Similar medicines. Cheap Russian Analogues of Medicines - Expensive and Imported

Having addressed a doctor with his illness and received from him an impressive list of medicines, the patient rarely questions it. And only after learning the cost of the necessary drugs, a person asks the question: are the medications prescribed by the doctor really effective, and do they have cheaper analogues? This question undoubtedly interests everyone, and therefore in this article we will answer a number of questions:

  • What cheap domestic analogues of expensive drugs can be found on the shelves of our pharmacies?
  • Why are these drugs so cheap?
  • Can they provide a therapeutic effect that is not inferior to the original drugs?

But first things first.

What are generics?

Analogs of expensive medications are called generics all over the world. In fact, these are reproduced “copies” of original medicines for which the patent has expired. Generics have the same active substance as the original medicine and a similar dosage. They differ only in auxiliary components, which means there is no doubt that the therapeutic result of the original and the “copy” is practically the same.

Why are generics so cheap?

Many people are alarmed by the low cost of generics, because it is completely unclear why a “copy” that is in no way inferior to the original medicine costs several times less? In fact, there is no big secret here. Unlike the original, generic manufacturers do not spend a penny on the development of the active substance, which means they do not include the costs of experiments and testing in the price. In addition, domestic drugs, unlike foreign originals, are not subject to import duties and taxes. All this ultimately allows us to create a much more reasonable price.

Other advantages of generics

Low price while maintaining a decent therapeutic effect is by no means the only advantage domestic analogues expensive drugs. A huge advantage of these drugs is that they are not counterfeited (this is simply unprofitable!). In addition, the assessment of the quality and safety of domestic drugs is growing year by year, which means that the population of the Russian Federation trusts these drugs much more than the same Vietnamese or Chinese medicines.

Disadvantages of Generics

Considering that generics are still “copies” of original medicines, they do not fully correspond to the original and this should not be forgotten. We list their disadvantages:

1. They have a lower degree of purification, which means a larger list of side effects. Indeed, the low cost of generics is also explained by the low degree of purification of the drug, which increases the number of side effects. Original medicines benefit significantly in this regard.

2. In comparison with the originals, generics, as a rule, have a “stripped-down” composition. For example, the original medicine can have an anti-inflammatory effect and at the same time reduce the temperature, while its cheaper analogue will act only in one direction.

3. Original products have a high cost not only because high degree cleaning and multicomponent composition. Unlike analogues, their effect is much longer, and they need to be taken less often.

And yet, given the serious difference in cost and the same therapeutic effect(compare Omez and Omeprazole, Fervex and Paracetamol), modern visitors to clinics increasingly prefer domestic analogues of original foreign medicines. Below is a complete list of these medications and their substitutes.

List of cheap domestic analogues of expensive drugs

Antispasmodic and analgesic drugs, antipyretics

Cardiac and antihypertensive drugs

Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral agents


Antiallergic drugs

Inhalation drugs, cough suppressants

Sedatives and drugs that improve cerebral circulation

Gels, ointments and creams for external use

Other medications

Actrapid NMHumulin NPH
Potassium and magnesium aspartateAsparkam
Oftan dexamethasoneDexamethasone
IodomarinPotassium iodide

The modern pharmaceutical industry is based on the competitiveness of hundreds of manufacturers. There are thousands of different types of drugs on the market, which are often difficult to understand: dozens of drugs consist of one similar active ingredient. And if the components are similar, then regarding pricing policy Each company does what it wants, often putting absolutely unrealistic numbers on price tags!

In view of this, we decided to select analogues expensive medicines, which are available to everyone! Don't overpay for packaging design and enticing slogans!

Prices are given in Russian rubles and Ukrainian hryvnia, indicated as of December 2015, and may change depending on inflation and fluctuations in the dollar exchange rate.

Analgesics and anti-inflammatory gels

1. Nurofen (120 rubles, 40 UAH) = Ibuprofen (10 rubles, 3-4 UAH).
2. Panadol (50 rubles, 17 UAH) = Paracetamol (5 rubles, 2 UAH).
3. Belosalik (380 rubles, 127 UAH) = Akriderm SK (40 rubles, 13 UAH).
4. Voltaren (300 rubles, 100 UAH) = Diclofenac (40 rubles, 13 UAH).
5. Movalis (410 rubles, 130 UAH) = Meloxicam (80 rubles, 26 UAH).
6. Fastum-gel (250 rubles, 83 UAH) = Ketoprofen (70 rubles, 23 UAH).
7. Bystrumgel (180 rubles, 60 UAH) = Ketoprofen (60 rubles, 20 UAH).

These tablets and gels are actively used for pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects, and affordable price analogues will always allow you to have necessary medications at hand. When purchasing the next “revolutionary development,” be sure to pay attention to its composition: it often contains good old paracetamol and a couple of additives.

Drugs for the central nervous system and PNS

To combat degenerative and functional diseases(disorders) of the central and peripheral nervous system Multi-component expensive medications are often used. The doctor prescribed them for a “tidy” amount? Find a cheap analogue and save more than 100% of the markup that is put on expensive products:

1. Betaserc (600 rubles, 200 UAH) = Betahistine (250 rubles, 83 UAH).
2. Claritin (180 rubles, 60 UAH) = Loragexal (60 rubles, 20 UAH).
3. Lomilan (150 rubles, 50 UAH) = Loragexal (50 rubles, 17 UAH).
4. Finlepsin (280 rubles, 93 UAH) = Carbamazepine (50 rubles, 17 UAH).

Cardiovascular group

1. Normodipine (620 rubles, 206 UAH) = Amlodipine (40 rubles, 13 UAH).
2. Trental (200 rubles, 67 UAH) = Pentoxifylline (50 rubles, 17 UAH).
3. Troxevasin (220 rubles, 73 UAH) = Troxerutin (110 rubles, 38 UAH).
4. Enap (150 rubles, 50 UAH) = Enalapril (70 rubles, 23 UAH).

These are the four most common drugs, the cost of which is unreasonably inflated due to good demand. After all, it is known that you cannot live without good “heart” medications. However, “good” does not always mean “expensive”!

Analogs of drugs for the gastrointestinal tract

The human gastrointestinal tract consists of many sections, and they often require the use of high-quality and effective pharmaceuticals. The main drugs that differ in focus, but are in constant demand:

1. Gastrozole (120 rubles, 40 UAH) = Omeprazole (50 rubles, 17 UAH).
2. Detralex (580 rubles, 193 UAH) = Venarus (300 rubles, 100 UAH).
3. Ersefuril (400 rubles, 133 UAH) = Furazolidone (40 rubles, 13 UAH).
4. Ultop (270 rubles, 90 UAH) = Omeprazole (50 rubles, 17 UAH).
5. Mezim (300 rubles, 100 UAH) = Pancreatin (30 rubles, 10 UAH).
6. Imodium (300 rubles, 100 UAH) = Loperamide (20 rubles, 7 UAH).
7. Omez (180 rubles, 60 UAH) = Omeprazole (50 rubles, 17 UAH).
8. Zantac (280 rubles, 93 UAH) = Ranitidine (30 rubles, 10 UAH).

