Plant-based diet: menu with plant fiber and recipes for weight loss. How to switch to a plant-based diet

On the Internet you can find hundreds of methods that guarantee the rapid loss of tens of kilograms. It is not surprising that such programs are ruining our health. Best used for weight loss safe methods, for example, a plant-based diet.

Based on the name of the food system, it is easy to guess that it consists of products plant origin. main feature The point is that everything should be fresh, that is, not subject to prolonged heat treatment. Plant based diet- This is a popular way to lose a few extra pounds, but at the same time improve your body and saturate it with vitamins.

While following this system, you need to refrain from eating “artificial food”. The menu should contain only fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, roots, and so on. The result will be more noticeable if you avoid cooking and frying foods using fats. If the stomach does not accept unprocessed food, then the ingredient can be stewed or boiled.

Benefits of this way of eating:

  • the body is cleansed of toxins, beneficial fiber removes harmful toxins and excess water, normalizes digestion;
  • a large number of vitamins improves immunity;
  • general tone increases;
  • there is no feeling of hunger, but at the same time enough low-calorie food is supplied;
  • such food does not require large expenses, all products are available in any store;
  • the system is designed for a short period of time;
  • There is an opportunity to lose up to 10 extra pounds.

The program lasts a week or 10 days. Quantity weight lost depends on the duration, initial body weight and characteristics of the body. To lose weight without harm, you should not completely give up meat and fish, it is better to leave low-fat varieties: beef, turkey, chicken. Such measures are necessary, because plants contain little protein. One of the main conditions is also to drink a large volume of clean water, preferably more than 1.5 liters per day. IN plant foods There is a lot of fiber, which dissolves under the influence of water, so if it is deficient, constipation often occurs.

It is necessary to think over the menu in advance so that while abstaining from sweets, flour, fatty and other unhealthy foods, you do not look at delicious recipes. The diet is compiled based on the composition of the food: protein-vegetable, dairy-vegetable.

Here sample menu on a week standard diet which helps eliminate toxins and excess water:

  • breakfast: 100 g of yogurt without additives, one fruit or a handful of berries, Herb tea;
  • snack: a small handful of nuts, unroasted seeds or one fruit;
  • lunch: soup, stew or salad, topped with a tablespoon olive oil, a piece of boiled fish or meat;
  • afternoon snack: herbal tea, unsweetened fruit;
  • dinner: salad of green vegetables, dressed lemon juice or olive oil, a piece of boiled chicken breast.

It is very useful to drink while losing weight herbal teas: mint, linden, chamomile, ginger, with thyme, lemon balm, echinacea, calendula and others. They have a positive effect on restoring health. If you plan only to cleanse the body, and not lose a large amount excess weight, then such a course should be carried out once every 3-4 months lasting only 4 days. In just a few courses you can lose up to 5 kg, improve metabolism, the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and normalize work digestive tract, liver, kidneys, pancreas.

Milk-vegetable diet

This type of diet is considered quite strict, so it is designed for only 6 days. This option cannot be used by people who suffer from lactose intolerance. During this period, it is necessary to exclude from food all sweets, canned, smoked, flour, as well as salt and alcoholic drinks. You should drink at least two liters of pure water without gas per day. A dairy-vegetable diet allows you to lose up to 5 kg.

Approximate menu at week:

  • breakfast: fresh vegetable salad (can be fruit), seasoned with low-fat sour cream or yogurt, unsweetened green tea;
  • snack: 300 ml of natural yogurt without sweeteners, a handful of berries;
  • lunch: salad dressed with a tablespoon of olive oil or lemon, a glass of skim milk;
  • afternoon snack: half a grapefruit, a glass of skim milk;
  • dinner: fruit salad of apples, kiwi, maybe a little banana;
  • late dinner: a glass of liquid yogurt or low-fat kefir.

To ensure that you don’t have any thoughts of relapse during the period of weight loss, you should ensure a good variety of ingredients. If the restriction in the diet is too difficult to bear, then in the morning you can eat a few spoons oatmeal on water without sweeteners.

This method of losing weight allows you to get rid of most of the fat deposits, because the method is very similar to “drying”. The duration is short - 10 days, but during this period you can safely say goodbye to 5-6 kilograms. A plant-protein diet requires discipline and strict adherence to a given schedule. Eating food should correspond to the built system: in certain days you need to consume only the specified products.

