Useful properties of plantain and contraindications: how to harvest and apply. Decoction of plantain for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, digestion, genitourinary system, blood purification from toxins

The medicinal plant plantain has long been known for its beneficial properties, but like any medicinal herb, it has contraindications for use. The plant is also familiar folk names fellow traveler, seven-timer, cutter.

You can meet a plant anywhere: by the road, in the meadows, in the park. It is easy to recognize it - these are low bushes of dark green color with wide leaves pierced with veins. Flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences.

When and how to collect plantain

Healing grass can be collected from May and all summer. To collect plantain for medicinal purposes, it is very important to look for it in a clean place. Good medicinal material the one that is dry the right way. Plantain dried fast method, it is not recommended to dry the leaves for a long time, as they turn black.

Spread the leaves and seeds on the grates and dry in the shade for fresh air. Dry plantain can be stored for two years in a dry place, in cardboard boxes.

Useful properties of the herb plantain

  • Thanks to the beneficial substances that the plant contains, many diseases can be cured. The plant is filled with polysaccharides, bitterness, phytoncides, organic acids, alkaloids.
  • Semizhilnik contains in its composition such a valuable element that is not accumulated by the body, like potassium. This element is required for normal operation heart muscle. In addition, potassium has a beneficial effect on the work nerve cells. If there is not enough potassium in the body, then very often a person is worried about intestinal obstruction and constipation.
  • Oak leaves are considered a source a large number tannins, but plantain is not inferior to oak in its content.
  • Vitamins C and K, copper, bromine, calcium, potassium, magnesium and many others useful substances contained in the plant.
  • Plantain has anti-inflammatory properties, antiseptic, acts as a hemostatic and wound healing agent.
  • Decoctions and infusions are used to treat cough, various diseases respiratory tract, such a serious illness as tuberculosis, whooping cough, pleurisy. Syrups and decoctions based on plantain thin the mucus in the bronchi and bring it out.
  • stomach diseases and digestive system such as gastritis, colitis, ulcers are also treatable with psyllium.
  • If a person is injured and the wound does not heal for a long time, then the use of plantain will help fight the infection and cleanse the wound of harmful microorganisms.
  • Plantain juice is used to stop bleeding, and also as a diuretic.
  • Plantain acts as a mild sedative, helps to remove nervousness, irritability. So many people suffer from regular lack of sleep, the herb can help with insomnia.

Recipes for treatment with plantain

Diseases of the digestive system

At peptic ulcer intestines and stomach applied next recipe:

- in equal parts, one teaspoon, take plantain and sage. Put half a liter of water on the fire and bring to a boil, pour in a mixture of herbs and simmer for 5 minutes. Cool the broth, strain and take half a glass once a day.

Treatment of gastritis with plantain

Beneficial features plantain juice helps relieve stomach pain, the amount gastric juice produced in enough, appetite increases.

- Chopped fresh leaves 2 tsp.

- One glass of water.

Pour boiling water over the gruel from the leaves and insist for twelve hours. Drink the medicine before bed.

AT summer time, when plantain can be found at almost every step, its young leaves can be eaten with honey. You can eat up to ten leaves a day. Such nutrition will serve as an excellent prevention of diseases of the digestive system and will provide invaluable benefits to the body.

Digestive disorders

Diarrhea can be stopped with the powder of the seeds. Psyllium seeds should be taken one gram three times a day with water.

Treatment of colitis and enterocolitis

In equal proportions, you need to take finely chopped leaves and honey. Mix everything together. Take two tablespoons before meals.

You can squeeze the juice of 2 tablespoons and mix it with 100 ml of honey water. It is necessary to drink medicinal honey infusion of plantain 3-4 times a day before meals for a month.

How to treat psyllium for stomach pain

If it happens that the stomach is very sick, you can prepare a remedy that will relieve the pain.

- Crushed plantain seeds 10g.

— Water 200 ml.

Pour boiling water over seed flour, insist and shake well.

Sore throat treatment for angina

Angina, tonsillitis and inflammation of the tonsils can be treated healthy juice plantain. Squeeze juice from fresh leaves in one of the ways convenient for you, pour 1 tablespoon into a glass of water and gargle several times a day.

