Fasting day on watermelon (recipes). Everything you need to know about fasting day on watermelon

With the help of a fasting day, it is unlikely that you will be able to lose kilos if they have been gained over many weeks, months, or even years. They are intended to a greater extent to cleanse the body, but no one excludes their unambiguous benefits for your body.

Nutritionists strongly recommend having a fasting day once or twice a week, especially when a low-calorie diet does not help. These days speed up metabolism, stimulate the consumption of fats from your body accumulated over time, and help remove waste and toxins.

Fasting days perform three main tasks. The main task is to give the body a break, a break from the excess food entering your body every day. Next, your body needs to get rid of that huge amount food that you impose on him, which entered him earlier, during previous meals, to remove toxins (by the way, it would be nice to use other cleansing measures along with fasting days). And the last task is to henceforth accustom you to rational nutrition not radical, but more in gentle ways, teach your stomach not to accept everything that comes into it, but to be more picky about the incoming food.

Fasting day on kefir.
One of the most healthy products, which helps relieve the body, is kefir. If you tolerate it well, if you love fruits and vegetables, then you can easily arrange a kefir-vegetable-fruit fasting day (such a day can be arranged twice a week, but not more often). In this case, you only need to use low-fat kefir, vegetables and fruits. For a day, take one and a half to two liters of kefir, and as many vegetables and fruits as you need so as not to feel hungry, that is, without restrictions. During the day, kefir with fruits will be best accepted by the body, and in the evening, kefir with vegetables. It is very good to break your meals into parts, five times a day is the most suitable mode, and at each meal, eat different vegetables and fruits, such a mini-separate meal, and before going to bed perfect combination There will be kefir with light fruits.

Fasting day on watermelon.
As for the watermelon fasting day, it belongs to the category of mono-diets, that is, a monocomponent (one-component) diet. The rules for observing it are simple; it is usually observed for no more than three days, due to the scarcity of the diet. You are allowed to eat watermelon, watermelon again and only watermelon! You are allowed to drink only non-carbonated mineral water or green tea without sugar. The diet should be stopped immediately as soon as you feel unwell.

At the end of the diet, you should not attack everything you see; at first, eat only vegetables, fruits and complex carbohydrates, because your body and stomach are unaccustomed to heavy food. Don’t eat anything sweet or fatty, and have the same watermelon for dinner, so you’ll smoothly get off the diet.

Fasting day on the water.
A water fasting day is very suitable not only for people who dream of losing weight, but also for those whose weight suits them completely, but who simply want to give their body a break. The most important rule of this day is that it should be a joy, and if not a joy, then at least not a burden. Must have before following it positive attitude, because it is precisely this mood that creates the beginning positive result which you are aiming for. This type of fasting day good way check whether you have self-control and endurance.

Many people believe that your body wears out when you fast. However, this is not so; on the contrary, the cells of the body begin to grow and renew themselves faster, which leads to rapid renewal of the tissues of the major organs of the body.

Fasting day with tea.
Very effective means is a fasting day on tea with milk. After all, tea is healthy in itself, everyone knows this, but milk is the main source of calcium and protein, in addition, it has other equally important useful substances and vitamins.

To prepare this tea, you need to pour one tablespoon of black leaf tea into a thermos and fill it with one liter of hot milk. Let it brew for forty minutes and it is fashionable to consume it in any form - hot or cold. You can consume only this infusion all day. You can carry out such a fasting day only once a week, but after just one month you will irrevocably get rid of five kilograms excess weight.

Fasting day on apples.
While following this fasting day, you can only eat apples and drinking water. It is very good to carry it out in cases where you just want to improve your well-being and improve your health, if the day before you pleased your stomach with a bunch of too high-calorie foods, and now you want to compensate for their excess, get rid of two hundred grams of excess fat.

To carry out this fasting day, you will need to consume about one and a half kilograms of apples per day, and a third of them should be baked, because baked apples contain more pectins. It is good to divide all the apples into five or six meals throughout the day. In addition to apples, you need to consume liquid in large quantities.

