Big money in a dream for what. The collapse of plans, unsuccessful investments

Dreams, especially bright and colorful ones, enable a person to lift the veil of the future. To make the interpretation more accurate, try to remember as many details of your dream as possible. Of particular interest are dreams about money. Everyone wants to know what they mean, and everyone hopes for a good omen.

Why dream of paper money

Dreams about paper money for the most part carry a good sign. So, if you see banknotes in your hands, then soon expect a pleasant offer. If you give away money, for example, pay a bill with paper money, then you should really be more careful and not share your ideas with colleagues. Some of them will definitely try to pass off your work as their own.

Fake paper money in yours warns you of impending deception and vain labors. If you present someone with a gift in the form of paper money, then in life you will soon be rewarded according to your merits. If you buy something for banknotes, then this is evidence of recognition of your success. You can successfully solve any problem.

If there is a lot of paper money in your dream, then it brings financial troubles and problems. But according to other sources, this dream speaks of the imminent fulfillment of your secret desires. A dream in which you receive a lot of paper money in the form of a win means that Fortune favors you and success in your endeavors awaits you. A dream about a large amount in your wallet is also favorable - it indicates an imminent improvement in affairs. But a dream about crumpled banknotes speaks of the appearance of a deceiver in your life or of imminent conflicts with colleagues.

Why dream big money

According to Miller's dream book, large denomination banknotes promise a change in life. Moreover, the significance of these changes directly depends on the denomination of the banknote. Even if these changes occur with obstacles or difficulties, the completion of affairs will still be joyful. If you simply count big money, then such a dream portends you financial well-being. This is a very good sign that promises success.

According to Loff, dreams about big money speak of your life energy. Therefore, a large denomination of banknotes speaks of your great potential. You will be able to improve not only the financial side of life, but also safely conduct business in all other areas.

Of great importance is what happens in a dream with money. If you receive them from a person who is pleasant to you, then the dream speaks only of good things. But if you lose a significant amount of money in a dream, then in real life you are behaving too wastefully. If in a dream you are doing charity work, then in life you feel a great need to help other people.

Why dream that they gave money

Basically, receiving money is interpreted positively. But there are some nuances here. So, Mr. Miller argues that such a dream carries a good sign only in the case of a significant amount. Otherwise, receiving small bills warns of troubles and disappointments.

If you receive money as a gift from someone in a dream, then this marks success in legal matters or receiving a profitable offer in the future. If you dreamed that you were lent money, then in reality you will receive more than you could expect in reality. But at the same time, you will feel uncomfortable. If in a dream you managed to repay a debt, then you will soon recover.

Why dream of finding money

If you find money, then most dream books interpret this sign positively. Pleasant chores will await you, changes in life for the better, many sources promise wealth.

According to Loff's dream book, finding a large amount of money should not make you euphoric from success. On the contrary, you must keep a sober mind and be attentive to commercial transactions - it is likely that the power of the money found can work against you.

If you have found your money that you lost before, then you are waiting for an improvement in life at the behest of some pleasant changes. Your emotional state at the moment of finding money is very important. If you rejoice too much, then the dream will be empty. It’s good if you have an even mood in a dream. This means that in reality a good profit will await you.

Why dream of a wallet with money

A dreamed wallet filled with money in reality portends a good future for you. You will be able to competently resolve conflict issues and organize your life. If in a dream you experienced pleasant emotions associated with this wallet, then in reality you will soon be given everything you want. The fullness of the wallet also matters. The plumper it is, the more money you will have in life. If your wallet is filled with bills, then you can expect a profit from your talents.

If there were a lot of coins in your wallet, then you will expand your social circle. Many of the new acquaintances will turn out to be pleasant people and contribute to your future success.

Why dream of money with coins

Coins seen in a dream do not always portend something positive in life. Of great importance is the metal from which they are minted. If you saw gold coins in a dream, then this is a good sign. You will soon be given a valuable gift or you will make a big profit. But coins made of copper do not carry anything good. They portend hard work, which, however, will be rewarded.

Old money, which is no longer used, portends valuable experience. You need to properly manage the acquired knowledge. Favorable dreams in which you give away a trifle. They prophesy you success in a complex undertaking. It is also good to collect small coins from the ground. This dream speaks of your luck in a small business.

Why dream of fake money

Dreams about counterfeit money can have different meanings. What matters is what happens to these fakes. So, if you found this fake money, then in reality your work will be fruitless. You should pay attention to your financial affairs. It is likely that costs will skyrocket.