To prepare the infusion for rinsing, you will need 3-4 fresh plantain leaves, they must be crushed and poured with one glass of boiling water. 30 minutes after the remedy is infused, gargle with a sore throat.

The benefits of plantain in respiratory diseases

The following recipe is used for lung diseases, bronchitis, whooping cough and tuberculosis.

— Plantain 1st.l

— Water 200 ml.

Pour boiling water over the dry plant, two hours after the medicine is infused, it can be taken in a tablespoon four times before meals.

Treatment of bronchial asthma

Plantain relieves asthma attacks.

fresh leaves 3 tablespoons

- 3 tablespoons honey (if there is an allergy, you can replace it with sugar).

Mix the ingredients of the recipe and put in a very warm place for infusion or in the oven for 4 hours on very low heat.

The resulting healing syrup of plantain is slowly swallowed 3 times a day for a teaspoon before meals.

Treatments for hypertension

Alcohol tincture of plantain helps fight against high pressure to cook it you will need twenty grams of crushed leaves and vodka.

Leaves pour a glass of vodka, set aside in a dark place for two weeks. Then strain and you can apply the tincture three times a day, 30 drops diluted in water.


Atherosclerosis has a very negative effect on the state of the vessels of the heart, significantly increasing the possibility of stroke and heart attack.

This recipe will help cleanse the vessels:

- Plantain 1 tbsp.

— Water 200 ml.

Pour boiling water over the medicinal plant and leave for ten minutes. Strain the infusion and drink in small sips in one hour.


When a tooth is concerned, the pain can be relieved by the juice from the plant or by rinsing the mouth with a warm decoction. The decoction acts as an analgesic and antiseptic.

Rub the gums with fresh juice, making a light massage for periodontal disease and periodontitis.

A decoction can be prepared from fresh or dried leaves by brewing a tablespoon of the plant with a glass of boiling water. Strain after an hour and use as a rinse.

Eye diseases

- Leaves 1 tbsp.

- Boiling water 300 ml.

In order to get the medicine medicinal properties, it must be insisted for two hours. Means to use for washing the eyes with inflammation of the eyelids.


For the treatment of the disease, the following recipe is used remedy from plantain:

In boiling water 200 ml. add seeds 10g. Boil the plant for five minutes. Ready medicine to take one tablespoon three times a day.

Plantain ointment for skin diseases

For inflammation of the skin, purulent wounds, palms and heels, it is used healing ointment which has a healing effect.

For ointment, powder from dried leaves should be mixed with butter, animal fat or petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1 to 9. Use the finished product for its intended purpose.

The use of plantain in cooking

Many people add plantain leaves to salads, because the beneficial properties of the plant enrich the dish with vitamins and minerals. In addition, the seven-core is very nutritious. Having eaten a plate of salad, a person enriches the body with vitamin A, B, C, K and calcium.

For salad, you need to choose young leaves. In your favorite salad that you like, you can finely chop the leaves and enjoy the taste of the dish.

There is a soup recipe that can be cooked a couple of times a month to prevent digestive diseases.

Chopped leaves are added when cooking soup. This soup cleanses the digestive tract of toxins, helps to normalize the work of the stomach and intestines, relieves inflammation.

The leaves of the plant are also added to tea.

What harm can plantain do

Although plantain is a wonderful drug with a huge baggage of useful properties and helps in the treatment of many diseases, some people should not use it, because it has a list of contraindications.

The first and very important is individual intolerance.

Increased acidity of the stomach.

Plantain is able to stop bleeding due to great content vitamin K. For this reason, it should not be used by people prone to blood clots.

Varicose veins also serve as a contraindication to the use of the plant in medicinal purposes.

As a child, which of us did not break our knees? Each! But not every time we ran home for help - it was not before. The fact that it is necessary to apply a tourniquet or a gauze bandage to stop the bleeding was out of the question. But in the summer there was another medicine in abundance - cheap and always at hand. This is a plantain, the photo shows us rounded leaves on filament stalks growing along roads, in playgrounds, among the grass. Although even without a photo, we knew exactly what he was - our assistant in the fight against abrasions and scratches.

