Why do my feet smell so bad? What should I do? Feet sweat and smell a lot: what to do to eliminate the unpleasant phenomenon

Problem strong odor foot and shoe problems can be caused by many factors. To solve the problem, you need to figure out from the very beginning why your feet stink and what to do to eliminate the smell. First of all, you should contact a good dermatologist, especially if, in the presence of an unpleasant odor, there are other symptoms of the disease in the form of changes in the skin or nails. If this is exactly such a case, then in any case you need to consult an intelligent doctor who will prescribe you effective treatment in the form of ointments, creams and other antifungal drugs.

If fungus is excluded, but the problem of stinking feet remains, what to do to eliminate the unpleasant odor remains, should be carefully analyzed general state your health. Sometimes the question of what your feet smell like and what to do in this situation should be addressed in a comprehensive manner, since such a symptom often indicates severe slagging human body. Increased sweating in the area of ​​the soles of the feet indicates the hard work of the body, trying to remove toxins and waste products through the pores of the skin of the feet. In this case, it is necessary, first of all, to cleanse the body. Nowadays, there is quite enough information on cleansing, but it is better to consult a doctor before any procedure. If a person does not want to produce long-term and sometimes not entirely pleasant procedures for some time, you can try taking various absorbents that promote elimination toxic substances from the body. But before using any absorbent drugs, you should consult a doctor.

Another option for solving the situation when your feet stink, what to do in this case, is to rebuild your entire diet and change your diet. It is necessary to limit the intake of smoked meats, fatty foods, canned foods and completely eliminate fast food from the diet.

When to do what? The answer to this question may be various drugs designed specifically for this purpose. Various ones help quite well, for example, Timalin or Galmanin, consisting of talc, boric acid and a number of other effective substances. Simple, but very effective method To eliminate this, use foot baths made from oak bark decoction. Tannins, which are large quantities Contained in the bark, they help tighten skin pores and eliminate odor. You can make daily baths from tinctures of nettle or sage herbs. Good result can be obtained through baths and morning and evening foot washing with salt water.

Very effective at increased sweating foot is Pasta Teymurova. As a last resort, you can use by strong means, consisting of formaldehyde, such as Formalide-10 or Formidron. Should not be abused strong drugs, because they dry out the skin very much.

Sometimes bad odor is caused by using low-quality socks. Most often, feet stink when using socks made of synthetic fabrics, since feet sweat faster in them. The most hygienic socks are made from cotton, linen or wool. Regardless of the material, socks should be changed daily.

This problem often arises when using shoes made of non-natural materials, although sometimes leather shoes acquire a rather unpleasant odor. To eliminate the smell of shoes, you can place activated carbon tablets and special absorbents for shoes. Strongly smelling shoes need to be aired more often. A very strong odor can be eliminated by wiping the inside of the shoes with Formidron.

A lot of people wonder how to get rid of foot odor. To solve this problem, there are many methods, both folk and quite modern.

Often people do not pay attention to excessive sweating and do not ask doctors why their feet stink. But increased sweating necessarily requires treatment, because it can lead to the development serious illnesses. Due to the humidity of the feet, corns, calluses, unpleasant odor, and sticky feet can form.

And wet feet are an excellent environment for the spread of infectious bacteria that cause foot fungus. Of course, you can ignore your sweaty feet. But this will lead to the need to treat a more serious problem. Before you get rid of bad smell feet, I would like to understand the reasons for this phenomenon.

People who have encountered the problem of unpleasant odor from their feet note that their feet become very sweaty. A humid environment is very favorable for propagation harmful bacteria. It is because of them that the nasty smell appears.

Sweat itself does not smell at all, because it consists largely of water. But bacteria actively multiplying in it are the cause bad aroma and cause harm to human health. Sweat is produced by the skin to regulate temperature and to be eliminated from the body. harmful substances. Therefore, it is important to carry out water procedures every day, for example, take a shower.

