Unloading day on a watermelon - good or bad? Watermelon unloading rules. Options for a fasting day on a watermelon

Text: Olga Kim

Many nutritionists recommend at least once every two weeks (ideally once a week) to arrange a fasting day for yourself. The essence of this one-day diet is the use of any one product (in this case, watermelon) throughout the day. How is a fasting day on a watermelon?

Unloading day on a watermelon: with the benefit of a sweet tooth

For those who cannot deny themselves sweets, it was just invented unloading day on a watermelon. This method of losing weight helps not only unload the body, but also cleanse it of accumulated toxins, plus everything, this diet is even pleasant and tasty.

Among women there are a huge number of those who love this huge berry - watermelon. But you should not take a fasting day on a watermelon literally and eat it whenever you want and as much as you want. There are certain rules here.

First, let's answer the question, "how much to hang in grams?" There is such a formula that for every 10 kg of your weight you need to eat 1 kg of watermelon. If, for example, your weight is 60 kg, then you will have to eat 6 kg of watermelon. Master? If not, there is a less restrictive watermelon diet. You can not change your main diet and eat the usual food for breakfast and lunch (within reason, of course), but for dinner just eat this same watermelon. You can go to this stage and stay on it for 10 days if you lasted a day on one watermelon. Ideally, a watermelon fasting diet should last three days. After completing the watermelon diet, you can lose 4 to 6 kg of weight.

Unloading day on a watermelon - attention!

With all the effectiveness of a fasting day on a watermelon, there are a number of disadvantages and contraindications. In particular, if you have kidney problems, then a fasting day on watermelon is contraindicated for you, as it can exacerbate the disease.

Also, do not forget that a fasting day on a watermelon is essentially a mono-diet. This means that only watermelon can be eaten and nothing else, otherwise there is simply no point in a fasting day on watermelon.

Of course, today there are various diets on watermelon, in the diet of which it is allowed to include wholemeal bread and other products, then the effect of such a diet will not be as noticeable as with a fasting day on a watermelon.

However, a fasting day on a watermelon has a huge number of advantages. These include, first of all, the removal of toxins and toxins that leave the body due to the huge amount of liquid contained in watermelon. The fiber contained in the pulp of watermelon perfectly cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, watermelon also contains vitamins A, B and C, valuable antioxidants and useful substances such as iron, potassium, magnesium. Which provide the body with the necessary nutrition for its protection and normal condition.

A fasting day on a watermelon is best spent in the season of its ripening - the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. So you maximally fence yourself off from eating watermelons stuffed with carcinogens and other harmful substances, which are often added to off-season berries.

Periodic daily "pauses in nutrition" facilitate the work of the digestive system. Fasting days are spent on rice, kefir, apples, cucumbers, cottage cheese. But in August-September, there is nothing better than spending fasting days on a watermelon. Tasty, healthy, and easy to carry.

Useful properties of watermelon

Watermelon is great for unloading the digestive tract. Due to the large amount of water and fiber, it saturates quickly and for a long time, and the sweet taste and abundance of juicy pulp makes unloading on a watermelon a pleasure.

The beauty of unloading days on watermelon is the low calorie content of watermelon pulp. It is only 27 kcal. For a day, consumption will be only 550-600 calories. Add to this the cleansing properties of gourds, and you will understand why you can lose up to 3-5 kg ​​of weight per day. Of course, it will not be fat, but water. But due to the toxins and toxins removed with it, the removal of puffiness, the process of losing weight will accelerate.

The benefits of "watermelon fasting" are the benefits that the flesh of a striped berry can bring to the body. It has the following properties:

Improves bowel function, enhancing peristalsis and healing microflora;

Strengthens immunity;

Enriches the body with vitamins and minerals;

Reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol, preventing atherosclerosis;

Normalizes metabolism.

Watermelon contains ascorbic and folic acid, vitamins A and group B, magnesium, potassium, iron. Therefore, a watermelon day is a really useful and very convenient idea. In season, a giant berry is inexpensive, it does not require cooking - eat, cleanse, lose weight without stress and tension.