Plant-protein diet menu:

Day no.1, 2, 7: the menu should consist exclusively of kefir. The total volume per day is 1.5 liters.

Day no.3, 6, 8 : eating protein foods - low-fat dairy products, boiled or steamed meat, fish, meat broths, eggs.

Day no.4, 5, 9, 10: vegetarian products - fresh vegetables, fruits, steamed food, smoothies, freshly squeezed juices, salads with lemon juice dressing are allowed.

The first days it is difficult to adhere to such a scheme, but already on the third day Day the body will adapt, and a feeling of lightness and satiety will appear. Do not forget about drinking herbal teas, and it is better to refrain from coffee.

It is not recommended to follow any diets during pregnancy, but sometimes it is simply necessary. For pregnant women, the regimen should be prescribed by a nutritionist so as not to harm the unborn child and the mother herself, because the immune system during this period is already weakened.

Pregnant women exclude from the diet all sweets, flour, fried, smoked, salty, as well as grapes, melon, bananas, and sweet varieties of apples. Portions should be small, with high content protein and fiber to provide your basic calorie intake. While losing weight, the expectant mother should be under the supervision of doctors. The course of the program is 8 days.

Sample menu:

Day No. 1, 2: low-fat steamed fish and meats, pure water, green tea.

Day No. 3, 4: stewed, boiled and fresh vegetables, unsweetened fruits.

Day No. 5, 6: days number one and two are repeated.

Day No. 7,8: days three and four are repeated.

A whole plant-based diet is a vegetarian's dream!

This diet plan is based on foods with minimal heat treatment. In this case, any sources of animal protein must be excluded: milk, cheese, eggs, meat, fish, yogurt, seafood, etc. With a whole plant-based diet, a complete abstinence from sugar, salt and fat will be required for the entire period.

Recipes from whole foods include:

  • various salads with citrus dressing;
  • fresh fruit and vegetable juices;
  • steam cutlets;
  • stew of stewed vegetables;
  • vegetable soups and much more.

Lindsay Nixon's Plant-Based Diet Option

Another weight loss option was suggested by Lindsay Nixon. The plant-based diet based on her book caused a lot of excitement. Her recipes use only low-fat foods. There are a lot of recipes on the Internet using low-calorie foods, and most importantly, all the ingredients are available for almost pennies. Lindsay Nixon wrote a whole book about this weight loss system, including recipes and a plan.

An important point in completing a diet is the correct way out of it. After completing the course you must adhere to proper nutrition so that the weight lost with such efforts does not return. In the first days, you should not sharply increase the caloric content of your diet; this should be done gradually, over several weeks.

October 1 is World Vegetarian Day. To eat or not to eat meat - that is the question. Of course, this is a personal choice for each person. However, in last years More and more often we hear about vegetarians and vegans, scientists who have proven the harm from animal products, and studies of centenarians who unanimously say - surprise! - that they rarely eat meat (or not at all), but greens, fresh vegetables and fruits are frequent guests on their table.

Thomas Campbell, a physician and co-author of the bestselling book The China Study, which has sold more than 1 million copies, offers a simple plan for switching to a plant-based diet—without the tragedy or discomfort—and shares delicious recipes in his new book, The China Study in Practice.

Just two weeks

Many are serious and even fatal diseases associated with lifestyle and diet. Yes, every person and every situation is different, but almost everyone benefits from a healthy diet. You don't have to give up animal products forever. First, try a two-week experiment. There is no need to make oaths not to eat beef for the rest of your life - just try going without meat for two weeks. That's all. So simple!

Thomas Campbell has put together a two-week starter plan and included menus to get you sampling the dishes and perusing the cookbooks, but a whole plant-based diet isn't a shortcut to losing weight and fitting into a swimsuit by summer (although it's good for that, too). This is a complete transition to a new, healthy lifestyle, and the schedule for achieving the goal is determined by you yourself.

Never forget that you control your life. Success is in your hands, and it is easier, tastier, cheaper and more convenient than it might seem.

