Dissolution of comedones at home. Methods for the treatment of closed comedones

Most people at least once, but had to wonder how to get rid of comedones. This problem is so widespread that both men and women, and teenagers, and people of age are trying to deal with it. What is

Comedones- in the common people "black dots", these are sebaceous formations that are the result of the work of our sebaceous glands.

When someone has these glands working very actively, the pores become blocked, the so-called "sebaceous plug" is formed. Fat, as we know, is yellowish in color, but when it comes into contact with oxygen, that is, at the top of the pore, it oxidizes and it appears - that same black dot. It is believed that this occurs under the influence of melanin, but not the point. We are more interested in the question of how to remove comedones?

Most often, comedones occur where most of the sebaceous glands are located - on the face (especially in the forehead, nose and chin - T-zone), back, shoulders.

However, the cause of these annoying points is not always the activity of the sebaceous glands. Sometimes, especially if we are talking about comedones adolescence, the reasons for their appearance may be malnutrition and hormonal disruptions. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a doctor before trying cleansing and peeling.

How to get rid of comedones. At home or in the salon?

You can try cleaning your face at home. To do this, you need to steam the pores once a week (this is the most elementary way): boil a little water, you can with herbs, and sit over a saucepan with this water - about 15 minutes. The pores will steam out and they can be deeply cleaned. But steaming is not a daily procedure, but a weekly one. If you resort to it more often, the face may appear spider veins. Then we mechanically remove the black dots, that is, squeeze them out. We do this carefully so as not to damage the skin. It is better, of course, if it is done by a cosmetologist. And then we apply it is necessary to apply 2-3 times a week on prepared and cleansed skin. On days when we do not steam the face, peeling is used.

The easiest way is to visit the salon: they offer chemical and very effective ones. True, the procedure is not cheap. Therefore, many people buy salon products and do everything themselves. Needless to say, often such an initiative and the desire to save on oneself leads to backfire. For example, to chemical burns.

For those who won’t go to the salon, I’ll tell you how to get rid of comedones using homemade masks. There are special strips on sale: you stick them on the problem area, then tear them off like a wax strip, and on it are comedonal enemies. You can easily make these strips yourself.

Method number 1

We need gelatin, milk and a microwave. We mix gelatin and milk in proportions one to one, put in the microwave for a little bit, and then see what happens. And the result should be a glue-like mass, which we will apply to the face and leave for 15 minutes. 15 minutes have passed - peel off the strip: it will have black dots.

Method number 2

Let's take a protein from one raw egg and mix it with a tablespoon of sugar. Stir well so that the sugar dissolves. Then we apply the mass on the face: if the skin is oily, then on the whole face, if combined, only on problem areas. Moreover, we apply half of the mask immediately, and the rest - on the dried first part. And we begin to pat, as if whipping the mask with our fingers. When it stops sticking to the fingers - we wash ourselves.

In order for the removal of comedones to be successful, we must also remember what we eat, try to minimize the consumption of sweet, fatty, and you should not drink alcohol.

And, of course, we remember that cleanliness is the key to health. How to get rid of comedones without daily cleansing - no way! Cleanse your skin throughout the day by special means selected according to your skin type.

Fat accumulates in the hair follicle due to hormonal disruptions, abuse of decorative cosmetics and improper skin care. The secret mixes with dirt and particles of dead epidermis, causing inflammation. A plug is formed that clogs the pores. Comedones appear. Rashes are open and closed. The first type is blackheads, the second is dense subcutaneous balls and nodules. inflamed sebaceous glands treated with folk remedies.


Comedones should not be squeezed out or pierced with needles, even sterile ones. These methods do not help clear the skin of rashes, but only increase inflammation. Injured nodules increase in size, turning into boils, which have to be removed surgically.

When squeezing out comedones, the risk of infection of healthy skin increases. If the patient spends manual cleaning face with dirty tools or nails, common blackheads become purulent. After inflamed rashes, scars and scars remain. When squeezing, a person can bring staphylococcal or streptococcal infection, due to which internal organs suffer, streptoderma and other serious diseases develop.

Before using cosmetics and folk remedies you need to understand what exactly caused the comedones. Genetic predisposition can provoke rashes. But if the parents have a clean and healthy skin, you need to look for a problem inside the body. Girls should check it out genitourinary system, make an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and donate blood for hormones.