Doctors recommend resorting to unloading on watermelons every year in August-September. This recommendation is especially valuable for those diagnosed with gastritis with high acidity and hypertension. A daily watermelon mono-diet is useful for circulatory disorders, a decrease in hemoglobin, the initial stage of heart and vascular disease.

Fasting day rules on watermelon

The task of any unloading day is, first of all, cleansing and relieving the load from the digestive system, liver, pancreas. Weight correction occurs due to the removal of excess water and slag, but it is not the main purpose of unloading. However, you can use the watermelon day before an important event to freely wear a tight dress.

Fasting days on a watermelon have their own rules.

Buy a suitable fruit the day before so that there is no temptation to disturb the unloading with the wrong breakfast. A good morning mood will make the mood during the day even, cheerful.

A suitable fruit is a medium-sized watermelon that weighs between 6 and 8 kilograms. Calculate the exact weight of the fetus using a simple formula: for every ten kilograms of weight, there is a kilogram of watermelon (whole, including the peel).

You can store cut watermelon only in the refrigerator, covered with a film.

During unloading during the day, drink mineral and ordinary drinking water. Tea is acceptable, but without sugar. You should refrain from coffee so as not to disturb the cleanliness of the unloading.

Unloading on watermelons is convenient: there is no need to spend time on cooking. There are three options for watermelon unloading, which will be discussed below. But the maximum "weight loss" result gives the use of watermelon pulp alone.

A hard version of a fasting day on a watermelon

In order not to stretch the stomach, divide the mass of watermelon into six parts and eat throughout the day. Fractional nutrition will not overload the stomach (watermelon gives a large volume due to water content) and will not provoke a feeling of hunger.

Portions will be quite large - about 400 grams. Eat slowly, with pleasure, every two hours. Thus, during the day, the liquid will circulate throughout the body without stagnation, and nutrients will regularly enter the bloodstream.

The next morning, the scales will show minus a kilogram from the starting weight. If you feel well and are ready to move on, the strict watermelon discharge can be continued. But you can’t sit on such a mono-diet for more than three days. First, it is a big load on the kidneys. Secondly, the disappearance from the diet of the most important macronutrients, proteins and fats, is harmful to the body.

So that the result that you achieved during the fasting days on the watermelon is preserved, fix it. For a week after unloading on udin, eat only watermelon every day: a pound of pulp for every 30 kilograms of weight.

Soft unloading option on watermelon with cottage cheese

This option is not only softer, but also more complete from a nutritional point of view. Cottage cheese contains a lot of protein that our muscles need, there is calcium, which is indispensable for the human body of any age.

unloading rules.

During the day, eat 2.5-3 kilograms of watermelon pulp, dividing it into five to six parts.

Supplement the daily diet with 600 grams of low-fat cottage cheese (from 1 to 3 percent fat), also dividing this amount into equal portions.

Eat regularly. There is no rigid binding to the time of eating, since each person has his own schedule. But do intervals between meals at two hours.

Approximate amount of food for one meal: half a kilo of watermelon and two hundred grams of cottage cheese (the first three meals). In the afternoon, eat only watermelon.

During this unloading, the weight will go away just as well as with the hard version. In the morning, the plumb line will be one or two kilograms.

Soft unloading option with bread

The third option involves eating not protein, but carbohydrates with watermelon. This mode is also transferred very easily, there is no feeling of hunger. Psychologically, the use of bread means the absence of a strict ban on food, so the mood during the day is good.

What you can eat:

Two kilograms of watermelon pulp;

Three slices of bran or rye bread;

Still mineral water;

Green tea without sugar and milk.

During the day, you will lose about a kilogram of weight. To keep it from coming back, follow the guidelines for breaking out of restricted eating mode given for Hard Watermelon Unloading.

Contraindications for "watermelon unloading"

Not everyone can use the watermelon season to cleanse the body and lose weight. This technique is strictly prohibited for pregnant women. The load on their kidneys is already very high, it is dangerous to aggravate it with a large amount of diuretic berries.

You can not use the beneficial properties of watermelon in the following cases:

Weakening of the body after a serious illness or operation;

Increased intellectual or physical activity;


Exacerbation of gallstone disease;

Kidney stones larger than 5 mm in diameter;

Gastric ulcer in the acute stage.

