The child digests food poorly. Undigested food in a child’s stool – reasons, tips

This is evidenced by unchanged pieces of food consumed by the baby in the feces. There are few reasons for this phenomenon, and not all of them require special treatment.

Why does a child have difficulty digesting food?

The condition in question arises due to the following factors:

  1. Overfeeding. The baby’s digestive system is simply not able to process large portions, and removes excess food unchanged.
  2. "Heavy" food. There are dishes that temporarily cannot be digested due to the lack of enzymes necessary for this, for example, legumes, carrots, cabbage.
  3. Insufficient chewing of food. Babies, especially those without a formed row of teeth, often swallow food that is not crushed, which is difficult to process.

Also, indigestion of food in a child can occur due to a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes. Usually, this reason in the future provokes the development of more serious illnesses– pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis, gastritis.

What to do if a child does not digest food?

If the described problem is caused by non-hazardous factors, and the baby feels well, is active, and there are no dyspeptic disorders, there is no need to worry. Over time, his gastrointestinal tract will adapt to a variety of foods and begin to work correctly. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the baby does not overeat; introduce new dishes gradually, in small quantities.

When a child constantly poops incompletely digested food and suffers from unpleasant symptoms (bloating, diarrhea, nausea, flatulence), you should contact pediatric gastroenterologist, submit stool for analysis and do an ultrasound abdominal cavity. After finding out the cause of the pathology, the doctor will prescribe for the baby:

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The child does not digest food

Smell: normal feces

Mucus - not detected

Blood - not detected

Remains of undigested food were found. (absent)

Reaction to occult blood- footprints. (norm-negative)

Reaction to protein - traces. (norm-negative)

The reaction to stercobilin is positive (norm-positive)

Reaction to bilirubin - negative (normal - negative)

Muscle fibers with striations. – single in the preparation

Muscle fibers without streaks. - in small quantities.

Connective tissue – not detected (norm – absent)

Neutral fat - not detected (norm - absent)

Fatty acids – in small quantities.

Salts fatty acids- in small quantities.

Plant fiber undigested - in large quantities.

Digested plant fiber. - in a small quantity.

Intracellular starch – not detected (norm-absent)

Extracellular starch – not detected (norm-absent)

Iodophilic flora is normal. - in a small quantity.

Iodophilic flora pathologist. – not detected (norm-absent)

Columnar epithelium – absent

Flat epithelium – absent

Protozoa - not found

Helminth eggs – not detected

Yeast mushrooms - in small quantities.

Did you do the ultrasound on an empty stomach?

Actually, my son is the same, skinny and, sorry, he runs three times to the potty. But that doesn't bother him)))

Why did you go get checked? What is the child complaining about?

It will take a long time to remove the mushrooms in the intestines, but this is necessary because... They destroy the immune system and eat the whole body.

We didn’t find a good gastroenterologist, but a couple of pediatricians seemed to help us rectify the situation.

Yes, they wrote to you correctly in the previous post - finely pureed food, pureed soups, porridge with 1.5% milk, turn the meat twice, steamed meatballs. Karoch, diet No. 5))) Fruits and vegetables are NOT raw or peeled. Learn to CHEW! They sometimes stare at TV and swallow without chewing. Vegetable soups, followed by boiled pureed meat or navy-style pasta.

And your height and weight are not terrible, mine weighs 14 kg at 110 cm.

Of the 5 doctors, not a single one is smart. Did they even have the same opinions?

As for the rest (undigested), I can say for myself that literally the other day I visited a VERY good gastroenterologist, my analysis also showed some kind of fats, undigested fiber, etc., he said this is nonsense. And this is for me, an adult aunt who eats properly, does not drink and does not smoke (what I mean is that there are no pathologies. But in a child, something may simply not be fully formed there.

I don't know about mushrooms

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t pay attention, of course, don’t neglect the doctor, but there’s no need to panic so much about this test.

In-universe casting

I recommend checking the condition intestinal microflora(take a stool test for dysbacteriosis and scatology). In one year, many children begin to walk and show character. Hello, the child is 1.10 months old. I have been suffering from abdominal pain since birth...

In this article we will tell you which foods are not suitable for baby food and which diet is suitable for children of different ages. At this age, you should not spoil your child with sweets, but you can give honey if none of your close relatives are allergic to it.

Until the age of 7, it is still better not to give your child raw bananas, but you can after heat treatment, which makes it easily digestible. Up to 7 years of age, it is still quite difficult for a child’s body to digest mushrooms and seafood. If a child has frequent and loose stool(5-6 times a day for babies fed something other than breast milk), then you need to pay attention to other symptoms.

In this case, be sure to consult a doctor, since the child may have a disease that will require medical care. If a child has loose stools three or more times a day, it is possible that he has diarrhea (diarrhea). Hello. The child is 1 year and 1 month old. During the first year of life, they injected and took 8 antibiotics; they often got sick, streptococci, staphylococcus, klebsiella, proteus, and E. coli were found in the stool.

But in fact, food is not digested if it is not appropriate for the baby’s age. This happens when the child’s body is not ready to digest some component (since at this age the necessary enzymes are not yet produced). If the baby is encountering any food for the first time or the amount of product is much larger than the body is able to process with an enzyme.

From 6 months, his body begins to produce enzymes to digest unfamiliar food. The rules for the first feeding and introduction of complementary foods are determined precisely by this property of the body. We give the baby boiled light vegetables in the form of puree. And we don’t give carrots and pumpkin, because they contain carotene, which can be an allergen.

From the age of one year, the baby can be given fruit drinks and diluted juices, but this is not necessary. As a result, small pieces of fiber and juice mix with saliva, are easily digested and do not irritate the intestines. This is a net in which you can put boiled vegetables or a piece of apple.

As the child gets older, the pieces may become larger. Even before one year of age, a child can be given a little bit of lactic acid fermentation products: for example, pickles or sauerkraut.

But the meat should be in the form of puree, and later - a steamed cutlet made from well-chopped minced meat. You can give fish from a year old, but also chopped. Meat or fish with large fibers in “pieces” are very difficult to digest. At proper nutrition The main reason why food is not digested is because there is too much food for the enzymes to handle. child's body.