There are different reasons for the appearance of bad sweat odor:

  • poor ventilation of the skin, which occurs when wearing low-quality shoes made from inexpensive materials or thick out-of-season socks and stockings;
  • inconsistent hygiene procedures create an environment favorable for the growth of bacteria;
  • poor cleaning and washing of shoes also contributes to the spread of bacteria;
  • and the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • fungal disease causes an unpleasant odor due to disruption water-salt balance skin. The fungus also causes cracking of the skin, severe itching and peeling. If this is not treated in time dangerous disease, an exacerbation may begin; often the foul odor of the feet can be a consequence of illness endocrine system or central nervous system;
  • the human body’s tendency to excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis.

How to deal with sweaty feet

In common cases, getting rid of foul odor from feet is quite simple. It is necessary to purchase quality shoes from good materials which allows your feet to breathe. Give preference to real leather or textiles. At the same time, you should refuse cheap shoes made of artificial materials, because they practically do not allow air to flow to the skin of the feet.

IN summer time Do not wear closed shoes that do not allow your skin to breathe. Pay attention to what materials the shoe insole is made of. If possible, replace low-quality synthetic insoles with leather or cotton ones.

Now there are special insoles on sale that absorb odors. Buy them exactly. Wash your insoles regularly.

Carefully maintain foot hygiene. To do this, you need to wash your feet every day. During water procedures It is better to use products that have an antibacterial effect, for example, laundry soap. This soap contains only natural ingredients and neutralizes all bacteria, which means it relieves you of unpleasant odors.

After taking a bath or shower, be sure to go over the skin of your feet with a pumice stone or a special pedicure file. This will remove dead skin particles.

Change your socks and tights every day, because the fabrics from which they are made perfectly absorb dirt, sweat and odor. Do not use socks and stockings made of synthetic fabrics, because such materials, on the contrary, make your feet wet and help the spread of bacteria and.

Shoes also need regular cleaning and washing. This should be done as often as possible. Before putting on a washed pair of shoes, it is important to make sure that they are completely dry. A humid environment is a great place for germs to grow and sweat to smell.

If the foot odor is due to foot fungus, then it is imperative to take measures to eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon. The same can be said for hyperhidrosis.

To be sure to recover from these sores, you need to consult a doctor, he will prescribe the necessary medications.

Remedies to eliminate sweaty feet

There are many folk recipes for eliminating unpleasant odors.

Here are just a few of them:

  1. Washing your feet in a decoction of herbs has a good effect. To make a healing decoction, you can use oak bark, green tea, chamomile and sage. These herbs must be infused in boiling water, strained and washed with the resulting product. This procedure must be done daily.
  2. Kombucha is also useful in the fight against unpleasant odors. Its infusion should be diluted in water and applied as a lotion to the feet or simply washed with the solution.
  3. A composition consisting of equal parts of alcohol and vinegar works well to reduce sweating. They need to wipe their feet every night to get rid of bad foot odor.
  4. A solution of ordinary potassium permanganate perfectly reduces sweat and eliminates germs. They need to wash their feet in the evening without drying them after washing.
  5. You can use regular high fat sour cream. You should lubricate your feet with it every day. 20 minutes after application, rinse off the sour cream.

Getting rid of odor in shoes

To rid shoes of an unpleasant odor, in addition to washing and cleaning, you can use other methods.

Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda inside your shoes every day. This method will remove excess moisture and eliminate odor. You can put cedar wood or cloves in your shoes. This also eliminates the stink.
To get rid of bacteria, you need to dry your shoes thoroughly. Don't wear the same shoes all the time, this will only prolong the life of bacteria and... Shoes need a day to dry thoroughly, so change them often.

Regular newspapers can help in drying shoes at home. They need to be crumpled up and stuffed inside the shoes. If you do this in the evening, then by morning the shoes will be dry. For better effect You need to take out the insoles before doing this.
Modern textile shoes can be washed in washing machine. This is an excellent option for disinfecting shoes, so don’t neglect it. Of course, before putting on a washed pair, you need to dry it well.
If washing your shoes is not possible, use a special shoe dryer. In this device, the drying process is slow but sure. It does not harm shoes, but allows you to get completely dry shoes in 8 hours.

