Consequences of radio wave coagulation of the cervix. Video about the radio wave method of erosion treatment

Women with cervical abnormalities detected during colposcopy or other diagnostic measures often prescribed coagulation. The method is actively used in therapy various pathologies. To perform it, chemicals, laser radiation, radio waves, cold or electric current are used.

The essence of surgery

Coagulation in gynecology is a procedure, the purpose of which is the treatment of pathologically altered tissues. She refers to simple methods, therefore, it is performed on an outpatient basis, that is, not in an operating room. As a result of exposure, a blood clot is formed, which allows you to achieve your goals.

In addition to treating erosion and other lesions, coagulation helps stop vaginal bleeding. But the technique is effective only with the average size of the damaged vessel, that is, if it is too large for a blood clot to form inside it, but at the same time its size does not allow stopping blood loss by bandaging.

In fact, the coagulation procedure is reduced to the impact on the damaged area and its cauterization. This allows you to destroy "sick" tissues and create conditions for their gradual replacement with healthy epithelium.

The difference between the types of coagulation lies in the method of exposure. Depending on this, it stands out:

  • electrocoagulation;
  • cryodestruction (cryocoagulation);
  • chemical;
  • laser;
  • radio wave;
  • argon plasma (non-contact effect of argon plasma on defective tissue).

After the procedure, a recovery period begins, the duration of which varies somewhat depending on various factors, including the method of exposure.

Radio wave and other types of cauterization - video

Advantages and disadvantages of coagulation

To date, the ideal method of coagulation does not exist, each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Electrocoagulation has long been used to treat neoplasms, which explains its availability. Apparatus for cauterization with electric current and specialists with necessary knowledge probably even in hospitals in small towns. Diathermoregulation effectively eliminates altered cells and copes even with deep damage. But now it is considered less and less preferred way. The point is its trauma and high pain. Only a small part of patients tolerate the procedure without anesthesia, as the sensations from the operation are unpleasant. In some cases, even general anesthesia may be needed. In addition, diathermocoagulation is not suitable for all patients. As a result of exposure, a scar is formed, which makes the cervix less elastic. This can make childbirth very difficult. For this reason, nulliparous women, as well as those who are planning a pregnancy in the next few years, are rarely prescribed electrocoagulation - only if other, less traumatic methods are not available.
  2. Laser coagulation on this moment considered to be the most effective way. It is almost painless for the patient and allows you to eliminate only damaged cells without affecting healthy ones. For this reason, it is suitable even for those who are contraindicated in diathermocoagulation, as it does not lead to the formation of large scars. But presence pain depends on the qualifications of the doctor, as well as on the quality of the procedure itself.
  3. Cryocoagulation has an undeniable advantage. Except in rare cases, it is painless, as the nerve endings are disturbed, and the cold also has some analgesic effect. As a result of the procedure, scars are not formed. The disadvantages include the standard form of the cryoprobe, due to which healthy tissues are damaged during the procedure. Scarring may occur when treating deep lesions.
  4. Chemical cauterization is good because it does not require special equipment, it is almost painless. However, the effectiveness of the method is highly controversial. There is a high probability that chemical cauterization will not give the desired effect, and there is also the possibility of relapse. In addition, as a result of interaction with acid, there is a danger of damage to healthy epithelium.
  5. Radio wave coagulation of the cervix can be used in young nulliparous girls, since scars do not form after it. In addition, radio waves have a disinfecting effect and do not lead to a change in the shape of the cervix, and practically do not affect healthy areas. Among the shortcomings can be noted the high cost, soreness.
  6. Argon plasma coagulation is a new method of monopolar high-frequency surgery for the treatment of gynecological pathologies. Is different high efficiency and no complications. During the procedure, the energy of the high frequency electromagnetic field is transferred to the affected area in a non-contact way. Manipulations are practically painless, scarring does not occur. The disadvantage is the high cost.

A common drawback of current painless erosion treatments is low availability. In large cities, this problem does not exist, but in small district centers, only old methods are most often used - electrocoagulation and chemical cauterization.

How and when to cauterize erosion - video

Indications and contraindications

The list of indications and contraindications to some extent depends on the type of coagulation. In general, this type of treatment is indicated for the following diseases:

  • erosion;
  • pseudo-erosion;
  • the presence of benign neoplasms;
  • leukoplakia;
  • endometriosis;
  • neoplasia of the cervical canal;
  • cicatricial deformities and tissue hypertrophy;
  • polyp formation.

The main contraindication to coagulation of any kind is pregnancy, regardless of the term. In this case, a woman should regularly undergo an examination to monitor her condition, since there remains a danger of erosion degenerating into oncological disease. Treatment begins only some time after the birth of the child.

