How to get rid of foot odor. Preventive measures against smell in shoes

Causes of unpleasant foot odor in adults and children. How to get rid of bad foot odor?

Unpleasant amber exhaled by the feet can bring a lot of inconvenience and worries to a person. People whose feet emit irritating nose odors often feel uncomfortable at a party, in public locker rooms, are embarrassed to try on shoes in a store, and in general, try not to take off their shoes anywhere.

In addition, this problem is quite common among both men and women. Even small children sometimes fall into the category of people with foot odor. Therefore, we will try to figure out what is the reason for such inconveniences, and how we can deal with them.

Unpleasant foot odor causes

The only reason for the appearance of an unpleasant foot odor is the active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and microbes on the soles of the feet. However, there are quite a few factors contributing to such a rapid spread:

  1. Shoes made of synthetic materials. Such shoes do not allow air to pass to the foot, which only improves the conditions for the growth of bacteria and increased odor.
  2. Socks and hosiery, sewn from low-quality materials. As with shoes, synthetic materials do not allow the foot to breathe.
  3. An individual feature of the body, consisting in profuse sweating
  4. Deviation from the rules of hygiene (wearing dirty socks, wet shoes, irregular removal of rough skin of the feet)
  5. Metabolic disorders due to malnutrition
  6. Certain diseases that cause excessive sweating (tuberculosis, menopause, diabetes, thyroid, circulatory, or nervous system problems)
  7. Stress and anxiety that cause sweating
  8. Excessively active lifestyle, sports
  9. Hormonal imbalance can increase sweat and odor
  10. Fungal infections
  11. Weakening of the immune system, disarming the body in the fight against bacteria

Unpleasant smell under the toenails, causes

  • The main reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor under the nails are all the same microbes and bacteria. However, if the smell comes directly from under the nail, it could be a sign of nail fungus.
  • As a rule, the fungus is also accompanied by the appearance of a yellowish-greenish tint under the nail. Such a disease does not go away by itself - it must be treated.
  • To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist in a dermatological clinic. Only he can prescribe the necessary tests and treatment

There are several reasons for the appearance of fungus under the toenail:

  • Lack of hygiene and irregular foot washing
  • Weakened immunity, unable to overcome fungal bacteria
  • Wounds, abrasions, corns and cuts on the legs
  • Reaction to the use of antibiotics and other potent drugs
  • Excessive sweating in the legs

If the cause of the unpleasant smell under the toenails was not a fungus, then the factors that provoked its appearance can be called the same factors that contribute to the unpleasant smell of the feet themselves.

  • Oddly enough, but the legs of children emit an unpleasant odor much more often than the legs of adults. This disease is called bromhidrosis.
  • There are a lot of reasons for its occurrence in children - these are poor-quality shoes, and synthetic socks, and digestive problems, and fungal diseases of the feet.

In order to help your baby not experience discomfort from the unpleasant smell of his feet, parents should adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is advisable to buy children only leather shoes or shoes that can let air in. Also, the child is recommended to have several pairs of shoes so that they have time to ventilate or dry out after wet weather.
  2. A child needs to buy socks only from natural materials - a combination of cotton and acrylic is perfect (acrylic will help to quickly remove moisture from the fabric). The rule of daily replacement of socks should also become mandatory. If the kid plays sports, then he should have two pairs of socks for the day - one for sports, and the other for everyday wear.
  3. The child must eat a balanced diet in order to avoid problems with the digestive tract. After all, it is precisely because of the imbalance in the child's body that intoxication occurs, which comes out with sweat. Toxins naturally never smell good. Therefore, only natural products should be included in the child’s diet (more vegetables and fruits)
  4. Be sure to observe the drinking regime - moisture actively removes harmful substances and toxins from the body
  5. The baby can be given active supplements, such as chlorophyll, to combat body toxicity.
  6. You can also give your child daily baths using aromatic oils and add droplets of such oils to children's shoes.
  7. With the help of aromatherapy, you can not only get rid of an unpleasant odor, but also provide excellent prevention of its occurrence.

In any case, you can’t let everything take its course, and leave the child alone with this rather difficult problem. If all of the above methods of dealing with bad breath in children did not help, it is advisable to contact a specialist. After all, the cause of its occurrence may be a more serious disease that requires immediate treatment.