Analogues of drugs from other medicinal groups

It is also worth noting products with a similar composition from the antifungal category:

1. Diflucan (400 rubles, 133 UAH) = Fluconazole (30 rubles, 10 UAH).
2. Lamisil (400 rubles, 133 UAH) = Terbinafine (100 rubles, 33 UAH).
3. Flucostat (200 rubles, 66 UAH) = Fluconazole (20 rubles, 7 UAH).

To strengthen the immune system, Immunal (200 rubles) is often used. Its analogue is natural Echinacea tincture (50 rubles), much more useful and created without chemical impurities.

For the bronchi and lungs, unjustifiably expensive drugs and their analogues are represented by the following drugs:

1. For nose (100 rubles, 33 UAH) = Rhinostop (30 rubles, 10 UAH).
2. Rinonorm (50 rubles, 17 UAH) = Rinostop (30 rubles, 10 UAH).
3. Lazolvan (320 rubles, 107 UAH) = Ambroxol (20 rubles, 7 UAH).

Medicines that primarily affect tissue metabolism include a variety of stimulants, metabolites, vitamins and other compounds involved in normal development and vital functions of the body. Among them:

1. Panangin (140 rubles, 47 UAH) = Asparkam (10 rubles, 3 UAH).
2. Bepanthen (250 rubles, 83 UAH) = Dexpanthenol (100 rubles, 33 UAH).
3. Iodomarin (220 rubles, 73 UAH) = Potassium iodide (100 rubles, 33 UAH).
4. Lyoton-1000 (350 rubles, 117 UAH) = Heparin-acrigel 1000 (120 rubles, 40 UAH).
5. Neuromultivit (250 rubles, 83 UAH) = Pentovit (50 rubles, 17 UAH).

1. Trichopolum (90 rubles, 30 UAH) = Metronidazole (10 rubles, 3 UAH).
2. Furamag (380 rubles, 127 UAH) = Furagin (40 rubles, 13 UAH).

And also antibiotics:

1. Klacid (600 rubles, 200 UAH) = Clarithromycin (180 rubles, 60 UAH)
2. Sumamed (450 rubles, 150 UAH) = Azithromycin (90 rubles, 30 UAH)
3. Hemomycin (300 rubles, 100 UAH) = Azithromycin (100 rubles, 33 UAH)

And funds from other groups:

1. Hormones and analogues: Maxidex (120 rubles, 40 UAH) = Dexamethasone (40 rubles, 13 UAH).
2. Ophthalmology: Midriacil (360 rubles, 120 UAH) = Tropicamide (120 rubles, 40 UAH).
3. Antiseptics: Miramistin (200 rubles, 66 UAH) = Chlorhexidine (10 rubles, 3 UAH).
4. Antispasmodics: No-spa (150 rubles, 50 UAH) = Drotaverine hydrochloride (30 rubles, 10 UAH).
5. Anti-allergy: Zyrtec (220 rubles, 73 UAH) = Cetirinax (80 rubles, 26 UAH).
6. Antiviral: Zovirax (240 rubles, 80 UAH) = Acyclovir (40 rubles, 13 UAH).
7. To improve blood circulation: Cavinton (580 rubles, 193 UAH) = Vinpocetine (200 rubles, 66 UAH).

You can also see a comparison of these and other drugs in terms of cost in this video from YouTube.

Contrary to popular belief, when choosing cheap analogues of drugs, you do not settle on low quality, but on the rational use of your own funds. A budget drug is no less effective and often even more useful (due to the lack of pretty dyes, flavoring additives and the like). Do you know other more affordable analogues of advertised products? Write in the comments! Leave your ratings, like and share this useful information between your friends! You can read everything in our special section.

Cheap analogues of expensive drugs. Generics. List and table of drugs

This article is for everyone who takes medicines! In it we'll talk about cheap analogues of expensive drugs. After all, everyone is familiar with the situation, for example, when the pharmacy does not have the medicine you need, and they can offer you an analogue or a cheaper option without any problems. And by the way, the difference in price can be colossal. On the Internet you can often find published tables And medication lists, as well as their cheap analogues ( see the end of the article). Moreover, the price differs quite significantly: once every 5-6 , or even in 10 . But, as you understand, there are pitfalls hidden everywhere, and we’ll talk about them.

It is clear that everyone wants to buy a drug and hope that the drug will be cheap, effective and, most importantly, safe for all of us. Therefore, first I want to explain a few concepts, without which it’s impossible. To begin with, all medications are divided into two subgroups: original drugs And theircopies(generics). Generic- this is an absolutely identical copy of the original drug from the same active substance, but still differs from the original. Let's figure out what really is the difference between these groups.

How original medicines are produced

The creation of an original drug requires great amount time, intellectual resources, financial resources, etc. From the start of research on a particular drug to its release, it takes from 10 to 15 years, usually. And according to some journals, on average, it costs 1 billion dollars. Let's imagine that 15 years have passed, we began studying the active substance and released the drug, and spent 1 billion dollars on all this. As you understand, the main thing in tablets is active substance, i.e. something that affects the body, not. After all, in fact, mostly tablet- this is starch and a little active ingredient.

At the first stage research, the active substance is synthesized (from thousands various options this substance). Research is being carried out and only one or 10 substances that really work. Second phase research is the identification of these 10-15 substances found, one working version. Next begins third stage research is already testing (testing) one substance that we decided to choose and which will act in our drug. First, the substance is tested in test tube conditions, i.e. check how the substance works on different cell cultures. Next comes fourth stage- the medicine is tested on poor animals: mice, rabbits, etc. At the fifth stage The product is being tested on volunteers. And in last stage it is tested on clinical patients, i.e. on real patients.

You see how many points there are, and each of them is worked out very carefully. By the way, this is where the money goes. Of course, patients and volunteers must consent to be experimented on and must be aware of what is being used substance, which is still being tested.

By the way, many people know a substance that is now sold everywhere on the Internet, this drug is called "melanotan". Actually, injections of this drug are used to change skin color and get a tan. However, this drug I failed all clinical trials, but, nevertheless, it is already being actively sold online. You need to look at American sites, because... they write about possible changes in the skin and the appearance of cancer. But in Russia no one talks about this and the drug is actively sold. It is often used by “”. I'll tell you a secret that most patients actually don't know that clinical trials are being conducted on them. And in general, clinical trials are not so simple. There are a lot of manipulations and opportunities to bypass various laws and falsification of research.

In the end, the drug went through everything 6 tests or "6 circles of hell". Several volunteers died, but no one will tell you about it. In general, the drug has been released, all certificates are in place and all tests have been carried out. Hooray!!! Further within 3-5 years doctors collect data on side effects of this drug and, in general, this is how long-term side effects, which do not immediately appear. A lot of time, money, effort, long-term trials on patients were spent. And, of course, piles of papers. So, this is the original drug.

Copies of drugs or "generics"

As a result, we came up with an original drug and it can be used for 20 years, i.e. patent has a validity period of approximately 20 years. This means that no one other than the company that issued the patent can use it. Well, when is the patent will end, other cunning entrepreneurs and companies have the right to use the active substance from this drug and produce your copies. That is, other companies produce medicines with the same active substance - these are copies ( generics). And this is just a fairy tale for various entrepreneurs of all stripes.

