Manifestation of violation. Mental and behavioral disorders

The first signs of a mental disorder are changes in behavior and disturbances in thinking that go beyond existing norms and traditions. Basically, these signs are associated with the complete or partial insanity of a person and make a person incapable of performing social functions.

Such disorders can occur in men and women, regardless of age and nationality.

The pathogenesis of many mental disorders is not completely clear, but scientists have come to the conclusion that their formation is influenced by a combination of social, psychological and biological factors.

How do you know if you have a mental disorder? To do this, you should undergo an examination by a professional psychotherapist and answer questions as honestly and frankly as possible.

As the disease progresses, symptoms appear that are noticeable, if not to the patient himself, then to his loved ones. The main signs of a mental disorder are:

  • emotional symptoms();
  • physical symptoms (pain, );
  • behavioral symptoms (medication abuse, aggression);
  • perceptual symptoms (hallucinations);
  • cognitive symptoms (memory loss, inability to formulate thoughts).

If the first symptoms of the disease are persistent and interfere with normal activities, it is recommended to undergo diagnostics. There are borderline mental states of the individual, which are present in many mental and somatic diseases or ordinary fatigue.


Asthenic syndrome is manifested by nervous exhaustion, fatigue, and low performance. The female psyche is more vulnerable and therefore such disorders are more typical for the weaker sex. They experience increased emotionality, tearfulness and

The male psyche reacts to asthenic syndrome with outbursts of irritation and loss of self-control over trifles. With asthenia, severe headaches, lethargy and disturbances in night sleep are also possible.


This is a condition in which an adult persistently has various fears or doubts. He cannot get rid of these thoughts, despite recognizing the problem. A patient with mental pathology can spend hours checking and counting something, and if he is distracted at the time of the ritual, start counting again. This category also includes claustrophobia, agoraphobia, fear of heights and others.


This painful condition for any person is characterized by a persistent decrease in mood, depression, depression. The disease can be detected at an early stage, in which case the condition can be quickly normalized.

Severe cases of depression are often accompanied by suicidal thoughts and require hospital treatment.

Often the appearance of delusional ideas is preceded by depersonalization and derealization.

Catatonic syndromes

These are conditions in which motor disorders come to the fore: complete or partial inhibition or, conversely, excitation. With catatonic stupor, the patient is completely immobilized, silent, and the muscles are toned. The patient freezes in an unusual, often awkward and uncomfortable position.

For catatonic excitement, repetition of any movements with exclamations is typical. Catatonic syndromes are observed both with darkened and clear consciousness. In the first case, this indicates a possible favorable outcome of the disease, and in the second, the severity of the patient’s condition.


In an unconscious state, the perception of reality is distorted, interaction with society is disrupted.

There are several types of this condition. They are united by common symptoms:

  • Disorientation in space and time, depersonalization.
  • Detachment from the environment.
  • Loss of ability to logically comprehend a situation. Sometimes incoherent thoughts.
  • Memory loss.

Each of these signs sometimes occurs in an adult, but their combination may indicate confusion. They usually go away when clarity of consciousness is restored.


With this disorder, the ability to learn and apply knowledge is reduced or lost, and adaptation to the outside world is disrupted. There are congenital (oligophrenia) and acquired forms of decreased intelligence, which occur in older people or patients with progressive forms of mental disorders.

Nowadays, mental disorders occur in hardly every second person. The disease does not always have clear clinical manifestations. However, some deviations cannot be neglected. The concept of normal has a wide range, but inaction, with obvious signs of illness, only aggravates the situation.

Mental illnesses in adults, children: list and description

Sometimes different ailments have the same symptoms, but in most cases, diseases can be divided and classified. Major mental illnesses - a list and description of deviations may attract the attention of loved ones, but the final diagnosis can only be established by an experienced psychiatrist. He will also prescribe treatment based on symptoms, coupled with clinical studies. The sooner a patient seeks help, the greater the chance of successful treatment. You need to discard stereotypes and not be afraid to face the truth. Nowadays, mental illness is not a death sentence, and most of them can be successfully treated if the patient turns to doctors for help in time. Most often, the patient himself is not aware of his condition, and his loved ones should take on this mission. The list and description of mental illnesses is created for informational purposes only. Perhaps your knowledge will save the lives of those you care about, or dispel your worries.