Powders against foot odor

Feet must always be kept dry, this is the key to their health. And if so, then dryness is even more necessary. For sweaty feet, you can use special powders with therapeutic effect, which have a deodorant effect.

In order to reduce sweating of the feet, oak bark powder, which is poured into socks, is excellent. You can use talc, boric acid or potato starch for the same purposes. It is allowed to use a combination of these means. For example, mix 9 parts starch and 1 part talc.

Before applying the powder to the skin, the feet should be washed using laundry soap and dried thoroughly.

Decoctions to combat hyperhidrosis

In such cases there will be useful application healing decoctions inside. Hyssop officinalis has proven itself especially well in this regard. An infusion of inflorescences and leaves of this plant should be taken orally three times a day. In just a day you need to drink 1 glass of infusion. To prepare it you need to take a tablespoon of dry herb and pour a glass of boiling water.

Can be used in combination with powders or baths medicinal teas from a mixture of herbs. You can take mint, valerian root, St. John's wort and lemon balm, mix in equal quantities. Pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of herbal mixture and let it brew. You need to drink the infusion 3 times a day, sip at a time.

How to treat sweaty feet with foot baths

Regular foot skin care is needed at all times of the year, and not exclusively in the summer, when everyone can see their feet. A good option at home - use special baths. They are useful not only as a means to combat sweating, but also for strengthening and healing the body. Baths should be taken every day, best before bed. It is allowed to combine baths and foot massage or peeling.

For baths it is best to take medicinal herbs, For example, oak bark, leaves walnut. You need to prepare a decoction from the herbs and divide it into two parts. Pour one part into a bath with hot water, the other - into a cold bath. Soak your feet alternately in hot and cold baths.

You can make baths from a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. You need to keep your feet in this bath for 10 minutes. This bath is very good for sweating.

Salted water baths are good for reducing sweating. For a better effect, you can put cotton wool soaked in a soda solution between your toes at night. This procedure may cause severe itching, but at the same time eliminates sweating well.

To destroy bacteria on your feet and reduce sweat, you can use baths made from a strong solution of black tea. You need to keep your feet in this bath for half an hour. The tannic acid contained in black tea will destroy bacteria and lead to hair loss. sweat glands, which will reduce sweat production.

If there are no wounds on the skin of the legs, it is necessary to combat foul odor use vinegar baths. To prepare such a bath, you need to dilute a glass of vinegar in warm water and add a few drops of thyme oil to the bath. It has a very strong antiseptic effect, which is simply necessary to fight bacteria.

After foot baths It’s good to perform a special massage, which will also help in the fight against excessive sweating. It must be done using special aromatic oils. It is best to take lavender oil for this purpose, which, in addition to its pleasant smell, also has an excellent antibacterial effect. You can use other types of oils, but before using them for massage, check whether they cause allergies. To do this, apply a little oil to your wrist. If after a few hours everything is fine, there is no itching or redness, then you can safely take this oil for massage.

Medicines to combat sweating

Now in any pharmacy you can see a wide selection of products to combat excessive sweating. There are various medications, both very expensive and quite cheap, that almost anyone can afford. As a rule, these are creams or ointments. There are remedies that require a course of treatment. Other medications require daily use. There are products on sale that are used only for the feet, but there are also those that can be used for the palms and armpits. They usually need to be applied in the evening, before going to bed.

A good effect against excessive sweating is provided by a gel that is intended to eliminate acne. He has high antiseptic properties and dries out the skin perfectly.

If none traditional methods And pharmacy creams do not help get rid of unpleasant foot odor, you need to consult a specialist. Most likely, in such difficult cases The use of special medications or a course of treatment with electrophoresis will be prescribed.

The above treatment methods increased sweating and getting rid of foot odor are quite effective. By using them regularly, you will not only forget about the unpleasant odor from your feet, but also get soft and delicate skin on your feet, like a baby’s.