It is good to spend these fasting days four (up to six) times a month. You can plan for this day several months in advance, or you can do it right away as soon as you exceed the calorie limit.

Fasting day on buckwheat.
You are allowed to eat no more than one and a half kilograms of buckwheat per day; you can use water and kefir as a drink. Days on buckwheat alone have a beneficial effect on your skin, they reduce allergic reactions and there are no contraindications for their use.

But you should remember that buckwheat itself cleanses the intestines quite well, and if you wash it down with kefir, it’s a total hurricane mixture. That's why you shouldn't leave your home on this day, otherwise you risk being caught by surprise. Although this is not necessary, it depends on the characteristics of the body.


Diets and healthy eating 27.09.2014

Dear readers, I invite you to a conversation about fasting day on watermelon. Perhaps someone overindulged in something while on vacation and now wants to get in shape. For some, this problem is acute not only when they have gained an extra couple of kilograms, or even more. Therefore, I hasten to offer you a type of fasting day that will delight you with taste and will be a symbolic farewell to the past summer. Let's get slimmer, look younger, and enjoy the taste with a fasting day on watermelon.

By the way, I will say that I am not a supporter of strict diets. Diets still fail. But to find a middle ground, to eat a little, often, in small portions and arrange periodic fasting days for ourselves - I think we can do this.

On the blog we have already talked about, carried out, and lost weight with the help of.

The hero of today's article is a handsome watermelon. Just recently we talked about its benefits. Everything is logical - after all, it was just the season for eating watermelons. But even today, despite the fact that it’s already September outside, watermelons are sold in stores and markets.

So let's make the most of this chance. We talked about the benefits of watermelon for our body in the article. Today we’ll look at this miracle fruit from a dietary point of view.

Fasting day on watermelon. Advantages of application. Useful properties of watermelon for weight loss.

On the blog we have repeatedly talked about fasting days, considering different variants. But, probably, there has never been such a delicious fasting day. Hence the first advantage of unloading on watermelon - deliciousness. It will appeal to those with a sweet tooth, for whom it is most difficult to keep themselves within the confines of any product without sweets.

The second advantage of watermelon is its low calorie content. After all, during a day of watermelon “abstinence” you will consume only 570 kcal.

And finally beneficial features watermelon for our body is the third plus of such a fasting day.

  • The metabolic process is normalized
  • Intestinal motility increases
  • The fiber contained in watermelon helps eliminate cholesterol and benefits the intestinal microflora
  • Folic acid and vitamin C, which are part of watermelon, have an anti-sclerotic effect
  • The body is enriched with vitamins A, B, PP, iron, potassium, magnesium.

Diet or fasting day? How to lose weight with watermelon

I would like to clarify right away that there is a fasting day on watermelon, which lasts a day and the purpose of which is to give the body a rest, cleanse itself, and at the same time slightly adjust the weight. There is also a watermelon diet, which requires a longer period of use - 4-6 days. It can only be tried by those who, as they say, have “iron health,” because when the body is deprived of its traditional nutrients for such a long time, any problems can appear.

Often the watermelon diet is used for about 3 days, after which they simply “leave” it more gradually, gradually adding other foods to the diet. This option is suitable for those who still have their sights set on radical weight loss. For myself, I think that one day completely on watermelon can be an excellent option to unload and just in one day. There is minimal pain and the health benefits are obvious.

Fasting day on watermelon. Rules

So, the rules by which “watermelon unloading” should be carried out.

First of all, let's go for a watermelon. It’s better to do this the day before, so as not to bother yourself with running around on the appointed day, and start the prescribed diet in the morning. We will need a watermelon weighing 6-7 kg. According to the rule of the watermelon diet, for every 10 kg of your weight you need to eat 1 kg of watermelon. That is, if your average weight, after rounding, is 60 kg, then your goal is a six-kilogram green “handsome”. Actually, that's all.

