Analysis of glasses for oncology. Histology

Immunohistochemistry is a laboratory method for diagnosing malignant tumors. This technique is the most modern and most accurate diagnostics. The technique is used for differential diagnosis in oncology. Immunohistochemistry allows you to describe the tumor at the cellular level, determine the prognosis, and help in choosing a treatment strategy.
Using this method, the tumor growth rate is estimated, so there is such a possibility of predicting. Immunohistochemistry provides clear data on which chemotherapy the tumor is resistant to, so it is possible to choose a rational treatment strategy.
The method is very valuable in breast cancer as immunohistochemistry easily evaluates such tumor-dependent hormones (estrogen and progesterone). Immunohistochemistry identifies pathological genes. Patients with the presence of these genes (proto-oncogene) have a high probability of developing lymphoma. Immunohistochemistry also helps in such cases when two tumors are detected in a patient at once (primary tumor with metastasis (secondary tumor)). In this situation, oncologists need to figure out what is primary and what is secondary. The importance of an accurate diagnosis costs the life of the patient, so it is better to order a second opinion from professionals.
Immunohistochemistry is a poorly mastered research method in Russia, so the frequency of misdiagnosis is high. The equipment for working with analyzes, which was recently purchased in Russia, is very complex. Until recently, no one worked on these devices, so you have to teach your specialists abroad, but oncology centers always face the problem of funding.

Sent for glass inspection.

The number of errors in even the most accurate research methods is high, so it is better to have your histological analyzes reviewed by professionals. It is important that the material for evaluation be taken qualitatively, but here errors are less common than when making a diagnosis. Today, many pathologies are classified, described, and it is not difficult for a pathologist to make a diagnosis. Often, patients with an unrecognized tumor end up with a malignant bone tumor. Suppose, in case of damage to the clavicle, the pathologist did not describe the tissue component of the tumor and other important information as the doctor encountered it for the first time. Bone tumors should not be biopsied frequently because this can lead to accelerated tumor development. Now it is possible to take your histological glass and send it using special equipment and software to a competent pathologist using telemedicine.
A pathologist at the Institute of Histology and Pathology in the USA will decipher your slide with a histological smear in the shortest possible time.

Can the revision of the histology of the glasses be different.

With complex and rare oncological diseases, the pathologist faces difficulties in describing and making a diagnosis, so the best way to confirm or refute the diagnosis is to order a second opinion, or, in other words, to have your glasses simply reviewed by a more competent specialist. I will present one case when such a situation occurred.

The patient underwent a histological examination of the humerus. At the beginning, the patient complained of a bone outgrowth in the area of ​​the upper third of the shoulder. The growth was small, but gradually increased in size, and soreness also appeared. The patient went to a traumatologist who suspected oncology based on X-rays of the humerus and wrote out a referral to an oncologist. The oncologist and radiologists at the center could not come to a common diagnosis, so a biopsy was ordered. The results of the biopsy were as follows: a malignant bone tumor of unknown origin. The patient came to a specialized center, where they helped to send slides with histological material from the patient's tumor to the American Pathological Center using telemedicine. In this center, the diagnosis was formulated differently, namely, a benign tumor from the mucoid substance. The diagnosis changed from unknown malignant to rare benign. Also, the nerves of the patient, her family, endless trips are a thing of the past thanks to modern technology.

American pathologists examine your histological material on high-resolution monitors, which allows you to magnify your histological glass by 10,000 times.

How much does glass revision cost?

Revision of histological preparations in Moscow ranges from 3,500 rubles to 6,000 rubles. The turnaround time is up to two or three days. There is also an opportunity in Moscow to order a glass revision abroad. The price for glass revision in the USA ranges from $100 to $250. The price depends on the qualifications of the doctor (professor, doctor of medical sciences, candidate of medical sciences).

Review of histological slides.

Revision of slides with histological content reduces the risk of misdiagnosis by up to 90%. The diagnosis made by the pathologist determines the treatment and subsequent prognosis of your health. Most clinics in Israel, Germany, the USA do not accept descriptions of Russian doctors, therefore it is better and cheaper for the patient to have histological glasses described and given a conclusion in the clinics of the countries listed above. At the moment, it is not a problem for the description of your histological material to be performed remotely abroad.

Review of histological preparations.

Histological preparations are reviewed by doctors from other countries. They receive your histological preparation in the mail in full electronic form. Histological preparations are converted into electronic form by a device similar to a scanner. After that, the digitized histological preparations are sent to doctors of the telemedicine network, where doctors analyze the histological preparation on special screens.
You also have the option of choosing a subspecialty pathologist to further reduce the risk of misdiagnosis. When choosing their scientific work, doctors of medical sciences or candidates of medical sciences choose a narrow specialty in which they are most oriented. You can choose a doctor based on what topic his scientific papers are written on. Let's say you have a histology of breast formation and you need to confirm or refute the diagnosis of breast cancer, then you should choose for you a doctor who wrote a dissertation on the pathology of breast cancer. To do this, just look at the doctor's profile.