Some people are allergic to watermelons, in particular to lycopene, which is found in the pulp. In this case, you will also have to abandon the watermelon unloading.

Everyone else should definitely take the opportunity and arrange a rest for the body during the watermelon season. Even if you don’t need to lose weight, supporting the kidneys, stomach, intestines and liver is very useful.


Diets and healthy eating 27.09.2014

Dear readers, I invite you to talk about a fasting day on a watermelon. Perhaps someone on vacation has been indulging in something too much and now wants to get in shape. For some, this problem is acute not only during the extra couple of kilograms gained, or even more. Therefore, I hasten to offer you a type of fasting day that will please you with taste and will be a symbolic farewell to the past summer. We are getting slimmer, getting younger, enjoying the taste with the help of a fasting day on a watermelon.

By the way, I will say that I am not a supporter of strict diets. Still, there are breakdowns on diets. But to find a middle ground, eat a little, often, fractionally and arrange for ourselves periodically fasting days - I think we can do it.

On the blog, we have already talked about, carried out, slimmed down with the help.

The hero of today's article is a handsome watermelon. More recently, we talked about its benefits. Everything is logical - after all, it was just the season for eating watermelons. But even today, despite the fact that it’s already “sunny” outside the window, watermelons are sold both in stores and in the markets.

So let's make the most of this opportunity. We talked about the benefits of watermelon for our body in the article. And today we will consider this miracle fruit from a dietary point of view.

Unloading day on a watermelon. Application advantages. Useful properties of watermelon for weight loss.

On the blog, we have repeatedly talked about fasting days, considering different options. But, probably, there has never been such a delicious unloading day. Hence the first plus of unloading on a watermelon is deliciousness. It will appeal to those with a sweet tooth, who find it most difficult to keep themselves within the framework of any product without sweets.

The second plus of watermelon is its low calorie content. Indeed, for a day of watermelon "abstinence" you will consume only 570 kcal.

And, finally, the beneficial properties of watermelon for our body is the third plus of such a fasting day.

  • The metabolic process is normalized
  • Increased intestinal peristalsis
  • The fiber contained in watermelon promotes the elimination of cholesterol and is beneficial to the intestinal microflora
  • Folic acid and vitamin C, which are part of the watermelon, have an anti-sclerotic effect.
  • The body is enriched with vitamins A, B, PP, iron, potassium, magnesium.

Diet or fasting day? How to lose weight with watermelon

I want to clarify right away that there is a fasting day on a watermelon, which lasts a day and the purpose of which is to give the body a rest, cleanse itself, and at the same time slightly adjust the weight. There is also a watermelon diet, which involves a longer period of use - 4-6 days. It can be tried only by those who, as they say, have “iron health”, because with such a long deprivation of the body of traditional nutrients for it, any problems can appear.

Often, a watermelon diet is used for about 3 days, after which they simply “come out” of it more smoothly, gradually adding other foods to the diet. This option is suitable for those who still set their sights on radical weight loss. For myself, I think that one day completely on a watermelon can be an excellent option to unload and just in one day. And there is a minimum of torment, and the health benefits are obvious.

Unloading day on a watermelon. Rules for holding

So, the rules by which "watermelon unloading" should be carried out.

First of all, let's go for the watermelon. It is better to do this the day before, so as not to bother yourself with running around on the appointed day, and in the morning start the prescribed diet. We need a watermelon 6-7 kg in weight. According to the rule of the watermelon diet, for every 10 kg of your weight, you need to eat 1 kg of watermelon. That is, if your average weight, after rounding, is 60 kg, then your goal is a six-kilogram green “handsome man”. Actually, everything.

Buying a watermelon and eating a watermelon is all your concern on this fasting day. And this, probably, is another plus of the watermelon menu - you don’t need to cook anything. Cut off and eat at your pleasure. By the way, about pleasure. For ardent adherents of diets who are used to keeping themselves in tight rein, most likely, a fasting day on a watermelon will seem like a fairy tale. Still, this is not fasting on water, cucumbers, or some other not very tasty mono-diet. After all, watermelon is a recognized delicacy, so eating it all day long is a real pleasure.

