My left hand suddenly went numb. Why does the left (right) hand go numb and what to do

Most even absolutely healthy people faced with paresthesia. Limb numbness is due to various factors, among which there are serious illness, and temporal phenomena. To eliminate this condition, it is important to find out why paresthesia occurs.

Left hand goes numb - causes

All factors provoking the problem under consideration are conditionally classified into 2 groups. Reasons why numb left hand:

  1. Physiological- circulatory disorders, muscle compression, tendon overstrain and others.
  2. Medicaldangerous pathologies cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Numb fingers on left hand

This symptom often occurs due to harmless factors. After sleeping in an uncomfortable position, prolonged work with fingers (haircut, typing, knitting), carrying weights and other activities, many people have a numb left hand within the palm of their hand. Discomfort quickly disappears if you stretch the limb or massage it, restoring normal blood circulation.

Medical reasons why the fingers on the left hand go numb:

Numb left hand

If the paresthesia extends beyond the fingers, discomfort may be caused by the above physiological reasons. At night, the left hand goes numb due to an uncomfortable sleeping position or a long stay in one position. Sometimes discomfort is provoked by:

  • squeezing clothing and accessories;
  • professional activities (computer work, sewing, etc.);
  • injuries, sprains and bruises;
  • physical overload.

In other cases, against the background of more serious factors, the left hand (hand) goes numb - the reasons:

  • acute deficiency of minerals and vitamins in the body;
  • carpal nerve injury;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • tunnel syndrome.

The presented variant of the pathology is observed mainly in the morning, if a person has been sleeping on one side for a long time. Paresthesia can be caused by other non-dangerous reasons listed above. Sometimes the left arm goes numb from the elbow due to diseases:

  • ischemic heart disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • nerve compression;
  • inflammation of muscles, tendons or ligaments;
  • arthrosis, arthritis of the elbow joint;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine;
  • avitaminosis.

Left arm numb from shoulder

Paresthesia of the entire limb is rare and may indicate serious problems with health. When numbness of the arm from the shoulder to the fingers is fixed after waking up, it is caused by a long stay in one position. This condition is associated with leakage, lying down of the limb. You should immediately consult a doctor if the numbness of the left hand does not go away on its own, the reasons often include dangerous pathologies:

  • heart disease;
  • heart attack;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels;
  • stroke;
  • lung damage;
  • chronic pathologies of the kidneys;
  • diabetic neuropathy.

Numb left arm and leg

This combination of symptoms indicates nerve damage, inflammation, or pinching. If the left arm goes numb and paresthesia is observed in parallel lower limb with swelling and pain syndrome, more likely the destruction of the intervertebral discs or the progression of a hernia. In such situations, mobility is severely limited, the body seems to be constrained. Other serious diseases can also provoke hand numbness - causes:

  • tumors;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • stroke;
  • thrombosis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • mechanical injury;
  • hypothermia;
  • diabetes.

What is dangerous hand numbness?

The described symptom itself does not pose a threat, but the causes that cause it can lead to irreversible consequences. The danger of hand numbness depends on the disease that provokes paresthesia. You can guess the severity of the problem by observing the course of the pathology. If the numbness quickly disappears, for example, after the restoration of normal circulation, its cause was physiological. When paresthesia occurs spontaneously and does not go away without special therapy, it is important to see a doctor.

Specified combination clinical signs often indicative of cardiac lesions. If the left hand goes numb, the heart can be damaged against the background of the following diseases:

  • angina;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • pericarditis;
  • myocarditis;
  • neoplasms in the body;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • atherosclerosis of the heart vessels;
  • injury.

There are also less dangerous states in which the left arm goes numb and pain is felt in the chest area:

  • swelling during pregnancy;
  • pinched nerve;
  • deficiency of calcium in the body.

Numbness of the hand with osteochondrosis

The considered pathology of the musculoskeletal system progresses slowly, but irreversibly. Numbness of the left hand can occur against the background of long-term osteochondrosis, when inflammation of the intervertebral discs occurs. Their protrusion and destruction, the formation of hernias leads to infringement of the nerve roots. This provokes paresthesia and is accompanied by severe pain.

