Is it possible to use rehydron for children 2 years old? The use of rehydron for children with vomiting

Various digestive ailments are very common in young children. For example, as soon as you eat something fatty or fried and wash it down with cold water, your stomach immediately begins to ache, and then nausea begins, and maybe vomiting. Or the child’s body may react sharply to a not entirely fresh salad or cheburek. Severe diarrhea can be caused by an intestinal infection.

When a child complains for a long time about abdominal pain and says that he is feeling sick, pay attention to this; perhaps these are the first manifestations of an intestinal disorder. But what to do if the child is already vomiting and keeps running to the toilet? Your most important task is to avoid dehydration! This condition is extremely dangerous for the life and health of the child. This is not difficult to do, just give your baby plenty of fluids.

The best option for this very drink is a drink containing salts and glucose (with diarrhea, beneficial microelements are washed out of the body). It could be weak black or green non-sweet tea, raisin compote, or, in the end, just water with salt and sugar. There are also special medications that help normalize the water-salt balance. For example, rehydron. It contains sodium chloride (table salt), potassium chloride, sodium citrate and glucose. These substances are able to quickly restore the electrolyte balance in the body.

Can a child be given rehydron?

Before giving Rehydron to a child, it is better to consult a doctor, since Rehydron powder is now available in dosages for adults. For children, analogues of the drug are produced, with a reduced content of active substances and various flavoring additives.

How to take rehydron for children?

If you still decide to give regular rehydron, then for children it is recommended to reduce the dosage. Typically, you need to dilute the sachet in a liter of boiled, chilled water. And you, to reduce the concentration, increase the amount of water. The prepared solution can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. But it is worth noting that any drink will be better absorbed if its temperature is close to body temperature, that is, about 37°C. Regidron is no exception, so before use you should warm it up and then give it to your child.

How much rehydron should I give my child?

For nausea and vomiting, it is enough for children to drink a few sips of rehydron 10 minutes after each attack of vomiting. If you have diarrhea, in the first hours you need to drink as much of the drug as possible. Ideally, it is better to weigh the child, and for every 100 grams lost, drink twice as much, that is, 200 grams of liquid.

Children under one year old can also be given rehydron. In this case, it is enough to give the baby one teaspoon every 10 minutes. And so on for 4-6 hours.

A few more tips on using rehydron. If your child is still small, and you know for sure that it will be difficult to give him a liter of medicine in a day, and also, Since it should be stored in the refrigerator, you will have to constantly heat it, there is a very simple way out of this situation: dilute the powder with water in parts. To maintain the proportions, pour the contents of the sachet onto a plate and divide it into two parts with a knife, here is a half-liter portion, two more - a 250-milliliter portion.

Remember that if the child does not get better, diarrhea and vomiting occur more than 5 times a day - this is a reason to consult a doctor. Also, if you see any unusual symptoms, watery stool mixed with blood, or an increase in temperature above 39 degrees, without wasting time, go to the hospital to clarify the diagnosis.

Regidron is one of the medicines that must be in your home medicine cabinet. The drug is used to restore water and electrolyte balance in case of large fluid loss. This is an over-the-counter drug and can be purchased without any problems at any pharmacy. In this article I will tell you when and how to use the drug to get the effect of its use, as well as its preparation at home in case of emergency.

The drug is available in powder form for the preparation of an aqueous solution. One sachet of powder contains

Dextrose is a simple sugar often called glucose. Regidron is available for sale in 4 and 20 sachets per package.

pharmachologic effect

The main purpose of use is to restore water and mineral balance as a result of severe dehydration of the body. The action of the drug is aimed at restoring electrolyte imbalance, and dextrose promotes the absorption of salt ions and corrects metabolic acidosis.

Indications for use

Regidron is a simple and very effective remedy for the prevention and treatment of dehydration in the case of intractable diarrhea and vomiting that occurs with certain infectious diseases.