Revision of glasses in Moscow.

Glass revision in Moscow is carried out in many centers. The average price in Moscow is 5000 rubles. Lead time is one to three days. Review of histological slides is usually ordered by patients with neoplasms who wish to refute or confirm their diagnosis.
In Moscow, you can also order a glass revision service by a doctor from clinics in the USA, Israel, and Germany. A second opinion on cancer reduces the risk of misdiagnosis.

Revision of glasses in St. Petersburg

Revision of glass in St. Petersburg is on average cheaper than in Moscow. The average price in St. Petersburg is 3500 rubles. Average turnaround time is 2 days.

Revision of glasses in Blokhin

Moscow Cancer Center Blokhin performs a review of histological slides. This service is performed by qualified pathologists.

Revision of glasses on Kashirka.

Russian Cancer Research Center. N. N. Blokhin is located in Moscow at Kashirskoye shosse, 23. In this center, you can order the service of reviewing histological slides. Also in Moscow, you can perform this service at the following state institution - the Herzen Moscow Research Institute, which is located at 2nd Botkinsky Proezd, Building 3.

Revision of glasses histology on kashirka cost.

The price for revision is 12 thousand rubles, and the price for immunochemistry is 20 thousand rubles. The average turnaround time for a service is two days.

Revision of glass histology on kashirka.

The Russian Cancer Research Center named after N. N. Blokhin employs academicians, professors, doctors of medical sciences, who, in addition to practical work, also conduct theoretical work in the departments, and are also engaged in scientific activities in a narrow specialty, so the assessment of these specialists is so valuable.

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Revision of glasses of histology, cytology

Study period 1 day

Why is it necessary to revise histological (cytological) slides?

Oncological practice shows that a diagnosis made in one medical institution very often needs to be confirmed or refuted. And, although professional specialists are engaged in examination under a microscope, the possibility of error or oversight is not excluded. Therefore, such a study as the revision of histology slides has ceased to be a rarity.

When is a review of existing histology results required?

This procedure is carried out if:

It is necessary to make a correct diagnosis;

Specify the type or subspecies of the tumor;

Determine the prevalence of the oncological process;

Confirm previous results.

Re-examination of slides in another laboratory significantly reduces
error risk. The patient can collect histology slides from one laboratory,
to transfer to another institution and verify the correctness of the results.
In many cases, this sequence of actions is even recommended.

What can prevent a pathologist from qualitatively reviewing histological slides?

Poor-quality sectioning in the previous laboratory makes it almost impossible to clarify the diagnosis or find out other important details of the disease picture.

There are two ways out of this situation:

Order an additional biopsy through Oncostandard;

Together with the histological slides, take your paraffin blocks from the previous laboratory.

Even the most accurate research methods often need to be rechecked. Through Oncostandard it is possible to obtain an independent result based on the opinion of one or several highly qualified specialists of our partner clinics within 2-3 working days. At the same time, you do not have to come to the laboratory yourself: our courier service will take the preparations from you for revision and deliver them back along with the results of the study after the procedure.

Glass revision procedure

When writing a histological report, there is a risk of making a mistake, and in order to prevent this from happening in the laboratory where the study was originally performed, it is necessary to review the slides in another laboratory. In practice, everything is simple. The patient needs to pick up histological slides in his laboratory, in which the primary analysis was performed and transfer these slides for review to another laboratory that is not related to the first one. The drug review will take two business days from the moment the drugs are delivered to the laboratory. Paraffin blocks must be sent along with the histological slides. This is necessary in case the histological preparation could have been made incorrectly in the first laboratory, and additional new sections will need to be made. The time for the result to be ready will not increase from this, but will also take two to a maximum of three days. You can receive your result by e-mail, immediately on the day it is ready. Blocks, glasses and the original histological report will be delivered by express courier to your home at the address you specified.

Transfer of histological materials for revision

The procedure for transferring histological slides as well as paraffin blocks is very simple. To get started, you need to contact our Oncostandard company. Further, we will arrange for you free delivery of your histological preparations to our laboratories, with which we have an agreement on the revision of histological slides. Delivery time takes up to three days. The delivery itself is carried out from any corner of Russia immediately to the laboratory of our clinics. We value your time and make sure that you are satisfied with the quality of the services provided.