Numbness of the hand after a fracture

The presented symptom is considered typical for the period of wearing plaster cast. It immobilizes the limb, constantly maintaining it in one position, sometimes squeezing soft tissues, which provokes numbness of the hand, mainly the fingers. After removing the cast, all signs of paresthesia should disappear on their own. If they do not pass, it is important to establish why the left hand hurts and goes numb. This condition is sometimes a symptom of:

  • diabetes;
  • improper accretion bone tissue;
  • stroke
  • thrombosis of large arteries;
  • joint mobility disorders;
  • inflammation of the tendons;
  • ligament damage;
  • carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • repeated damage to the limb by strong overloads.

What to do if the left hand goes numb?

Taking into account the multifactorial nature of the considered problem, its therapy always begins with the establishment accurate diagnosis. To find out why the left hand is numb, the left hand hurts, you should visit several specialists:

  • therapist;
  • vertebrologist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • lymphologist;
  • traumatologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • urologist;
  • vascular surgeon.

In the process of determining the causes of paresthesia, you will have to perform a number of laboratory tests and undergo clinical trials:

  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • radiography;
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography;
  • dopplerography;
  • electrocardiography;
  • urography;
  • analysis of urine, blood;
  • liver tests;
  • linked immunosorbent assay;
  • hormonal panel;
  • blood test for tumor markers and others.

Therapy is prescribed only after establishing why the left hand goes numb - the treatment depends entirely on the cause of this condition. It may include:

  1. Taking medication. In accordance with the factors that caused paresthesia, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, vitamins and mineral complexes, hormones, anticoagulants and other drugs.
  2. Physiotherapy. Courses are used to normalize nerve conduction therapeutic massage, magnetic and radio wave exposure, compression, water procedures and similar techniques.
  3. Gymnastics. To improve the mobility of joints and muscles, to restore their functions, individually selected sets of exercises are recommended.

Numbness in the hands is a symptom of several essentially different diseases. Why does the left hand go numb and which doctor should I contact for help? The symptom is serious enough to pay attention to it and take timely measures to prevent the development of pathological irreversible situations.

What diseases cause numbness in the left hand?

If you feel numbness in the left limb, you need to pay attention to the nervous and cardiovascular system.

From the side of the heart and blood vessels, pathologies such as:

  • Myocardial infarction is accompanied by acute, pronounced painful sensations giving under the shoulder blade, the hand becomes numb and this condition cannot be stopped by taking nitroglycerin;
  • Unlike a heart attack, with angina pectoris, numbness in the left arm appears after exercise and quickly disappears after taking nitroglycerin. Numb top part hands - shoulder and forearm from the elbow;
  • A stroke in the right hemisphere of the brain causes not only numbness of the left arm and leg, but also visual, hearing, and speech impairments;
  • Atherosclerosis leads to narrowing blood vessels and circulatory disorders. If a we are talking about the pathology of the vessels supplying blood to the left hand, then with a load, raising the hand, weakness, numbness, tingling appear;
  • If the hand, fingers of the left hand go numb, then cervical or thoracic osteochondrosis is likely to occur, accompanied by a violation of the blood supply and innervation of the hand. The arm may hurt from the shoulder to the hand, there is weakness in the arms.

Why are the fingers of the left hand numb?

Hand numbness - causes:

  1. Numbness thumb associated with pathological processes in the joint, impaired circulation or innervation. Problems with blood vessels lead to swelling, discoloration of the skin (redness, cyanosis), a feeling of cold. Numbness may be accompanied by pain radiating to the arm.
  2. Numbness index finger may be associated with high physical exertion, as well as with a fungal infection of the nail.
  3. Loss of sensation ring finger occurs most often and is associated with cervical osteochondrosis (protrusion, intervertebral hernia, bony vertebral outgrowths).
  4. Very often, the numbness of the ring finger is complemented by similar sensations in the little finger. It is innervated ulnar nerve and pinching the latter in the cervical spine leads to numbness of the finger. In addition, there may be a syndrome of the scalene and pectoralis minor.

Why are my fingertips numb?

Numbness in the balls of the fingers may be due to endocrine disorders, for example, diabetes. When an unpleasant symptom appears, it is necessary to undergo an examination.

Why does my left hand go numb while sleeping?

As a rule, arm numbness in a dream occurs due to an uncomfortable posture. In colloquial speech, this state is called "lay down the hand."

under the weight own body and during co-sleeping(when the partner sleeps on the man's shoulder, the baby is on the mother's chest) the arm becomes numb, blood circulation is disturbed in it.

