Nettle hair treatment recipe. Folk recipe for hair loss


Nettle decoction for hair growth: what is useful, how to brew, recipe

Hair is, of course, the main argument of a woman at the “daily bride fair”. Beautiful lush hair or a stylish short hairstyle - fashion trends change, but the demand for shine and health of the hairline remains unchanged. Today, many cosmetic companies offer an increasing number of products to care for the main visual weapon of a woman. You can change the color of your hair, curl or straighten unruly curls, add volume or achieve smoothness and mirror shine, maybe even increase the length (an absolute achievement since wigs). However, all these manipulations damage the structure of the hair, make it lifeless, and over time provide permanent hair loss. Wouldn't it be better to turn to traditional folk methods of care so that beauty manifests itself in all its splendor? Perhaps you should heed the advice of the older generation, which did not have so many chemicals and synthetic additives in its cosmetic arsenal?

I would like to start the review of natural remedies for the care of curls with the usual, and at the same time unusual nettle. What is useful nettle for hair? How to make your hair thick and shiny, as well as healthy and easy to comb? Let's find out about it right now.

Nettle: healing properties for hair

Burning weed is just a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that improve the structure of the hair. But first, I would like to talk about the areas in which nettles were used by our reasonable ancestors.

  • Firstly, whole panels were woven from grass, which became sails for Slavic ships;
  • Secondly, they made fabric for clothes from it. In Russia, of course, they preferred flax, but in China (the Celestial Empire), the Philippines, Japan and Indonesia, it was nettle that became the main raw material for masthead clothes;
  • Thirdly, nettle infusion helps ardent flower growers fight aphids (a pest that devours flowers and trees);
  • Fourthly, samurai made shields from dry grass stalks, and a string for their bows from twisted fibers.

We will no longer list industrial, pharmaceutical and even perfumery advantages, let's move on to a discussion of the organic composition of the herb. The benefits of nettle for hair are due to the presence of:

  1. Vitamin A, which heals scratches and wounds left by combs. This vitamin promotes metabolic processes and causes inactive bulbs to open, “releasing” new hairs out;
  2. Vitamin C, which helps the cells of the head receive oxygen, which, in turn, adds length to the curls;
  3. Vitamin K, which fills each hair with shine;
  4. Beta-carotene, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. Quickly oily hair will be a thing of the past if nettle is included in the list of care products;
  5. Tannins that stick together the scales of the hair, making it smooth and more elastic;
  6. Flavonoids, which strengthen the bulbs themselves and ensure the strength of the hair in them, so that you can forget about it;
  7. Organic acids that are essential for hair growth.

Nettle is ideal for strengthening hair, because it is also an important factor in the beauty and healthy appearance of the hair.

You can use any nettle for hair:

  • dried;
  • fresh;
  • As a separate component;
  • In combination with other herbs;
  • nettle juice;
  • Herbal infusions and decoctions.

What problems can be solved with nettle

In fact, the list of them is huge, so we will list the main "bonuses" that are impossible not to notice.

  • Getting rid of dandruff;
  • Cessation of hair loss;
  • Elimination of brittleness;
  • Accumulation of strength and color;
  • Increase in density;
  • Leveling of eczema and dermatitis;
  • Prevention of skin diseases;
  • Activation of blood circulation;
  • Restoration of the structure of each individual hair;
  • Increased immune defense;
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • Elimination of itching and peeling.

Split ends are the problem of modern girls. Ecology, sunbathing and burns, pollution, car gases and exhausts do not contribute to the health of the scalp. Add an unbalanced diet to any office worker, and curls have no chance of being attractive and strong. A decoction of nettle for hair easily eliminates all the effects of everyday stress and restores vitality and shine to curls.

How to make your own nettle harvesting

Although nettles can be bought at any pharmacy, now we will talk about how to properly collect and dry the grass with your own hands. Firstly, this is a good idea for those who want to be sure of the quality of the raw materials. Secondly, there are several nuances that should be taken into account when collecting and which affect the further result.

  • The ideal time for collection is from the May holidays until the end of June;
  • Leaves and stems should not be taken if they are damaged;
  • Do not forget about gloves, so as not to become like Eliza from the fairy tale by Christian Andersen;
  • Fresh grass must be thoroughly washed, preferably with hot water;
  • It is necessary to dry indoors or under a canopy so that direct sunlight does not burn the grass;
  • Drying time - from one and a half to two weeks;
  • The most useful 0 are the leaves, but the stems can also be crushed for further storage;
  • Shelf life - no more than two years, in a separate paper bag.

