Bacterial culture from the cervical canal - why is it needed? Women's diseases: when treatment is needed.

smear from cervical canal(Pap test) is often prescribed to women during examination by a gynecologist. In this article, we will try to answer the questions: what kind of study is this, how is it performed, does pain relief require, is it always possible to obtain accurate data? These questions are important, because exactly how the Pap test from uterine cervix makes it possible for the most early stages identify cancer and get a chance to prevent the development of cancer.

What is it: a swab from the cervical canal

Usually, when visiting a gynecologist, the patient is always looked at in the gynecological chair and in without fail take a swab from the vaginal area, but it can be examined different ways. Most wanted medical procedure- this is the "degree of purity", sowing. However, their results cannot show the likelihood of developing oncology. But a cancerous tumor of the uterine neck passes without symptoms and initial stage development of it will help to identify the study of a smear from the cervical canal.

What you need to know:

  1. The analysis must be taken in the middle period menstrual cycle. Approximately one week after the cessation of menstruation.
  2. A few days before the test, you should not have sexual intercourse, use vaginal devices, contraceptives, douching. It is also forbidden to go to the gynecological chair, do colposcopy. Only then is this cytological examination as a smear from the vaginal area is reliable.
  3. Must be surrendered in full healthy microflora. If a woman has pathological discharge, fetid odor from the vaginal area, itching, rash - you must first be treated, it is better, if you can achieve, the first degree of purity of the vaginal area. Then there is a high probability that there will be no inflammation on the uterine neck, since it affects the result, making it inaccurate. It is better to take a smear for flora before cytology, there should be no more than 30 leukocytes.
  4. A Pap test is allowed once every 12 months. It is especially important to do this for those who often change sex partners, have HPV 16, 18 and other oncotypes.
  5. The analysis should be taken by a specialist using a special medical mini-spatula. Attention! In antenatal clinics, devices are not always available, and the gynecologist can take a smear directly from a special examination mirror that has touched the cervix. This analysis won't be accurate!
  6. If there is ectopia, leukoplakia and other pathological changes on the neck, the material should be taken from them, since these are background diseases with cancerous tumor.
  7. The fence is not painful. This misconception appeared due to the fact that the study is confused with endometrial aspiration - this is completely different, inside female organ instruments do not penetrate. If you bleed after taking a smear, this is normal.

When the analysis is given, the norm during pregnancy is the same as outside it. Another thing is that this study is not necessary for pregnant women, in contrast to the smear microexamination, which is performed 2 times.

Analysis from the cervical canal: what is it and decoding

The gynecologist deciphers the analysis. However, the woman should know that the doctor is looking to see if there are atypical cells in the material that was collected. In small quantities, they may be present when there is inflammation in the organ.

That is why it was said above that a smear should be taken only when the number of leukocytes does not exceed normal values.

A smear is considered normal when there are no abnormal cells. If they are found, the doctor diagnoses grade 1, 2, 3 dysplasia, or oncology - if a typical type is detected cancer cells. If dysplasia of the 1st degree is detected, if on the cervix background pathologies No, the patient is advised to see a doctor.

With 2 and 3 degrees of pathology, it is necessary to do:

  • Colposcopy;
  • Biopsy;
  • Often and conization.

The fact is that grade 3 pathology usually turns out to be a cancerous tumor in situ. And then the therapy is already performed by an oncogynecologist in an oncological dispensary.

Indicators of a smear from the cervical canal during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a baby, the permissible norms for the content of microscopic organisms in the cervical canal are the same. Can not be during pregnancy leukocytes. However, the number of leukocytes may increase slightly due to hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman. Pap test not mandatory medical research when carrying a baby, but the doctor may prescribe this procedure as an addition, if it suspects that there is an exacerbation of inflammation or the awakening of a latent genitourinary infection. Inflammation in the reproductive system of a pregnant woman poses a serious threat to the expectant mother and child.

Infections can disrupt the course of gestation and provoke:

  • Miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • Weak labor activity.

Also, infections can enter the child's body during the delivery period. That is why, when planning a conception, doctors advise a woman and her sexual partner to be carefully examined and, if there are infections, to completely treat them. Attention! During gestation, take large quantity medicines it is forbidden.