To get rid of numbness, it is enough to rub the limb intensively, do exercises, take cold and hot shower.

However, if the situation becomes normal and is not associated with an uncomfortable posture, consult a doctor. Perhaps it is a cervical or thoracic osteochondrosis.

Why does my hand go numb while working at a computer?

Computers are so firmly entrenched in everyday life what to imagine without them the average workplace engineer, technologist, office worker, teacher or accountant is impossible.

People, for a long time those who spend at the computer often complain of pain and numbness of the hands, and this is more true for gamers.

Unpleasant symptoms associated with the static position of the hand throughout the day. This phenomenon is called the "syndrome carpal tunnel". It occurs due to pressure median nerve passing through the carpal tunnel.

Similar problems are familiar to musicians - pianists, accordionists.

Causes of numbness of the left hand

Any reason can be pathological processes leading to compression, inflammation or damage to nerve fibers, blood vessels. These include:

  • Inflammation of the nerves brachial plexus;
  • Compression of nerve bundles;
  • Violation of blood supply as a result of an uncomfortable posture, injury, illness;
  • Long static raising of hands;
  • Uneven physical load on the shoulders (overweight by left side);
  • Tight uncomfortable clothing;
  • Physical activity associated with the work of the left hand.


Numbness of the left hand is a reason to turn to specialists: a cardiologist, a neurologist, a surgeon.

To make a diagnosis, an x-ray examination, electroneuromyography are performed.

What to do if the left hand goes numb

  1. The reason for an urgent call for an ambulance is the numbness of the left arm, starting from the hand and rising along the arm up to the shoulder. This phenomenon is often accompanied by severe acute pain and we are talking about blockage of the artery - thrombosis. Absence emergency assistance result in at least limb amputation.
  2. Numbness, which is accompanied by pain in the region of the heart, signals an impending heart attack and requires immediate hospitalization. This condition is life-threatening.
  3. Since numbness is one of the symptoms of a stroke (cerebral hemorrhage), you should pay attention to the presence of other signs - headache, confusion, speech disorders, oddities with facial expressions (it is difficult for a person to smile). Modern means able to prevent severe consequences stroke if help is provided in a timely manner.

In other cases, remove physical activity and let your hand rest, rub the skin with your hand or with a hard towel to increase blood flow.

If numbness is associated with cervical or thoracic, then the treatment does not consist in eliminating the symptoms, one of which is the loss of sensitivity, but in normalizing the position of the vertebrae, restoring cartilage tissue.

Hand numbness prevention

To prevent numbness, you need to reconsider your lifestyle:

  • Pay attention to nutrition, reduce consumption simple carbohydrates;
  • Control blood cholesterol levels to prevent the development of vascular atherosclerosis;
  • follow blood pressure;
  • Give the body moderate physical and mental stress;
  • Normalize the regime of work and rest, walk on fresh air, do physical education;
  • Monitor the correct posture;
  • Maintain optimal body weight;
  • Give up smoking and alcohol - factors that negatively affect the health of blood vessels.

Exercises for numb hands

Exercises for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome, and for the treatment wrist joint.

With the systematic appearance of numbness in the left hand, you need to undergo an examination, establish the cause and discuss the treatment with your doctor. acute pain accompanying loss of sensation in the left hand is the reason for calling an ambulance.

AT recent times complaints such as numbness of the left hand became more frequent. This condition is extremely unpleasant not only physically, but also emotionally. Seizures appear after compression of nerve endings and / or blood vessels. Accompanied by this lung condition tingling. Today we will touch on the topic of why? We will give recommendations on what to do if the left hand goes numb.

Temporary numbness of the left arm

Such an unpleasant sensation appears when the muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck have been tense for a long time or have been in a not very comfortable position, for example, working at a computer. Numbness in this situation can be observed completely in the entire arm, including elbow joint, shoulder girdle. This phenomenon can be explained quite simply - the tissues do not receive the necessary dose of oxygen and nutrients. To prevent numbness of the left hand in this case, it is necessary to periodically change the position of the body, do a little exercise, warm up during a forced long sedentary work. If the hand is numb, then massage, exercise will help. Temporary numbness of the left hand may appear when wearing tight, uncomfortable clothing, prolonged position of the left hand at a level above the heart. Unpleasant sensations in the left hand pass for an hour after the provoking factor has been eliminated. If the condition has not improved and the left hand is still numb for a long time, then you should contact a neurologist.