Are generics complete analogues original product ? No, are not ! The best possible generic or the best possible copy will never be better than the original drug, or rather, it is always worse. Let's look at the reasons and factors that can affect the deterioration of copies.

The most important thing in a medicine is active substance. But even here it’s not so simple. Although, in essence, it should be the same for everyone, i.e. officially, according to documents and according to the rules, it must be the same for both those who produce copies and those who produce the original. However, there is such a thing as stereoisomerism. Copies may not contain the original substance, but stereoisomerism of this substance, i.e. The formula of the molecule is the same, but the substance is located in space a little differently. By chemical formula everything is in order and everything fits, because the active substance is the same, but stereoisomerism other. You understand that raw materials can be purchased anywhere: in Ukraine, in China, in India, where the production process, like here in Russia, is almost uncontrolled.

Also, in addition to the active ingredient, which may not be the same as the original, the tablet also contains various impurities. As you understand, these excipients may also not be entirely good quality, besides, the composition may be different. It is possible that impurities found in generic drugs and other substances that form the tablet may be completely different, and it's allowed. Of course, all this without any doubt affects impact pills on our body. Also, the packaging may be different and may protect the active ingredient differently or not protect it well enough. By-products can interact with the medicine and also have a negative effect. Even the preservatives may be different so that the active ingredient didn't spoil.

The differences between the original substance and the copy can be so significant that, for example, original- this is a Mercedes, and copy this is a “Cossack”. I hope you understand the difference. Many generic manufacturers keep secret documents about whether their pills really work, and even the state does not have the right to check them. Why? We'll figure it out later. As you understand, there are a lot of such little things and, naturally, all this does not speak in favor of generics, but only increases confidence in the original drugs. Do you want to know how all this is controlled?

Control of generics

Nowadays there are a lot of generics, and original drugs every year it becomes less and less. IN THE USA 80% generics. In Russia this figure is very close to 100% . Exactly 95% all medications that the doctor will prescribe for you are copies of drugs. However, generics still have certain controls and are subject to certain requirements.

1. Pharmacological equivalence

Means that the generic must have the same active substance(according to the chemical formula), which is found in the original drug. But we remember stereoisomerism, and that the formula seems to be the same, but located in space a little differently. And that’s it, it may no longer work.

2. Bioequivalence

This means that the copy must have the same effect on the body as the original drug, directly absolutely the same. But to prove this, you need to spend a lot of money again, conduct research again, test this drug on patients, etc. But who has time to do this? In our country and in the West, the requirements for conducting experiments are completely different. In general we not required no clinical trials for generics.

For example, the EU requirements for pharmacodynamics of a drug mean how it is absorbed, how it leaves us, how it acts, how it is integrated into metabolism, etc. Look, in EU the difference between the generic and the original drug should be maximum 5%. And in Russia- is allowed as much 35% . In fact, the drug is almost dummy, because it acts 35% wrong. In the US and EU, generic manufacturers must provide documents, then undergo testing and prove that all three of these points are met. But in Russia there is no need to do this, i.e. not necessary. Why spend a lot of money, resources, etc., if you can just assign themselves the results of other people's research, as everyone else does.

If your doctor prescribes a drug to you at the clinic, then 95% - This copy(generic). Therefore, it is preferable to buy original drugs than generics from India, Ukraine, China or our Russian ones. By the way, this is not the case in the USA, because... They have everything thought out to the smallest detail. The doctor has a so-called orange book, which lists all active drugs and all substances. In one column tables drugs that have passed clinical trials and can be used are indicated. In the other column - “pig in a poke”, i.e. placebo.

Therefore, if the doctor at the clinic tells you to buy the original drug, which is better, more expensive, but effective, then Necessarilyhisbuy. But, of course, you think that the doctor is deceiving us, and that he pharmacist, not a doctor. Often smart moms prescribe medications for the child themselves. Instead of buying what the doctor prescribed, they go to the pharmacy, find copies and buy them. As a result, no one knows what effect this drug has on a child. This is what most cunning Russians do, who do not understand the problems of original drugs and copies. Therefore, in Russia, the effectiveness and safety of the use of any medicine (95% generics) is directly the responsibility of the doctor and his clinical experience. All we can do and all we must do is buy original drugs.

We have to spend a few more money, but be sure that this medicine that we use will not kill us, and it will work. Therefore, friends, be very careful when purchasing and choosing various drugs. This is extremely important for our health, you and I, but it’s better not to get sick at all and take care of yourself.

As promised, below will be presented two“Tables of cheap analogues of expensive drugs or generics.”

Table and list of expensive drugs and their analogues (generics), arranged by category of use (for convenience)

Expensive medicines


Release form

Painkillers, antipyretics, antispasmodics



Fervex, Coldact Lorpis




20 tablets of 40 milligrams


20 tablets of 40 milligrams

Blood pressure lowering, cardiac



30 tablets of 10 milligrams

Adalat SL


30 tablets of 20 milligrams



30 tablets of 1.5 milligrams

Betalok Zok


30 tablets of 100 milligrams







50 tablets of 50 milligrams

Verogalid ER


30 tablets of 240 milligrams





30 tablets of 2.5 milligrams





20 tablets of 10 milligrams



30 tablets of 5 milligrams



EsCordi Core


30 tablets of 5 milligrams

Antibiotics, antiviral, anti-inflammatory,




20 tablets of 200 milligrams



6 capsules of 250 milligrams



50 tablets of 50 milligrams





6 capsules of 250 milligrams



30 tablets of 200 milligrams



3 tablets of 500 milligrams



10 tablets of 150 milligrams



10 tablets of 500 milligrams

Flucostat, forkan




20 tablets of 250 milligrams

Flemoxin solutab






20 capsules of 2 milligrams






14 capsules of 20 milligrams



14 capsules of 10 milligrams




20 tablets of 150 milligrams



20 tablets of 10 milligrams


Salamol Eco




Aerosol for inhalation for 200 doses

Against cough






20 tablets of 30 milligrams



20 tablets of 30 milligrams



syrup 100 milliliters




syrup and tablets

For brain function





50 tablets of 5 milligrams



Ointments and gels for external use



eye ointment tube 4.5 mg 3%

Bystrum gel




gel for external use tube 50 grams 5%



cream for external use tube 15 grams 1%



gel for external use tube 50 grams 2.5%

Solutions for oral administration, injections and other solutions



lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for intravenous use

Actrapid NM

Humulin NPH

injection solution 100 IU, 10 ml bottle

Potassium and magnesium aspartate


injection solution 5 ampoules of 10 milliliters


Oftan dexamethasone


eye drops 5 milliliters 0.1%



lyophilisate for preparation injection solution 4 ampoules of 4 milliliters



eye drops 5 milliliters 0.25%


Hypothiazide (diuretics)


20 tablets of 25 milligrams

Vermox (anthelmintic)


6 tablets of 100 milligrams

Leponex (sedative)


50 tablets of 25 milligrams

Finlepsin (anti-eliptic)


50 tablets of 200 milligrams


Potassium iodide

50 tablets of 100 or 200 milligrams

Troxevasin (capillary strengthening agent)


50 capsules of 300 milligrams

Table and list of cheap analogues of expensive drugs (generics) with prices (at the end of 2014)

The price of an expensive medicine

Name of expensive medicine

Analogue name

Analogue price





Zovirax (cream)


Echinacea (drops)


Potassium iodite




Lyoton 1000

Heparin-acri gel 1000











Aspirin Oops

Acetyl salicylic acid





Echinacea extract Dr. Theis

Echinacea extract. Russian variant




































Preductal MV

Deprenorm MV






Akriderm GK













Flemaxin salutab







Losek maps





Echinacea extract

Para-plus against lice

Hellebore water










Adalat SL




Betalok Zok






Verogalid ER






EsCordi Core
















Salamol Eco















Actrapid NM

Humulin NPH




Oftan dexamethasone







The article is based on materials from Tsatsoulin Boris.