When it comes to fruit, you should follow a simple rule: fresh and in season, not from the supermarket. Separately, in this age group it is necessary to say about vitamins. You will find more about the features of food for babies in our “Baby Food” section.

There is no need to take tests for dysbacteriosis - they are guaranteed to be “bad”, because the baby’s body is in a state of self-correction. However, this is not necessary either. Consultant: Vera Shlykova, pediatrician at the Center for Natural Development and Child Health.

If you have any questions about caring for your child, his health or development, our expert, pediatrician Sergei Vasiliev will answer your questions. For any child, minor cuts and abrasions caused during fun game or as a result of a careless fall, is the norm of life, just like various diseases childhood. How to help with a fracture and electric shock? In our First Aid section you will get all the information you need.

Hello! The child is 7 months old, we are on IV, there has been a bad stool test for two months: Mucus is present, Plant fiber (digestible) is present, Starch is present. Good afternoon. Please help me understand the analysis for dysbacteriosis and treatment.

Then we went to another neurologist and he suggested that we look for another reason for the crying and said to check for dysbacteriosis. In your case, microflora correction is necessary. The duration of the stage depends on the duration of administration of the antibiotic or bacteriophage.

Hello, Natalya! In your case, a detailed examination is necessary to find out the reasons atopic dermatitis. Treatment consists of drinking plenty of fluids and taking smecta, therapy is prescribed by a doctor. Under no circumstances should you take enzymes in the first days of the disease!

As a rule, within 6 hours the use of solutions and smecta leads to a significant improvement in the condition. And children who are on breastfeeding, reduce the proportion of its use. Please tell me what kind of bacteria these are and what diseases they cause.

Expert consultations in groups:

Good afternoon. The child is 5.5 months old. In the maternity hospital, the child was injected with Oxamp for 5 days; no drugs with lactobacilli were prescribed after the antibiotic. At 2.5 months he was green feces, passed caprology. The analysis shows a lot of mucus, 65 leukocytes per cell. We drank enterofuril and linex.

The state of the intestinal microflora changes very quickly, especially in children. Therefore, it is necessary to correct both the state of the intestinal microflora and scatological changes. I recommend probiotic preparations, for example, “Bifidum multi 1”, 1 d/l. 3 times a day, before meals and add Creon (10,000) 1/2 capsule 2 times a day, during feeding.

Stool analysis for dysbacteriosis must be carried out with determination of sensitivity to bacteriophages. There are no deviations from the norm in your test for dysbacteriosis. I recommend taking a stool test for scatology and doing an ultrasound of the abdominal organs. After drinking this mixture for two weeks, the pimples almost went away, but in their place a red, dry crust formed and the stool became liquid and green once a day. The child pushes all the time.

Probiotic preparations (containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli). If a child ate a product in response to which the body was unable to produce sufficient quantity enzyme for digestion, food in such cases is not completely absorbed. Hello, Diana! Lacto is used in the morning and during the day in combination with bifido in the evening (if there is a deficiency of lactobacilli).

The child digests food poorly

My son also did not digest food during this period. Creon didn't help. At 1.3 g we were diagnosed with an infectious disease, enterobacteria were found, we were treated with antibiotics and advised to drink Linex during and 2 weeks after taking antibiotics. Thank God we no longer suffer from undigested pieces of food.

  • solar Guest Apr, 14:04

when which foods begin to be digested/absorbed completely:

6-9 months the greatest ability to absorb foreign protein. begins to be fully absorbed only by 1.5 years.

9 months – 1.4 learns to digest starchy foods + meat.

fiber: boiled - in small portions from 6-8 months, in large portions - after 9 months.

raw, a little at a time - in the second year of life. raw - not completely - from 4 years old.

full-fledged only from the age of 8.

1.4 – 3 years begins to be absorbed plant food(pulp of juicy berries, tomatoes, apricots), as well as carbohydrates and fats.

The child has poor digestion of food

Girls, I apologize for such details, but I need opinion and advice. We are 1.2 years old, from the very beginning of complementary feeding, I noticed that food that comes in pieces is poorly digested and comes out in pieces, i.e. pieces of carrots (boiled), lentils, tangerines, etc. At first I thought that I was still small and didn’t have enough enzymes, but somehow all this took a long time. At 5 months we were treated for dysbak (as the doctor said, it gave us dermatitis), but the treatment didn’t help one bit, to this day we are covered in spots and, most importantly, I can’t find the cause. Today I thought and came to the conclusion that the constant exacerbation of our atopic dermatitis may be associated with poor digestion of food! On the other hand, maybe this is the norm at this age, such feces?? In general, my head is a mess and I don’t know what to do.

On Saturday we will go to donate blood to check for allergies (we did it at 5 months, it didn’t seem to be detected) and coprogram. We’ve been suffering since I was 3 months old and can’t overcome my blood pressure, and now my stool has also started to stress me out.

Not digestible? Myths about indigestion

Not digestible? Myths about indigestion

When it comes to indigestion, we most often think of all sorts of “everyone” known facts” like you can’t drink cucumbers with milk. But in fact, food is not digested if it is not appropriate for the baby’s age.

Food is not digested when there is undigested or loose stool, and the child does not have symptoms characteristic of infectious poisoning. In other words, the baby normal temperature, enough wellness, he just has stool several times a day and is not of the usual consistency.

In what situations does this condition occur?

  • If a child ate a product in response to which the body was unable to produce a sufficient amount of enzyme for digestion, the food in such cases is not completely absorbed. This happens when the child’s body is not ready to digest some component (since at this age the necessary enzymes are not yet produced).
  • If the baby is encountering any food for the first time or the amount of product is much larger than the body is able to process with an enzyme.
  • If a child has eaten a product that irritates the intestinal wall, and in response, fluid is released into the intestinal lumen and peristalsis increases ( physical activity intestines) for rapid removal of contents and food is not digested.

Accordingly, there is no need to panic and get treatment for indigestion: if the child feels well, his stool becomes less frequent and thicker within three days, then reasonable diet and drinking on demand is sufficient.