However, not everyone knows that its use is sometimes necessary, as emergency aid, and in other cases when

  • there is increased sweating associated with thermal or physical stress, sunstroke and overheating;
  • for injuries with bleeding and changes in blood pH;
  • in cases of burns and;
  • at elevated temperatures;
  • with toxicosis of pregnant women, when women vomit more than 4 times a day;
  • in case of poisoning;
  • for allergies.


Despite the fact that Regidron can be used by children and pregnant women, the drug has contraindications.

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Severe dehydration (dehydration);
  • Hemodynamic shock;
  • Uncontrollable vomiting;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Loss of consciousness, coma;
  • Glucose-galactose malabsorption associated with impaired absorption of simple carbohydrates in the intestine.

special instructions

  1. Considering the composition of the drug, the drug should be used with extreme caution in case of impaired liver or kidney function in patients, or in patients with diabetes mellitus. And also for those who adhere to a salt-free diet.
  2. For children, it is recommended to use a saline solution with a lower sodium content.
  3. In case of severe dehydration, when body weight is >10% and urine production stops, dehydration is carried out by intravenous infusion of solutions, only after this can Regidron be used.
  4. The use of Regidron does not affect the ability to drive, or engage in activities that require increased concentration and reaction.
  5. Gastrointestinal distress itself may alter the absorption of other drugs from the small and large intestine, and this should be taken into account when using other drugs.

How to use Regidron

The contents of the bag are dissolved in 1 liter of water at room temperature, and the solution is allowed to cool. The prepared solution is stored in a household refrigerator for 24 hours and used during this time. It is not recommended to add anything else to the solution so as not to disrupt the effect of the medicine. Before using the drug, you should weigh yourself to assess weight loss and degree of dehydration. This is especially true for young children.

The medicine begins to be used as soon as intense vomiting or diarrhea begins. The course of treatment is 3-4 days and is stopped after the symptoms disappear. Drink up to 10 ml per 1 kg of body weight per hour; if the drug is taken too quickly, vomiting may occur. Rehydron is taken after each loose stool. And after an attack of vomiting, drink the solution slowly in small sips after 10 minutes.

After the phenomena of dehydration decrease, the dose of the solution is also reduced to 5 ml per 1 kg of weight. The solution is drunk in small sips to eliminate the gag reflex, and the medicine has time to be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Infants are given the solution from a teaspoon.

Eating should not be stopped during treatment. But it should be light and easily digestible food in small quantities. They also do not stop breastfeeding.


Overdose (hyperkalemia) can occur if a more concentrated solution is prepared, or in case of a larger volume of use. This is expressed in the form of weakness, increased neuromuscular excitability, and drowsiness. A high degree of dehydration leads to confusion, coma and respiratory arrest.

In cases where the patient experiences the symptoms described below while taking Regidron, it is necessary to consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

  • Increased temperature over 39ºС,
  • Loose stools with blood, or not stopping for 2 days,
  • Uncontrollable vomiting
  • Severe pain in the abdominal area,
  • Drowsiness, stupor, slow speech.

The drug Regidron can be replaced with other drugs with a similar therapeutic effect.

  • Enterosgel,
  • Hydrovit forte,
  • Trihydron,
  • Citraglucosolan,
  • Reosolan,
  • Trisol.

These products differ in a slight difference in the content of active substances (salts). The principle of preparing solutions is identical to Regidron, but it should still be diluted according to the instructions for use. In the absence of drugs and severe intoxication, you can prepare the solution yourself at home.

How to prepare Regidron at home

The product can be bought at a pharmacy. But there are times when a person needs emergency help, but the treasured drug is not at hand. Then the usual ingredients that every housewife has in her kitchen will come to the rescue.

Required Ingredients

  • table salt – 1 tsp,
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.,
  • baking soda – 1 tsp,
  • drinking water – 1 liter.

Preparation of the solution

To prepare the solution, boil water and add the listed ingredients to it. Allow to cool to room temperature and the solution is ready for use.