Taking a smear from the cervical canal: does it hurt

In no case, taking the analysis does not hurt at all. Some women during the period of bearing a baby do not even think about the fact that this is the cervical canal and why it is generally needed in the body. Others, on the contrary, carefully study this information, since they are diagnosed with isthmus-cervical insufficiency.

This means the insolvency of the uterine cervix, which opens up already at the first stages of bearing a child and cannot hold the developing fetal egg.

Usually, this happens at 16-18 weeks, when the child is rapidly gaining body weight, and even actively moving. With ischemic-cervical insufficiency, there is a risk of threatened abortion. The reason for this situation may be big number male sex hormones, which make the cervix softer, looser. Another reason for deficiency could be multiple pregnancy, at which it turns out strong pressure on the cervix. Among other causes of pathology are trauma to the uterine neck and anomalies in its development.

A timely visit to the doctor makes it possible:

  • Quickly diagnose pathology;
  • Carry out treatment;
  • Save pregnancy.

Sometimes the doctor may prescribe surgical operation, and stitches will be placed, they will not allow the channel to open. When it's time to have a baby, these stitches will be removed. In some cases, especially after the 24th week, the gynecologist may use some medical devices - gynecological rings, pessaries.

What is a swab from the cervical canal (video)

Attention! A woman must undergo preventive gynecological examination at least once a year, more often is better. This will help prevent the development terrible pathologies, for example, a cancerous tumor, which in the early stages of development may be asymptomatic.

If you have done long haul to the desired conception, you will understand how much happiness two strips on the test or tests for hCG cause. But do not forget that the danger is still around you.

To avoid trouble and save the child, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist (and be sure to be registered with him), talk about everything that worries. This is actually very important, especially after years of fruitless attempts to get pregnant.

Tank seeding from the cervical canal during pregnancy is one of the main tests on which the next 9 months depend. Most of the microorganisms that can harm the mother and baby accumulate in this place. Bacteria culture allows you to find harmful microorganisms. After receiving the results, treatment can be started, which will increase the chance of a successful birth.

The cervical canal (pharynx) is an organ that acts as a bridge between the vagina and the uterus. This is a kind of road for spermatozoa, which are sent to fertilize the egg. And also the place through which blood clots come out during menstruation. The opening width is approximately 7.5 mm. With age, the dimensions can change, exactly the same as when an infection or hormonal failure occurs.

When carrying a fetus, the length of the cervical canal also changes. Usually for pregnant women, the length is 3.5 mm, and the neck is at least 20 mm.

Both channels close to each other and open only before the birth of a child, so doctors determine the approximate date of birth. A cork is formed near the pharynx, its function is to protect the child as much as possible from the harmful effects of the environment.

The plug clears up on its own two weeks before the baby is born.After that, you should be extremely careful and cautious. The cervical canal expands by 9 cm during childbirth in order for the baby to come out.

Analysis from the cervical canal during pregnancy is alternative possibility learn about threats that can harm a child and a woman, as well as assess the sensitivity of bacteria to an antibiotic.


In order to get the most accurate results before collecting the material, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the gynecologist for two days. With a false analysis, incorrect treatment can cause significant harm to a healthy body.

  • do not take any drugs against bacteria;
  • refuse douching;
  • do not use local contraceptives, such as suppositories and creams;
  • do not have sex for 1-2 days;
  • it is not recommended to conduct an examination in the mirrors before taking the analysis;
  • immediately before the analysis, it is forbidden to take a shower and go to the toilet.


A smear from the cervical canal during pregnancy causes concern in patients. This is due to the fact that a probe is used to obtain the material. It is lowered to a depth of up to 1.4 cm. But does this method lead to spontaneous abortion? Do not worry, as doctors have verified that the method is completely and completely safe. In addition, such an analysis is not prescribed just like that.

The material is collected quickly, approximately 30 seconds, sometimes up to 1 minute. A gynecological mirror is inserted in front of the probe, and then a brush is lowered into the throat, no more than 1.9 cm. The biomaterial is packed in a sealed container with a special liquid and sent to the laboratory for research.