Agoraphobia with panic disorder

Agoraphobia, to one degree or another, accounts for about 50% of all anxiety disorders. If initially the disorder meant only a fear of open space, now fear of fear has been added to this. That’s right, a panic attack occurs in a situation where there is a high probability of falling, getting lost, getting lost, etc., and fear cannot cope with this. Agoraphobia expresses nonspecific symptoms, that is, increased heart rate and sweating can also occur with other disorders. All symptoms of agoraphobia are exclusively subjective, experienced by the patient himself.

Alcoholic dementia

Ethyl alcohol, when consumed regularly, acts as a toxin that destroys the brain functions responsible for human behavior and emotions. Unfortunately, only alcoholic dementia can be monitored and its symptoms identified, but treatment will not restore lost brain functions. You can slow down alcohol-induced dementia, but not completely cure the person. Symptoms of alcohol-induced dementia include slurred speech, memory loss, sensory loss, and lack of logic.


Some people are surprised when children or pregnant women combine incompatible foods, or, in general, eat something inedible. Most often, this is how a lack of certain microelements and vitamins in the body is expressed. This is not a disease, and is usually “treated” by taking a vitamin complex. With allotriophagy, people eat something that is basically not edible: glass, dirt, hair, iron, and this is a mental disorder, the causes of which are not only a lack of vitamins. Most often this is shock, plus vitamin deficiency, and, as a rule, treatment also needs to be approached comprehensively.


In our time of gloss craze, the mortality rate from anorexia is 20%. The obsessive fear of getting fat makes you refuse to eat, even to the point of complete exhaustion. If you recognize the first signs of anorexia, a difficult situation can be avoided and measures can be taken in time. The first symptoms of anorexia:

Setting the table turns into a ritual, with counting calories, fine cutting, and arranging/spreading food on a plate. My entire life and interests focus only on food, calories, and weighing myself five times a day.


Autism – what is this disease, and how treatable is it? Only half of children diagnosed with autism have functional brain disorders. Children with autism think differently than normal children. They understand everything, but cannot express their emotions due to impaired social interaction. Ordinary children grow up and copy the behavior of adults, their gestures, facial expressions, and thus learn to communicate, but with autism, non-verbal communication is impossible. Children with autism do not strive for loneliness; they simply do not know how to establish contact themselves. With due attention and special training, this can be somewhat corrected.

Delirium tremens

Delirium tremens refers to psychosis caused by prolonged drinking. Signs of delirium tremens are represented by a very wide range of symptoms. Hallucinations - visual, tactile and auditory, delusions, rapid mood swings from blissful to aggressive. To date, the mechanism of brain damage has not been fully understood, and there is no complete cure for this disorder.

Alzheimer's disease

Many types of mental disorders are incurable, and Alzheimer's disease is one of them. The first signs of Alzheimer's disease in men are nonspecific and are not immediately obvious. After all, all men forget birthdays and important dates, and this does not surprise anyone. In Alzheimer's disease, short-term memory is the first to suffer, and the person literally forgets the day. Aggression and irritability appear, and this is also attributed to a manifestation of character, thereby missing the moment when it was possible to slow down the course of the disease and prevent too rapid dementia.

Pick's disease

Niemann-Pick disease in children is exclusively hereditary, and is divided according to severity into several categories, based on mutations in a certain pair of chromosomes. Classic category “A” is a death sentence for a child, and death occurs by the age of five. Symptoms of Niemann Pick disease appear in the first two weeks of a child's life. Lack of appetite, vomiting, clouding of the cornea and enlarged internal organs, which causes the child’s belly to become disproportionately large. Damage to the central nervous system and metabolism leads to death. Categories “B”, “C”, and “D” are not so dangerous, since the central nervous system is not affected so quickly, this process can be slowed down.