If you come across a counterfeit bill, then you may be scammed. But if you caught a counterfeiter, then in reality you will find prosperity in the material matter. If you yourself make fakes, then in real life you will do anything to achieve your goal. If you just watch the process of making counterfeit bills, then soon you will be deceived. You need to be careful and attentive so as not to become his victim.

Why dream of a dead man giving money

The appearance of a dead person in a dream should always be regarded as a warning. Usually they appear in order to help a living person in something or to suggest something. A dream in which a dead person gives you money portends the beginning of positive changes, a series of good luck, success that will lead to wealth.

You should not be afraid of such a meeting, on the contrary, ask the deceased if you can give you money. If he fulfills your request, then you will be lucky.

If this dead person was in reality your close relative or friend, then regard such a dream as help. If the deceased was an unfamiliar person to you, then his appearance should be taken as a warning sign. You should be careful in business matters.

Dreamed money personifies well-being and happiness. Therefore, such a dream is most often favorable. But not always. Why dream of a lot of money? Let's try to understand the meaning of a pleasant, monetary night vision.

Try to remember the smallest details of the dream plot. How much money have you seen? Large bills, small bills or coins? Russian rubles, American dollars or other currency? Did people surround you? What did you do with money in a dream? The more details you remember, the more accurately you can interpret the dream.

Why dream of counting money?

If you dream that you not only see, but also count the bills, the meanings may be as follows:

  • The more bills, the better everything will turn out in your life.. If this is a huge amount - expect great prosperity. And not only in financial matters, but also in personal ones. Of course, happiness will not fall from the sky - fate will send a chance that you will need to use. Follow the signs and don't miss your luck!
  • In a dream, you suddenly become a millionaire? Starting to count the money that has fallen on you? This dream is a sign that you dream of getting rich without effort. The ultimate dream is winning the lottery or finding a treasure. Think about it - it doesn't happen. If you want to become a rich person - work hard
  • Are you counting banknotes, but you can’t find out their exact number? Such a dream portends minor changes in financial well-being. They will be positive - you will receive an award or an expensive gift, you may win the lottery
  • If around you, while you are counting bills, there are many people who are closely watching your actions you are the leader in life. Your opinion is authoritative for many, they listen to it. You are a role model for your own children and an ideal man for your wife.
  • If in a dream a stranger gives you a lot of money, in real life, expect the return of old debts. This will happen unexpectedly - the money will return after a few years. Most likely, you forgot to think about these debts
  • If there are a lot of people around you who count money, in life you are a good organizer. You can easily organize any number of people into a single system that will work like clockwork. Think about working in a leadership position - this is your calling

There are practically no unfavorable meanings for "money" sleep. But what matters is the state of mind you live in. If money for you is just a means to achieve life plans, fine. If money is a goal in itself, there is a risk that the favorable meaning of sleep will not come true, you are too obsessed with greed.

Why dream of different banknotes?

The interpretation of sleep also depends on what kind of money you dreamed about. Paper or metal, dollars or euros, perhaps it was some kind of rare currency. Try to remember.

And the values ​​can be:

  • If you dreamed of a huge amount of paper money large denomination banknotes, this is a good sign. But with reservations! In the near future, minor problems in the material sphere await you, but you will solve them by increasing your capital several times
  • Are all the money in a dream big coins? Expect tremendous life changes. Perhaps in the near future you will meet a person who will drastically affect your life. It could be a future husband, an employer or a good friend.
  • If in a dream you see a large amount of money in precious coins, but you cannot approach them, touch them. This means that you need to carefully monitor all financial affairs in the near future. Do not commit spontaneous actions, do not lend money, keep banknotes in a safe or other safe place
  • If bills in a dream are paper, expect financially attractive job offers. Possible career growth. Perhaps a new profitable partner or a major client will appear. Don't miss the chance
  • The meaning of sleep with paper money can be unfavorable if you dreamed it on the weekend.. Then you should expect an early quarrel, a family scandal, or even parting with a loved one. Try not to provoke scandals yourself and do not fall for the provocations of loved ones, then the conflict will be avoided
  • If in a dream you give someone a lot of money, be careful. Large financial losses await you. This will not be your fault - ill-wishers will try

Try to remember dreams "from" and "to" in order to make the most accurate interpretation.

Money has always been an indicator of economic stability. But what does the money that appears in a dream mean? Alas, they are not always removed for financial benefits. And the exact interpretation of a dream often depends on its details.