Sour foot odor: causes and how to get rid of it

  • At times, a person's feet can spray an unpleasant sour smell into the air, or, as some still associate it, a "cheesy" smell. At the same time, shallow pits may appear on the surface of the skin of the feet.
  • Sometimes while walking, a person may experience some discomfort and tingling in the feet. This phenomenon is called keratolysis.
  • Keratolysis is caused by a number of bacteria that, with the help of sweat or moisture from the environment, corrode the surface of the skin and release volatile, acidic odors into the air.
  • If you or your child experience any of these symptoms, you should see a dermatologist. He will most likely advise you to take a series of tests and prescribe treatment.
  • As a rule, the treatment of keratolysis consists in the use of a variety of ointments, creams or talkers based on antibacterial agents.
  • Even if antibiotics do not give the desired result, doctors prescribe a course of taking erythromycin in the form of tablets lasting a month.

What should I do if my feet smell bad? How to treat foot odor?

Do not panic about the fact that there is an unpleasant smell of feet. If you follow some rules and tips, you can quickly get rid of it. This will require the following:

  1. Hygiene. Wash your feet regularly and thoroughly with a washcloth and antibacterial soap. Do not forget about the area between the fingers - this is the most convenient place for life and reproduction of microbes and fungi
  2. After washing your feet, be sure to wipe them with a towel, because it is moisture that is the best helper of bacteria.
  3. Disinfection. After bathing, you can apply an alcohol-based disinfectant to your feet. If such a tool is not available, you can use ordinary alcohol and vinegar. To do this, you need to mix all the named ingredients in equal proportions and use a spray bottle to apply them on the skin of the legs.
  4. Deodorants. It is also possible to use special antiperspirants and deodorants. Before dressing, you need to wait until such a tool dries. If there is no antiperspirant for the feet, you can use some improvised products that allow you to dry the skin well and kill bacteria. These products include baking soda, talc and cornstarch.
  5. Shoes. When choosing shoes, it is better to focus on leather models, or those options that are made of natural breathable textiles.
  6. It is best to avoid materials such as plastic and rubber as they only increase the smell of sweat. In summer it is better to wear open shoes - open toe must be
  7. In no case should you walk in wet shoes - they need to be given at least twenty-four hours to dry completely. Because it is better to have several pairs of shoes
  8. If this is not possible, then you can purchase a special foot dryer - it can dry shoes in just eight hours.
  9. Shoes also need to be washed or washed regularly - in some cases, you can even use a washing machine for this purpose.
  10. Socks. When wearing closed shoes, be sure to wear socks. They help absorb excess moisture.
  11. Socks should also be made from natural materials - nylon or other synthetic fabrics trap moisture inside, which only provokes the spread of unpleasant odors. Socks need to be changed every day, and sometimes several times a day - socks must be dry
  12. You need to wash socks inside out - this way there will be more chances for complete cleansing of them from keratinized particles of the skin of the legs, and, accordingly, bacteria
  13. Baths. You can regularly pamper your legs with a variety of baths. The simplest are baths with soda (it creates an alkaline environment, extremely negative for the reproduction of microbes), salt (preferably sea) and a small amount of vinegar (a good disinfectant)
  14. Traditional healers offer foot baths with the addition of a variety of natural ingredients (oak or willow bark, horsetail, nettle, sage, mint, walnut leaves, chamomile)

Preparations for foot odor: Teymurov's Paste, Formidron, Burnt alum, Boric acid, zinc ointment, lavender oil

To combat unpleasant foot odor, pharmaceutical companies offer a huge selection of various drugs and products:

  • Foot cream for bad breath. We'll talk about them a little later.
  • Powders for feet
  • Foot lotions. Such lotions have a disinfecting and deodorizing effect on the skin of the feet. Before applying the lotion, the feet must be thoroughly washed with soap and dried with a towel. After application, you must wait until the lotion is absorbed, and only then put on shoes. The most famous foot lotion from sweat is considered "5 days" from "Galeno Pharm"
  • Ointments for foot odor. Pasta Teymurova- one of the most popular drugs used in the fight against unpleasant foot odor. This tool has antibacterial and drying properties. It contains salicylic and boric acid, talc and zinc oxide.
  • Before applying the paste, the feet should be thoroughly washed and dried naturally (without the help of a towel). Then the paste must be rubbed into the skin of the legs for a couple of minutes. The procedure is performed four days in a row before going to bed.
  • Another popular and fairly budgetary ointment is zinc ointment. It is able to prevent excessive sweating, eliminate odor and soften the skin. Foot ointments based on natural ingredients include DEO control. This ointment consists of shea butter, lavender, tea tree and cocoa, as well as vitamins. These components make it possible to provide DEO-control with good antiseptic and emollient properties.
  • lavender oil. Lavender oil has an antibacterial, antifungal and refreshing effect on the skin of the feet. This oil is used as an additive to the bath. A few drops of lavender must be diluted in milk and added to the bath. The recommended exposure time is twenty minutes. It is advisable to do this kind of bath a couple of times a week.
  • Formidron- a preparation based on formaldehyde, which has an antibacterial and refreshing effect on the skin of the legs. Formidron must be applied and rubbed into the skin of the legs. Since the drug has an excellent drying effect, you need to monitor its dosage, otherwise you can greatly dry the skin.
  • Alum burnt- a preparation based on potassium-aluminum alum with a strong anti-inflammatory, sweat-absorbing and bacteria-blocking action. Burnt alum is produced in the form of a powder, therefore they are used as a powder in the morning. Applying the drug in the morning on clean, dry skin, in the evening it must be thoroughly washed off.
  • Boric acid- a drug with a good antiseptic effect. Boric acid is poured directly into the sock before dressing. These socks should be worn on dry, clean feet. After using the socks, they must be sent to the laundry, and the feet should be thoroughly washed.

