Myth about breakfast: Breakfast should be plentiful and protein-rich. Eating right

For many people, their diet is regulated by appetite. What is appetite and how to treat it?


Everyone is familiar with the feeling of hunger, which signals that for the human body to function properly, it is important to receive a new portion of food that carries the energy, plastic substances, vitamins and minerals. The physiological and biochemical essence of this feeling is as follows. It is assumed that in the cerebral cortex there is a so-called food center, which is excited by various impulses: a decrease in the concentration of glucose (sugar) in the blood, emptying of the stomach, etc. Excitation of the food center creates appetite, the degree of which depends on the degree of excitation of the food center. However, as a result of the inertia of excitation of the food center, appetite persists for some time after eating. This is due to the fact that digestion and absorption of the first portions of food lasts 15–20 minutes. After they begin to enter the blood, the food center gives a “lights out”.

The feeling of hunger is characteristic not only of man, but of everything living on earth; there is no doubt that man inherited it from his wild ancestors. Since the latter could not always count on luck in finding food, certain advantages in the struggle for existence were received by those of them who, having found food, consumed it in large quantities, i.e. those who had increased appetite. Increased appetite apparently arose during the evolution of the animal world, became established in the offspring and was inherited by humans.

Currently, in developed (we repeat - in developed) countries, the problem of human nutrition has lost its former severity, and in connection with this, increased appetite has also lost its biological meaning. Moreover, he has become a kind of enemy of man, the culprit of systematic or unsystematic cases of overeating and even gluttony. And this means that you should not be guided by appetite alone, although you cannot ignore it either. Indeed, our appetite signals us not only about the need for the required amount of food (it signals this incorrectly), but also about its quality.

We all know the feeling when, after a long absence from the diet of any product, suddenly there is a strong desire to eat it. This fact is explained in to a certain extent and the fact that this particular product contains a significant amount of one or another essential component, which is lacking in other products, as a result of which our body begins to feel the need for this product. In this case, the appetite gives exactly the right signal, and we, of course, must follow it.


The question often arises: how to suppress appetite? Shown, that fractional meals(5-6 times a day) suppresses the excitation of the food center. In this case, sometimes one apple or a glass of kefir is enough. In order not to whet your appetite, you should not eat spicy or salty foods and you should completely avoid alcoholic beverages. Alcohol not only poisons the body, but also has a strong, appetite-stimulating effect.

So, increased appetite can be harmful to health, but its complete absence is also undesirable. This often affects young children, whom loving mothers and compassionate grandmothers endlessly stuff with something “tasty.” As a result, the child loses his appetite, and frightened parents, instead of coming to their senses, try to feed him continuously.

Eating with appetite is always a pleasure. It takes time for appetite to develop. Eating breaks are absolutely necessary. IN childhood they should be shorter than in a mature one.

What should these breaks be? How much and what should you eat during a particular meal? In other words, what should be the diet of an adult healthy person?

The diet is based on four basic principles.

Regularity of nutrition

The first principle of proper nutrition is regularity of nutrition, i.e. eating at the same time of day. Each meal is accompanied by a certain reaction of the body. Saliva, gastric juice, bile, pancreatic juice, etc. are secreted, and all this occurs right time. In the process of digestion, conditioned reflex reactions play an important role, such as the secretion of saliva and gastric juice in response to the smell and sight of food, etc. In the chain of conditioned reflex reactions important belongs to the time factor, i.e., a person’s developed habit of consuming food at a certain time of day. The development of a permanent stereotype in the diet has great importance for conditioned reflex preparation of the body for receiving and digesting food.

Divided meals during the day

The second principle of proper nutrition is fractional nutrition during the day. One or two meals a day are impractical and dangerous to health. Studies have shown that with two meals a day, myocardial infarction and acute pancreatitis occur much more often than with three and four meals a day, and this is explained precisely by the abundance of food consumed at one time with two meals a day (and even more so with one meal).

A practically healthy person is recommended to have three or four meals a day, namely: breakfast, lunch, dinner and a glass of kefir before bed. When conditions permit, you can introduce one or two additional meals into your diet: between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner. Naturally, additional meals do not at all imply an increase in the total amount of food consumed per day.

Rational range of products

Physiological distribution of food quantity according to its intake. What should be the breaks between meals?

The fourth principle of proper nutrition It is the most physiological distribution of food quantity according to its intake during the day. Numerous observations confirm that the most beneficial regimen for a person is one in which he receives more than two-thirds of the total calories of the daily diet at breakfast and lunch, and less than one-third at dinner.

The time of day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, naturally, can vary within fairly wide limits depending on a person’s production activity. However, it is important that the time between breakfast and lunch was 5–6 hours And the time between lunch and dinner was also 5–6 hours. Based on the research, it should be recommended that 3-4 hours pass between dinner and the start of bed.

A proper diet is especially important for normally developing child's body. It is recommended to feed newborn babies with a 3-3.5 hour break between meals.

Changes in diet

Diet should not be viewed as a dogma. Changing living conditions can make adjustments to it. Moreover, some dietary changes need to be made from time to time specifically for the purpose of a specific workout digestive system . In this case, as with other processes of enhancing adaptation capabilities, it is necessary to remember that changes in the diet should not be too sudden, i.e. they can represent physiologically permissible fluctuations without being gross violations of the diet.

However, violations are very often observed, and sometimes serious ones.

Dietary disorders

The most common violation is the following pattern of eating during the day: a very weak breakfast (or almost no breakfast - only a glass of tea or coffee) in the morning before leaving for work; inadequate lunch at work, sometimes in the form of sandwiches; a very hearty dinner at home after coming home from work. Such actually two meals a day can, due to its systematic nature, cause significant harm to health. Firstly, eating a lot of food in the evening significantly increases the possibility (in other words, it is a so-called risk factor) of myocardial infarction, gastritis, peptic ulcer, acute pancreatitis. The more food eaten, the stronger and for a longer period of time the concentration of lipids (fats) in the human blood increases, and this, in turn, as evidenced by numerous studies, is in a certain connection with the occurrence of changes in the body leading to the development of atherosclerosis . Eating too much food causes increased secretion of digestive juices: gastric and pancreatic. In some cases, this can gradually lead to disruption of the stomach, most often expressed in the form of gastritis or peptic ulcer of the stomach (or duodenum), or pancreas, which is expressed mainly in the form of pancreatitis. IN scientific literature For example, the phenomenon of a significant increase in the number of cases of myocardial infarction and acute pancreatitis in people celebrating Maslenitsa is described.

In the evening, after working day, human energy consumption is usually small. They decrease even more during night sleep. Therefore, a large meal in the evening leads to the fact that a significant proportion of consumed carbohydrates, without undergoing complete oxidation, are converted into fats, which are stored as reserves in adipose tissue. Thus, eating disorders, expressed in shifting the main share of the diet to the evening hours, also contribute to the emergence and development of obesity.