Sometimes patients do not know that there are cheaper analogues of expensive drugs, and the full list of them in 2017 is quite large. During illness, a person does not care what medicines to buy, the main thing is that they help. Despite the fact that they are advised by a doctor, a person humbly goes to the pharmacy and buys expensive drugs.

Many medicines are quite expensive, however, this does not mean the quality of the drugs. The price of many drugs includes additional markups associated with marketing. How to do it right choice, and at the same time save money.

Complete list of drug analogues 2017

1. Drugs that help fight psoriasis, dermatitis, lichen simplex chronicus, and eczema.

Belosalik - the price of the drug is 350 rubles.
Akriderm SK - price 180 rubles.

2. Drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the mucous membrane.

Bepanten - cost of a tube is 230 rubles.
Dexpanthenol - price 83 rub.

3. Medicines to get rid of dizziness, nausea, headaches, and hearing impairment.

Betaserk - 520 rub.
Cheap analogue in 2017: Betagistine - 220 rubles.

4. Agents that have an anti-inflammatory effect for sprains, tears, and bruises.

Bystrumgel - 150 rub.
Ketoprofen - 60 rub.

5. Drugs intended for the treatment of rheumatism, reduction of edema, and chronic polyarthritis.

Voltaren - 284 rub.
Diclofenac - 28 rub.

6. Medicines prescribed for ulcers.

Gastrozol - 100 rub.
Omeprazole - 44 rub.

7. For convulsions and venous insufficiency, the following medications are prescribed:

Detralex - 600 rub.
Venarus - 360 rub.

8. For psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, and urticaria, doctors prescribe the following medications:

Diprosalik - 280 rub.
Akriderm - 180 rub.

Diflucan - 400 rub.
Fluconazole - 25 rubles.
The complete list of drug analogues 2017 shows a significant difference between cheap analogues and expensive drugs.

10. In case of acute rhinitis, the following medications should be used to cleanse the nose:

For nose - 80 rub.
Rinostop - 20 rub.

11. For treatment and preventive purposes for heartburn and ulcers, experts recommend paying attention to the following medications:

Zantac - 250 rub.
Ranitidine - 22 rub.

12. For conjunctivitis, rhinitis, and skin itching, you should turn to the following medications:

Zyrtec - 240 rub.
Cetirinax - 70 rub.

13. Drugs intended for the treatment of herpes.

Zovirax - 250 rub.
Acyclovir - 30 rub.

14. To treat diseases during colds and fatigue, specialists prescribe medications:

Immunal - 210 rub.
Echinacea - 50 rub.

Imodium - 300 rubles.
Loperamide - 15 rubles.

16. For preventive purposes in case of iodine deficiency, pregnant women are recommended to take the following vitamins:

Iodomarin - 200 rub.
Potassium iodide - 90 rub.

17. For mental disorders, headaches, a complete list of drug analogues 2017 offers cheap analogues of expensive drugs

Cavinton - 600 rub.
Vinpocetine - 225 rubles.

18. For rhinitis, edema, conjunctivitis, allergies after insect bites, the following drugs will be an excellent help:

Claritin - 160 rub.
Loragexal - 50 rub.

19. The following drugs are antibiotics; they are prescribed for bacterial infections, otitis media, and ulcers.

Klacid - 615 rubles.
Clarithromycin - 175 rubles.

20. For colds, experts recommend paying attention to the following medications:

Lazolvan - 320 rubles.
Ambroxol - 15 rubles.

21. In case of damage to the skin and nail plates by fungal infections, doctors prescribe the following medications:

Lamisil - 380 rubles.
Terbinafine - 100 rubles.

22. For preventive purposes and for the treatment of hemorrhoids, swelling, various types of bruises, hematomas, injuries, it is recommended to use the following medications:

Lyoton-1000 - 320 rubles.
Analog: Heparin-acri gel - 90 rubles.

23. For rhinitis, swelling, conjunctivitis, allergic reactions to insect bites, you must choose the following medications:

Lomilan - 140 rubles.
Loragexal - 48 rubles.

24. For conjunctivitis, retinitis, after surgery, for otitis media, you can select the following medications:

Maxidex - 110 rubles.
Dexamethasone - 40 rubles.

25. For diarrhea, indigestion, and leading a passive lifestyle, you should pay attention to the following medications:

Mezim - 275 rubles.
Pancreatin - 27 rubles.

26. For inflammation, ophthalmologists use the following means, in the complete list of drug analogues 2017, you can replace expensive drugs with cheap analogues.

Midriacil - 350 rubles.
Analog: Tropicamide - 100 rubles.

27. As antiseptic To treat wounds you should choose the following drugs:

Miramistin - 225 rubles.
Chlorhexidine - 12 rubles.

What other analogues of expensive drugs exist?

28. For arthritis, inflammation of the joints, which is accompanied by unbearable pain, you should pay attention to the following drugs:

Movalis - 400 rubles.
Meloxicam - 120 rubles.

29. A neurologist often prescribes the following vitamins to his patients:

Neuromultivitis - 100 rubles.
Cheap analogue: Pentovit - 40 rubles.

30. If there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, colic, ulcers, if there is a threat of premature birth, after labor pains, experts advise paying attention to the following medications:

No-shpa - 180 rubles.
Drotaverine - 30 rubles.

31. For angina pectoris, these drugs are among the best:

Normodipine - 650 rubles.
Amlodipine - 40 rubles.

32. Painkillers that help cope with various ailments: radiculitis, migraine, toothache, after operations. The best medicines are the following:

Nurofen - 100 rubles.
Ibuprofen - 12 rubles.

Omez - 165 rubles.
Omeprazole - 44 rubles.

34. For infectious diseases, as an anesthetic for migraines and toothaches.

Panadol - 40 rubles.
Paracetamol - 4 rubles.

35. In cases of brain damage in elderly people, you should pay attention to the following drugs:

Pantogam - 320 rub.
Pantocalcin - 250 rub.

36. For acute rhinitis, otitis media, the following medications can be found in the pharmacy to cleanse the nasal passages:

Rhinonorm - 45 rub.
Rinostop - 20 rub.

37. Antibiotics to fight infectious diseases of the respiratory tract:

Summed - 430 rub.
Cheap analogue: Azithromycin - 100 rubles.

38. In cases that arise from circulatory disorders in the brain, after a heart attack, or with asthma, experts recommend replacing expensive drugs with analogues of cheap drugs in the full list of analogues 2017.