Buying a watermelon and eating a watermelon is all your concern on this fasting day. And this is probably another advantage of the watermelon menu - you don’t need to cook anything. Cut it off and eat to your heart's content. By the way, about pleasure. For ardent adherents of diets who are accustomed to keeping a tight rein on themselves, most likely, a fasting day on watermelon will seem like a fairy tale. Of course, this is not fasting on water, cucumbers, or some other not entirely tasty mono-diet. After all, watermelon is a recognized delicacy, so eating plenty of it all day long is a real pleasure.

Watermelon unloading - easy and smart

But for those who have not previously encountered food restrictions and are turning to fasting days for the first time, this prospect may seem too difficult. Then I will hasten to reassure you.

Firstly, if within watermelon day It will be completely unbearable, you can eat some bread coarse grinding, bran

And secondly, it will be possible to carry out a smooth adaptation to watermelon unloading. To do this, try eating everything you usually eat during this period from morning to 12 noon for two or three days. But from 12 until the end of the day you eat only watermelon. If you feel that it is difficult, then we eat watermelon after the 15th day, and before that time we eat normally, without excesses and fanaticism, naturally. Happened? Then we try only watermelon after 12. And so, if there is a desire and need, we will get to a full fasting day on watermelon.

Fasting day on watermelon. 3 options

Well, so that you have a chance to choose an option for yourself, I give you several recipes. In each of them, the main character is a watermelon. In terms of complexity and, accordingly, effectiveness, they are all different. So we choose for ourselves.

Option one: Fasting day on watermelon “Smooth entry” . I described it a little higher. Adaptation can be done 3 or 4 days before you try to deload by eating one watermelon. This way you can test yourself on the one hand, understand whether you need it on the other, and, finally, smoothly prepare your body for food restrictions without exposing it to the stress of sudden deprivation. Perhaps this type of nutrition for a week will already allow you to achieve the desired result, and overweight they will be “lost” by such adaptations.

Option two: Fasting day on watermelon “Watermelon Plus” . Involves eating watermelon in combination with a piece bran bread, low-fat yogurt or melon. I would like to emphasize that as a “partner” you need to choose one product from those offered. That is, either bread or yogurt. If you love melons, melon is a great option. It will brighten up the monotony of watermelon and give you the opportunity to enjoy another delicious fruit, and it won’t add many calories. If we talk about quantity, then this is 100-150 g of wholemeal bread, 200 ml of low-fat yogurt or 0.5 kg of melon per day watermelon unloading. Melon and watermelon can be alternated throughout the day. But eat bread or yogurt at one time, better not combining it with watermelon and better in the first half of the day.

Option three: Fasting day on watermelon “Watermelon and only watermelon” . The name speaks for itself. We divide the norm indicated above into 6 doses and use it throughout the day. If you take a watermelon weighing 6-7 kg, then excluding the rinds you will get 3-4 kg of pulp. We divide it into equal portions (it will come out somewhere around 350-400 g). It is usually recommended to eat watermelon every 1.5-2 hours. So that the body receives without a long break nutrients, and that the liquid for cleaning the vessels is also supplied regularly. You can drink still mineral water or unsweetened green tea. But, consuming so much watermelon, you most likely will not feel a special need for drinking. Unless you drink at those moments when you want something tasty. As one of my friends, who always practices, said various kinds diets: “Do you want to eat? Drink some water."

Fasting day on watermelon. Reviews and results

One fasting day on watermelon can “deprive” you of 1-1.5 kg. If you manage to stick to a weekly diet, you may lose 4-6 kg. The main thing is not to overdo it. You can unload with a watermelon no more than once a week. And as a way out of the watermelon diet, you can gradually introduce products into your diet, leaving watermelon in the daily menu after the 15th day. This way we will protect the body from “food stress” and ensure that the result in terms of weight loss is reliably consolidated.

Watermelon fasting day. Contraindications and warnings

But for a fasting day, as for any day of restrictions, there are warnings and even contraindications.

You cannot unload on a watermelon:

  1. After any recent illness, when the immune system has not yet had time to fully restore its protective functions and get stronger.
  2. During periods of mental and strength stress.
  3. Those who suffer from diabetes mellitus or cholelithiasis have severe kidney disease, especially during exacerbation.