A relatively common violation of the diet, especially among women, is the replacement of a full lunch with a meal (or even two or three meals with a short break between them) of confectionery or flour products. Many people make do with cakes, muffins or buns instead of lunch. This is a serious violation of the correct diet, since in this case the human body, instead of a rational set of nutrients it needs, receives mainly carbohydrates, some of which, in conditions where almost no other nutrients enter the body, are converted into fats, creating the preconditions for the development of obesity . Confectionery usually contain a large number of easily soluble and quickly digested carbohydrates ( simple sugars), which, entering the blood in the form of glucose, significantly increase the concentration of the latter in the blood within a relatively short time. This puts a lot of stress on the pancreas. Repeated loads on the pancreas can lead to disruption of its endocrine function with the subsequent occurrence of diabetes mellitus. All the above discussions about rational nutrition concern a practically healthy person. Nutrition of patients is a special concern of nutritionists and therefore we do not touch upon this issue.

Article from the site website. The original is available at the link: http://site/basis/schedule/

Preparing the digestive organs for absorption nutrients begins with the appearance of a feeling of hunger. It occurs twice. Initially, it is caused by nerve impulses from the empty stomach, which enter the central nervous system after the last portions of food gruel have passed into duodenum. At this time, the most intensive digestion and absorption of nutrients into the blood occurs in the intestines, from where they pass into the tissues. Thus, a person begins to feel an appetite already at a time when there are still many nutrients in the blood. This useful adaptive mechanism arose during the process of evolution. Such a signal (we will call it the “first signal of hunger,” or appetite) prompted humans, as well as animals, to obtain and eat food while the body still had a supply of nutrients.

If a person is accustomed to eating at the first signal of hunger, then in this case a feeling of fullness occurs immediately after filling the stomach with a small amount of food. And while the tissues are nourished by the previous meal (for example, breakfast), the food that entered the stomach during lunch will have time to undergo the necessary processing in the stomach, and a new portion of food gruel will enter the duodenum, the next portion of nutrients will be absorbed into the blood, and uninterrupted nutrition of cells and tissues will be ensured. Eating at the first signal of hunger is accompanied by the release of all the necessary digestive juices: saliva, gastric and pancreatic juices, bile and intestinal juice.

If a person suppresses the first hunger signal, then this feeling passes, and he will gradually get used to not paying attention to this signal. As a result, the first hunger signal becomes increasingly unstable and, after some time, may even slow down.

Second hunger signal enters the central nervous system from “hungry” blood after nutrients have passed from it into the cells and tissues of the body. This signal is very persistent, a person reacts to it by persistently searching for food and, despite everything, finds time to eat. However, if after eating, at the first signal of hunger, a feeling of satiety occurs simultaneously with the filling of the stomach (i.e., reflexively, due to irritation of nerve cells sensitive to stretching of the walls of the stomach), then after eating at the second signal of hunger, a feeling of fullness after moderate filling of the stomach will not appear immediately, but only after the blood and tissues are saturated with nutrients, since the blood in this case still remains “hungry”. The feeling of hunger will disappear only 2-3 hours after eating. As a result, a person loses a sense of proportion in food, despite the fact that the stomach is full and its receptors are irritated, because their signals are weaker than the signals of “hungry” blood. This is how the habit of overeating and fullness of the stomach arises. The muscular walls of the stomach stretch, its volume increases.

It becomes clear why it is necessary train yourself to eat on demand, at the first signal of hunger, putting off all things, and making sure not to overeat or fill your stomach. If circumstances have led to the fact that you can eat only at the second hunger signal, then you need to eat the usual amount of food and not expect a feeling of fullness at the table - it will appear later.

If, due to disordered eating, the first feeling of hunger ceases to be felt, you must try to restore it, that is, eat at the same hours of the day at home and at work, as well as during vacation. This is the most reliable prevention of obesity.

When eating food, you must remember that its digestion begins in the oral cavity. We have already said that salivary enzymes break down carbohydrates, and teeth grind food and thus prepare it for full contact not only with saliva, but also with gastric juice. If food is poorly chewed, digestion in the stomach is delayed. This is observed with overeating, eating while tired, with fever and some other diseases, as well as with a lack of appetite caused by anxiety, concern, fear, anger and other negative emotions. All these conditions cause a delay or complete inhibition of salivation, secretory activity of the stomach and intestines. During decomposition, rotting and fermentation of food masses, gases are formed in the stomach cavity, and bad smell from the mouth, belching like a “rotten egg,” heartburn, a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the pit of the stomach.

The stomach, overfilled with food masses and gases, puts pressure on the diaphragm from below and interferes with its natural breathing movements. It becomes difficult to lower the dome of the diaphragm, and this is reflected in the depth of breathing - the inhalation becomes more superficial, and the preconditions are created for the development stagnation in the lower lobes of the lungs and in the liver.

Eating a lot of food is especially harmful before bedtime, since an overfilled stomach puts pressure on the lungs and heart, sometimes complicating their work so much that it causes patients to call an ambulance at night. Most often such cases occur after festive table or as a result bad habit eat the main portion of your daily diet in the evening after work. If, moreover, a person is accustomed to eating quickly, then obesity develops imperceptibly, but inevitably, with all the ensuing consequences.

It is especially harmful to eat rarely and in large quantities. With two meals a day before the second (evening) meal, the blood is “hungry”, and sometimes large pieces of food, poorly chewed, hastily eaten in the first half of the day still lie and swell in the stomach, the processes of fermentation of carbohydrates, rotting of proteins take place, and the stomach is again filled with food during time for a hearty lunch and dinner. Special experiments on animals have shown that less frequent feeding increases the formation of cholesterol in the body, and in addition, increases the ability of some foods to turn into fat. It is widely known that atherosclerosis, ischemic disease heart disease, obesity, and predisposition to diabetes are much more common in people who are accustomed to eating rarely and in large quantities. You need to eat at least 3-4 times a day at the same hours, and the last meal should be 1.5-2 hours before bedtime, and most importantly, do not overfill your stomach.

Frequent meals most naturally stimulate the gastric glands and prevent congestion in the gallbladder, since bile is secreted reflexively during meals.

Fractional meals (the secret of frequent meals)

Fractional meals are the most important tool for burning fat. You need to eat every three hours. This is not an absolute dogma, but the interval between meals should not be more than 4-4.5 hours.

Of course, you can eat 3 times a day and achieve certain results, but remember that 3 meals a day is a regimen tailored to the working day, which does not mean that such a schedule is ideal. Until you eat 5-6 times a day, you will not be able to spin your metabolism to maximum capacity.

As you remember, food has a thermal effect, i.e. The body spends energy to digest it. If you don't eat anything, then your body has nothing to burn except its muscles and fat. When fasting, fat will burn much slower than muscle.

Most The best way stock up on fat - go on a low-calorie, carbohydrate-free diet or fast.

It doesn't take long for the body to adjust to a calorie deficit (4-4.5 hours between meals is enough for the body to turn on the emergency light). If skipping a meal is a “serious crime,” then skipping breakfast should be punishable by “death penalty.”