How to use Regidron for children

Regidron should be given to young children only after consultation with a doctor (at an appointment; in exceptional cases, the doctor can give recommendations over the phone). What is important for parents to know?

  1. The solution is prepared in the following ratio: a packet of Regidron per 1 liter of water. A solution is prepared for infants - 1 sachet of powder per 1.5 liters of water. To completely dissolve the powder, the solution is stirred until all the grains are dissolved. Absolutely nothing should be added to the solution to improve its taste;
  2. In case of indomitable vomiting, you must first wait out the attack of vomiting, and after 5-10 minutes, drip the solution from a pipette into the oral cavity;
  3. The drug should be started with a small amount of solution to determine the child’s response to the medicine;
  4. 1 teaspoon corresponds to 5-10 ml of solution;
  5. If the baby stubbornly refuses the medicine, then it can be poured into the mouth behind the cheek using a syringe (without a needle!).

Dosage of the drug for children

The dosage of the medicine depends on the child’s weight. According to the instructions for use, the child’s body weight loss due to dehydration is calculated and multiplied by 2. The resulting number is equal to the amount of solution required for administration in the first 10 hours.

  • Up to 5 kg – it will be 350 ml,
  • 6-10 kg – 420-500 ml,
  • With a weight of 11-20 kg - 520 -700 ml,
  • And then for every 5 kg of weight add 50 ml.

Regardless of the cause of vomiting or diarrhea in newborns and infants, treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting. They become dehydrated very quickly. Therefore, if these symptoms appear, call an ambulance immediately.

Use of Regidron for poisoning

Poisoning can occur in any of us: from infants to elderly people. You can be poisoned by low-quality products that have expired, alcohol substitutes, etc.

Food poisoning

In case of poisoning with low-quality products, vomiting usually comes to the fore, which occurs 2-3 hours after eating the product. Vomiting is sometimes indomitable, with the appearance of petechiae in the eye and neck area. Such symptoms require immediate dehydration.

In infectious diseases, vomiting is always accompanied by profuse diarrhea and fever. Uncontrollable vomiting and frequent loose stools very quickly lead to dehydration. This condition is especially dangerous for infants, as they quickly lose body weight. If treatment is not started in time, dehydration occurs quickly, and the child may simply die.

Therefore, without wasting time, you need to quickly dilute the powder or prepare it yourself.

Regidron for alcohol intoxication

May occur in cases of overuse. Alcohol intoxication is facilitated by the production of substances that interfere with the normal functioning of all organs and systems. Drinking beer in large quantities is no less dangerous. Since beer has a diuretic effect, dehydration occurs quickly. In addition, it also leads to disruption of the functioning of the body as a whole.

Using Regidron for alcohol intoxication, very quickly

  • all harmful substances are removed from the body,
  • consciousness is restored,
  • blood pressure is normalized,
  • headache, dizziness disappears,
  • nausea and vomiting stops,
  • aversion to different smells disappears,
  • appetite increases.

Dear readers, in this article you learned why Regidron, like , should always be in your home medicine cabinet.

Regidron is an effective remedy against dehydration of the body for various problems. The drug is approved for use in children, but subject to a certain dosage.

This product, proven over the years, quickly restores the electrolyte balance in the body and prevents the leaching of beneficial microelements and salts. Correct use of Regidron for nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting in children prevents the development of dangerous complications.

Composition and release form

The drug contains the following components:

  • potassium chloride, sodium;
  • sodium citrate;
  • glucose.

The absence of ingredients that irritate the mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract allows the solution to be used even in small children and during pregnancy.

Rehydron is a powder that quickly dissolves in water. White crystals are packaged in bags.

Effect on the body

The medicinal solution has a positive effect on the body’s condition with dangerous symptoms:

  • the drug prevents fluid loss due to intestinal infections, diarrhea, vomiting;
  • the drug restores the water-salt balance, stops the leaching of potassium and sodium.