How to make an independent blank, you learned. Now we will learn how to brew nettle for hair.

How to brew nettle for hair

To begin with, you need to decide on the goals, because there are several ways to use nettle. Can be done:

  • Nettle decoction for hair;
  • Nettle infusion for hair;
  • A mask for rubbing;
  • Water for washing your hair.

Naturally, the concentration of nutrients in each individual case is different. We will cover all the options to fully reveal the benefits of stinging nettle for hair. So, let's move on to practical advice.

How to brew nettle for hair

The collected leaves (approximately about 250 grams dry, and 500 grams fresh) are poured with clean water (approximately 2 liters) and put on a small fire on the stove. You need to wait until the mixture boils, after which the boiling solution is filtered through a fine sieve and allowed to cool to a comfortable temperature.

How to make an infusion

It is better to take dried leaves, in the amount of 400 grams. Pour the leaves with boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Then strain the infusion, as in the first variant;

nettle mask recipe

How to brew grass to make a mask is often asked on women's forums. We answer: the leaves and stems of dry nettles must be crushed as much as possible (you can use a blender). Then 200 grams of grass is poured with a glass of boiling water and put on low heat. Cook for at least half an hour. The thick mixture is cooled, and rubbed into the skin at the roots. Such a mask can be on the head for up to half an hour, after which it is washed off without using shampoo. We learned how to brew grass for a mask, now let's move on to rinsing.

How to prepare an infusion for rinsing

Rinsing hair with nettles is one of the oldest rituals. Yes, that's exactly what our great-grandmothers were about. Firstly, rinsing helped to comb long hair. Secondly, nettle was used against hair loss in parturient women (during pregnancy, the mother's immunity was weakened). Thirdly, even little housewives were taught how to wash their hair with nettles, so that girlish hair could be braided into a 12-strand braid (a sign of the bride). So, how to make an infusion for rinsing? You need to take 500 grams of dried grass, or 15 live stems with leaves. Pour 6 liters of water and put on fire. Previously, buckets were used for this, and current fashionistas will have to allocate a separate pan. Wait until the broth turns brownish-greenish in color and remove from heat. Strain and you can add more water, in a ratio of 1 to 4. Wash your hair with shampoo, and then simply pour the diluted broth on it. Vinegar was sometimes added to it to make the hair shine more.

How to make combined infusions and decoctions

How to brew nettle for hair correctly, we have already learned. But even better reviews have earned multi-component decoctions with the participation of nettles. Here are some proven recipes:

  • For growth: 50 grams of vodka is mixed with freshly squeezed grass juice in equal proportions. Rubbed into the skin and left for a couple of hours, warmed with a towel;
  • For oily roots: mix blue clay (2 tbsp) and nettle decoction until thick, then apply to hair and leave to dry. Rinse with nettle water for greater effect;
  • For dry hair: the first mixture - take a decoction of nettle and chamomile for rinsing. The second - decoctions of oak bark, mother and stepmother, chamomile and stinging nettle (all concentrated) apply to curls, and hold without washing off for a couple of hours.

Rinsing hair with nettle decoction has been used for a very long time, even our grandmothers used this herb to maintain the beauty of hair, in our time it is still relevant in care.

What are the benefits of nettle if we are talking about hair health? First of all, the natural components that make up the nettle have a beneficial effect on the hair. Among them, the most significant are the following:

    organic acids contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the skin of the head.

    Chlorophyll has anti-inflammatory properties, and also regulates the sebaceous glands. For this reason, hair care products containing nettle are great for combination and oily hair.

    Vitamins C, A, K, E and group B. Vitamin C - saturates the cells with active oxygen and improves the movement of blood through the vessels, which contributes to better hair growth. Vitamin A regulates the sebaceous glands. Vitamin K adds shine and maintains the color of dyed hair. B vitamins will help to cope with dandruff, hair loss, brittleness and split ends, as well as improve growth and prevent early gray hair.

    Trace elements and minerals - Ca, I, Fe, Mg, K, Cr.

    Tannins- soothe inflamed scalp, make hair more manageable and smooth;

    Flavonoids- make hair follicles stronger, prevent hair loss.

All these "ingredients" together represent a hair care product that was effectively used in Russia several centuries ago. Ancient recipes, however, are quite relevant today and are quite worthy of our attention.

Nettle benefits for hair

We figured out the beneficial properties of nettle, now let's see what problems nettle will help solve and what effect it has on hair.

