fluid loss during hot weather or during periods of increased activity;
  • loss due to vomiting or diarrhea;
  • during potty training: the child does not immediately get used to the changes and may experience discomfort.

The causes of the pathological nature can be as follows:

  • kidney disease, as a result of which tissues lose the ability to produce urine;
  • partial or complete blockage of the ureters (stones, sand in the kidneys or bladder);
  • problems with the bladder against the background of a prolonged refusal to empty it;
  • improper or prolonged use of diuretic drugs;
  • neoplasms in the ureters;
  • consequences of injuries of the spine or brain;
  • infectious processes in the genitourinary system.

A separate reason is psychological factors: hysteria, nervous breakdown. This can show up during times of stress. Inspection is necessary in any of these cases. A visit to a pediatrician, urologist, psychologist will help keep the boy healthy.

Why is enuresis dangerous? Can it be treated with "folk remedies"?

Urinary incontinence is a common problem in children. By the age of five years, about 15% of children do not always hold urine. The most common is nocturnal enuresis. It is not dangerous, the only problem is that parents have to change the child's bed more often. It is much more difficult for a child at an older age, and here the psychological aspect is in the foreground: the boy begins to catch that his family is upset when he pees in bed. He thinks that it is his fault, considers himself inferior, and this affects the formation of character. For the child himself (and not for his parents), enuresis becomes a problem only in relatively late childhood, when contacts with peers increase.

Parents of a child under seven years of age can be reassured that nocturnal enuresis resolves spontaneously in the vast majority of children.

Treatment of this problem may include a combination of the following non-pharmacological and pharmacological methods (or one of them is used):

  • motivational therapy;
  • bladder training;
  • fluid intake control;
  • "urinary alarm" therapy (use of a special device that is activated upon contact with moisture);
  • drug therapy.

"Folk" methods of treatment will not bring harm, but their effectiveness is doubtful. It is better to contact a specialist, the main thing is not to waste time.

With painful, difficult urination, a four-year-old baby is often diagnosed with phimosis. What it is?

This is the non-opening of the glans penis. It can be expressed in the fusion of the glans penis with the foreskin. It is also a narrowing of the opening of the foreskin. A fairly common and harmless deviation, but it must be treated to avoid complications. You can determine phimosis by the following signs: difficulty urinating (a stream of urine is interrupted), inflammation of the foreskin and severe itching, hanging of the foreskin over the head or its infringement, incomplete closure of the head, the head may turn blue and cause pain in the child.

Treatment can be both medical and surgical. If the use of ointments that increase the elasticity of the skin fold is ineffective, an operation is performed. It does not require hospitalization and is performed on an outpatient basis under local or general anesthesia. This procedure reduces your future risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), other urinary tract infections, and penile cancer. Removal of the foreskin can be performed from birth. Abroad, there is a practice of performing this procedure right in the delivery room. In my practice, I do this operation on the 8th day from birth. The smaller the baby, the faster the recovery period.

Do you think morning erection in boys 3-6 years old is normal?

Puberty is the moment when an erection in boys becomes a normal physiological phenomenon that occurs as a result of sexual arousal. In childhood (up to 5-7 years), when the child has not yet developed the sex glands, the tension of the penis cannot be called a real erection. This is a spontaneous reaction to external stimuli, which are far from always pleasant. Moreover, up to a certain age, the child is generally unfamiliar with the feeling of sexual arousal. Parents do not need to worry and wind themselves up.

Erections that occur in children under 6 years of age do not mean the onset of puberty.

Minor constipation, worms, a full bladder, tight underwear, and extreme temperature changes can cause erections in children. Very rarely, the penis can increase with inflammation of the foreskin.

If you notice that your child is crying during an erection, go to the doctor for a consultation for reinsurance. Or if the erection lasts more than one hour, and at the same time the body temperature rises.

But even among preschoolers, parents can observe games with the penis (in a situation of psychological discomfort, as a stimulation of pleasure). It is clear that it is necessary to consult a psychologist. But is it dangerous from the point of view of physiology?

At 3-4 years old, the child already understands that he has genitals and that it is pleasant to touch them. A preschooler knows about the differences between women and men, observes the relationship between them. And, according to psychologists, genital irritation is a sign of natural and normal growing up. Don't worry if this happens occasionally. Pay attention if this happens often.

Another worry for parents of preschoolers: he has a small penis...