In addition, contraindications include:

  • lactation period;
  • acute cervicitis;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • carcinoma;
  • vaginitis.

Radio wave coagulation is not prescribed if the patient has a pacemaker installed or a strong inflammatory process is detected. Chemical cauterization is not used for individual intolerance to any drug.

A contraindication to cryocoagulation may be deep damage to the epithelium, the inability to determine the boundaries of the area of ​​the affected tissue, the presence of a cancerous tumor and multiple scars.

Diseases in which coagulation is used - photo gallery

Cervical erosion is a defect in the mucous membrane of that part of the uterus, with which it enters the vagina Leukoplakia is a disease in which keratinize epithelial cells of the cervix Endometriosis is a pathological growth of the endometrium of the uterus Polyp and pseudopolyp of the cervix is benign formations arising on the mucous membrane of the walls of the body

Preparing for the operation

Before coagulation, the patient is prescribed comprehensive examination. Its purpose is to detect conditions and diseases that may interfere with normal healing and recovery after surgery.

A comprehensive examination includes the following steps:

  • gynecological examination;
  • identification of specific infections;
  • detection of oncological diseases;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • endoscopic examination;
  • medical treatment of diseases.

At gynecological examination assessment of the condition of the cervix. The doctor also takes swabs for infections.

If the gynecologist is experienced enough, then on the basis of one examination he can determine the type of erosion and the advisability of cauterization. But coagulation is prescribed only when infection, inflammation and other pathologies are not detected. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, you need to undergo other studies, such as:

  • PCR diagnostics (for human papillomavirus);
  • sowing on microflora and determining its sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • analysis for:
    • infections (syphilis, HIV, hepatitis);
    • viral pathologies (genital herpes, papillomavirus);
    • chronic infections (mycoplasma, chlamydia, etc.).

The next stage is an instrumental examination necessary to determine malignant neoplasms. Before coagulation, the patient is prescribed:

  • Ultrasound (allows you to identify polyps of the uterus and cervical canal, endometriosis, leiomyoma);
  • colposcopy with sampling (using iodine and vinegar);
  • biopsy of pathologically degenerated tissues.

It is possible to accurately determine the nature of neoplasms (malignant or benign) only with the help of a histological examination of tissue samples taken by the biopsy method.

Depending on the identified pathologies, a course of treatment is prescribed:

  • antibiotics;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • antifungal agents;
  • antimicrobial suppositories.

After the end of treatment, you need to retake the tests, and if the results are negative, the doctor will set the date for the operation.

Preparation for coagulation for the patient is determined by the type of procedure. In general, there are not many recommendations. If you plan to use cryotherapy, chemical cauterization, and other painless methods, your doctor may give the following instructions:

  • 5-7 days before the procedure, intimate contacts should be completely excluded;
  • before the procedure, you can not overeat, it is better to carry it out on an empty stomach or after a light breakfast;
  • be sure to pass all prescribed tests and examinations;
  • it is recommended to carry out coagulation on the 4th–7th day of the cycle, since at this time intensive processes take place that contribute to faster recovery;
  • before the procedure it is recommended to take a shower, it is undesirable to use hygiene products with dyes and fragrances.

Before the operation, the doctor must explain to the patient how coagulation will be carried out and warn about possible discomfort ( nagging pain, weakness, increase or decrease blood pressure etc.).

Immediately before the manipulation, the patient is given a cotton swab with ammonia, as some treatments may cause dizziness.

Methods for performing various types of cauterization

Each coagulation method has its own characteristics.

Diathermocoagulation (electrocoagulation)

The procedure of diathermocoagulation, or electrocoagulation, involves the treatment of the damaged area with electric current.

Preparation is exactly the same as for cauterization in other ways. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis.

Radio wave treatment

Radio wave coagulation is a non-traumatic method of treating erosion, which explains its popularity among doctors and patients.

  1. For the procedure, special equipment is used that allows you to remove erosion and other neoplasms using radio waves. They are emitted by the device and converted into energy, which accumulates in the electrode, and when exposed to the damaged area, it strongly heats the surface. As a result, damaged mucosal tissues gradually begin to evaporate.
  2. The duration of radio wave coagulation does not exceed 5 minutes. The method is painless, so anesthesia is not required. Operation only applies special ointment, which includes components with an analgesic effect. It is applied topically only to the damaged area.
  3. Indications for use general anesthesia there can only be deep damage and serious illnesses, for example, cervical dysplasia at a complex stage. Then the anesthesiologist is involved in the operation, which provides general anesthesia at the time of exposure. AT difficult cases coagulation can take longer, up to 10 minutes.
  4. After treatment of the site, the damaged mucosal tissues change appearance: they become white. After a while, they begin to be rejected by the body. In the place that was exposed to electric waves, new cells gradually begin to form.
  5. Recovery times may vary depending on individual characteristics woman's body, as well as the complexity of the disease and the depth of tissue processing. In general, rehabilitation takes up to 8 weeks. The conclusion about the completion of the recovery is made by the doctor after the examination.