Heals the scalp, relieves irritation and itching

Strengthens hair follicles to help reduce hair fall and make hair stronger

Thanks to its tannic properties, it reduces the oiliness of the scalp (it has a slightly drying effect, if you have dry hair, we recommend using a decoction only for the scalp)

Due to the influx of blood after the use of nettle - a decoction helps to accelerate growth

The rich composition makes hair stronger, shiny and healthy, brittleness is reduced.

What nettle to use for hair restoration

It is worth noting that not every wild nettle is suitable for use in cosmetology and hair care. Best for making masks and decoctions for hair May nettle, which has the most "burning" leaves, which means the most useful properties.

Certainly the best option would be using fresh leaves and shoots, but if it is not possible to get them, then buy dried nettle leaves medicinal can be in without problems at the nearest pharmacy.

Nettle is a plant whose healing properties are suitable for almost everyone. Why almost? The use of nettle in cosmetology and hair care, like many other plants, has a number of contraindications. If you have malignant hypertension, problems with blood clotting, or vice versa, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, then before making decoctions and masks based on nettle, it is strongly it is recommended to consult a specialist.

And if there are no contraindications, then you can use decoctions, infusions and nettle masks without restrictions and at any convenient time. Experts say that even one procedure a week will make your hair beautiful and healthy.

How to prepare a decoction of nettle for hair

Fresh nettle decoction

To preserve all the healing properties, nettles must be able to properly cook. Most commonly used nettle decoction, which is prepared in a special way. As already mentioned, it is very good to use young fresh shoots and leaves of the plant to prepare a decoction.

It is necessary to approach the preparation of the decoction with all responsibility, since the effectiveness of this “drug” depends on the degree of compliance with the recipe. The main secret is that, unlike the recipe for preparing decoctions from other medicinal plants, nettle no need to boil for a long time.

The collected grass must be washed well under cold running water, and then chopped leaves with a knife, just as we cut greens for salad. Shredded nettle greens are placed in an enamel bowl, poured with 1 liter of water, brought to a boil and immediately turned off. After the decoction reaches room temperature, it is completely ready to be used for its intended purpose.

Decoction of dried nettle

This option is suitable for everyone, because it is not so easy to find fresh nettles in the city.

Pour 1 tablespoon of dry nettle with 200-300 ml of water and bring to a boil, then simmer the nettle for 20-30 minutes over low heat. After that, cool the broth and can be used for its intended purpose.

Useful video about nettle decoction

Nettle hair rinse

You can use rinsing your hair with nettle as an independent procedure, and also use this method as part of "intensive therapy" for your hair. Before use, nettle decoction should be filtered to obtain an infusion without impurities and cooled to room temperature.

    wash your hair with any shampoo;

    dry hair slightly with a towel;

    rinse the hair with a pre-prepared decoction, draining the liquid in the direction from the occipital to the frontal part of the head;

    after do not rinse with water;

    do not use conditioner;

    dry with a towel and without using a hair dryer, let it dry naturally.

If there are any problems with the hair or scalp, then you can add other ingredients to the nettle decoction. For example, if you add a glass of sea buckthorn juice to a nettle decoction, you can get rid of such a problem as dandruff for a long time. To grow and strengthen hair, you can add chamomile, hop cones and other medicinal herbs to the decoction. Such "additives" in no way affect the healing properties of nettle.

Rinse your hair with a decoction of nettle after each wash. The course of herbal medicine is 1 month, after which you need to take a break for 30 days and you can repeat it again.

Nettle decoction for dry hair

If you have dry hair, and without conditioner, it is not easy to detangle, then we advise you to use the following method:

Wash your hair with your shampoo as usual. Then apply the conditioner along the length of your hair, while avoiding applying it close to the roots and scalp. Then wash off with plenty of water. Blot your hair with a towel (but don't rub it!). Then take a spray bottle with a decoction of nettle and begin to spray on the scalp along the partings.

This method will not dry the hair along the length, and the scalp will get the maximum benefit.

Nettle infusion for hair growth

Take three tablespoons of dry nettle and pour boiling water over it. It will take about two glasses, let it brew for 4-6 hours, while covering the nettle with a towel or wrapping it.

Rub the finished broth into the scalp after each wash.

To enhance the effect, you can add other components to the infusion, for example, burdock root, oak bark, sage leaves.

Nettle hair masks

In addition to the fact that nettle decoction is effectively used as a hair rinse, there are many mask recipes in which nettle is the main ingredient. We offer you to try the most popular nettle masks.

Nettle mask recipe for strengthening and hair growth


    Fresh nettle (shoots, leaves) - 3 tbsp. l.

