Diarrhea in children: types, causes, treatment. Effective remedies for diarrhea in children


Frequent liquid stool or diarrhea occurs under the influence external factors or associated with disease. An unpleasant syndrome is difficult to tolerate by adults, let alone kids. Used to get rid of diarrhea various forms drugs. The smallest are more suitable solutions, syrups, suspensions. Capsules and tablets for the treatment of diarrhea are usually intended for older children. To choose the right drug, you need to know the causes of diarrhea and the presence of possible contraindications.

Causes and symptoms of indigestion

Diarrheal attacks are various reasons. The most common in children are:

  • poisoning with low-quality or stale products;
  • infection with pathogenic bacteria and viruses;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • unusual food;
  • climate change;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • stress, fear.

Diarrhea in a child is usually accompanied by pain and bloating, nausea, and the appearance of cracks in the anus from tension. In the latter case, lubrication of the anus with Bepanthen or baby cream helps.

A serious consequence of prolonged diarrhea is dehydration. It manifests itself constant thirst and dry skin. In the smallest, fluid loss in large volumes can lead to death. The water-salt and vitamin balance is disturbed during diarrhea. The doctor will advise special complexes to restore it.

Choosing the Right Medication for Diarrhea

Which remedy will help the child depends on the cause of the disease. With diarrhea due to stress or fear, fixing, reducing peristalsis, as well as sedatives. Prebiotics help with dysbacteriosis. If diarrhea was caused by an unusual or abundant food, enzyme preparations (for example, Pangreatin, Enterol, Pangrol 400, Mezim Forte) will eliminate the consequences.

With food poisoning or intestinal infections, plain pills from diarrhea for children will not help. You will need antibiotics and antiviral pharmaceuticals, which can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Call ambulance it is necessary if the diarrhea lasts more than a day, the feces are very dark or with flashes of blood, the temperature rises. Medical attention will be required for severe diarrhea in infants, children with cardiovascular problems, as well as dehydration. It is accompanied painful sensations in the kidney area, dryness oral cavity, convulsions and lack of desire to urinate for more than 5 hours.

Which tablet preparations are suitable for children?

You can give your child diarrhea remedies only on the recommendation of a doctor. There are no harmless drugs, everyone has contraindications. Often diarrhea pills have an age limit. But perhaps there is an analogue of a prohibited drug with a smaller amount of the active ingredient, suitable for babies.

Beneficial Probiotics

Contain beneficial microorganisms, normalizing digestive functions. These funds support the body's defenses, improve metabolism, restore microflora. They must be taken with intestinal dysbacteriosis, after taking anti bacterial preparations, with dyspepsia. The presence of live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli does not allow dissolving tablets in hot water.

What will be useful for children:

  • "Lactobacterin" (not possible with lactose intolerance);
  • "Bifidumbacterin";
  • "Bificol";
  • "Bifiform" (for children over two years old);
  • "Linex" (additionally relieves flatulence);
  • "Acipol";
  • "Normobakt";
  • "Hilak forte".

Drugs that slow down intestinal motility

To stop severe diarrhea before dehydration sets in, you will need drugs that reduce the contraction of the walls of the esophagus and reduce the urge to defecate. They are used when intestinal disorders not infectious nature. Tablets will act quickly: a maximum of an hour.

Such means include "Imodium". It can help even with infectious diarrhea in the early stages of the disease. Not recommended for children under 6 years of age.

The chewable version of the tablets ("Imodium Plus") contains special substances - defoamers. They reduce the formation of gases, reduce bloating and pain in the peritoneal region.

Imodium analogues are Lopedium, Enterobene, Diara, Stoperan, Loflatil, Suprelol and Loperamide. Be sure to look at the instructions for what age you can take them. So, the now popular "Loperamide" is allowed only for teenagers from 12 years old.

Antibiotics and antimicrobials

If diarrhea is due to an intestinal infection, antibiotic pharmaceuticals will be needed to combat them:

Means At what infectious lesions bowel effectively What age is allowed
"Ftalazol" At acute dysentery, colitis and enterocolitis. Since two months.
"Tetracycline" Wide spectrum of action. From the age of eight.
"Levomitsetin" A wide spectrum of action (destroys even bacteria that are not sensitive to tetracycline). From the age of three.
"Furazolidone" With food poisoning, dysentery. Since the year.
"Enterofuril" Broad spectrum of action (does not violate the intestinal microflora). From the age of seven.
"Tannacomp" Wide spectrum of action. Relieves inflammation and spasms. You can also drink for prevention, for example, while on vacation in exotic countries. Since birth.
"Intetrix" affects various intestinal diseases not only bacterial, but also fungal in nature. Treats amoebiasis. From the age of 14.
Sulgin With dysentery, colitis. Since the year.
Alpha Normix (Rifaksimin) A wide spectrum of action, has anti-inflammatory properties. From 12 years old.