DRY-DRY foot cream, Lavilin, "5 days", Deo-control, Chistostop Deo, Folk healer, 911 nepotin, foot cream from Green Pharmacy

Consider the most popular foot creams to help deal with bad breath:

  1. Foot cream DRY-DRY. This drug, produced by the Swedish company Scandi Line, contains aluminum chloride hydrate and denatured alcohol. These chemicals block sweat from escaping through the feet and redirect it to other parts of the body. The drug should be applied to washed and dried skin of the legs one hour before bedtime. In the morning, you can wash your feet - the cream has already been absorbed, and its effect will be noticeable for five days
  2. Foot cream Lavilin. The drug is produced by the Israeli company Hlavin based on simple ingredients: talc, potato starch, zinc oxide, ethylhexylglycerin, triethyl citrate, calendula, arnica and chamomile. Lavilin foot cream, like the previous drug, organizes a kind of plug for the sweat glands, while all the formed bacteria are destroyed with it.
    Apply the drug should be on clean, dry skin. After some time, the feet can be wetted and washed, however, the components of the drug will still remain in the skin. The action of Lavilin lasts about a week
  3. Cream "5 days" from Galeno Pharm. This preparation based on zinc oxide, cetyl alcohol, camphor and menthol is able to reduce sweating, disinfect, dry, cool and refresh the skin of the feet. Apply the cream before going to bed on clean, dried skin.
  4. Cream Deo-control. The preparation from the Kalina concern was created on the basis of natural ingredients: shea butter, lavender, tea tree, cocoa and vitamins. The cream fights existing bacteria on the skin of the feet and creates a protective layer that prevents their reproduction. Deo-control should be applied to dry, washed skin of the legs. Subsequent application is required only when the smell returns again.
  5. Foot cream from Green Pharmacy. Cream based on zinc oxide, menthol, camphor and tea tree has a refreshing, drying and antifungal effect. It is necessary to rub the cream after a shower on dry, clean feet. The effect is five days
  6. 911 nepotin cream
  7. Chistostop Deo
  8. folk healer

Baby powder for foot odor

The main function of foot powder is to dry the skin. On dry skin, it is much more difficult for bacteria to multiply. You can buy foot powder at the pharmacy.

You can also use regular baby powder for this purpose.

Folk remedies for foot odor: talc, starch, salt, boric acid

If neither option suits you, you can use natural products that have a drying effect:

  • Talc
  • Potato starch
  • Corn starch
  • Food salt
  • Boric acid powder

Benzoyl peroxide gel Baziron AC from Oxy Silverot foot odor

Foot gels generally work in the same way as creams, just with a slightly different texture. The most common gels include:

  • Benzoyl peroxide gel Baziron AC from Oxy Silver. This gel is usually prescribed for acne, but it is also great for treating bad foot odor. The active substances of the gel have a detrimental effect on microbes. Baziron AS should be applied once a day to dry, clean skin of the feet.
  • Formagel reduces sweating, prevents the appearance of fungus and disinfects the surface of the skin. It is enough to apply the gel once a week on clean and dry skin of the legs, and then wash it off after half an hour.