Trental - 220 rub.
Pentoxifylline - 50 rub.

39. Antibiotics to fight pneumonia, sepsis, diseases abdominal cavity, the following drugs are used for meningitis:

Trichopolum - 80 rub.
Metronidazole - 10 rub.

40. The following remedies are intended for patients with varicose veins, skin lesions, dermatitis, hemorrhoids, and diathesis:

Troxevasin - 210 rub.
Troxerutin - 120 rub.

41. For ulcers, specialists prescribe the following medications:

Ultop - 250 rubles.
Omeprazole - 44 rubles.

42. If there are difficulties during movements, sprains, swelling, ruptures, bruises, doctors recommend turning to the following medications:

Fastum-gel - 240 rubles.
Cheap analogue of the drug: Ketoprofen - 60 rubles.

43. For epilepsy, attacks accompanied by convulsions, during anxiety, to improve sleep, you should pay attention to the following drugs:

Finlepsin - 250 rubles.
Carbamazepine - 40 rubles.

44. For meningitis, skin infections, for the prevention of fungal diseases, it is recommended to choose the following drugs:

Flucostat - 150 rubles.
Fluconazole - 25 rubles.

45. For purulent wounds, infections affecting female organs, the following medications are used for preventive purposes after surgery:

Furamag - 350 rub.
Analog: Furagin - 40 rub.

The complete list of drug analogues 2017 allows you to replace expensive drugs with cheap analogues. This will help not only carry out effective treatment, but also save money family budget. The most important thing is to study in advance which medications will be an excellent replacement for expensive medications. After which you can safely begin treatment and expect a positive result.


Substitutes for expensive drugs - cheap analogues. Let's learn to save money!


You visited the doctor. And he prescribed you medicine. You come to the pharmacy and... leave a serious amount of money there. Unexpected and unpleasant...

There is such a thing as an ANALOGUE of expensive drugs - GENERICS.

These are drugs with the same properties, but much cheaper. A generic is an analogue of the original medicine, its price is lower than the original. Several drugs appear on the market, similar in composition, but different in price and name. In some countries, generics that do not fully correspond to the original are assigned a certain qualification to inform patients and doctors about the lower quality of the drug.



The difference between expensive drugs and their cheap analogues

  • Analogs (generics) differ in the degree of purification and side effects. For second and third generation drugs, the degree of purification is much higher. The therapeutic effect is the same, but this medicine has fewer side effects. For example, the well-known anti-allergy drugs Suprastin and Tavegil cause drowsiness and reduce performance, but they are cheap, and many doctors still prescribe them. More advanced allergy medications Erius and Telfast already cost more than 400 rubles for 10 tablets, but do not have such side effects!
  • Original medicines contain more medicinal components. A cold medicine like Theraflu includes, in addition to the antipyretic and antiallergic drug, vitamin C, while cheap paracetamol simply lowers the temperature.

Expensive medicines are made more convenient to use. They last longer, are taken less frequently, and generics have to be taken several times a day. They are enclosed in gelatin capsules so as not to irritate the gastric mucosa. As an example, we can cite a remedy for herpes - low-dose acyclovir - acri. It must be taken 5 times a day, every 4 hours, which is not very convenient if you are at work. And the more expensive Valtrex costs several times more, but it needs to be taken only 2 times a day - in the morning BEFORE work, and in the evening AFTER...



Pros and cons of inexpensive drugs.

  • Generics usually have a much lower price.
  • Cheap medicines are almost never counterfeited, because it is not economically profitable.
  • The therapeutic effect is the same, because they contain identical ingredients.
  • The disadvantages include the fact that inexpensive analogues, as a rule, are produced containing cheap auxiliary components, on outdated equipment.

So is it possible to save money on buying pills without compromising your health? Unlike expensive medicines, cheap analogues contain one active ingredient, and are already 2-3 times cheaper. If you don’t want to overpay, you can buy a replacement at reasonable prices. They have the same effect and difference in these medicines in supporting supplements. The duration of action of the drug and the presence of side effects depend on them.

Conclusion: Of course, a doctor should choose medications, but everyone should know that there are cheaper medications!

Ultimately, only the patient himself has the right to choose
By the way, when you see a doctor, don’t be lazy and ask if this medicine is expensive and if there is a cheaper analogue?





But I still want to remind everyone once again - before taking any medicine - CONSULT A DOCTOR!

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Actovegin and analog Pacifier/Placebo


Actovegin: 1700 rub. 200mg N50
Dummy/Placebo: 0 rub. N0 Active substance: deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood.
Indications: metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain (including ischemic stroke, head injury); healing of wounds (ulcers of various etiologies, burns, trophic disorders (bedsores), disruption of wound healing processes); peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences (angiopathy, trophic ulcers); diabetic polyneuropathy. One of the best-selling drugs in Russia has no proven therapeutic effectiveness. Large-scale clinical trials have not been carried out, since this is not a legal requirement for Russia. 70% of the sales volume of this Austrian drug from Nycomed comes from the CIS. This medicine is not used in the United States or other developed countries. But one thing is for sure - Actovegin is effective in emptying our wallets. There is information that the use of Actovegin during pregnancy contributes to the birth of allergic children.

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Belosalik and Akriderm SK
Belosalik: 350 rub. 30g.
Akriderm SK: 180 rub. 30g.

Bepanten and Dexpanthenol
Bepanten: 230 rub. 5% 30g.
Dexpanthenol: 83 rub. 5% 30g.
Active ingredient: dexpanthenol.
Indications: Inflammatory diseases of the mouth, nose, larynx, respiratory tract, gastric mucosa; paresthesia in neurological diseases, “dry” rhinitis (after treatment of secondary acute rhinitis with vasoconstrictor drugs, after staying in a room with an artificial climate or in areas with a dry climate); postoperative treatment(after surgery on the nasal septum and after tonsillectomy), gestosis, erosion of the urogenital tract.

Betaserc and Betahistine
Betaserk: 520 rub. 24mg N20
Betahistine: 220 rub. 24mg N20
Active ingredient: betahistine.
Indications: labyrinthine hydrocele inner ear, vestibular and labyrinthine disorders: dizziness, noise and ear pain, headache, nausea, vomiting, hearing loss; vestibular neuronitis, labyrinthitis, benign positional vertigo (including after neurosurgical operations), Meniere's disease. Included complex therapy- vertebrobasilar insufficiency, post-traumatic encephalopathy, cerebral atherosclerosis.

Bystrumgel and Ketoprofen
Bystrumgel: 150 rub. 2.5% 50g
Ketoprofen: 60 rub. 2.5% 50g

Voltaren and Diclofenac
Voltaren: 284 rub. 50mg N20
Diclofenac: 28 rub. 50mg N20
Active ingredient: diclofenac.
Indications: Inflammatory and inflammation-activated degenerative forms of rheumatism: - chronic polyarthritis; - ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease); - arthrosis; - spondyloarthrosis; - neuritis and neuralgia, such as cervical syndrome, lumbago (lumbago), sciatica; - acute attacks of gout. Rheumatic lesions of soft tissues. Painful swelling or inflammation after injury or surgery.