It is carried out to make the correct diagnosis, clarify the type or subspecies of the cancerous tumor and the prevalence of the tumor process. This is the basis for the appointment of treatment protocols, the prognosis of the patient's future life. However, the possibilities and quality of histology directly depend on its competent conduct - from its correct, accurate and professional preparation to the qualification of a pathomorphologist studying the drug. Also, to a large extent, the risks of poor-quality histology are reduced by the collegial review of histological slides, which is carried out at UNIM in each case.

Glass revision procedure

In order to reduce the risk of error in the histological conclusion, there is a practice of reviewing slides in another laboratory. The patient takes histological slides from the laboratory that performed the first analysis and transfers them to another laboratory for examination. When applying to UNIM, it takes two working days from the moment the drugs are delivered to the laboratory. However, it must be remembered that in case of poorly prepared slides (for example, the absence of a tumor on the section), additional sections may be required, so it is advisable to provide original paraffin blocks along with the histological slides. In this case, the final results of additional studies will be ready in 2-3 business days. The patient or the attending physician will be able to receive the results on the day the report is ready by e-mail, and the original report, glasses and blocks will be delivered later by express mail.

Transfer of histological materials for revision

Previously, in order to conduct a revision or re-histology, the patient or his relatives had to personally come to the city where these studies are carried out. In most cases, this is due to additional costs and complexities in an already difficult time. The UNIM company carries out delivery from regions of Russia to Moscow: glasses/blocks/biopsy in formalin free of charge. Delivery is organized on a door-to-door basis. This means that the company's courier picks up drugs at a convenient address for the sender and delivers them directly to the pathomorphological laboratories of our partners, specializing in these types of tumors. Delivery of histological preparations is carried out within 1-3 days from any region of Russia.

Additional studies after histology

The choice of the most modern laboratory, with highly qualified specialists, ensures not only the high quality of the study itself, but also provides the opportunity, if necessary, to conduct additional analyzes (IHC, FISH) for the fastest and most accurate diagnosis, as well as get advice from the best specialists on the profile of your disease from anywhere the globe using the system.

The modern level of medicine, and in particular - oncology, has grown significantly in recent years. But despite the high level of quality of treatment, sometimes for some reason it is required review histological slides to clarify the diagnosis and revise the treatment regimen.
It is important to understand that the human factor cannot be ignored when making a diagnosis. Therefore, in case of any doubts about the diagnosis, there are a number of medical institutions where the service is possible. review of histological slides in Moscow. Among such clinics and centers are:

Russian Cancer Research Center. N. N. Blokhina

This is a federal state budgetary scientific institution.

The main task of the center is to conduct practical scientific research in the field of precancerous and neoplastic pathological conditions. The center also provides qualified assistance to patients with oncological diseases.

Federal Research and Clinical Center named after Dmitry Rogachev, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

The laboratory of UNIM UNITED MEDICINE operates on the basis of the pathomorphological laboratory of the center. The collaboration with this laboratory is a partnership that results in histological, immunohistochemical and molecular analyses.

City Oncology Hospital No. 62

Thanks to the latest laboratory, ultrasound, surgical and other equipment, as well as the availability of equipment designed for liquid cytology and cancer screening, the hospital successfully operates microbiological and molecular biological laboratories.

Russian Scientific Center for Roentgen Radiology

Specialization - early diagnosis and treatment of oncological and other diseases based on various studies, including clinical, laboratory and molecular genetics. The material and technical base of the center consists of the latest high-performance equipment of the latest generation, and the center uses advanced treatment technologies that have proven their effectiveness.

Moscow Research Institute of Oncology named after P.A. Herzen

The oldest scientific and practical medical institution in Europe, as well as the first oncological center in Russia. Today, the Institute occupies a leading position in the development of organ-preserving and sparing methods for the treatment of malignant neoplasms using modern technologies, including microsurgical and biotechnologies.

At the moment, he is collaborating with the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian Cancer Research Center named after N.N. N.N. Blokhin, and, if necessary, with related organizations, oncology centers and leading specialists, and creates special therapy programs and research applied developments in the field of oncology.

Diagnostic Clinical Center №1

This is a state budgetary healthcare institution of the city of Moscow.
The center has the latest high-tech equipment, and the laboratory diagnostics department has at its disposal enzyme immunoassay, hematological, biochemical and bacteriological analyzers, thanks to which the center is able to provide a wide range of services.

Moscow International Laboratory of Pathomorphology "Laboratoires De Genie"

The latest laboratory complex of narrow specialization. The main areas of activity are all types of histological, cytological and immunomorphological studies using the latest equipment unique for Russia.

The cost of reviewing histological slides is from 2 to 5 thousand rubles, the duration is from 2 to 5 days. The cost and duration of the revision depends on the complexity and volume of the studies.