And they were right. Plantain is known for its hemostatic properties. In addition, he does not bake like iodine or brilliant green, but for children this is so important. But the spectrum of action of elastic, ovoid leaves is much wider. We do not forget about the roots of the plantain, which, remember, we tried to pull out of the ground without breaking, so that we could later put it into the herbarium, and about the seeds. Although they are used less frequently, they can also help to deal with some ailments.

Grass rannik - history of use and composition of plantain

Singer Alice Mon mentioned this plant in one of her songs. Either the plantain-grass was a witness of unhappy love, or the singer told him about the confusion of a tender girl's soul, or the plant itself dared suitors from the heroine of the song. But our plantain became famous.

He was known before, but more herbalists. AT traditional medicine This medicinal plant began to be used not so long ago. Once you have learned long time to preserve the properties of the plant, plantaglucid and plantain juice appeared. Instructions for use for both drugs are the same pharmacological effects. Both drugs are prescribed for gastric and intestinal colic, colitis, stomach ulcers and duodenum.

  • The leaves of the companion (this plant is also called so) contain tannins, mucus, glycosyl aucubin. The plant owes them its anti-inflammatory and secretolytic characteristics. Plantain cough syrup is the best for little kids. Agree, it's better than stuffing a baby synthetic drugs. For dry cough - plantain syrup, for wet -.
  • Vitamins K, C, carotene, lemon acid help wake up defensive forces body, relieve flatulence, cure diarrhea.
  • If the plantain leaf fights diarrhea, then its seeds fight constipation. What a versatile herb. The main thing is not to confuse ...
  • Plantain and appetite will raise bitter substances, and.
  • breaks sclerotic plaques in the blood, and at the same time sweeps.

Plantain has been known for a very long time. Its medicinal properties, as a hemostatic agent, were used by healers ancient rome and Greece. Rannik was used by travelers who were weary and bloody on their feet. Having applied the leaves to the wounds, having rested a little, they again moved on their way.

It was later found out that plantain is much more versatile, its medicinal properties and contraindications apply to leaves, seeds, and even roots. They drink freshly squeezed juice, infusions, decoctions, eat dried, apply to abrasions, temples and festering wounds. This is a seven-header, and he is ready to try to help anyone.

For mothers and computer scientists

What is plantain useful for, are its useful properties and contraindications equivalent? Not at all. Plantain is not allowed for those who have thick blood(torn off sclerotic plaques can cause thrombosis), hyperacidity (plantain contains citric acid). We recommend to play it safe and donate blood for the prothrombin index. If it is high, the use of psyllium may cause a stroke.

Everyone else can and, cheers, children and nursing mothers too.

  • Insatiable children are so attached to the chest that cracks appear on the nipples. If you make lotions with plantain juice, then the cracks will heal. At the same time, the taste of milk or skin will not change, will not become bitter or unpleasant-smelling.
  • Psyllium seeds are shown for constipation. On an empty stomach, you need to eat a tablespoon of seeds and drink warm water. You have to rush home from work, because maximum effect You can already feel it in 7-8 hours.
  • If you have already gone too far with a laxative drug, also take plantain, but already its leaves. The juice of fresh leaves is mixed with honey in equal proportions and drunk in 3 tbsp. in a day. Instead of juice, dried leaves are used - a spoonful of crushed leaves in a glass of boiling water (drink within an hour after 10 minutes of infusion).
  • The same recipe is also suitable for gastritis, flatulence, ulcers, atherosclerosis, colitis, colic and enteritis.
  • Infusion of seeds in small doses (1 tablespoon) treats flu and barking cough. Dosage per glass of boiling water - 10 grams.
  • Outwardly, plantain heals wounds, even purulent ones, relieves pain from bruises and burns, and disinfects the site of insect bites. Fresh leaves are crushed in a blender and applied together with juice to the wound, wrapped with a bandage on top or glued with a patch. With severe lesions, the lotion should be changed every 2-3 hours. You can enhance the effect of boil grass by adding the same amount to it. Fistulas, boils in the old days were called boils, hence another name for plantain.
  • Dried plantain leaves help to cope with a dry cough, and together with linden, no cough can resist, even whooping cough. We take all the herbs in equal proportions, pour boiling water, when it brews a little and cools down, add honey and drink it like a healing tea.
  • Cholecystitis, atherosclerosis, stomach pain, colitis, dyspepsia are also not terrible if you drink an infusion: a spoonful of plantain and a glass of boiling water. 10 minutes and the infusion is ready.
  • The same infusion can be drunk with pulmonary tuberculosis, cough, asthma, whooping cough, pleurisy, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi, kidney disease and enuresis. Dosage - a tablespoon before meals for 20 minutes.
  • The scourge of all computer scientists, and now also excessively technically savvy children, is sick, sore eyes. It is unrealistic to tear them away from computers and other gadgets. Then at least make compresses from plantain decoction: a spoonful of dry leaves in a glass of boiling water. Cook for a couple of minutes, then insist for a couple of hours. We make lotions, wash the eyes. We combine a folk remedy with exercises for the eyes. Although it is better to tear them away from gadgets ...
  • If on the street you suddenly grabbed a stomach from a shawarma eaten, find a plantain, pick a leaf, be sure to rinse it, then chew it well and swallow it. There will definitely not be any harm from this, as from it is not clear by whom, it is not clear when and it is not known what street food is cooked from. Eat with friends!

