Fasting days after heavy overeating. The best thing you can do after overeating

During a festive feast, it can be difficult to resist the desire to try all the delicious and mouth-watering dishes specially prepared for the occasion.

And you will have to pay for this pleasure with the appearance of puffiness and extra pounds the next morning. A fasting day after overeating will help you quickly restore your previous shape and cleanse your body of everything unnecessary.

Fasting day after overeating: benefit or harm ^

If you overeat, start the morning with unloading, otherwise a couple of kilograms you have eaten will remain on your hips and waist for a long time. A fasting day after a festive feast is a quick and effective help for the body.

The principle of such a day is a specially selected menu consisting of one or more products.

  • You should eat food in small portions, five or six times during the day. Thanks to this, hunger will not be particularly felt, and it will not be so difficult to postpone the fasting day.
  • This diet and fractional meals They will not only allow you to regain temporarily lost forms, but also improve digestion, speed up metabolism, and remove toxins and waste from the body.
  • In addition, sticking to a mono-diet is very simple and convenient, because you won’t get bored or tired of it within a day.
  • You can choose the recipe for this day according to your taste from a variety of options. Preference should be given to foods with low calorie content - vegetables, fruits, cereals.
  • If you have eaten too much fat at the holiday table, then the next day it is better to abstain from food and have a good day therapeutic fasting with a diet of mineral water with lemon juice or kefir unloading. As a result, digestion is normalized, heaviness and other unpleasant symptoms disappear.
  • If all last evening you could not tear yourself away from salty food, then this led to the accumulation of excess fluid and the appearance of edema. Cabbage or rice unloading will help to cope with them.
  • Excessive consumption of sweets can be neutralized with the help of vegetable fasting or a kefir-berry diet.
  • If you have consumed too much alcohol, then the morning will greet you with a headache, unquenchable thirst and nausea. Good help Sauerkraut, fermented milk products, citrus fruits, oatmeal cooked in water or boiled poultry will help in this situation. They normalize digestion and help remove poisons and toxins from the body.
  • If you eat something stale, then the next day it is better to refuse food altogether. Only a few baked apples are allowed and drinking plenty of fluids(water, green tea) up to 2.5 l. The main rule is to drink a lot of water (regular drinking or mineral). Recommended volume is 1.5 or 2 liters.

Contraindications for cleansing days are:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Diabetes;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Liver and kidney diseases;
  • The recovery period after an illness.

It must be remembered that a fasting day is stressful for the body and weakness or other ailments may occur during the day. Therefore, it is better to consult your doctor in advance.

Fasting day after overeating: recipes and menus ^

Those who want to quickly get back into shape can choose from a variety of recipes to suit their taste.

Fasting day after overeating on kefir

A one-day fasting on kefir is a fairly strict, but extremely effective diet.

  • On the day of kefir fasting, the diet will consist of only 1.5 liters or 2 liters of kefir (yogurt) and 1.5 liters of still mineral water.

Fasting day on rice

A rice fasting day will normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines and remove all toxins from the body. Rice is easily digestible and provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness, so an acute feeling of hunger is unlikely to appear that day.

  • A glass of boiled rice without salt and sugar will be enough for the day.
  • You can not limit yourself to water, but also drink green tea or herbal decoction.

Fasting day after overeating on oatmeal

  • During the day, eat oatmeal porridge cooked in water without sugar and without oil in small portions - 700 g.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids (1.5 l) is recommended.

Fasting day on apples

  • You need to stock up on two kilograms of green apples. Eat apples as you feel hungry, and drink water.
  • You can also add green and Herb tea, and for variety, apples can be baked in the oven with honey.

Fasting day after the holidays on water and tea

  • Pour boiling water (2 liters) over green tea (2 tablespoons), divide into five servings, and drink cold or hot.
  • You can eat some raisins or prunes, dried apricots or nuts.
  • When acute attack hunger, you can eat a piece of rye bread.
  • In addition to tea, you are allowed to drink only non-carbonated mineral water.