And in addition, you need to carefully ensure that the children's diet is healthy and age-appropriate. There is no need to rush and treat your baby to something that he is not yet able to digest!

How food is digested in children from birth to one year

For the first months of life, the baby is breastfed, which is ideal for his digestion. From 6 months, his body begins to produce enzymes to digest unfamiliar food. The rules for the first feeding and introduction of complementary foods are determined precisely by this property of the body. We give the baby boiled light vegetables in the form of puree. And we don’t give carrots and pumpkin, because they contain carotene, which can be an allergen.

The best fruits at this age are apples or pears. Banana is a very heavy food that the body cannot yet digest. Citrus fruits are allergenic. Closer to the first year, you can give plums, but not exotic fruits.

Fruit juices irritate the stomach and intestines and put stress on the pancreas. From the age of one year, the baby can be given fruit drinks and diluted juices, but this is not necessary.

How to give an apple? Making applesauce is not the best option. You can peel a whole apple and give it to your baby. He doesn’t have teeth yet, he can’t bite off a piece, but he likes to “pull” the apple with his gums. As a result, small pieces of fiber and juice mix with saliva, are easily digested and do not irritate the intestines.

A successful invention for complementary feeding is the nibbler. This is a net in which you can put boiled vegetables or a piece of apple. The child sucks the mesh, small particles of complementary food are ideally processed by saliva, which avoids indigestion.

Remember: indigestion is a normal reaction to an unfamiliar product or its excess; the body needs time to adapt. If, after feeding an apple, you find undigested fiber puree in your baby’s stool, this is normal. If you give a one-year-old baby more than 70 g of puree, in such cases the food is often not completely digested: the body digested only the volume for which there were enough enzymes, and the rest stimulated the intestines to quickly get rid of the contents.

Now many people follow a natural approach to introducing complementary foods: they allow the child to take anything from the adult table, which is very different from the schemes recommended by pediatricians. There is nothing wrong with complementary feeding, only on the condition that the child really takes the “tiny” and the parents’ table is healthy.

How food is digested in children from one to three years old

In one year, many children begin to walk and show character. Parents think that they are already “adults” and stop carefully monitoring their diet. This is mistake. Some “adult” enzymes will begin to be produced in their body closer to 3 years, and some only at 7 years. In fact, the composition of a child’s table at one and three years old should differ only in the degree of grinding of food. When the baby has 8-12 teeth, he can be given food in small pieces. As the child gets older, the pieces may become larger.

As before, you should not give your baby stimulants: medium-strength tea or cocoa. Avoid bananas, mushrooms, seafood. No need for tomatoes and eggplants yet. But prejudices against pickled vegetables are unfounded. Even before the child is one year old, you can give a little bit of lactic acid fermentation products: for example, pickles or sauerkraut. But under no circumstances should they be pickled, which contain vinegar and spices. Yeast fermentation products (kvass, etc.) should still not be given - the intestines may react sharply, and such products are poorly absorbed. However, black bread can be offered little by little, but not fresh, but “yesterday’s” bread that has been lying around.

Animal proteins do not cause indigestion in a child at this age. But the meat should be in the form of puree, and later - a steamed cutlet made from well-chopped minced meat. You can give fish from a year old, but also chopped. Meat or fish with large fibers in “pieces” are very difficult to digest.

At this age, you should not spoil your child with sweets, but you can give honey if none of your close relatives are allergic to it. Juices should still be diluted with water.

With proper nutrition, the main reason why food is not digested is too much food that the child’s body’s enzymes cannot handle.

How food is digested in children from three to seven years old

Usually, at 2.5 years old, a child already has about 20 teeth and is quite capable of chewing food. Gradually, you can enlarge the pieces and give your baby less and less pureed food. At this age, it is already appropriate to encourage the child to actively chew.

Now it is quite possible to give the baby a wide variety of vegetables, including tomatoes, but preferably from the garden.

When it comes to fruit, you should follow a simple rule: fresh and in season, not from the supermarket. For example, in the fall it is quite possible to eat Moldovan and Crimean grapes, but in the winter it is not worth buying grapes that were brought from afar and probably treated with something that does not even spoil.

Until the age of 7, it is still better not to give your child a raw banana, but it is possible - after heat treatment, which makes it easily digestible. Up to 7 years of age, it is still quite difficult for a child’s body to digest mushrooms and seafood.

Separately, in this age group it is necessary to say about vitamins. Fortified foods and multivitamins also often lead to allergies. You should not endure it for the sake of the mythical “benefits” that manufacturers of numerous drugs impose. In reality, forced vitamins are very poorly absorbed, often leading to metabolic disorders, the appearance of salts in the urine and, as a result, to urolithiasis and vulvitis in little girls (the vulva becomes inflamed due to the inevitable entry of urine into this area, even if the child is accustomed to maintaining personal hygiene).

The ideal diet at this age is with adults, healthy food from the common table, which the mother helps to chop on the child’s plate with a knife and fork. This step will help avoid indigestion. You will find more about the features of food for babies in our “Baby Food” section.

  • If your baby has frequent and loose stools (5-6 times a day for babies fed something other than breast milk), then you need to pay attention to other symptoms. If the baby plays calmly, he has good mood, there is no temperature, then this is indigestion.
  • There is no need to give your baby fixatives. On the contrary, encourage your baby to drink more.
  • You should not put your child on any type of diet rice water or bread and tea. Remove foods that caused your suspicion, as well as all raw vegetables and fruits for 3 days and generally think about the child’s diet.
  • Watch the dynamics. If there is no improvement or any other symptoms appear, consult a doctor.
  • There is no need to take tests for dysbacteriosis - they are guaranteed to be “bad”, because the baby’s body is in a state of self-correction. You can give dairy products with beneficial bacteria. They don’t know how to take root in the body, but they do make digestion easier. However, this is not necessary either.

You should be concerned when loose stools are accompanied by deterioration in health, fever, dizziness, etc. In this case, be sure to consult a doctor, since the child may have a disease that will require medical attention.

Text: Anna Nikitina

Consultant: Vera Shlykova, pediatrician at the Center for Natural Development and Child Health.