Optimize your environment

The maximum task is to reduce to zero the obstacles to changing your lifestyle. That is, it is necessary to remove the obstacles (environmental, mental, physical) that prevent the transition to new mode nutrition. We are greatly influenced by the unnoticed. external factors. According to Dr. Brian Wansink, one of the leading American researchers on the effects of the environment on nutrition and food psychology, we make over 200 food decisions a day, 90% of which we don't even realize. And therefore something needs to be done about this. The first step is to deal with temptations in the kitchen.

When you decide to do this in preparation for a diet experiment, remove all junk food from the list below. How to achieve this? Take a day off to give your kitchen a makeover. First, eat well so that you are not tempted by hunger in the process. Go through the cabinets, refrigerator, freezer and take out all the bad food from there. DON'T BE UPset! Empty space will be filled with convenient, healthy and tasty things.

Products to exclude

Liquid oils of all types
Salad dressings with the word "oil" anywhere in the ingredient list
"All-purpose" and "unbleached" flour
Refined flour pasta
Bread made from refined flour
Prepared foods with sugar (candies, cookies, cakes, frozen desserts)
Energy bars
Cereal flakes for breakfast
White rice
Artificial sweeteners
Cake and Cookie Mixes
Hot chocolate and sweetened drinks
Coffee creamer
Cheeses of all types
Yogurts (Yes, even Greek!)
Sour cream
Meat (beef, pork, chicken, turkey and everything else)
Many frozen meals (all containing meat, cheese and butter)
Many mixed sauces, tomato sauces (all containing more than 10% calories from fat)

Some people don't like to throw away food because they spent money on it. This is fine. If you want to eat everything slowly harmful products- please, but do not replenish supplies.

Go to the doctor

When preparing to change your diet, I recommend talking to your doctor, especially if you are taking medications that could be affected by your diet. You should definitely consult a specialist if you have diabetes and are taking insulin or pills that can sharply lower your blood sugar levels. This also applies to blood pressure medications after weight loss: you may have to reduce or completely stop taking them.

Other drugs that are affected by diet are anticoagulants. If you are taking them and decide to change your diet dramatically, measure your blood pressure more often for a while. Sometimes it is necessary to reduce or eliminate medications for heartburn (gastroesophageal reflux disease), high level cholesterol, gout, arthritis, pain and even autoimmune conditions, but all changes should be discussed with your doctor.

Once the body has recovered from illnesses thanks to a plant-based diet, pathological processes may slow down sharply, and then adjustments to drug therapy will be necessary.

Record what you eat

By tracking results, actions tend to become more effective. When you know what you are eating, all the omissions are visible and you try to avoid them. If you are interested in losing weight, it is worth at least some time to record the foods you consume. It doesn't have to take a lot of effort, but the more aware you are of what you eat, the more pounds you can lose.

There are many smartphone apps that allow you to enter recipes and foods and even scan barcodes and have your calorie intake calculated automatically. Keeping a food diary, especially using a trendy app that can count your intake nutrients, can be useful not only for those who have decided to lose weight, but also for people who are interested in how much nutrients they are getting.

This method of control can make you feel more confident that you are doing a great job for yourself.

Health Recipes

Try cooking a new dish one weekend: if you like the taste, you will have a proven recipe in your piggy bank that you can delight your family and friends with.

Banana bread

To skip the butter altogether, you can bake this moist, flavorful wholemeal bread. wheat flour in a silicone baking dish.

Cooking time for one loaf: 1 hour 10 minutes

1 1/4 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup barley or spelled flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
3 small ripe bananas or 2 large ones
1 can baby plum puree or 1/2 cup applesauce
1/3 cup maple syrup, honey or sugar
1 egg replacer (1 tablespoon ground flaxseed mixed with 1 tablespoon water or 1 1/2 tablespoons egg replacer mixed with 1 tablespoon water)
1/2 cup raisins
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup oatmeal, almonds, or low-fat soy milk
1 tbsp. lemon juice

1. Preheat oven to 175°C.
2. In a large bowl, combine flour, baking powder, baking soda and cinnamon.
3. In a medium bowl, puree the bananas. Combine remaining ingredients with bananas.
4. Add the liquid mixture to the flour mixture and mix gently. Pour the resulting dough into a 25x15 centimeter baking pan and bake for 70 minutes or check for doneness with a toothpick (if no dough remains on it when pierced, the bread is ready).