Indications for use

  • irritable bowel syndrome, dysbiosis;
  • diarrhea of ​​various etiologies, accompanied by mild to moderate dehydration;
  • heatstroke, overheating of the child;
  • poisoning, intoxication with various substances;
  • intestinal infections;
  • Excessive sweating during high physical activity.

Note! In case of severe diarrhea and uncontrollable vomiting, Regidron alone is not enough. The child will need urgent hospitalization to avoid severe dehydration. Most often, a dangerous condition develops in children due to intestinal infections.


The drug contains safe components, but before use, parents are required to take into account contraindications. Not all children are suitable for an effective remedy.

Restrictions on use:

  • diabetes;
  • pathologies of the liver, kidneys;
  • suspicion of intestinal obstruction;
  • Blood pressure readings dropped sharply;
  • the child is unconscious.

Possible side effects

Did your child develop negative symptoms while taking the solution? Stop feeding the little patient and contact your pediatrician to clarify the diagnosis.

Do not hesitate to visit a doctor or call an ambulance if the following signs appear:

  • impurities of blood are noticeable in the stool;
  • exhaustion develops, the child weakens before our eyes;
  • diarrhea lasts more than a day or suddenly stops, but acute pain is felt in the abdomen;
  • The temperature rises to 38.5–39 degrees.

Is the drug allowed in children?

The increased sodium content causes many doctors to refuse to prescribe a drug that has an adult dosage. But parents, out of habit, give diluted powder, trusting a proven remedy.

How to proceed? If you don’t have an anti-dehydration drug at home designed specifically for children, use Regidron. Sometimes the situation is such that there is no time to go out for medicine, but Regidron is in most home medicine cabinets.

Take note:

  • dilute the powder taking into account the child’s weight, do not add water “by eye”;
  • Give a medicinal solution without delay if your son or daughter has gone to the toilet several times in a short period of time;
  • the addition of vomiting clearly requires the use of a drug that maintains water-salt balance;
  • Is this not the first time that uncontrollable vomiting has been repeated? Does diarrhea get worse over several hours? Call an ambulance: delay can threaten the life and health of children, especially small ones.

Instructions for use and dosage

How to take Regidron? Read the package insert carefully: violating the dosage is unacceptable, especially in young children. Be sure to weigh your baby: per kilogram of body weight in the first 10 hours of use, it is allowed to give no more than 50 ml of Regidron powder. Gradually reduce the dosage, bring it to 10 ml.

The smaller the child, the more water you add per sachet. The standard dosage is a sachet of powder per liter of boiled water.


  • dilute the bag in a liter (or larger volume) of lukewarm boiled water;
  • Stir the powder well until the crystals are completely dissolved;
  • use according to instructions for a specific symptom;
  • keep unused liquid at a temperature of +2…+6 degrees;
  • The prepared solution cannot be stored for longer than a day.

Take note:

  • When feeding a small patient for several hours, a problem arises: parents do not know what to do with a large volume of the drug. It is impossible to store the diluted powder at room temperature; it is also inconvenient to take the liquid out of the refrigerator and heat it every time;
  • The solution is simple: dilute half the sachet, then use the rest of the product. A simple trick will help you avoid making mistakes in the dosage: pour the contents onto a plate and divide into two equal parts. For the first time, take one part of the powder; if the negative symptoms do not go away, dilute the second half of Regidron.

For nausea

How to use Regidron for poisoning and nausea:

  • how to dilute Regidron? Dilute the drug according to the instructions;
  • Give your child a tablespoon of water every 10–15 minutes;
  • Monitor the condition of your son or daughter, check whether the nausea goes away (if age allows);
  • If the unpleasant symptoms disappear, stop using the drug.

Unfortunately, in most cases, nausea results in vomiting. How to give Regidron in this case? Read the next paragraph.