    Castor oil - 1 tbsp.


Pass fresh nettles, pre-cut, through a meat grinder or juicer. Add 1 tbsp to the resulting slurry. castor oil. Apply the mask first to the root zone, and then evenly distribute along the entire length. Wrap with a towel and leave for 60-90 minutes. After the specified time, rinse with warm water.

Mask with nettle against dandruff


    Nettle root chopped - 2 tbsp.

    Nettle leaves and shoots - 2 tbsp.

    Apple cider vinegar - 500 ml

    Boiling water - 500 ml


Roots, shoots and leaves of nettles are thoroughly crushed. Pour apple cider vinegar, and then 0.5 liters of boiling water. The resulting mixture is put for 40 minutes in a water bath. We cool, we live. The mask should be rubbed into the scalp daily for 2-3 weeks, then take a break for 1-2 weeks and then you can repeat. Wash off with warm water. No special funds.

Mask with yogurt


    Minced nettle leaves - 5 tbsp

    Chopped mint leaves - 1 tbsp

    Yogurt product or kefir - 100 ml.


Grind nettle and mint leaves in a blender, pour yogurt or kefir into a separate container and add chopped gruel, mix well. The mixture should be infused in the refrigerator all day. Apply the finished mask to washed hair and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water without using rinse aid.

Oily hair mask


    Nettle leaves - 2 cups;

    Salt - 1 teaspoon.


Grind the leaves in a blender, add salt to the resulting mixture (about 0.5 cup) and mix until completely dissolved. Next, gently rub the resulting mask into the scalp, put a towel or other warming cloth on your head, hold for 15 minutes and rinse with water.

Revitalizing mask with nettle and olive oil


    minced nettle leaves - 1 cup

    Yeast - 50 g.

    Olive oil - 3 tbsp.

    Honey - 3 tbsp.


If you have candied honey, then you need to melt it a little in a water bath. Then mix liquid honey with olive oil, add yeast to the mixture and stir until completely dissolved. Pour finely chopped nettle leaves, mix. We apply the mask along the entire length of the hair for 40-60 minutes, and then rinse with plenty of water and rinse the hair with shampoo.

If you have not tried rinsing with nettle decoction and masks based on this natural ingredient, we recommend starting today to see amazing results in a week.

Nettle for hair - reviews of readers

In the spring, when nettle appears, I always try to make a course of masks from this miracle herb. I grind nettle leaves into gruel, usually with the help of a mincer, then mix with other ingredients. For example, I like to make a mask with olive oil, I apply it on the scalp and along the length, the effect is amazing! But blondes use with caution)

I tried to rinse my hair with nettle decoction, but it didn’t work for me, my hair was very dry, I could hardly comb it! But after reading the information in this article, I realized what my mistake was, I will try to use the rinse for dry hair and apply only to the roots.

My grandmother taught me how to make nettle tincture, and taught me to use it on my hair, I must pay tribute to her, my hair is just super, long and thick, I don’t even know about the cross section of my hair! I ask my friends what hair products I use and cannot believe that it is thanks to nettles. Of course, it is also important to choose a shampoo and conditioner for your hair type.


I love using nettle for hair, girls, I promise you will not regret it! The main thing is not to be lazy and do it regularly, I have been rinsing my hair with a decoction of nettle for half a year now and you just don’t recognize them, they are very shiny, they stopped breaking and looking like straw. In the spring I collect nettles myself and make a decoction of fresh nettles, and in winter I buy dry ones. I also like to rub nettle juice on the scalp.

In ancient times, nettle was a very popular plant. It served as a universal raw material that was used in many areas. Strong ropes were made from nettles, fabrics, fishing nets were made, it was eaten, used for punishment and treatment. Nettle has also found application in cosmetology. Especially often it was used for hair care. Today we will talk about exactly how nettle is useful for hair, how to properly prepare and apply it.

Nettle - beneficial properties for hair

In ancient times, there were no expensive shampoos and conditioners, with keratin or arginine, nevertheless, women managed to look their best and conquer those around them with luxurious hair. Of course, in many ways, our great-grandmothers owe their good hair condition to a favorable ecological environment, nutrition that does not contain harmful additives and any chemicals, and their lifestyle was completely different, much healthier than the current one. But natural cosmetics made from the gifts of nature also played a significant role in the beauty of the hair.