If there are rashes and excess weight diet needs to be revised. The work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted due to the abuse of animal fats and carbohydrates. In such cases, one lotion and ointment from comedones will not be enough. Should be taken off the menu. butter, fried foods, convenience foods, mayonnaise, sweets and fast food. harmful products replace with fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals and dietary chicken or turkey.

Comedones appear in people prone to depression. Sometimes rashes are a reaction to stressful situations. It is also necessary to check the work nervous system And digestive organs. Examine the thyroid and pancreas.

Acne occurs due to poor cosmetics: the wrong washing gel, poor-quality or too oily cream, aggressive scrub or peeling. Owners of a problematic skin type should choose care products with the help of a dermatologist.

With comedones, you should refrain from powder and foundation. Pores get clogged due to bad habit go to bed without washing off a layer of makeup and dirt. You need to wash your face twice a day. Remove oily sheen not with powder, but with matting wipes.

If a person has few black dots and nodules, you can limit yourself to home remedies from herbs, soda, fresh fruits and cereals. But with an advanced disease, you can’t do without the help of a dermatologist. In such situations, you can not experiment and take risks, otherwise the skin condition will only worsen, and the cosmetic problem will not disappear.

Aggressive means

Black dots are dissolved with baking soda. First rub some baby soap. Household products cannot be used, there are too many aggressive additives in it that corrode the upper layer of the epidermis. Shallow burns, redness and allergic reactions appear.

Shavings of baby soap are diluted warm water. The workpiece is vigorously stirred until a thick foam appears, and then part of the solution is added to the soda. Liquid gruel is rubbed into problem areas after washing. The soda mask is removed with cotton pads after 10 minutes. The face is rubbed with chamomile or other soothing decoction.

The baby soap supplement is used twice a month. The mask is quite aggressive, so with frequent application it dries out the skin. The work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, they begin to secrete even more fat, and new rashes appear.

For people with sensitive and delicate skin, as well as teenagers, another, softer and more gentle soda mask is suitable. Part home remedy comedones include ground oatmeal and kefir. For 2 parts of cereals, 1 part of a fermented milk product. Pour 5 g of soda, mix. Lactic acids react with food additive, so the mask is applied immediately after preparation. It is impossible for the mass to fall on the area around the eyes and mouth. Wash off the oatmeal paste after 15 minutes, and after cleansing, be sure to moisturize the skin with a hypoallergenic cream or emulsion. The cosmetic product can be replaced with ordinary glycerin, to which 3-4 drops of freshly squeezed oil are added. lemon juice. It will lighten blackheads and make them invisible.

clogged hair follicles cleansed with a homemade scrub, which consists of:

  • ground beans;
  • chopped oatmeal;
  • coffee grounds;
  • iodized or sea salt.

Dry ingredients are poured into glass jar or a plate, take 0.5–1 tsp. each product. Pour in a little kefir if you need to remove the oily sheen. Owners of thin and dry skin are recommended olive or linseed oil. The consistency of the scrub is liquidish, similar to uncured sour cream. The pore cleanser is rubbed into problem areas after water procedures. Gently massage the areas covered with comedones with your fingers. It is better not to use brushes and sponges so that microtrauma does not remain on the upper layer of the epidermis. After a five-minute peeling, the remains of the scrub are removed with water. The face is wiped with a soothing lotion or herbal tonic, and then treated with a light cream.

Coffee and bean remedy is used 4-5 times a month. Dry ingredients are first ground with a coffee grinder, because large particles can leave scratches on the skin, due to which inflammation will increase.

In case of disruption of the sebaceous glands, a soda scrub helps. You will need:

  • yarrow;
  • St. John's wort;
  • calendula;
  • nettle;
  • chamomile.

Only dried herbs will do. Inflorescences and twigs of plants are ground in a mortar or coffee grinder to a state of a homogeneous powder. The components are brewed with a small amount of boiling water, stirred and infused for half an hour under the lid. Add 1 tsp to steamed herbs. soda. A greenish mass is applied in a thick layer to problematic and healthy areas. Lightly pat with fingertips and wash off after 20 minutes.

