Vagina size and intimate life. What is a perineum? The structure and functions of the perineum

Crotch(perineum) - the area between the pubic symphysis in front, the tip of the coccyx behind, ischial tubercles and sacrotuberous ligaments from the sides. It is the lower wall of the body, closing the small pelvis from below, through which the urethra, rectum, and also the vagina (in women) pass.

The perineum has the shape of a rhombus and is divided by a conditional line connecting the ischial tubercles into two unequal triangular regions: the anterior - the urogenital region, where the urogenital diaphragm is located, and the posterior - the anal region formed by the pelvic diaphragm.

The muscles of the urogenital diaphragm are divided into superficial and deep. Superficial muscles include the superficial transverse perineal muscle, ischiocavernosus muscle, bulbospongiosus muscle ( rice. one ). The superficial transverse perineal muscle strengthens the tendinous center of the perineum. The sciatica-cavernous muscle in men surrounds the peduncle of the penis, part of the fibers goes to the rear of the penis and passes into the albuginea by tendon stretching. In women, this muscle is poorly developed, goes to the clitoris, participates in its erection. The bulbous-spongy muscle in men begins on the lateral surface of the cavernous bodies and, meeting with the muscle of the same name on the opposite side, forms a suture along the midline of the spongy body. The muscle contributes to the eruption of sperm and urination. In women, the muscle covers the opening of the vagina ( rice. 2 ) and with its contraction narrows it. The deep muscles of the urogenital diaphragm include the deep transverse perineal muscle and the external urethral sphincter. The deep transverse perineal muscle strengthens the urogenital diaphragm. In its thickness, in men, the bulbourethral glands lie, in women - large glands of the vestibule. The external urethral sphincter surrounds the urethra; in women, this muscle also covers the vagina.

The pelvic diaphragm is formed by the levator ani muscle, the coccyx muscle, and the external anal sphincter. The levator ani muscle covers the rectum on both sides; in women, part of the fibers is woven into the wall of the vagina, in men - into the prostate gland. The muscle strengthens and elevates the pelvic floor, elevates the final section of the rectum, in women it narrows the entrance to the vagina. The coccygeal muscle complements and strengthens the muscular arch of the pelvic diaphragm from behind. The external anal sphincter surrounds the anus, closing it when contracted.

The fascia covering the muscles of the urogenital diaphragm, at the posterior edge of the superficial transverse muscle of the perineum, is divided into three ( rice. 3 ): upper, covering the inner (upper) surface of the muscles of the genital diaphragm; lower, passing between the deep and superficial muscles of the perineum; superficial, covering the bottom of the superficial muscles P. and in men passing into the fascia of the penis. The lower and upper fasciae at the anterior edge of the transverse smooth muscle of the perineum form the transverse ligament of the perineum.

In the area of ​​the perineum on both sides of the anus there is a paired depression - the ischiorectal fossa. It has a prismatic shape and is filled with adipose tissue, contains internal genital vessels and the pudendal nerve. Its apex corresponds to the lower edge of the tendinous arch of the pelvic fascia. The lateral wall is formed by the lower 2/3, obturator internus muscle and the inner surface of the ischial tuberosity. The medial wall is formed by the lower surface of the levator ani muscle and the external sphincter of the anus; the back wall - the rear bundles of the muscle that lifts the anus, and the coccygeal muscle; anterior - transverse muscles of the perineum. The fiber that fills the ischiorectal fossa continues into the adrectal tissue.

The blood supply to the perineum is carried out by branches of the internal pudendal artery, which branches off from the internal iliac artery. Venous blood flows through the veins of the same name into the system of the internal iliac vein. Lymphatic vessels deliver lymph to the superficial inguinal lymph nodes. The innervation of the perineum is provided by the branches of the pudendal nerve (from the sacral plexus).

With deep and extensive wounds often develops phlegmon extending to the pelvic tissue. It is possible to join anaerobic infection.

Diagnosis of perineal injuries is based on characteristic clinical symptoms and data from probing the wound, digital examination of the rectum, anoscopy, rectoscopy and x-ray examination.

Treatment of perineal injuries depends on their nature. In case of bruises of the perineum without damage to the rectum or bladder (urethra), conservative treatment is used - rest, in the first days, cold perineum, then thermal procedures (see. bruises). Hematomas that do not tend to increase are also treated conservatively; with a growing hematoma, an operation is performed to evacuate it and hemostasis (see. Hematoma). Superficial wounds of the perineum, given their increased infectivity, are widely dissected, excised non-viable tissues and drain well (see. Drainage).