You can not expect an instant effect from such drugs. active substances it takes some time to suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora.

Enterosorbents against toxins

They adsorb the waste products of pathogenic microbes in the digestive organs, remove toxins and have an astringent effect. Due to this, inflammation in the mucous surfaces and spasms are reduced.

Such funds include:

  • "Polysorb MP";
  • "Atoxil";
  • "Waitsorb";
  • "Kaopectat";
  • "Silix";
  • "Attapulgite".

"Enterol", in addition to improving the enzymatic function, has an antimicrobial and antitoxic effect. It is not given to a child under one year old. "Gastrolit" is an entersorbet antidiarrheal agent, and also normalizes electrolyte balance. It is allowed even for babies.

The most popular detoxifier is Activated carbon and its analogues "Carbactin", "Sorbeks", "Carbolen Ultra-Adsorb". After it, the feces turn black. But you should not be afraid - this is a normal reaction of the body.

How to persuade a child to take medicine?

Most preschool and younger children school age do not burn the desire to drink medicines, fearing their bitter, nasty taste. But diarrhea needs to be treated. Here are a few tricks for parents to easily persuade them to feed their child a healing agent:

  1. Turn taking pills into a game. For example, offer them to your favorite teddy bear or come up with funny fairy tale about the warrior Pill and his battle with harmful bacteria.
  2. Explain in detail why medication is needed. Older children are willing to ask questions about health and accept logical explanations.
  3. Do not get angry at a disgruntled baby spitting out medicine. You need to react calmly and kindly, to persuade them to swallow the pill. You can not forcibly shove the medicine, especially crying crumbs. He might choke on a pill.
  4. If the pills are bitter, do not deceive the baby, otherwise he will not believe you next time.
  5. Do not allow the baby to play with medicines. He must receive them from mom or dad or from the attending physician immediately before taking.

It is undesirable to give whole tablets or even halves to a crumb under three years old - he may choke. Usually they are ground and diluted boiled water or milk formula. It is better not to use juices and other sugary drinks - they can react with the drug and cause Negative consequences.

The remedies recommended by the doctor for diarrhea should be kept in the first-aid kit just in case. But so that they do not have to be used, control the baby's nutrition and make sure that he washed his hands with soap and water. For prevention food poisoning It is also advised to take zinc supplements.

Diarrhea, better known as diarrhoea, is one of the most common infectious diseases. In the ranking of the incidence of diarrhea in children is in second place after SARS. Due to certain differences between a child's body and an adult, diarrhea in children is more severe, the risk of serious complications is much higher.

Parents face a difficult task determine the cause of loose stools, choose essential medicine diarrhea and see a specialist if certain symptoms appear.

In this article, we will analyze what can be given to a child for diarrhea, which antibiotics are more effective for diarrhea in children, and what preventive measures exist.

Causes and symptoms

There are several types of diarrhea depending on the main cause: food, dyspeptic, neurogenic, infectious nature, drug. However all varieties have similar symptoms:

  1. An increase in body temperature to 38-39 degrees Celsius.
  2. Development of vomiting and nausea.
  3. Weakness and general malaise.
  4. Loss of appetite.
  5. Cutting pains in abdomen and flatulence.

Allocate some of the most common reasons diarrhea:

  1. Drinking dirty, contaminated water.
  2. The consumption of foods that caused the development of the disease.
  3. Intolerance to certain products.
  4. Effects of a course of antibiotics.
  5. Colitis and ulcers.

In what cases should you see a doctor?

Surely every parent has experienced diarrhea in children more than once.

If this mild form diseases, then it is quite possible to defeat it on your own, at home.

But if the disease is more serious, and there are the following symptoms, then it is better to seek help from a specialist:

  1. Medicines for diarrhea in children are taken for three days, but there is no result.
  2. Diarrhea developed in a child under one year old.
  3. Diarrhea comes with sharp rise temperatures up to 39-40 degrees Celsius.
  4. The chair becomes the color of tar.
  5. The child develops coffee grounds vomiting.
  6. The child has sunken eyes, pale skin, general state characterized by weakness and malaise.


As mentioned above, the course of diarrhea in a child is significantly different from the course in an adult, this is a big stress for the child. Diarrhea in combination with vomiting leads to loss of moisture, impaired water-salt balance, imbalance of micro and macro elements. All this leads to dehydration, which can lead to lethal outcome. Thus, when the first symptoms appear, treatment should be started immediately. However, you should not treat yourself.