Simple pasta salad

Bring this salad with you when you visit so you have something whole to enjoy. This dish is hearty, recognizable and tasty, and no one will notice that there is no butter in it. Besides, children love it. When buying low-fat dressing at the store, make sure it contains little sugar.

Cooking time for four servings: 20 minutes.

450 grams 100% whole wheat or rice pasta
2 large tomatoes - cut into cubes
1 red or green bell pepper, seeded and diced
1/2 medium to large red onion - diced
1 broccoli - cut into florets and lightly steamed
425 grams canned beans - drained and rinsed
425g canned chickpeas - drained and rinsed
1/4–1/2 cup chopped or whole olives (optional)
1 cup low-fat salad dressing
Salt and black pepper to taste

1. Boil the pasta according to the instructions on the package, drain and rinse cold water and place in a large bowl. Add tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, steamed broccoli, kidney beans, chickpeas and olives (if using). Mix.
2. Drizzle salad dressing a little at a time over pasta and vegetable mixture. Mix. Continue adding the dressing and stirring until the salad is well coated. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Eat at room temperature.

Strawberry vinaigrette

Sweet and sour dressing with a slight hint of pepper is perfect for any salad.

Preparation time for one glass: 10 minutes.

1 cup sliced ​​strawberries (about 7 medium berries)
1/4 cup water
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon finely chopped white or yellow onion
1 large or 2 small dates, pitted and finely chopped
1 teaspoon chia seeds
1/8 teaspoon black pepper

Using a regular blender, grind all ingredients until smooth or other desired consistency.

And one more thing: whatever diet you choose, let it help you make your life better right now, bring new acquaintances, love, motivation, health.

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The debate about what is more natural and healthy for humans - meat or vegetables - began a long time ago and still will not subside. And every time more and more new facts and figures appear that confirm the rightness of one side or the other.

I think that we should listen to our body and eat what is in this moment he needs it, be it cabbage, meat, fish or dairy products. In addition, I personally believe that a daily steak or a strict fruitarianism and raw food diet will not lead to anything good, like any extremes. Who says what if you can't just cut your meat intake to a minimum and increase your plant-based diet? Those who feel sorry for the cow can give up meat, but continuing to eat dairy, fermented milk products and cheeses is not a crime. The accusation of weak willpower is all the machinations of fanatics, and you should not undermine your health by trying to swallow a spoonful of the next “soup”, which was prepared at a temperature of 40-45 degrees Celsius, proving to another fanatic that you are not a weakling. There are much nicer roads to . Not very short and simple, but still pleasant.

And now let's move on to the most important and interesting thing - the transition plan from standard food on, based mainly on plants, which was compiled for himself by Leo Babauta, author of the Zenhabits blog and already quite an impressive number of small books about minimalism, productivity and healthy way life.

Benefits of a Plant Based Diet

Losing excess weight. When people eat a lot of meat, processed foods, processed flours and refined sugars, they gain weight. When people eat mostly plant-based foods and minimize the consumption of these foods, they finally feel much better.

Prevention cardiovascular diseases. If you do not consume animal products or have reduced them to a minimum, it means that your body begins to receive less food, which settles on the walls blood vessels and thus cause cardiovascular diseases.

Prevention diabetes mellitus. If you give up refined sweets, then you reduce your chances of developing type 2 diabetes to almost zero. And this will be better not only for our pancreas, but also for our waist, since this sugar is included in cakes, pastries, lollipops and other sweets. It is better to replace all this with what nature gives us with such generosity - honey, sweet dried fruits (dates, figs, dried apricots, prunes, etc.).

Most centenarians adhere mainly to: Okinawa - a plant-based diet based on sweet potatoes, soy, lots of vegetables and a small amount of fish and very occasionally pork; Sardinia - a large amount of vegetables and legumes, cheese and meat only once a week.

Preservation of the environment. It sounds a little strange and unusual, but have you ever thought about how much waste the animal industry gives us? Cows, goats, lambs and other artiodactyls, birds and pigs eat a lot and, as a result, leave behind a large amount of waste, which is released into the air not only unpleasant odors(whoever has driven near a poultry farm at least once will understand what I’m talking about), but also the notorious CO2. According to the UN, in 2006 the share of greenhouse gas emissions into the Earth's atmosphere resulting from livestock farming was 18%, while the share of emissions from transport of all types combined was 13.5%. That is, what we eat literally kills us in an indirect way. Not to mention how many additional resources are spent on raising animals on a farm. “One hamburger” requires from 4,000 to 18,000 liters per day.