Radio wave method for the treatment of cervical erosion - video

Laser treatment (laser vaporization)

At the moment, laser coagulation is considered the most effective way to treat certain diseases.

Chemical coagulation

Chemical cauterization of erosion refers to the "ancient" methods of treatment along with electrocoagulation and is gradually losing ground, as it becomes more and more imperfect compared to new methods of therapy. Therefore, now it is appointed relatively rarely.

With chemical coagulation, deformation of the cervical canal does not occur and scars do not appear.

Cryocoagulation, or cryodestruction, involves the processing of pathological tissues using a special cryoprobe with liquefied gas. Most often applied a liquid nitrogen, but in general, the choice of coagulant depends on the nature and depth of the lesion.

Argon plasma coagulation

Argon plasma coagulation is the newest, most effective and safe method high frequency surgery. During the procedure, with the help of argon (an inert gas), the tissue is non-contactly affected by the energy of the electromagnetic field.

  1. The patient is on a gynecological chair with a neutral electrode installed under the buttocks. The doctor performs an extended colposcopy in order to determine the clear boundaries of the affected area.
  2. The active electrode is brought closer to the pathological area at a distance of 0.5 cm. The doctor presses the pedal to activate the device.
  3. With the help of a torch of argon plasma, uniform coagulation of the affected areas occurs. At the same time, they become white or sandy.
  4. The healing process lasts 45 days. To speed it up, the doctor may prescribe ointment tampons.

Possible consequences of coagulation: spotting, cycle disorders

The duration of the rehabilitation period after coagulation varies depending on the method of implementation and individual defensive forces organism. So, after chemical coagulation of minor damage, it will take about 25 days, and after electrocoagulation, recovery will occur only after 9 weeks.

In the first days after the procedure, many patients report discomfort - most often, heaviness in the lower abdomen. After electrocoagulation, in most cases, bleeding or spotting is observed, as the vessels are damaged. This situation is normal and after other types of treatment, it passes quickly enough.

But if the bleeding is heavy and accompanied by severe persistent pain in the abdomen, fever, or other alarming symptoms, an urgent visit to the doctor is required.

Failure is also considered normal. menstrual cycle in the first month after the operation. It recovers over time.

Often, copious discharge occurs after coagulation. This is also considered normal, although unpleasant phenomenon. They usually occur intermittently. But if there is a discharge with an unpleasant putrefactive odor, this is already a sign of a complication that has begun.

rehabilitation period

Appearance anxiety symptoms after coagulation in many cases can be prevented if the doctor's instructions are followed, regarding not only behavior before the procedure, but also after it.

The main requirement to be observed is hygiene.

After coagulation due to copious discharge It is recommended to wash at least twice a day. Taking a bath is strictly prohibited, as an infection can get into the wound with water, which will provoke complications and slow down the recovery process. It is better to wash in the shower, it is worth abandoning products with fragrances and other chemical additives.

It is strictly forbidden to use sanitary tampons, as they can be harmful. Any preventive procedures, such as douching, can be carried out only if the attending physician allows it.

During the rehabilitation period, you will have to abandon intimate life, since the ingress of alien flora is unacceptable. In the second month, sexual intercourse is possible only if barrier contraceptives are used.

If pregnancy is planned, then after treatment you will have to wait some time before full recovery. How much exactly - depends on the type of coagulation. After laser or radio wave, you can start planning a pregnancy in a month, and after cryodestruction it is better to wait 6 months. Exact time the doctor will say after the examination.

Coagulation is not considered a major intervention requiring long recovery, therefore, sick leave for the period of rehabilitation is not issued. Nevertheless, you should be careful. So, it is better to give up complex physical activities. At first, it is better to exclude them altogether. Gradually, after two weeks, it is allowed to play sports, but only light ones. It is also highly desirable to avoid exercises that require tension in the abdominal muscles. Lifting weights (more than 10 kg) during the rehabilitation period is prohibited, this applies to both sports and everyday life.

Although the walks fresh air only welcome, in summer it is necessary to avoid direct sun rays. You can sunbathe, but only in the shade. Swimming in open water (including the sea), as well as visiting the pool, is strictly prohibited.

Radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​a simple procedure, the essence of which is the forced formation of a blood clot to stop bleeding or remove abnormal formations on the cervix. It is carried out using a laser, current, chemicals. In our time, there are three types of coagulation.

Chemical coagulation is intended for the treatment of precancerous cervical erosions and cervicitis. It is practically painless and fast procedure which does not require anesthesia. During the procedure, the sore spot is dried with cotton swabs and a special medical solution, and after a while the place is wiped to remove the remnants of the solution.

Cryocoagulation takes place at very low temperatures, since such conditions treat diseased areas in the same way as cauterization. This type of treatment is carried out without anesthesia. Helps only with small areas of tissue damage.

Electrocoagulation treatment is carried out with the help of electric current. Painful procedure, which consists in burning the affected areas. Mostly laser burning is used. Laser coagulation of the cervix requires anesthesia.

Cryocoagulation and electrocoagulation

To prescribe the procedure, the doctor must make a diagnosis and decide which option will be more effective.

Such treatment is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • sore cervix;
  • infection;
  • erosion, cyst;
  • rotten defeat.

The process takes place in a hospital under the supervision of a specialist. The patient sits on a gynecological chair, after which a mirror is inserted into her vagina for a better view of the cervix. A medical swab is wetted in physiological saline for her purification. The doctor, using a gynecological device, expands the walls of the uterus, and conducts an examination.

For best view diseased areas used vinegar solution. Acid, when it enters the diseased areas of the neck, acquires White color. Before starting the procedure, the specialist must treat the diseased area with an antibacterial agent.

Coagulation of cervical erosion is carried out in the following sequence: the doctor inserts a mirror and a special tool with a metal tip into the vagina. With it, he leans against a sore spot, through which nitrous oxide is supplied. The procedure takes 5 minutes, and after a while it is repeated to completely remove the disease. After the end, you should take a smear to make sure that the operation was successful.

Electrocoagulation takes place in the same way, only current is supplied instead of nitrogen. The procedure is painless, only mild pain in the lower abdomen and no discomfort can be observed.

At the end, discharge appears, initially transparent, then with the addition of blood, and this lasts for about a month. Wear pads and drink plenty of fluids. There may also be dizziness and headaches. It is recommended not to lift heavy things and reduce the load in general. There may be cramps, you can use the usual painkiller for them. It is not recommended to have sex for 2 weeks. It is impossible to carry out the procedure if the patient has vaginitis or inflammatory diseases.

Having done coagulation, you can be more confident that the procedure was successful. Each type of surgery is suitable for the treatment of a specific disease.

Radio wave and argon plasma therapy

Radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​the most popular type of treatment, thanks to which you can quickly and effectively cure the disease without causing tissue destruction.

The heat incision suture operation does not leave scars that can lead to problems later on. The operation does not affect future pregnancy. After this procedure, a woman can have children without any problems.

The operation is safe for the body, but after it, mucous secretions or blood may be observed. The healing process continues whole month. Such a procedure is very often used in gynecology and is in great demand, but it should be prescribed by the attending physician after a detailed examination and passing all tests. An ultrasound should also be done to check for accurate diagnosis and only then proceed with the procedure.

The method is based on the radiation of radio wave frequencies into energy at the end of a given device. Because of this, diseased tissues evaporate without injuring other areas. This is the peculiarity of such treatment.

If in other operations there is a risk of tissue damage due to bleeding, then in this case it is absent, which leads to rapid healing no stitches or pain. Despite this, you should follow the recommendations of the doctor and get rid of physical exertion. Also, sexual intercourse should be postponed for a month. For the next 10 days, you should stop swimming in ponds, taking baths and visiting saunas. Use this method of treatment for all diagnoses of cervical disease.

It is forbidden to perform the operation in case of inflammation of the cervix, pregnancy and in the presence of metal implants. Coagulation is carried out two days after the end of the menstrual cycle.

Argon plasma coagulation is a type of treatment for a disease that does not give complications. The process takes place with the help of radio waves with an enhanced interval of gas - argon. Plasma is called it due to the fact that radio waves are used. A gas current is applied to the tissue, and it heats up, after which coagulation begins. The process takes place under the supervision of a doctor, who determines the power and intensity of the effects.

Having heard the word coagulation in the gynecologist's office, a woman usually does not understand what kind of manipulations await her. only complete and actual information will eliminate the fear of the procedure. After all, it is not in vain that it is believed that positive attitude patients are the key to a successful outcome of any operation.

What is cervical coagulation and why is this procedure performed?