When wounding the perineum with extensive damage rectum a colostomy is applied, and the perineal wound is treated with antiseptics and drained. When a perineal injury is combined with an injury to the bladder (urethra), a high suprapubic fistula is formed, urinary streaks are drained (see Fig. Bladder). With combined injuries of the perineum, rectum and bladder (urethra), complicated by pelvic phlegmon, the perineal wound is widely dissected and drained, a colostomy and a high fistula of the bladder are applied.

Genital warts of the perineum is a benign viral skin lesion. They appear in the form of tiny pink papules, which then grow and, after merging, resemble cauliflower. The formation has a soft texture and a narrow base in the form of a leg. Treatment - lubrication with a 20% alcohol solution of podophyllin or surgical removal within healthy tissues.

Tuberculosis of the skin of the perineum is observed in patients with severe forms of tuberculosis of the internal organs. Small yellowish-red nodules appear in the crotch, turning into sores, which, merging, form large, sharply painful ulcers with a bottom covered with grayish pus. Treatment should be directed primarily to the elimination of the main focus of tuberculosis (see. Tuberculosis extrapulmonary).

Syphilis of the perineum manifests itself in the form of primary syphilomas of the correct form, dense consistency, reddish color. Then there is erosion or an ulcer. Secondary syphilis in the form of papular syphilis is often localized on the perineum. Syphilitic gummas (tertiary syphilis) of the perineum are located in the subcutaneous tissue, open spontaneously and form ulcers with undermined edges and scanty discharge. specific treatment (see Syphilis).

Perineal hernias are rare. They are observed in persons engaged in heavy physical labor, especially those with a weak pelvic diaphragm or who have suffered a perineal injury. There are anterior and posterior perineal hernias. They have the appearance of a tumor-like formation that occurs in the perineum during physical exertion, walking, coughing and is easily reduced. On palpation, a defect in the muscles of the perineum is detected. Treatment is surgical, closing the hernial orifice in the pelvic diaphragm.

Tumors. In the area of ​​the perineum, various tumors can occur (neurogenic, vascular, connective tissue); more common lipoma. The tumor has a rounded, sometimes flattened shape, located under the skin of the perineum. On palpation, it is soft, mobile, painless. Grows slowly. Treatment is operative.

The mesenchymoma of the perineum is less commonly observed - a tumor of a complex structure from mesenchymal derivatives. It has a soft texture, moderately mobile and slightly painful, covered with a capsule.

In the diagnosis, puncture biopsy and X-ray methods of investigation (survey radiography, proctography, parietography). In some cases, it becomes necessary to differentiate mesenchymoma with perineal hernia and teratoid formations. Treatment is operative.

Bibliographer.: Aminev A.M. Guide to proctology, v. 3, p. 441, Kuibyshev, 1973; Human Anatomy, ed. M.R. Sapina, vol. 2, p. 131, M., 1986; Lenyushkin A.I. Proctology of childhood, p. 254, M., 1976.

The long-standing problem of the size and other characteristics of the primary genital organs, it would seem, has always concerned only men. But in fact, women are also secretly concerned about the ambiguous issue of parameters.

How important is the length of the vagina?

Although few dare to start a conversation about the innermost, many girls are worried: do they have a normal length (depth) of the vagina and does this indicator affect whether or not pleasure from sexual intercourse is received, especially after the birth of a child in a natural way? Scientific research in this area is extremely scarce, since female sexuality consists of a huge number of various variables, and it cannot be stated with absolute certainty that the relationship between the length of the vagina and the intensity of sexual satisfaction exists at all.

Christopher Tarney, MD and director of women's gynecology and urology at UCLA Medical Center, says it doesn't make sense to correlate genital size with sexuality just yet. Nevertheless, in the last ten years, more and more scientists have paid special attention to the field of sexology due to the impressive number of unresolved specific problems.

Size variations

What is the normal length of the vagina? This question cannot be answered unequivocally, since the female vagina is a very elastic organ. On the one hand, it is small enough to hold a tampon in place during the menstrual cycle. But at the same time, the vagina can stretch so much that it is by no means a small newborn child. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the tissue: the walls of the vagina are in many ways similar to the walls of the stomach. They shrink and fold when the body doesn't need a lot of volume, and stretch when needed.

How long is the vagina in centimeters? For each woman, this parameter will be different, because the body of any person is initially individual. In addition, even in the same woman, the vagina periodically changes size. It all depends on what exactly needs to be passed in or out.