Child has diarrhea from undigested food

The child cannot digest food

With the introduction of complementary foods, the baby may experience difficulties digesting food. The mother may notice that the baby is pooping undigested food. In this case, we can conclude that he has peculiarities in the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which the child has indigestion of food.

What to do if a child cannot digest food?

If during long period time, the child eats poorly, he has feces with undigested pieces of food, this is a prerequisite for the development of serious diseases of the digestive system. In this case, you must immediately contact a gastroenterologist for accurate diagnosis and selection optimal method treatment.

Only based on the diagnostic results, the doctor will be able to conclude about the state of development of the gastrointestinal tract and the feasibility of medical intervention. If food is poorly digested in a child under the age of one year, then in some cases this may simply be a feature of the body, if it does not cause inconvenience to the baby, he is also active and different good appetite and has good blood tests and scatology results.

However, if a child does not digest food, this may be the result of dysbacteriosis. In this case, the doctor may prescribe a course of prebiotics (Linex, Acipol, Bifidumbacterin).

Early transfer of a child to a common table can also contribute to disruption of the digestion process, since “adult” food is still quite heavy for the child’s body.

When correcting the baby’s nutrition in accordance with age (ground food, boiled vegetables, dairy products) it is possible to improve the general condition of the body and normalize stool. However, despite the visible improvements, it is necessary to submit stool for scatology, culture intestinal group to determine the cause of gastrointestinal dysfunction.

Digestive disorders in a child can be caused by for various reasons and have unpleasant symptoms, for example, diarrhea. This condition is especially dangerous for children early years, as it quickly leads to dehydration. We'll tell you how to treat diarrhea in one-year-old children.

In the first year of life, the child’s digestive system is still just getting started, and often the balance of microflora is disturbed, which causes a condition called dysbiosis. What are its symptoms? infant, we will tell you in our article.

Diarrhea in a child is an unpleasant phenomenon in itself, and if parents find an admixture of blood in the stool, it is even frightening. Of course, in this case it is impossible to leave the child unattended.

Diarrhea accompanied by vomiting in a child is enough dangerous condition, requiring mandatory monitoring by parents and doctors, as it can be caused by serious infections. In our article we will tell you more about this.

Loose stools containing undigested food

ABOUT proper operation the digestive system should be judged not only by the sensations that arise in the intestines or in the stomach area, but also by its appearance, color scheme and the smell of feces. At least occasionally you should pay attention to your bowel movements, as mothers do when watching their newborn children.

At least once in his life, a person notices that he has diarrhea due to undigested food. There are several reasons for changes in digestive process. Most often, diarrhea with undigested food appears during fermentation that occurs in the intestines. A similar process can be caused by abundant consumption of foods that contain fiber. Healthy man can cope for a certain amount of time with the load placed on the intestines and stomach, but over time, the cells of the gastrointestinal tract become overstrained. This disorder causes dyspeptic diarrhea.

If no symptoms occur other than loose stools with particles of undigested food, do not worry too much. You just need to remember what was consumed during lunch or dinner.

Symptoms of dyspeptic diarrhea

As a rule, dyspepsia develops acutely and suddenly. An adult vomits, and a child regurgitates. A similar reaction begins half an hour after a meal. At the same time, loose stools containing undigested food appear. The frequency of diarrhea increases to 8 times a day. In addition to food particles, you may notice an admixture of mucus and an unpleasant sour odor in the stool.

Galina Savina: How did I manage to defeat pancreatitis at home in 1 week, spending 30 minutes a day?!

Another symptom is bloating. When intestinal colic occurs, a person experiences pain and discomfort. Despite signs of diarrhea and digestive disturbances, general state the patient does not change. He feels cheerful.

Before starting treatment, you need to determine the reasons why diarrhea with undigested pieces of food could appear. There are several main reasons:

  • Pancreatic insufficiency;
  • Eating fiber that the stomach cannot digest and its remains come out with diarrhea;
  • Accelerated evacuation of food from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Poisoning from expired products.

Treatment of loose stools with undigested food

Once diarrhea from undigested food has been identified in an adult and the cause has been determined, you can safely begin treatment. First of all, you need to eliminate heavy and intestinal-irritating foods from your diet. Such products include:

  • Products containing fiber;
  • Alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Spicy dishes.

After the diet has been adjusted, you should start taking medications such as Creon and Mezim-Forte.

In the event that the cause of diarrhea with pieces of food is insufficiency gastric juice caused by gastritis with low acidity, the doctor will prescribe therapy. In addition to therapy, hydrochloric acid and Omeprazole are prescribed. Thus, it is possible to eliminate loose stools and stop the development of gastritis.

As for the accelerated evacuation of food, which manifests itself in the form of loose stools and pieces of undigested food, this condition can be caused inflammatory processes. Most often this occurs due to:

Treatment is carried out in accordance with the identified pathology. Similar diseases It is difficult to treat at home, so the patient is hospitalized in a hospital. The patient is prescribed:

  • Broad spectrum antibiotics;
  • Regidron;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs such as Analgin.

If you experience diarrhea caused by excessive consumption of foods containing fiber, you should simply exclude such foods from your diet. The diarrhea will stop the very next day and the digestion process will quickly recover.

Veronica Zueva: The doctors were shocked! I was cured of pancreatitis at home.

Girls moderators, please send me where I need to go if anything happens. I didn't find the answer to my question.

We've been having problems with bowel movements for 2 days now. I can’t say - diarrhea, it doesn’t seem like water, but about 6 times a day and all the food is undigested.

I slept poorly at night and only 40 minutes during the day.

I put my hand on my stomach, it’s constantly grumbling.