Masks for inflammation and seals

The condition of the skin with open and closed comedones is improved by wild brown rice. If not, you can get by with the usual white variety. In the evening, pour 2-3 tbsp. l. cereals 150 ml of boiling water. The container with porridge is closed and wrapped with a terry towel. Insist 12 hours for the cereal to swell and become soft. The workpiece is filtered, the cake is kneaded with a spoon or crushed with a blender. Rice paste rubbed into problem areas massage movements, then apply another layer of the product and rest for 20 minutes. The croup draws out dirt and fat, slightly tightens pores, smoothing the skin.

Clogged hair follicles are cleaned with chicken or quail proteins. They saturate the skin with minerals, dry and matte. Soften mud plugs and soothe inflamed rashes. Proteins, separated from the yolks, beat with a whisk, and when the mass increases slightly, sugar is added. It turns out the basis for meringue, which is applied to a clean and steamed face. First thin layer driven into problem areas with your fingers. Wait for it to dry and re-lubricate the skin. The procedure lasts from 20 to 40 minutes.

The protein mask is removed with water warmed to room temperature, washing gel and scrubs are not used. The egg medicine is used twice a week. It is advisable not to skip procedures so that comedones disappear as quickly as possible.

rashes closed type clean with kefir. The fermented milk product improves the condition of the sebaceous glands, reduces the oiliness of the skin and dissolves plugs from dirt and dead epidermis. 1 tsp is added to 40-50 ml of liquid base. aloe juice. The plant has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates the resorption of nodules. The components are whipped until smooth. A piece of gauze is moistened in the mask and the face is covered with a cloth for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, the skin is wiped with chamomile decoction or lotion, it is only advisable to use products without alcohol components.

For patients whose sebaceous glands produce too much fat, vegetable masks are suitable. Great for acne:

  • carrot;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • cucumber;
  • pumpkin;
  • tomato.

It is better not to use beetroot, it paints the face in a rich red color. Washing off natural blush is not easy. Carrots also give a slight orange or yellowish tint, but they are rich in vitamins responsible for the renewal of the epidermis. The sweet root vegetable is mixed in equal proportions with other vegetables. Fresh preparations are peeled, turned into a homogeneous paste and seasoned with olive oil. Literally 10-15 ml to slightly moisturize the skin.

A piece of clean gauze is placed on the face, and a vegetable mask is placed on top. The fabric will not allow the liquid workpiece to spread throughout the body.

Cucumber mass can be seasoned not with olive oil, but with sour cream or yogurt. With oily sheen and clogged pores, options from zucchini or tomatoes with lemon juice also work well. Wash off the remaining vegetable mask after 15 minutes. Moisturize the skin with a sunscreen.

Zucchini, tomatoes and cucumbers not only improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, but also soften the layer of keratinized epidermis. Natural products remove dead particles and wash out plugs from clogged pores.

For those with sensitive skin, a mask based on rye flour is suitable. First, powder from dried chamomile flowers is combined with boiling water. You will need a little liquid to make a thick paste. The product is infused for 40 minutes, seasoned with lemon juice and thickened with rye flour. Apply in the evening before going to bed so that the skin can rest and recover after the procedure. The tool is kept no longer than 20 minutes. Chamomile mask soothes and draws out pus, discolors blackheads and lightly whitens the face. Flax seeds can be added to vegetable powder. They moisturize and restore water balance, rejuvenate and smooth out superficial wrinkles.

Extra Care

If the work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted due to an improper diet or hormonal disruption, clay will help. Recommend red, blue or white. Cosmetic powder is mixed with warm water. For 1 part of liquid, 3-4 parts of dry matter will be needed. You will get a thick slurry, to which 2-3 drops are added. essential oil. Chamomile, eucalyptus and tea tree. If the skin is dry, pour 5 ml of olive or apricot oil into the mask.

Areas covered with closed or open comedones are rubbed with homemade lotions. A variant of linden honey helps and alcohol tincture calendula. Dissolve 1 tsp in 30 ml of liquid base. bee ingredient. Pour the mixture into a glass of distilled water, apply twice a day after washing and scrubbing.