The procedure must be carried out by a highly qualified specialist. The results are ready on the fifth day.


Deciphering sowing from the cervical canal during pregnancy is not difficult if the tests show the norm. Since it contains only bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. In the cervical canal during pregnancy, there can be E. coli no more than 10 in the second degree. Other organisms must not be contained in the pharynx.

With a bad seeding tank, the following results are observed:

  • increased concentration of Escherichia coli;
  • microscopic fungi;
  • diplococcus of the genus Neisseria;
  • trichomonas vaginalis;
  • Gardnerella vaginalis.

And also a negative smear result includes staphylococcus aureus of all kinds during pregnancy in the cervical canal. Unfortunately, the test cannot show the presence or absence of ureaplasma, chlamydia, mycoplasma.

The diagnosis is made not only on the basis of the results obtained, but also on the intensity of growth of these microorganisms. For example, if the entire biomaterial germinates too slowly, then this indicates its insufficient sterility. That is, when preparing the nutrient medium, mistakes were made or the rules were not followed.

About the need for emergency treatment may indicate >100 colonies of microorganisms. To the reasons for such an active inflammatory process may be: non-observance of hygiene rules, chronic diseases, insufficient immunological reaction of the body. It is important for a gynecologist to take the right decision about the treatment. it is appointed strictly individually, depending on the case.

Decoding and delivery of the seeding tank from the cervical canal during pregnancy - important procedure, the purpose of which is to prevent serious illnesses caused by microorganisms. At the first stages of the appearance of deviations, it is easiest to conduct a special course of conservative therapy than to get rid of significant inflammation. Therefore, it is recommended to take a sowing tank from the pharynx even before pregnancy, so that the treatment does not affect the child in any way.

To date, tank seeding from the cervical canal is one of the most convenient analyzes aimed at studying the microflora of the female genital organs. It helps in the diagnosis of various inflammatory processes and diseases, allowing the doctor to prescribe the most effective treatment.

Unlike other tests of this kind, cervical culture allows you to study the reaction of bacteria and viruses to antibiotic resistance. This option of sowing is carried out using two methods: the method of standard disks and the diffusion method. In the first case, special discs impregnated with antibiotic concentrate are lowered into a container with microorganisms grown in a nutrient medium.

In the second case, the culture tank from the vagina is examined for sensitivity to the antibiotic using paper strips on which the drug is applied. It is important to know that antibiotics taken by the patient during the month before the start of the study greatly distort the result. Such facts must be reported to the doctor before the culture.

In addition, experts prescribe to patients with various forms vulvovaginitis, as well as when detected in gynecological smear pregnant woman gram-negative diplococci.

Deciphering the seeding tank from the cervical canal

How accurately and fully the decoding of the seeding tank from the cervical canal will be carried out directly depends on the experience and qualifications of both the laboratory assistant who conducted the study and the doctor. Tank seeding allows you to determine the presence, degree of growth and number of pathogenic microorganisms. Positive result analysis is marked by four different degrees:

  • 1st - meager growth of bacteria, noted only on a liquid nutrient medium;
  • 2nd - the growth of bacteria of one species (numbering up to 10 colonies) on a dense nutrient medium;
  • 3rd - from 10 to 100 colonies on a solid medium;
  • 4th - more than 100 colonies.

The definition of the first and second degrees means increased contamination of the vaginal microflora, and the third and fourth clearly indicate that the inflammatory process was caused by this particular type of bacteria.

Causes of grade 1 and 2 results may be abnormalities hormonal background, problems with metabolism, dishonest attitude to personal hygiene, weakened immunity, changes in the microflora of the vagina after taking anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs, as well as the presence of inflammatory processes in other organs of the genitourinary system.

How to donate a culture tank from the cervical canal

Before taking a sowing tank from the cervical canal, it must be remembered that douching and sexual intercourse are excluded a day before the analysis, and the introduction of any medicinal and hygiene products into the vagina. These include candles, ointments, creams, deodorants, etc.

Fence biological material produced directly from the cervix, which is also called the cervical canal. To take the material, a thin probe is inserted and immersed into the canal by about 0.5-1.5 cm. Despite the fears of patients, especially pregnant women, this does not hurt and does not threaten the child, because the cervical canal is long enough, and its epithelium is quite elastic.