Fasting day after an eating breakdown

After a food breakdown, it would be appropriate to spend the day on low-calorie foods. A stew of stewed vegetables (zucchini, tomatoes, carrots, beets) and baked fish as a main course are ideal. boiled eggs or boiled poultry.

Fasting day after overeating sweets

  • After overeating sweets the entire next day, it is best to eat vegetables, fruits, cereals cooked in water, or prepare a kefir-berry smoothie (1 liter of kefir and half a kilogram of berries).
  • All day you can eat boiled or baked potatoes (1.5 kg), or the same amount of steamed vegetables, or puree soup prepared from them.

Fasting day after heavy overeating

It's unlikely that your body will thank you for a hearty holiday dinner. After all, it has not yet been revealed that overeating brings any benefit to the body. Rather, on the contrary, the celebration of the belly will only bring health problems and excess weight.

A fasting day will provide quick and effective assistance after the feast. It can be protein, carbohydrate, mixed and even water.

  • First of all, you need to eliminate salt in order to get rid of the fluid accumulated in the tissues.
  • During the day, the total calorie content of food should not exceed 800 kcal.
  • The volume of liquid consumed should be one and a half liters.
  • It is better to minimize active training on this day, and devote 9–10 hours to sleep.

Reviews and weight loss results ^

The excellent results of fasting days after the holidays have long pleasantly pleased the fair half of humanity. But it is worth remembering that this procedure is carried out regularly.

This unloading will need to be repeated (maximum 2 times a week) to consolidate and improve the result. IN common days after unloading, you need to eat wisely, do not overeat, exclude fast food, minimize sweets, confectionery and salty foods.

Reviews from our readers

Elena, 37 years old:

“Yes, I am well aware of this situation. The main thing is not to get too upset after you realize that you have eaten too much, and to pull yourself together the next day. I was sitting on kefir one day after New Year's holidays. I successfully lost 1.2 kg in a day.”

Natalya, 44 years old:

“A good way and effective. The next day, as a rule, you don’t feel particularly hungry, because you’ve made provisions for the week ahead. Therefore, maintaining one day on a diet is quite simple. I cleansed myself with rice. Rice without salt and oil does not have much taste, so you won’t be able to eat a lot of it. Result - good cleaning body and losing a kilogram.”

Lisa, 29 years old:

“Apples are just what the doctor ordered! I buy 2 kg of sweet and sour apples and chew them all day, drinking mineral water. They say they stimulate appetite, but I didn’t notice much. Both tasty and healthy. After unloading, some lightness appeared, and the weight dropped by about one kilogram.”

Eastern horoscope for March 2019

Overeating causes a strong feeling of discomfort. Everyone knows this. However, it is very difficult to resist another portion of your favorite treat. What to do if you overeat? Often this condition causes painful sensations c makes digestion difficult. After some time, constant overeating affects your figure. How to deal with the problem? First, it’s worth clarifying the reasons.

Why does a person overeat

To answer the question of what to do when overeating, it is worth finding out the main reasons for this phenomenon. These include:

Having fun. In many developed countries, the population suffers from obesity, as consumers often have a desire to try something new. This is done to irritate the pleasure center. Regular healthy food in such cases, it is replaced with a more harmful one, enriched with a variety of additives, flavorings and preservatives. In addition, some manufacturers add substances to their products that enhance the taste and irritate the taste buds.

Stressful situations. Many people, during periods of depression or when nervous stress increases, begin to eat large amounts of food. The result is severe overeating. What to do in such cases? We'll talk about this a little later.

Use large quantity food out of boredom. Many people need this to create a busy effect. However, this is not an option.

Main features

So, what to do when you overeat and how to determine that the body has become oversaturated? There are several signs that indicate your stomach is full.

If a person overeats once, then no special symptoms will not arise. In this case, you may feel heaviness in the stomach, accompanied by bloating. If overeating occurs regularly, then its symptoms will be more pronounced. In this case, a person can independently feel changes in the body:

Significant weight gain and changes in usual lifestyle.