Watermelon unloading - easy and smart

But for those who have not particularly met with food restrictions before and turned to fasting days for the first time, perhaps such a prospect will seem too difficult. Then I hasten to reassure you.

Firstly, if during the watermelon day it will be completely unbearable, you can eat a little wholemeal bread, bran.

And secondly, it will be possible to carry out a smooth adaptation to watermelon unloading. To do this, try to eat everything that you usually eat during this period from morning to 12 noon for two or three days. But from 12 to the end of the day already eat one watermelon. If you feel that it is difficult, then we eat watermelon after 15 days, and until that time we eat normally, without frills and fanaticism, of course. Happened? Then we try only watermelon after 12. And so, if there is a desire and a need, we will get to a full unloading day on watermelon.

Unloading day on a watermelon. 3 options

Well, so that you have a chance to choose an option for yourself, I give you a few recipes. In each of them, the main character is a watermelon. In terms of complexity and, accordingly, efficiency, they are all different. So we choose for ourselves.

Option one: Unloading day on the watermelon "Smooth entry" . I have described it above. Adaptation can be done 3 or 4 days before you try to unload by eating one watermelon. So you can check yourself on the one hand, understand whether you need it - on the other, and, finally, smoothly prepare the body for a restriction in food, without exposing it to the stress of sudden deprivation. Perhaps such a diet option for a week will already allow you to achieve the desired result, and extra pounds will be “lost” by such an adaptation.

Option two: Unloading day on watermelon "Watermelon plus" . Assumes the use of watermelon in combination with a slice of bran bread, low-fat yogurt or melon. I emphasize that in the "partners" you need to choose any one product from those offered. That is, either bread or yogurt. If you love gourds, a melon would be a great option. It will brighten up the monotony of a watermelon, and will provide an opportunity to enjoy another delicious fruit, well, it won’t add a lot of calories. If we talk about quantity, then this is 100-150 g of wholemeal bread, 200 ml of low-fat yogurt or 0.5 kg of melon per day of watermelon unloading. Melon and watermelon can be alternated throughout the day. But to eat bread or yogurt in one go, it is better not to combine it with watermelon and it is better in the morning.

Option three: Unloading day on a watermelon "Watermelon and only watermelon" . The name speaks for itself. The rate indicated above is divided into 6 doses and consumed throughout the day. If you took a watermelon weighing 6-7 kg, then without taking into account the crusts, you will get 3-4 kg of pulp. We divide it into equal portions (it will come out somewhere around 350-400 g). It is usually recommended to eat watermelon every 1.5-2 hours. So that the body receives nutrients without a long break, and so that the liquid for cleaning the vessels also comes in regularly. You can drink mineral water without gas or unsweetened green tea. But, using so much watermelon, you most likely will not feel a special need for a drink. Unless you drink in those moments when you want something tasty. As one of my acquaintances, who always practices various kinds of diets, said: “Do you want to eat? Drink some water."

Unloading day on a watermelon. Reviews and results

One unloading day on a watermelon can "deprive" you of 1-1.5 kg. If you master the weekly diet, then 4-6 kg can “leave”. The main thing is not to overdo it. You can unload with a watermelon no more than once a week. And as an option to get out of the watermelon diet, you can apply the smooth introduction of products into your diet, leaving the watermelon in the daily menu after 15 days. So we will save the body from “food stresses” and ensure that the result in terms of weight loss is securely fixed.

Watermelon unloading day. Contraindications and warnings

But for a fasting day, as for any day of restrictions, there are warnings and even contraindications.

It is impossible to carry out unloading on a watermelon:

  1. After any recent illness, when the immune system has not yet had time to fully restore its protective functions and get stronger.
  2. During the period of mental and power loads.
  3. Those who are sick with diabetes mellitus, cholelithiasis have severe kidney disease, especially during an exacerbation.

For a watermelon fasting day, it is better to choose a day off, plan everything in advance and not send it on trips, to important events, and so on. You need to spend it at home, controlling the whole process. Of course, you can go outside, even for a short walk on business. But a business trip to another city or a full-time working day in the office is not your option for such a fasting day.