Cauterization of the cervix (this is what people call coagulation) is a procedure that is carried out in order to eliminate any abnormal neoplasms and pathologies on the cervix.

Despite the fact that there are several types of coagulations, they are carried out according to the same principle. The woman is separated from the walls of the vagina with a mirror, and an element of the device for cauterization is inserted ( usually it is a narrow cone-shaped tip).

Further, depending on the type of coagulation, electric current, radio waves or a special gas will be supplied to the abnormal areas. As a result, the intraepithelial layer will die along with all the pathologies, and normal healthy cells will appear in place of the dead tissue.

Indications for carrying out similar procedure are:

  • Congenital pseudo-erosion;
  • Endocervicosis;
  • cervical dysplasia;
  • Papillomatosis;
  • cervical polyps;
  • cystic neoplasms;
  • Benign and malignant tumors small size.

Also, coagulation is carried out for the rapid healing of bleeding vessels located on the cervix.

Electrocoagulation: the most common type of procedure

Electrocoagulation (another name for diathermocoagulation) is a procedure in which electric currents act on the cervix. Surface layer the epithelium heats up, and pathological neoplasms dry out.

The advantage of diathermocoagulation lies in its low cost and mass prevalence: cauterization of the cervix is ​​​​performed even in small regional outpatient clinics.

The device itself is convenient and easy to use, so it does not require additional staff training. Manipulation can be carried out right at the time gynecological surgery to quickly stop bleeding.

Disadvantages of DEK:

  • Too deep damage to the tissues of the cervix;
  • Painfulness of the procedure;
  • Possible development of intense pain after the end of anesthesia.

Argon plasma coagulation: an expensive but effective procedure

Argon plasma coagulation is one of the most expensive, because the manipulation is carried out without direct contact of the electrode with the cervix. The process uses argon, an ionized gas that conducts high-frequency electric current between the catheter probe and the “target” tissue.

Argon is a chemically inert non-combustible gas, which becomes ionized under the influence of current and forms a plasma cloud that provokes necrosis of neoplasms.

The distance between the probe and the tissue is approximately 3-5 mm. Essentially, the spark travels quickly from the probe tip to the tissue and back again. The doctor can adjust the depth of treatment by changing the power of the device and the flow rate of argon.

The main advantages of argon plasma coagulation:

  • Minimal damage to healthy tissues;
  • The risk of perforation of the walls of the cervix is ​​also minimized;
  • Effective and prompt elimination of extensive areas of bleeding;
  • Adjustable argon penetration depth;
  • No tissue charring.

The only disadvantage is the high cost, as well as a limited number of centers where you can get the procedure.

Laser coagulation: the golden mean between electric and argon plasma

As the name implies, the procedure is carried out using a laser. The device for laser destruction produces light rays in the visible green part of the spectrum. Light is selectively absorbed by hemoglobin (a pigment in red blood cells), which leads to "sealing" of damaged vessels.

To disadvantages laser coagulation can be attributed to a limited scope: the procedure is best suited for sealing blood vessels.

Advantages of this type coagulation:

  • Possibility of point influence;
  • Absence of complications in the form of bleeding and scarring;
  • The minimum time to prepare and conduct the procedure;
  • Minimal risk of infection.
Important! Patients with increased photosensitivity must first undergo several tests before undergoing laser treatment.

Laser coagulation and vaporization of the cervix: synonymous concepts, so do not be afraid if the doctor uses similar terms. It's about especially about laser cauterization.

Radiocoagulation: an aggressive type of procedure

Radio wave coagulation is mainly used to treat cervical cancer. This type of procedure is not performed on an outpatient basis, but under the strict supervision of medical personnel.

Radio wave surgery, despite the name, has nothing to do with the actual surgical operation, and the Gamma Knife tool is not a knife at all.

This unit uses highly integrated gamma rays to treat severe damage epithelium and malignant neoplasms. During radio wave coagulation, the cervix is ​​treated without surgical incisions or pain.

Advantages of radio wave coagulation:

  • The ability to get rid of early stage cancer in just one session;
  • Impact even on deeply integrated tumors without damaging healthy tissues;
  • The ability to perform surgery even for those patients who are contraindicated in anesthesia;
  • Painlessness.

But radio wave therapy also has its drawbacks. In particular, the patient may experience nausea, headache. If several radiocoagulation procedures have been prescribed, then the risk of developing alopecia areata increases. That is why radio wave destruction is indicated only for malignant neoplasms.