Discomfort in the intestinal area caused by gases and flatulence.

Uncontrolled eating. A person will consume foods even in cases where the body does not need it: when watching a movie, sitting at the computer, and so on.

Women often complain of overeating during pregnancy. What to do and how to avoid this? It is worth considering that during pregnancy internal organs are compressed. This also applies to the stomach. Expectant mothers should eat food in small portions, increasing the number of meals to 6 per day.

What does overeating lead to?

We found out what to do when overeating: restrain yourself. Difficult? Undoubtedly! In order to begin to deal with your problems, it is worth finding out what the consequences of excessive food consumption are. In rare cases of overeating, a person may experience heaviness and discomfort in the stomach, general fatigue, drowsiness, headache. All these symptoms go away on their own the next day. But systematic overeating is fraught with more serious consequences:

The load on the pancreas increases. As a result of this, the body is forced for a long time work to the limit of your capabilities.

The stomach gradually stretches. Because of this, appetite increases.

The body takes in more calories than it expends. All excess is deposited in the body in the form of fat deposits.

The body as a whole is poisoned. Usually, a person consumes in large quantities things that contain preservatives and various flavor enhancers. Such substances can be harmful. Organs lose the ability to quickly cope with big amount food. As a result, toxin poisoning and accumulation of waste occur.

Violated metabolic processes. Overeating is always accompanied by the accumulation of excess fat in the body, as well as the development of certain diseases of the internal organs.

The body works to the limit of its strength to cope with the disturbances that have arisen. As a result, a person may experience chronic drowsiness, fatigue. General health often worsens.

Anti-overeating medications

What to do after overeating? To cope with unpleasant sensations, you can get help traditional medicine. There are a number of drugs that can significantly alleviate the condition and eliminate some of the symptoms of overeating. Such medications include “Uni-festal”, “Eristal-P”, “Penzital”, “Festal”, “Digestal”, “Panzinorm”, “Mezim”, “Ermital”, “Creon”.

Separately, it is worth noting the usual Activated carbon. This drug is an excellent sorbent. Are you sick of overeating? What to do? Take activated carbon. In this case, the dosage is calculated as for poisoning. 1 tablet is required per 10 kilograms of weight. The drug should be taken half an hour after the last meal. This will avoid bloating and pain.

Natural remedies

What to do after overeating if there are no medications at hand? In this case, the means will be suitable alternative medicine. To the very simple ways It is worth including drinking fruit infusion, black or green tea without sugar. You can add a small piece of ginger or a mint leaf to the drink. Such drugs allow you to speed up metabolism in the body.

You should not drink alcohol. This will only worsen the condition, as alcohol puts additional stress on the body and increases the feeling of hunger.

You can also prepare a drink that will relieve spasms and enhance production. gastric juice. You need to dilute a tablespoon in a glass of water apple cider vinegar and the same amount natural honey. It is recommended to drink the drink in small sips. However, this “medicine” is not suitable for everyone. After all, it has contraindications.

The simplest remedy, according to nutritionists, is chewing gum. Its use increases saliva production. This increases the amount of enzymes that help the stomach digest food faster.

Compulsive overeating

What is compulsive overeating? What to do in this case? A similar diagnosis is often given to those who suffer from obesity. How is compulsive overeating different from normal overeating? This psychological pathology, which appears as follows:

The patient often experiences attacks of uncontrolled gluttony. The portions are getting larger each time. In this case, food is absorbed quickly and without residue.

When eating another dish, a person experiences frustration. Uncontrolled consumption of food leads to stress and depression arising from dissatisfaction with one’s appearance and figure.

A person constantly makes excuses and feels sorry for himself.

You should not hope that this condition will go away on its own. In such cases, therapy is required.

What to do if you have compulsive overeating

With this psychological state I often feel nauseous and my stomach hurts from overeating. What to do and how to cope with the disease? In case of compulsive overeating, certain medications are prescribed to eliminate discomfort and heaviness in the stomach, and a diet is also prescribed to reduce the size of the stomach. In addition, psychotherapy is carried out:




To eliminate all problems, patients are often prescribed antidepressants and medicines that help reduce appetite.