In addition to the above methods and means of dealing with unpleasant foot odor, it is advisable to follow a few more tips:

  1. During experiences and stress, the body produces many times more sweat than in a calm state. This should be taken into account when regularly trying to eliminate foot odor.
  2. Crystal-based aerosols perfectly protect the skin from uninvited bacteria and fungi
  3. If the smell caught outside the house, you can wipe your feet with wet antiseptic wipes or alcohol
  4. Proper metabolism and the absence of toxins are the key to normal sweating. Another very important is a sufficient dose of zinc in the human body. It is the lack of zinc that can provoke the appearance of an unpleasant body odor.
  5. It is advisable to wash your feet twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Doing sports means washing your feet after a workout.
  6. Socks need to be changed every day. Socks must be put on immediately before putting on shoes. Walking for a while in socks before putting on shoes, you run the risk of collecting excess bacteria.
  7. Trimming of toenails should be done regularly and carefully. After all, it is under them that microbes and fungi like to live most of all. And in the case of the formation of wounds or cuts during a pedicure, bacteria live even more fun
  8. Timely removal of keratinized skin on the soles of the feet allows you to deprive the bacteria of a convenient place of existence.

Video: How to get rid of bad foot odor?

Foot odor is a very common problem. Everyone who has encountered it knows that its main cause is excessive sweating of the legs. In fact, sweat does not smell, because it is more than half water. An unpleasant odor is created by bacteria, for which sweating is the best environment for existence. Therefore, in order to neutralize all odors, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of these bacteria. But for this you need to find out the main causes of foot odor.

Causes of bad foot odor

And so, we learned that sweat is the source of all bacteria, which can even be dangerous to health. Human skin secretes it to save body temperature, as well as to remove harmful substances from their body. Therefore, it is very important to take a shower every day. Due to various factors, excessive sweating leads to unpleasant foot odor. The following reasons are involved:
  • low-quality shoes primarily lead to this unpleasant problem, because cheap materials from which shoes are made provide insufficient ventilation for the skin of the feet;
  • irregular hygiene procedures provide optimal conditions for the development of microbes;
  • irregular washing of shoes, which may contain a lot of harmful microorganisms;
  • the appearance of a fungus on the legs, which violates the water-salt balance of the skin, and this causes an unpleasant odor.
In this case, it is easy to cope with the problem of foot odor, because it is enough just to choose the right shoes that will help the skin breathe better. To do this, you should buy it only from natural fabrics, such as leather. Particular attention should be paid to foot hygiene. Therefore, they need to be washed every day and it is advisable to use antibacterial soap. An excellent result is given by the usual one, which not only removes all odors, but also 100% kills all bacteria. You also need to change your socks every day, because clothes absorb not only all the smell, but also dirt.

Wash your shoes regularly, for this you need to have several pairs of them in order to change and wash more often. After washing, it is very important to check whether they are completely dry, because, as already mentioned, a wet environment is a breeding ground for germs.

If the problem is foot fungus, then to get rid of the smell, you need to cure it. To do this, it is enough to consult a pharmacist who will advise the right remedy for the fungus.

Very often, the cause of unpleasant foot odor can be a pathological tendency of the body to this. In medicine it is called "hyperhidrosis", which is accompanied by a violation of sweating. Most often this is its excessive allocation, but in some cases there may be a decrease. First of all, this disturbance occurs during nervous excitement and can be both general and local. In this case, you need to use methods that can neutralize this smell or help reduce perspiration.

For help, you can contact a doctor who will give wise advice on how to help you with such an unpleasant problem. Often, with this treatment, special ointments are prescribed to help get rid of foot odor. But a simpler and more affordable way to treat excessive sweating of the legs is folk remedies.

How to get rid of foot odor at home?

  1. Special insoles for shoes, which are made in such a way that the skin can breathe well, will help to remove the smell of sweat.
  2. To neutralize the unpleasant odor, you can use carnation flowers, which must be put in shoes. Lavender also works well as a freshener.
  3. Well in the fight against sweating help infusions and decoctions of various herbs. The most commonly used chamomile, sage, green tea, rose hips. To prepare such funds, you need a few tablespoons of herbs, pour 1 liter of boiled water and insist. For a high concentration of the composition, you can boil the infusion a little. Also, if desired, herbs can be combined, for example, take a spoonful of each. With this decoction or infusion, you should wash your feet every day. The best result will be if you soar your feet in such water, this will also help remove dead skin particles on the feet.
  4. Decoctions are also made from kombucha, even many preparations for the treatment of such problems are made on its basis. Means for foot hygiene are made from the infusion of the fungus, where several tablespoons of it are added to 1 liter of boiled water. Used for both washing and lotions.
  5. A good effect is given by essential oils, which not only remove unpleasant odors, but also kill microbes. Eucalyptus oil, mint, cypress, lavender, etc. are suitable for this.
  6. You can prepare a solution that will help with excessive sweating.
    Mix vinegar and alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. Wipe your feet with this composition every evening.
  7. To reduce perspiration and neutralize foot odor at home, you can use special deodorants and antiperspirants. They are able to get rid of the smell for a long time, because by applying it to the skin, special substances close the sweat ducts.
  8. A proven folk way is the use of soda. It must be diluted in warm water and hold the legs for 15-20 minutes.
  9. A solution of potassium permanganate also kills germs perfectly, in which you need to wash your feet well without wiping them.
  10. In the case when there is a fungus on the legs, then you can get rid of it with folk remedies using ordinary sour cream. To do this, every evening, apply sour cream on all feet and wash off after 20 minutes. Do the procedure until the complete disappearance of the fungus. Sour cream can be replaced with kefir or cream, but it is desirable that these are high-fat dairy products. If you get rid of the fungus, the problem of foot odor will also disappear. You can also buy any at the pharmacy. As a rule, the smell provokes this ailment.
If the unpleasant smell of the feet prevents you from living and makes you insecure, then getting rid of this problem can be easily and painlessly. With the help of folk remedies, you will forever get rid of this disease without harm to health. And most importantly, remember that careful hygiene and proper care of your shoes will help prevent many unpleasant diseases, including foot odor.