One of the most popular hair products was, and remains to this day,. This amazing plant has the most beneficial effect on the human body. With its help, you can solve a lot of both internal problems, for example, get rid of diseases of the bladder and liver, and external ones - healing of wounds, ulcers, inflammation, etc. Nettle also has medicinal properties that can best affect the condition of the hair and scalp. This effect is due to the high content and a successful combination of useful substances in the plant. Nettle contains vitamin K necessary for hair, such well-known vitamins of female beauty as E, C and B, carotenoids, calcium, organic acids and phytoncides that have a beneficial effect on the hair. Thanks to a wide range of actions, nettle affects curls and the scalp as follows:

How nettle works

Almost everyone knows the ability of nettles to sting. But despite the discomfort, it is quite useful. After contact with nettle, blood actively rushes to the affected areas, getting into even the most remote and small capillaries of the skin. As a result, they are more than usual saturated with nutrients and oxygen, which favorably affects the condition of the skin. The same, although with less intensity, occurs with the scalp when using nettle juice or decoction. But the condition of the hair itself largely depends on its condition.

Nettle for hair - rules of use

For effective hair care, it is allowed to use both fresh and dried nettles. The herb can be used as an independent remedy, preparing infusions, decoctions or masks from it, or together with other components. But before you decide to take care of your hair with nettle, you should familiarize yourself with some of the nuances:

  • Nettle products make hair stiffer and slightly dry, so owners of dry curls should stop rinsing and use grass products only for rubbing into the roots.
  • Nettle has a light coloring effect. After using it, blond hair may acquire a greenish tint. To avoid this, it is recommended to add lemon juice to the infusion, decoction or any other means prepared from nettle.
  • To make liquid nettle products convenient to apply to the roots, use a spray bottle.
  • After rinsing the strands, lightly rub the product into the skin and hair, and then massage the scalp.

Read also:

Perm hair - care and styling at home

Nettle hair rinse

Regular rinsing with nettles can successfully replace expensive salon procedures. As a rule, a decoction or infusion is used for rinsing.

nettle decoction for hair

This tool can be prepared in several ways:

  • Decoction of fresh nettle. Thoroughly wash fresh nettles with stems (about fifty grams). Boil half a liter of water, then put nettles in it, sweat it for a quarter of an hour.
  • Decoction of leaves and roots of nettle. This tool will help eliminate many problems with hair. To prepare it, combine dry leaves and nettle roots in equal amounts in one container. Place a couple of tablespoons of raw materials in a saucepan with a glass of water brought to a boil. Boil the nettle for half an hour, then cool and strain. Use a root rub. For rinsing, it is recommended to dilute the decoction with boiled water.
  • For dry hair. Combine coltsfoot with nettle in equal amounts. Steam three tablespoons of herbs with half a liter of boiling water, and then boil them for a quarter of an hour.
  • Decoction of dandruff. Mix in equal amounts - heather, nettle, crushed hop cones, chamomile and burdock root. Bring four hundred milliliters of water to a boil in a saucepan, then add a couple of tablespoons of a mixture of herbs, boil them for about ten minutes, cool and strain. Use for rinsing.

It is recommended to rinse your hair every time after you wash your hair. If you are used to doing this procedure every day, washing your hair with nettle products so often is still not worth it, do it about three times a week. By the way, if you are forced to wash your hair daily due to oily hair, after using nettle, this can be done in a day or even two.

Hello my friends!

Phytotherapy safely and carefully relieves women of most cosmetic problems, and the naturalness of such products is a huge plus.

With the help of herbs, you can get rid of traces of nervous tension, stress, poor sleep, beriberi, restore the beauty and health of hair and skin.

Nettle is especially effective for hair. But, how to direct the power of herbs in your favor?

From this article you will learn:

Nettle for hair - properties and methods of application

Brief botanical note about nettle

Nettle belongs to the genus of herbaceous perennial and annual plants. It is easily recognizable by its entire leaves with serrated edges.

The entire green part of the grass is covered with characteristic

During flowering, false spike-shaped inflorescences develop on nettles, after which fruits appear - flat nuts.

The chemical composition of nettle

Vegetable raw materials - dry and fresh - are saturated with such trace elements as calcium, manganese, chromium, potassium, iron, silicon, copper, sodium.

Nettle extract leads in the content of ascorbic acid, it contains vitamin K, B-group vitamins, carotene. A similar chemical composition causes a deep benefit for the hair.

Useful properties of nettle for hair

Nettle is able to have a complex healing effect on curls, which depends on the method of its application.

Regular use at home allows you to achieve the following effect:

  • elimination of excess fat
  • elimination of intense hair loss
  • section treatment, dandruff

Antiseptic, firming and anti-inflammatory effect improves the condition of the strands and scalp, which makes the curls filled with new vitality, brilliance and beauty.