For example, it has long been believed that a lot depends on what kind of money you dreamed about - if paper - then to joy and fun, to see a trifle in a dream means tears.

And why dream big money? According to the logic of things - to something good. But modern interpretations of dreams take a slightly different approach. In any case, when you see money in a dream, expect changes in your life, but whether they will be negative or positive, you need to figure it out.

Big money - Denise Lynn's dream book

If you suddenly found a lot of money in a dream, wait for your financial situation to improve - there will be an opportunity to earn extra money, you will be offered a new, more promising and highly paid position, and perhaps someone is preparing an expensive gift for you. Seeing a large amount of money in a dream, pay attention to your financial condition and do not plan big purchases in the near future.

Why dream big money in a dream according to the Mayan dream book

The Mayan sages gave two meanings to money that appears in a dream.

  • Positive value

If the money was in your hands, then you may be offered to take part in a new profitable project. In order not to miss such a chance, it is recommended to find a bill of any currency, the last three digits of which are the same. Always carry this bill with you in your pocket or purse for at least a week.

  • negative value

If you parted with money in a dream (lost, paid for a purchase, lent it to someone), then soon your friend or work colleague will want to use your ideas and developments. In order to protect yourself, draw a rhombus, square, circle, trapezoid and triangle on the nails of your left hand at night. There is no need to wash off the images, let them disappear on their own over time.

Big money in a dream according to Aesop's dream book

And why dream of big money according to Aesop's dream book? If in a dream someone takes out a large amount of money from your wallet, beware of competitors. This means that in your subconscious mind you do not want to spend money, and you think that you have been offered an unsuccessful business that will bring only losses instead of income.

To see a lot of paper money that a dog sniffs, but cannot identify a trace from, means to have hopes that the illegal actions of you and your environment will remain undetected. But keep in mind that a dream indicates to you that at this moment you are faced with the choice of a quiet life or big risky money.

Seeing in a dream an unfamiliar person who does not want to repay your debt indicates that soon you will meet a person whom you have not seen for quite a long time and have only positive emotions for him. Perhaps your family will be visited by a distant relative whom you have not met before.

Old Russian dream books agree that big money is dreaming of some kind of news (pleasant and not very pleasant). We wish you only pleasant dreams and only positive emotions in real life.

Banknotes have more weight both in real life and in dreams. Dreams where paper money appears should be taken more carefully than dreams with a trifle. They reveal important issues and significant upcoming events. Why dream of paper money not for businessmen planning millions of transactions, but for ordinary people?

It all depends on the development of the action in a dream. Different situations report profit or loss, deceit or a smile of fate.

Receiving or finding banknotes in a dream is a very good sign. He speaks of the dreamer's stable financial position and warns him of large profits. High-denomination money in a neat thick bundle predicts the appearance of windfall profits. Perhaps Forbes will be replenished with a new name who saw such a dream.

However, exchanging a bill, paying for purchases with it, or losing money in night dreams will lead to losses and unpleasant problems in reality. The same applies to counterfeit money, which the dreamer initially mistook for genuine.

How to avoid the negative consequences of sleep and win fortune to your side? A person should be attentive to money matters and even avoid doubtful situations in dreams.

Interpretations of sleep in different dream books

Various sources interpret dreams with banknotes diametrically opposed. The same situations can serve both as harbingers of enrichment and losses. The meaning of a dream should be sought from clairvoyants or scientists whose observations and interpretations have not failed before.

According to Freud

The erotic dream book of Sigmund Freud explained the appearance of money in a dream by projecting the sexual energy of the sleeping person into the dreams. Spending money represents raging passions, and receiving money represents a lack of love and intimate relationships in reality. Not a very good dream with the loss of banknotes. He speaks of a decline in vital energy and a lack of sexual desire.

If the dreamer is given earnings, he is in search of a new partner or has already found an attractive object and is trying to charm him. Paper money accidentally falling on a person in a dream promises him love joys and joy.

According to Miller

Why dream of paper money in accordance with the interpretations of the psychologist Gustav Miller? Any situation where the sleeper somehow releases a bill from his hands (whether it be a payment or its loss) portends trouble at work and quarrels in the family.

A more dangerous dream shows the counterfeiting of paper money, which can actually lead to accusations of dishonesty. A similar result in the future threatens with the waste of other people's funds in a dream.