In fact, in most young patients, the size of the genitals is in the normal range. But sometimes there is a pathology. The penis may be sunk into the subcutaneous fat, which is located in the pubic region, and may remain hidden for some time. The cause of a "hidden penis" may be prepubertal (when the penis has not yet begun to grow) or overweight (in the presence of a voluminous fat pad). Sometimes, when overweight, a normal penis can look small. It will be so until hormones are actively produced in the pubertal period. published.

Interviewed by: Victoria Movchanskaya

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

Conversation with a urologist about the men's health of a teenage boy

Just yesterday he was an affectionate mother's son, and today he is prickly like a hedgehog. The voice breaks, the figure is awkward, and more and more often he closes alone in the room, declaring: "Don't touch me." And one day you find a pair of charming girlish boots in the hallway. And obviously it was not an excellent student who came to help your son with literature ...

What happens to a boy during puberty, what you need to pay attention to and how to help him, said the specialist of the clinic "Blesk", a urologist-andrologist of the first qualification category Alexander Ostashevsky.

Puberty starts at birth

- Alexander Alexandrovich, when does puberty begin in boys?

There are no clear boundaries. It is generally accepted that the beginning of this period falls on 12-13 years, and ends by 17 years. But, to be honest, it starts right away, from birth, so from the tiniest age, parents need to pay attention to the fact that their child is a boy, educate him in the right way, so as not to resort to a specialist with already running problems.

- What are these problems?

There are a lot of them. Starting from the hygiene of a teenager, ending with pathologies that could and should have been treated in infancy.

- Speaking of hygiene, are there any rules for teenage boys?

Undoubtedly. Only they need to be explained not to a 13-year-old guy, but to a little boy, so that everything is natural for him, and not something that his parents suddenly came up with to make his already “nightmare” teenage life even worse. We teach children to wash their hands, we also need to teach them to take care of themselves. Wash the reproductive organs twice a day, use intimate hygiene products with an adequate pH level for this. It is necessary to properly empty the bladder, opening the foreskin as much as possible, and then use napkins or toilet paper, wiping dry.

- Just don’t scare the child: “Come on, let me see how you do it.” It's funny to you, but how many such cases and then - problems!

Yes, and even to the issue of hygiene: adolescents tend to study themselves. The game of hormones, a sharp sexual desire, masturbation ... So, it is not uncommon for boys to become infected with bacterial infections due to unwashed hands. I repeat - everything needs to be explained from a young age.

Can boys experience pain during puberty? What is natural, and when should you see a doctor?

Of course, like girls, boys during this difficult period may experience uncomfortable and painful reactions, for example, in the chest, discomfort in the nipples, and so on. This is due to the release of prolactin, testosterone and a number of other hormones. Someone experiences pain in the genital area ... Teenagers are often frightened by unexpected mucous discharge. They are absolutely safe, it is a protective secret that stands out against the background of spontaneous erections. Can deliver a number of problems (rather, however, psychological) opaque whitish discharge - wet dreams. This is also quite natural and normal. But if your child complains of sharp pains or constant discomfort, you should immediately contact a specialist.

It's easier to talk about it with mom!

- How oftenboyshould be seen by a urologist?

The first scheduled examination is performed either by a pediatric urologist or a surgeon while the child is still in diapers. Further, it is the urologist who examines the boy before school, when the children undergo a mandatory medical examination, after - in the middle classes and by the end of puberty. This is necessary because prevention is the best cure. The doctor will notice pathological changes, such as dilated veins or malformed genitals, and help will be provided on time. Before visiting a doctor, a teenager is recommended to take a general blood test, a general urine test, and an ultrasound of the scrotum.

” - In general, a man should be seen by a urologist about once every 3-4 years, and parents should teach him this.

Alas, the main problem is precisely in the parents who do not know which side to approach, bashfully translate the topic of the conversation, hush up something, and then are surprised that their child has so many problems. Our main trouble is a strange shyness, lack of a culture of health. A little boy should be taught this by both dad and mom.

”- It is perhaps easier for a teenager to talk to his mother, since during this period a competitive relationship with his father begins to develop.

It's like in nature - two males in one territory. Then, when the young man becomes an adult, a productive interest in his father appears. Therefore, it will probably be easier for mom to convince and explain. It must be remembered that any normal boy will be embarrassed to discuss the features of his body, even if something bothers him. Therefore, mothers should be very careful. If your son looks like an adult and his mustache is already growing, this does not mean anything. All the same, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the child, and the mood, and even what he is wearing.