Using nettle for hair care

Vegetable raw materials can be used all year round.

Even a dry nettle leaf retains most of its healing properties.

At home, decoctions, infusions, oils are prepared on its basis.

The presented funds are used to enrich the composition of shampoos, balms, masks. Homemade recipes are effective for any type, including perms and dyes.

Nettle does not change the original shade and can be safely used to nourish curls by blondes.

Effective Recipes for Using Nettle for Hair Health

Before brewing a nettle leaf, it is recommended to make sure that there are no contraindications.

  • Mask for strengthening hair with nettle

Preparation of funds occurs in the following order:

  • Fresh nettle is processed in a blender
  • Juice is produced from the resulting slurry - for a mask, it is enough to take 3 tbsp. l.
  • Nettle juice is intensively rubbed into the scalp, after which a plastic bag and a preheated towel are put on.
  • The duration of the mask exposure is 60 minutes.

If there is more juice, it can be placed in a glass container. Storage is done in the refrigerator, but not more than three days.

  • Nettle mask if hair is prone to high fat content

To cope with this problem, the previous recipe is enriched with 10 g of sea salt - it is thoroughly triturated in nettle juice.

The product is rubbed with light massage movements and aged on the head for at least an hour. This is a lifesaver for oily hair.

  • Nettle tincture for dandruff treatment

To prepare the tincture, young nettles are placed in a dark glass bottle. The container is filled with vodka and moved to a dark and dry place for 30 days.

The finished product is filtered through gauze and stored in the refrigerator.

Hair restoration with this tool can be carried out all year round. To treat dandruff, the tincture is mixed with warm water in a ratio of 1:4 and rubbed into the skin.

The drug is effective for the preparation of masks and can be dosed into the shampoo when washing the head. When caring for dry strands, the frequent use of nettle tincture for alcohol is contraindicated.

  • Universal decoction of nettle for hair shine

The decoction not only gives the curls shine, but also saves them from falling out.

The recipe can use dry nettles or fresh raw materials.

A leaf (50 g) is brewed with 300 ml of hot water and 15 minutes. kept in a water bath. The decoction is used as a healing rinse for clean hair.

Nettle oil - growth activator

Nettle oil can be purchased ready-made or you can make your own.

For its preparation, fresh vegetable raw materials are required.

A leaf gruel (50 g) is placed in a bottle and poured with 500 ml of olive oil.

The remedy is infused for 15 days and is used for its intended purpose - it is effectively rubbed into the roots and skin to enhance growth and reduce the production of sebaceous secretions.

Shampoos and balms with nettle

Their regular use helps to solve a whole range of problems.

After the balm or strands become less greasy, strong, healthy, there is a noticeable heaviness of the mop and a beautiful shine, and dandruff is completely eliminated.

Homemade water infusions with nettle

An infusion of intensive action is prepared in a ratio of 1: 3 in relation to vegetable raw materials and boiling water.

The product is best prepared in an enameled bowl with a lid.

After connecting the two components, the container is closed and placed in a dark, cool place for three days for complete infusion.

Nettle for hair - video recipes

Complex recipes with nettle and other herbs for hair restoration

To implement a wider spectrum of action, you can mix the following components:

  • Nettle and sea buckthorn juice - against loss of curls, weakness, sections
  • Nettle and hops, coltsfoot - for naughty and hard strands, to give them softness
  • Nettle and apple cider vinegar - for smoothness and shine.
  • Nettle, colorless henna and yolk - intensive nutrition, recovery and treatment.
  • Nettle and honey - to strengthen hair after a perm.

Contraindications to the use of nettle herb for healing hair

If an allergic response is detected, this is a contraindication to the treatment procedure.

All natural organic oils, quality shampoos, conditioners, hair loss products, vitamins, hair masks, very good natural bristle combs and much, much more, you can buy here

I would be glad if the recipes from the article are useful in caring for your hair, use nettle for hair and be beautiful!

And also grateful for the repost and remind you of the subscription to blog updates.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

photo @ImageParty

One of the medicinal herbs, which is a life-saving remedy for many ailments, is considered to be stinging nettle. This plant has been familiar to everyone since childhood, but not everyone knows about the list of positive effects that nettle has on the body when used correctly (see). And the key feature of this herb is the ability to heal hair.

What is useful nettle for hair?

In pharmacies and stores, you can find many options for shampoos, balms, masks designed to restore curls. And in the compositions of many of them are natural ingredients, including nettle. It is this herb in its pure form or, being part of a cosmetic product, that is responsible for strengthening the hair, saturating the follicles with vitamins, of which there are a huge amount in its composition.