When vomiting

The procedure for using Regidron for children with vomiting:

  • continue to give the solution in small portions, 10–15 minutes after the next attack of vomiting;
  • determine the duration of therapy as symptoms develop or subside;
  • If nausea and vomiting continue for more than an hour, the child becomes weak, lethargic, facial features become sharpened, or diarrhea appears, call an ambulance. Surely this is not mild food poisoning, but a severe intestinal infection.

For diarrhea


  • With diarrhea, a small patient loses a lot of fluid. Often the situation is complicated by vomiting. How to drink Regidron?;
  • it is important to give Regidron in an amount twice the weight loss during the first hours;
  • Constantly weigh your son or daughter, regardless of age (there should be scales in any home where there is a child). You will quickly notice how much weight is required to produce the correct volume of treatment solution;
  • if you lose 200 g, give 400 ml of Regidron solution, if 300 g are lost, you will need 600 ml of the drug, and so on;
  • For children under 1 year old, give a teaspoon of the composition to maintain water-salt balance. The optimal frequency is every 10 minutes for 4–6 hours;
  • additional intake of other types of liquid is not required;
  • for mild diarrhea, the maximum amount of medicinal solution per day is up to 50 ml per kilogram of weight. For severe diarrhea, the amount of solution is increased to 100 ml;
  • Be careful if your baby is losing weight quickly. Give your child a drink according to the plan. If the condition does not improve, contact an ambulance;
  • remember: Regidron does not eliminate diarrhea, it only prevents dehydration. For diarrhea, doctors prescribe Enterol or Enterofuril, a gentle diet, rice water, and unsweetened tea.


Estimated price of Regidron for restoring water and electrolyte balance:

  • one sachet – 20 rubles;
  • paired sachets/a+b/powder for solution No. 5 – 150 rubles;
  • pack of 20 sachets – 370–410 rubles.

Analogues of the drug

On sale it is easy to find analogs of Regidron with a similar effect:

  • Ringer's solution.
  • Hlosol.
  • Neohemodesis.
  • Trisol.
  • Hydrovit.

This is a hydrating drug that is available in a convenient packaged form, weighing 18.9 g. This medicinal product is diluted with water and is used to replenish lost fluids and electrolytes in the body during diarrhea and vomiting. It has been proven in practice that such a hypoosmolar solution is more effective and helps prevent hypernatremia.

The drug contains sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium citrate and glucose, which supports metabolic acidosis.

The finished solution has an osmolarity of 260 mOsm/L. This figure is slightly lower than WHO recommends if rehydration therapy is necessary, and the potassium content in the rehydron solution will be higher than that of standard solutions. The acidity level of the medium is pH 8.2.

Regidron should be taken by children and adults if conditions with water-electrolyte imbalance are observed.

Simply put, this drug should be taken when acidosis needs to be corrected.

Indicative for use:

  • in case of threat of dehydration of the human body due to diarrhea;
  • when desalting the human body to a level of chlorides in the urine of about 2 g/l;
  • due to heat damage.

This medicine is used for preventive purposes in case of intense physical activity, which is accompanied by heavy sweating. A clear indication is weight loss, where within 60 minutes you “go away” about 750 grams, or 4 kg throughout the entire working day.

As a result of gastrointestinal infections, the human body can lose fluid catastrophically quickly. Vomiting and diarrhea pose a clear threat to the child’s body, so measures should be taken immediately to restore the balance of salts and fluids.

The following symptoms should signal an urgent visit to a doctor:

  • the appearance of loose stools with bloody impurities;
  • temperature rise above 39 °C;
  • sleepy and lethargic state;
  • lack of urination;
  • vomiting and diarrhea more than 5 times a day;
  • acute pain in the abdominal area.

Contraindications to taking the drug

The instructions for use of this medicine warn that you should not use Regidron if you have diabetes mellitus and the following conditions:

  • kidney dysfunction;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • cholera diarrhea;
  • high potassium content in the body;
  • high blood pressure;
  • intestinal obstruction.

If you know how to dilute rehydron correctly and follow the recommendations, then you may never encounter side effects.