Only qualified specialist correctly prescribe the drug, will determine the dose, will give valuable advice how to treat a small patient. This is especially true for children under the age of one year.

Prescribed medications

Drugs prescribed for vomiting and diarrhea can be divided into several main groups. Consider the antidiarrheal drugs of each group.


Probiotic preparations for diarrhea are most often chosen to restore the child's body after a course of antibiotics, with the development of dysbacteriosis:

Hilak forte

This drug normalizes the intestines and restores its unique microflora. The main active ingredients are biosynthetic lactic acid, its salts and products obtained during digestion by its microflora.


The antidiarrheal agent combines bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. It is prescribed for violation of the chair, diarrhea, loss of appetite. The main components are bifido- and lactobacilli.


The main effect of the drug is aimed at normalizing the activity of the intestines and restoring the functioning of the immune system, accelerating the metabolic processes. The main active element is lactobacilli. Do not give to a child with hypersensitivity of the body.


For greater ease of use, the drug is produced in two forms: in tablets and capsules, as well as in the form of a powder that must be dissolved in water. This suspension for diarrhea for children is most often chosen for food infections and toxic infections. The main active ingredient is live bacteria. Do not dissolve the drug in hot water.

Drugs aimed at slowing down intestinal motility


This is a more advanced and modernized analogue of Motilium and Imodium. The main action is focused on increasing the period of passage of substances in the intestine, by slowing down its peristalsis. They also increase the tone of the rectal sphincter and reduce the urge to defecate. The main active ingredient is loperamide. Contraindications include dysentery, pregnancy, acute intestinal infections. Loperamide can be given to children from the age of six.

Antimicrobials and antibiotics


Ftalazol has a wide range of actions, but the main thing is the fight against microbes that have seeded the intestines. The main active ingredient of phthalazole is phthalylsulfathiazole. Ftalazol can be given to children from two months.


Most often prescribed for food infections and dysentery. The composition is based on furazolidone. These diarrhea tablets should not be used by pregnant women, children under the age of one year, people with disorders of the nervous system.


Tetracycline is an antibiotic a wide range action, it is effective in many intestinal lesions. Many are interested in whether it is possible to give it to children. It is possible, but starting from the age of eight. When taking tetracycline with special care, it is necessary to monitor the dosage. For children, it is no more than 20-25 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day.



This drug improves the excretion of enzymes by the intestines and has an antitoxic effect. The drug is contraindicated for children under the age of one year.


This is a unique gel that effectively removes all toxins, waste products of bacteria, allergens from the body and has an adsorbing effect. When taking, it is necessary to control compatibility with other medicines, otherwise the absorption of other drugs will be much lower.


It is used in the form of an aqueous suspension. Allowed for children up to one year. The dosage is calculated depending on the weight of the child.


Provides absorbent, enveloping and antacid action(neutralizes hydrochloric acid). Allowed for children under one year old.

  • Violation of the water-salt balance. For normal operation human body you need a certain amount of salts, micro- and macroelements. For this purpose, with diarrhea, it is necessary to replenish the lost volumes of fluid and salts.
  • Hypovitaminosis. After diarrhea and elimination of diarrhea, it is necessary to start taking a complex of vitamins.
  • Ulcers, cracks in the rectum. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to lubricate children after each bowel movement. anus fat cream or ointment Bepanten.
  • Prevention

    In order to further protect your baby and not be tormented by the question of what to give your child from diarrhea, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

    1. Teach your child to follow the rules of personal hygiene, so that before each meal the baby washed his hands.
    2. Control the child's nutrition, do not allow the use of not fresh, spoiled foods, foods from unverified sources.
    3. Observe the technology of cooking and subject to careful heat treatment meat, fish, poultry and vegetables.

    Summing up

    So, in this article, we analyzed the remedies for diarrhea in children and found out that children under one year old should not be given antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. With great care, tetracycline should be used (only from eight years old) and fthalazol (from six years old).

    Treating a baby requires a lot of attention from parents and constant monitoring. It must be started in a timely manner, otherwise more serious complications may develop.

    Diarrhea (diarrhea) is a protective reaction that is aimed at removing harmful and dangerous substances from the body. pathogenic microorganisms and substances.

    You should not panic when a child has a single manifestation of loose stools.

    We need to find out the connection between food intake and diarrhea.

    However, when diarrhea in a 5-year-old child recurs again and is associated with a gag reflex, this danger sign, which speaks of disorders within his body.

    It indicates any possible intestinal infections.