What kind of disease is bulimia, and does it need to be treated? In fact, bulimia is not a simple mental disorder. A person does not control his feeling of hunger and eats literally everything. At the same time, the feeling of guilt forces the patient to take a lot of laxatives, emetics and miracle drugs for weight loss. Obsessing over your weight is just the tip of the iceberg. Bulimia occurs due to functional disorders of the central nervous system, pituitary disorders, brain tumors, the initial stage of diabetes, and bulimia is only a symptom of these diseases.


The causes of hallucinosis syndrome occur against the background of encephalitis, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, hemorrhage or tumors. With complete clear consciousness, the patient may experience visual, auditory, tactile or olfactory hallucinations. A person can see the world around him in a somewhat distorted form, and the faces of his interlocutors can be presented as cartoon characters or geometric shapes. The acute form of hallucinosis can last up to two weeks, but you should not relax if the hallucinations have passed. Without identifying the causes of hallucinations and appropriate treatment, the disease may return.


Stuttering is a violation of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech, expressed by spasms of the speech apparatus. As a rule, stuttering occurs in physically and psychologically weak people who are too dependent on the opinions of others. The area of ​​the brain responsible for speech is adjacent to the area responsible for emotions. Violations that occur in one area inevitably affect another.

gambling addiction

This psychological disorder refers to a desire disorder. The exact nature has not been studied, however, it has been noted that kleptomania is a comorbidity with other psychopathic disorders. Sometimes kleptomania manifests itself as a result of pregnancy or in adolescents, during hormonal changes in the body. The desire to steal with kleptomania does not have the goal of getting rich. The patient seeks only the thrill of the very fact of committing an illegal act.


Types of cretinism are divided into endemic and sporadic. As a rule, sporadic cretinism is caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormones during embryonic development. Endemic cretinism is caused by a lack of iodine and selenium in the mother's diet during pregnancy. In the case of cretinism, early treatment is of great importance. If, for congenital cretinism, therapy is started at 2–4 weeks of a child’s life, the degree of his development will not lag behind the level of his peers.

"Culture shock

Many people do not take culture shock and its consequences seriously, however, a person’s condition during culture shock should raise concerns. People often experience culture shock when moving to another country. At first a person is happy, he likes different food, different songs, but soon he is faced with the deepest differences in deeper layers. Everything that he is accustomed to consider normal and ordinary goes against his worldview in the new country. Depending on the characteristics of the person and the motives for moving, there are three ways to resolve the conflict:

1. Assimilation. Complete acceptance of a foreign culture and dissolution in it, sometimes in an exaggerated form. One’s own culture is belittled and criticized, and the new one is considered more developed and ideal.

2. Ghettoization. That is, creating your own world inside a foreign country. This is isolated living and limited external contact with the local population.

3. Moderate assimilation. In this case, the individual will retain in his home everything that was customary in his homeland, but at work and in society he tries to acquire a different culture and observes the customs generally accepted in this society.

Persecution mania

Persecution mania - in one word, a real disorder can be characterized as spy mania or stalking. Persecution mania can develop against the background of schizophrenia, and manifests itself in excessive suspicion. The patient is convinced that he is the object of surveillance by the special services, and suspects everyone, even his loved ones, of espionage. This schizophrenic disorder is difficult to treat, since it is impossible to convince the patient that the doctor is not an intelligence officer, and the pill is a medicine.


A form of personality disorder characterized by dislike of people, even hatred. , and how to recognize a misanthrope? The misanthrope opposes himself to society, its weaknesses and imperfections. To justify his hatred, a misanthrope often elevates his philosophy into a kind of cult. A stereotype has been created that a misanthrope is an absolutely closed hermit, but this is not always the case. The misanthrope carefully selects who to let into his personal space and who, perhaps, is his equal. In severe form, the misanthrope hates all of humanity as a whole and can call for mass murders and wars.