The root of the plantain is also useful.

If you have a toothache, you do not need to chew it (try to do this if your teeth are aching). The root is wrapped in a bandage or gauze and inserted into the ear for half an hour from the side on which the tooth hurts. So did our grandmothers.

For greater effectiveness, rinse your mouth with a decoction of plantain leaves or lubricate the gum juice. The herb is astringent, so use both methods. Remember that it only calms the pain, but does not cure the cause, so you still have to go to the dentist.

The thyroid gland and adrenal glands will also save the roots of plantain. And if you crush the leaf and root of the grass, attach it to the site of a bee or snake sting, then the plant will draw out the poison or prevent it from at least spreading.

We collected seeds in the fall, plantain leaves in the spring, studied the medicinal properties and contraindications, so let's get treated and even improve the demographic situation in the country.

For male pride and female joy

Women's joy is children. But sometimes on the ground diabetes, when female hormones sleeping, you can't get pregnant. According to rumors, psyllium seeds are useful in this case. Medicinal properties for infertility, there are reviews and very joyful, grandmas (the fateful name of plantain, you don’t find it) can also activate hormones. It's worth a try.

Drink a decoction of psyllium seeds: 10 g per glass of boiling water. Let it boil for 7 minutes, then strain. Dosage four times a day for a spoon. The course is up to 2 months. The secret lies in the beginning of the decoction - it should be a day in the first phase menstrual cycle.

Svetlana writes:

“I drank plantain according to this recipe. The situation was as described above - hormones, lack of ovulation, diabetes. Either the decoction cleansed the body, or I believed in a saving straw, but after 4 months I became pregnant. My toddler is already 2 years old. I am planning a second child - a daughter. And by the way, the baby does not have diabetes - I was afraid that I would pass it on at the gene level.

Men can also benefit from psyllium seeds for infertility. Herbalists' reviews show that rannik's infusion cures impotence, awakens male hormones, lowers blood pressure in inguinal zone, struggling with urological problems.

Recipe: heat a glass of boiling water and a spoonful of dry chopped leaves in a water bath. Then insist hour. Drink three times a day on an empty stomach, 2-2.5 tablespoons for 3 weeks. If necessary, repeat after a week.

Other benefits and goodies

It is worth trying plantain in face masks, washes and compresses. The face becomes smooth, irritations and wrinkles melt before our eyes. After rinsing with a decoction of the plant, the hair will become silky and more obedient, and the handles will become smooth.

Plantain is also used in cooking, following the example of grapes. In the first case, salads and sauces are prepared from it. In the second, minced meat is wrapped in leaves, like dolma in grape leaves.

Plantain is also added when canning cucumbers. And for the smell to be pleasant, regular vinegar change to .

Don't pass by the plantain. Prepare it ahead of time. It is useful both fresh and dried.