How to get rid of bad foot odor, useful video tips:

Do you follow the rules of hygiene, use deodorant, but your feet still smell bad? This is a problem that every second person faces. Due to smelly feet, complexes appear, excessive shyness and even unwillingness to visit. What can I do to reduce bad breath or even get rid of it at home without a shy trip to a dermatologist?

Why do men and girls feet stink?

The amount of sweat secreted by the sweat glands is individual for each person, as well as its composition. Sweat is 99% water, and the remaining 1% is salts, ammonia, and acids. If the concentration of any of the components (except water) increases, then the sweat acquires an unpleasant odor.

To the main cause of the fetid odor, you can add a few more:

  • excessively produced sweat is a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. The stench is formed due to the products of life;
  • synthetic socks, poorly ventilated shoes are characterized by low air permeability and moisture absorption, and a warm and humid environment is an ideal habitat for microorganisms;
  • if you wash your feet once a day, the smell will soon reappear;
  • lovers of spicy, spicy foods may also notice an increase in bad breath.

Certain illnesses can also cause foot stink. These include:

  1. Diseases of the endocrine system (this disease affects women more often than men). The developing disease violates the composition of the sweat and its amount, hence the pungent specific smell appears.
  2. fungal infection. Mycosis can be infected in a sauna, bath or pool, wearing other people's slippers or using a towel, as well as during a manicure or pedicure. The disease is accompanied by itching and burning of the foot and the spaces between the fingers, increased sweating and an unpleasant odor.
  3. Hormonal changes in the body. When a hormonal imbalance is disturbed or during menopause, a woman experiences increased sweating, which leads to an increase in the number of bacteria and an unpleasant odor.
  4. Zinc deficiency. The lack of this element in the body threatens with an unpleasant odor from the body, legs and mouth.

Why does the smell not disappear even after washing?

If, after washing your feet, you smell an unpleasant smell of sweat, this means that the skin is not properly cleansed. With excessive sweating, washing your feet once a day, and even more so without using soap, is not enough.

Carefully inspect your skin and toenails after washing: a fungus can be the cause of a persistent smell even after washing. If you have a suspicion of this disease, then you need to take action immediately.

Tip: Carry antibacterial wipes with you to wipe your feet if you can't wash them.

Prevention of unpleasant odor

To limit the number of bacteria that live on the skin of the feet and prevent their reproduction, you must follow the basic rules of hygiene:

  • choose socks and tights made from natural materials, change them at least once a day. The same rule applies to the choice of shoes - try to purchase products made of genuine leather and fur, avoiding rubber and plastic;
  • use a pumice stone daily to remove dead skin cells and prevent bacterial growth;
  • after washing your feet, apply deodorant or talcum powder to dry skin. This remedy reduces sweating and fights bad odor;
  • wash shoe insoles or treat them with a special solution. Change your shoes more often, ventilate them and, if possible, clean the inside;
  • if you use one pair of shoes, then pull out the insoles at night, and stuff the shoes with newspaper;
  • use a shoe dryer. Such a device perfectly dries wet shoes and consumes a minimum of energy.

Salt. Dissolve a glass of salt in a small bowl of warm water and soak your feet in it for 10-15 minutes.

Tea room. Brew a tablespoon of black tea in a liter of boiling water. Cool the solution and dip your feet into it for half an hour.