A more favorable vision with a found bundle of banknotes. Very soon a person will forget about past failures and become successful. The best option would be to hide the find and not spend it, then real wealth will fall on the sleeper.

If another person claims money, someone will interfere with plans to improve their financial situation.

The sleeper, having a lot of money in a dream and counting it several times, in reality has exhausted the possibilities to increase income. He needs to come up with new ways to make money.

The dream book of Evgeny Tsvetkov is compiled on the basis of several sources. His interpretation of dreams often differs from the most famous analogues. The symbol of paper money means inevitable changes, unfortunately, not always favorable. But the loss of banknotes will turn out to be a profitable acquisition and profit for the dreamer in reality.

According to Vanga

The great soothsayer did not consider money evil, but treated their image in dreams with distrust. Torn banknotes symbolize the lack of prospects for increasing incomes. Most likely, the one who sees the dream expects poverty or even the plunder of the family hearth.

It is much better to share money with someone. A banknote stretched out in a dream to the needy will repeatedly return to the waking sleeper. He will find an investor to realize his ideas.

Finding banknotes is a dream of revealing a conspiracy against the sleeping man, started by his colleagues or acquaintances. Usually in a dream, someone who is actually kind and generous to people receives paper money. Recounting bills, on the contrary, demonstrates the pettiness of nature.

By Maneghetti

The interpreter of dreams, Maneghetti, interpreted a dream with money, especially large ones, as an indicator of the sleeper's excessive self-interest. He is ready for money for any deeds, even for meanness, but he does not have the desired state.

Only by rethinking life attitudes, the dreamer will be able to achieve material independence.

According to Loff

Pastor Loff believed that a dream with the energy of money can almost completely repeat itself in reality. If the sleeper helps someone and gives him banknotes, he will probably be asked for a loan.

The loss of money demonstrates a person's passion for expensive purchases and unnecessary spending. Receiving a decent amount from someone promises the support of friends in starting a business or closing a deal.

Features of money in dreams

Paper money in dreams is more significant than coins, and large denomination banknotes will bring more serious consequences to the plots seen in night dreams.

Large bills

A person holding large clean bills in his hands expects material wealth and recognition. Happiness is not far off. The dreamer will be successful in business and earn more than he expected.

Why else dream of big money? Another interpretation of sleep is the birth of a baby or victory in a lawsuit if the sleeper received a pack of banknotes. Those found promise marriage and a luxurious wedding. Nervous, new banknotes, which the dreamer will have in a dream, will contribute to the fulfillment of wonderful plans.


Fake paper money mixed with coins will lead to quarrels and misunderstandings with loved ones in real life. They report a betrayal of a loved one, insincere manifestations of feelings, or intrigues against the dreamer.

Forged banknotes in currency warn of the negative impact of acquaintances on the business or any other undertakings of the sleeper. You need to be more careful and deprive them of a chance to harm.

Antique banknotes reveal the dreamy nature of the dreamer, which often leads to self-deception and illusory hopes for future prosperity. It's time to get down to earth and start working hard.

In rare cases, the appearance of counterfeit money is dreamed of before a slight malaise.

Torn, soiled

Torn banknotes appear before the collapse of love or hope. The sleeper's plans will be violated, and he will face misunderstanding of others and losses due to improper conduct of business. Also, crumpled dirty money can warn of a meeting with scammers.

Situations and actions in a dream

The best way to increase wealth is to keep paper money after receiving it with a sense of pleasure. If the banknotes are ill-gotten or held in shame, losses and hard times are coming.

Receive money

Paying an advance for work in a dream will lead to an addition to the family. A decrease in wages promises the dreamer triumph over enemies, and its increase, on the contrary, does not promise positive forecasts for the future.

Getting money most often marks a profit and a change for the better, but at the same time a lot of new worries. If the money is transferred under a letter of credit, good news awaits the dreamer.

If money was fraudulently lured in a dream, it is likely that in reality a person who remembers such a dream will be robbed. The exchange of a large bill for a trifle speaks of wastefulness and a deterioration in the financial situation. Losses will happen through the fault of the sleeper himself.

Buying goods or paying for services with paper money also portends losses and expenses.

Find banknotes

Finding banknotes and looking at them in a dream means an ongoing struggle for financial well-being, which does not allow the dreamer to relax even at night. In a way, he's right. The situation in which he finds himself requires control and effort from him. Perhaps his expenses exceed his cash receipts.

In many dream books, the money found portends joyful events of great importance for the dreamer. This is a wedding, the appearance of a baby in the family, winning the lottery or receiving an unexpected significant amount.