Let's do the math. For example, your last meal was at 7 pm. You woke up at 7 am, you have no appetite, you drank a cup of coffee, ran to work and only at 12-13 o’clock did you get to the dining room... It turns out that the time interval between the last and first meals is 16 hours. During this time you will burn a large amount of muscle. In addition, if you eat like this, then your evening meal, as a rule, will be very plentiful, because the body will already throw all its strength into feeding itself and fat reserves in full, because the next day and the next and again you will torture yourself with 16 hour fasts.

Frequent meals are a strategic solution to control appetite. In which case do you think you will eat more? What if the last meal was 7 hours ago or 3 hours ago? Think back to your big dinner and think about why you eat so much? Obviously, the body simply demands its own. Remember, a strong feeling of hunger is the first signal that the body has begun to prepare to store fat.

You may ask me: “Okay, if 5-6 meals are good, then 7-8 or 9 would be even better?”

Not really. Digestion of food takes from 2 to 2.5 hours. If you eat more often, you will simply pile food on top of previously undigested food. If there were 40 hours in a day, then yes, you would need to add 2-3 meals. 5-6 times is the optimal number of meals, taking into account a 24-hour day.

Get rid of the stereotype that our grandmothers and mothers instilled in us, that we should not suppress our appetite and not eat before meals. The results of a good appetite can be very clearly observed in nature in the spring, when people, after hibernation, expose their bellies, gained over the winter, to the sun.

In addition, during one meal, more than 500-550 Kcal in the morning, 300-350 in the afternoon and 250-200 in the evening are not absorbed (the excess goes partly into the toilet, partly into fat). You will not be able to saturate your body with the necessary nutrients in 1-2 large meals, but you will saturate your fat with quality fat cells. A higher calorie intake in the evening is only necessary if you had an intense strength training session in the evening. More on this later.

Conclusion: Eating every 3 hours is necessary in order to maintain a stable and high level of metabolism and prevent the use of muscles as fuel, and also prevent the body from going into emergency economy mode. This is especially true for those who lead an active lifestyle and is simply necessary for those who engage in serious training.

Why does the body burn mostly muscle and not fat?

The answer is simple. There is always less fat in the body than muscle. Muscle cannot store as much energy as fat, so fat is needed to sustain life. There is no need for muscles because you are not moving or eating. This is an interconnected process that is quite understandable if you know the simplest functions of adipose tissue.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the fat storage mechanism. This is a normal process aimed at survival in extreme conditions. Without it, a person would not survive even a mild hunger strike. Hunger strikes further strengthen this mechanism to make it easier to endure hunger in the future.

Muscles consume a lot of energy, so in order to reduce costs, the body first gets rid of “energy-wasting tissues.” This makes it clear that to speed up your metabolism, you need metabolically active tissue (muscle). But gaining muscle is not as easy as you think. If you only eat 3 times a day and train intensely, then in almost 90% of cases you will lose a lot of muscle, because in 3 times you will not be able to eat and absorb sufficient quantity essential nutrients obtained from foods. In addition, you remember that when you eat large meals (especially when eating unhealthy foods), insulin levels jump, which sends calories not to glycogen, but directly to fat, while still leaving you weak and lethargic.

Simply swallowing meal replacements, such as protein bars, will not be enough, because... Such substitutes contain a lot of sugar and calories, but they are empty calories. In addition, such products do not increase the metabolic rate. At best, they only cover energy costs. You should only use meal replacements as a last resort when you have an emergency and you simply can't get to food. However, in this case, remember that you only prevented muscle burning, but did not increase your metabolic rate, as would have happened with regular healthy food. To put it bluntly, a meal replacement is the lesser of two evils.

Now let's talk about things like calorie tapping and calorie targeting.

In the morning your metabolism wakes up at in a great mood and demands his calories, which he voluntarily gave up at night. Overnight, the body's glycogen stores are depleted and the body needs to be refueled.

In the morning you should eat a lot and heartily, like a king (this is a fundamental rule that is not even discussed). 500-600 Kcal for breakfast is great. It's like a gas station before a big road. In the morning you can eat everything, even sweet fruits. Of course, if you are on a fat burning cycle, then fruit should be consumed in moderation, even in the morning.

Large meals should be taken before and/or after energy use, a direct indicator of which is glycogen levels.

Breakfast, pre- and post-workout meals are ideal times to eat a large meal.

For convenience, let's divide the day into 5 time periods:

This is the ideal cycle for women. Although the time of meals, of course, can be shifted plus or minus 30-60 minutes, depending on the circumstances.

For men who need to eat more calories, I suggest a slightly different schedule:

Now, let's take 1500 Kcal that you need to consume in order to lose weight.

When should you eat the most? That's right, in the morning, because 12 hours have passed between 19:00 and 7:00, which even in a state of sleep, when almost no energy is spent, is enough to exhaust internal resources.

Further, if you have a workout in the morning, say at 9 am, then it is clear that costs are added after, so breakfast becomes as necessary as air. Next, after training, you should definitely eat well at 9 o'clock in the morning, because there is still a whole day ahead and you need to stay fresh and alert. Next, you gradually reduce your meals so that at 7 pm you eat a light dinner and 3 hours later you fall asleep with an empty stomach, just in time for your metabolic rate to drop. This system is called calorie taping, i.e. narrowing calories.

With this type of nutrition, you wedge maximum amount carbohydrates in the first 2-3 doses, and in the evening stick to a protein-vegetable diet. Proteins should be present in every meal. However, this diet plan is only good for unemployed and free people and those who train on weekends in the morning or early afternoon.

This nutrition plan will be simply ideal for you. With the right training program, you will be simply amazed at the rate at which your body changes without hunger or weakness.

For women who consume 1500 kcal per day, the calorie distribution in the case of calorie tapping will look like this:

(5 meals)

Reception 1: 375

Reception 2: 300

Reception 3: 300

Reception 4: 300

Reception 5: 225

For men who consume, say, 2400 kcal per day, the schedule would look like this:

(6 meals)

Reception 1: 500

Reception 2: 400

Reception 3: 400

Reception 4: 400

Reception 5: 400

Reception 6: 300

If you exercise after work in the evening, say at 7:00 pm, then you need to use the calorie targeting method (i.e. calorie targeting). Obviously, a good workout in which you give it your all requires additional fuel both before and after.

Don't be afraid to eat after training, even if it's in the evening. After you have caused microdamage to the muscles, you definitely need to restore them, because if you don’t do this, the muscles will simply begin to burn. Of course, fat will also burn, but do not forget that fat has a much higher concentration of calories, so even with equal amounts of calories sacrificed from fat and muscle, muscle mass will be greater than fat mass.

Simply put, 50 grams of fat, which contains 450 kcal, will be equal to 450 calories of muscle, but 350 calories of muscle will weigh 100 grams. And do not forget that fat is restored much faster than muscle. Also, as I said before, the amount of muscle you have in your body directly determines your metabolic rate.