Sodnaya. Make a solution by mixing a tablespoon of baking soda in a liter of warm water. Soak your feet in the bath for 15-20 minutes and wipe dry.

Proper shoe care plays an important role in getting rid of the smell:

  • Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda into your shoes every day. It has the ability to absorb moisture and odors. Soda can also be replaced with baby powder. Before pouring a new portion, do not forget to get rid of the old one;
  • clove or cedar wood will help to destroy the stench. Put some cedar shavings or clove buds in your shoes and the smell will disappear in a couple of days;
  • use cedar insoles. Natural cedarwood oil has antifungal and antimicrobial properties. Thanks to this, cedar insoles effectively fight against fungal infections of the skin of the feet, sweating and fetid odor;
  • in the warm season, wear open-toed shoes - this will allow your feet to breathe and sweat to evaporate faster;
  • many types of shoes are perfectly washable in the washing machine. After washing, dry your shoes well before putting them on.

Foot hygiene at home

Hygiene procedures for men and girls are the same and include not only daily washing of the feet. It is often not enough to get rid of the corrosive smell.

  • Be sure to use soap and wash your feet several times a day.
  • During washing, gradually reduce the temperature of the water, starting with warm and ending with cool.
  • Opt for antibacterial detergents: they effectively kill germs.
  • After washing your feet, dry them to prevent any remaining micro-organisms from multiplying on wet skin.
  • On clean skin, you can apply a disinfectant, such as chlorhexidine or a special hand gel, which can be found in any pharmacy.
  • Periodically do special foot baths: they regulate the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands.
  • Do not forget about deodorants and talc for the feet. Apply to clean, dry skin before putting on socks.

Little secret: you can save on talc by replacing it with soda or corn starch. Both substances are absorbent and perfectly absorb sweat and odor.

What can you do at home if your feet smell?

At home, inexpensive pharmaceutical preparations can be used to combat excessive sweating. One of the most effective remedies is birch tar paste and tar soap. Some manufacturers add tea tree oil to the paste, which has disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Some proven antiseptics and salicylic acid products have proven themselves well, such as Borozin, Formidron, Drysol, Teymur paste. These drugs are time-tested and recommended by many dermatologists.

It is worth noting separately boric acid- it effectively fights sweating and fungal infections of the feet. Boric acid powder can be added to foot baths or applied to problem areas of the body. A 2-week course of treatment will provide a lasting effect up to six months.

You can try a novelty - socks that reduce the amount of sweat released. They are made from natural materials and have a special antiseptic impregnation. The manufacturer assures that the product is completely hypoallergenic and can be used for varicose veins.

Use medicines with caution. Any drug to combat excessive sweating dries the skin and can cause individual intolerance or an allergic reaction.

Getting rid of unpleasant odors with the help of folk remedies

It is not necessary to buy expensive ointments and creams to get rid of the pungent smell of sweat. There are cheap and proven ways to deal with sweaty feet at home with folk remedies.

  • Decoction of oak bark. 3 tablespoons of dried oak bark pour 500 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes. Cool the resulting broth, strain and dilute with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1. Place clean feet in a warm solution and hold for 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure twice a week for several months - this will help to significantly reduce sweaty feet and unpleasant odor.
  • Sage and nutmeg. Mix 2 tablespoons of dried sage with 1 teaspoon of chopped nutmeg, pour 400 ml of boiling water and let stand for 1.5 hours. The resulting solution can be added to baths or rubbed with them twice a day.
  • Essential oils. Some plants have beneficial properties, such as regulating sweating, narrowing pores, so the oils obtained from them are widely used for foot baths and foot treatment. Pine, sage, eucalyptus, mint, and sea buckthorn essential oils are considered effective in combating foot stink.
  • Apple vinegar. Such baths are effective, but you should be careful not to use vinegar if there are injuries, cuts, abscesses, etc. on the legs. Heat 1 liter of 9% apple cider vinegar in a metal bowl, mix it with the same amount of boiled water and soak your feet in the solution for 10 minutes. Then rinse them with cool water and go over the skin with a pumice stone. The same solution can be used to treat shoes if they have absorbed an unpleasant odor.

It is good to know that vinegar not only fights bad smells, but also kills all harmful bacteria.

It should be understood that a universal drug that helps to 100% get rid of unpleasant foot odor does not exist. Therapeutic measures are carried out comprehensively, including both the fight against odor and the prevention of its occurrence.