Often, after visiting a gynecologist, a woman is prescribed laboratory analysis - bacterial culture from the cervical canal. Not everyone knows what it is, why is it needed and what information can it give?

The cervical canal is the transition from the vagina to the body of the uterus, it has a conical shape with a hole in the center through which the vagina communicates with the uterus. Normally, the length of the canal is 3-4 cm; it is part of the cervix. The external os of the canal enters the vagina, and the internal os enters the uterine cavity.

One of its main functions is to protect the uterus from infections and pathogenic microorganisms, the cells located inside the canal produce mucus, its consistency is determined by the stage of the cycle. Mucus at the beginning and at the end of the menstrual cycle is more viscous with hyperacidity most microorganisms do not survive in such conditions. In the middle of the cycle, the level of estrogen rises, and the mucus changes its structure, becomes more liquid with alkaline environment. During these few days, spermatozoa have a chance to enter the uterus and meet the egg there.

If pregnancy occurs, under the action of the hormone progesterone, a plug is formed from the mucus in the cervical canal, which protects the fetus from infections from the outside.

A sowing tank is the same smear, only it is taken not from the walls of the vagina, but from the opening of the cervical canal. This type of study is not preventive, it is prescribed by a doctor for a reason. elevated white blood cells in a normal smear.

An elevated white blood cell count is a sign infectious disease occurring in the body of a woman and requiring immediate treatment.

Also, sowing is necessarily prescribed when planning a pregnancy, if you suspect venereal diseases, with infertility, when registering for pregnancy.

The inoculation is taken with a sterile brush and placed in a flask, inside which foreign microorganisms from external environment. After that, the analysis is sent to the laboratory.

You should not be afraid of this procedure, it is absolutely not painful and safe. Also, this analysis is safe for pregnant women.

IMPORTANT! To obtain a reliable test result, at least 24 hours in advance, you must refuse sexual intercourse, do not use vaginal contraceptives, douche and do not use perfume gels for intimate hygiene. If you took antibiotics, the analysis is prescribed no earlier than 2 weeks after the end of the medication.

In the laboratory, the material is transferred from a test tube to a Petri dish, to conditions that are comfortable for it for development and reproduction. After 3-5 days, a colony of microorganisms grows in an amount sufficient to carry out diagnostic tests. Also, an antibiogram is immediately carried out for the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics, so that the doctor can prescribe an effective treatment.

Index bacteriological culture is considered positive when the analysis shows the presence of pathogenic microflora. These indicators are divided according to the rate of growth and development into 4 degrees:

  1. The first degree - the growth of microorganisms is scarce; it is present only in a humid environment.
  2. The second degree - microorganisms of the same type on a solid medium show growth up to 10 colonies.
  3. Third degree - the number of colonies on a solid medium reaches 100.
  4. Fourth degree - the number exceeds 100 colonies.

The third and fourth degrees indicate no infection in the body.

Tank seeding is the gold standard in detecting infections, it can be used to determine not only acute, but also hidden infections. It is able to identify not only pathogens, but also to determine their activity and quantity.

This diagnostic method determines the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics.

Antibiogram is complete list antibacterial drugs to which isolated bacteria have susceptibility.

To identify antibiotics to which the detected microorganism will show vulnerability, 2 methods are used:

  1. diffusion method - test strips soaked in antibiotic solution are used. The strips are immersed in a nutrient medium with microbes and the changes taking place are observed;
  2. standard disk method - special disks impregnated with antibacterial drugs are placed in containers inoculated pathogenic microflora if the growth of microbes stops, then it is sensitive to this antibiotic. To clarify the level of vulnerability, the diameter of the stunting zone is measured.

Result interpretation

When the analysis is ready, the woman will receive a result form, the analysis form indicates which microorganisms and in what quantity were found in the patient in the cervical canal. If everything is normal, then the analysis will show the absence of fungi and the presence of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the amount of at least 107 colonies. Reproduction is also the norm. coli in an amount of not more than 102 and a single number of enterococci.