Nevertheless, many are interested in the average length of the vagina (well, there must be an average indicator?). For such information, it is worth turning to the study of Masters and Johnson, conducted in the distant 1960s. Two scientists described in detail the physical characteristics of hundreds of women who have never been pregnant, and found that in the absence of stimulation, the length of the vagina in girls is at least 6.9 cm, maximum - 8.2 cm. When stimulated, the organ lengthens to 10, 8 cm and 12 cm respectively. The last indicator is the actual maximum length of the vagina within the normal range. Regardless of the numerical characteristics, it should be borne in mind that the area allegedly responsible for the female orgasm is located in the first (outer) third of the vagina.


According to Dr. Christopher Tarney, the main problem of patients is the feeling of discomfort during intercourse. It is caused by insufficient length of the female vagina or excessive tension of the walls. In some cases, discomfort occurs due to prolapse - prolapse of the uterus, bladder or other organ into the vagina. This often happens after the birth of a child.

However, Tarney believes prolapse is the only real problem. The length of the vagina, in his opinion, in no way affects sexual satisfaction, including because there are very significant variations in the norm.

Muscle tone

What really matters is the size of the vestibule, or vaginal opening. Most often, patients of gynecologists complain of problems that appeared after natural childbirth.

According to Tarney, female visitors mostly describe changes in sexual function and notice that the vagina feels like it has become too wide. As a result of this "expansion", women experience less intense sexual pleasure. In fact, recent childbirth changes the sexual experience in many ways, so the feeling of a "wide vagina" almost never has anything to do with the diameter of the vaginal opening.

Scientific verification

The vaginal vestibule expands only slightly after childbirth. In 1996, physicians in the United States began to make special measurements called the "Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification System", which were supposed to clearly indicate medical success in the fight against prolapse after childbirth.

For the first time, the length of the vagina in women was measured fully, before and after. Doctors used the system to study the genitals of several hundred patients and found that after a natural birth, there is a slight dilation of the vaginal opening. Most likely, the responsibility for this phenomenon lies not so much with the immediate process of delivery, but with muscle weakness or the consequences of injury in this area.

Way out

Women who know how to consciously squeeze and unclench the pelvic floor muscles are able to increase or decrease the size of the vaginal opening. According to Dr. Tarney, increasing the tone of the pelvic floor muscles helps to combat the feeling of "wide vagina". For these purposes, it is very useful to perform Kegel exercises - among other things, specific gymnastics for intimate muscles contributes to an overall improvement in the quality of sex.

According to a study published in the Australian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2008, women who regularly performed Kegel exercises admitted to experiencing more intense sexual satisfaction than those who did not. The only problem with such gymnastics is that most women do not understand how to do it correctly.

Kegel exercises: work without mistakes

Dr. Tarney states that any of his patients can show how to contract and relax the biceps. But when most girls report that they regularly do Kegel exercises, the doctor makes sure that one half does intimate gymnastics incorrectly, and the other simply cannot maintain normal coordination between the brain and muscles.

To fix the location of the muscles involved in the world famous exercises, one should either place a finger in the vagina and squeeze its walls, or deliberately stop the flow during urination. After discovering the muscles, one should practice their contraction in periods of five to ten seconds, alternating contraction with minutes of complete relaxation. If you are concerned about the length of the vagina and are not able to withstand such a long period of muscle tension, start with shorter periods and gradually increase the load. Repeat the exercise should be 10-20 times in a row, three times a day. During gymnastics, you need to monitor your breathing and try not to use the muscles of the legs, abdomen or pelvis in any way.

Some women experience nerve tissue injury during childbirth and do not feel their pelvic floor muscles. Others simply perform gymnastics incorrectly. It is interesting that in the United States of America there are special specialists - therapists who professionally help patients to correctly perform Kegel exercises.

What really matters

What is the ideal length of the vagina? There is no exact indicator. Moreover, phenomena such as sexual desire, sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, pain and satisfaction are in no way related to the parameters of the genital organs. If you notice that your sexual activity has decreased, the most likely reason is old age, an increase in body mass index, or a lack of deep emotional connection with a partner. Perhaps the situation will be helped by special lubricant gels, longer preludes to sexual intercourse, or the spiritual rapprochement of the couple.

Even just 10-15 years ago, the word "vagina" or "vagina" could cause extreme indignation and bewilderment. Most people who want to know the structure of their body, especially virgins, were simply afraid to raise this topic, so as not to be “ignorant” in the eyes of others. Nevertheless, interest in a woman's body, both on the part of herself and on the part of a man, has not lost its relevance. Many are wondering and searching for information, videos and photos of the vagina in order to "calculate the compatibility" of the genital organs in order to avoid, for example, pain during intercourse. From this article you can learn more about the female genital organs.