Why is compulsive overeating dangerous?

Compulsive overeating leads to many problems: the functioning of systems and individual organs in the body is disrupted. Among the violations it is worth highlighting the following:

Increased cholesterol levels;



Diabetes mellitus is usually type 2;

Increases the likelihood fatal outcome: The patient may suffocate in his sleep.

Are there any preventative measures?

To avoid overeating, you need to follow some simple rules. This will prevent the occurrence negative consequences and the development of certain diseases. Here are the basic rules:

Don't fill your plates completely with food. They should contain no more food than can fit in your palms.

Food must be chewed thoroughly.

You should not engage in extraneous activities while eating food. You should only eat in the kitchen. At the same time, you cannot talk, read, watch TV, etc.

Food should only cause positive emotions. If you are feeling stressed, drink hot tea instead of another portion of food.

Should you stop using harmful products, which contain a large number of chemical additives. This type of food contributes to excess weight gain.

And the most important rule to remember: food is not pleasure, it does not need to relieve stress and lift your spirits. Cooking is an art. Portions should be beautiful, but small.

Any holidays involve meetings with friends, a feast and, as a result, a feast of the belly. It’s hard to imagine how you can limit yourself to consuming culinary delights on days like these. However, tasty, but very high-calorie food can later retain a reminder of itself in the form of extra centimeters on the waist, kilograms on the scales, or a feeling of discomfort.

They will help correct the situation fasting days.

"Loose weight"

The concept of "walking", "jumping" or "loose" weight is quite common. It means a couple of kilograms that periodically come and go. The reasons for this are abundant feasts and holidays. And if measures are not taken in time, the increase may become permanent. And then, unfortunately, no express diets can help.

As an “ambulance” in such situations, it is recommended to arrange fasting days. They represent a special short-term diet, limited to a set certain products or just one ingredient at all.

After the holidays, arranging such fasting days is useful not only for returning to your previous slim shape, but also for improving health, since excessive food consumption has never benefited anyone. Such “easy days” help return the metabolic process to normal, remove accumulated waste and toxins and improve functioning. digestive system.

Two types of fasting days

All fasting days are usually divided into two large groups. The first category is composed depending on nutrients predominant in the diet:
Proteins: meat, fish and cottage cheese days
Fats: creamy, sour cream days
Carbohydrates: vegetable, fruit, cereal days

Also, fasting days may have a different classification: depending on the type of products V daily menu:


You can arrange fasting days with an individual schedule and frequency. However, nutritionists recommend optimal interval– 1-2 times a week. In order to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins from time to time and maintain a stable weight, you should “unload” 1-2 times a month.

One of the most optimal fasting days is following a mono-diet. Firstly, it is convenient, since the diet will contain only one product, which should be consumed in small portions 5-6 times during the day. Secondly, this is an effective way to get in shape after the holidays.

There are fasting days. In addition, this mono-diet cannot get boring, because its observance is limited to only one day. Perceiving the process as healing and necessary for the body, you will even be able to enjoy the similar procedure weight loss, which cannot be said about most long-term diets.

Despite the significant benefits, fasting days represent little stress for the body, because they disrupt the usual routine. Therefore, if you have certain chronic diseases of the digestive system, it is better not to get carried away with “fasting days”, but before following them, consult your doctor or a practicing nutritionist.

While following a fasting diet, there are no restrictions on the usual rhythm of life. Work, study, sports and any other physical activity not prohibited. However, if you experience a feeling of weakness or dizziness, it is recommended to have a couple of cubes of refined sugar with you, just in case, which you need to put under your tongue.

The best period for fasting days for women is the first half of the menstrual cycle.

At independent choice“product of the day”, preference should be given to the ingredient with the lowest calorie content.

An important component of any diet, including fasting days, is drinking at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid.