We eat everything the same, only I gave him rice, I haven’t given her rice for a long time, because... strengthened it strongly, and now it may also strengthen our diarrhea

With the holidays coming up, tell me, maybe I should run to the doctor or just get by with Smecta or Linex.

kalibri. We had this with an intestinal infection. I would see a doctor.

kalibri. I agree with Nadenok. At least talk on the phone so you know what's going on. Taras had a strong rumbling, but, however, with a fever, when he was poisoned by something.

kalibri. Yes, it looks like an intestinal infection. Of course, you should see a doctor if you have a good one that won’t send you to the infectious disease ward. I would serve Linex and Smecta.

moderator Messages: 7382 Registered: Wed Oct 04,:33 Thanked: 13 times Thanked: 36 times

kalibri. Moreover, we didn’t have a fever at all, I wasn’t worried, I thought it was a normal disorder. but in the end. They left in an ambulance; he was severely dehydrated. You drink actively, preferably rehydron or humana electrolyte (rehydron is salty, children don’t drink it very much, humana is sweet, but also costs more, not sold in all pharmacies). Smecta won't hurt, but still try to get in touch with a doctor. If you want, somewhere I had the phone number of a Kharkov infectious disease doctor, a woman. Head of the infectious diseases department, I can search and write if necessary, she also comes to your home.

kalibri. Well, if you know a normal doctor, then consult a doctor.

In general, as someone who recently experienced the nightmares of an infectious disease, and who saw a decent number of children with intestinal infections, I would advise you to make do for now

kalibri wrote: Smecta, Linex.

Well, and drink fluids.

I can tell you right away what awaits you if you go to the doctor - hospital, AB in INJECTIONS, as a result - dysbacteriosis in the little one (who is already allergic)

If there was severe diarrhea and fever (dehydration threatened), then yes, it would be worth ringing the bells, rushing to the hospital and all that.

With Bogdan, according to you, everything is not so scary. Watch for now, give Smecta a drink.

Messages: 2141 Registered: Sat Jan 12,:58 From: Kharkov, Ukraine Contact information:

Nadenok wrote: sweet humana,

I have plenty of it.

Nadenok wrote: I was severely dehydrated.

drinks a lot, well, more than usual.

And what to look for, the main signs, normal and bad conditions.

What needs to change.

He plays, gets angry, runs around (even more than usual), but at the same time he constantly whines.

Vira wrote: the first healer is hunger.

and he is ready to eat incessantly. Horror, like from a hungry land

Nadenok wrote: head of the infectious diseases department, I can search and write if necessary, she also comes to your home.

Nadenok. I will be very grateful!

You never know, anything is possible.

Another question: can we communicate with children?

Vira wrote: kalibri, calm down a little!

Vira. I generally have a normal attitude towards illness, but now I’m worried that there are so many holidays around the corner. Maybe I just need to hurry up and run everywhere tomorrow. Or keep an eye on the condition

kalibri wrote: What should change?

behavior first.

kalibri wrote: Maybe we just need to hurry up and run everywhere tomorrow?

kalibri. By tomorrow you will understand whether you need to see a doctor or not. Can't you call the local police officer? Or make a house call?

moderator Messages: 7382 Registered: Wed Oct 04,:33 Thanked: 13 times Thanked: 36 times

Julie wrote: If there was severe diarrhea and fever

Julie. 6 times a day is, IMHO, a lot. And temperature is not necessary, as I wrote above, we didn’t have it at all. That’s why I didn’t ring the bells, but in vain, as it turned out.

I’ll write down the doctor’s phone number in the evening, otherwise I’m at work right now and don’t have it with me. By the way, she is an excellent woman and will not send you to the hospital unless absolutely necessary. I know many who were treated at home and only took them to the hospital for tests.

kalibri wrote: What to look for, the main signs, normal and bad conditions.

If the diarrhea does not stop, then definitely see a doctor. Well, the signs of dehydration are lethargy, apathy, pale skin, and the mouth, on the contrary, is red, it seems so. and the main one, of course, is when the child doesn’t pee for a long time. But this does not happen in 1 day, so I think there is still time to watch the child. Get well!

Digestive problems

My daughter (she is 1 year and 9 months old) has problems with digestion: the stool is unstable, often foamy, food is poorly digested. At the same time, the child eats well, is active and cheerful. Tell me, how can I “tune” my intestines? Which doctor should I contact?

Answered by Komarovsky E. O.

Judging by the phrase “the child eats well, is active and cheerful,” we are primarily concerned not with the child, but with the appearance of what the mother found in the potty. Therefore, in any case, the main thing that we must understand is that when we turn to a doctor, we are not helping the child, but the mother, because the child is well. Those. By improving the appearance of poop, we will improve the moral and psychological state of the mother. And the main thing is not to harm the child. Most common cause The described problems with digestion are either a discrepancy between the volume of food and the child’s ability to digest this food (the child eats more than necessary, and part of the underdigested food comes out in an unprocessed form), or the child absorbs some foods that cannot be digested by him. Only a mother can find out what products these are by experimentation, so I would suggest not to focus on finding a doctor to see, but to analyze what and in what quantities you feed your child. Do not force him to eat under any circumstances, reduce the concentration of food, do not get carried away with the fat content of foods, watch how the contents of the pot change depending on what foods you give your child. Of course, if there are any signs of a child’s well-being (gas formation, abdominal pain, etc.), you need the advice of a qualified pediatrician.

undigested food

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When it comes to indigestion, we most often remember all sorts of “well-known facts” such as the fact that cucumbers cannot be washed down with milk. But in fact, food is not digested if it is not appropriate for the baby’s age.

Food is not digested when there is undigested or loose stool, and the child does not have symptoms characteristic of infectious poisoning. Simply put, the baby has a normal temperature, feels quite well, he just has stool several times a day and is not of the usual consistency.

In what situations does this condition occur?

  • If a child ate a product in response to which the body was unable to produce a sufficient amount of enzyme for digestion, the food in such cases is not completely absorbed. This happens when the child’s body is not ready to digest some component (since at this age the necessary enzymes are not yet produced).
  • If the baby is encountering any food for the first time or the amount of product is much larger than the body is able to process with an enzyme.
  • If a child has eaten a product that irritates the intestinal wall, and in response, liquid is released into the intestinal lumen and peristalsis (motor activity of the intestine) increases to quickly remove the contents and the food is not digested.

Accordingly, there is no need to panic and get treatment for indigestion: if the child feels well, his stool becomes less frequent and thicker within three days, then a reasonable diet and drinking on demand is quite enough.

And in addition, you need to carefully ensure that the children's diet is healthy and age-appropriate. There is no need to rush and treat your baby to something that he is not yet able to digest!