If feet sweat and still have a specific odor, people feel discomfort and problems with communication. Sometimes they don’t know what to do and who to contact. Let's try to figure out the cause of the problem and consider methods to get rid of it.

Why do my feet sweat a lot?

The production of sweat helps the body maintain normal body. But it happens that people have increased sweating. Excessive sweating called hyperhidrosis.

There may be several reasons for excessive sweating:

  • Thick shoes made from non-natural materials.
  • Socks made of synthetic materials.
  • Lack of normal foot hygiene.
  • Excitement.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Problems with the endocrine system.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.

Sometimes it is enough to wash your feet with soap several times a day to solve all problems. If you have health problems, then only effective treatment will help.

Strong odor from feet - what is the reason?

One of the reasons for the unpleasant odor is the presence of fungus. You should get rid of this disease as quickly as possible. Another reason may be that a person has a disease. In certain diseases, bacteria multiply. Those, in turn, cause a terrible smell.

An unpleasant odor can also appear in people who do not suffer from the disease. This is due to excessive sweating. If a person moves a lot and wears shoes made of unnatural materials, this will contribute to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

The particles on the feet wear out very quickly. If dead particles are not removed in time, these areas of the skin will serve as a habitat for bacteria.

In children, the smell can be even stronger than in an adult. This is due to the fact that the metabolism in children's body happens faster. And since children love to wear sneakers and sneakers, their feet begin to sweat a lot.

Treatment for sweaty feet

There are several methods for treating sweating of the extremities:

  • Take 1 liter of water, add 100 grams of oak bark. Boil on the stove for half an hour. Soak your feet in the broth for 7 days in a row.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of salt to a glass of boiling water. Stir and cool. Wash your feet in this solution and rinse with water.
  • Place 20 laurel leaves in a container. Add 3 liters very hot water. Wait until the solution becomes warm and sit for 15-20 minutes with your feet in it. This procedure should be done before bed.
  • Pour 3 tablespoons of chamomile into 1 liter of hot water. After an hour, add a tablespoon of soda. The resulting solution is used to rub the feet.
  • While taking a bath, add 5 drops of pine, sage and eucalyptus oils to the water.

What to do to prevent your feet from stinking

As mentioned above, the first thing you need to do is maintain hygiene. You should wash your feet morning and evening. The temperature can be gradually lowered. When washing it is better to use antibacterial soap. It will help fight bacteria odor-causing. It is recommended to monitor the condition of your nails and trim them in a timely manner. Dead skin particles are removed using pumice or special files.

Here are some more ways:

  • Periodically make foot baths using vinegar, tea or salt.
  • In addition to maintaining hygiene, you can use. As for armpits There are deodorants for feet. Potato starch is also used. This product is used to treat dry feet, especially the skin between the toes.
  • It is recommended to treat your feet with alcohol. This will help get rid of bacteria.
  • Use a cream that reduces sweat secretion.
  • Rub your feet with lavender overnight. Then put on socks. Allergic reactions may occur when using lavender.
  • Choose shoes and socks made from natural materials.
  • Change your socks every day. When washing, turn them inside out so that skin particles are washed out.
  • Wash shoes if possible.
  • Dry your shoes well. Remove the insoles and dry them separately.
  • If possible, take off your shoes and socks. When you walk around in your socks, bacteria accumulate in them.

If none of the remedies help, you should consult a doctor.

If a person's feet sweat and smell, this creates physical and emotional discomfort and provokes social rejection. The causes of increased sweating may be medical or domestic in nature. Let's consider various methods and recipes to relieve symptoms.

Causes of sweaty feet and odor

Increased sweating (hyperhidrosis) creates a nutritious, moist environment in which fungi and bacteria intensively develop. The waste products of microorganisms emit a specific odor. As a result, your feet stink.

Here are the health-related causes of excessive sweating:

  • oncological diseases;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • puberty;
  • age adjustment hormonal levels among women;
  • neuroses;
  • a number of infectious diseases;
  • side effects of medications taken.