A smear is considered pathogenic if it contains a large number of enterococci and Escherichia coli, staphylococcus, Proteus, yeast fungi, gonococci, gardnerella, Trichomonas, citrobacter.

Ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis and chlamydia are introduced into the cells and are not detected by bacteriological culture. To identify these infections, PCR analysis is performed.

Infection of the cervical canal is congenital and acquired. Infection (atresia) of the cervical canal leads to partial or complete closure of the walls of the opening and prevents exit menstrual blood.

Causes of atresia can be:

Primary atresia is diagnosed during the first menstruation without finding a way out, menstrual blood accumulates in the uterus and stretches it, the girl feels a general deterioration in well-being, and if she does not go to the doctor in time, the blood further spreads through fallopian tubes and can cause purulent inflammation.

Acquired (secondary) atresia is diagnosed when a woman sees a doctor about infertility. Stagnant blood clogs the tubes, and the egg is not able to get into the uterine cavity. The diagnosis can be established using hysterosalpingoscopy, MRI, probing. This pathology is treated by bougienage of the cervical canal.

The bougienage operation is performed in a hospital, the operation time is about 30 minutes. If the infection is complete, then the manipulation is performed under general anesthesia, and if not significant, then under local anesthesia. After surgery if used general anesthesia, the patient is discharged for home treatment, the next day, and when local anesthesia released on the day of surgery. Duration home treatment lasts 10 days, wound healing drugs and anti-inflammatory suppositories are prescribed.

Thickening of the cervical canal

The woman in reproductive age the pharynx of the cervical canal with a width of 7 - 8 mm is quite enough for the removal of menstrual blood and for the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterus.

In the reproductive period, the expansion of the pharynx occurs in the middle of the cycle, which is absolutely normal and is associated with approaching ovulation.

With age, a woman's body suffers various changes, reproductive system due to changes in the hormonal background, it also becomes different. You need to take care of your health during menopause even more carefully than before. During this period, there may be various diseases including deadly ones.

During the examination, some women find that the opening of the canal is greatly expanded, which is a sign of some gynecological disease that needs to be urgently diagnosed and treated.

The cervical canal plays a huge role in the functionality of the internal reproductive system of a woman. This body takes an important part in the process of childbirth, is of great importance for carrying a pregnancy.

In order to prevent the appearance of deviations in the cervical canal, it is necessary to undergo scheduled checkups at the gynecologist. Never self-medicate in the event of any ailments!

In addition to attentiveness and accuracy to the health of the patient on the part of doctors. Every woman should take her own health seriously. If a woman leads healthy lifestyle life, visits on time women's consultation, does not have bad habits, does not behave randomly sexual life her risk of getting inflammatory diseases is much lower.

Video: bacterial culture from the cervical canal

Video: correct cervical smear technique

Video: Cervical and vaginal smear technique

Bacterial culture is an informative analysis that allows you to determine the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to medications. This analysis is most often taken in gynecology and urology. This research method allows diagnosing various inflammatory processes and diseases and prescribing effective treatment.

Live in the female genital organs beneficial bacteria and microorganisms to maintain the necessary balance and acid environment. They act as a barrier to various viruses and microorganisms. Due to various factors, pathogenic microorganisms become more than beneficial microflora, as a result, an inflammatory process develops.

Bacteriological culture (bacteriological culture) is a method for diagnosing pathologies caused by bacteria. The main purpose of bacteriological culture is to identify harmful bacteria above allowable rate, causing various diseases and inflammatory processes.

However, it should be noted that a small amount of harmful bacteria may be present in the vagina, which is associated with female physiology.The doctor makes a sampling from the mucous membrane of the genital organs, and then places it in a special nutrient medium, where the necessary conditions are provided.

After the development of a bacterium in a favorable environment, a study is carried out under a microscope to determine its type.

Bakposev from the vagina helps to determine the composition of the microflora. If it contains pathogenic microorganisms the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Indications for analysis

Biomaterial sampling is carried out from the cervix and cervical passage.Diagnostics can be scheduled for research.