After training, if you ate a lot (but not too much, but taking into account the total daily 20% deficit), then the muscles, like injured tissue, will need treatment. A team of proteins, fats and carbohydrates will go to do this. Fat will not be stored because the emergency light that the body has been sharply limited in calories is not turned on. Fat will be stored only after the lesion (injured muscles) is restored. But if you don’t have enough calories in your diet (but the deficit is no more than 20%), then the lack of energy for muscle recovery will come from fat. This is how the indirect fat burning mechanism works. Those. During the workout itself, you create conditions for further fat burning. However, looking ahead, I will say that strength training is not best methods burning fat. Yes, a certain amount of fat is burned when the body replenishes the calorie deficit from its own reserves. The goal of strength training is to preserve the muscles needed to maintain high level metabolism and for burning fat directly during cardio training, when fat is burned in the muscles (more details about the mechanism of fat burning will be discussed later).

So, if you exercise in the evening, you need to fuel up before and after your workout. During the day, when you sit at a desk at work, additional energy will not be needed, so we slightly reduce breakfast and distribute calories as follows:

For women

Reception 1: 300

Reception 2: 250

Reception 3: 250

Reception 4: 350

Reception 5: 350

For men

Reception 1: 500

Reception 2: 400

Reception 3: 300

Reception 4: 300

Reception 5: 450

Reception 6: 450

When it comes to cardio training, things will be a little different.

Later, in the chapter on cardio training, I will tell you how to eat before and after cardio training, taking into account its timing.

Need to add important point. Perhaps after you count the number of calories you need and then count the number of calories you ate Lately, you will be surprised at the difference.

Generally, people mainly fall into two categories:

1. Find out they eat too much

2. Find out they eat too little

Whatever group you find yourself in, don't make sudden changes. If, say, you've been eating 3,400 calories for the past 5 years, and then you find out you need to eat 2,200, then don't cut your calories immediately the next day. The body may behave inappropriately and turn on energy storage mode. Reduce your diet gradually, 100 kcal per day.

The same applies to those who consume 800-1000 kcal per day (especially those on strict diets). A sharp increase in calorie intake can cause fat accumulation, because... your metabolism has slowed down a lot. Gradually increasing or decreasing your diet while starting to exercise will eliminate the risk of fat gain.

The concept of “dietary regimen” includes: 1) the number of meals during the day (meal frequency);
2) distribution of the daily diet according to its energy value, chemical composition, food set and weight for individual meals;
3) time of meals during the day;
4) intervals between meals;
5) time spent on eating.

A proper diet ensures the efficiency of the digestive system, normal absorption of food and metabolism, and good health. For healthy people, 3-4 meals a day are recommended at 4-5 hour intervals. Eating 4 meals a day is most conducive to mental and physical work. The intervals between small meals can be 2-3 hours. Eating food earlier than 2 hours after the previous meal is not advisable. Eating between main meals interrupts the appetite and disrupts the rhythmic activity of the digestive organs. When eating quickly, the food is poorly chewed and crushed, and is not sufficiently processed by saliva. This leads to excessive load on the stomach, deterioration of digestion and absorption of food. When you eat in a hurry, the feeling of fullness comes more slowly, which contributes to overeating. The duration of meals during lunch is at least 30 minutes. In the first hour after eating a large meal, drowsiness occurs and performance decreases. Therefore, during a break from work, the food consumed should not exceed 35% of the energy value and weight of the daily diet, and should not include difficult-to-digest foods (fatty meat, legumes, etc.). The dinner should not contain foods that burden the secretory and motor functions of the digestive organs, causing increased gas formation, intestinal bloating (flatulence) and nocturnal gastric secretion (fried foods, foods rich in fat, coarse fiber, extractives, sodium chloride - table salt). The last meal should be taken no later than 1½ - 2 hours before bedtime. It should be 5-10% of the daily energy value of the diet and include products such as milk, fermented milk drinks, fruits, juices, baked goods, writes

Systematic eating disorders (dry food, rare and generous receptions food, disordered eating, etc.) worsen metabolism and contribute to the occurrence of diseases of the digestive system, in particular gastritis. Eating a lot of food at night increases the possibility (serves as a risk factor) of myocardial infarction, acute pancreatitis, exacerbation of peptic ulcers and other diseases.

Changes can be made to the considered basic requirements for the diet, taking into account the nature and time (shift work) there, climate, and individual characteristics of the person.

At high temperature air appetite decreases, secretion digestive glands oppressed motor function gastrointestinal tract is violated. Under these conditions, you can increase the energy value of breakfast and dinner, and reduce the energy value of lunch to 25-30% of the daily value. It has been established that the need for food intake is related to the individual characteristics of the daily biorhythm of body functions. For most people, an increase in the level of these functions is observed in the first half of the day (“morning type”). These people normally accept a hearty breakfast. For other people, the level of body functions is reduced in the morning, and it increases in the second half of the day. For them, a hearty breakfast and dinner should be shifted to later hours.

In sick people, the diet may vary depending on the nature of the disease and the type medical procedures. The Ministry of Health has established at least 4 meals a day for treatment and prevention and sanatorium-resort institutions. The same regime is desirable in sanatoriums. Eating 5-6 times a day is necessary for exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, cholecystitis, myocardial infarction, circulatory failure, condition after gastrectomy, in the postoperative period, etc. With frequent, fractional meals, a more even distribution of the energy value of the diet is necessary for breakfast and lunch and dinner. With 4 meals a day, a light 2nd dinner is preferable to an afternoon snack, since the night break between meals should not exceed 10-11 hours. With 5 meals a day, an additional 2nd breakfast or afternoon snack is included, with 6 meals a day - both of these meals food. Some patients may receive a small amount of food at night (in the case of “hungry” night pain due to peptic ulcer disease). Patients whose temperature rises in the evening and their health worsens should receive at least 70% of the daily energy value in the morning and afternoon hours. In hot weather, you can increase the energy value of dinner by 5-10% at the expense of lunch.

Features of the diet in sanatoriums are related to drinking mineral waters and balneological (mineral and sea baths) procedures. Balneological and mud procedures are better tolerated 2-3 hours after a meal, somewhat worse on an empty stomach, and worst of all after a meal, especially a massive one (after lunch it is worse than after breakfast). Thus, an interval between meals and procedures or a reduction in the amount of food eaten before procedures is desirable. Therefore, at balneological resorts, the 1st breakfast before taking the procedures should be light - 5-10% of the energy value of the diet (tea, bun), and the 2nd breakfast should be 20-25% of the energy value of the diet. The diet in sanatoriums can be either 4 times a day or 5-6 times a day. It depends on the profile of the sanatorium and local conditions. For example, in sanatoriums for diseases of the digestive system, 5-6 meals should be organized.