The day before the start of the “unloading day” and the day after, the following products should be excluded from the menu: alcohol, sweets and flour, as well as smoked and salty foods.

Fasting days after holidays

1. If you have eaten too much fat

Traditional dishes festive table contain large amounts of fats and proteins. It is these culinary delights that linger in the stomach the longest, and it takes a lot of time to digest them. In addition, such food requires high production of digestive enzymes, and it happens that the liver and gallbladder they don’t always cope with such a load. This leads to indigestion, feelings of discomfort, heaviness and pain.

What to do: You can help yourself in such a situation by abstaining from food for 12-24 hours, that is, complete fasting, during which you are allowed to drink regular non-carbonated mineral water with the addition of a small amount lemon juice. Also, as an “first aid”, it is recommended to arrange a kefir fasting day, which will help normalize digestion and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

2. If you have eaten too much salty and spicy food

After such meals, excess fluid accumulates in the body, which can cause noticeable swelling of the face in the morning. Therefore, the main task of a monoration is to remove accumulated water from the intercellular space and, thereby, help the functioning of the kidneys.

What to do: In order to restore balance in the body, improving digestion, it requires magnesium salts and fiber. The ideal option is a fasting day of 1.5 kg of boiled broccoli and cauliflower. Additionally, you should drink green tea without sugar and water with cranberry juice in a 1:1 ratio.

An alternative to cabbage is a glass of rice, boiled without adding salt and 1.5-2 liters of still mineral water or 1 liter of dried apricot compote without added sugar.

3. If you have eaten too much sweets

Consequences overuse sweets, as a rule, are expressed in heartburn, belching and mild nausea. Excess sugar in the blood increases glucose levels, but since it is quickly broken down, the decrease in “sugar reserves” quickly decreases, causing an irresistible desire to enjoy something sweet again. And the feeling of acute hunger that arises along with this will provoke you to eat much more than the usual portion.

What to do: You can stop this process only by including protein and fiber in your diet. It is recommended to have a fasting day with kefir-fruit smoothies.

For 1 liter of kefir, take 500 grams of any berries to taste and, after mixing all the ingredients until smooth, drink in 4 small portions.

Also effective way will be following a diet of slow carbohydrates. This could be eating 1.5 kg of boiled potatoes during the day or the same amount of vegetables in the form of soups or steamed dishes.

4. If you drank too much alcohol

The most common symptoms are headache, dizziness, nausea and sweating. In addition, you feel very thirsty, which means that the brain cells are in dire need of fluid, as alcohol causes them to dehydrate.

What to do: The main components of fasting days in this case are fermented milk products, sauerkraut, citruses, oatmeal with water or boiled poultry. These ingredients help remove toxic substances from the body, as well as soothe an irritated stomach and intestines, normalizing digestion.

5. If you ate something stale

Food intoxication, as a rule, is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms in the form of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills and a slight increase in temperature. If all these signs disappear within 24 hours, then you can do without a visit to the doctor. We need to help the body cope with the problem on its own.

What to do: In such cases, a fasting day consists of drinking a large amount of liquid (2-2.5 liters). Weak green tea without sugar is also allowed. It is advisable to completely give up food for a day, with the only exception being baked apples.


Individual poor tolerance"hungry days": sharp pains in the abdomen, dizziness, nausea, fainting, low blood pressure, sleep disturbance and other symptoms.
Underweight and signs of exhaustion.
Diabetes mellitus type 1.
Chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract.
Pregnancy and lactation period.
During menstruation.

Types of fasting days

The benefits of fasting days after heavy overeating proven without a doubt. However, you should know moderation in everything and carry out mono-diets as needed for your health.

For such “unloading” after the holidays, your stomach will definitely thank you!

Going to visit is always a holiday!

Overeating - “It’s nothing, it’s just an everyday matter”, as another cartoon character said. Happens to everyone. And if the hospitable Rabbit helped Winnie the Pooh eliminate the consequences of overeating, then advice from Shape magazine will help you and me.