Borrow amount

Those who have borrowed counterfeit banknotes in reality are worried and upset for no reason. You should once again think about the situation and consult with friends, then harmony will be restored. Another interpretation is the image of prosperity in front of others, although things are not going well. The sleeper worries about his failures and feels humiliated.

If in reality the sleeper gave someone money and in a dream the person refuses to return the amount, it will take a long time to wait. The one who asks for a loan in a dream and was refused by the dreamer will try to borrow money in reality, but he will not give it back.

When the dreamer asks for a loan and immediately receives the required amount, in reality he should also hope for a transfer or an expensive gift.

To count money

If a bundle of money is tied with a bank ribbon, they are new and crispy, you can be sure of prosperity in the near future. However, you should not just wait for it, you need to take steps to improve the standard of living, because the right time has come for this.

If the sleeper detects a shortage, there is a possibility of errors or lack of money for payments. Another recount of crumpled and dirty bills means regrets about the wrong actions that led to difficulties.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

  1. A Tuesday dream is usually filled with information about future accomplishments on the path to wealth. Receiving a pack of banknotes gives hope for a quick profit. Sharing or spending funds in a dream should be avoided in every possible way.
  2. Dreams for Wednesday tell about household chores and affairs related to relatives. If the money received in a dream is claimed, it is the intervention of loved ones that should be avoided when making serious decisions.
  3. Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday promise promotion and an increase in salary when a person finds or receives bills. He does not have to worry about the future, it will turn out well.
  4. Friday dreams can come true. Any operations with money should be remembered and not repeat the mistakes made in a dream. This applies to the transfer of the amount in debt or the acquisition of counterfeit banknotes.
  5. Saturday night reveals information about the material world. Any actions in a dream related to gaining money in reality will lead to positive changes.
  6. Dreams from Saturday to Sunday show how best to spend profits. If the sleeper organizes a new business, he should think about it in reality. He will quickly become successful.
  7. A dream from Sunday to Monday demonstrates the dreamer's experiences related to money. A long, confusing plot means financial problems. A short positive dream speaks of the ability to earn money by choosing the best way.


We live in the material world, and money in it is a tool for obtaining the necessary things, the opportunity to have fun and travel. Their energy is great, and in a dream money often appears not figuratively, but literally, denoting the dreamer's financial condition.

It’s not worth getting hung up on money, but it’s also wrong to treat it lightly. They come to the one who reasonably conducts business, saves and competently disposes of the funds received. A good income will allow you to feel freedom of action and independence from people and circumstances.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions that charge with positive and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I'm interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate a new hobby or just give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about the beautiful, then it will come true!

Seeing large bills of money in a dream. Find out why you dream of Seeing large bills of money in a dream | Sonnicus

Dream Interpretation "jenskie-shtu4ki"

Moneyindream- it's a dream dream book Miller explains as follows. For example, when coins fall into your hands, then in reality you should be prepared for a little trouble. However, given dream shows that very soon your life will improve. dream portends an increase in the standard of living in general and the financial situation in the family in particular, it is possible if one of its members seesindreamlargebills.

Dream Interpretation "fb"

Think largebills- also to very good real changes. So, the answer to the question, why dream large paper money, depends on how they dreamed. However dreams, connected with money- one of the few that can be interpreted almost unambiguously. Thus, the obtained indreammoney may portend the birth of a baby or winning in court. Found bills- to an early marriage or successful career results. In general, this is positive dream predicting prosperity.

Dream Interpretation "listname"

dream interpretationBanknotes what are you dreaming of Banknotes. dream interpretation XXI century. Seeindream trifle - to the unforeseen monetary expenses, pennies - to tears, copper money- to deceit and empty chores, gold - to profit, silver - to a quarrel. Take indreammoney- to troubles, to give - to expenses, to carry in your pocket - to changes in life, to exchange large- to a decrease in income, count - to trouble, pick up - to large good luck. Seeindream foreign money(currency) - means that in reality you will find wealth and success, fake ...

help and support. ; will probably share with you something very necessary for you ; recognize your merit ; People who give you paper money in your hands in a dream approve and support you.

bring something valuable to them (from the non-material) into their lives. ; providing them with help and support from you ; recognize their merit ; People to whom you yourself voluntarily give paper money in a dream will probably have approval from you, you will think well of them.
If you repay a debt with money in a dream - you will probably repay someone "good for good" in the form of help, support, approval.