Only hypersensitive adults and children may be harmed by taking this medicine.

Once you make sure that your kidneys are working normally, you can safely. In order not to provoke vomiting, it is recommended to consume the prepared solution in small portions.

Instructions for use

Before we describe how to dilute Regidron for adults, we will indicate important information - the prepared solution can be used as needed at any time of the day, without regard to food intake.

Preparation of the solution

To prepare the medicinal solution, you will need boiled water, cooled to a temperature of 35−40°C.

To find out how to dilute rehydron for a 1-year-old child, you need to read the instructions in the instructions, which state that 1 sachet requires 1 liter of boiled and cooled water.

If the child is younger, then before dissolving the powder, the volume of water must be increased by 1.5–2 times.

Due to the fact that the manufacturer slightly increased the sodium dosage in the drug, for pediatric therapy the recommended composition of the solution (1 packet/1 liter of water) should be changed and made less concentrated. This is easy to do by adding more boiled water to the already prepared solution.

For adults, you can purchase a larger volume of the drug 11.95 g. which will require 0.5 liters of water. The most common sachets are 18.9 g, which are diluted in 1.0 liters of water.

Taking medication

The conditions for taking the drug for preventive purposes change - 2 times more volume of water is used than under therapy conditions.

Parents should be warned that sweeteners (sugar, honey) should not be added to the prepared solution, so as not to change the composition of the drug and reduce its effectiveness.

There are analogue drugs that have the same pharmaceutical effects, but they contain less sodium and are flavored for children.

The medicinal liquid is given to children 10 minutes after vomiting in small portions so as not to provoke a new attack.

Good parents should be interested not only in how to dilute Regidron in a glass of water, but also in what volume it should be given to the baby.

You should know what time interval should be maintained between doses.

The child needs to take the medicinal solution in small portions (1 tsp) after each loose stool.

The instructions contain a warning about cooking using a liquid other than boiled (cooled) water.

To ensure a competent and effective approach to therapy, it is necessary to weigh the child at the onset of the disease.

If the baby was breastfed at the time of illness, he is not weaned. And if he refused food, then feeding can be resumed immediately after dehydration. Older children are provided with a gentle diet, low in simple carbohydrates and fat.

The treatment process in children lasts until diarrhea disappears and normal stools return to normal. On average, this takes 3-4 days.

In the early stages of the disease (4-6 hours), newborn children should be given a medicinal solution of 5-10 ml every 10 minutes.

Older children should be especially careful about treatment during the first 10 hours.

The average dosage of the solution is 2 tbsp. spoons per 1 kg of child’s weight. When the situation begins to normalize and the risk of dehydration begins to subside, the dose can be reduced to 10 ml per 1 kg of baby’s weight.

If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, then it is better to give the prepared solution slightly cooled so as not to provoke an attack of nausea.

Parents should know how long diluted rehydron is stored. The prepared composition can be used throughout the day (if stored in the refrigerator).

Drug overdose

Hypernatremia has the following symptoms: drowsiness, weakness, coma, nervous agitation, respiratory arrest, fog.

As soon as pronounced symptoms appear, Regidron therapy is stopped.

Although no specific studies have been conducted on the interaction of this drug with other medications, it is recommended to avoid complex treatment. It should also be taken into account that Regidron is characterized by a slightly alkaline reaction, which can affect the acidity of the intestine and the process of absorption from it.

Regidron is a glucose-salt powder designed to restore water and electrolyte balance in the human body. The product is effective for uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea, which is dangerous due to dehydration. The constituent components of the crystals are sodium and potassium chlorides, dextrose and sodium citrate. The compounds regulate acidity and osmotic reactions, correct the acid-base balance and create the energy conditions necessary for the course of metabolic processes.

At what age are they treated with Regidron?

Some time ago, doctors without a doubt prescribed antiemetic powder to newborns and pregnant women - it was considered so safe. However, careful research has revealed a high sodium content, which in excess quantities is dangerous for the body of a small child.