    Treatment of diarrhea in a child of 5 years

    Diarrhea is a response of the body to the influence of pathogenic bacteria, toxic irritants, medications, etc., in the intestinal walls.

    Not in all situations, the appearance of loose stools in a child needs immediate intervention and active treatment.

    You should not worry when such a pathology manifested itself only once. However, if the problem reappears and is associated with additional symptoms, this indicates a disorder in work. internal organs child.

    Mild and short-term diarrhea will practically not affect the general well-being.

    In some situations, diarrhea occurs as a result of eating laxative products, such as plums, herbs, beans, or any stressful situations.

    Therefore, before treating a child, eliminating diarrhea, or carrying out various activities, the root cause of diarrhea should be established. Based on it, the appropriate treatment is selected.


    The following types of diarrhea in a child are known:

    • infectious - appears under the influence of various kinds of infections (bacterial, viral);
    • alimentary - causes malnutrition, lack of vitamins and beneficial bacteria in the diet;
    • dyspeptic - begins in the process of insufficiency secretory function Gastrointestinal tract or due to lack of enzymes;
    • medication - is formed after the use of antimicrobial agents that destroy the microflora and provoke dysbacteriosis;
    • toxic - is a consequence of intoxication toxic substances(for example, arsenic or mercury), due to impaired kidney function;
    • neurogenic - caused by difficulties with intestinal motility, disorders in neuronal regulation.

    Viral diarrhea can appear due to rotavirus infection, which is often experienced by children 5 years old.

    Therapy of this type of diarrhea must be comprehensive and take place in the infectious diseases department under the supervision of a doctor.

    The reasons

    Diarrhea in a child at 5 years old, as at 4 years old, is mainly considered a manifestation of diseases that belong to the group of diseases " dirty hands". They appear as a result of non-compliance with hygiene rules.

    At the same time, bacteria are able to penetrate the body through unwashed hands and in the process of using household items.

    Besides, pathogenic microflora able to enter the body in parallel with food.

    The causes of diarrhea in children of 5 years of age are as follows:

    • Intestinal infection. The most unpleasant symptomatology, requiring an immediate visit to a specialist. Given the degree of damage to the digestive system, the stool is intense watery or scanty with blood and mucus. However, in each situation there is a deterioration in the general well-being of the child, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite. And almost always there is an increase in body temperature.
    • Unbalanced diet. In the process of eating a significant amount of products that have laxative effect, incompatible components or dishes that do not correspond to the age of the child, diarrhea also occurs. characteristic symptoms"food diarrhea" are: the absence of pathological blood impurities, the general condition of the child does not worsen, the temperature rise is not observed.
    • Worm invasion. Worms often become a factor that provokes the appearance of liquid and frequent bowel movements. In the coprogram, undigested food residues, muscle fibers, fatty acid, mucus, and sometimes blood.
    • The use of any medication. Mostly, this applies to antibiotics. The use of these drugs for diarrhea disrupts normal balance microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract, provokes the appearance of dysbacteriosis and diarrhea. It must be borne in mind that dysbacteriosis itself is not the cause of temperature, a sudden deterioration in the condition, or a gag reflex.
    • stressful situations. Very often negative emotions provoke disorders nervous regulation in the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to constipation, dysbacteriosis and diarrhea.


    Liquid stools can be mushy or watery, depending on the factor that provoked diarrhea:

    • During dysentery, the feces are initially dense, over time it will become liquid, but insignificant, false urges are possible, blood and mucus will appear. This pathology can also be suspected by a characteristic subjective picture.
    • When it was provoked by salmonella, the feces may become green or yellowish, the number of bowel movements is more than 10-20 times a day, repeated vomiting, abdominal pain, fever.
    • During infection with an amoeba, feces glassy blotches of mucus and blood are observed.
    • Viral diarrhea is in all cases frothy, offensive, and there is soreness in the abdomen, especially around the umbilicus.
    • A colorless stool can be a symptom of hepatitis.

    Before treating diarrhea in a child at 5 years old, as at 4 years old, you need to collect an anamnesis, focusing on the symptoms. This information must be presented to a specialist who will select the appropriate course of therapy.

    In addition to loose stools, diarrhea is characterized by the following manifestations:

    • intense rumbling inside the abdomen;
    • bloating;
    • pain discomfort;
    • constant, ineffectual urge to defecate;
    • colic;

    Non-long diarrhea actually does not affect the health of the child in any way.

    Prolonged and intense diarrhea leads to weight loss, malnutrition, vitamin deficiencies, pronounced change internal organs. Because chronic diarrhea without fail needs to be treated.


    In a 5-year-old child, as well as at 4 years, liquid stools lasting 3-6 days appear as a result of quite dangerous reasons, which it is not possible to counteract on their own.