What is rich in stinging nettle?
  1. Chlorophyll, which stops hair loss, prevents the development of senile baldness.
  2. A huge amount of vitamins (, K, C, B2 and other vitamins of this group, E and others).
  3. The plant contains numerous trace elements that have a positive effect on the condition of the hair and scalp: iron, silicon, copper, potassium, calcium, chromium, iodine, magnesium and others.
  4. In addition, nettle is enriched with tannin, carotene, tannins, secretin, phytoncides and numerous acids.
A similar composition makes this herb a "natural healer", suitable not only for restoring hair and enhancing their growth, but also for the treatment of various diseases. An additional useful property of nettle is its "burning". When using decoctions and infusions, there will be no discomfort, however, even they are able to increase blood flow, “saturate” the scalp with oxygen, provoking the activity of hair follicles and awakening “sleeping” follicles.

The main benefits of nettle for hair are as follows:

  • destruction of dandruff;
  • getting rid of excessive fat;
  • increased hair growth, prevention of hair loss, brittleness;
  • curls after applying the decoction become thicker, dullness disappears, giving way to shine;
  • getting rid of split ends, adding smoothness and elasticity;
  • enrichment with vitamins and other useful substances;
  • elimination of inflammation, itching and sores on the skin;
  • in general, strengthening curls.

Precautionary measures

Like other medicinal herbs, nettle can cause an allergic reaction. Especially in the case when it is used regularly, for a long time, and not only for rinsing the hair, but also as a tea, decoction inside. And this is not the only nuance.

Why should you use nettle for hair with caution?

First of all, This medicinal herb copes with oiliness, but it dries the hair very much. Therefore, people who naturally have dry curls should use nettle carefully.

Secondly, it has a coloring effect. On dark hair, this will not be noticeable, but on blond and light brown curls, an undesirable greenish tint may appear over time. To avoid this result, it is necessary to use stinging nettle in combination with other ingredients, such as lemon juice or a decoction of ordinary chamomile.

Keep the prepared remedy from dioecious nettle should not be too long. Brewed grass can "bloom". Keep decoctions, infusions and other options for nettle-based products should be in dark rooms or in the refrigerator.

How to use nettle for hair health?

There are many options for which this burning herb can be applied. For example, based on nettle, it is not at all difficult to cook at home, the effect of which will be noticeable after 3-5 applications.

In addition, nettle is used in the following forms:

  • as an infusion or tincture, including those prepared with alcohol;
  • in the form of a special decoction, which can be brewed from both dry and fresh grass;
  • in the form of fresh nettle juice;
  • applicable in medical cosmetology nettle oil;
  • you can also use gruel from leaves, roots.

Decoctions or tinctures can replace chemically created products (balms and conditioners), bringing great benefits to the hair. You can add them, as well as oil, juice, to shampoo or purchased masks. The use of nettle in this form never reduces its medicinal properties.

Nettle hair rinse

The therapeutic effect of rinsing your hair with nettle will be noticeable almost immediately, but this procedure should become a habit. Home remedies based on this burning herb should be used regularly and for at least 2-4 weeks.

You can use for rinsing curls:

  • infusion of fresh nettle leaves;
  • decoctions and infusions from dry raw materials, including those with the addition of plant roots or other ingredients.

A quick fresh herb infusion recipe: fill more than half of a liter jar with plant leaves, pour boiling water to the brim, close the lid and brew for no more than 10 minutes.

How to rinse your hair with nettle?

Option one. Wet, clean hair is thoroughly washed with a home remedy. In this option, an infusion or decoction is used after shampoo and instead of additional caring cosmetics. No need to rinse.

Option two. With the help of a spray gun, the roots are generously sprayed first, and then all the hair, this method is used for dried, but clean curls. After using the nettle, you do not need to use a hair dryer or towel, as well as rinse off the "spray".

In both cases, it is desirable that the herbal remedy is not completely cold.

"Course" rinsing of curls will allow:

  1. strengthen not only hair, but also hair follicles;
  2. accelerate hair growth,;
  3. make naughty and more supple, shiny, smooth;
  4. get rid of problems with the scalp;
  5. protect hair from the negative effects of the sun, frost;
  6. nourish the curls from the inside, completely healing them;
  7. eliminate the problem of hair loss.

Nettle decoction - an assistant in the fight for hair health

The most common use of nettle for healing curls, giving them more strength, as well as for accelerated hair growth, is a herbal decoction. It is easy to prepare it at home. Also, such a decoction will allow, dry skin and hair, from itching.