Gastrozole and Omeprazole
Gastrozol: 100 rub. 20mg N28
Omeprazole: 44 rub. 20mg N30

Detralex and Venarus
Detralex: 600 rub. 500mg N30
Venarus: 360 rub. 500mg N30
Active ingredients: diosmin and hesperidin
Indications: venous insufficiency lower limbs(functional, organic): feeling of heaviness in the legs, pain, cramps, trophic disorders; acute hemorrhoidal attack.

Diprosalik and Akriderm SK
Diprosalik: 280 rub. 30g.
Akriderm SK: 180 rub. 30g.
Active ingredients: betamethasone and salicylic acid.
Indications: psoriasis, eczema (especially chronic), ichthyosis, limited prurigo with severe lichenification, atopic dermatitis, diffuse neurodermatitis; simple and allergic dermatitis; urticaria, multiforme exudative erythema; simple chronic lichen (limited neurodermatitis). Dermatoses that cannot be treated with other corticosteroids (especially verrucous verrucous), lichen planus, skin dyshidrosis.

Diflucan and Fluconazole
Diflucan: 400 rub. 150mg N1
Fluconazole: 25 rub. 150mg N1

For nose and rhinostop
For nose: 80 rub. 0.1% 10ml
Rhinostop: 20 rub. 0.1% 10ml

Zantac and Ranitidine
Zantac: 250 rub. 150mg N20
Ranitidine: 22 rub. 150mg N20
Active ingredient: ranitidine.
Indications: Treatment and prevention - peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, NSAID gastropathy, heartburn (associated with hyperchlorhydria), hypersecretion of gastric juice, symptomatic ulcers, stress ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, erosive esophagitis, reflux esophagitis, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, systemic mastocytosis, polyendocrine adenomatosis; dyspepsia, characterized by epigastric or retrosternal pain associated with eating or disturbing sleep, but not caused by the above conditions; treatment of bleeding from upper sections Gastrointestinal tract, prevention of recurrent gastric bleeding in the postoperative period; aspiration pneumonitis, rheumatoid arthritis.

Zyrtec and Cetirinax
Zyrtec: 240 rub. 10mg N7
Cetirinax: 70 rub. 10mg N7
Active ingredient: cetirizine.
Indications: seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis (itching, sneezing, rhinorrhea, lacrimation, conjunctival hyperemia), urticaria (including chronic idiopathic urticaria), hay fever, allergic dermatitis, itching, angioedema, atopic bronchial asthma ( as part of complex therapy).

Zovirax and Acyclovir
Zovirax: 250 rub. 5% 2g.
Acyclovir: 30 rub. 5% 5g.
Active ingredient: acyclovir.
Indications: Cream and ointment for external use - herpes simplex of the skin and mucous membranes, genital herpes (primary and recurrent); localized herpes zoster (auxiliary treatment). Eye ointment - herpetic keratitis.

Immunal and Echinacea
Immunal: 210 rub. 50ml
Echinacea: 50 rub. 50ml
Active ingredient: Echinacea purpurea extract.
Indications: Immunodeficiency states (including against the background of mental and physical fatigue), manifested by acute infectious diseases: colds, flu, infectious diseases inflammatory diseases nasopharynx and oral cavity, recurrent respiratory and urinary tract infections). Secondary immunodeficiency states after antibiotic therapy, cytostatic, immunosuppressive and radiation therapy.

Imodium and Loperamide
Imodium: 300 rub. 2mg N10
Loperamide: 15 rub. 2mg N10
Active ingredient: loperamide.
Indications: diarrhea (acute and chronic of various origins: allergic, emotional, medicinal, radiation; when changing the diet and quality of food, when metabolism and absorption are impaired). Regulation of bowel movements in patients with ileostomy. As an auxiliary drug - diarrhea of ​​infectious origin.

Iodomarin and Potassium iodide
Iodomarin: 200 rub. 200µg N100
Potassium iodide: 90 rub. 200µg N100
Active ingredient: potassium iodide.
Indications: Endemic goiter. Prevention of diseases caused by iodine deficiency (endemic goiter, diffuse euthyroid goiter, during pregnancy, condition after resection of goiter).

Cavinton and Vinpocetine
Cavinton: 600 rub. 10mg N90
Vinpocetine: 225 rub. 10mg N90
Active ingredient: vinpocetine.
Indications: acute and chronic cerebrovascular accident (transient ischemia, progressive stroke, completed stroke, post-stroke condition). Neurological and mental disorders in patients with cerebrovascular insufficiency (memory impairment; dizziness; aphasia, apraxia, movement disorders, headache).

Claritin and Loragexal
Claritin: 160 rub. 10mg N7
Loragexal: 50 rub. 10mg N10

CLACID and Clarithromycin
KLATSID: 615 rub. 250mg N10
Clarithromycin: 175 rub. 250mg N14
Active ingredient: clarithromycin.
Indications: Antibiotic. Bacterial infections caused by susceptible microorganisms: upper respiratory tract infections (laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis), lower sections respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, atypical pneumonia), skin and soft tissues (folliculitis, furunculosis, impetigo, wound infection), otitis media; peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, mycobacteriosis, chlamydia.

Lazolvan and Ambroxol
Lazolvan: 320 rub. 30mg N50
Ambroxol: 15 rub. 30mg N20
Active ingredient: ambroxol.
Indications: Mucolytic agent, stimulates prenatal development of the lungs (increases synthesis, secretion of surfactant and blocks its breakdown). Has secretomotor, secretolytic and expectorant effects; stimulates the serous cells of the glands of the bronchial mucosa, increases the content of mucous secretion and the release of surfactant in the alveoli and bronchi; normalizes the disturbed ratio of serous and mucous components of sputum. By activating hydrolyzing enzymes and enhancing the release of lysosomes from Clark cells, it reduces the viscosity of sputum. Increases motor activity ciliated epithelium, increases mucociliary transport.

Lamisil and Terbinafine
Lamisil: 380 rub. gel 1% 15g.
Terbinafine: 100 rub. gel 1% 15g.
Active ingredient: terbinafine.
Indications: Fungal diseases skin and nails (do not use for onychomycosis dosage forms For local application), caused by sensitive pathogens (trichophytosis, microsporia, epidermophytosis, rubrophytosis, candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes); pityriasis versicolor(only dosage forms for topical use).

Lyoton-1000 and Heparin-acri gel 1000
Lyoton-1000: 320 rub. 50g
Heparin-acri gel 1000: 90 rub. 30g.
Active ingredient: sodium heparin.
Indications: Prevention and treatment of thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins, post-injection and post-infusion phlebitis, hemorrhoids (including postpartum), elephantiasis, superficial periphlebitis, lymphangitis, superficial mastitis, localized infiltrates and swelling, injuries and bruises (including muscle tissue, tendons, joints), subcutaneous hematoma.

Lomilan and Loragexal
Lomilan: 140 rub. 10mg N10
Loragexal: 48 rub. 10mg N10
Active ingredient: loratadine.
Indications: Allergic rhinitis (seasonal and year-round), conjunctivitis, hay fever, urticaria (including chronic idiopathic), angioedema, pruritic dermatosis; pseudo-allergic reactions caused by the release of histamine; allergic reactions to insect bites.