For a watermelon fasting day, it is better to choose a day off, plan everything in advance and not go on travel, important events, and so on on this day. You need to carry it out at home, monitoring the entire process. Of course, you can go outside for a walk, even for a short time, to run errands. But a business trip to another city or a full-time working day in the office is not your option for such a fasting day.

For the soul, we will listen today Maxim Mrvica – Kolibre I introduced you to an amazing musician. Both Chopin and Bach, all the classics and such modern compositions are subject to his performance. We are filled with positivity and amazing energy. Do not miss. Give yourself new emotions.

I wish everyone health, slimness, joy of life. Don't forget about wisdom. Spend fasting days. I hope that your fasting day on watermelon will be to your liking.

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    27 Mar 2015 at 14:23




    Victoria Kiryanova
    30 Sep 2014 at 10:26


    Tatiana Surkova
    29 Sep 2014 at 21:16


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    29 Sep 2014 at 10:57


    Natalie Bartkova
    28 Sep 2014 at 20:26

Watermelon is an extremely healthy and tasty fruit with which you can cleanse the body, improve health and lose weight. The main benefit of watermelon for weight loss is the ability to do fasting day 1-2 times a week. But you shouldn’t get too carried away and eat only watermelons for weeks.

How to do a fasting day

A fasting day is a day during which a person eats alone certain product. It is recommended to regularly rest the stomach and intestines. After all, overeating explosive mixtures products of different characteristics make our body work for wear and tear. By feeding one type of product into the stomach, he already knows what composition of acid must be isolated to process such food. Therefore, food is perfectly digested, the intestines are cleansed without problems, and the body is saturated with a maximum of vitamins.

What can you do on a fasting day?

Eat different types days of rest for the gastrointestinal tract: on kefir, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, cereals, certain vegetables or fruits. The most useful vitamins from the point of view of saturating the body are vegetables and fruits. They can be practiced in the summer when these products are all fresh and homemade. While eating watermelon all day, you can drink water if you want. You may not even have to do this, because watermelon is a very watery fruit. Listen to your body and act accordingly.

Watermelon day menu

Over the course of a whole day, you can eat up to 2 kilograms of watermelon pulp. In this case, the number of meals should be 5-6.

  • Breakfast: Drink a glass early in the day clean water to cleanse the intestines. After 30 minutes, prepare yourself a glass of watermelon juice.
  • Snack: eat 2 skibs.
  • Lunch: watermelon smoothie: first freeze water for ice, take 150 grams of watermelon, half a glass of ice, a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint. Blend watermelon with mint and lemon in a blender and add ice at the end. If there is not enough sweetness, add a teaspoon of honey.
  • Snack: several slices of watermelon weighing 300 grams.
  • Dinner: watermelon green smoothie: take a bunch of greens: sorrel, parsley, mint, chop the watermelon and beat with a blender. For taste, you can add a little honey and lemon juice.

For a whole day of watermelon nutrition, your body will receive 8 grams of protein, 150 grams of carbohydrates and only 700 calories. At the same time, you don’t have to limit yourself: eat as much berry pulp as you want.

Useful properties of watermelon and contraindications

The favorite August fruit has a diuretic effect, which allows you to flush out harmful deposits from the body. Thanks to the sweet taste, you will feel full and comfortable, as well as good mood. This berry is very low in calories, therefore, by regularly doing watermelon fasting every 4-5 days, you can get rid of extra pounds. Please note that there are some contraindications to the use of the watermelon mono-diet.

What vitamins are in watermelon

95% of the composition of this wonderful berry is water. But water has a completely different structure and with different properties, which brings maximum benefits to the body. The pulp contains fiber, antioxidants, magnesium, iron, potassium, as well as vitamins A, B, C. Watermelon is a fairly carbohydrate fruit with a low protein content. Therefore, the benefits of watermelon for the body are enormous.

Watermelon contraindications

Even pregnant women can benefit from watermelon days. And women who eat a raw food diet can safely eat watermelon in large quantities and at breastfeeding. People who have kidney problems or stones with a diameter of 4 mm or more should be wary of the watermelon mono-diet.