Monomania is a psychosis expressed in concentration on one thought, with complete preservation of reason. In current psychiatry, the term “monomania” is considered outdated and too general. Currently, they distinguish “pyromania”, “kleptomania” and so on. Each of these psychoses has its own roots, and treatment is prescribed based on the severity of the disorder.

Obsessive states

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, is characterized by the inability to get rid of intrusive thoughts or actions. As a rule, individuals with a high level of intelligence and a high level of social responsibility suffer from OCD. Obsessive-compulsive disorder manifests itself in endless thinking about unnecessary things. How many checks are on the jacket of a fellow traveler, how old is the tree, why does the bus have round headlights, etc.

The second variant of the disorder is obsessive actions or double-checking of actions. The most common impact is related to cleanliness and order. The patient endlessly washes everything, folds it and washes it again, to the point of exhaustion. The syndrome of persistent states is difficult to treat, even with the use of complex therapy.

Narcissistic personality disorder

The signs of narcissistic personality disorder are not difficult to recognize. prone to inflated self-esteem, confident in their own ideality and perceive any criticism as envy. This is a behavioral personality disorder, and it is not as harmless as it may seem. Narcissistic individuals are confident in their own permissiveness and have the right to something more than everyone else. Without a twinge of conscience, they can destroy other people’s dreams and plans, because it doesn’t matter to them.


Is obsessive-compulsive disorder a mental illness or not, and how difficult is it to diagnose the disorder? Most often, the disease is diagnosed based on patient complaints, psychological testing, MRI and CT scans of the brain. Neuroses are often a symptom of a brain tumor, aneurysm, or previous infections.

Mental retardation

Negative twin delusion syndrome is also called Capgras syndrome. Psychiatry has not decided whether to consider this an independent disease or a symptom. A patient with negative twin syndrome is sure that one of his loved ones, or himself, has been replaced. All negative actions (crashed a car, stole a candy bar in a supermarket), all this is attributed to the double. Possible causes of this syndrome include the destruction of the connection between visual perception and emotional perception, due to defects in the fusiform gyrus.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation is expressed in bloating, flatulence, and impaired bowel movements. The most common cause of IBS is stress. Approximately 2/3 of all sufferers of IBS are women, and more than half of them suffer from mental disorders. Treatment for IBS is systemic and includes medications to relieve constipation, flatulence, or diarrhea, as well as antidepressants to relieve anxiety or depression.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Taphophilia manifests itself in an attraction to cemeteries and funeral rituals. The reasons for taphophilia mainly lie in cultural and aesthetic interest in monuments, rites and rituals. Some old necropolises are more like museums, and the atmosphere of the cemetery is peaceful and reconciles with life. Taphophiles are not interested in dead bodies or thoughts about death, and only have a cultural and historical interest. As a rule, taphophilia does not require treatment unless visiting cemeteries develops into obsessive OCD behavior.


Anxiety in psychology is unmotivated fear or fear for minor reasons. In a person’s life, there is “useful anxiety”, which is a defense mechanism. Anxiety is the result of an analysis of the situation and a forecast of the consequences, how real the danger is. In the case of neurotic anxiety, a person cannot explain the reasons for his fear.


What is trichotillomania, and is it a mental disorder? Of course, trichotillomania belongs to the group of OCD and is aimed at tearing out one’s hair. Sometimes hair is pulled out unconsciously, and the patient may eat personal hair, which leads to gastrointestinal problems. Typically, trichotillomania is a reaction to stress. The patient feels a burning sensation in the hair follicle on the head, face, body and after pulling it out, the patient feels peace. Sometimes patients with trichotillomania become recluses because they are embarrassed by their appearance and ashamed of their behavior. Recent studies have revealed that patients with trichotillomania have damage in a certain gene. If these studies are confirmed, treatment for trichotillomania will be more successful.


It is quite difficult to fully study the phenomenon of hikikomori. Basically, hikikomori deliberately isolate themselves from the outside world, and even from their family members. They do not work and do not leave their room unless absolutely necessary. They maintain contact with the world via the Internet, and can even work remotely, but they exclude communication and meetings in real life. Often hikikomori suffer from mental disorders of the autism spectrum, social phobia, and anxiety personality disorder. In countries with undeveloped economies, hikikomori practically does not occur.