The medicinal properties of plantain allow it to be widely used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Plantain is an unpretentious plant that is found everywhere. Everyone knows about the anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and healing effects of plantain. He is indispensable assistant for first aid for cuts and abrasions. Juice, leaves, root and seeds of psyllium are used to treat many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract and skin. The effectiveness of the plant is due unique composition, which in combination creates a universal drug.

Composition of plantain

Plantain contains big list vitamins and microelements that are successfully used for therapeutic purposes. Plantain contains vitamins C and K, tannins and alkaloids. Healing properties the plant manifests due to:

  • beta carotene;
  • phytoncides;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • enzymes;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • saponins;
  • trace elements: potassium, calcium, copper, iron and magnesium;
  • polysaccharides.

The combination of unique elements makes plantain indispensable in homeopathy and traditional medicine. Considering the composition of the plantain, it is necessary to pay Special attention:

  1. Polysaccharides. They have an enveloping and antiseptic effect.
  2. Fatty oils. Promote regeneration and wound healing.
  3. Aucubins. They stimulate digestion, have a diuretic, sedative, wound healing, antispasmodic and antibiotic effect.
  4. mineral salts. Normalize metabolism and regulate water balance.
  5. Oleanolic acid. It relieves spasms, improves blood circulation and slows down the inflammatory process.
  6. nitrogenous substances. Relieve swelling and inflammation.

The plant is effective in bleeding, intestinal diseases, liver and kidney diseases. All parts of plantain have been used in home treatment. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from them, and are also used for external use. The plant renders therapeutic effect:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiulcer;
  • sedative;
  • soothing;
  • hypotensive.

The medicinal properties of the plant are indispensable for burns, cuts, bleeding and insect bites.

The use of the plant for medicinal purposes

Therapeutic use plants are very extensive. Active ingredients plantain are used for internal and external treatment. An infusion of the plant is used to treat the symptoms of scurvy, fever, jaundice, whooping cough, atherosclerosis, heartburn, belching, flatulence and as a preventive measure. oncological diseases. The fresh leaves are used externally for boils, wounds, ulcers, boils, burns and cuts.

Health benefits of pasta

Plantain leaves are crushed to the consistency of porridge and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. A decoction of plantain leaves is used to rinse the mouth, wash wounds and as a base for lotions. Useful components in the composition of the plant are indispensable for bleeding and inflammatory diseases. The plant is used not only as strong antiseptic, and for:

  1. Treatment of gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis.
  2. Promotions protective functions immunity.
  3. Temperature drops.
  4. Removal of mucus and sputum from the lungs.
  5. Normalization of digestion.
  6. Stops internal bleeding.
  7. Increasing blood clotting.
  8. Treatment of hemorrhoids.
  9. Calming receptors of the central nervous system.
  10. SARS treatment.

Medicinal properties make effective application plantain for:

  • to relieve inflammation and accelerate healing with boils and rashes,
  • removal of pus from wounds, removal pain in the stomach and improve digestion,
  • getting rid of cough, thinning and withdrawal of sputum,
  • to normalize lipid metabolism and lower blood cholesterol levels,
  • relieve inflammation in the urinary tract.

The use of the plant is effective:

  • for insomnia and nervous disorders,
  • to reduce pressure,
  • with diarrhea and indigestion,
  • to stop internal bleeding in the female genital organs,
  • with migraines.

The herb is used to treat infertility in women and to normalize the menstrual cycle.

Plantain contraindications

Before taking medicines it is recommended to consult with a specialist about the presence of contraindications. Due to the fact that the plant has a large list of components, it can cause allergic reaction, dizziness and fever.

There are contraindications to the use of psyllium in people with varicose veins veins. Individual intolerance to the plant and other contraindications can cause reverse reactions of the body to active substances contained in the juice, leaves, root and seeds of the grass.

The main contraindications to the use of plantain:

  1. Increased clotting and blood density.
  2. Increased acidity of the intestine.
  3. The presence of gastritis and ulcers.
  4. Individual intolerance.

The use of chestnut fruit

The main contraindications to the use of psyllium pertain to people with a high degree blood clotting. Grass juice contributes to thrombosis and blockage of blood vessels. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to check all contraindications and consult a specialist.