What does a fasting day give?

Fasting days are useful because, when eating the same product, the body allocates less energy to break it down; it is better excreted through the intestines, taking with it toxins and wastes. Exactly medicinal properties watermelon are recommended for those who have problems with the liver, intestines and urinary tract, as well as in cases of uric acid diathesis.

Watermelon fasting day reviews

Tatiana: On this short mono-diet, I dropped my weight from 81.5 to 77 in two days. At the same time, I felt excellent. I am very pleased with the results! You just need to avoid all temptations.
Olga: Today I lost 800 grams, but I did home exercises: push-ups, press, jump rope. I recommend 1-2 watermelon days a week, but be sure to include physical activity!
Lily: Not for the first time on fasting days, but I really liked the watermelon one! When I felt hungry, I did 20 minutes of yoga with the obligatory breathing practices- helps a lot!

According to nutritionists, a fasting day for the body should be arranged at least twice a month. This one-day diet is based on the consumption of only one product. And today we will talk about how to properly practice a fasting day on a watermelon.

Basic Rules

The watermelon mono-diet can be called one of the most pleasant and delicious. It is often chosen by those who cannot deny themselves sweets. This berry, huge in size, perfectly unloads our body and at the same time promotes weight loss.

Is it possible to do a fasting day on watermelon? Of course you can! But no more than once a week and in compliance with certain rules. The fact is that some have misconception about watermelon day and believe that the main product can be consumed in unlimited quantities. But in fact, the volume of juicy pulp consumed per day should be calculated according to following principle: for every 10 kg of body weight, 1 kg of sweet berries. At the same time, you should exclude alcohol and other products from your menu on this day.

If such a fasting day is too much for you, then there is a less stringent option when some additions may be present in the diet, but more on that below.

What will be the result?

In one fasting day on watermelon you can lose from 1 to 1.5 kg of excess weight. If you extend the mono-diet, then, accordingly, more kilograms will be lost - about 2 kg in 3 days. But the main thing here is not to overdo it and be careful, as there is a risk of harming your health.

At the same time, you should exit the one-day mono-diet gradually, gradually introducing familiar foods into your daily menu. This way you can not only protect your body from stress after a fasting watermelon day, but also help consolidate the result.

Pros and cons

Watermelon days are good because:

  • help you get rid of excess weight quite easily and quickly;
  • cleanse the blood of cholesterol and improve its formula;
  • thanks to the large amount of fluid, waste and toxins are removed from the body;
  • watermelon contains a lot of fiber, which cleanses the intestines;
  • This berry also contains vitamins A, B and C, as well as minerals and antioxidants - they nourish our body, provide it with protection and normal functioning.

However, fasting days on watermelon have not only advantages, but also some disadvantages. First of all, this concerns the reason for losing weight - kilograms are lost not due to getting rid of fat deposits, but solely due to loss of fluid. In addition, not everyone is able to spend the whole day on watermelon alone, and the inclusion of other products in the menu reduces the effective indicator. Plus, this mono-diet has a number of contraindications, and therefore a fasting day on watermelon is not always beneficial; in the presence of certain diseases, harm is possible. These include:

  • kidney problems that can become acute;
  • cholelithiasis.

On a note! Even in the absence of these diseases, it is extremely undesirable to practice watermelon day during periods of strength and mental stress, as well as after illnesses, when the immune system Not strong enough yet!

The best time for such unloading is considered to be the end of summer or the beginning of autumn, when the ripening season for watermelons arrives. During this period, you have the opportunity to purchase a ripe product that will not be stuffed harmful substances and thus protect your body from possible problems with health.

How to spend a watermelon day?

First of all, you need to purchase the main product. It is advisable to do this in advance so that you can start your diet in the morning. If your weight is about 60 kg, then in this case a six-kilogram sweet berry will be enough for you. This is where the preparations end, as this product does not require any additional processing.