At what age can Regidron be used for children? The manufacturer assures that treatment with the powder can be carried out from the first days of life when prescribed by a pediatrician. Infants are treated with Regidron with caution if it is not possible to replace the medication with an analogue.

If for any reason sodium powder is not suitable for a particular child, drugs of similar action are prescribed instead:

  • Quintasol;
  • Polysorb;
  • Gastrolit;
  • Trihydron;
  • Enterodesis;
  • Sorbilact;
  • Reosolan;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Humana Electrolyte;
  • Ringer's solution;
  • Hydrovit Forte;
  • Reosorbilact, etc.

The drug Regidron Bio deserves special attention. It contains beneficial lactobacilli and the prebiotic maltodextrin, thanks to which the medicine replenishes lost fluid and maintains normal intestinal microflora. All of these drugs can be given to children under one year of age, older children, teenagers and adults.

Rehydron: indications for drug therapy

The main indication for the use of Regidron powder is its instructions for intestinal disorders that occur with prolonged diarrhea. If diarrhea is combined with vomiting, dehydration occurs more quickly. This should not be allowed, since the loss of even a tenth of the fluid poses a danger to the child’s body.

The use of Regidron for children of different ages will be advisable in the following cases:

  1. state of intestinal infection;
  2. overheating of the child with profuse sweating;
  3. with vomiting associated with poisoning and other intoxications;
  4. for dysbiosis and irritable bowel syndrome;
  5. with diarrhea of ​​any origin, causing mild to moderate fluid loss;
  6. taking excessive physical exertion, causing increased sweating.

Contraindications to the use of the antiemetic drug are the unconscious state of the child, renal failure, choleric diarrhea, intestinal obstruction and intolerance to the components of the drug.

A side effect of taking Regidron is vomiting if the solution is drunk too quickly. It is recommended to consume the medicinal drink gradually, in small sips and cool.

How to prepare the solution

Treatment of a child with Regidron for intoxication begins at home. To dilute the powder, take 1 liter of chilled boiled water and pour the contents of one sachet of the drug into a container with it. The solution is prepared differently by pouring warm water over the crystals and allowing the solution to cool. Very young children can dissolve the powder with plenty of water.

The patient should drink the resulting liquid in small sips after each liquid bowel movement or vomiting. The average dosage for a child is equal to 2 - 3 tbsp. l. solution for every kilogram of weight. In the first 10 hours of rehydration, children are recommended to take the drug in an amount of 30–60 ml/kg (the dose is determined by the doctor taking into account the degree of dehydration). As you feel better, the volume of medication is reduced to 10 ml/kg.

When vomiting, Regidron is given to newborns and toddlers during the first 4–6 hours at a dosage of 5–10 ml with an interval of 7–10 minutes. It is better to feed children with a cooled solution, since a warm drug can cause nausea and a new gag reflex.

Special instructions for using Regidron

Rehydration powder helps quickly, but the instructions for its use allow stopping therapy only after the diarrhea has persistently ended. You should not give your child sodium liquid for more than 3–4 days.

If therapy is unsuccessful, parents should discuss further measures with their doctor. The following symptoms require immediate hospitalization of the baby:

  • absence or decreased frequency of urination;
  • vomiting and diarrhea occur more than 5 p.m. per day;
  • body temperature reaches 39°C and exceeds it;
  • the baby complains of acute pain in the peritoneal area;
  • the stool is watery, and bloody impurities are visible in the masses;
  • the child looks strange: lethargic, exhausted, sleepy, lethargic, pale, inactive.

Parents should also be aware that an overdose of Regidron worsens the condition of the child’s body. Excess sodium and potassium provokes arrhythmia, severe weakness, drowsiness, distortion of consciousness and cessation of breathing. If a child suffers from kidney pathologies, his breathing may become faster and muscle activity may decrease. The presence of these symptoms requires discontinuation of Regidron and contacting a clinic.