Cryocoagulation: the most innovative type of procedure

While laser vaporization treats the cervix with high temperatures, cryocoagulation destroys abnormal cells in an extreme way. low temperatures. During cryotherapy, the abnormal tissue will be exposed to liquid carbon dioxide.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require anesthesia. The disadvantages include the lack of prevalence of services in clinics. At the moment, only large private hospitals are equipped with gynecological cryoprobes. Another disadvantage: a high percentage of relapses.

How to prepare for the coagulation procedure?

To prepare for laser vaporization, cryotherapy, argon and electrocoagulation, you should follow the standard rules. The patient is advised to avoid the use of tampons, vaginal suppositories and ointments, as well as observe sexual rest for about 10-12 days.

On the morning of the procedure, it is forbidden to douche. You also need to stop taking heparin, warfarin or other drugs that affect blood clotting in advance. To avoid side effects radiocoagulation, you should fast for 6-8 hours before the procedure.

Possible problems after the procedure

All types of coagulation, except for radiosurgery, are safe for a woman's health. Due to the fact that the procedures are minimally invasive, there are practically no complications. But it is better to know in advance about all potential problems.

For example, bleeding may develop after cryotherapy. All other types of coagulation, on the contrary, will lead to the appearance of dry clots.

Most women get rid of pathologies after the first procedure. However, there is always a risk of relapse (especially after cryocoagulation). Therefore, it is worth visiting a gynecologist a month after the procedure and following an individual schedule for further checks.

If the patient experiences tangible discomfort after the procedure, then painkillers based on paracetamol or ibuprofen are allowed. Also, do not forget about enhanced daily hygiene.

After about two days, whitish mucus (sometimes with blood clots) may begin to come out of the vagina, so you need to wear panty liners and wash with mild soap.

Every girl and woman should at least once a year pass scheduled inspection at the gynecologist, for timely detection various diseases that arise in our time, regardless of age. deterioration general health among the population contributes to poor ecology, various sexual infections, as well as mechanical damage internal organs. With many deviations in women's health can be dealt with using various coagulation methods.

Description of the procedure

Coagulation is a fairly quick and simple procedure, which consists in "cauterizing" the required area using various methods to stop bleeding or remove various abnormal formations. If you do not treat various gynecological diseases on time, this can lead to infertility, severe inflammatory processes and even the degeneration of cells into malignant tumor cells.

Advantages and disadvantages of cervical coagulation

Each of the methods has its pros and cons, we will talk about them later, however, in general, coagulation has the following advantages:

  • these procedures can be performed for both women who have given birth and those who have not given birth, since the procedure is non-invasive, rarely leaves scars and subsequently allows you to become pregnant and give birth to a child on your own;
  • in most cases, rapid rehabilitation;
  • complications are extremely rare;
  • the duration of the procedure is extremely short (from 1 to 15 minutes);
  • the ability to eliminate only the desired cells.

However, there are several disadvantages:

  • for some methods, the price is quite high;
  • very individual cases pain during the procedure;
  • long recovery period in some patients, especially with a large area of ​​treatment.

Indications and contraindications

This procedure can cure many female gynecological diseases. The main indications for carrying out various kinds coagulation are:

  • erosion;
  • scarring;
  • pathological stratum corneum;
  • polyps;
  • warts;
  • cystic formations in the vagina and on the neck;
  • change in the size of the uterus;
  • endocervicosis;
  • eversion of the cervical canal outward;
  • endometriosis;
  • dysplasia and hypertrophy of the cervix;
  • lesions of the mucous membrane, leading to keratinization (leukoplakia);
  • neoplasms of a different nature;
  • precancerous conditions;
  • lesions caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV);
  • putrid and persistent infectious lesions uterus;

Despite the relative safety of the procedure, there are several contraindications for which treatment should be postponed:

  • suspicion or presence oncological tumors;
  • acute stages or exacerbation chronic diseases pelvic organs;
  • pregnancy;
  • internal bleeding, including uterine;
  • metal implants;
  • urinary tract infections;

Preparing for the operation

Before the operation, you must pass initial inspection at the gynecologist, take a smear from the cervical canal for microflora and cytology. It is also mandatory to conduct an analysis to identify sexually transmitted infections. After receiving the results, the doctor will prescribe a colposcopy and sometimes a biopsy of the cervix to clarify the diagnosis and then establish the need for coagulation and choose one of the methods.

In case of detection of infections, it will be necessary to first fully treat, pass reanalysis in a month and a half, and in case of recovery, it will be possible to set a date for the operation. Usually 7-10 days from the start of the menstrual cycle are chosen. Half an hour before coagulation, some doctors advise patients to take antispasmodics (NOSHPA, Ibuprofen, Drotaverine).