The use of psyllium seeds

Psyllium seeds contain the highest concentration of mucus. seeds render enveloping action and soothe the intestinal mucosa. Seeds are effective in intestinal diseases and help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Plantain seeds are used to treat infertility and normalize hormonal disruptions. Seeds can be used as a disease prevention of cardio-vascular system and to lower blood cholesterol. Seeds are infused and used to remove internal inflammation as a diuretic. The seeds can be ground and used as a poultice for breastfeeding mothers.

The use of plantain leaves

The leaf of the plant has a disinfecting and hemostatic effect. The leaf is used as a sorbent and wound healing agent. The leaf can be washed and applied to the wound or crushed to a state of porridge and rubbed into the affected area. The leaf has an antiseptic and soothing effect, therefore it is used for the treatment purulent abscesses and inflammation. The leaf is a mucolytic and promotes expectoration and healing initial signs respiratory infections. The leaves are used to make cough syrups and tinctures for fever. Leaves insist and use as a laxative with a mild laxative effect. The leaves are effective for stomatitis and periodontal disease.

Application of the root of the plant

The root is the basis for making cough syrup. It is used to treat herpes. Psyllium root extract is taken as a diuretic and to treat inflammation of the kidneys and gallbladder. Infusions from the root of the plant are used for urolithiasis. The beneficial properties of the root make it effective for rashes, eczema and age spots.

Medicinal properties of the plant

The medicinal properties of plantain allow it to be used to treat many diseases. Useful qualities the grass also retains in dried form, so you can make a blank from plantain. There is a large list of recipes traditional medicine using the medicinal qualities of plantain.

  • Wine against dermatitis.
    Grind fresh leaves in a meat grinder. Add the leaf to 750 ml of white wine and stir. Let it brew for 5 days, strain. Wipe the site of inflammation.
  • A decoction for constipation.
    Grind the dry leaf into powder and pour 200 ml of water. Drink 2 tbsp. spoons before meals.
  • The herb is also used externally. The leaf can be used for boils or as a hand remedy. The herb is used in cosmetology to give the skin elasticity, reduce pores and remove age spots.

    Many of us have known about the property of plantain to heal wounds since childhood. But the medicinal properties of roadside grass are not limited to this. In traditional and folk medicine, the medicinal properties of the leaves, roots and seeds of psyllium are used.

    Plantain: medicinal properties

    This herb is a component of natural extracts and essential oils, which are used for skin lesions, diarrhea, dyspepsia. The healing properties of plantain are used for irritability, mild forms of neuroses, and insomnia.

    Decoctions and syrups from plantain help to activate the bronchi, increase the secretion of mucus in the bronchi, helping to thin the sputum. Preparations containing plantain are used in therapy inflammatory processes uterus, ovaries, parametritis, uterine bleeding among women.

    The medicinal properties of plantain are used for gastritis, stomach ulcers with hyperacidity, inflammation of the duodenum, with hemorrhoids. Plantain is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

    Treatment of wounds with plantain

    Due to their antimicrobial properties, plantain leaves have been used in the treatment of wounds, including poorly healing ones, suppuration, abscesses. Plantain helps to quickly stop bleeding.

    To take advantage of the healing properties of plantain leaves, apply the washed leaves of the plant to the damaged area in several layers. It is advisable to fix with a bandage. After 2-3 hours, the leaves need to be replaced.

    To treat bruises and inflammations on the skin, grind plantain leaves, wrap in gauze and fix on the affected area. If the leaves are dried, soak them in warm water.

    On the basis of psyllium seeds, poultices are made that relieve inflammation of the skin.

    The healing properties of plantain for coughing

    An infusion of plantain leaves helps to remove mucus from the bronchi. It helps reduce cough. The medicinal properties of the infusion of plantain leaves are used in the treatment of acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, bronchitis.

    To prepare the infusion, take 1 tbsp. l. crushed leaves of roadside grass, brew a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 1 hour (or 30 minutes in a water bath), strain. You can gargle with this infusion, and for a better separation of sputum in case of bronchitis, take half a glass 3-4 times a day. But before using these or other prescriptions, consult your doctor.