Today, blog readers will learn how to behave correctly the next day after overeating. It turns out that this behavior should be different depending on what exactly we overate. Interestingly, very often in these cases, like is treated with like.

So we'll talk today about fasting days and first aid after overeating.

After overeating, Shape magazine advises us to spend from 1 to 3 fasting days, which ones depends on what we overate the day before.

Fasting days contribute:
1) reducing body weight (due to a low calorie diet);
2) normalization of metabolism;
3) Removal of metabolic products and toxic substances from the body.
Approved by Shape magazine.

We ask ourselves the question: “What happened?” and looking for an answer.

1. Ate too much fat.

Traditionally, holiday foods tend to be high in fat and protein. Such food lingers in the stomach and is difficult to digest, hence the feeling of heaviness and discomfort. In addition, fatty and high-protein foods require the production of large amounts of digestive enzymes, and our liver and gallbladder often cannot cope with such an attack. As a result, food is not completely digested, the pH of the intestines changes, and putrefactive processes develop. This may manifest itself as digestive upset, including food poisoning which lead to diarrhea. Bitterness in the mouth is one of the symptoms of gallbladder dysfunction.

Ambulance. To normalize acid-base balance in the body, which, in case of overeating fatty and protein foods, shifts to the side acidic environment, you need to eat apples, carrots, oranges, dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes), celery - they help maintain alkaline environment and restore the acid-base balance in the intestines. It is healthier to eat vegetables and fruits raw, as dietary fiber improves the digestion and excretion of metabolic products from the body

Fasting day after an excess of protein-fat foods: kefir.
- Divide into 5-6 doses (200 ml each) and drink 1.2 liters of 1% kefir or unsweetened drinking yogurt during the day.
- If you prefer cottage cheese (400-600g) for unloading, then it should also be low-fat and it is better to supplement it with fruits or berries (blueberries, strawberries - can be frozen).

2. We ate too much sweets.

This can also negatively affect your well-being. The next day you may feel heartburn, belching and mild nausea. Excess sugar will increase your blood glucose levels, and reducing your intake of sugars from food will cause glycemia (low blood sugar), which will make you crave sweets and cakes again.

Ambulance. The next day after overeating sweets, try to avoid simple carbohydrates– sources of “fast” energy, which, if not consumed urgently, will inevitably turn into fat folds in problem areas.

To maintain blood sugar levels and avoid glycemia (low blood sugar), you should arrange a fasting day on “slow” carbohydrates. Fast carbohydrates must be replaced with non-sugar vegetables and fruits. Eat porridge cooked in water, which can be enriched with inulin, which significantly reduces blood sugar levels.

The fasting day after overeating sweets is spent on slow carbohydrates. This can be 1.5 kg of baked potatoes or 1.5 kg of vegetables/fruits in the form of pureed soups in 4-5 doses.

3. We ate too much salty and spicy food.

Excess water has formed in the tissues of the body, which is why you are horrified by the sight of your own swollen face in the mirror. Our task is to bring out excess liquid from the intercellular space.

Ambulance. Rice-compote fasting day, thanks to the normalization of the potassium-sodium balance in the body, excess fluid is removed from the body. Also suitable for such unloading are vegetables rich in magnesium salts (a natural diuretic and laxative), for example, cauliflower, broccoli and spinach. Drink green tea, lingonberry or cranberry juice, do not add salt to dishes and limit the serving size.

Fasting day after overeating salty and spicy foods: rice and compote. 750g of dark rice in 4-5 doses and 1.5 liters of dried apricot or cranberry compote - drink throughout the day.

4. Drank too much alcohol.

Most likely, you are experiencing a severe headache, which may include nausea, dizziness and sweating. Brain cells want to drink because... the alcohol caused them to become dehydrated.

Ambulance. Drink plain or mineral still water and sorbents. Natural sorbents– leggins – found in carrots, peaches, potatoes, tomatoes, and pectins – in apples, bananas, beets, cabbage, carrots.