How food is digested in children from birth to one year

For the first months of life, the baby is breastfed, which is ideal for his digestion. From 6 months, his body begins to produce enzymes to digest unfamiliar food. The rules for the first feeding and introduction of complementary foods are determined precisely by this property of the body. We give the baby boiled light vegetables in the form of puree. And we don’t give carrots and pumpkin, because they contain carotene, which can be an allergen.

The best fruits at this age are apples or pears. Banana is a very heavy food that the body cannot yet digest. Citrus fruits are allergenic. Closer to the first year, you can give plums, but not exotic fruits.

Fruit juices irritate the stomach and intestines and put stress on the pancreas. From the age of one year, the baby can be given fruit drinks and diluted juices, but this is not necessary.

How to give an apple? Making applesauce is not the best option. You can peel a whole apple and give it to your baby. He doesn’t have teeth yet, he can’t bite off a piece, but he likes to “pull” the apple with his gums. As a result, small pieces of fiber and juice mix with saliva, are easily digested and do not irritate the intestines.

A successful invention for complementary feeding is the nibbler. This is a net in which you can put boiled vegetables or a piece of apple. The child sucks the mesh, small particles of complementary food are ideally processed by saliva, which avoids indigestion.

Remember: indigestion is a normal reaction to an unfamiliar product or its excess; the body needs time to adapt. If, after feeding an apple, you find undigested fiber puree in your baby’s stool, this is normal. If you give a one-year-old baby more than 70 g of puree, in such cases the food is often not completely digested: the body digested only the volume for which there were enough enzymes, and the rest stimulated the intestines to quickly get rid of the contents.

Now many people follow a natural approach to introducing complementary foods: they allow the child to take anything from the adult table, which is very different from the schemes recommended by pediatricians. There is nothing wrong with complementary feeding, only on the condition that the child really takes the “tiny” and the parents’ table is healthy.

How food is digested in children from one to three years old

In one year, many children begin to walk and show character. Parents think that they are already “adults” and stop carefully monitoring their diet. This is mistake. Some “adult” enzymes will begin to be produced in their body closer to 3 years, and some only at 7 years. In fact, the composition of a child’s table at one and three years old should differ only in the degree of grinding of food. When the baby has 8-12 teeth, he can be given food in small pieces. As the child gets older, the pieces may become larger.

As before, you should not give your baby stimulants: medium-strength tea or cocoa. Avoid bananas, mushrooms, seafood. No need for tomatoes and eggplants yet. But prejudices against pickled vegetables are unfounded. Even before the child is one year old, you can give a little bit of lactic acid fermentation products: for example, pickles or sauerkraut. But under no circumstances should they be pickled, which contain vinegar and spices. Yeast fermentation products (kvass, etc.) should still not be given - the intestines may react acutely, and such products are poorly absorbed. However, black bread can be offered little by little, but not fresh, but “yesterday’s” bread that has been lying around.

Animal proteins do not cause indigestion in a child at this age. But the meat should be in the form of puree, and later - a steamed cutlet made from well-chopped minced meat. You can give fish from a year old, but also chopped. Meat or fish with large fibers in “pieces” are very difficult to digest.

At this age, you should not spoil your child with sweets, but you can give honey if none of your close relatives are allergic to it. Juices should still be diluted with water.

With proper nutrition, the main reason why food is not digested is too much food that the child’s body’s enzymes cannot handle.

How food is digested in children from three to seven years old

Usually, at 2.5 years old, a child already has about 20 teeth and is quite capable of chewing food. Gradually, you can enlarge the pieces and give your baby less and less pureed food. At this age, it is already appropriate to encourage the child to actively chew.

Now it is quite possible to give the baby a wide variety of vegetables, including tomatoes, but preferably from the garden.

When it comes to fruit, you should follow a simple rule: fresh and in season, not from the supermarket. For example, in the fall it is quite possible to eat Moldovan and Crimean grapes, but in the winter it is not worth buying grapes that were brought from afar and probably treated with something that does not even spoil.

Until the age of 7, it is still better not to give your child a raw banana, but it is possible after heat treatment, which makes it easily digestible. Until the age of 7, it is still quite difficult for a child’s body to digest mushrooms and seafood.

Separately, in this age group it is necessary to say about vitamins. Fortified foods and multivitamins also often lead to allergies. You should not endure it for the sake of the mythical “benefits” that manufacturers of numerous drugs impose. In reality, forced vitamins are very poorly absorbed, often leading to metabolic disorders, the appearance of salts in the urine and, as a result, to urolithiasis and vulvitis in little girls (the vulva becomes inflamed due to the inevitable entry of urine into this area, even if the child is accustomed to personal hygiene).

The ideal diet at this age is with adults, healthy food from the common table, which the mother helps to chop on the child’s plate with a knife and fork. This step will help avoid indigestion. You will find more about the features of food for babies in our “Baby Food” section.

  • If your baby has frequent and loose stools (5-6 times a day for babies fed something other than breast milk), then you need to pay attention to other symptoms. If the baby plays calmly, is in a good mood, and has no fever, then this is indigestion.
  • There is no need to give your baby fixatives. On the contrary, encourage your baby to drink more.
  • You should not put your child on any kind of fixing diet such as rice water or bread and tea. Remove foods that caused your suspicion, as well as all raw vegetables and fruits for 3 days and generally think about the child’s diet.
  • Watch the dynamics. If there is no improvement or any other symptoms appear, consult a doctor.
  • There is no need to take tests for dysbacteriosis - they are guaranteed to be “bad”, because the baby’s body is in a state of self-correction. You can give dairy products with beneficial bacteria. They don’t know how to take root in the body, but they do make digestion easier. However, this is not necessary either.

You should be concerned when loose stools are accompanied by deterioration in health, fever, dizziness, etc. In this case, be sure to consult a doctor, since the child may have a disease that will require medical attention.

Text: Anna Nikitina

Consultant: Vera Shlykova, pediatrician at the Center for Natural Development and Child Health.