Only watermelon

Cut the watermelon into slices and enjoy its taste. Throughout the day, you can also drink unlimited quantities of still mineral water, green tea and herbal infusions. Moreover, if you are accustomed to strict diets for weight loss, then fasting days on watermelon may seem too simple.

To make it more convenient, the watermelon should be immediately divided into equal portions. For example, in front of you is a berry weighing 6 kg. Without taking into account the crusts, the weight of the pulp will be about 400 g. It must be divided so that you eat one serving every 1.5-2 hours.

On a note! During a fasting day, our body must regularly receive nutrients. This will allow you to get the best results!

Watermelon days options

But for those who are not used to strict restrictions in food, there are other options:

  • You can add bran to the menu (3 doses of 2 tablespoons each);
  • You can eat 100-150 g of wholemeal bread per day;
  • combine the consumption of the above serving of watermelon with 500 g of melon.

At the same time, remember that additional product can be only one. If you choose bran, then use it in between watermelon servings. At one time, you eat 2 tablespoons of bran and wash it down with a glass of clean water.

If you have chosen whole grain bread, then the permissible 150 g of it should also be divided into portions and consumed 30 minutes before or half an hour after taking a serving of watermelon.

But a fasting day on watermelon and melon will definitely appeal to all lovers of melons. The latter can somewhat dilute the monotony of the main product, provide an opportunity to enjoy its unique taste on a fasting day, and will not add calories.

To make the fasting day easier...

Smooth adaptation can help with this, which should be carried out three days before the watermelon fasting. During the preparatory period from morning until lunch, you can eat foods that are familiar to you. But from about one o'clock in the afternoon, only watermelon should be present in the diet. If in afternoon you will feel severe attack hunger, then consumption of the main product of the mono-diet can be postponed until 15.00. And the next day we try to eat it from 12.00. This way, you can spend a watermelon fasting day much easier.

In addition, it is advisable to schedule it on a weekend. Think through everything in advance and try to exclude the possibility of sudden exits, events, etc. While at home, you will be able to fully control the entire process without unnecessary discomfort, but while at work or for a walk, this will be quite difficult to do.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Periodic daily “meal breaks” make work easier digestive system. Fasting days are spent on rice, kefir, apples, cucumbers, and cottage cheese. But in August-September there is nothing better than spending fasting days on watermelon. It’s tasty, healthy, and easily tolerated.

Useful properties of watermelon

Watermelon is great for unloading the gastrointestinal tract. Due to large quantity It satisfies you quickly and for a long time with water and fiber, and the sweet taste and abundance of juicy pulp turns unloading on watermelon into a pleasure.

The beauty of fasting days on watermelon is the low calorie content of watermelon pulp. It is only 27 kcal. Per day consumption will be only 550-600 calories. Add to this the cleansing properties of melon berries, and you will understand why you can lose up to 3-5 kg ​​of weight in a day. Of course, it will not be fat, but water. But due to the toxins and wastes removed along with it and the removal of puffiness, the weight loss process will accelerate.

The benefits of “watermelon fasting” lie in the benefits that the flesh of the striped berry can bring to the body. She possesses the following properties:

Improves intestinal function, enhancing peristalsis and healing microflora;

Strengthens the immune system;

Enriches the body with vitamins and minerals;

Reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, preventing atherosclerosis;

Normalizes metabolism.

Watermelon contains ascorbic and folic acid, vitamins A and B, magnesium, potassium, iron. Therefore, watermelon day is a really useful and very convenient idea. During the season, the giant berry is inexpensive, does not require preparation - eat, cleanse, lose weight without stress and tension.

Doctors recommend resorting to unloading on watermelons every year in August-September. This recommendation is especially valuable for those who have been diagnosed with gastritis with increased acidity And hypertonic disease. A daily watermelon mono-diet is useful for circulatory disorders, a decrease in hemoglobin, initial stage diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Fasting day rules on watermelon

The task of any fasting day is, first of all, cleansing and relieving the load from the digestive system, liver, pancreas. Weight correction occurs due to the output excess water and slag, but not it is the main purpose of unloading. Still use the watermelon day before important event to freely wear a tight dress, you can.