I won't talk about the feeling of compassion. There are religious movements that believe that even plants and stones have a soul. So we will all have to switch to a diet based solely on prana and solar energy. They say that there are such people. But I haven’t come across anything like this yet. And you?

Transition plan

If you eat every day, immediately switching to a plant-based diet will be difficult and fraught with health risks. Therefore, you need to do this gradually and it is advisable to consult a doctor before doing this, especially if you have health problems. That is, you definitely need to switch to a normal diet, but carefully!

Step #1. Reduce meat consumption. If you're a heavy meat eater but feel it would be better for your health if you at least cut down on your meat intake, start doing it gradually. If you are used to eating meat every day, introduce one fast day a week. Once you get used to this, you can gradually either reduce your meat consumption to a minimum (leave one meat day per week or even month) or give it up completely. Start by avoiding red meat, then move on to poultry, then fish and seafood. And in parallel with giving up meat, try new plant-based products by experimenting with different products.

Step #2. Refusal. This step is not mandatory, but not particularly difficult either. Just try it.

Step #3. Reduce your intake of dairy products. Leo suggests trying to gradually give up dairy products, but if you can't imagine giving up cottage cheese or cottage cheese completely, you can keep these products in your diet, just reducing the amount.

Step #4. Switch to whole, unprocessed foods. This is much more difficult to do than it seems at first glance. If only because the shelves of our stores are littered with processed foods and semi-finished products, while the choice of whole grain bread is quite limited. Instead of salted peanuts or pistachios, try raw almonds. Walnut or cashews. More vegetables and greens, less flour, sweet and salty snacks.

How can we replace the products we are used to without harming the body? There are quite a large number of options.


Legumes and other proteins. It's not just beans, peas, black and red beans, different kinds lentils and peas (I love chickpeas - they have a nutty taste!), but also soy tofu, soy and almond milk, soy yogurt and much more. The main thing is that they are made from non-genetically modified soybeans.

Nuts and seeds. It seems to me that now you can buy almost any nuts in stores and markets. The situation with seeds is a little more complicated, but sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds can brighten up a surprising number of dishes. I think you can add sprouted wheat and soybeans here.

Good fats. our body needs. It’s just that vegetable fats are absorbed better and without consequences by our body. Vegetable oils, avocados, nuts and seeds are all sources of good fats.

Greenery. This is one of the most important components plant-based diet, especially greens with a dark green color - it contains great amount vitamins, calcium and iron. These are spinach, kale, broccoli and White cabbage. Another plus is almost zero calories and a lot of fiber!

Healthy starch. It is found in sweet potatoes, red potatoes, sprouted wheat, pumpkin and brown rice.

Berries. Any berries in any form are always incredibly tasty and healthy! Just don’t forget about them, and if you have the opportunity to freeze them, don’t miss the chance! So great in the winter with soy milk and frozen blueberries or adding a couple of raspberries to your oatmeal.

Beverages. Despite an almost entirely plant-based diet, Leo does not completely give up and. In the morning - coffee without sugar, in the afternoon - green tea, and in the evening with dinner a little red wine for a pleasant end to the evening.

As I said, you shouldn’t completely give up pleasant little things. If you like coffee, try drinking it without sugar and in smaller quantities. At first it may be a little unusual and I immediately warn you that you will have to switch to very high-quality and not very cheap coffee, since sugar and milk can easily mask the taste of a not very high-quality drink. But if you drink it without sugar, and one flaw will not hide from your taste buds. Do you know how there is a type of coffee that makes you cringe even after one sip? Better more expensive, tastier and less frequent than often and tasteless!

Experiment, look for new ones interesting recipes, play sports, read good books, travel and enjoy life. Because living is great O rovo, but healthy O living is even better ;)

Despite a lot of information and different opinions, few people really know what to do to improve their health. The largest study into the relationship between nutrition and health shows that animal protein, affecting the metabolic processes of our body, is a powerful carcinogen. And eating whole plant foods is best for our kidneys, bones, eyes and brain.

Below are the key findings of Colin Campbell, author of the bestselling book The China Study.

1. Keep your cholesterol under control

Blood cholesterol levels increase with increasing consumption of meat, milk, eggs, fish, fats and animal proteins.