The vagina is an organ of the internal reproductive system, which is a fairly narrow muscular canal in the form of a tube with elastic walls that connects the vulva and uterus. This organ of the female body plays an important role in fertilization, as well as the birth of a child.

In general, the reproductive system of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity consists not only of the pelvic organs. These are also mammary and endocrine glands, the work of which is controlled by some parts of the brain. And they all take part in the fulfillment of the destiny - the birth of the baby. The organs of the reproductive system are divided into external and internal, depending on their location in the body. And the vagina refers to the internal, which shows the photo.

How is this organ organized?

Considering the structure of the vagina, it is worth noting that it is a hollow tube of muscles. It is located in the body, slightly curving to the top. For every young girl (including virgins), she, as a rule, has corrugated walls. And every woman has a different size. According to statistics, as well as research results, the average length of the tube can be from 8 to 12 cm. Regarding the width of the vagina, the average is 2-3 cm. Although during intercourse and the birth of a child, it can increase significantly, reaching a diameter of 9 up to 12 cm.

Its walls consist of 3 layers. In general, their total thickness is about 4 mm. They are soft to the touch. Each wall is a layer that performs its function:

The inner layer, which is a mucous membrane, consisting of many folds. It is thanks to them that the vagina has the ability to increase in size.

Middle, smooth muscle layer. The muscle bundles (longitudinal and transverse), which are represented in this wall, are present both in the upper part of the vagina and in its lower part. Unlike the upper ones, the lower bundles are more durable. They are woven into the muscles that regulate the work of the perineum.

Outer layer (adventitial). This wall is represented by connective tissue, in which there are elements of elastic fibers and muscles. It performs a connecting function, uniting the vagina and organs that are not related to the reproductive system. So, for example, the rectum, located behind the vagina, as well as the bladder, located in front of it, are connected precisely by the tissues of the outer layer.

As shown in the photo above, the female vagina has two walls (anterior, posterior). The ring that these walls form at the top, uniting, covers part of the uterus. They form a "vault", highlighting part of the vagina at the beginning of the cervix.

The lower ring, created by the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina, forms the opening of the vestibule. This is where the hymen is located. As you know, this is a film that virgins have. Its dimensions and structure are purely individual. But for every virgin, it is thin and quite elastic. This allows girls who have not had intercourse to freely use tampons.

It is worth noting that, contrary to prevailing public opinion, the hymen (hymen) is not evidence confirming the chastity of the fair sex. And this film can be easily damaged during physical exercises that require strong muscle tension, as well as during masturbation. In addition, the true purpose from a physiological point of view of the hymen has not yet been established.

In order for the microflora of the vagina to be healthy, it must be constantly moist. This function is provided by the internal walls.

They have glands that secrete special mucus. It is a whitish discharge, which is characterized by a characteristic odor. Mucus also has a slightly acidic reaction, which prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms. In addition to the fact that the secreted mucus provides a normal moisturized vagina from the inside, it contributes to the painless implementation of sexual intercourse, which is often experienced by virgins.

However, it is worth knowing that the normal secretion of mucus does not bother with excessive manifestations. Therefore, if you begin to notice abundant vaginal discharge, you should consult your gynecologist. If they are not a sign of ovulation, then these discharges can become a symptom of an inflammatory process.

About the functions that this body performs

You have already learned about the structure of the vagina. Now you can get acquainted with the functions that this female organ performs. There are 4 in total:

  1. Sexual. This is the main function that the vagina performs in the body of a woman, taking a direct part in the conception of a child. Sperm secreted by a man during unprotected intercourse enters the vagina, getting the opportunity to penetrate the cervix. Thus, reaching the uterine tube, the sperm can fertilize the egg, which will give rise to a new life.
  2. Generic. Both walls of the vagina, connecting with the cervix, form a canal. It is called generic, because during childbirth, the fetus from the uterus passes through this channel. This is because during the course of pregnancy, the woman's body prepares for the removal of the fetus: under the influence of hormones, the wall tissues change and become more elastic. As practice shows, this allows the vagina to stretch as much as necessary so that the child freely leaves the mother's womb.
  3. Protective. It is expressed in the fact that the vagina of a woman, including a virgin, is a kind of barrier. The structure of the vagina is such that it provides self-purification of the body, while preventing the ingress and development of other microorganisms. As previously mentioned, it is the walls of the vagina that help to perform this function in the body of a woman.