Phobia in psychiatry is fear, or excessive anxiety. As a rule, phobias are classified as mental disorders that do not require clinical research, and psychocorrection will cope better. The exception is already ingrained phobias that go beyond a person’s control, disrupting his normal functioning.

Schizoid personality disorder

The diagnosis of schizoid personality disorder is made on the basis of symptoms characteristic of this disorder. With schizoid personality disorder, the individual is characterized by emotional coldness, indifference, reluctance to socialize and a tendency to solitude.

Such people prefer to contemplate their inner world and do not share their experiences with loved ones, and are also indifferent to their appearance and how society reacts to it.


Sometimes parents ask the question: “Encopresis - what is it, and is it a mental disorder?” With encopresis, the child cannot control his stool. He can “big-time” shit his pants and not even understand what’s wrong. If this phenomenon occurs more than once a month and lasts at least six months, the child needs a comprehensive examination, including from a psychiatrist. When potty training a child, parents expect the child to get used to it the first time, and scold the child when he forgets about it. Then the child develops a fear of both the potty and defecation, which can result in mental encopresis and a host of gastrointestinal diseases.


As a rule, it goes away by the age of five, and no special treatment is required. You just need to follow a daily routine, don’t drink a lot of fluids at night, and be sure to empty your bladder before going to bed. Enuresis can also be caused by neurosis due to stressful situations, and traumatic factors for the child should be excluded.

Bedwetting is a major concern in adolescents and adults. Sometimes in such cases there is an anomaly in the development of the bladder, and, alas, there is no treatment for this, except for the use of an enuresis alarm.

Often mental disorders are perceived as a person’s character and they are blamed for things of which, in fact, they are innocent. The inability to live in society, the inability to adapt to everyone is condemned, and the person turns out to be alone with his misfortune. The list of the most common ailments does not cover even a hundredth part of mental disorders, and in each specific case, symptoms and behavior may vary. If you are worried about the condition of a loved one, you should not let the situation take its course. If a problem interferes with your life, then it needs to be solved together with a specialist.

Mental disorders

By 2020, diseases that are associated with mental disorders will appear in the top five diseases that lead to disability. This data is provided by the World Health Organization. According to recent studies, alarming symptoms worry every third resident of Russia.

Mental disorders occur for a number of reasons. These are external factors, heredity and genetic predisposition, although all the reasons are still not known to science.

Anything that disables the nervous system ultimately becomes the basis for the development of mental illnesses. Mental disorders occur for no apparent reason, and after stress, overwork, contact with toxic substances, consumption of alcohol and psychoactive substances.

Often, hereditary mental illnesses manifest themselves in childhood. Main symptoms:

  • developmental delay
  • excessive emotionality
  • severe reactions to harsh remarks and adverse events
  • inappropriate behavior

Other mental health problems become noticeable during adolescence. For example, signs of schizophrenia. Deviations that are associated with genetic predisposition also make themselves known early.

Mental illnesses are treatable. In our magazine, experienced psychiatrists and psychotherapists write about all the phenomena of psychiatry: about the clinical picture, diagnosis and methods that can return you to normal life. Who else to trust in such a serious matter if not competent and experienced doctors?

Doctors use clinical and laboratory methods to diagnose diseases. At the first stage, psychiatrists talk with the person and observe his behavior. There are laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods - Neurotest and Neurophysiological test system.

Special medications can combat the disease. Experts prescribe antidepressants, tranquilizers, nootropics, and antipsychotics. Individual, group, family and gestalt therapy are also considered effective methods of rehabilitation.


There are different approaches to dividing mental illness into types. Main types of mental disorders:

  1. Mood disorders - depression, bipolar disorder
  2. Neuroses - anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, neurasthenia
  3. Schizophrenia and related diseases, various psychoses
  4. Addictions - eating disorders, dependence on psychotropic substances

What mental illnesses there are are described in detail in the ICD, tenth revision. They are divided into 11 blocks.