For the soul, we will listen today Maksim Mrvica I introduced you to an amazing musician. Chopin and Bach, all the classics and such modern compositions are subject to him in the performance. We are filled with positive and amazing energy. Do not miss. Give yourself new emotions.

I wish you all health, harmony, joy of life. Don't forget wisdom. Spend fasting days. I hope that you will like the fasting day on the watermelon.

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Every girl dreams of having an ideal weight by eating only delicious foods. And this is possible if you regularly spend fasting days on watermelon. This product is juicy, sweet and tasty, so many opt for this technique, which provides fast weight loss.

Is it possible to lose weight on watermelon

Fasting day on watermelon has a positive effect on the whole body:

  • the berry has a pleasant taste, having a diuretic effect, due to which excess fluid with toxins is removed from the body;
  • if you regularly use watermelon, the metabolism is normalized, due to which the consumption of fat reserves begins and you can lose weight;
  • the benefits for the figure are priceless - watermelon contains a minimum of calories and allows you not to starve during the diet;
  • the effect will be noticeable in the near future - about 3-4 kg can be lost per day, this indicator will be influenced by the initial body weight;
  • unloading is allowed no more than 2 times a week.

How to spend a watermelon fasting day

It is important to know not only how much you can throw off, observing a fasting day on a watermelon, but also the main rules of this technique:

  1. Unloading should last one day, the maximum duration is 3 days. The end result will depend on how long the diet lasts.
  2. It must be remembered that watermelon is useful in limited quantities, only under this condition will it contribute to recovery.
  3. During fasting days, there will be an increased load on the urinary system and kidneys, so pregnant women cannot use this technique.
  4. During these days, it is allowed to eat about 2-2.5 kg of watermelon pulp, which contains a useful substance that helps to remove excess fluid from the body.
  5. Another plus of this technique is that you can eat kefir and cottage cheese, but not as much as you want - no more than 100 g per day.
  6. For many, the main disadvantage is the ban on fatty, sweet, salt, smoked meats, carbonated waters.
  7. The maximum result is given by the use of a fasting day, during which one watermelon pulp is consumed.
  8. In order not to harm the body and not spoil your health, you need to store the fetus in the refrigerator, covering the cut with cling film.
  9. The benefits of the diet will be subject to the use of purified non-carbonated water and tea, but without the addition of sugar.
  10. It is allowed to use fully ripened watermelons that do not contain nitrates. In this case, there will be maximum benefit for the body.
  11. The advantage of the technique is that watermelon should not be combined with other products, due to which weight loss occurs in an accelerated manner.

Unloading day on watermelon pulp

Depending on the problem, having studied the feedback on a particular type of unloading, you can choose both hard and soft options:

  • with a strict diet, it is allowed to consume one watermelon during the day, making an interval between meals of several hours, clean water must be drunk, but a pregnant woman cannot use it;
  • there is a positive review about the soft option, during which not only berries are present in the diet, but also rye bread (3 slices) consumed during the day.

If you haven’t had to use any of the types of fasting days before, you can’t just study the feedback about each technique and choose a strict option. First, the body needs to be properly prepared for the upcoming food restrictions, so a mild fasting day is ideal. The main advantage of this technique is that there is a chance to adapt to an unusual diet.

Unloading on watermelon pulp and bran bread

The advantage of this diet option is that the feeling of hunger practically does not disturb and unloading is easily tolerated by the body:

  • during the day it is allowed to eat about 1.5-2.2 kg of watermelon pulp;
  • bran bread is always present in the diet, but not more than 3 pieces;
  • if you are thirsty, it is allowed to additionally drink table or mineral water, but not carbonated water.

Watermelon unloading day with melon

This diet option involves the use of not only the pulp of watermelon, but also melon. For fast weight loss, you must strictly adhere to the following tips:

  • during the day it is allowed to eat no more than 1 kg of watermelon pulp;
  • the diet contains ripe melon - exactly 500 g;
  • products can be alternated or combined during one meal, there are practically no strict restrictions.

Does the watermelon diet have contraindications?