In sanatoriums and dietary canteens, it is necessary to link work and nutrition regimes. The “Recommendations on the principles of organizing dietary (therapeutic) nutrition at the place of work, study and residence of the population in the public catering system” gives an approximate distribution of dietary rations for a 4-course meal plan. These recommendations also apply to sanatoriums.


A person’s health, his character, efficiency, and longevity largely depend on the food he consumes. It is no coincidence that they say that a person is what he eats. But not only. Turns out it's wrong organized process food intake also reduces already short days human life, contributing to the development of many diseases. Therefore, since ancient times, eating was shrouded in mystery; there were many ritual recommendations and prohibitions on this matter.

Let me remind you of some rules for eating, very important and, as a rule, known to everyone, but, unfortunately, rarely observed. First of all, you need to organize the correct diet.

Only in this case, the efficiency of the digestive system, normal absorption of food and metabolism, and therefore good health, are ensured. The concept of “dietary regimen” includes: the number of meals during the day (meal frequency); distribution of the daily diet according to its energy value, chemical composition, food set and weight for individual meals; meal times during the day; intervals between meals; duration of meal.

Healthy people need 3-4 meals a day at 4-5 hour intervals.
Mental and physical work is promoted by 4 meals a day. Intervals between small meals can be 2-3 hours. You should not eat earlier than 2 hours later, since eating in the intervals between main meals “interrupts” your appetite and disrupts the rhythmic activity of the digestive organs.

You should eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly.
The duration of meals during lunch should be at least 30 minutes.
When eating quickly, food is poorly chewed and crushed, and is not sufficiently processed by saliva. This leads to excessive stress on the stomach, worsening digestion and absorption of food. When you eat in a hurry, the feeling of fullness comes more slowly, which contributes to overeating.

In the first hour after eating a large meal, drowsiness occurs and performance decreases. Therefore, during a break from work, the food consumed should not exceed 35% of the energy value and weight of the daily diet, and should not include difficult-to-digest foods (fatty meat, legumes, etc.). The last meal should be no later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. It should be 5-10% of the daily energy value of the diet and include products such as milk, fermented milk drinks, fruits, juices, and baked goods. The dinner should not contain foods that burden the secretory and motor functions of the digestive organs, causing increased gas formation, flatulence and nighttime gastric secretion (fried foods, foods rich in fat, coarse fiber, extractives, table salt).

You should know it
Systematic eating disorders worsen metabolism and contribute to the occurrence of diseases of the digestive system: dry food, rare and heavy meals, disordered eating.

Eating heavily at night increases the possibility (serves as a risk factor) of myocardial infarction, acute pancreatitis, exacerbation of peptic ulcers and other diseases.

Changes must be made to the basic requirements for the diet, taking into account the nature and time (shift) of work, climate, as well as the individual characteristics of the person.

For example, at high air temperatures, appetite decreases, the secretion of the digestive glands is inhibited, and the motor function of the digestive tract is impaired. Under these conditions, it is possible to increase the energy value of breakfast and dinner, and reduce the energy value of lunch to 25-30% of daily norm. In hot weather, you can also increase the energy value of dinner by 5-10% at the expense of lunch.

It has been established that the need for food intake is related to the individual characteristics of the daily biorhythm of body functions. For most people, an increase in the level of these functions is observed in the first half of the day (“morning type”). These people normally accept a hearty breakfast. For other people, the level of body functions is lower in the morning and increases in the afternoon. For them, breakfast and dinner should be shifted to later hours.

In sick people, the diet changes depending on the nature of the disease and the type of treatment procedures prescribed. Eating 5-6 times a day is necessary in case of exacerbation of peptic ulcer, condition after gastrectomy, in the postoperative period, etc. With frequent, split meals, a more even distribution of the energy value of the diet is required for breakfast, lunch and dinner. With 4 meals a day, a light 2nd dinner is preferable to an afternoon snack, since the night break between meals should not exceed 10-11 hours. With 5 meals a day, an additional 2nd breakfast or afternoon snack is included, with 6 meals a day - both of these meals. Some patients may receive a small amount of food at night (in the case of “hungry” night pain due to peptic ulcer disease). Patients whose temperature rises in the evening and their health worsens should receive at least 70% of the daily food intake in the morning and afternoon hours.

An approximate distribution of the energy value of daily rations by meals depending on their number is presented in Table 12.

Table 12. Distribution of energy value of daily allowance
rations (%) by meal

Features of the diet in sanatoriums are associated with drinking mineral waters and balneological (mineral and sea baths) procedures. Balneological and mud procedures are better tolerated 2-3 hours after a meal, somewhat worse on an empty stomach and worst of all - after a meal, especially a large one; Moreover, after lunch they are tolerated worse than after breakfast. Thus, an interval between meals and procedures or a reduction in the amount of food eaten before the procedure is desirable. Therefore, at balneological resorts, the first breakfast (before the procedures) is usually light - 5-10% of the energy value of the diet (tea, bun), and the second - 20-25%. In sanatoriums, 5-6 meals are organized for patients with diseases of the digestive system.


Modern European science considers one of the reasons for human aging to be the gradual accumulation in the body of toxins that interfere with metabolism, as well as toxins, i.e. poisons.

Our body is continuously polluted both outside and inside. We see external pollution and therefore quickly get rid of it. We forget about the internal accumulation of waste and toxins. But a huge amount of questionable food, water, and air passes through our body. But even if food, water and air are environmentally friendly, still only a small part of them is used by the body; the big one is thrown away, like the waste products of billions of cells.

Back in the 80s of the 19th century, the famous Russian physiologist I.I. Mechnikov said that our death is in our colon. It sounds harsh, but quite fair. Because “the main source of toxins and intoxication is the intestines, in which putrefactive processes develop. Clogged feces The large intestine, instead of cleansing the body according to its natural purpose, retains in it the products of fermentation, fermentation and putrefaction. This is how self-poisoning occurs - autointoxication.

That is why it is very important to monitor the regularity of bowel movements and achieve systematic (at least once every two days) bowel movements (cleansing). Several simple recommendations, following which will help to establish regular bowel movements, as well as cope with bowel retention, if it does occur, are given in Chapter 3.

It should be noted that long before Mechnikov, observant people from different countries associated the health of the body and the freshness of the face with the functioning of the colon. One medieval French engraving shows a beautiful, well-combed woman. She talks to a fan through a screen. And at this time the maid is going to give the beauty an enema. This is not a frivolous picture, but an illustration of an everyday procedure. This method of colon cleansing is older than engraving. Since the time of Hippocrates, many ailments have been treated with the help of an ordinary siphon enema - intestinal lavage in this case occurs according to the principle of communicating vessels or a siphon. Simple siphon enema for a long time was the most effective of rinsing enemas; with its help, the large intestine was cleansed until clean water. It has been observed that a clean intestine relieves its owner from stomach disorders, skin diseases, allergies, migraines, insomnia, depression.