    Therapeutic measures in this situation should be purposeful. For these purposes, it is necessary to establish the factor that provoked the gastric disorder.

    Speaking about treatment, first of all, it is necessary to emphasize that the use of potent drugs is an undesirable measure, since an unformed organism suffers from therapy more than from the pathology itself.

    Diet for diarrhea and stomach upset

    The main focus of therapy is compliance balanced diet nutrition. On day 1, it is recommended not to feed a child at 4 years old, only to give a drink.

    Every 5 minutes he should take 0.5 tsp. rehydration solution.

    • crackers from wheat bread (the rest of the bakery products are excluded);
    • soups without fat on unsaturated meat, fish broth, adding mucous decoctions of cereals, boiled and pureed meat;
    • lean meats in the form of cutlets boiled in water or steamed;
    • low-fat varieties of fish, which are also boiled in water or steamed;
    • dairy products - it is permissible to use fresh or mashed cottage cheese, it is excluded cow's milk and other milk products;
    • cereals - cereals on the water from rice, oats, buckwheat;
    • vegetables - only as decoctions that are added to the soup;

    Medical treatment

    In a 5-year-old child, as well as at 4 years old, liquid stools that do not stop for several days appear as a result of various factors, which must be eliminated by joint efforts with a specialist.

    Therapy for diarrhea should be targeted, and for this purpose it is necessary to establish the cause that caused indigestion:

    • When diarrhea in a child at 5 years old, as at 4 years old, is provoked by disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas, he is prescribed medications, which restore its work.
    • With the appearance of dystrophy of the gastric mucosa, the use of substitutes for digestive enzymes is recommended.
    • Loose stools, which are caused by a lack of vitamins in a child at the age of 4, must be treated with certain vitamin complexes.

    It is necessary to take drugs that help to collect and remove from the body all toxic substances - adsorbents.

    • Smecta;
    • Activated carbon;
    • Enterosgel;

    Along with cleansing the body, positive bacteria are washed out, which is why it is imperative to use medications such as probiotics and prebiotics, which enrich the body with beneficial microorganisms that counteract pathology and restore the proper microflora in the gastrointestinal tract.

    These drugs include:

    • Linex;
    • Baktisuptil;
    • Khilak - forte;
    • Normobact;
    • Florok;
    • Acipol.

    Before using them, you should read the instructions, the list of contraindications and special instructions.

    It is forbidden to give a child medication without a thorough examination by a doctor.

    Folk remedies for diarrhea

    • Dried films of chicken stomachs. In the process of butchering the chicken carcass, the stomach is washed, and the film is separated from it. Then washed in cold water and dry on clean slate paper (the next day it dries completely). In the process of diarrhea, the film of the chicken stomach is crushed to a powdery mass and is used twice a day for 0.5-1 tsp, washed down enough water. Store the product in a cool dry place.
    • Also useful is a decoction of dried pears. He has proven himself with better side due to its fixing effect.
    • starch solution. getting ready this remedy as follows: 1 tsp. starch is diluted with half a glass of chilled boiled water. It is permissible to cook as jelly, adding sweets. Eat a child 1 glass three times a day.
    • Infusion from partitions walnuts. It is necessary to make the remedy as follows: 0.3 kg of walnuts are split and partitions separating parts of the kernels are taken out. Pour them with 0.25 liters of alcohol (70 degrees) and insist for 3 days. Adults take 5-10 drops, diluted with pre-boiled water, three times a day; children are advised not to use it.
    • Tincture of dry pomegranate peel. You need to make the remedy as follows: 1 tsp. dried pomegranate peel is poured with 1 glass of water. Boiled for 15 minutes, infused, wrapped, 2 hours, filtered. As a treatment, you need to give 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals, small children - 1 tsp.
    • Rice porridge, which is boiled in water, hard-boiled without salt, (recommended for adults and children).
    • A decoction of rice (recommended if the child has diarrhea). 1 tea cup of washed rice is poured with 6-7 cups of water, put on a small fire and boiled. The finished product should be cooled, strained and given to the child 1/3 cup every 2 hours.

    Diarrhea in a 5 year old child pathological condition Gastrointestinal tract that occurs when exposed to external stimuli and malfunctions various bodies and systems in the body.

    Preventive measures are taken to prevent the occurrence of pathological process, and during the onset of initial symptoms, it is necessary to immediately resort to the help of a specialist.

    Timely received medical help prevents the formation of various adverse effects and adverse reactions.