Methods for performing various types of coagulation

Diathermocoagulation (electrocoagulation)

This method often leads to various complications and is not used for nulliparous women, since there is a high risk of scarring and narrowing of the cervical lumen, which will make it impossible to naturally conceive a child. Very often doctors resort to general or local anesthesia for electrocoagulation due to the pain of the procedure. There is also a risk of the following complications:

  • endometriosis;
  • severe bleeding that requires immediate surgical intervention;
  • formation of inflammatory processes;
  • hard, strongly pronounced scars that make it impossible for natural childbirth due to the risk of uterine rupture;
  • very severe pain;
  • relapse of the disease.

High frequency current is used to remove abnormal cells. The approximate duration of the procedure is up to fifteen minutes. On the treated surface, a kind of scab is formed, a necrotic focus, which gradually begins to be rejected and leaves the vagina in the form spotting. Since this method is most often used to remove large areas, sometimes there is an incomplete elimination of the disease due to the inability to accurately examine the tissues under the formed scabs. In this case, a second operation is prescribed.

Radio wave coagulation

This method is one of the most modern in our time. With the help of electromagnetic radiation, the surface of the cervix is ​​treated with abnormal cells that “evaporate” due to exposure to very high temperature. A very big plus of this particular method is the absence of scarring and cuts, the risk of edema is minimized, and unfavorable conditions are created for pathogenic microflora due to the sterilizing effect. Capillaries at the site of exposure are soldered, which prevents bleeding and promotes rapid healing, the wound does not require additional treatment by special means. There were no cases of cervical deformity. Radio waves have a high ability to penetrate deep tissue layers and cause instant cell death, which is why it is important to choose an experienced specialist in order to avoid severe burns or scarring. Usually, the doctor suggests using local anesthesia to eliminate pain. However, the radio new method is one of the most expensive and not always affordable for patients. Suitable for nulliparous women.

Video about the radio wave method of erosion treatment

Laser coagulation (vaporization and destruction)

One of the most effective ways cure extensive lesions of the cervix. Applies local anesthesia, which is carried out with the help of injections in the uterus. The downside is a fairly strong stretching of the vaginal walls, since in addition to laser device and a gynecological speculum is additionally introduced special device for pulling processed products. Very often during recovery period patients are prescribed antibiotics, since cauterized tissues are not always rejected by the body themselves and may begin inflammatory processes.

Video about laser vaporization for dysplasia

Argon plasma coagulation

A completely new method, which is most often used in the treatment of erosion. Due to argon, radio wave transmission is enhanced, in which, under the action of an inert gas, a non-contact transmission of electric current is performed with the formation of an argon plasma flame between the end of the electrode and the tissue area. This method is quite accurate and allows the doctor to treat exclusively abnormal formations on the cervix, avoiding healthy areas. Many patients may experience pain during the procedure, but they are very rarely severe, which avoids the use local anesthetics. This type of coagulation does not lead to the formation of scars, full healing occurs in one to two months. There is also no smoking and charring of the treated surface. Already six months after the procedure, you can plan a pregnancy.

Video about the procedure

Chemical coagulation

This method is the most inexpensive of all presented, but also less effective. The doctor drains the uterus with a swab and applies to required area a special preparation - Solkovagin, which in a short period of time leads to the killing of the treated area, immediately after the procedure, the chemical reagent is carefully removed. Since this medicine can also damage healthy cells of the cervix, the operation requires special care and precision, for which a colposcope is used. After a few days, the dead layer begins to peel off and a new healthy tissue forms in its place.

Solkovagin is a local necrotic agent, its excessive use can lead to burns and deformation of the epithelial tissue.

Many patients note the painlessness of the procedure, in extremely rare cases, scarring or a change in the cervical canal occurs. However, this method is not suitable for removing extensive lesions, as it cannot penetrate to a great depth and removes mainly the upper layers of the mucosa. It is with chemical coagulation that most often requires reoperation. Also, it is not suitable for the treatment of cervical dysplasia and the removal of oncological tumors. Most often used in the case of precancerous conditions of erosion and cervicitis.


The method is based on the impact of very low temperatures on the affected area with the help of nitrogen, due to which the pathological tissue is killed. This method can be carried out in nulliparous women. This method has the main advantage - the absence of scarring at the site of cauterization and accelerated healing cervix. And also after the procedure, there are very few painful sensations and patients do not need the use of anesthesia or anesthesia. The disadvantage is the impossibility of this method to remove extensive lesions, it is designed for the impact of small areas. If the doctor is not qualified enough and has carried out cryocoagulation longer than the allotted time, then scars may form on the cervix.

A speculum and a special instrument are placed in the vagina, its tip is brought to the selected area and nitrous oxide is applied for about five minutes, a short break is taken and the procedure is repeated.