They are always interested in the state of the digestive tract of yoga. They believe that 3/4 of people suffer from disorders of the large intestine to one degree or another. The digestive tract, according to yogis, is a caravan road for billions of microbes, fungi, and bacteria that enter the body along with food.

This is the kitchen of the human body, which we, following the example good housewives must be kept in exemplary order and cleanliness.

Even in ancient times, yogis proposed a means to achieve this goal - an enema, which has now been adopted by medical practice. To normalize the activity of the large intestine, yogis perform “Basti” - drawing warm boiled water through the rectum using a reed. This means of maintaining health and fighting illness, like many others, man learned as a result of observing living nature. Legend says that one day the yogis noticed a bird from the ibis family, which, apparently, had just made a long flight across the desert and, in an extremely exhausted state, landed on the banks of the Ganges. But, strangely, she did not drink, she only took water into her beak and injected it into the anus. She repeated this procedure several times and only then drank water. The yogis were amazed at how quickly she came to her senses: only a few minutes passed - and now the healthy and strong bird soared into the sky and disappeared from view. So the idea came to try to treat old people suffering from intestinal diseases in this way. Old people from neighboring villages were taken on stretchers to the banks of the Ganges. Many of them were so sick that they could not move on their own. A primitive device was made, something like a syringe made of reeds (a prototype of a modern enema). The effect exceeded all expectations. Legend has it that these sick old men returned to their villages on their own, without outside help, and many of them even remarried. And since then, this method has been firmly established in Indian, and later in European medicine.

Performance technique. The procedure should be performed in the evening before bed, lying on your right side with your legs crossed.

After introducing warm boiled water into the intestines using a rubber bulb or an Esmarch mug (which can be purchased at a pharmacy), you need to lightly massage, knead the stomach, making clockwise movements, go to the toilet and empty the intestines.

The procedure is designed for one week according to the following scheme: on the first day, introduce 0.5 liters of water, on the 2nd day - 1 liter, on the 3rd day - a break, on the 4th day - 1.5 liters, on the 5th day - break, on the 6th day - break, on the 7th day - 2 liters of water.
Exactly one month after the start of the procedure, the entire cleansing cycle should be repeated. 2 months after the start of the second cycle, repeat the entire cycle again. Repeat the procedures in a similar way after 3, 4, 5, 6 months, i.e. the intervals before the start of cycles increase. In the future, the procedure should be done every 6 months, one cycle for prevention.

Yogis do not advise getting carried away with artificial bowel cleansing. Their motto is a return to natural functions. "Basti" only helps restore impaired body functions. If this procedure is done very often, the large intestine will become sluggish and will not perform its functions well.

Therapeutic effects of "Basti". The procedure improves overall well-being and helps eliminate general body lethargy. The skin is cleansed, pimples and boils disappear, a good complexion is acquired; The coating on the tongue disappears (if the stomach functions and diet are normal), and the breath becomes fresh.

The procedure helps with treatment chronic diseases lungs, liver, spleen, urethra, large intestine, eyes; with increased stomach acidity, hemorrhoids and other ailments associated or caused by disturbances in the evacuation function of the intestines. Contraindications:
acute colitis,

Nowadays, intestinal cleansing is carried out using the method of colon hydrotherapy and is carried out with a special apparatus “Colonik”. With its help, purified water enters the intestines under pressure, then the contents of the large intestine are excreted. Thus, "Colonik" washes the entire large intestine, including its upper sections. The device allows you to observe the entire purification process and gently regulate the temperature and pressure of the supplied water.

Colon hydrotherapy- the procedure is outpatient, no additional preparation is needed before it. A colon hydrotherapy session lasts 45 minutes, it is comfortable and painless: the patient lies on his back, and the doctor performs a gentle abdominal massage at this time. A colon cleansing course consists of 5-7 procedures. Further maintenance procedures are recommended 1-2 times a month. It is useful to conduct cleansing courses twice a year - in spring and autumn.

Therapeutic effects of colon hydrotherapy: clean skin, “glowing from within”, healthy glow, vigor, strong and restful sleep, healthy beautiful nails, lush shiny hair, loss of excess body weight (from 3 to 8 kg), flat and toned stomach, increased intestinal tone and return to its natural size.


exacerbation of any chronic disease;
infectious diseases in the acute period;
heart failure;
period after surgical treatment of organs abdominal cavity if less than a year has passed since the operation;
diseases of the colon - diverticula, cancer, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis.


Regular physical activity has been considered for centuries an important component healthy lifestyle. Recently, this position has been confirmed by new scientific evidence. It turned out that physical activity has a positive effect not only on the physical, but also on the mental state of a person, being one of the factors in the prevention of relapses of chronic diseases, including the intestines.

If you start doing gymnastics regularly, you will notice the following favorable changes happening to you.

You will feel more energetic.

Exercise will relieve you of stress and muscle tension, which are localized in compressed, tense parts of the body, especially in the neck, back, and spine. The exercises will stretch these areas, freeing them up and "reserving" the bend.
bone. You will feel cheerfulness and lightness throughout your body.

Physical activity that corresponds to the body’s capabilities calms the nerves and promotes a good night’s sleep; increases emotional control, helps achieve balance.

Your mind will become clearer, your attitude towards work, yourself, and life will improve.
You will look better and younger, and stand straighter.
You will become slimmer.

And finally, your gastrointestinal tract will normalize, your cardiovascular and respiratory systems will function at a higher level.

But, unfortunately, despite all the advantages physical activity, many people pay little attention to it. For example, according to surveys conducted in the USA, 24% of Americans conduct completely sedentary image life, 54% - insufficiently active. In 1995, leading physical activity experts released new recommendations for adults, moving from the traditional exercise-fitness model to the broader physical activity-health model (Pate, 1995). After careful consideration of physiological, epidemiological and clinical data, the experts formulated the following recommendation:
Every day (or almost every day) an adult should total at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity.

What is it moderate activity? For clarity, examples various types activity - light, moderate, high - the experts presented in the form of a table below (see Table 13).
New and very important element The scientists' recommendations include that these 30 minutes of average activity can be gained several times during the day (by climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator, walking 2 stops instead of taking public transport, doing rhythmic gymnastics while watching TV and etc.).

Table 13. Examples of physical activity
for healthy people

Experts in health-improving physical culture unanimously argue that the training program should include 3 categories of exercises:

Moreover, all three components are important and necessary. Unfortunately, preference is usually given to one type of activity, which, of course, significantly increases the level of physical quality being trained, but the reliability of other parts of the body decreases. For example, if there is no power load, then by the age of 60-70 the strength of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and torso drops sharply. If in class physical culture If aerobic exercise is not provided, there is no training effect on the cardiovascular system. At the same time, people who maintain or improve both strength and flexibility are able to better perform daily workloads, they have almost no pain in the back and joints, and “senile” posture does not appear, and those who include aerobic exercises in their classes that correspond to their physical level body condition, significantly reduce the risk of developing such dangerous diseases as hypertonic disease, myocardial infarction, stroke.