Specialty: Therapist
Education: First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov in 2010

84 893 0 Unpleasant foot odor is far from the most pleasant problem. It causes serious psychological discomfort and can drive a person into deep complexes. It’s embarrassing to take off your shoes at a party, and leather shoes absorb odors and need special care ... How to get rid of unpleasant foot odor at home?
  • Poor hygiene
  • Insufficient shoe cleaning

Shoes need not only to be cleaned from the outside, they also need to be washed from the inside. This is especially true in the cold season, if you have to wear warm socks and spend a lot of time in a warm room in the same boots or boots.

You can only wear dry shoes: a humid environment is an ideal place for the reproduction of a variety of microbes and bacteria. The ideal option is to always have a spare pair.

Leave your shoes to dry overnight.

  • Shoes made of poor quality materials

Shops that offer cheap shoes are very popular, but shoppers don't always think about the harm that inexpensive shoes or boots can do. Manufacturers do not care about the ventilation of the skin, and in shoes made of artificial materials, the feet sweat much more.

  • Fungus

Fungus of the feet or nails can lead to a violation of the water-salt balance of the skin and the appearance of a specific odor. It will be difficult to get rid of this problem, but you should not rely on popular remedies: it is better to visit a doctor. On our website you can read an article on how to prepare a foot bath for foot fungus

  • Body Features

In some cases, the cause is a pathological tendency of the body to excessive sweating - hyperhidrosis. In this case, it is difficult to get rid of sweat, all efforts will have to be directed to ways to reduce the unpleasant odor.

If for certain reasons it is enough just to change shoes, then for others you will have to use other methods. Not everyone wants to visit a doctor, and these visits do not always help to cope with the problem. Then the question arises - how to get rid of foot odor at home?

If some special treatment is not needed, and sweating cannot be reduced, the question arises - how to get rid of unpleasant foot odor? There are several recommendations.

  1. for legs, which can be purchased at pharmacies or cosmetic stores. The peculiarity of their action is that the product applied to the skin of the foot blocks the sweat ducts. You can use them daily, but in the evening you should definitely wash your feet thoroughly.
  2. You can pick up special insoles that will absorb sweat and unpleasant odors, as well as provide the skin with the necessary ventilation.
  3. There are special shoe fresheners on sale - they do not affect the level of perspiration, but they successfully fight unpleasant odors. Such a freshener can be carried with you and used at any convenient time.
  4. Natural fragrances, such as lavender or carnation flowers, also help to neutralize the odor. You just need to put them in your shoes.
  5. To slightly reduce sweating, dry substances applied to clean feet before putting on socks help. Powder, talcum powder, or even “kitchen” products are used - table salt and cornstarch.
  6. During drying, shoes can be put in crumpled newspaper pages - paper absorbs not only excess moisture, but also unpleasant odors.
  7. If you have to sit in warm boots in a warm office all day in autumn or winter, you need to have spare shoes - light shoes, sandals or sandals. The skin of the feet will receive the necessary ventilation and rest, and the outdoor shoes will dry out during this time.

Foot hygiene

Compliance with all the rules and norms of hygiene is one of the most effective ways to get rid of unpleasant
bodily odours. You need to wash your feet daily, and with excessive sweating - several times a day. Plain water is not enough here: soap or a special gel is always used. After washing, the feet must be thoroughly wiped - the remaining moisture is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

If your feet sweat a lot during the day and there is no place to take a bath, antibacterial wet wipes or even hand sanitizer will help. If possible, it is advisable to wear clean socks after treatment. They should consist of natural materials (for example, cotton) without the admixture of synthetics.

A couple of times a week you can take antibacterial baths. Two or three times a month, it is necessary to treat the skin of the feet with special graters or pumice: this helps to get rid of dead cells.

Despite the wide range of various pharmaceutical preparations, "home" medicine retains its popularity. How to get rid of foot odor with folk remedies?

Against the fungus

To get rid of the fungus on the legs help ... dairy products. You can use cream, kefir or even sour cream. Every evening, it is necessary to apply a kind of mask of these products on the feet. Keep it on the skin for about twenty minutes, and then just wash it off.


  • With salt: for five liters of hot water - two glasses of salt, cool and lower the feet for 5-10 minutes. It is allowed to use the recipe only if there are no wounds, sores or abrasions on the skin.
  • with lemon and ice: for three to five liters of water - the juice of one whole lemon and as much ice as the skin can bear the cold. Keeping your legs for a long time is not recommended in order to prevent hypothermia of the body.
  • with vinegar: for three liters of water - one glass of vinegar, you can also add fir or thyme oil.
  • with tea: boil a tablespoon of black tea in a liter of water (you can replace loose tea with tea bags), dilute with cold water.
  • with soda: per liter of water - a tablespoon of baking soda. The solution increases the alkalinity of the skin, which helps to kill bacteria.
  • with potassium permanganate: a little potassium permanganate is added to a warm bath - the water should be pale pink. Feet simply fall into the water for 10-15 minutes. It is not recommended to wipe them, the skin should dry itself.