Like any other express diet that helps to lose a few extra pounds literally in one day, watermelon fasting days have certain prohibitions:

  1. Watermelon is prohibited in the presence of kidney stones whose diameter exceeds 5 mm.
  2. If you have diabetes, you should not consume this berry in large quantities.
  3. If a peptic ulcer has been diagnosed, you need to abandon the watermelon, because it contains coarse fiber that can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
  4. If you are allergic to a substance such as lycopene, which contains the pulp of this berry.
  5. This diet is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Learn how to properly carry out on other products.

Video: watermelon for weight loss

The end of August, September pleases us with another berry, perhaps the largest of all, and I propose to take advantage of this time and arrange a fasting day on a watermelon. It is perfect for this - a low-calorie product, and most importantly, very tasty, which will help you easily endure this little test.

Nutritionists advise to arrange days of unloading not only for people who want to lose weight. They are useful for each of us, because this is a good way to get rid of toxins and toxins that accumulate in the cells of our body over time. The options for fasting days are very different, but today I want to talk about watermelon, because now is the time for it.

Unloading day on a watermelon

In order for the watermelon day to be beneficial for us, we’ll immediately talk about how to choose this berry correctly.

  • It is not advised to buy watermelons before their mass sale begins. In fruits that are sold out of season, there may be a high content of nitrates and the use of such a product may not pass without a trace, there are cases of poisoning.
  • Choose a berry without dents and cracks, with a glossy surface.
  • Often sellers offer to cut a watermelon to guarantee its ripeness. Never agree to this - you need to cut at home with a clean knife, after washing the berry well in order to protect yourself from an intestinal infection.
  • One way to determine the ripeness of a product is by tapping, my husband is the only way to select watermelons. A sonorous sound indicates ripeness, and a deaf one either indicates that the fruit has not ripened or overripe. The tail of a ripe fruit should be dry.

The benefits and harms of a watermelon fasting day

It would seem that only one day, but even a one-day diet should benefit our body and not cause any harm, especially if you have any chronic diseases. Therefore, it is important to know all the pros and cons, and I will start with the positive.

What is good watermelon for fasting day

Who doesn't like watermelon day

This huge berry is considered a harmless product and it is allowed to be included in the diet not only for healthy people, but also for those who have various chronic diseases. But if you have such a diagnosis as:

  • diabetes,
  • cholelithiasis, urolithiasis,
  • urinary tract disease,
  • pancreatic disease,
  • gastric ulcer in the acute stage,

then you need to control the amount of eaten pulp, so unloading on a watermelon is not recommended.

If you have suffered some kind of disease, your immunity is reduced, your body is weakened, there is a lot of mental or physical stress, then you should refrain from spending a fasting day and this applies not only to watermelon, but also to any other.

watermelon day during pregnancy

Very often, doctors recommend that pregnant women arrange unloading days, including on watermelon. Thanks to this procedure, metabolism improves, the load on the cardiovascular system decreases, the work of all internal organs normalizes, with the help of such days you can remove excessive weight gain and reduce swelling. But unloading can be carried out no more than 1 time per week and only on the recommendation of a doctor who controls pregnancy.

How much watermelon can you eat on a fasting day

While researching this issue, I found a variety of recommendations:

  • 1.5 - 2 kg of pulp per day
  • 1 kg of pulp per 30 kg of weight, we consider, for example, with a weight of 70 kg - 2 kg 300 gr
  • 1 kg of pulp per 15 kg of weight - with a weight of 70 kg - 4 kg 700 gr.
  • 1 kg of pulp per 10 kg of weight - with a weight of 70 kg - 7 kg

What can I say about the above norms, I came to the following conclusion: 1.5 - 2 kg is the minimum that you must definitely eat in order to have the effect of unloading. If health allows and there is a desire, then you can probably do more.

I already carried out unloading on a watermelon, but I didn’t have a thought to weigh it, as a result I ate 1 medium watermelon per day, and I don’t know how much pulp was in it by weight.

How much can you throw off on a watermelon per day - results, reviews

Although I focus more on health, I think this question is still of interest to those who would like to get rid of extra pounds. Nutritionists speak positively about unloading with the help of watermelon, but they advise not to get carried away and do it no more than once a week. They also say that yes, the weight can go away even in 1 day, but it goes away due to the liquid, the fat does not go away. In order to prevent dehydration, in the intervals between the time when you eat watermelon, you must definitely drink water.