If you want grandchildren, watch your son's wardrobe and nutrition

- You mean - is the child dressed warmly?

Not only. Of course, in the cold season you need to warm up, the lower back and pelvic area should be hidden: bottom pants are required, ideally thermal underwear. But that's just outside! And what happens?

” - The boy comes to school in all this “outfit” and sits like that for six or even seven lessons. The result is overheating, which reduces the quality of sperm in the future. Therefore, it is very important to convey to the child that it is necessary to change clothes indoors, explaining what this is fraught with.

- What about the bath? Is it possible for a teenager to visit the sauna, take a steam bath?

Going to the bath is not just possible, but necessary! But, again, without fanaticism. Do not turn it into a barbaric competition "who lasts longer in the steam room." Proper soaring, with a broom, then - a pool, this is happiness for a Siberian! The only thing is that the bath should be clean, and, of course, only your own sheets. Elementary rules of hygiene and forward - with light steam! Yes, by the way, after the bath and not only it is important to pay special attention to underwear. A minimum of synthetics and no slimming trunks.

Alexander Alexandrovich, are there any other special moments that parents should pay attention to?

- The weight. Nutrition and lifestyle issues are constantly discussed at urological conferences. The problem of obesity is much more acute than you think. You need to monitor your weight and monitor your body mass index. This is not paid attention even during medical examinations at school. But obesity can be the beginning of serious problems in the future, such as infertility, and impaired potency, and diabetes ...

” - E If the child has an overweight, you need to go to the doctor, and not solve it yourself.

Remember that the simpler the table, the better. Exotic fruits that are not known where and how they were stored are not needed in the diet at all. It is better to eat sauerkraut that grew in your own summer cottage. Vegetables brought from nowhere, grown in greenhouses on brutal fertilizers, believe me, will not add to your health.

Sport. Let's share physical education and big sport. Physical education is great. Gym and swimming pool too. But sport as a profession ... I believe that there is nothing good in it. Not only is it a colossal overload, but also the risk of injury. When choosing between weightlifting and athletics, remember that weightlifting can, for example, lead to varicose veins in the scrotum. Better let it be a group of runners - it's fashionable now, or oriental gymnastics, like wu-shu. And health will give, and help to relieve excess aggression, and allow the boy to feel strong and courageous man.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions from teenage boys.

The doctor answers. Experience in the specialty 19 years.

Size, type and development of the genital organs

I am 12 years old. I have a member of 8 cm and no sperm.

Due to age, sperm is not formed yet, everything will be later. The size is normal.

I'm 12 years old and my pisyun hasn't grown a millimeter.

Before puberty, the penis does not grow. So you haven't hit puberty yet. For many children, this period begins at 12–14 years of age. See a urologist to make sure there are no hormonal abnormalities.

I am 14 years old (I will be 15 in January) and my penis is 15 cm. Is this normal? And will it continue to grow? Up to what age? Thank you.

This is the norm. The sizes depend on heredity. Continued growth is possible until the end of puberty (15-16 years). But maybe it will not grow if such a size is in the genes.

I am 13 years old. The size of my penis in a calm state is 4 cm, and in an excited state it is almost 6.5-8 cm. Please tell me if this is normal and what size should a penis be at my age?

The penis size depends on the stage of puberty. You probably just started it, so growth is still ahead.

I have a lot of hair in the groin area. What can be done to reduce them?

You can't do anything, it is given by nature. If they interfere, you can shave them off.

When I wake up and my penis is aroused, some liquid comes out, very little, but the panties are wet at the beginning, and then it dries up and becomes hard.

This is called wet dreams. Absolutely normal physiological phenomenon.

I have a brown stripe down my penis below the frenulum. This is fine?

The brown stripe is the norm.

White dots, pimples, irritation on the genitals

Small white pimples appeared on the penis (does not cause pain).

Pimples are normal.

Sometimes white masses appear on my penis, but there are no pain sensations.

These are normal secretions from the glands of the foreskin. You just need to wash them off with water every day.

I have some lumps under the head of my penis, what should I do with them?

Just keep hygiene - wash daily with water without soap.

I have white bumps on my penis.

These are normal skin glands.

I have a painful pimple on my testicles. The next day, the skin around him began to turn white (possibly swollen), and it hurts to the touch. Today, some fluid (perhaps pus) is oozing out of that pimple.