The accuracy of diagnostic methods in medicine largely determines the outcome of the patient's disease, the prognosis for his recovery and rehabilitation. Even the most experienced doctor will not be able to prescribe an effective treatment without knowing the exact diagnosis of his patient. The most important role in oncology is played by the determination of the morphological variety of the tumor and the staging of the process. Unfortunately, the wrong diagnosis is not such a rare occurrence in domestic medicine. And if a false positive diagnosis usually does not pose a real threat to the patient's life, then a false negative diagnosis can turn into a disaster. A new direction in medicine - repeated histology - allows you to minimize the likelihood of erroneous diagnosis.

The relevance of the histological method of diagnosis

The importance of histological examination in the diagnosis of malignant neoplasms cannot be overestimated. Despite the existence of modern instrumental methods (CT, MRI, PET), it is the morphological study that remains the gold standard for diagnosing malignant tumors. Only after the detection of tumor cells under a microscope, the oncologist has the right to make a final diagnosis. An incorrect diagnosis can cost a patient's life, so all cancer patients are advised to undergo a histology revision procedure.

Services of our company for repeated histological examinations

In addition to the review of glasses in the oncology center, we provide organizational services for the diagnosis of malignant neoplasms:

  • polymerase chain reaction;
  • molecular genetic diagnostics;
  • cytological examination of scrapings from the cervix and cervical canal.

In what cases is repeated histology done?

Why is it necessary to review histological slides? The main problem is the difficulty of interpreting histological studies. Even the correct sampling of the material and the preparation of a microscopic sample do not guarantee the accuracy of the diagnosis. A histologist who has little experience or who has not previously encountered such a microscopic picture may make an incorrect diagnosis. Leading histologists of the private Israeli clinic "Assuta" have many years of experience and are recognized professionals in their field around the world. By using their histology slide review services, you can be sure that there are no diagnostic errors.

Procedure for revision of histological preparations

The service is provided in several stages.

  1. First, you need to obtain histological sections and microscopic samples in the laboratory.
  2. After that, you will need to bring the collected materials to the representative office of the Assuta clinic.
  3. Then, within a few days, leading Israeli experts are reviewing the discs and compiling a medical report.
  4. You will receive the verdict of the histologists by e-mail, which you indicated during registration.

The main advantages of glass revision and biopsy in the private Israeli clinic "Assuta"

By conducting a biopsy review in an advanced Israeli clinic, you get a number of objective advantages.
  • No need to travel to another country, and, accordingly, additional costs for travel and accommodation: you only need to deliver histological samples to the clinic representative office.
  • The high qualification of narrow profile doctors ensures the accuracy of the diagnosis.
  • The well-coordinated work of all links in the patient-doctor chain ensures that results are obtained already within 3-5 days after the provision of histological samples.

Services of the representative office of the Assuta Moscow clinic for remote diagnostics of biopsy material

The representative office of the Assuta Moscow clinic offers a number of organizational services necessary for the accurate diagnosis of oncological diseases.
  • Histological examination.
  • Cytological analysis (cytopathology).
  • Examination of smears of the cervix.
  • Molecular diagnostics using PCR, FISH technologies.
  • Genetic research.

Liquid biopsy

Liquid biopsy is a modern method for diagnosing malignant neoplasms, based on the detection of the genetic material of tumor cells in the blood. Conducting a biopsy revision using this technique, it becomes possible to diagnose diseases at an early stage with high accuracy, determine the histological type of tumor, and evaluate the effectiveness of therapy. The method is absolutely harmless to humans, easy to perform and accessible to most patients.


  • Diagnosis of tumor diseases at early stages.
  • Detection of mutations in the genes of tumor cells.
  • Determination of the molecular genetic subtype of the tumor.
  • Selection of drug therapy (the sensitivity of cancer cells to different classes of anticancer drugs is determined).
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the treatment.
  • Making a prognosis of the disease.

How is it carried out

Venous blood is taken for analysis. The sample is sent to the laboratory, where it is tested: the blood is passed through microchips, on the surface of which antibodies to cancer cells are applied. Adsorbed on the chips, tumor cells and their fragments begin to glow under the influence of fluorescent dye. The isolated cells are transferred into a test tube and used for further genetic, cytological and immunohistochemical studies.


Breast cancer occupies the 1st place both in the structure of morbidity and in the structure of mortality among all cancers in women. Even high-quality surgical, radio- and chemotherapeutic treatment does not guarantee a full recovery. MammaPrint is a modern diagnostic test that is designed to determine the risk of breast cancer recurrence and metastases within 10 years after removal of the tumor. The test is based on genetic diagnosis. Based on the test results, the patient may be classified as high or low risk. The doctor, after analyzing the data, decides on the need for postoperative chemotherapy.