Blood cholesterol levels decrease by increasing the consumption of food and nutrients of plant origin, including plant proteins, dietary fiber, cellulose, hemicellulose, soluble carbohydrates, vitamin B of plant origin (carotene, B2, B3), legumes, vegetables light color, fruits, carrots, potatoes and some grains.

2. Eat fiber

Although fiber is not digested by the body, it is important for health. It helps move water in the body into the intestines to help food move through it. In addition, the use sufficient quantity fiber leads to a decrease in blood cholesterol levels.

Undigested fiber, like sticky tape, also collects and removes harmful chemical substances, which enter the intestines and can be carcinogenic. If we don't eat enough fiber, we are at risk for constipation-related diseases. These diseases include colon cancer, diverticulosis, hemorrhoids and varicose veins veins

Dietary fiber is found exclusively in plant foods. Fiber-rich foods include legumes, leafy vegetables, and whole grains such as wheat and corn.

3. Eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates

Unfortunately, most people consume extremely high amounts of simple, refined carbohydrates and very few complex carbohydrates.

There is a huge amount of scientific evidence that the most healthy eating - rich in carbohydrates. There is evidence that it helps treat cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and prevents many chronic diseases, and there are many examples of it helping to significantly reduce weight. But it's not that simple.

At least 99% of the carbohydrates we consume come from fruits, vegetables and grain products. When this food is consumed in unprocessed, unrefined and natural form, a significant proportion of carbohydrates are in the so-called complex form.

At the opposite end of the spectrum are highly processed and refined carbohydrates that have been stripped of their fiber, vitamins and minerals. Typical simple carbohydrates found in foods such as White bread; processed snacks - crackers and chips made from premium flour; sweets, including baked goods and chocolate bars; soft drinks with increased content Sahara. These highly refined carbohydrates are obtained from grain products or sugar-containing plants, such as cane or beets. They are easily broken down during digestion into simple carbohydrates, which are absorbed by the body and supply the blood with sugar, or glucose.

Eat an apple, zucchini, or a bowl of brown rice with beans or other vegetables.

4. “You can’t delay digestion” or eat less fat and animal proteins

The truth is: despite any restrictions on calorie intake for a short time, our body, through various mechanisms eventually decide for yourself how many calories learn and what to do with them.

When we treat it well by eating the right food, he knows how to ensure that those calories go toward more desirable functions such as body warming, metabolism, maintenance, and growth rather than toward body fat. physical activity or simply getting rid of any excess. The body uses numerous complex mechanisms to decide how to use - store or burn - calories.

When powered with high Calories that contain proteins and fats, instead of being used to keep the body warm, begin to be stored as body fat (unless significant calorie restriction causes weight loss). And vice versa, when eating with low Containing proteins and fats, calories are used to heat the body. Postponement more calories as fat and less heat loss means more effective work body. You'd rather your body work a little less efficiently and turn calories into heat rather than fat, wouldn't you?

Well, for this it is enough to eat less fat and animal proteins.

Remember: it takes very little, just 50 kcal per day, to change the process of storing body fat in our body and, therefore, our weight.

5. Try a plant-based diet

Results " Chinese study" indicate that the lower the proportion of animal foods in the diet, the greater the health benefits - even when this proportion is reduced from 10 to 0% of calories.

A plant-based diet achieves the optimal calorie balance for weight control for two reasons. First, the calories are used to heat the body rather than stored as body fat, and it doesn't take a lot of calories to maintain this effect over the course of a year. Second, a plant-based diet encourages more physical activity. And since body weight decreases, the loads are easier. The combined effect of diet and exercise leads to weight loss and improved general condition health.

Whole foods containing complex carbohydrates, such as unprocessed fruits and vegetables, and whole grains, such as brown rice and oatmeal, are very helpful. Unrefined carbohydrates, especially from fruits and vegetables, have exceptional beneficial effect to your health.

Foods such as refined pasta, sugary cereals, white bread, candy and high-sugar soft drinks should be avoided if possible.

Eating whole, plant-based foods is best for our kidneys, bones, eyes and brain.

Diversify your menu with dishes made from whole, unrefined plant products.