To eliminate the possibility medical reasons, a visit to a therapist is required. After the examination, the specialist will issue a referral for additional examination(most often to a dermatologist, endocrinologist or neurologist).

Provokes the appearance of odor and lifestyle:

  • intensive physical exercise in men;
  • improperly selected shoes and underwear;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • poor nutrition;
  • staying in shoes for a long time without the opportunity to change shoes.

By making adjustments to your lifestyle, you will forget about the discomfort from the smell of foot sweat in a week.

How to deal with symptoms

What to do if your feet sweat and smell a lot? The main thing is to eliminate the root cause. The process may take long time and require medical supervision. For now, let’s focus on the question of what to do to prevent your feet from smelling.

Foot hygiene.

  1. Wash your feet before going to bed in warm water with antibacterial or tar soap, dry thoroughly with a towel, paying attention to the areas between the fingers.
  2. After cleansing the feet, take a bath with the addition of agents that regulate the secretion of sweat glands.
  3. Cream, ointment or special powder is applied to dry feet at night.
  4. In the morning, feet are rinsed to remove residues. medical supplies, dried and treated with talcum powder.
  5. If your feet smell, what should you do at work? IN work time You can limit yourself to wiping your feet with antibacterial wipes and changing socks. The dirty pair is hidden in a thick plastic bag.

Pharmacy and cosmetics.

Sweating and foot odor require mainly external treatment. We can recommend:

  • Foot spray – has an antimicrobial and refreshing effect. Pay attention to the composition: an abundance of fragrances can provoke allergic reactions.
  • Talcum powder effectively dries feet. Excess talcum powder can clump into hard clumps and chafe the skin. Keep it in moderation. Excellent remedy for foot odor and replacing talc with potato starch.
  • Antifungal cream - Lamisil, Nizoral, Mycospor, Orungal.
  • Bactericidal cream or ointment - chloramphenicol, metronidazole, baneocin, zinerite.
  • Foot cream against sweat and odor, tightening pores and blocking work sebaceous glands– gevol, drisol.

Good help folk remedies based on herbal infusions.

Bath recipes.

Foot baths for sweaty feet are effective and available at home.

Drying, narrowing pores, regulating sweating:

  • Infusion kombucha no added sugar.
  • Saline solution – dissolve 2 cups of salt in 5 liters of hot water.
  • Vinegar solution - a glass of table vinegar is diluted with 3 liters of warm water.
  • Boric acid solution - dissolve one packet of powder in 3 liters of warm water.
  • Black tea – 2 bags boil for 5 minutes in a liter of water.

How to get rid of foot odor if baths that regulate sweating did not help? It is necessary to make solutions that destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Drying, disinfecting baths:

  • Pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Oak bark decoction - take 100 g. per liter, boil for 20 minutes.
  • An infusion of a mixture of wormwood, rowan, and St. John's wort leaves - a tablespoon per 2.5 cups of boiling water, leave for half an hour.
  • Infusion of sage and nettle leaves - a tablespoon per half liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour.

Rubbing feet.

To prevent your feet from sweating and smelling, your feet are wiped with different means:

  • alcohol – kills bacteria that produce an unpleasant odor;
  • apple cider vinegar – helps fight fungi;
  • table vinegar - acts similarly to apple cider vinegar, requires dilution with water 1 to 5;
  • chlorhexidine – antiseptic;
  • liquid clotrimazole - an antifungal drug;
  • lavender oil – deodorizing and antimicrobial effect.

Salon procedures.

Medical consultants will explain how to remove hyperhidrosis using salon procedures.

Botox injections locally suppress the nerve endings necessary to initiate sweating. The effect occurs a few days after injection and lasts from 3 to 8 months.

Surgical methods.

They solve the problem of local sweating forever. Two methods are popular: sympathectomy - destruction of the sympathetic nerves, and liposuction - as a result of which sweat glands are completely removed along with the layer of subcutaneous fat.


At the first symptoms of increased sweating, you should take preventive measures, preventing infection with fungal and bacterial infections.