Succinic acid and other organic acids contained in fermented milk products, sauerkraut and citrus fruits, will accelerate the elimination of toxic alcohol metabolic products from the body. If you feel hungry, eat a portion of boiled poultry, pasta, or a plate oatmeal on the water. Oatmeal will soothe irritated stomach lining.

Fasting day: Optimally, fast and drink water. When severe hunger eat a bowl of oatmeal with water.

5. Ate something not fresh.

Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, weakness, chills, fever up to 37-36C and the need to visit the toilet every 15 minutes are common companions of food intoxication.

Ambulance. On this day, it is better to fast and drink at least 2-2.5 liters of plain or mineral still water. The amount of water you need to drink will depend on the amount of fluid you are losing.

In such conditions, drinking plenty of water or weak green or black tea, the pulp of baked apples, rich in pectin substances that can bind and remove toxins, and ether sorbents such as activated carbon, for example, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight, help well.

Fasting day. It is better to give up food altogether for a day. Drink 2-2.5 liters of water during the day.

The Russian feast is always plentiful, and even during the popularly beloved New Year's celebrations, the tables are completely bursting with food. Since the holidays last a long time, a week or even more, flowing into one another, it is quite possible to gain excess weight after the winter holidays. Long lunches and dinners, meetings with friends, late-night meals, gatherings in cafes - all this will negatively affect not only your waist and hips, but also your well-being and general condition body. Such overloads are definitely harmful to him; they often bring with them a whole series of troubles in the post-New Year period:

  • metabolic disorders, slowing down, constipation, accumulation of waste and toxic substances in the intestines;
  • liver overload due to uncontrolled consumption of fatty, salty, spicy and sweet foods;
  • deterioration of skin condition, unhealthy complexion, acne, acne;
  • alcohol poisoning of the body.

Psychological attitude

Stepping on the scale for the first time after the holidays, most of girls and women are horrified. Depression and despondency begin, the ladies reproach themselves, scold themselves in every possible way, threaten to stop eating and constantly complain to everyone around them. In fact, it's worth understanding a few things that will help you maintain a cheerful mood, a clear mind and lose weight after the New Year.

  • Don't blame yourself. Anyone can make mistakes. The fact that you ate and gained too much can be corrected, but a disdainful attitude towards your person will most likely make you give up and get bogged down in “soul-searching.”
  • Almost anything can be fixed. People who weigh much more than you lose weight, lose weight successfully and feel great. Treat your body with respect and it will thank you in return.
  • When you complain to others, especially to a loved one, you draw their attention to something that they most likely did not notice. It's best to avoid this tactic.

Fasting day: features

It must be said that this method cleansing the body - not therapeutic diet. And under no circumstances should it be used as a method of constant nutrition for the purpose of losing weight. In this case, the body will lack nutrients and vitamins. Such a mono-diet in order to lose weight after the New Year holidays should not last more than one day. But if you like this method of unloading, it can be used regularly, optimally once a week.

To prevent weight loss after a feast from turning into torture, eat in small portions, but five to six times a day. This regime will allow you not to break down if you feel hungry. In addition, frequent digestion of food, even light and healthy, as on a fasting day after overeating, is work for the gastrointestinal tract and the whole body, which forces it to waste calories, including those that were “eaten” during holidays.

An important and constant rule is to drink plenty of water. Juices, even freshly squeezed ones, fruit drinks and compotes with sugar, or any purchased drinks are not suitable here. Only pure non-carbonated water guarantees that you will remove everything unnecessary from your body during the fasting day after the holidays. You need to consume at least one and a half to two liters per day. Avoid drinking large amounts to reduce stress on your kidneys. It is better to do this about once every hour and a half, a small glass, in small sips and slowly. The water should be at comfortable room temperature.

A one-day diet after the New Year holidays does not imply a decrease in activity. It is recommended to work or study in normal mode, play sports or a favorite hobby, be on fresh air. Walking on this day is a great idea; you shouldn’t deny yourself this, especially if you have the opportunity to spend an hour more time in the park with your children or walk home from work.