    Useful video

    Each mother carefully monitors the health and development of her child. A lot of attention is paid to the baby's stool, because violations of its consistency can indicate the occurrence serious problems. The physiological frequency of bowel movements in children differs by age, but in general, after 2 years, the child walks "in a big way" 1-2 times a day. Exceeding this indicator indicates indigestion. When the pediatrician is out of reach, the mother herself has to decide what to give her child for diarrhea. The main thing here is not to make a mistake, not to harm, not to miss the moment when the help of specialists is needed. We will deal with all these subtleties in the course of the article.

    Troubleshooting Tactics

    Diarrhea in children always indicates the presence of a hidden problem. The main mistake of the mother who gave the medicine is to treat the symptom, not the cause, which becomes a prerequisite for the worsening of the situation and the subsequent hospitalization of the baby. Before you start treating diarrhea in a child, you need to understand its varieties, respectively, the possible reasons:

    • Infectious - provoked by microorganisms. May occur after eating improperly cooked, expired, unwashed foods. Diarrhea in a child may be due to infection rotavirus infection. Such a disorder is often accompanied by fever, vomiting, rashes, weakness, lack of appetite, muscle pain, and severe water diarrhea. Treatment will definitely require rehydrating drugs, enterosorbents, possibly antimicrobials. The disorder may last for a week.
    • The alimentary type of diarrhea occurs with the monotonous nutrition of the baby, insufficiency of vitamins and trace elements, and the use of certain products. Some mucus may appear in the stool, and it itself acquires a greenish tint. For therapy, rehydratants, probiotics are used, the diet is normalized. Such diarrhea in children can be chronic.
    • If the child has diarrhea and particles are visible in the stool undigested food, this indicates that the disorder belongs to the dyspeptic type. The reason is insufficient secretion of enzymes or gastric juice during the act of digestion. To cure such diarrhea in a child, an examination by a gastroenterologist, treatment of the underlying problem, the appointment of enzyme preparations, probiotics is required. The course of the disorder is long.
    • Toxic diarrhea occurs when kidney failure, due to the ingestion of chemical compounds, poisons. The presence of blood streaks in the feces, pain in the epigastric region, and fever are added to the general malaise. Only specialists can help the child by washing the gastrointestinal tract, using powerful sorbents, sometimes hemodialysis and the use of antidotes are required.
    • The drug type of disorder occurs when taking antibiotics or as side effect another medicinal product. The stool can be not only liquid, but also greenish. To eliminate the problem, a small patient is given probiotics.

    Neurological diarrhea occurs after stress, tension, excitement. To eliminate it, you can give a child antidiarrheal drugs that neutralize excessive intestinal motility, if age allows.

    Safety for Parents

    At first glance, all adults understand how to treat the disorder. But the cause of it can be serious and even life-threatening, so home treatment is not always appropriate. Prerequisites for an urgent visit to the doctor are the following points:

    • Children's age up to a year.
    • Symptoms of dehydration of the body (flabbiness of the skin, sunken eyes, fontanel).
    • Increase in body temperature.
    • Accession to diarrhea of ​​vomiting.
    • The presence of blood streaks in the stool, mucus, whitish color of feces (sometimes almost black feces can indicate bleeding).
    • The child is vilifying for several days and the situation does not improve.
    • Absence visible reasons for disorder.

    Also, with diarrhea, the child should be given as much to drink as possible, not to overload his stomach with a plentiful amount of food, and try to observe the usual mode of life.

    Age nuances

    The rhythm of life and nutrition of a person depends on his age. To understand why the child has a disorder, and to choose the right medicine for diarrhea for children, orienting the mother according to the age factor will help.

    Babies up to a year eat their mother's milk, so they have diarrhea due to the use of new products by the mother, during teething, due to infection with rotavirus infection. Often mothers, noticing in a child frequent stool are sounding the alarm. If the baby walks "in a big way" 6-9 times a day, and the consistency of the stool is not disturbed (there are no foreign inclusions, water, mucus), then this is a physiological increase in stool, but not diarrhea. The problem goes away by itself on the third day. At this time, it is important to simply provide the child with a full drinking regimen.

    Rotavirus can attach to both the baby and the one-year-old child. The principle of treating diarrhea in children of this age is general: plentiful drink, suppression of pathogenic microorganisms (Enterol, Enterogermina is used), symptomatic therapy with an increase in body temperature. A child can drink both clean water and juices, teas, fruit drinks.

    When a baby is 2, 3, 4 years old, parents carefully select food for him, so delicate issues occur rarely, pass easily if it is not an infection or a virus. Most often, diarrhea occurs in a 5-year-old child due to tasting "adult" products. If such a reason is confirmed, then enzyme preparations (Mezim, Pangrol, Creon) will help solve the problem.