Give yourself a month to change your daily diet. A month is not enough for all long-term beneficial effects proper nutrition, but enough for you to be convinced of the following:

1. Plant-based eating includes many wonderful foods that you would never otherwise try. You may not be able to eat everything you want (the urge to eat meat can last longer than a month), but you will have plenty of great, delicious food.

2. Some people quickly get used to this diet and begin to like it. Many take several months to completely rebuild. But almost everyone understands that it is easier than it seemed.

3. You will feel better. Even after just a month, most begin to feel more energetic and usually lose some of the excess weight. Try to get a blood test before you start the diet and a month later. You will likely notice significant improvement even in such a short period of time.

4. The most important thing: you will understand that it is possible. It's likely you'll like it, maybe you won't, but... at least In a month it will become clear: you can do this if you want. All the health benefits described in this book can be obtained not only by Tibetan monks and fanatical Spartans, but also by you.

Proper nutrition not only prevents disease, but also promotes physical and mental health and well-being. Make your choice.

Good health to you!

Healthy recipes from the best chefs and specialists are in the book “

The most competent and optimal diet is whole, filled with nutrients (minerals, vitamins, vegetable proteins and fiber), with a minimum of meat, very similar to a macrobiotic diet. Why? Yes, because it is extremely useful for our hormonal system, which means it promotes beauty, youth and radiance!

And Dr. Thomas Campbell wrote very precisely about its principles:

“The diet, which, in my opinion, is close to optimal: a whole plant-based diet consisting of the richest sources of nutrients. It has been shown to reverse heart disease and diabetes, promote weight management, and have other benefits. It's based on whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes, and it looks something like this.

Sometimes you can eat fish, seafood or some lean meat to add flavor to plant foods. There are also some processed plant foods for convenience: plain tofu, milk substitutes such as almond milk, and sometimes sweeteners (maple syrup, sugar, fruit juice, etc.). Thanks to this, such a diet is within the power of everyone.

Don't count calories, stop being afraid of carbohydrates and don't fall into stone Age. Just eat healthy foods, be able to love every piece, and health will come. This will become a habit for life.

Recycled plant fragments are poor in every way. They provide mostly “empty” energy without essential proteins, minerals and vitamins necessary for good health.

The whole plant group stands out above the others and represents the only complete package of beneficial nutrients - fiber, protein, minerals and vitamins, including antioxidants.

Whole plants contain the most carbohydrates. They are a vital source of energy and when obtained from nutrient-rich, fiber-rich plants, your health will be excellent.

Whole grains, legumes and tubers are essential to the diets of some of the healthiest, longest-living populations around the world.

So if you're eating a whole plant-based diet and making sure you're getting the right nutrients, it's not you who's going to be nutrient deficient, it's the traditional diet eaters."


When I am “in the absence of:) unhealthy fats, canned food,” etc. switched to healing nutrition, i.e. eating whole foods with a minimum of sugars, but with a full package of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, fiber and vegetable protein), beneficial for my health, beauty and radiance (read, ), I didn’t immediately figure out how to distinguish whole grains from refined ones, especially in Moscow, where nothing is clear at all. And I thought that such a reminder might be useful to you :).

Product: WHEAT

One-piece: Whole wheat, whole durum, bulgur, whole white wheat.

Refined: Semolina, durum wheat, wheat, white wheat, enriched wheat.

Product: RYE

One-piece: Whole rye, rye grains.

Refined: Rye, rye flour.

Product: OATS

Solid: Almost all types of oats and oatmeal; oats are often steamed, flattened and processed to speed up cooking (the resulting product instant cooking), but it will be whole whether it's traditional, flaked, or instant.

Product: RICE

One-piece: Brown rice, most other colored varieties (black, red, purple), wild rice.

Refined: White rice.

Product: CORN

One-piece: Whole corn meal, whole corn grits, popcorn, coarse cornmeal, cracked corn (the last two are processed, but mostly whole).

Refined: Corn meal, white and yellow corn meal, germless corn meal.

Product: BARLEY

One-piece: Hulled barley, whole barley.

Refined: Pearl barley.

Product: AMARANTH: any

Product: Millet: any

Product: QUINOA: any

Product: SPELLED (spelt)

One-piece: Whole spelt.

Refined: Spelled flour, spelt.

Product: BUCKWHEAT (not grain): any

Something like that:)!

Radiance, Beauty and great mood!