Correct selection and care of shoes

Shoes are worn according to the weather. A tight last and a hot sock provoke copious discharge sweat.

The properties of the shoe material are important. Synthetic materials create Greenhouse effect, favorable for bacterial growth. Previously, only natural fabrics and leather were recommended. Modern industry has expanded the list with membrane fabrics that do not allow water molecules to pass through, but do not create barriers to air.

Sneakers and sneakers are regularly washed in a machine on a special cycle, placed in a bag. Other types of shoes are wiped monthly from the inside with a cotton swab soaked in formaldehyde or alcohol.

Autumn and winter shoes need high-quality drying. Alternate several pairs of shoes. If necessary, use special electric dryers.

The resulting odor will be reduced by antimicrobial treatment of the internal surface and aromatic bags with pine bark or antiseptic herbs placed overnight.

It is effective to replace insoles after 2–3 months of wear.

When putting shoes away for seasonal storage, rinse them thoroughly inside and out, dry them, and lubricate them with cream. Place a bag of moisture-proof gel or a wad of newsprint inside. In this form, shoes can be stored in a box or on open shelves until the next season.


The best option is socks made of cotton thread. They have good hygroscopicity, not leaving enough moisture for the proliferation of microorganisms.

Boiling and soaking in chlorine-containing preparations are not recommended, as they destroy the elastic fibers that hold the socks on the foot.

Nail and foot care

A healthy person can easily get rid of unpleasant foot odor using hygiene procedures. It is enough to wash your feet before going to bed.

Once a week it is necessary to remove dead cells with a pumice stone or scrub. Regular peeling eliminates the risk of dry calluses and corns.

Toenails are cut short, but not to the root. Be careful not to touch the splice line and nail fold. Skin lesions on the toes are painful, often accompanied by suppuration and ingrown nails. Leave a free edge of 0.5 mm, and do not cut off the corners, but file them.

All tools must be individual and treated with antiseptics before and after the pedicure.

Correcting nutritional errors

We suggest studying the list of main products that enhance the functioning of the sweat glands:

  • coffee, cocoa, chocolate;
  • strong tea;
  • spices;
  • garlic, onion, hot pepper;
  • pickles, marinades;
  • citrus;
  • alcohol (including beer);
  • egg yolk;
  • lard, margarine, fatty meat.

The temperature of the food also matters. Hot and cold cause a temperature difference and an unambiguous reaction of the body - sweating.

You can help the body normalize excretory functions with the help of multivitamins and mineral complexes.

Taken internally sedative tinctures and decoctions containing motherwort and valerian.

There are many ways to eliminate sweaty feet. The main thing is to maintain personal hygiene, monitor nutrition and health, and regulate physical activity.

Hello, dear readers! We often notice an unpleasant odor coming from our feet. This is unpleasant not only for our family and colleagues, but also for people who are next to us in transport or in any enclosed space. Let's look at what to do if your feet and shoes stink, and how to get rid of the smell in a short time.

Unpleasant smell from the feet is a problem for half of humanity. But the whole difficulty is that many consider this quite normal occurrence. However, the stink does not appear only because the feet sweat a lot. The reason most often lies in a banal foot fungus.

Thus, odor control products should eliminate pathogenic microbes and prevent excessive sweating. What should you use if you encounter this problem?

The cheapest and accessible remedy- Furacilin. It can be found in pharmacies in the form of tablets or solution. If you purchased tablets, dissolve 2 pieces in 2 liters of warm boiled water. Soak your feet in the bath for 10 minutes. Don't wipe! Wait for it to dry. When using the solution per 2 liters of water, 2 tablespoons are enough.

Other medications for sweaty feet also help:

  • Teymurov ointment. The product contains formaldehyde, boric and salicylic acids. These components dry out the skin of the feet well. Menthol in the ointment helps eliminate unpleasant odors.
  • Formagel. Antiseptic based on formaldehyde. The medicine reduces the activity of the sweat glands. However, it is often not recommended to use it: the medication is addictive.
  • "5 days". A preparation based on a complex of ingredients: boric and salicylic acid, talc, camphor, zinc stearate, menthol. The medicine has a drying effect and has a pleasant smell.