Maxidex and Dexamethasone
Maxidex: 110 rub. 0.1% 5ml
Dexamethasone: 40 rub. 0.1% 10ml
Active ingredient: dexamethasone.
Indications: Conjunctivitis (non-purulent and allergic), keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis (without damage to the epithelium), blepharitis, scleritis, episcleritis, retinitis, iritis, iridocyclitis and other uveitis of various origins, blepharoconjunctivitis, neuritis optic nerve, retrobulbar neuritis, superficial injuries of the cornea of ​​various etiologies (after complete epithelization of the cornea), prevention of inflammation after surgery, sympathetic ophthalmia. Allergic and inflammatory diseases (including microbial) of the ears: otitis media.

Mezim and Pancreatin
Mezim: 275 rub. 4200 units N80
Pancreatin: 27 rub. 3500IU N60
Active ingredient: pancreatin.
Indications: Replacement therapy with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency: chronic pancreatitis, pancreatectomy, condition after irradiation, dyspepsia, cystic fibrosis; flatulence, diarrhea of ​​non-infectious origin. Impaired digestion of food (condition after resection of the stomach and small intestine); to improve food digestion in persons with normal gastrointestinal function in case of dietary errors (consumption of fatty foods, large quantity food, irregular nutrition) and in cases of chewing dysfunction, sedentary lifestyle, prolonged immobilization.

Midriacil and Tropicamide
Midriacil: 350 rub. 1% 15ml
Tropicamide: 100 rub. 1% 10ml
Active ingredient: tropicamide.
Indications: diagnostics in ophthalmology (examination of the fundus, determination of refraction by skiascopy), inflammatory processes and adhesions in the chambers of the eye.

Miramistin and Chlorhexidine
Miramistin: 225 rub. 0.01% 150ml
Chlorhexidine: 12 rub. 0.05% 100ml
Active ingredient: in the first case - miramistin, in the second - chlorhexidine.
Indications: Antiseptics, as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for various infections, for antiseptic treatment and disinfection, as well as for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections.

Movalis and Meloxicam
Movalis: 400 rub. 15mg N10
Meloxicam: 120 rub. 15 mg N20
Active ingredient: meloxicam.
Indications: rheumatoid arthritis; osteoarthritis; ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease) and other inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints, accompanied by pain syndrome.

Neuromultivit and Pentovit
Neuromultivitis: 100 rub. N20
Pentovit: 40 rub. N50
Active ingredient: thiamine chloride (B1), pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6), cyanocobalamin (B12).
Indications: Vitamins. Polyneuropathy; neuritis; neuralgia; trigeminal neuralgia; radicular syndrome caused by degenerative changes in the spine; sciatica; lumbago;plexitis; intercostal neuralgia; facial nerve paresis.

No-shpa and Drotaverine
No-shpa: 180 rub. 40mg N60
Drotaverine: 30 rub. 40mg N50
Active ingredient: drotaverine.
Indications: Prevention and treatment: smooth muscle spasm internal organs (renal colic, biliary colic, intestinal colic, dyskinesia of the biliary tract and gallbladder of the hyperkinetic type, cholecystitis, postcholecystectomy syndrome); pyelitis; spastic constipation, spastic colitis, proctitis, tenesmus; pylorospasm, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Endarteritis, spasm of peripheral, cerebral and coronary arteries. Algodismenorrhea, threatened miscarriage, threatening premature birth; spasm of the uterine pharynx during childbirth, prolonged opening of the pharynx, afterpains. When conducting some instrumental studies, cholecystography.

Normodipine and Amlodipine
Normodipin: 650 rub. 10mg N30
Amlodipine: 40 rub. 10mg N30
Active ingredient: amlodipine.
Indications: arterial hypertension, exertional angina, vasospastic angina, silent myocardial ischemia, decompensated CHF (as adjuvant therapy).

Nurofen and Ibuprofen
Nurofen: 100 rub. 200mg N24
Ibuprofen: 12 rub. 200mg N20
Active ingredient: ibuprofen.
Indications: Pain syndrome: myalgia, arthralgia, ossalgia, arthritis, radiculitis, migraine, headache (including menstrual syndrome) and toothache, with oncological diseases, neuralgia, tendinitis, tendovaginitis, bursitis, neuralgic amyotrophy (Personage-Turner disease), post-traumatic and postoperative pain syndrome accompanied by inflammation.

Omez and Omeprazole
Omez: 165 rub. 20mg N30
Omeprazole: 44 rub. 20mg N30
Active ingredient: omeprazole.
Indications: - peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (including resistant to treatment with other antiulcer drugs); - reflux esophagitis; - erosive and ulcerative lesions stomach and duodenum associated with taking NSAIDs; - peptic ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori(in combination with antibacterial drugs); - Zollinger-Ellison syndrome; - prevention of acid aspiration (Mendelssohn syndrome).

Panadol and Paracetamol
Panadol: 40 rub. N12
Paracetamol: 4 rubles. N10
Active ingredient: paracetamol.
Indications: Feverish syndrome due to infectious diseases; pain syndrome (mild and moderate severity): arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia, migraine, toothache and headache, algodismenorrhea.

Panangin and Asparkam
Panangin: 120 rub. N50
Asparkam: 10 rub. N50
Active ingredient: potassium and magnesium aspartate.
Indications: hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia (including those arising from vomiting, diarrhea; therapy with saluretics, corticosteroids and laxatives), accompanied by arrhythmias (including paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, atrial and ventricular extrasystole) against the background of digitalis intoxication, heart failure or myocardial infarction.

Pantogam and Pantocalcin
Pantogam: 320 rub. 250mg N50
Pantocalcin: 250 rub. 250mg N50
Active ingredient: hopantenic acid.
Indications: Cerebrovascular insufficiency caused by atherosclerotic changes in cerebral vessels, senile dementia(initial forms), residual organic brain lesions in individuals mature age and the elderly, cerebral organic failure in patients with schizophrenia, residual effects past neuroinfections, post-vaccination encephalitis, TBI (as part of complex therapy).

Rinonorm and Rinostop
Rhinonorm: 45 rub. 0.1% 10ml
Rhinostop: 20 rub. 0.1% 10ml
Active ingredient: xylometazoline.
Indications: Acute allergic rhinitis, acute respiratory infections with symptoms of rhinitis, sinusitis, hay fever; otitis media (to reduce swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa). Preparing the patient for diagnostic manipulations in the nasal passages.

Sumamed and Azithromycin
Sumamed: 430 rub. 250mg N6
Azithromycin: 100 rub. 250mg N6

Trental and Pentoxifylline
Trental: 220 rub. 100mg N60
Pentoxifylline: 50 rub. 100mg N60
Active ingredient: pentoxifylline.
Indications: Peripheral circulation disorders, Raynaud's disease, tissue trophic disorders; cerebrovascular accidents: ischemic and post-apoplectic conditions; cerebral atherosclerosis (dizziness, headache, memory impairment, sleep disturbances), dyscirculatory encephalopathy, viral neuroinfection; IHD, condition after myocardial infarction; acute circulatory disorders in the retina and choroid; otosclerosis, degenerative changes against the background of pathology of the vessels of the inner ear with a gradual decrease in hearing; COPD, bronchial asthma; impotence of vascular origin.