Periodic attacks of numbness of the left hand are observed during exacerbation. If the left hand becomes numb and nausea appears, headache, dizziness, these are symptoms of impaired blood supply to the brain.

The left hand goes numb with cardiovascular diseases

Such a symptom should cause some concern in people with ischemic disease hearts, . Most likely there was a failure in the work of the heart. Pain in the left side of the chest, numbness of the left limb, shortness of breath, cold sweat- this is common symptoms preinfarction state, and may also indicate that the blood supply to the brain has deteriorated. When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to take the medicines that were previously prescribed by the doctor and call ambulance. It is important to remember that the sooner a patient with a heart attack is taken to the hospital and provided with medical care, the greater the chance of a favorable outcome.

Sudden numbness of the arm, which is accompanied by severe, sharp pain that tends to increase, and there is also swelling of the limb, these symptoms indicate thrombosis main vessels left limb. If the pain does not subside within an hour, then the patient must be urgently taken to the hospital. Delay can lead to tissue necrosis, independent attempts to improve the condition can also lead to negative consequences.

Diseases that are accompanied by numbness of the left hand

Cervical is chronic disease spine and is characterized by pathological growth of bone tissue in the region of the cervical vertebrae. In addition to the fact that the left arm goes numb, there is pain in the neck, in the area of ​​​​the shoulder girdle, ears and eyes may hurt. Cervical spondylosis is characterized by increased pain during movement. For injuries clavicular plexus along with pain, there is also numbness of the left hand. Such injuries are often received by motorcyclists, snowboarders and representatives of other extreme sports. quite often accompanied by numbness of the limbs, also similar symptoms can be observed with a lack of calcium in the body.

What to do if the left hand goes numb?

If discomfort is caused by any of these diseases, then measures must be taken to treat them. If we are talking about a heart attack, then you need urgent health care. With or osteochondrosis, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medications. In some cases, a doctor may prescribe a course of antidepressants. Morning exercises will help to avoid discomfort in the limbs. After morning exercises you need to stretch your arms up and stay in this position for 10-15 seconds, which will help improve blood circulation in the limbs. Daily intake Ginger will help strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation. A light massage will help get rid of the painful feeling of discomfort in the left hand. Active movement, swimming, physiotherapy improve well-being with osteochondrosis. With periodic numbness of the left hand, it is recommended to limit yourself from physical exertion for a while.

The above tips should be taken as an alleviation of the condition, but it is better to refuse self-diagnosis. Without additional surveys, examination by a doctor and consultation of a neurologist, it is impossible to establish a true diagnosis. Only a timely examination will allow timely detection of a disease that may be the cause of such a symptom as numbness of the left hand.

What to do if the left hand goes numb? People often experience paresthesia of the limbs - a feeling of crawling, loss of sensation. If the left hand goes numb, the reasons are different. When the problem occurs regardless of the position of the body, the source of the disease is in the vertebrae, blood vessels upper limb or heart.

Why are the fingers on my left hand numb

Sometimes paresthesia occurs after wrong position bodies in a dream in healthy people. In this case, the limb becomes numb due to impaired blood flow. Other factors of numbness of the left hand:

  • elevated position of the limb at shoulder level for several hours;
  • vessels pinched by elements of clothing - cuffs, elastic bands;
  • prolonged squeezing of a limb in professional painters, plasterers, builders, embroiderers;
  • typing on a computer keyboard.

Monotonous monotonous movements disrupt blood flow, compress nerve fibers.

What to do if the little finger on the left hand and other fingers go numb:

  • After an incorrect position in a dream, lower the limb down. The oxygen supplied with the blood will restore the nutrition and sensitivity of the tissues. Additionally, do massage and kneading limbs.
  • With paresthesia in painters, it is enough to eliminate the cause of the disease. Rest at work and fulfillment exercise restore blood circulation.

Where to go if the left hand goes numb from the elbow to the fingers

Those with frequent paresthesias are advised to consult a neurologist. After collecting anamnesis, you will need X-ray cervicothoracic spine. If necessary, you may need to consult an angiologist, orthopedist or traumatologist.

Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities

Loss of sensation is caused completely different reasons. Hand numbness is especially dangerous when vascular diseases. In the absence of everyday factors that cause goosebumps, other conclusions suggest themselves.