The first group of classification includes mental complications after diseases and brain injuries and serious illnesses such as stroke. They are called organic mental disorders. This group includes symptomatic mental health problems (due to infections, cancer). Codes F00 - F09.

The next group (F10 - F19) describes diseases that are caused by substance abuse and addiction. We are talking about alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances. This group includes dependence and withdrawal syndromes.

Class with codes F20 - F29 characterizes schizophrenia, schizopytic and delusional disorders. They are characterized by distorted perception, which manifests itself in the form of hallucinations, and distorted thinking - the patient experiences delusional statements and ideas.

Mood disorders (also called affective) are indicated by codes F30 - F39. Their peculiarity is a change in emotions towards pessimistic views, anxiety and apathy towards everything. The opposite state is also possible, when a person’s mood is elevated without reason, to the point of carelessness and euphoria.

The class of neurotic conditions is associated with various kinds of phobias and anxiety states. Disorders that are associated with obsessive thoughts, constant discomfort and pain in the heart, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and autonomic systems (psychosomatic disorders) are separately described. Codes F40 - F49.

Group F50 - F59 indicates a clinical picture of behavioral disorders. These include problems with eating, sleeping, sexual dysfunction and others.

Under codes F60 - F69, several types of mental personality disorders are distinguished. This category is united by a common feature - a person’s behavior constantly leads to conflicts with others, or vice versa, a person becomes dependent on other people:

  • emotionally unstable (explosive) personality disorder
  • schizoid
  • paranoid
  • dependent
  • alarming
  • dissocial (sociopathy)

Forms of mental retardation - from mild to profound - are described by class F70 - F79. Signs include mental retardation or incompleteness. Mental retardation occurs due to irreversible damage to the central nervous system during pregnancy or childbirth.

Problems with speech, coordination, and motor functions indicate mental development disorders, which are designated F80 - F89.

The penultimate group F90 - F98 characterizes emotional and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents, and the next one contains all unspecified mental health problems.

Popular mental disorders

The number of cases of mental illness worries doctors around the world. As noted by practicing psychotherapists and psychiatrists, depression and phobias are the main mental illnesses.

Depression is a common medical finding. Any depressive disorder (even the mildest) is dangerous due to decreased performance up to disability and suicidal thoughts.

Mental illnesses that are associated with a feeling of fear make up a huge list. A person is capable of panic fear not only of the dark, heights or confined spaces. He feels fear when he sees:

  • animals, insects
  • crowds of people, public speaking, afraid of getting into an awkward situation in public
  • cars, metro, ground public transport

Here we are not talking about fear as a sense of self-preservation. People with this disorder are afraid of things that do not pose a real threat to their health or life.

Major mental illnesses are also associated with sleep disturbances, eating problems, and alcohol and substance abuse.

Eating disorders are anorexia and bulimia. With anorexia, a person brings himself to a state where he is unable to eat normally, and the sight of food disgusts him. With bulimia, a person does not control the amount of food eaten, does not experience the taste of food and does not feel full. After breakdowns (overeating), repentance comes, which is reinforced by attempts to quickly remove food from the body. The person begins to provoke vomiting, drinks laxatives and diuretics.

In our magazine, the experts are practicing doctors - psychotherapists and psychiatrists. The articles describe the clinical picture of various syndromes and diseases, diagnosis and methods of restoring health.

Our psyche is a rather subtle and complex system. Experts classify it as a form of a person’s active reflection of objective reality, which arises during an individual’s interaction with the outside world and regulates his behavior and activities. Quite often, doctors have to deal with pathological deviations from the normal state, which they call mental disorders. There are many mental disorders, but some are more common. Let's talk about what a human mental disorder is in a little more detail, discuss the symptoms, treatment, types and causes of such health problems.