Mother's milk is a product that has been specially created to be ideal for infants. It contains proteins and fats that are quickly digested in the stomach and intestines. The drink contains an optimal balance of vitamins and minerals. Not a single manufacturer has yet been able to create a composition that would have the full range of necessary properties. However, the mother is unable to insure her child against the appearance of various problems with health. Lactose intolerance in infants is an unpleasant condition. Parents should know its causes and symptoms, as well as possible ways solving the problem.

What is lactose intolerance?

Women's milk contains a special component - lactose. This is essentially sugar that a child needs to get energy. He is directly involved in the process of formation of the nervous system.

Sugar from milk must be completely absorbed in gastrointestinal tract. Lactase is a special enzyme that is produced by the intestinal mucosa. If it is produced in insufficient quantities, then lactose cannot be fully absorbed. The intestines do not have the necessary environment of microorganisms. Lactose intolerance leads to excessive gas formation. The situation occurs against the background of abdominal pain and bowel movements. The symptoms worsen the baby’s condition, so he becomes capricious.

In infants, this manifestation is called lactase deficiency. Some babies are also allergic to this product. However, experts attribute the situation to malfunction immune system. In this case, characteristic reactions do not occur in the esophagus and stomach.

The disease is dangerous, because against its background there is no possibility of digestion mother's milk. The optimal solution is a special mixture. In newborns, this pathology causes not only severe pain in the stomach and intestines. Lactase causes malfunctions in some internal organs and systems. Against the background of its consumption, acidity increases sharply, so the intestinal walls can be damaged. The disease prevents the baby from getting everything essential vitamins and minerals from food. If treatment is not started in time, the child may lag behind in development due to lack of necessary nutrition.

Main reasons

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the driving mechanisms of intolerance:

  • The primary variant of the disease is diagnosed if the enterocytes in the baby’s body are normal. However, they cannot produce enough lactase.
  • The gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully formed. This process, as a rule, ends only by the fourth month. After this, the child will be able to absorb lactase in full.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the body are a consequence of gene disorders.
  • Functional impairment can also be of an “adult” nature. In this case, lactase will not be digested throughout life. With age, the situation can only get worse. It is important to identify in time this pathology and direct all efforts to eliminate it.
  • Lactase deficiency can also occur due to damage to the overall structure of enterocytes. The disease develops against the background of the spread of infection in the intestines and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Some children develop pathology due to allergic reaction on cow's milk or gluten. In this case, these products should be excluded from the diet completely.

In case of lactase deficiency, it is advisable to feed the child with a special mixture

Excess milk sugar- This is a situation in infants, which in all its symptoms is similar to lactose intolerance. In this case, the process of enzyme production occurs normally. However, the body receives an excess of lactose. Against this background, unpleasant symptoms arise. The situation is quite often observed if the baby feeds only on the mother's foremilk. It contains an excessive amount of sugar.


Symptoms of lactose intolerance in infants become more pronounced as they get older. At the same time, immediately after the baby is born, there are practically none. Only after a certain period do parents begin to notice:

  • Excessive gas formation, which leads to constant pain in the baby's tummy.
  • Mothers periodically begin to notice rumbling in the tummy and its excessive tension.
  • Disturbances in the formation of stool. You can see foam and bad smell. The presence of pathology is also indicated by yellow. Only at the next stage of development of the disease does it become green with an admixture of mucus.
  • The process of defecation occurs too often or, conversely, the baby becomes constipated.
  • After eating, the process of regurgitation occurs more often than usual.
  • Additionally, the baby has bad set weight. The situation most often occurs in children who are bottle-fed.

If a child cannot digest lactose, this most often does not negatively affect appetite. They begin to eat actively, but after a couple of minutes they refuse to breastfeed. You can also observe periodic crying, spontaneous movements of the legs and arching in the back.

At excessive consumption milk sugar, the child behaves in a similar way. Among the main differences, good weight gain should be noted.

Features of diagnostics

It is important to recognize lactase intolerance in time. To do this, it is necessary to carry out the following activities:

  • From the mucous membrane small intestine it is necessary to take material for research. The procedure is called a biopsy. It requires the administration of anesthesia, so it is performed extremely rarely in young children.
  • For correct diagnosis You will need to create a lactose curve and a hydrogen test. This will require an oral dose of lactose. After completing this procedure, you will need to donate blood for analysis. Based on the results, a curve will be drawn up. The method may also involve the study of inhaled air. Unfortunately, the procedure can only cause discomfort in a baby. Additionally, it should be noted that today there are no indicators that would allow one to correctly analyze the amount of hydrogen.
  • The analysis must be carried out with feces. At the same time, the hydrogen content in them is assessed. Unfortunately, research in this area is no different high degree correctness. Today there are no uniform norms and rules that could be applied to all infants. Such an analysis does not make it possible to study carbohydrates according to all the necessary indicators.
  • The coprogram is used to identify increased acidity or excessive amounts of fatty acids. Lactose intolerance is diagnosed if the level is several times higher than normal.

To make a diagnosis you will need to donate blood

The diagnosis is most often made based on the entire complex of symptoms. Signs can only be assessed correctly by doctors. Parents should not self-medicate, because it can only lead to aggravation of the situation. When diagnosing deficiency, it is advisable to transfer the baby to a special version of the formula that does not contain components harmful to the body.

Features of treatment

Allergies to lactose and lactose intolerance are incredibly dangerous for the baby’s body. To prevent the situation from worsening, the following measures must be taken:

  • Breastfeeding should be arranged in such a way that the baby has the opportunity to reach not only the foremilk, but also the hindmilk. To do this, you should express a little of the lactation product before the process itself. During one meal, the baby should completely empty one breast. Nipple capture is also important. Thanks to this, milk sucking becomes more active. Mommy should not take the breast until the baby decides to let her go.
  • A woman should be careful about her own diet. Animal milk is completely excluded from it, because it is due to this that the disease is provoked. If the situation does not improve, then you will additionally need to exclude other milk products. Allergies quite often occur due to sweets and chocolate. A negative situation can be observed against the background regular use red fish and caviar.

As a rule, by constantly following these points, a woman saves her child from discomfort. Otherwise you will have to contact drug method treatment.