    Plantain: contraindications

    The medicinal properties of psyllium are not suitable for people with increased clotting blood.

    Psyllium-based recipes are not suitable for treating stomach problems in people with high acidity. You should also be careful with the use of psyllium as a medicine for those who are allergic to any

    Many common medicinal plants are not only found literally at every step outside the city, but are also actively sold in pharmacies. AT modern world folk remedies are once again gaining popularity among doctors and their patients. After all, they often act as effectively as chemical drugs, but at the same time they cause less side effects. One of the most popular and very common medicinal plants is plantain, we will clarify what properties a decoction of plantain and its infusion have, we will discuss their use in a little more detail.

    Plantain is widely used by traditional medicine specialists. Healers use its leaves, stems, seeds, and roots. On their basis, decoctions, infusions and tinctures are prepared. Also use freshly squeezed plantain juice.

    Plantain infusion

    For the preparation of plantain infusion, the leaves of such a plant are usually used. The resulting medicine has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, stimulates regeneration processes and has a positive effect on secretory functions stomach. The use of infusion helps to achieve a powerful expectorant effect and cleanse the blood of "bad" cholesterol.

    Plantain leaf infusions are most often used to treat coughs. But such medicines quite effectively cope not only with an ordinary cough, but also with more serious diseases, represented by pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, bronchial asthma and whooping cough.

    An infusion obtained from plantain may be useful for patients with gastritis, enteritis and enterocolitis. It is often recommended to take ulcerative lesions digestive tract - stomach or intestines. In addition, this remedy effectively copes with inflammatory lesions of the urinary system. It is recommended to use it in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

    Some healers claim that the internal consumption of an infusion of psyllium leaves can be very effective in the treatment of atherosclerosis. Also, such a tool will benefit patients suffering from hypertension.

    External use of plantain infusion quite effectively treats skin ailments, represented by rashes and acne. It can be used to heal and disinfect boils, wounds, skin ulcers, boils, and cuts.

    Experts came to the conclusion that psyllium-based preparations are able to cope even with very aggressive bacteria, including resistant staphylococcus and streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus and coli.

    A weak infusion of plantain leaves helps treat conjunctivitis. It is also recommended to use for the preparation of lotions for tired eyes.

    How to prepare an infusion based on plantain?

    To prepare such a medicine, you need to prepare three teaspoons of crushed dry plantain leaves. Brew them with a glass of boiled water only. Infuse the medicine for six to eight hours, then strain. Such an infusion effectively copes with gastritis, colitis and ulcerative lesions.

    For the treatment of cough, you can prepare an infusion: brew a couple of dry tea leaves with half a liter of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for a quarter of an hour. Strain the finished medicine and drink it in a glass, three or four times a day, sweetening with honey.

    You can also take four tablespoons of chopped raw materials, brew half a liter of boiling water and wrap for one and a half to two hours. Strain the finished medicine and drink a tablespoon four times a day to treat cough.

    For the treatment of skin and eye diseases you can prepare a weak infusion of plantain leaves. Brew a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour to infuse. Strain the finished product, and squeeze the medicinal raw material.

    Decoction based on plantain

    A decoction of plantain leaves is used in the same cases as the infusion: for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, organs digestive tract, organs of the urinary system and skin pathologies.

    In addition, there are recipes for plantain decoctions to correct other ailments. Yes, such medicines may be effective in the treatment of uterine bleeding, as well as infertility problems (both men and women). Some healers advise the use of plantain decoction to eliminate inflammatory lesions female genital organs.

    How to prepare plantain decoction?

    For the treatment of infertility and uterine bleeding, it is worth preparing a tablespoon of crushed plantain leaves. Brew such raw materials with a glass of only boiled water and boil for a quarter of an hour. Strain the finished medicine, then dilute it with ordinary boiled water room temperature to an initial volume of two hundred and fifty milliliters. Take a decoction of a tablespoon three times a day.

    To treat inflammation of the uterus and / or appendages, it is worth brewing a tablespoon of crushed plantain leaves with one glass of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for half an hour, then strain. Drink half a glass three times a day.

    Before using drugs with plantain, you should consult your doctor. Such funds have contraindications for use.