You need to prepare for unloading in advance. Go to the store the day before, buy everything you need and prepare it. For example, bake apples for work, steam buckwheat in a thermos, put everything into containers. If you are afraid of relapse, try to remove foods that will tempt you from your sight. For the same reason, it is better not to visit stores during a fasting day.

Contraindications and restrictions

There are various answers to the question of how to lose weight after the holidays, and a one-day mono-diet is one of them. There are a number of diseases and conditions that exclude this method, since putting your figure in order at the expense of health is both unreasonable and dangerous.

  • Pregnancy. No hunger while carrying a child is justified. This can be detrimental to the baby’s development and the mother’s well-being. However, if you decide to slightly lighten your diet for one day, you should consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist who is managing your pregnancy.
  • Diabetes. Impaired insulin production requires regular intake food, and a careless attitude towards oneself can lead to dire consequences. To lose weight after the New Year, it is better to choose another, less extreme method.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially gastritis. It is important to think through your diet so as not to worsen your condition. For example, people with this disease should not choose a mono-diet based on citrus fruits, because the acid that enters the stomach will irritate and injure it.
  • Liver and kidney diseases. Consultation with a specialist is required, as some products will increase the load on these organs.
  • Recovery from infectious and other diseases. Here it is better to simply adjust your diet, excluding fatty, sweet, flour and fried foods, but do not have a fasting day, because the body needs strength to recover.

Types of fasting days

The most literate and the best option There will be a choice of the product that suits your situation. You need to decide what health problems exist in your this moment, what was eaten the most and how to most effectively get rid of it.

Eating a lot of fatty foods

Products that are heavily sauced with a lot of oil, flavored with fats or contain them are difficult to digest. The excess begins to ferment in the esophagus, and rotting processes begin. The enzymes secreted by the liver and pancreas are simply not enough for absorption. Such a load on the organs is fraught with abdominal pain, bloating, heartburn, and a feeling of heaviness.

The best one-day diet after the holidays, during which you overate fatty foods- fasting. That is, during the day you only drink clean water. You can alternate warm and cold, and also, if there is no gastritis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, add a little lemon juice. No need to buy ready-made - just squeeze a slice into your glass. It will speed up metabolism and help remove harmful substances and toxins.

Eaten a lot of salty, pickled, spicy

These dishes contribute to the accumulation of fluid in the cells, which causes swelling. In order to bring yourself back to normal, you will need foods with fiber and magnesium salts. There are two options for a fasting day for this case.

  1. 1.5 kilograms of steamed cauliflower and broccoli without salt, water with added cranberry juice.
  2. Boiled unpolished rice (1 cup). Naturally, salt, oil and seasonings cannot be added. Required level fiber will provide White cabbage, which needs to be chopped and mashed to release the juice. The addition will be without sugar.

Eaten a lot of sweets

A sharp increase in the level of glucose in the blood, and then its decrease, is a guarantee that you will soon want sweets or cake again, only you will eat more. To exit from vicious circle To overcome heartburn and nausea from excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates, the following fasting days are recommended:

  • On fruit smoothies. It is good to add fiber or bran to their composition. The choice of fruit is at your discretion.
  • On baked or boiled potatoes without oil and salt. Don't forget to drink water!

Alcohol poisoning

Sauerkraut, boiled oatmeal and citrus fruits will help overcome nausea, headache and weakness, which are signs of excess poisons in the blood. Distribute these foods evenly throughout the day and drink clean water. It has long been known that the habit of getting hungover improves well-being only temporarily, but in general, such a decision aggravates the situation.

Poisoning from stale food

The New Year holidays drag on for a long time, and trying to enjoy a salad that has been in the refrigerator for three days can end in disaster - diarrhea, fever, weakness, nausea and vomiting. During the first day, it is not recommended to eat at all, and many cannot, since the body does not accept food. It is better to make the second day a fasting day, clean water adding only a few baked apples, which will help get rid of the poisons that enter the blood during poisoning.