    Neurological diarrhea is common in children 7 years of age. The psyche, which has not yet grown stronger, is faced with the innovations of the school, and prolonged stress causes activation of intestinal peristalsis. Here you need to apply sedatives(valerian extract, Tenoten) and antidiarrheal (Lopedium, Immodium). Although this type of disorder may occur in more early age, the use of drugs for diarrhea is allowed after 6 years.

    In a child of 8 years old, due to active growth, dyspeptic diarrhea may occur, and at 10 years old, none of the possible causes disorders. The analysis of feces will reliably help to determine the type of diarrhea, and in the absence of such an opportunity, the attentive attitude of parents to the condition of their child.

    Drug Overview

    Deciding what to give the baby from the disorder will help full review used drugs, because the use of each group has its own nuances. The review of this article is purely advisory in nature, and it is preferable to seek specialist advice before using any medication.


    These include Gluoxolan, Gastrolit, Regidron. Available in powder form, soluble in water. They contain all the salts necessary for the body, contribute to the retention of fluid inside the tissues of the body. Most of them have no age restrictions for use. Dissolve according to the instructions with clean boiled water. Give the solution to the child throughout the entire time of illness. Preparations must be given to infants, as well as older children with profuse diarrhea.

    Bacterial preparations

    Actively prescribed to diarrheic children after a course of antibiotics, with alimentary diarrhea to improve the absorption of vitamins and trace elements inside the intestine. Children who have had ARVI or influenza can undergo a preventive course of treatment with them. The most commonly used drugs are:

    • Lactobacterin. It does not eliminate the causes of diarrhea, but normalizes bowel function, helps restore immunity and improve metabolic processes.
    • Bifidumbacterin. Indicated for infections and food poisoning. Often combined with Lactobacterin.
    • Bificol. You can take it with you for a while summer holiday, where frequent factor diarrhea is an intestinal infection (viral diarrhea, salmonellosis). With it, you can do good prevention intestinal problems.
    • Bifiform is a source of B vitamins and probiotics. For children up to a year, the "Baby" form is recommended, from a year - Bifiform Malysh. The regular form can be used by children over 2 years of age.
    • Linex. Available in capsules and powders.
    • Normobact. The use of the medicine is allowed for children in the first year of life (from 6 months), drink with diarrhea, poor appetite.
    • Hillak Forte. Can be used for children over 10 months old. Helps to cope with a problem that does not go away unknown reasons. The drug lines the intestinal lumen necessary for life normal microflora substances.
    • Enterol. A remedy for diarrhea, approved for use from birth. Active ingredient- Saccharomycetes that suppress pathogenic microorganisms.
    • Enterogermina. A solution with which parents can treat their child for intestinal problems from the 28th day of life. Apply 1 vial 1 time per day.

    The use of bacterial preparations should be regular. Minimum exchange rate treatment is 2 weeks.


    Such drugs are prohibited for use in children with unexplained causes of the disorder. Even with severe diarrhea in the first three hours, it cannot be stopped with such drugs, because this will not allow the body to independently remove the bulk of toxins. Active substance Loperamide (Lopedium, Stoperan, Immodium) is suitable for use from the age of six, for example, you can give a child of seven years. But for children five years old and younger, there are no analogues.


    They can be prescribed only by a specialist after conducting appropriate studies, determining the strain of the causative agent of diarrhea. Ftalazol, Furazolidone, Levomycetin, Ammoxicillin, Sulgin - all this is used in adults. There must be a good reason to prescribe these drugs for diarrhea to a child.

    For children, drugs Enterofuril and Nifuroxazide are actively used. The second option in a child does not cause microflora disturbances, is not absorbed into the systemic circulation, but acts only locally - inside the intestines. The active ingredient destroys cell membranes protozoa, due to which it is active in diarrhea bacterial or viral etiology. If there is diarrhea with water in a child, then this remedy in combination with Enterol or Enterogermina allows you to quickly get rid of the problem at home.


    Parents can give drugs from this group on their own to a child with any type of diarrhea three hours after it starts. Sorbents themselves thicken the stool, and also adsorb, neutralize and remove toxins from the human body.

    • Smecta is an active sorbent that is allowed for children from birth. It has an astringent, sorbent effect, eliminates irritation of the mucosa.
    • Polysorb - due to lack of data on use for infants, it is allowed for children from 1 year old. The powder is diluted with water, taken orally.
    • Enterosgel - approved for use from the second month of life, there are special forms for children with improved taste.
    • Activated carbon is the oldest adsorbent. Crushed and diluted with water, this drug in a child can cause an attack of nausea. Therefore, it is better to give preference to softer counterparts.
    • Sorbex Kid - available in the form of a double package The first is a sorbent High Quality, and the second is a probiotic. In order for the disorder to pass quickly, they first give a sorbent, and after 4 hours - bacteria.