Foot odor oil

Lavender oil is also used for foot odor. Before going to bed, the feet are rubbed with it, cotton socks are put on top. This should be done daily, the “course” continues until the complete disappearance of unpleasant odors.

Experts recommend using foot massage: it normalizes the function of sweating and improves blood circulation. A variety of aromatic oils are used during such stimulation. The most effective of them is lavender, which not only removes odors, but also kills bacteria.

With increased sweating and an unpleasant odor, attention should be paid to nutrition. You don't need a special diet, but some foods give your sweat specific, nasty flavors. So keep that in mind the next time you use them. These products include:

  • alcohol;
  • tobacco;
  • strong black tea;
  • natural coffe;
  • onion;
  • garlic;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • spicy spices.

Foot paste based on tar and tea tree oils is well suited for skin treatment. With this tool, it is necessary to carefully treat not only the feet, but also the areas between the fingers and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nails. The procedure is carried out at night, the course is about five days. The tool can be purchased at a pharmacy, it is inexpensive, but the effect can be noted after a couple of applications.

  • "Formidron";
  • "Borosin";
  • "Drysol;
  • Teimur paste.

The drugs not only kill the unpleasant odor, but also successfully fight the fungus. Before use, you must carefully study the instructions, if possible - consult a doctor. All drugs should be used with caution: they can cause allergies, it is very difficult to predict the reaction of the body.

It should be understood: it is unlikely that it will be possible to find a universal recipe for getting rid of the smell, and certainly not on the first try. You can follow any one of the most convenient recommendations, but the result may not wait. The problem requires an integrated approach: a healthy lifestyle, compliance with all hygiene rules, foot care products and high-quality shoes are the key to a successful fight against unpleasant odors.

Unpleasant foot odor is a breeding ground for bacteria that have appeared on your limbs. How to deal with them? Wash your feet with soap. And the more actively you rub them with a washcloth, the more confidence that you will be freed from microorganisms that have arranged a gas attack for you.


Wet is the most favorable environment for the development and reproduction of bacteria. Therefore, after washing, always dry your feet thoroughly so that they smell like Coco Chanel perfume.

Heavy artillery

Traditional medicine: mix in equal parts vinegar (concentration - 5%) and alcohol. And every day, drop a pipette on your big toes. Don't worry, it's safe for the skin. The vinegar kills the fungus, while the alcohol kills the bacteria. The method is effective even for the treatment of fungus.


Do not trust folk medicine? Get to the pharmacy. There you will quickly be prompted how to get rid of the smell of feet with the help of expensive ointments.


Wear sandals or open-toed shoes. In such a leg simply will not overheat and sweat. Is there a strict dress code at work? Buy shoes made from natural materials: leather or fabric, not rubber or plastic.



Decals just hide the smell. And antiperspirants react with the sweat glands and block them. How many do you think you have on your feet? The answer is 250 thousand (more than on any other part of the body).


If you don't know how to get rid of foot odor, apply at least one of the following powders to your feet:

  • talc- will dry your skin;
  • soda- creates an alkaline, unfriendly environment for bacteria;
  • corn starch- absorbs sweat.


Another folk medicine is cedar wood. But you need to apply it not to your feet, but to place it in shoes for several days. The result will pleasantly surprise you.


It is clear that in order to get rid of foot odor, you need to change your socks every day. And when you wash them, turn them inside out. So there are more chances to get rid of the scales of dead skin.

Pay attention to the material from which they are sewn. It will be just fine if it turns out to be cotton or wool, and not nylon. The latter retains moisture around the legs. And bacteria love it.



Put some baking soda in your shoes every day. But before filling your sneakers with a new batch of powder, take out the old one.

Shoes 24 hours should rest and weather after your feet. You will not let her stand quietly in a corner - you will create all the conditions for the growth and reproduction of bacteria. Don't have a spare pair of shoes? So keep torturing this one. But at night, take out the insoles from it and stuff the unfortunate crumpled newspapers.

Another option to get rid of foot odor is to use a shoe dryer. It will not only destroy all bacteria, but also extend the life of your boots.


Another folk way to have fun with bacteria on your feet is to dilute 2 tablespoons of bleach in 4 liters of warm water and dip your limbs in it for 5-10 minutes. If the skin becomes too dry, lubricate it with baby oil.