Causes of mental disorders

Mental disorders can be explained by a variety of factors, which can generally be divided into exogenous and endogenous. The first are external factors, for example, the intake of dangerous toxic substances, viral illnesses and traumatic injuries. And internal causes are represented by chromosomal mutations, hereditary and genetic diseases, as well as mental development disorders.

An individual’s resistance to mental disorders is determined by both specific physical characteristics and the general development of the psyche. After all, different subjects react differently to mental anguish and various kinds of problems.

Typical causes of mental disorders include neuroses, neurasthenia, depressive states, aggressive exposure to chemical or toxic elements, as well as traumatic head injuries and hereditary factors.

Mental disorders - symptoms

There are a number of different symptoms that can be experienced with mental disorders. They most often manifest themselves as psychological discomfort and disturbances in activity in various areas. Patients with such problems experience a variety of physical and emotional symptoms, and cognitive and perceptual impairments may also occur. For example, a person may feel unhappy or extremely happy, regardless of the seriousness of the events that occurred, and he may also experience failures in building logical relationships.

Classic manifestations of mental disorders include excessive fatigue, rapid and unexpected changes in mood, insufficiently adequate reaction to events, and spatial and temporal disorientation. Also, specialists are faced with a violation of perception in their patients; they may not have an adequate attitude towards their own condition, abnormal reactions (or lack of adequate reactions), fear, confusion (sometimes hallucinations) are observed. A fairly common symptom of mental disorders is anxiety, problems with sleep, falling asleep and waking up.

Sometimes mental health problems are accompanied by the appearance of obsessions, delusions of persecution and various phobias. Such disorders often lead to the development of depressive states, which can be interrupted by frantic emotional outbursts aimed at fulfilling some incredible plans.

Many mental disorders are accompanied by disorders of self-awareness, which make themselves felt by confusion, depersonalization and derealization. People with such problems often have weakened memory (and sometimes completely absent), paramnesia and disturbances in the thought process.

Delusion, which can be either primary, sensory or affective, is considered a frequent accompaniment of mental disorders.

Sometimes mental disorders manifest themselves as problems with eating - overeating, which can cause obesity, or, conversely, refusal to eat. Alcohol abuse is common. Many patients with such problems suffer from sexual dysfunction. They also often look sloppy and may even refuse hygiene procedures.

Types of mental disorders

There are quite a few classifications of mental disorders. We will consider only one of them. It includes conditions provoked by various organic diseases of the brain - injuries, strokes and systemic diseases.

Also, doctors separately consider persistent or drug use.

In addition, one can distinguish disorders of psychological development (debut in early childhood) and disturbances of activity, concentration and hyperkinetic disorders (usually recorded in children or adolescents).

Mental disorder - treatment

Therapy for problems of this kind is carried out under the supervision of a psychotherapist and other specialized specialists, while the doctor takes into account not only the diagnosis, but also the patient’s condition and other existing health problems.

So, quite often, specialists use sedatives that have a pronounced calming effect. Tranquilizers can also be used; they effectively reduce anxiety and relieve emotional tension. Such drugs also reduce muscle tone and have a mild hypnotic effect. The most common tranquilizers are Chlordiazepoxide, and.

Mental disorders are also treated using antipsychotics. These drugs are considered the most popular for such diseases; they are good at reducing mental agitation, reducing psychomotor activity, reducing aggressiveness and suppressing emotional tension. Popular drugs in this group are Propazine, Pimozide, and Flupenthixol.

Antidepressants are used to treat patients with complete depression of thoughts and feelings, with a severe decrease in mood. Such medications can increase the pain threshold, improve mood, relieve apathy and lethargy; they normalize sleep and appetite quite well, and also increase mental activity. Qualified psychotherapists often use Pyritinol and as antidepressants.

Treatment of mental disorders can also be carried out with the help of mood stabilizers, which are designed to regulate inappropriate manifestations of emotions and have anticonvulsant effectiveness. Such medications are often used for bipolar disorder. These include, etc.

Nootropics are considered the safest medications for the treatment of mental disorders, which have a positive effect on cognitive processes, enhance memory and increase the resistance of the nervous system to various stresses. The drugs of choice are usually Aminalon.