If there are a lot of black dots, they are bleached with lemon or grapefruit juice. You will need a freshly squeezed drink, which is diluted with 3 parts of water. Small portions are prepared, because such a lotion cannot be stored for a long time.

Tonic from cucumber juice and milk has whitening and anti-inflammatory properties. Take 25 ml of the first and second product, shake and soak a cotton swab with the composition. Wipe problem areas and leave to dry completely. You don't need to rinse off any leftover lotion. The mixture is stored no longer than 24 hours, otherwise it loses all beneficial features and sour. In a spoiled tonic, bacteria multiply, which increase inflammation.

With purulent comedones, aloe is recommended. From a large sheet, which is at least 3-4 years old, a homogeneous gruel is made. green billet 50 minutes insist in a glass of water. Strain and add 4 drops of manuka leaf essential oil to the aloe tonic.

To refresh the face and make the rash less noticeable, in the morning it is recommended to apply on clean skin mixture of turmeric and cilantro juice. For 10 g of orange powder take 20 ml of liquid. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Hold for 15 minutes and complete the procedure with a moisturizing gel or cream. Girls after the mask can apply decorative cosmetics. Turmeric remedy can be used daily.

The simplest and cheap way treatment of comedones salt. 40–50 g of spices are ground in a coffee grinder. In a separate container, mix 30 ml of distilled water with a small amount of antibacterial soap. The dry component is poured into the liquid base, a cotton swab is mixed and moistened in the workpiece. Rub in circular motions salt medicine in areas covered with black dots for 5 minutes. The face is rinsed with water at room temperature to remove the remnants of the mask and mud plugs that have come out of the pores. It is better to apply the cream not immediately, but after 30-40 minutes, so that the skin calms down.

Open comedones are treated with a mask of activated carbon:

  1. 2-3 sorbent tablets are ground in a mortar.
  2. In a separate container, mix 20 g of gelatin and 40 ml of hot milk.
  3. They wait until the workpiece swells, then send it to a water bath and bring it to uniformity.
  4. Crushed activated charcoal is poured into the mask, stirred.
  5. The workpiece, cooled to room temperature, is applied to problem areas.
  6. It is desirable to steam the face before the procedure. You can bend over a pot of boiled potatoes or herbal decoction. Warm, moist air expands pores, making it easier for the mask to pull out black plugs.

The gelatin mass is left on the face until completely solidified. A film is formed that can be removed by hand. The remains of activated charcoal are removed with a cotton swab soaked in herbal decoction or lotion. Gelatin cleansing is carried out twice a week.

Face cream can be added pharmaceutical ointments containing zinc and salicylic acid. Thanks to the substances, the pores are narrowed, and the sebaceous glands produce less fat.

Teenagers, young people, and even old people face comedones. Rashes appear due to problems with hormones, improper diet and genetic predisposition. It is necessary to treat open and closed acne in a complex way: and special diet, and the right cosmetics, and folk methods. This is the only way to get rid of comedones and improve skin condition.

Video: how to get rid of comedones, blackheads, blackheads

Our skin looks attractive only if it has the ability to fully “breathe”. This is due to the pores; but with insufficient hygiene, they become clogged with dust and dirt, resulting in comedones. And if bacteria penetrate these comedones, it will begin inflammatory process, which, in turn, will lead to the formation of acne and their rapid spread throughout the face. As a rule, they appear in the area where there is an active production of sebum - the forehead, nose and chin. And in order to prevent these problems, it is necessary to start the treatment of comedones on time. The pharmaceutical industry can offer several tools that are able to show the necessary effectiveness. Let's talk about them in more detail.

For the treatment of comedones, you can use both folk and special remedies.

Before getting rid of comedones on the face, you should understand why they appeared. If their occurrence is associated with diseases internal organs, then cosmetic procedures will be ineffective and the fight must begin precisely “from the inside”. Here you should only contact a doctor who will make an examination and prescribe drug treatment. If it is established that your body is healthy and the problem lies only in insufficient hygiene of the facial skin, then you can proceed to the procedure for treating the comedones themselves.

How to remove comedones?

Removal of comedones is a procedure that is carried out in almost every beauty salon. The specialist finds out the features of your skin, establishes the "scale of the tragedy" and, using modern facilities, gets to work. But it is far from always possible to visit such an institution, since you will not limit yourself to one procedure, and time and money are often not enough.