Trichopolum and Metronidazole
Trichopolum: 80 rub. 250mg N20
Metronidazole: 10 rub. 250mg N20
Active ingredient: metronidazole.
Indications: Antibiotic. Protozoal infections: extraintestinal amebiasis, including amoebic liver abscess, intestinal amebiasis, trichomoniasis, giardiasis, balantidiasis, giardiasis, cutaneous leishmaniasis, trichomonas vaginitis, trichomonas urethritis. Infections caused by Bacteroides: infections of bones and joints, infections of the central nervous system, incl. meningitis, brain abscess, bacterial endocarditis, pneumonia, empyema and lung abscess, sepsis. Infections caused by Clostridium spp., Peptococcus and Peptostreptococcus species: abdominal infections (peritonitis, liver abscess), pelvic infections (endometritis, fallopian tube and ovarian abscess, vaginal vault infections). Pseudomembranous colitis (associated with antibiotic use). Gastritis or duodenal ulcer associated with Helicobacter pylori.

Troxevasin and Troxerutin
Troxevasin: 210 rub. 300mg N50
Troxerutin: 120 rub. 300mg N50
Active ingredient: troxerutin.
Indications: Varicose veins veins, chronic venous insufficiency with such manifestations as static heaviness in the legs, leg ulcers, trophic skin lesions, superficial thrombophlebitis, periphlebitis, phlebothrombosis, leg ulcers, dermatitis, hemorrhoids, postthrombotic syndrome, diabetic microangiopathy, retinopathy, hemorrhagic diathesis.

Ultop and Omeprazole
Ultop: 250 rub. 20mg N28
Omeprazole: 44 rub. 20mg N30
Active ingredient: omeprazole.
Indications: - peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (including resistant to treatment with other antiulcer drugs); - reflux esophagitis; - erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum associated with taking NSAIDs; - peptic ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori (in combination with antibacterial drugs); - Zollinger-Ellison syndrome; - prevention of acid aspiration (Mendelssohn syndrome).

Ursofalk and Ursosan
Ursofalk: 210 rub. caps. 250mg N10
Ursosan: 165 rub. caps. 250mg N10
Active ingredient: Ursodeoxycholic acid.
Indications: uncomplicated cholelithiasis (dissolution of cholesterol gallstones V gallbladder, if it is impossible to remove them by surgical or endoscopic methods), chronic opisthorchiasis, primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, chronic active hepatitis, chronic autoimmune hepatitis ( atypical forms), non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, acute and chronic viral hepatitis, toxic liver damage (alcohol, drugs), intrahepatic atresia biliary tract, cholestasis with parenteral nutrition, biliary reflux esophagitis, biliary reflux gastritis, biliary dyskinesia, alcoholic hepatosis, acute hepatitis, chronic active hepatitis with cholestatic syndrome, liver pathology due to cystic fibrosis, congenital atresia of the bile duct, biliary dyspeptic syndrome (with cholecystopathy and biliary dyskinesia), cholestasis of newborns associated with complete parenteral nutrition. Prevention of liver damage when using hormonal contraceptives and cytostatics, prevention of the formation of gallstones in obese patients during rapid weight loss.

Fastum-gel and Ketoprofen
Fastum-gel: 240 rub. 2.5% 50g
Ketoprofen: 60 rub. 2.5% 50g
Active ingredient: ketoprofen.
Indications: Gel, cream: acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis); injuries of the musculoskeletal system (including sports), sprains, ruptures of ligaments and tendons, tendinitis, bruise of muscles and ligaments, edema, phlebitis, lymphangitis, inflammatory processes of the skin. Rinse solution: inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx (angina, pharyngitis, stomatitis, glossitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease, etc.).

Finlepsin and Carbamazepine
Finlepsin: 250 rub. 400mg N50
Carbamazepine: 40 rub. 200mg N50
Active ingredient: carbamazepine.
Indications: Epilepsy (excluding absence seizures, myoclonic or flaccid seizures) - partial seizures with complex and simple symptoms, primary and secondary generalized forms of seizures with tonic-clonic seizures, mixed forms seizures (monotherapy or in combination with other anticonvulsants). Idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia with multiple sclerosis(typical and atypical), idiopathic neuralgia glossopharyngeal nerve. Acute manic states. Phasonic affective disorders (including bipolar) prevention of exacerbations, weakening clinical manifestations during exacerbation. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (anxiety, convulsions, hyperexcitability, sleep disturbances). Diabetic neuropathy with pain syndrome. Diabetes insipidus central genesis.

Flucostat and Fluconazole
Flucostat: 150 rub. 150mg N1
Fluknazole: 25 rub. 150mg N1
Active ingredient: fluconazole.
Indications: Systemic lesions caused by Cryptococcus fungi, including meningitis, sepsis, lung and skin infections, both in patients with a normal immune response and in patients with various forms immunosuppression (including in patients with AIDS, during organ transplantation); prevention of cryptococcal infection in patients with AIDS. Generalized candidiasis: candidemia, disseminated candidiasis. Genital candidiasis: vaginal (acute and recurrent), balanitis. Prevention of fungal infections in patients with malignant tumors during chemotherapy or radiation therapy; prevention of relapse of oropharyngeal candidiasis in patients with AIDS. Mycoses of the skin: feet, body, groin area, onychomycosis, pityriasis versicolor, skin candidiasis infections. Deep endemic mycoses (coccidioidosis, sporotrichosis and histoplasmosis) in patients with normal immunity.

Furamag and Furagin
Furamag: 350 rub. 50mg N30
Furagin: 40 rub. 50mg N30
Active ingredient: furazidine.
Indications: infectious and inflammatory diseases: purulent wounds, cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, purulent arthritis; infections of female genital organs; conjunctivitis, keratitis; burns; prevention of infections during urological operations, cystoscopy, catheterization. For washing cavities: peritonitis, pleural empyema.

Chemomycin and Azithromycin
Chemomycin: 270 rub. 250mg N6
Azithromycin: 100 rub. 250mg N6
Active ingredient: azithromycin.
Indications: Antibiotic. Infections of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs caused by sensitive pathogens: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, otitis media; scarlet fever; lower respiratory tract infections: pneumonia, bronchitis; infections of the skin and soft tissues: erysipelas, impetigo, secondary infected dermatoses; urinary tract infections: gonorrheal and non-gonorrheal urethritis, cervicitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers associated with Helicobacter pylori.

Enap and Enalapril
Enap: 130 rub. 20mg N20
Enalapril: 80 rub. 20mg N20
Active ingredient: knewadj.
Indications: arterial hypertension (symptomatic, renovascular, including with scleroderma, etc.), CHF I-III stages; prevention of coronary ischemia in patients with LV dysfunction, asymptomatic LV dysfunction.

Ersefuril and Furazolidone
Ersefuril: 390 rub. 200mg N28
Furazolidone: 3 rubles. 50mg N10
Active ingredient: nifuroxazide in the first case and furazolidone in the second.
Indications: Diarrhea of ​​infectious origin, dysentery, paratyphoid fever, giardiasis, food toxic infections.