Getting active physical exercise, you need to remember a few general rules.
Rule for beginners: do not exercise to the point of exhaustion.
The training program should be enjoyable for you. Never do anything that makes you uncomfortable.
You should not exercise earlier than 2 hours after breakfast or 4 hours after a hearty lunch.
Do not perform intense exercises before bed, preferably no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
Before starting classes, you need to empty your bowels and bladder.
It is best to practice outdoors.
After intense exercise, you should take a shower.
It is better to eat and drink only 30-40 minutes after class.
Don't quit once you start physical training. Let them occupy one of the leading places in your daily routine.

Let's take a closer look at each type of physical exercise.

The cardiovascular and respiratory systems are trained to the greatest extent. They are performed at a relatively slow pace for quite a long time (from 15 minutes to several hours) and involve large muscles in the work. Within 20-30 minutes of exercise, the heart rate doubles, the blood is significantly saturated with oxygen (this is what gave the name to the exercises), metabolic processes improve, which slows down the aging mechanism of the body.

Energetic walking, running, swimming, skating, rowing, skiing, dancing, tennis, basketball, cycling, rhythmic gymnastics (aerobics) are all types of aerobic exercise.

Aerobic exercises promote weight loss, body shaping (due to increased fat breakdown), improve mood, increase the body's ability to withstand stress, have an anti-sclerotic effect, train endurance, and increase physical performance.

Aerobic training differs favorably from other types of physical activity (for example, athletic gymnastics) in that it does not lead to an increase in muscle mass, as a result of which the cholesterol content in the body increases and atherosclerosis can often develop.
Aerobic exercise is the most effective means prevention of cardiovascular diseases, which in number deaths occupy 1st place in the world.

When performing aerobic exercise, be sure to monitor your breathing and pulse: if your heart rate (HR) exceeds a safe value, you should either slow down or pause to rest (Table 14).

Table 14. Safe heart rate value
contractions during aerobic exercise

Walking is good aerobic training. She:
accessible to everyone, including children;
does not require additional time;
gives pleasure;
does not require special suit and equipment;
has a healing effect on the entire body.

Three long (1.5-2 hours) walks a week and short (15-20 minutes) walks every day normalize body weight. One extra kilometer a day will get rid of an extra kilo in 2 months.
It should be remembered that duration is more important walk than its intensity. An hour of walking is better than 15 minutes of running.

As you become more fit, you can increase the duration of your walk from 20 to 40 minutes, then to 60. You can start walking uphill and on long hikes.
Run. “If you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll have to run when you’re sick,” wrote Horace. Let me remind you: the main difference between running and walking is that when running there is only alternating support, i.e. first one leg, then the other, falls to the ground.

Benefits of running:

effectively trains the cardiovascular system;
increases the body's ability to resist mental stress;
improves mood;
normalizes body weight well;
It’s convenient that you can run anywhere, even at home (running on the spot), and in any weather;
does not require special training, heavy and expensive equipment;
workouts are fun when completed First stage, and can turn into a habit that you never want to break.

Disadvantages of running:

difficult to start;
may arise painful sensations in muscles and ligaments;
there are restrictions - not recommended:
- pregnant women;
- people with significant (more than 10-12 kg) excess body weight;
- with osteochondrosis of the spine;
- with flat feet;
- with gallstone or kidney stone disease;
- with prolapse of internal organs.

Shoes. During a half-hour run, a runner's feet hit the ground at least 2,500 times with a force that is 2-3 times greater than body weight. This is not scary for feet wearing the right sneakers. Uncomfortable shoes hurt the feet, and from them the pain spreads to the ankles, legs, hips, lower back and even reaches the head.

Considering the importance of this mandatory running attribute, pay special attention to it:
buy shoes in specialized stores where there is a large selection of sports shoes;

To try on, wear the thick cotton socks you plan to wear during training;

For running, you need sports shoes with flexible, but thick and soft soles, with a hard heel that

Should firmly grip the heel;

There should be room for your toes: make sure you can move them freely, and between

There is a gap between the long toe and the toe of the shoe.

Cloth. In cold weather, wear several layers of clothing so that you can gradually undress as you warm up.

Most suitable for running are:

cotton underwear (women need to wear a hard bra);
thick cotton socks;
cotton shirt, jacket in case of rain.

Warm up. When running, the load on the muscles is distributed unevenly; individual muscles of the legs (especially the thighs), experiencing severe tension, may hurt if you do not do special warm-up exercises first.

Before each workout, warm up for at least 5 minutes. Warm-up exercises will help avoid injury. In addition, they maintain the tone of those muscles that do not experience heavy loads when running.

Exercises for warming up before running (Figure 16);
1. Starting position (ip) - standing, arms down, legs together. As you inhale, raise your arms up to your sides and stretch, standing on your toes. As you exhale, bend your torso forward and move your arms straight back, standing on your entire foot. The pace is average. Repeat 4-6 times.

2. I.p. - standing, arms to the sides, legs together. Perform circular movements with your arms shoulder joints with maximum amplitude. The pace is average. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 6-8 times back and forth.

3. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward. Turn your torso and arms simultaneously to the left, then to the right. The pace is slow. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 2-4 times in each direction.

4. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, left hand resting on the waist, straight right arm raised up. Bend your torso to the left. Then, changing the position of your hands, bend to the right.
The pace is average. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3-6 times in each direction.

5. I.p. - standing, feet wider than shoulders, arms down. As you exhale, tilt your torso to the left and, bending your left leg at the knee, touch your left toes with both hands. As you inhale, return to i.p. Then perform the same movement to the right side. The pace is average. Repeat 3-6 times in each direction.

6. I.p. - standing, feet together, arms down. As you exhale, bend over, lift your right leg, clasp

with your hands and press your knee to your chin. As you inhale, return to i.p. Then perform the same movement with your left leg. The pace is average. Repeat 3-6 times with each leg.

7. I.p. - Same. Raise your right leg to a horizontal level and clap your palms under your knee, then return to the standing position. The pace is average. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 4-8 times with each leg.

8. I.p. - Same. Perform squats on your toes, keeping your knees together and raising your arms straight up.
Return to standing position, lowering your arms down along your body.
The pace is average. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3-5 times.

9. I.p. - sit down, legs together, hands on your belt. Take your straight leg forward one by one (dance the “Cossack” squat). Repeat 3-5 times with each leg. Do not hold your breath, keep your back straight.

Training rules. As a result of many years research work Experts have determined how to train in order to achieve a healing effect with the help of running. Here are the main principles that are easy to remember:

Run every other day or at least 2 times a week;

Exercise continuously for at least 20 minutes;

Run away from highways;

Give preference not to asphalt, but to softer earthen roads (paths), running on which puts less stress on the joints;

Avoid overwork: during exercise, monitor your breathing (it should be rhythmic) and pulse;

Trust your body: it will tell you when to move faster and when to slow down or rest;

If your heart rate is irregular or you experience chest pain during or after running, stop exercising and consult your doctor;

Before starting jogging, medical consultation is necessary if you have a disease of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, angina, previous myocardial infarction, etc.), as well as if you are practically healthy, but over 35 years old.