In this case, it is necessary to consider means that will tell you how to get rid of comedones at home.

Glycolic agents

In this case, two types of funds can be distinguished:

  • concentrates
  • masks;
  • cream.

Such preparations contribute to the expansion of the pores, after which they “pull out” all the dirt from them. In addition, they eliminate the keratinized particles of the upper layers of the skin, moisturize and soften it. As a rule, such products contain lactic acid and tea tree oil, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

The most effective are:

  • gel-cream Acglycolic Classic Forte from Sesderma - in the line of preparations you can find a remedy for any type of skin;
  • concentrate or cream Sebium Serum from Bioderma - contains a high concentration of glycolic acid and is absolutely safe;
  • Avene Cleanance K comedone cream minimizes sebum secretion and effectively cleanses pores.

Removal tools

Special tools will also help get rid of comedones:

  • cosmetic loop - has a long handle with a loop, which is positioned so that the comedone is inside it, press and remove the released dirt with a sterile napkin;

    Important! In this way, only those comedones can be removed, the surface of which looks almost open, otherwise the skin can be injured.

  • "Pistol" - operates on the principle of vacuum thrust. This device uses the power of air, effectively cleanses the pores and is absolutely safe for the skin.

Salicylic acid

A separate chapter should highlight information on the application salicylic acid from comedones. This tool helps to dissolve and discolor them, which is its undeniable plus.

Application rules are simple:

  1. If you encounter this drug for the first time, then you need to start treatment with a low concentration of it - 1% solution.

    Important! If you use salicylic acid 5 or 10%, then there is a high probability of overdrying the skin, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in the number of comedones, which will definitely develop into inflamed acne.

  2. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe your face. If the number of comedones is insignificant, then the agent is applied pointwise using cotton swabs.

    Important! Do not rub the solution too hard as you may burn your skin!

  3. The skin should be treated with the drug until a slight tingling sensation is felt - this will indicate that the solution has begun to act.

But there are also caveats:

  • if, when using the product, your skin began to peel off, then its use must be canceled and an alcohol-free drug should be selected;
  • with dry skin type, salicylic acid is not recommended for use; it is more suitable for combination and oily;
  • do not combine this drug with others, especially with "Benzyl benzoate" and "Zinerite";
  • not allowed for use during pregnancy and lactation.


Treatment for comedones on the face may require both prescription and over-the-counter products to be recommended by a doctor. Many of them are potent, and some require use under the strict supervision of a specialist.
  1. Hormonal pills and antibiotics - they are prescribed only by a doctor; self-medication may lead to serious problems with health. In addition, such tools may have many side effects, therefore, they must be used according to the prescription of a specialist. Antibiotics are most often prescribed for inflamed comedones, when it is necessary to stop the process of bacterial reproduction.
  2. topical preparations. These include "Salicylic acid", which was mentioned earlier, "Baziron", " Zinc ointment”,“ Klenzit C ”, etc. Although they are over-the-counter, it is necessary to determine the appropriateness of their use in each specific case only a dermatologist can.
  3. TO medical supplies also include such generic drugs, like "Zinerit", "Skinoren", "Differin" and "Kvotlan". They need to be used daily, and the result will come in a few months.

home remedies

Home remedies for comedones on the face can be recommended for use even by cosmetologists. These include:

  • grate cucumber, carrot and zucchini on a fine grater, add a little olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply to face and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes;
  • make a paste of cottage cheese and mutton pea flour, apply on comedones and remove after it has completely dried;
  • lather baby soap, add baking soda and wash the skin with the resulting solution, Special attention giving to the T-zone. Wash off after 10 minutes;
  • lubricate the skin with kefir and wash after 20 minutes;
  • combine liquid honey and calendula tincture in the same ratio and wipe the face with the resulting solution 2-3 times a day;
  • squeeze the juice from parsley and use it as a lotion three times a day for 2 weeks.

Don't forget about prevention!

  1. Wash your face in the morning and evening with warm water - but not hot!
  2. During the day, try not to touch your face with your hands.
  3. Use a cleanser daily to help remove dirt and dust.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to go to bed with decorative cosmetics on your face.
  5. Once or twice a week, use a scrub, peeling or cleansing mask.