    With dyspeptic diarrhea, low-dose enzyme preparations are used. How to treat them - the doctor decides, since each individual case requires its own dosage. Pancreatin, Mezim, Pangrol, Creon, Panzinorm are used. It is important not to use enzymes enriched with animal bile (Festal, Enzistal), as it contributes to an even greater increase in peristalsis. The minimum course of taking enzymes is 5 days.

    Folk recipes

    In the absence of medicines, you can give a child a harmless remedy for diarrhea, proven by many years of experience:

    • Pear decoction contains special cells - drusen, which help strengthen loose stools. This action has a decoction of dried fruit.
    • Kissel. A glass of homemade fruit jelly will be happily drunk by a child, and the starchy base of the dessert will remove the frustration.
    • Rice water has long been used for diarrhea. Cook half a cup of rice in 6-7 glasses of water, drain the broth and give the child 1/3 cup four times a day. It is allowed to give even a 2-year-old baby.
    • You can make an infusion of dried pomegranate peels, just pour water (1 liter) a teaspoon of dried chopped raw materials, heat for 15 minutes in a water bath, let stand for 40 minutes. Drink for several days. For a child, 1 tsp is enough. infusion three times during the day. Usually diarrhea goes away in less than a week.

    What medicines can be given to a child with diarrhea? In order not to look for convulsively effective and fast remedy, it is important to know in advance which one is suitable for a baby, and which one is for an older child. Having the right remedy in a home first aid kit, adhering to the rules for its use, it will be possible to normalize the stool in a few days and prevent undesirable consequences from developing.

    Children are most vulnerable to various infections and viruses. They get sick more often than adults colds and intestinal disorders. This is explained by children's body is in the maturation stage the immune system not yet so strengthened, which is why babies suffer from various diseases. Our article is devoted to such an unpleasant and dangerous disease How This disorder is associated with completely different diseases.

    Diarrhea in children is a serious threat to life. It can lead to dehydration of the body and cause negative consequences. It is not worth procrastinating and waiting for improvement. What to give a child for diarrhea? Here main question, which worries every mother. The main point when called intestinal infection, is a plentiful drink.

    Such disorders can be cured at home, if it is not associated with another pathology. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child and the general condition. What can be given to a child for diarrhea? Verified folk recipes will relieve the symptoms. Well, in this condition, diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3 will help. The drink should be given to the child every hour or two in small portions. If the next day there is no positive dynamics, then you need to call a doctor.

    Often, a violation of the intestinal microflora is associated with dysbacteriosis, which can be triggered by taking antibiotics or poor quality products. This disease is easy to recognize. With this disease, the child's stool becomes greenish and unpleasant. sour smell. With diarrhea, there may be foamy liquid feces and pain in the navel.

    What to give a child from diarrhea with dysbacteriosis? It is mainly necessary to restore the microflora, this will help lactobacilli. You can brew a child To do this, you need to buy grass in a pharmacy and prepare a decoction. Honey can be added to this tea to improve the taste (if there is no allergy). A decoction of an ordinary cuff helps well.

    The causes of diarrhea in children are acute respiratory infections, influenza and tonsillitis. In these cases, one folk remedies the disease cannot be cured. Treatment should be comprehensive in order to suppress pathogenic bacteria and remove the pronounced manifestations of the disease. warm drink helps to cleanse the stomach. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it very tasty and useful compote. But all these methods are suitable for treating children older than a year.

    What to do if diarrhea starts in a very tiny baby? What to give a baby for diarrhea? In addition to formula milk or breast milk it is necessary to give the child a solution of the drug "Regidron" to drink - a tablespoon of powder per liter of water. You can add some sugar to the drink. It is important not to leave the baby hungry - offer the mixture more often. If, in addition, vomiting, fever, refusal of food and blood in the stool are observed, a pediatrician should be called.

    Any child loves sweets, which very often cause frustration. What to give a child for diarrhea when overeating? First of all, you need a diet. Any flour and chocolate products, fatty and salty foods are completely excluded. Boil creamy soups, best with rice. Be sure to monitor the reaction of the body and the color of the stool.

    The child needs to create comfortable conditions, provide healthy sleep and positive emotional atmosphere. If you notice rare urination, dark urine, pale skin, dry mucous membranes, then immediately seek medical help, especially if this continues for more than one day. Only a doctor will tell you what to give your child for diarrhea and prescribe the right treatment.