Postoperative rehabilitation

Do not be afraid if you experience the following symptoms after the operation:

  • pain sensations of varying intensity in the lower abdomen, most often have a pulling character;
  • the appearance of mild serous or bloody discharge within 2-3 weeks;
  • the first menstruation after coagulation is more abundant than usual.

All of these symptoms are indicative of a healing process and should not be cause for concern. After the operation, the following rules should be followed:

  • do not use tampons for two months, use panty liners if you are concerned about discharge;
  • refrain from visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools and do not take baths, use a shower for a month;
  • exclude for a month playing sports and any physical activity, as well as lifting objects weighing more than three kilograms;
  • keep sexual rest for at least a month;
  • you can not do douching and internal gynecological lavage;
  • control examination by a gynecologist after 1.5 months;
  • colposcopy three months after surgery.

Possible consequences and complications

Each method has its own list possible complications that have been described above. General Negative consequences after coagulation are extremely rare, but you should consult a doctor if you have the following alarming symptoms:

  • increased body temperature, chills;
  • strong bleeding with clots;
  • unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • sharp pains in the lower abdomen;
  • bleeding for more than three weeks.

All the above signs can talk about the emergence of various pathological conditions. After the operation, the following complications may occur:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • reduction of the channel and the outer lumen of the cervix;
  • istimiko - cervical insufficiency;
  • reduced chance of getting pregnant;
  • risk of late-stage abortions;
  • an increase in preterm birth.

The last two complications rarely occur in small operated areas, they are more common in women who have undergone volumetric coagulation.

To date, radio wave therapy for the treatment of the cervix is ​​​​widely popular. Via modern technologies thermal cuts can be made. Thanks to these methods of treatment, various diseases associated with the female reproductive system can be quickly cured. Besides, radio wave therapy of the cervix does not cause tissue destruction.

The use of radio wave therapy for operational purposes does not leave any stitches in the patient. When operating with radio waves on the cervix, the operation does not leave scars, which eliminates the problematic opening of the uterus during childbirth. After radio wave therapy, a woman will be able to have children in the future.

After such an operation, there may be slight bleeding or even discharge in the form of an ichor. Complete healing after the operation occurs in 30-40 days.

In addition, treatment with radio wave therapy received broad indications for use in gynecology. Such indications are: polyps of the vaginal walls, treatment of cervical erosion, cervical leukoplakia, as well as various surgical interventions on the genitals.

Before performing an operation using radio wave therapy of the cervix, you should consult with our gynecologist, who will answer all questions. Before such an operation is performed, the gynecologist prescribes the appropriate tests and without fail examination with ultrasound.

Radio wave surgery of the cervix

The method of radio wave surgery of the cervix for last years becomes the most applied field of medicine. The operation of the method is based on the conversion of radiation high frequencies radio waves into energy concentrated at the end of the active elements. This energy leads to the evaporation of tissues without injuring the underlying tissues.

A feature of radio wave surgery in the treatment of diseases of the cervix is ​​the absence of bleeding and damage to nearby tissues. This in turn leads to optimal healing after surgery, without the formation of rough scars.

Whole postoperative period proceed without pain.

In gynecology, the method of radio wave surgery is used in the treatment various diseases cervix. Indications for the use of this method of treatment are:

  • Ectopia of the cervix;
  • Cicatricial deformity of the neck;
  • Erosed ectropion;
  • Endometriosis of the cervix;
  • Polyps of the cervical canal;
  • cervical neoplasia;
  • Leukoplakia of the cervix;
  • vaginal cyst;
  • Hypertrophy of the cervix;
  • Naboth cysts.

But, despite all the advantages, radio wave surgery has contraindications. The use of surgical treatment using radio waves is prohibited if there are any inflammatory processes on the cervix.

The essence of the procedure of radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​the destruction pathological changes. The impact on the cervical region in this case is carried out using radio waves. Indications for radio wave coagulation are pathological processes in the cervix.

Contraindications for radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​the presence of acute inflammatory diseases female genital organs.

Before carrying out this procedure, a diagnosis is necessary. Implemented gynecological smear on the flora, as well as oncocytological examination from the cervix with extended colposcopy. If necessary, can be performed additional research for urogenital infections.

Radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​carried out directly after the end of the menstrual cycle, for 1-2 days. After the expiration of two to three days after coagulation, physical activity should be excluded. Sexual contacts should be excluded for up to one month. It is not recommended to carry out self-syringing, as well as the introduction of therapeutic vaginal forms. The control examination is carried out by a gynecologist after the end of the next menstruation.