Remember that preventing comedones is always easier than treating them. So follow the instructions above and be beautiful!

All materials on the website Priroda-Znaet.ru are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Comedones are divided into 2 types - open and closed. Anyone who has never even encountered acne knows what they look like. open points). Most even perfectly understand how to deal with them, because open comedones in the form of a greasy dark rod can be easily cleaned mechanically. But here's how to get rid of the problem of closed comedones, which do not come out when squeezed to the surface of the skin, but only become inflamed and often form huge pimples with a white head, not many people know.

Closed comedones are popularly called millets for their resemblance to the grains of this cereal plant, however, in dermatology they have a special medical name- milia.

Closed comedones- these are hermetically closed pores where fat accumulates, not being able to go outside, as a result of which a non-inflamed head is formed. But inflammation can occur when microbes enter the pore. Such milia look like small bumps on the skin, white. They are practically invisible, but if you run your hand over the skin, you will feel roughness and unevenness.

Why do closed comedones appear?

Before treating comedones, let's find out why they appear. This happens due to clogging of pores.

And they clog up like this reasons:

Poor skin care and poor cleansing;

The use of low-quality or inappropriate cosmetics;

Or, on the contrary, excessive secretion of fat;

Hormonal disorders;

Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

Detrimental impact external environment.

genetic predisposition.

It is worth noting that closed comedones can occur in almost all people, regardless of age, gender, but to a greater extent this problem is observed in adolescents during puberty. Moreover, it occurs in almost 90 percent of young people 12-25 years old.

Closed comedones: treatment

Even if you hardly use cosmetics, cleansing should not be neglected, as properly performed cleansing helps to eliminate not only accumulated dirt from the skin, but also dead cells. And if they are not removed in a timely manner, they will partially block the excretory function, as a result of which sebum will not be able to reach the surface of the skin, it will harden and fill the pores.

So, let's figure out what products, preparations and procedures are suitable for skin with closed comedones and how to use them correctly.

1. It is necessary to clean the face with special care with a sponge or sponge using a special foam for washing. The procedure is carried out daily in the morning and evening. The foam is applied to a damp face, whipped with massaging movements until small bubbles appear, and then washed off with a sponge. So dead cells, along with particles of fat and impurities, are removed from the epidermis better.

2. Every week you need to do a scrub or peeling using fruit acids (BHA and AHA). But you can not combine exfoliation with a scrub and peeling - this is the path to severe irritation.

3. Also, in the treatment of milia, masks with clay or badyagi are excellent. But keep in mind that if you use a peel or scrub, you need to apply them no more than once a week. And if not, you can do such masks three times a week.

4. Make-up should be removed every evening using alcohol-free tonics or cosmetic milk.

5. Dry skin must be moisturized with a cream that does not clog pores.

6. It is useful for the face to make vegetable masks: carrot, cucumber, as well as masks from zucchini. To do this, grate the vegetable on a fine grater, add a couple of drops of lemon juice or olive oil to the mass. Apply for 15 min. on the face, after - rinse with boiled water (warm).

7. Eat healthy, balanced meals. Eat less fried foods, pastries, white bread, sweets, smoked products, fatty meats and spices, because. because of them, the skin secretion increases. It is better to include more fruits, vegetables, grains and cereals in your diet.

8. Do not use for daytime makeup in hot weather. Foundation preferring loose powder.

9. Use Differin and Skinoren daily, these remedies are most effective for closed comedones. The thing is that the main task in the treatment of milia is to open the pores and thin the cuticle, which does not allow the sebaceous secret to come out. "Skinoren" contains slowing growth, keratinization and necrosis of epidermal cells. "Differin" acts similarly, but additionally contributes to the desquamation and lysis of the upper epidermal layer. But don't expect instant results. Only after 3 months of regular use, the skin will become thinner, the pores will open and white plugs will easily come out of them.

If you want to get rid of comedones quickly, you need to do mechanical cleaning in the salon, and then carry out maintenance therapy.

10. In no case should you squeeze out closed comedones on your own, since microbes can be brought in, and this causes an inflammatory process. Better contact beauty salon And qualified specialist will disinfect your skin, pierce the milia with a sterile needle and eliminate the fat accumulated in it. Closed comedones can also be removed using electrocoagulation.