If you go numb left hand hands - the reasons lie in the violation of blood flow. Paresthesia causes atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities. Plaques on the inner wall narrow the arteries. Due to the decrease in blood flow, a crawling sensation appears.

Everyone has experienced numbness in their arms or legs. It is worth lying in a dream in an uncomfortable position and blocking the normal blood supply, the limb begins to lose sensitivity. The most unpleasant sensation is sharp goosebumps, and the arm or leg is as if inanimate. But this situation is easily remedied. It is quite another matter when numbness is caused by internal causes.

A lot of people who are prone to stress and neuroses complain about the left hand - the one that is closer to the heart. They want to know if the left arm is going numb from stress or the impending heart attack. Of course, such a state cannot be left to chance, it must be dealt with.

If not stress then...

A numb left limb can speak of the most various ailments, including serious ones. And if your life is full of regular stress, you can not write off other diseases. Although hopes for a better outcome are still justified by nerves. But let's look at the table.

Cause What's happening
Uncomfortable hand position while sleeping A person does not always remember how and in what position he slept. And if during the day, especially in morning hours, tingling, discomfort are felt in the hand, which means that at night it imperceptibly suffered for you.
The habit of carrying a heavy backpack, a bag on the left shoulder The vessels from such a load are pinched, blood circulation is disturbed. The hand becomes rather cold, loses sensation. She feels tingling, goosebumps. The limb is especially affected if a person, carrying a backpack, constantly holds it by the strap, and the arm is in a raised state.
Avitaminosis If the body lacks vitamins A and B, then the metabolism undergoes disturbances. The nerve sheaths are affected. But in this case, it is also affected right hand. Along with this, the quality of the skin and hair is deteriorating, the gastrointestinal tract is unstable.
Osteochondrosis The destruction of the spine always entails the infringement of the nerve roots and blood vessels. This causes paresthesia, and the presence of critical factors (unrest, weather changes, physical overload, disrupted daily routine) provokes exacerbations. With osteochondrosis, the left hand often becomes numb after stress, or both at once. In this case, the fingers are especially affected, and with sharp turns, the goosebumps intensify.
The beginning of a heart attack Unfortunately, this condition cannot be ignored. On the background bad habits, stress, wrong image life, the volume of blood ejected into the peripheral vessels begins to decrease. Numbness begins with the ring finger of the left hand, then passes to the little finger. The condition can last for a long time until the heart starts to hurt and other signs of a heart attack appear: cold sweat, weakness, panic, vomiting.
The beginning of a stroke One of the most terrible and undesirable reasons. But if the rupture of the vessel has already occurred and the hand began to go numb from the little finger, then other symptoms should also be present: difficulty in speech (the patient speaks like a drunk), impaired coordination, weakness, jumps in blood pressure, respiratory depression. This is a reason to urgently call an ambulance!

But if none of the reasons fits your situation, and the loss of sensitivity also affects the shoulder part, then most likely the left arm goes numb from stress - and this does not give a reason to move away from the problem.

What does stress do to the left hand?

The condition of our hands is mainly controlled by the scalene muscles. They are responsible for the numbness. These muscles are stretched from the cervical vertebrae to the ribs - the first and second. Not only do they help the neck turn and tilt, but they are even involved in breathing. Between the scalene muscles is a special nerve bundle, which governs the entire limb. Also here is subclavian artery- the main blood supplier to the arm.

Chronic stress, overwork and life's hardships provoke an overstrain of the body, including those same scalene muscles. The latter are sometimes so overstrained that they hopelessly pinch the entire plexus of nerves and even an artery, from which sensitivity is lost and blood flow is disturbed. Therefore, the hand becomes numb. According to statistics, most often after stress, the left hand goes numb, and from her fingers, mainly the ring and little fingers lose sensitivity.

Why is this condition dangerous?

If you do not treat the situation, then the hand begins to go numb more and more clearly. It will take several months, and the sensitivity may decrease to critical limits, remaining so forever. Over time, the right hand may also join the left hand. Physical strength limbs will begin to decrease, and it will become difficult for the patient to perform simple household chores.

The worst thing that can happen is the withering of the limb. The tissues of the hand that are not involved in the case will slowly begin to atrophy. The hand itself will visually become thinner. The process usually takes up to 6 years. Drying out is last stage numbness, and it will not work to return everything to its place. That is why it is necessary to capture the situation at the very beginning and not give the disease a chance to deprive you of healthy hands.