    Some girls and women unknowingly incorrectly implement the rules of intimate hygiene, thereby violating the normal microflora of internal organs. This occurs in cases where frequent douching with water or, even worse, with antibacterial agents is practiced. If the microflora is normal and abundant discharge does not bother, this should not be done.

  4. Output. This internal organ of the female body is, as mentioned earlier, a channel. However, it is intended not only to promote the conception of a child and his birth, but also to cleanse the body from the inside. The vagina helps to remove from the body of the fair sex (virgins, girls, women) physiological secretions, which are the result of the body's performance. This applies to both slight discharge of a transparent or whitish color, and menstruation.

What does the world know about vaginas? Very little, society seems to pretend that there is nothing at all under women's panties, like a doll.

Even porn and erotic magazines show a vanilla picture that differs from reality in the same way that silicone breasts differ from natural ones. Millions of girls are complex because of the "wrong" structure of their labia and even lie down under the surgeon's knife to correct their imaginary shortcomings.

Elite Daily spoke to a former waxer who has seen hundreds of vaginas in her career. It turned out that there are 5 main types of female labia, which in turn are divided into an infinite number of varieties, each of which is the norm.

1. "Barbie"

This is how most people think of a vagina, but ironically, this type is the rarest.
In Barbie, the inner labia are completely located in the outer labia. Both those and others are on the same level with the pelvic bone.

2. "Curtain"

In this type, the labia minora are located below the labia majora. Depending on the structure of the girl, they can stick out strongly or quite a bit.
This is probably the most common type of vagina, often found in a wide variety of combinations with the other types described below.

3. "Pie"

Pie may be very similar to Barbie, but the difference is that Pie has her labia lower than her pubic bone. They can be both elastic and full, and thin and a little flabby. Many people think that it depends on the age of the woman, but it is not.

4. "Horseshoe"

In the Horseshoe, the opening of the vagina is wider and higher, thereby exposing the labia minora, but just below the labia majora, as it were, narrow. In this type, the labia minora does not fall below the large ones.

5. "Tulip"

This type of vagina is shaped like a flower ready to open. In this case, the labia minora is slightly exposed along the entire length. Unlike the "Curtain", in which the inner labia hang down, in the "Tulne" they are on the same level with the outer ones.


The perineum is the region of the body that is located in the anterior part between the pubic bones, the ischial tuberosities on the sides and the coccyx at the back. Soft formations, which include muscles, fascia and skin, take part in the formation of the perineum. The perineum is covered with pigmented thin skin, with sebaceous and sweat glands located in it and a small amount of hair. Fascia and subcutaneous fat in this area are underdeveloped. In the perineum are the external genitalia and the anal part of the rectum. The shape of the perineum is diamond-shaped. The corners of the rhombus in this case limit the anterior edge of the anus and the posterior edge of the external genitalia. The perineum in women is slightly larger than in men. This feature is due to the fact that the pelvis in women is larger than in men. With the hips apart, the female perineum is visible quite well. The perineum in men is much deeper, and in size, already female.

The perineum is conventionally divided into two sections: the pelvic diaphragm and the urogenital diaphragm. The border between them is the line that connects the ischial tuberosities. These diaphragms are involved in the formation of the pelvic floor, while closing the exit from it. The muscles of the pelvis, skin, fat layer and fascia, which lie in various parts of the perineum, close the exit from the pelvic cavity. The pelvic and urogenital diaphragms are able to withstand the weight of the internal organs, as well as the existing intra-abdominal pressure, thereby preventing the internal organs from descending into the perineum. In men, only the urethra passes through the urogenital diaphragm, while in women, the urethra and vagina.

The deep transverse perineal muscle is the base of the urogenital diaphragm. Being between the bones of the pubic bone, from all sides it is covered with fascia. The transverse direction is inherent in the fibers of the transverse muscle. Part of the fibers in the place where the urethra lies, differ in a circular direction and are called the external sphincter of the urethra. The vagina is surrounded by fibers of the sphincter of the urethra. These fibers end in the tendon center of the perineum. In the region of the urogenital diaphragm there are muscles that are connected to the cavernous and spongy body.

The terminal portion of the rectum passes through the pelvic diaphragm. In addition, in this place is the external sphincter of the anus. The muscle that lifts the sphincter of the anus is the largest muscle of the pelvic diaphragm. Starting from the walls of the small pelvis, it passes back and goes down, after which it covers the rectum, and then enters the external sphincter of the anus. In its shape, this muscle resembles a funnel, the tapering part of which is directed downwards. From the outside, as well as from the outside, this muscle is covered with fascia. The main task that this muscle performs is to support the internal organs located in the small pelvis.