In general, it is easier to prevent the appearance of comedones than to deal with existing ones. Therefore, if you notice that the skin is prone to their occurrence, start necessary care(in particular, cleansing), this will avoid unnecessary problems.

It happens that acne worries not only in adolescence, but also in adulthood. Often these are not even inflamed acne, but closed comedones, the treatment of which can be quite difficult. There are many reasons why this problem occurs. This and improper care for the skin, and hormonal imbalances, and exposure to certain medicines, allergic reactions to cosmetics and just a mechanical effect on the skin.

The treatment of comedones largely depends on what cause they were caused by. For example, if they are due hormonal imbalance, then you need to contact an endocrinologist. Perhaps, after the treatment prescribed by him, new acne will not occur, and the old ones can be removed. mechanically.

Hidden comedones are often referred to as "prosyanka". Indeed, they resemble white grains that are under the skin (sometimes even grains are invisible, and the roughness of the skin indicates the presence of comedones). Sometimes whole cysts form under the skin, which can connect with each other and, in severe cases, become inflamed. Then scars form in this place. That is why it is harder to treat closed comedones than open comedones.

In the latter case, you need to remove the dark “rod” - it is not squeezed out in the usual sense, but cosmetologists use special equipment for this. You can't do this with closed comedones. Their contents do not come to the surface, on the contrary, they can become inflamed and increase in size, forming a white seal on the skin - a “head”. Consider how to get rid of closed comedones if traditional methods does not work.

First you need to adjust your cleansing program. Perhaps closed comedones were caused by the wrong cleanser. In such cases, cosmetologists recommend using such cosmetical tools containing benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. This will prevent the formation of new comedones.

Proper cleansing will free the skin from pollution and dead cells - it is they who partially block the excretory function of the sebaceous glands: the pores become blocked, the secret hardens and fills it, forming closed comedones. But all these cleansers are good mainly for prevention. They will not be able to remove the already formed “milk millets”. To do this, use a lotion to dissolve closed comedones or other similar means.

All these methods cannot be applied independently. Many use what they saw in advertising or what they heard from friends. But if a friend or sister got rid of comedones with the help of mechanical cleaning or some kind of ointment, this does not mean that this method will help in another specific case. Even those remedies that can be used at home must be prescribed by a doctor. If you self-medicate, you can get an unpleasant result in the form of unaesthetic acne scars. and they are more difficult to deal with than with closed comedones.

Treatment begins with a visit to several specialists at once. In addition to a dermatologist who will tell you how to deal with external manifestations this problem, it is worth visiting an endocrinologist and a gastroenterologist. After all, closed comedones can be a consequence hormonal disorders or diseases gastrointestinal tract. In this case, treatment should be aimed at eliminating these diseases.

Struggling with closed comedones complex methods. This is a correction of the underlying disease, a change in lifestyle (after all, it also happens that this cosmetic defect is caused by chronic stress), proper cleansing, various cosmetic procedures aimed at normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. But in severe cases, antibiotics may be prescribed or hormone therapy. Any such remedy has serious side effects, so only a doctor can weigh the pros and cons regarding the use of antibiotics and hormones in each case. If a secondary infection occurs, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial agent.

What antibiotics and medicines are used

Any antibiotic is a drug that adversely affects natural immunity and has big list contraindications. Treatment of comedones usually involves the use of tetracycline (including in the form of an ointment). It's relative mild antibiotic without serious contraindications. But there are severe cases when such a remedy will be ineffective.

In this case, drugs based on doxycycline are used, which is also included in the group of tetracycline drugs, but has more strong action. For example, this is Unidox Solyuta. With all its advantages, this tool has serious contraindications. It is not accepted for severe forms diseases of the liver and kidneys, in the presence of allergic reactions, and during pregnancy. Sometimes hormonal contraceptives are used. But such funds are prescribed only to patients older than 14 years.