This is a furuncle, the same as on the face. You can lubricate with betadine or alcohol, or levomecol. If the swelling does not go away or the swelling increases in 2-3 days, you should contact the surgeon.

A small transparent bubble swelled on the head of the penis. This is fine?

It will go away on its own after a while.

When I shaved my penis, I got some red pimples instead of hair.

This irritation from shaving, anoint with baby cream.

I have boils on my penis. Then after 4-5 days they burst and pass. How to treat them? To not have them. I just had 4 boils on my penis in my entire life.

You have to go to the surgeon. You may have a weakened immune system or a skin infection.


And the head of the penis should be washed from the inside with soap and water?

From the inside, it is better not to wash with soap, only with water or a special gel for intimate hygiene. Hygiene must be observed daily.

What can happen if you do not wash your genitals for a long time?

It is necessary to wash every day, open the head as much as possible, otherwise there will be inflammation and the foreskin may heal so that circumcision will have to be done.

I was swimming and got shampoo (shower gel) inside the penis. Now it hurts me to go to the toilet and tingles from time to time. What to do?

Go to the urologist, there may be inflammation.

The state of the foreskin (the head does not open)

I am 12 years old and my penis is half open. The surgeon said that when you bathe, sometimes masturbate. What should I do?

Every day while washing, open as much as possible. See the surgeon again in six months.

I am 15 years old, and I find it difficult to open the head ... It opens in a calm form, but with difficulty during an erection. How to develop?

With the problem of a narrow foreskin at this age, it is better to consult a urologist, perhaps a little intervention is required.

I am 16 years old, and the head does not fully open in an excited state. In a simple state, it opens, but it hurts.

This is the narrow foreskin. It is better to be circumcised, otherwise there will be difficulties in sexual life.

For me, when I open the penis, on the one hand, it opens completely, and on the left, the skin has grown. What should I do? And is it scary?

Every day, open completely and mine, the skin will gradually move away.

During an erection, the head of the penis does not open by itself (I can open it with my hands, no discomfort or pain occurs). Should the head be exposed by itself or not?

This is a variant of the norm, it may not open itself, but if the opening is free with your hands, everything is fine.


Is it harmful to masturbate? Does masturbation affect the size of the penis?

No, it doesn't. Not harmful.

When can you start masturbating? I am 9 years old.

It is necessary to start when the penis grows (after 14 years). Get better at sports.

Whether it is possible to define or determine, that I am engaged in a masturbation.

Hello, I am 14 years old and after the first masturbation, I got not quite the desired result. A circle swollen under the head of the penis, as if from water, it hurts a lot.

Nater callus. Now we need to give the body rest until everything heals. You can lubricate with levomekol until it heals. Be careful next time.

Is it normal for me to masturbate 2-3 times a week?

Masturbating 2-3 times a week is fine.

I am 14 years old. I don't always cum. What to do?

The sperm is not yet mature due to age.

I am 13 years old and I have a sensitive head.

It will go away on its own.

I am 13 years old, I want to try masturbation, how can I anoint the head of the penis so that it is not very sensitive, including the frenulum?

The head must be sensitive. If it's unpleasant, then it's too early to masturbate. And you don't need to smear anything.

I am 15 (12, 13, 14) years old, when I touch my head, it hurts a lot. It will pass, what should I do?

This is an increased sensitivity during puberty. It will go away with the end of puberty.

On my head, after masturbation, red spots appeared, it was all in the shower. This worries me a lot. Will it go away on its own or do I need to do something?

This irritation, passes by itself, just be careful with a member.

Swelling and redness appeared along the edges of the head. After masturbation, the head begins to hurt and the swelling on the head darkens. This swelling appeared in me six months ago. There were no sexual contacts.

You rub while masturbating. Keep hygiene. You can use baby cream during and after masturbation.

I sometimes masturbate, but without letting my skin down, I decided to pull the foreskin (so that the whole head is visible). When I lowered it with a little discomfort (maybe I didn’t take it off correctly), the head increased and was large, and the flesh began to hurt a little. I was afraid that I would not be able to put on the flesh and quickly put it back on. Is it normal for me to have a big head?

Normally, the head is always larger than the thickness of the penis. It is necessary to open every day, rinse with water and close immediately. If it is hard to close, you can lubricate with any cream (children's, hand or mother's face). Then the skin will gradually stretch.

I bleed with semen after masturbation. Could it be dangerous?

There should be no blood, see a urologist.