It involves the use of the following drugs:

  • The child will need to be given the artificial lactase enzyme regularly. The component is mixed with breast milk. It is important to perform this procedure every time you feed. Only a doctor can choose the correct dosage. Self-medication in this matter is not considered acceptable.
  • Some babies will need to switch to a diet that is completely or partially lactose-free. This option is used only as a last resort.

If the deficiency is secondary, then it is advisable to direct your efforts to eliminate the underlying disease. The situation may develop against the background of allergies, dysbiosis or other pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract.

The full course of treatment should be continued for several months. As a rule, after this the baby’s process of digesting milk sugar returns to normal. If the defect is genetic, then the child will have to adhere to a lactose-free menu all his life.

Today, lactose intolerance in children occurs quite often. However, the primary variant of the disease is rarely recorded. Most often, the situation becomes a consequence of an improperly adjusted lactation process. That is why doctors do not recommend immediately switching the baby to a lactose-free menu. At the first stage of the fight against the disease, it is advisable to try other methods. Otherwise, the baby increases the risk of developing serious problems with health.

It's no secret that the main indicator of human health is normal tests, which must have a certain appearance, smell and condition. First of all we're talking about about feces and urine. Of course, if, for example, the consistency of a child’s feces is disturbed, this is already a reason for the mother to sound the alarm. The same reaction will follow if the baby has undigested food in his stool. Naturally, this disease is typical not only for children, but also for adults, so it requires the most detailed consideration. So, let's try to figure out why undigested food appears in the stool, and how this problem can be eliminated.

What to remember

If we talk about an adult, then feces should have a uniform consistency and color, without any inclusions, including lumps, particles of blood, mucus, and especially food.

When visiting the toilet, it would be a good idea to check from time to time appearance bowel movements. If undigested food is found in the stool (pieces of peel, seeds, vegetables, nuts), then there is no reason to worry - this is the norm. If the food particles in the feces have a larger structure and are clearly visible to the naked eye, then you should take action and go straight to a specialist. Rest assured, he will be able to explain why undigested food appeared in the stool and prescribe you the correct treatment.

Naturally, you should not hope for chance or try to help yourself on your own. Don't forget that you can only make the situation worse. Be aware that undigested food in the stool in some cases indicates the presence of serious disorders, and your task is to respond to them in a timely manner.

Causes of pathology in children

IN in good condition In a child, particles of rough food may sometimes be present in the structure of feces: vegetable peels, pieces of fruit, nuts. It is possible that the reason for this circumstance is the use of low-quality products.

Let us repeat, if the child does not experience discomfort or pain during bowel movements, and seeds and pieces of fruit are visible in his feces, this is not a problem. It’s another matter when the baby, in addition to the fact that there is undigested food in the feces, blood and mucus are visible to the naked eye. You should also immediately go to the doctor if you are talking about pain.

The whole point is that eating a lot of food plant origin leads to the appearance of small accumulations of indigestible fiber. The body lacks an enzyme that would effectively cope with its breakdown. This is why undigested food appears in the child’s stool. In this case, there is no need to consult a doctor, just reduce your fiber intake.


However, we should not forget about another reason explaining why there is undigested food in a child’s stool. We are talking about such childhood pathology as

With this disorder, the body not only breaks down food poorly - the baby experiences a deterioration in appetite, bloating, and a mixture of mucus. Why does the above pathology occur? Firstly, this happens when the mother does not adhere to the diet and overfeeds the child. Secondly, the baby may be teething. Thirdly, the diet may not correspond age characteristics child. Fourthly, the cause of the disorder sometimes lies in the intake medicines, weakening secretory functions digestive tract. Remember that pancreatic and intestinal juices in the first months of life in a toddler they are produced in a limited volume, which is only sufficient to break down food to a mushy consistency. The older the baby gets, the stronger his digestive potential.


However, these are not all the reasons for undigested food in a child’s stool. You should also remember about banal dysbacteriosis.

The baby has a completely sterile intestine, but from the first hours of life the process of colonization of microflora into the body begins. In case of shortage beneficial bacteria Intestinal function suffers, and the feces become liquid, lumps of food remain in them (reminiscent of grains of rice), and a specific smell appears.

How to normalize digestive functions in a child

If an adult is sick

As already noted, in human body There is no special enzyme that could completely break down fiber. Naturally, in 99% of cases it exits through the intestines in its original form.

It should be noted that prostate dysfunction may also explain why undigested food is found in the stool of an adult. In the latter case, you must urgently seek help from a specialist who will write the necessary prescription. medications. Why else can adults have particles of undigested food in their stool? Firstly, this may be facilitated by too much low acidity gastric juice. Well, secondly, the presence of certain ailments in the human body can also provoke the problem of poor-quality breakdown of food. In particular, we are talking about diarrhea, bloating, general malaise, painful sensations in the intestinal and stomach areas. Again, if the above symptoms occur, you should not self-medicate: you should immediately consult a doctor.

Only a specialist can deliver accurate diagnosis after all necessary tests have been carried out.

Of course, everyone has encountered a situation where the tests left much to be desired, for example, the excrement appeared to have a different color, consistency or smell. Naturally this serious reason to start worrying about own health. However, don't despair. You cannot know in advance whether you are sick or not - only a doctor will determine this.

Treatment of the digestive system in adults

In order for the solution to the problem under consideration to be as effective as possible, you should follow some recommendations. In particular, it is necessary to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages. Doctors usually resort to drug treatment in the form of funds replacement therapy("Creon"). Artificial enzymes help compensate for the deficiency of components responsible for the normal absorption and breakdown of nutrients.


If the function of food digestion is upset due to banal gastritis, then one of the main methods of treatment is the prescription of drugs that activate the production of hydrochloric acid("Pentagastrin").

In parallel with this, the patient takes the same replacement therapy (Pepsidil). In addition, the doctor prescribes medications to the patient that neutralize etiological factor("Omeprozole").


Diarrhea can also cause undigested food to appear in the stool. The situation is aggravated by such common digestive disorders as colitis and gastroenteritis. In the latter case, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antidiarrheal and rehydration drugs are used. Only a specialist can prescribe for you necessary medications, therefore should not be considered last point as a kind of guide to action.