Fasting days on a watermelon have their own rules.

Buy a suitable fruit the day before so that there is no temptation to disrupt the fasting with the wrong breakfast. A good morning mood will make the mood during the day even, cheerful.

Suitable fruit- This is a medium-sized watermelon that weighs from 6 to 8 kilograms. Calculate the exact weight of the fruit using a simple formula: for every ten kilograms of weight there is a kilogram of watermelon (whole, including the rind).

You can store cut watermelon only in the refrigerator, covered with a film.

During unloading during the day, drink mineral and ordinary drinking water. Tea is acceptable, but without sugar. You should refrain from coffee so as not to disturb the cleanliness of the unloading.

Unloading on watermelons is convenient: there is no need to waste time on cooking. There are three options for watermelon unloading, which will be discussed below. But the maximum “weight loss” result comes from consuming watermelon pulp alone.

Hard version of a fasting day on watermelon

To avoid stretching your stomach, divide the watermelon into six parts and eat throughout the day. Fractional meals will not overload the stomach (watermelon gives a large volume due to its wateriness) and will not provoke a feeling of hunger.

The portions will be quite large - about 400 grams. Eat slowly, enjoyably, every two hours. Thus, during the day, fluid will circulate throughout the body without stagnation, and nutrients will regularly enter the blood.

In the morning next day the scales will show minus a kilogram from the starting weight. If you feel well and are ready to move on, you can continue the strict watermelon fasting. But you cannot sit on such a mono-diet for more than three days. Firstly, it puts a lot of stress on the kidneys. Secondly, the disappearance of the most important macroelements, proteins and fats, from the diet is harmful to the body.

To ensure that the result you achieved during fasting days on watermelon is preserved, secure it. For a week after unloading, eat only watermelon every day: half a kilogram of pulp for every 30 kilograms of weight.

Soft version of unloading on watermelon with cottage cheese

This option is not only softer, but also more complete from a nutritional point of view. Cottage cheese contains a lot of protein, which our muscles need, and contains calcium, which is essential for the human body of any age.

Unloading rules.

During the day, eat 2.5-3 kilograms of watermelon pulp, dividing it into five to six parts.

Complement daily ration 600 grams of low-fat cottage cheese (from 1 to 3 percent fat), also dividing this amount into equal portions.

Eat regularly. There is no strict connection to the time of eating, since each person has his own schedule. But keep the intervals between meals at two hours.

Approximate amount of food for one meal: half a kilo of watermelon and two hundred grams of cottage cheese (the first three meals). In the afternoon, eat only watermelon.

During such unloading, the weight will come off just as well as with the hard version. In the morning the plumb line will be one or two kilograms.

Soft unloading option with bread

The third option involves eating carbohydrates rather than protein along with watermelon. This regime is also very easy to tolerate, there is no feeling of hunger. Psychologically, eating bread means that there is no strict prohibition on food, so you are in a good mood throughout the day.

What you can eat:

Two kilograms of watermelon pulp;

Three pieces of bran or rye bread;

Mineral water without gas;

Green tea without sugar and milk.

During the day you will lose about a kilogram of weight. To prevent it from returning, follow the recommendations for exiting the mode limited nutrition, given for hard watermelon unloading.

Contraindications for “watermelon unloading”

Not everyone can take advantage of watermelon season to cleanse the body and lose weight. This technique is strictly prohibited for pregnant women. The load on their kidneys is already very high, making it worse big amount Diuretic berries are dangerous.

You cannot use the beneficial properties of watermelon in following cases:

Weakening of the body after a serious illness or surgery;

Increased intellectual or physical exercise;


Exacerbation cholelithiasis;

Kidney stones larger than 5 mm in diameter;

Stomach ulcer in the acute stage.

Some people are allergic to watermelons, in particular to lycopene, which is contained in the pulp. In this case, you will also have to give up watermelon unloading.

Everyone else should definitely take the opportunity to give their body a rest during the watermelon season. Even if you don’t need to lose weight, supporting your kidneys, stomach, intestines and liver is very useful.