Bicycling, swimming, rowing, tennis and other types of applied sports exercises, compared to walking, provide a faster healing effect, confidence that you control your body, and doing them is more fun and interesting. Each of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages: When rowing, the expanse of water has a calming effect on you, but this sport requires the presence of a body of water. A bicycle can be used as transport, it gives the whole family the opportunity to exercise and enjoy the scenery at the same time. However, this is quite an expensive pleasure, in addition, the conduct of classes depends on the weather and traffic. Swimming does not depend on the weather, even sore legs are not a hindrance, but a swimming pool is necessary. Tennis is fun, but requires preliminary training and significant costs for equipment and court rental.

Jumping rope, stairs, jogging in place, and aerobics are recommended as aerobic exercises indoors.
With the light hand of the American movie star, the charming and ageless Jane Fonda, rhythmic gymnastics (aerobics), performed to music, where movements, like in a dance, smoothly flow into one another, have become extremely popular all over the world. A clear rhythm, a relatively low tempo, and the use of simple exercises that are performed one after another - these are the main features of this gymnastics. Another one distinguishing feature- musical accompaniment. Music itself carries a strong emotional charge, improves mood, improves the functioning of all organs and systems of the body, and has a healing effect.

It has already been proven that aerobics stimulates the development of cognitive abilities, increases self-esteem, and relieves depression. However, trying to constantly adhere to the pace and instructions of the instructor can be harmful to your body. For many people, more natural aerobic exercise, such as walking or swimming, is healthier.

Stretching- this is training your flexibility and joint mobility. This is a gentle stretching of the main muscle groups due to body weight, posture or tension of antagonist muscles. Everyone can come up with stretching exercises themselves; they should be based on bending, turning, and rotating. Flexibility exercises should be included first and last in your daily training program. Regardless physical strength Without proper muscle stretching, you cannot achieve high physical fitness. Yogis consider flexibility a sign of youth and attach great importance to these exercises (postures for stretching the main muscle groups are described in detail in the Hatha Yoga manuals).

Examples of exercises for developing flexibility (Figure 17)

1) I.p. - squat down, placing your palms on the floor. As you exhale, spreading your arms to the sides, stand up and take one leg back (“swallow”). While inhaling, return to IP. Perform the same movement by moving the other leg back. The pace is average. Repeat 2-3 times with each leg.

2) I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. As you inhale, spread your arms wide to the sides and bend at the waist, while exhaling, grab your knee with your hands and try to touch it with your chin. The pace is slow. Repeat 2-4 times with each leg.

3) I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knee joints, arms at the elbows. Make a "half bridge":
raise your body, resting on the back of your head, elbows and feet.
The pace is average. Repeat 3-4 times.

4) I.p. - the same, arms along the body. Bend your knees as far as possible to the side, trying to reach them

floor. The pace is slow and smooth. Repeat 4-6 times in each direction.

5) I.p. - the same, legs straight. As you exhale, pull your knee towards your chin. As you inhale, return to i.p. The pace is slow. Repeat 2-4 times with each leg.

6) I.p. - sitting on your heels, placing your palms and forearms on the floor. Smoothly straightening your arms and bending in the lumbar spine (“like a cat crawling under a fence”), stand on all fours. Then just as smoothly return to IP. The pace is slow. Repeat 3-4 times.

7) I.p. - standing on all fours. As you exhale, simultaneously raise right hand and left leg. While inhaling, return to IP. Perform the same movement with the other arm and leg. Repeat 4-6 times.
It is very useful to perform a “heel stretch” immediately after sleep, while still lying in bed.

I.p. - lying on your back, arms at your sides. Pull your left leg with your heel forward, tensing all the muscles of your leg. Hold the tension for 1-3 seconds, exhale and relax your leg. Repeat with your right leg. Then both 5-10 times.

They perfectly tone the body, help strengthen and increase muscle size. This is the prevention of aging. In addition, people with weak physical strength are 5 times more likely to experience neuroses and mental overload.

This type of exercise includes the currently popular bodybuilding, or bodybuilding (“body building”), as well as athletic gymnastics.

With the right training methods, strength exercises allow you to form a figure “as desired” in a short period of time and get rid of excess fat deposits at any age. In addition to building a beautiful body, these exercises help develop strength and endurance, which is achieved through general muscle training and targeted stress on individual muscles.
“Building the body” is carried out with the help of exercises performed with resistance (expanders, exercise machines) and with weights (dumbbells, barbell, weight own body and so on.).

Women should approach strength exercises with caution: push-ups, push-ups, hand hangs, etc. can change the normal position of the pelvic organs, which can lead to impaired reproductive function.

Strength exercises are contraindicated for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, arterial hypertension, kidney disease and epilepsy.

Examples of strength exercises using your own body weight (Figure 18)
1) I.p. - lying on an inclined board, head on its elevation, arms along the body, legs straight. As you exhale, raise your straight legs up, hold for 5-10 seconds and lower. While inhaling, return to IP. Repeat 10-12 times.

2) I.p. - lying on an inclined board, on its elevated

nii - straight legs, arms along the body. As you exhale, lift your body. While inhaling, return to IP. The pace is medium and smooth. Repeat 10-12 times.

3) I.p. - lying on your stomach, hands under your head. As you exhale, raise your legs straight and, holding them suspended, bring them together and spread them apart. While inhaling, return to IP. Repeat 10-12 times.

4) I.p. - the same, rest your palms on the floor at shoulder level. As you exhale, leaning on your palms and toes, lift your body (perform a push-up). The pace is average. Repeat 10-15 times.

5) I.p. - lying on your back, arms along your body, legs straight. Make a stand on your shoulder blades (“birch tree”), supporting yourself by the lower back with your hands. Perform leg abduction and extension. Then return to IP. The pace is average. Repeat 4-6 times.

6) I.p. - Same. As you exhale, slowly raise your straight legs vertically up, while inhaling, slowly lower them, but do not touch the floor. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Return to i.p. Repeat 8-10 times.

7) I.p. - standing with your back to the gymnastics wall, legs together, arms raised up and holding the bar. As you exhale, pull your knees towards your stomach. While inhaling, return to IP. The pace is average. Repeat 8-10 times.

8) I.p. - Same. As you exhale, raise your straight legs horizontally to the floor (“corner”). While inhaling, return to IP.

The pace is average. Repeat 8-10 times.
In conclusion, I note that the most effective for maintaining and improving health are complex exercises that include aerobic exercises - for training the cardiovascular system and endurance and strength exercises - for body shaping. Exercises to develop flexibility begin any health program compiled by a competent trainer, since good elasticity of muscles, joints and ligaments dramatically reduces the likelihood of injury, increases the range of motion and allows muscles to recover faster after physical activity. Copyright © site - e-books for free