If you receive paper money in a dream, find money - you will probably acquire or do something very valuable spiritually for yourself, which will bring you joy.

in reality there will be a search for something important for you from the non-material world. ; Look for paper money in a dream - you will seek approval, try to think correctly, look for the right option in relation to some of your business

Your good deeds are “already adding up”, the good will return very soon, keep up the good work. ; If you add up money in a dream - this is probably a reflection of the positive thoughts and good deeds you have accumulated in reality, which will help you a lot in the future.

Having decided on what kind of money you saw, remember what exactly you were doing. Sometimes, depending on whether you took money or, on the contrary, gave it away, the meaning of a dream about money can change. Be attentive to the details of sleep:

Counting banknotes in a dream is a great prosperity. If banknotes were stolen from you - to ruin, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book

A lot of paper money in large bills - to the fulfillment of desires, a good sign.

Large bills are a reflection of your ambitions.

If you saw in a dream how a dog sniffing a wad of money is looking for their owner, get ready for the fact that you will have to say goodbye to a quiet life. However, it all depends on you. Whether to decide on an adventure or stay within the law? The consequences of the adventure depend on how successful the search for the dog will be. If the dog finds a trail, then the illegal case will be solved.

The great soothsayer Vanga gave her interpretation of dreams about money. She talked about how money symbolizes evil. H a person who sees money in a dream needs to be extremely careful. You can not take other people's things found on the street, even very valuable ones. It is through valuable things thrown up that unkind people send damage. According to Vanga, dreaming about money indicates that someone wishes you harm and dreams of settling scores with you.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation Why do banknotes dream, Money is evidence that one of those around you is preparing a great evil against you. Do not take other people's things, even if they lie unattended in a remote place, because it is through them that unclean people send damage to good people, believers. If you dreamed that you were receiving money, then the people around you see you as a generous, kind person who is always ready to help in difficult moments of life. Seeing torn money in a dream is a bad omen. Torn money symbolizes poverty, hunger and robbery. Perhaps in the future you will lose all your savings as a result of a robbery attack on your house. If in a dream you counted money, then in real life you are a very petty person. You need to reconsider your attitude to money, because it will never replace human relationships. Stretching money to someone in a dream - soon you will need a lot of money to successfully complete the work you have begun. Dream interpretation of medium Hasse Get - high costs; fake to have - to lose an inheritance; to see a lot of money - unexpected wealth; count a lot of money - you will earn; to lose - you will not be able to work; issue - keep in mind the high costs; to give loans - anxiety and trouble; make money transactions - family growth. Esoteric dream book Seeing Money in a dream is a trifle for financial losses. Paper bills will be deceived if you lend them, you will lose if you put them in the bank. Get your money before it's too late! Vintage for gifts. Persian dream book Taflisi

But stealing large sums of money dreams of trouble. Just like spending other people's money in a dream. This is a warning about the possibility of a quarrel or even a complete cessation of communication with one of your close friends. But small money and coins have other interpretations. So, scattered coins mean minor troubles and problems. Often coins are associated with tears. To receive money from someone - perhaps the birth of a child or a successful outcome of the court, or another important decision. Large bills are associated with a fast long journey. Perhaps for a business purpose, a long-distance business trip, or even a job move. Handing out money is a good sign, it means that a person will always give his relatives and friends the necessary support, and they can be sure of him in any situation. It can also promise wealth, gain or inheritance that unexpectedly fell on a person.

In Zadkiel's dream book, paper money is to pay for something in a dream, a sign that in real life you are a successful and purposeful person who is able to complete any, even the most difficult business.

The dream in which you received cash actually promises the birth of a baby or the successful completion of litigation. In general, such a dream is very favorable; finding money also portends good luck or fabulous success.

Small coins are usually dreamed of by a person who, in reality, spends time on unnecessary fruitless affairs. It would be better to reconsider your attitude to time, and do something else that can bring visible results. Disappointment awaits your loved ones if you open your wallet in a dream, and instead of large bills, you find a lot of little things there. When in a dream you are going to buy something, and at the same time counting the little things that you lack, then expect success in the financial sector. This dream indicates that you know how to properly distribute money. Serve a trifle to the poor in a dream - very soon a person will appear in your circle, whom you will help, without demanding anything in return. You will not like to fulfill the duties assigned to you if you lost a change in a dream. Despite this, it is the fulfillment of these duties that will earn you the trust of an influential person.