You can prepare a decoction using only the leaves of the plant in one of the following ways:

  1. Up to 10 tablespoons of dry or fresh chopped grass are poured into a liter saucepan and filled with water for the entire volume of the container. A decoction of nettle for hair after boiling is boiled for another 60 minutes on low heat under a closed lid. Then it should be carefully filtered so that there are no small herbal particles left, and can be used for rinsing;
  2. More useful components will remain in the home remedy if you brew nettles using a water bath. For 0.5 l of water, 200 ml of chopped greens or dry grass will be required. A decoction is prepared for half an hour, after which it is filtered, cooled and another 0.5 liters of warm water is added to it. Then it is used to rinse the hair.

For a healing decoction, you can use phytobags with stinging nettle, which simplify the process of preparing a decoction. The herb is brewed in this form in accordance with the instructions on the package.

Nettle decoction with additional ingredients can be of the following types:
  • with sea buckthorn juice: dry nettle leaves in the amount of three tablespoons are mixed with 200 ml of juice and 400 ml of boiling water; then the mixture is cooked on low heat for 30 minutes, while stirring it regularly; strained and cooled broth is ready for use; it is a general tonic for hair roots;
  • with coltsfoot and calamus root: in equal proportions, depending on the desired amount of broth, all components are taken in dry and crushed form, thoroughly mixed; the collection is poured with hot water (1 l) and boiled over medium heat for no more than 10-12 minutes; relieve this decoction from excessive brittleness and oily curls, and also help with dandruff;
  • with nails: for 400 g of fresh stinging nettle, you need to take 100 g of marigolds, then pour 2.5 cups of boiling water; put the container with the broth on the stove and cook on low heat for 10-12 minutes; such a filtered and decoction should be rubbed with massage movements into the roots and skin on the head before and after washing the hair, it is designed for 14 applications;
  • with vinegar: infused in advance for half an hour, 5 tablespoons of nettle, filled with half a liter of boiling water, filtered and added to a glass of vinegar, after which the mixture is boiled over low heat for about 15 minutes; the resulting vinegar-herbal decoction must be diluted with water: 200 ml of decoction per 2 liters of warm water; rinsing the hair will help get rid of dandruff and add elasticity and shine to the curls;
  • with burdock and hops: burdock, hop cones and fresh nettle leaves are crushed; three tablespoons of the mixture must be poured with hot water (1 l); the broth should be boiled over low heat for 60 minutes or in a water bath for 10 minutes, but after that it will be required that the broth stand for another hour until fully cooked; filtered well, it can be used.

Nettle infusions

Herbal infusion is the second most popular remedy that is prepared at home. Its main difference from a decoction is that it takes some time for its final readiness.

Methods for preparing herbal infusions

  1. Add one spoonful of dry nettle leaves to a 200 ml glass and pour hot water over it. Close the glass with a lid and put in a dark place for an hour. After straining, the resulting herbal infusion thoroughly moistens the hair roots, no rinsing is required.
  2. 5 large spoons of dried herbal leaves must be poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Close the container with the infusion with a lid and infuse in the dark for about 30 minutes.
  3. Dry mint, coltsfoot, nettle are taken in an amount of 4 tablespoons of each plant. After mixing the collection, it is poured with a liter of boiling water and brewed under a tightly closed lid for about an hour. The infusion acts as a strengthening agent, it is applicable for regular rinsing of hair for 2 months.
  4. Burdock root and nettle are taken in a ratio of 1: 1, the total amount is 200 g. The mixture is poured with 2.5 cups of boiling water. The container must be closed with a lid, brew nettles for hair for half an hour. This tool will positively affect the growth and density of curls.
  5. Mix 20 grams of dry chamomile with nettle leaves and roots (40 g). After the mixture, pour boiling water (1 l) and hold in a tightly closed container in the dark for an hour.

Additional funds

Nettle juice or extract at home. It turns out when using the leaves of the plant crushed into gruel, which must be squeezed out. The juice is gently rubbed into the skin and hair roots, the head is covered with cling film or a plastic bag, as well as a warm scarf or towel. The procedure lasts an hour, after which the hair should be washed with clean water at room temperature.

Herbal oil. The plant in dry form in the amount of 100 g is poured with olive oil (300 g). The container is closed and removed in a dark, cool room, where it is aged for 14-20 days. Then it can be used as an additional ingredient for masks or as an independent remedy for hair loss, itching, and flaking.