There are the following indications for taking a smear for bakposev:

  • Planning for pregnancy.
  • Diagnostics inflammatory diseases in .
  • Identification of abnormal microflora.
  • Elevated blood levels.
  • Frequent inflammatory processes in the uterus.

Research may be ordered when unpleasant symptoms: itching, burning, white vaginal discharge, menstrual irregularities.

Without fail, a smear is taken from a pregnant woman for bakposev if there is a suspicion of urinary infections or for preventive purposes. Pathogenic microorganisms detected in a smear in a pregnant woman are very dangerous for the fetus and can lead to miscarriage or infection.

Culture methods

During the study, pathogenic microorganisms are determined, on the basis of which it is possible to judge possible pathological changes in urinary organs. In addition to the qualitative determination of microorganisms, it is also carried out quantification pathogenic microflora.

The biomaterial is taken from the area where the cervix and vagina connect. This is the cervical canal. Along with this, the discharge is made from the urethra and vagina.The definition of a colony forming unit (CFU) helps to establish the number of pathogens per unit volume.

Colony forming unit counts can be done in several ways:

  • Serial dilution method. Thanks to this method, it is possible to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics. 1 ml of the biomaterial is diluted with inoculation in a numbered test tube with a nutrient medium. A test tube in which the growth of colonies stops is considered the maximum limit of the concentration of bacteria in the sample.
  • Counting colonies under a microscope. This is an approximate method in which colonies are counted under a microscope. Further, the results are interpreted in accordance with the table.
  • sector method. It is used to study the degree of bacteriuria in urine.
  • In the study of antibiotic resistance, 2 methods are used: the standard disc method and the diffuse method. After growing microorganisms in a favorable environment, discs are lowered into the container, which are impregnated with an antibiotic concentrate. The second method involves the use of paper strips with the drug applied to them.

The results of bacposev can be found after 5 days. In a special form, pathogenic microorganisms and their number that inhabit the cervical canal are recorded.

Preparing for a smear for bacterial culture

For getting reliable result should properly prepare for the delivery of a smear:

  1. In order to avoid the presence of other microorganisms in the smear, it is necessary to ensure the sterility of the taken material.
  2. You should also refrain from sexual intercourse the day before the study.
  3. Douching, inserting candles, etc. is not allowed.
  4. The procedure is not performed during menstruation. You can take a smear only 2 days after their end.
  5. If a colposcopy was performed, then bakposev is prescribed in two days.
  6. It is not recommended to culture if the woman has been taking antibacterial drugs. Medical treatment can distort the results of the study and it will not work to obtain reliable information about the state of the genital organs. A man must follow the same rules before taking tests.
  7. Before taking a smear for research, one should not perform genital hygiene, use various creams, gels for intimate hygiene, etc.

You can learn more about cervical smear from the video:

The procedure is performed as follows: a woman lies down on a gynecological chair and an obstetrician inserts a special tool into the vagina and takes a smear. In a man, the doctor inserts a disposable probe into the urethra and rotates several times around the axis.

During the smear collection, no pain a woman and a man should not experience. In most cases, there is mild discomfort. Only with the carelessness of the doctor and the presence of any disease of the genital organs can there be slight discomfort.

Deciphering the results

Various microorganisms are present in the vagina and cervix. If they belong to conditionally pathogenic microflora, then they do not pose a danger. The discharge of the cervical canal is not sterile.Normally, the analyzes should contain lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which are representatives of the normal microflora.

Microorganisms colonizing and present in the smear should not be in the results. However, a single number of such microorganisms is allowed. If in sowing they are found in in large numbers, then this indicates an inflammatory process of the genitourinary system.

Normally, in the sowing there should be no gonococci, Trichomonas, yeast, key cells, staphylococci, gardnerella, leptothrix, etc.

All these pathogenic microorganisms lead to the development of the inflammatory process and serious diseases.

During sowing, several degrees of development of microorganisms and the rate of their growth are distinguished:

  • At the first degree it is noted weak growth bacteria and they are present only in a liquid medium.
  • The second degree is characterized by the growth of up to 10 colonies on a solid medium.
  • The third degree is characterized by an increase in bacteria up to 100 colonies.
  • For the fourth, the excess of the number of microorganism of one type is more than 100 colonies.