In addition, correctional psychotherapy is indicated for patients with mental disorders. They will benefit from hypnotic techniques, suggestions, and sometimes NLP methods. Mastering the autogenic training technique plays an important role; in addition, you cannot do without the support of your relatives.

Mental disorders - traditional treatment

Traditional medicine experts claim that some herbal and improvised medicines may well help eliminate mental disorders. But they can be used only after consultation with the doctor.

Thus, traditional medicines can be an excellent alternative to some sedative medications. For example, to eliminate nervous excitement, irritability and insomnia, healers advise mixing three parts of crushed valerian root, the same amount of peppermint leaves and four parts of clover. Brew a tablespoon of this raw material with a glass of just boiled water. Infuse the medicine for twenty minutes, then strain and squeeze out the plant material. Take the prepared infusion half a glass twice a day and immediately before bed.

Also, for irritability of the nervous system, insomnia and nervous agitation, you can mix two parts of valerian roots with three parts of chamomile flowers and three parts of cumin seeds. Brew and take this remedy in the same way as in the previous recipe.

You can cope with insomnia with a simple infusion based on hops. Pour a couple of tablespoons of crushed cones of this plant with half a liter of cool, pre-boiled water. Leave for five to seven hours, then strain and drink a tablespoon three or four times a day.

Another excellent sedative is oregano. Brew a couple of tablespoons of this herb with half a liter of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, then strain and take half a glass three or four times a day immediately before meals. This medicine perfectly eliminates sleep problems.

Some traditional medicines can be used to treat depression. So, taking a medicine based on chicory root gives a good effect. Brew twenty grams of this crushed raw material with a glass of boiling water. Boil the product over low heat for ten minutes, then strain. Take the prepared decoction one tablespoon five to six times a day.

If depression is accompanied by severe loss of energy, prepare a medicine based on rosemary. Brew twenty grams of crushed leaves of such a plant with one glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for fifteen to twenty minutes. Cool the finished medicine and then strain. Take half a teaspoon half an hour before meals.

Taking an infusion based on common knotweed also has a remarkable effect on depression. Brew a couple of tablespoons of this herb with half a liter of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, then strain. Take small portions throughout the day.

Mental disorders are quite serious conditions that require close attention and adequate correction under the supervision of specialists. The advisability of using folk remedies should also be discussed with your doctor.


A mental disorder can be diagnosed by one specialist or by a group of psychiatrists if one doctor finds it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. Initially, a conversation is held with the patient, on the basis of which a mental disorder cannot be diagnosed. Only in case of pronounced violations and deviations in behavior, one conversation is enough.

In addition, an electroencephalogram of the brain may be prescribed and several diagnostic tests may be performed. The test can contain up to 200-300 questions, which the patient must answer independently.

At the same time, the patient himself may feel quite comfortable and be completely unaware that he is sick, which is why it is so important to listen to relatives, who most often initiate a visit to a psychiatrist.

The presence of visual, auditory, and tactile hallucinations is a direct confirmation of a mental illness, which can be short-term in nature and caused by taking large amounts of alcoholic beverages, narcotic or psychotropic substances. Often, a mental disorder occurs due to industrial poisons, toxic substances, after exposure to radiation on the body, due to cerebral and psychotraumatic factors - all this refers to exogenous disorders and is temporary.

Endogenous mental disorders have internal factors of occurrence, for example, associated with gene diseases, chromosomal disorders, and hereditary predisposition. This mental disorder is difficult to treat and can accompany a person throughout his life with short periods of remission, when enlightenment occurs, and periodic exacerbations.

Mental illnesses are divided into schizophrenia, mania, bipolar disorder, neuroses, psychoses, panic attacks, paranoia. In turn, each disorder is further divided into several types. If the doctor cannot accurately make a diagnosis, it is permissible to indicate that the etiology of the mental disorder has not been identified. Depending on the patient’s condition, treatment is carried out on an outpatient or inpatient basis.