Antifungal ointments also help cope with the problem:

  • Lamisil. A drug containing terbinafine. The medicine effectively fights fungi and lichens that affect the nail plate and skin. Once the fungus disappears, the smell also goes away.
  • Cream " Green pharmacy" This is a medicine with an antifungal and deodorizing effect. It dries skin and eliminates bacteria and fungi, the activity of which leads to an unpleasant odor.
  • Exoderil. The main substance is naftifine hydrochloride. It destroys fungal cells, not only eliminating foot stink, but also relieving itching and irritation.
  • Clotrimazole. Effective cream from fungi. It disrupts the integrity of their cells, causing microorganisms to die.

  • Kanespor. A medicine based on bifonazole. Inhibits the activity of fungi. After the death of microorganisms, the skin rejects them.
  • Nizoral. Drug with ketoconazole. Along with the fungi, the feeling of burning and inflammation goes away.

Folk remedies will help cope with the unpleasant odor:

  • Tar or laundry soap. The product has antibacterial property. After washing your feet, dry your skin thoroughly by patting it with a towel.
  • Natural fresheners. They don't get rid of the problem, but they do help reduce the stink. Carnation or lavender flowers have this effect.
  • Herbal infusions and decoctions. Sage, chamomile, and green tea are good for sweating feet. To prepare a decoction for the bath, you need to pour 3-4 tablespoons of the raw material into a liter of hot water. Boil the mixture for a few minutes, cool and strain. Wash your feet with the resulting decoction daily. Use kombucha infusion in the same proportion.
  • Essential oils (mint, eucalyptus, lavender). These substances not only eliminate unpleasant odors, but also have antiseptic properties.
  • Vinegar with alcohol. Mix both liquids in a 1:1 ratio. Wipe your feet with the resulting solution daily.

Perhaps folk recipes will not completely cope with the problem, but they will certainly reduce the discomfort.

In teenagers

IN adolescence, especially in boys, the problem of sweating feet may increase. During this period, the body experiences hormonal changes. Among males, the number of skin discharge, which provokes sweating and creates a favorable environment for the development of fungus. Less often, but an unpleasant odor occurs in girls.

Since young people often have to stay indoors in the presence of many people, the question of how to remove the smell arises. Use the above remedies, not forgetting about traditional recipes. Change your socks often and wipe your feet with antiseptics.

In children

Foot odor can also occur in babies. This fact clearly indicates an internal imbalance in the body or a lack of proper hygiene.

To eliminate the problem in children, follow the recommendations:

  • Change your baby's underwear more often.
  • Wash your feet regularly with herbal decoctions, wipe your feet with antiseptic solutions.
  • It is undesirable to use formaldehyde-based ointments, as they can be toxic to children.
  • Take your child to see a pediatrician: your baby may have problems with internal organs.
  • Use antifungal ointments: fungus – common problem in children.

What to do with shoes?

If there is an unpleasant odor from the feet, the difficulty of treatment lies in the fact that the stench comes not only from the feet, but also from the shoes. Most often, sneakers remind you of yourself, since feet sweat faster in sports shoes.

The question of how to remove the smell can be solved using the following methods:

  • Change your insoles often. They are the ones who absorb greatest number sweat. It is better if the insoles are made of natural ingredients, for example, with a coal layer.
  • Wipe the inside of the shoes with hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.
  • Use special deodorants for shoes in the form of sprays, treating them with inner part boot.
  • Wipe daily for a couple of weeks inner surface shoes with alcohol.
  • In the evening, pour soda into your shoes or boots ( sea ​​salt, Activated carbon). These substances perfectly absorb sweat.
  • Wash your shoes with soapy water and dry thoroughly.

If your shoes stink, these methods will definitely help overcome the discomfort. If the article was useful to you, tell your friends about it on social media. networks. See you again, dear readers!