To the question of how to treat closed comedones, if antibiotics cannot be used, there is an answer - use some ointments that are used to dissolve closed comedones, or rather, they clean clogged pores from the mixture that has clogged them. Most often, such products are made on the basis of benzene peroxide, salicylic acid and sulfur. An example is Zinerit, an ointment based on zinc and erythromycin. Unfortunately, it cannot be used to fight closed comedones for a long time, because the microorganisms that contribute to the formation of acne begin to get used to it. active components drug, acquire resistance to them and the effectiveness gradually decreases.

Treatment can also be carried out with the help of retinoic ointment, the main component of which is retinol, that is, vitamin A. This drug normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands and eliminates acne. Of the side effects, it is worth highlighting individual intolerance.

Closed comedones are also treated with ichthyol and zinc ointments. The first remedy has a strong healing effect. Therefore, comedones will not leave scars. Zinc ointment is used only when there is little acne.

Cosmetic treatments for acne

When choosing methods to remove already formed blackheads, you need to know that in many cases cosmetic or pharmaceutical preparations are effective, although there are situations when more is required. radical methods.

Closed comedones can be removed mechanically.

This is called microdermabrasion. From a technical point of view, this is the simplest method that allows you to remove dead skin cells, impurities and sebaceous plugs that form comedones. This cleaning (sometimes called grinding) is carried out using a special apparatus that operates on the principle of vacuum suction. Sometimes one procedure is enough, sometimes a whole course is carried out. Microdermabrasion can not be called painful procedure, but the sensations are not the most pleasant, so people with thin sensitive skin have to do local anesthesia.

Another method of dealing with comedones is electrocoagulation. This procedure involves cauterization of closed comedones. electric shock using special equipment. After that, a thin film forms on the site of the acne, which after a while is easily exfoliated. If the acne was large and deeply located, then light, almost imperceptible scars, most often small, may remain on the skin after electrocoagulation.

Laser peeling is effective tool in the fight against closed comedones. As a rule, one procedure is enough to obtain the result. The problem area is treated with the help of special equipment. It can be adjusted so that the laser will only remove the blackheads themselves, and the surrounding tissue will not be affected. Thanks to this, scars will not remain on the surface of the skin. By the way, this procedure is completely painless.

Diet and lifestyle during treatment

There is a widespread theory that it is possible to prevent the appearance of comedones if you completely abandon fatty and sweet foods. Actually this is a delusion. Daily diet practically does not affect the formation of acne. Of course, if you stick to the principles healthy eating, then the condition of the skin of the face will noticeably improve, but mainly only due to moisturizing and smoothing the complexion.

However, studies have shown that there are products that should be actively consumed during the treatment of comedones. For example, if antibiotic therapy is carried out, then it is worth eating more vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products. This will help to avoid dysbacteriosis, which often accompanies such treatment. It is recommended to eat more walnuts, eggs, buckwheat and oatmeal. Very useful for removing toxins from the body green tea. The consumption of fatty and fried foods should really be reduced, because with any treatment, an extra load on the liver is not needed.

In order to get rid of acne faster, you need to visit more fresh air. Important and physical activity. It improves blood circulation, and this is a guarantee that any remedy will work faster.

When cleansing the face during this period, it is very important to choose the right product. It is best to choose a foam, because it has a delicate texture and the risk of injuring the skin is minimized. It should be applied with a sponge or sponge only on moistened skin. Beauticians advise not only to apply the foam, but lightly beat it with light movements until small bubbles appear. It turns out a facial massage, which helps to improve blood flow and cleanse the skin.

After that, the foam is washed off with warm, not hot water. Makeup should never be left on the face overnight. You can wash it off with any suitable remedy The main thing is that it does not contain alcohol. Many believe that alcohol dries the skin and dissolves comedones. But it's not. Alcohol will really dry out the skin, but because of this, the secretion of the sebaceous glands will only increase, which will exacerbate the problem.


Treatment of closed comedones is a long process. It is necessary from the very beginning to tune in to the fact that it will take at least 1-2 months. Especially if not hardware cosmetology is used, but only pharmaceutical preparations. You can change the drugs prescribed by the doctor only if they have appeared allergic reaction. And then, first of all, this reaction must be reported to the doctor.

If it just seems to the patient that the medicine is ineffective, then it should be remembered that the effectiveness of the remedy can only be assessed after 1 month of use. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use 2 drugs at once - then it will be difficult to determine which of them is allergic or which is more effective.