How many times a day should you eat? Proper nutrition. Breakfast lunch dinner

Hello my dear readers! I wrote this article under the influence of one interesting video. In it, a nutritionist tells you how best to eat and how often. So, where is the truth - there are small portions 5-6 times a day. Or eat only 3 times (breakfast, lunch, dinner), but in a big way 🙂 Let's figure out together how often you need to eat.

Nutritionists say that there is no single answer to this question. For most people, the optimal ratio of nutrition is of course 5-6 meals a day. This approach implies:

  • 2-3 full meals (I mean the first, second and even a small dessert for lunch)
  • 2-3 snacks (it can be a salad, a handful of nuts, sour milk).

But there are 20-30% of people for whom this amount of food is not suitable. These are people who are prone to overeating and food addiction.

Some are unable to force themselves to eat a limited and distributed amount of food per day. For them, every meal is a torment and a struggle with oneself. Perhaps you are familiar with such thoughts - I know that I need to eat less in order to lose weight (so that the sore does not pop up again). But I can't stop. I'll take a small piece. I promise to eat only him ... and then no, no».

But they can't stop. No wonder there is a harsh but fair term "food is like a drug." For such people, every meal is accompanied by an excruciating struggle to stop in time. It is for this category of people that it is useful to eat 3 times a day..

Which category do you belong to?

The ideal answer to this question can only be the person himself. It is necessary to carefully analyze your diet during the day and psycho-emotional state. And evaluate how they are related to food. If the mood largely depends on the number of meals. And sitting at the table it is impossible to resist eating more and more. That most likely food addiction makes itself known.

Food addiction - compulsive eating not to satisfy hunger, but to improve mood, leading to health problems

To understand which category you belong to, do an experiment for a week:

  1. measure your weight daily - it should become a habit;
  2. experiment - eat 3 times a day (naturally, the meal will be larger in volume and calorie content). And the other day try a 6-time diet.

And watch your condition. Then you will be able to answer for yourself which acceptable diet is right for you.

Yes, in modern world sometimes it is impossible to follow the rules of eating at the same time. Don't feel guilty about not eating right today. Better learn to be flexible. And with understanding applies to life situations.

« Yes, I've been busy today. Today I ate something tasty and healthy for my body 3 times. Tomorrow I have a less busy day and I can return to my normal mode nutrition". Relax yourself. If you start to blame yourself, then there will be more harm to the body.

What breaks to take between meals

For most people, fasting more than 3-4 hours is undeniably detrimental and leads to frustration. eating behavior. After that, you can easily break loose and mindlessly eat everything, increasing the daily calorie content at times.

Hungry pause - a break between meals - should not be longer than 6 hours

But, if you eat 3 times a day and this diet suits you, and the scale arrows show an adequate figure, then this is your diet. And then this hungry pause is of secondary importance. Because 3 meals a day, as I wrote above, is suitable for not a large number of people. For whom 5-6 meals a day is not suitable, because they eat as much as they can fit into each meal 🙂

If you have a fast carbohydrate snack, for example, a chocolate bar or some kind of dessert. Then fast carbohydrates in 20-30 minutes will lead to hunger. It's simple physiological mechanism. After eating fast carbohydrates, sugar enters the blood as quickly as possible. Accordingly, the pancreas is forced to release insulin in large quantities. It allows you to remove glucose from the blood and send it to the right places (muscles, liver, etc.).

But, on the other hand, the rapid release of insulin leads to the fact that glucose begins to leave the blood abruptly. And many people call the absence of glucose in the blood with one understandable and terrible word “zhor”. That is why if the snack will consist of only one chocolate bar, sweets, sweet dried fruits, which are 100% glucose, there is a big risk that you will exacerbate hunger. And literally in 20-30 minutes you will want to chew something else.

It won't lead to anything good. And, especially, if you are losing weight, then fast carbohydrates (sweets, etc.) should always be consumed after a full-fledged varied meal. Where there are vegetables, fruits, side dishes, meat or fish.

Serving Size

The daily calorie content of the average person is from 1500 to 3000 kcal. They need to be obtained through meat, cereals, vegetables and fruits. Portions can be voluminous, but low in calories.

Eating implies a well-known plate rule: 25% meat, 25% side dishes and 50% vegetables and fruits

There are many principles of nutrition - the rules of "palms" or no more than 200 grams at a time, and so on. Some people start following them. The main thing to remember is that any rule must meet the most important criterion: “ Observed for the rest of life and was as unrestrictive as possible". Therefore, do not seek to set yourself strict prohibitions and restrictions. You will not be able to observe all of them always and you will definitely “break loose”. Learn to feel and be flexible in your diet.

Is it bad to eat 1 meal a day?

Throughout human evolution, our digestive tract not adapted to a single meal. Yes, there are many examples in wildlife where such food is acceptable. But this is clearly not applicable to humans.

So remember single dose food during the day will bring you health problems. The mechanism in our body will work according to the principle “where it is thin, it breaks there”. Someone has it overweight, in others - indigestion, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and many others. It's guaranteed. Therefore, you need to eat regularly.

Remember, our body is given to us once. Refuel it regularly

It is often written on the Internet that in prehistoric times it was not possible to adhere to such a fractional food system. So they overwhelmed the mammoth, burst to the bone. And then they sat on the branches and waited for the next hunt. This is the famous obesity gene theory. Which says that people, starting from the primitive communal system, survived those who had a tendency to store energy. Because food was quite rare. And in fact, they slapped a mammoth once, it was necessary to eat it, put it in the sides. Because it is not known whether the next time you will be lucky to find a mammoth ... or they have already devoured everyone 🙂
But in recent times, there was another most authoritative theory that arose in the study of the life of Australian Aborigines. They still lead a primitive communal lifestyle. According to her, throughout the history of mankind, people who do not have the obesity gene have survived. And they do not have a tendency to store energy in the form of body fat. In prehistoric times, people with more weight moved worse and could not flee from predators. Simply put, they were the first to go.

There are many good and bad diets, inexperienced people can get confused in this variety. We know how many times a day you need to eat, how important the main and secondary meals are, how to properly plan your daily menu. We will gladly tell you about it.

Nutrition for health and weight loss

Expert opinion on diet

The process of losing weight should involve the increase of health, the natural cleansing of the body, as well as the maximum possible preservation muscle tissue. Many non-professional diets contradict these principles. For this reason, it is necessary to choose only proven and harmless approaches for the body. Before you adjust to the right nutrition system, you need to determine your goals and assess the condition of the body. Ideally, the diet should be selected in individually, after medical examination and with the help of a specialist. For healthy people who are engaged in bodybuilding or other fitness areas, they are going to bring their body weight back to normal, they want to become more beautiful, gain health and good health, improve the quality of life - we recommend 5 or 6 meals a day. This is the benchmark for a healthy diet.

Features of proper nutrition for weight loss

So, it is known that in the diet for health, building a beautiful muscle relief, minimal fat deposition and maintaining normal weight body must contain the necessary components:

  • foods rich in animal and vegetable protein;
  • sources of dietary fiber - that is, fiber;
  • as much variety of fruits as possible;
  • a wide range of raw and cooked vegetables;
  • food rich in complex or slow carbohydrates;
  • water.

If a person uses the right products, but not in time, the risk of excessive accumulation of fat increases and the effectiveness of the diet is canceled, weight loss does not occur. It can be seen that we often restrict our body in nutrition precisely at those moments when it is vital for it. Chaotic meals, arranged not according to the schedule, but with a strong feeling of hunger, increase the likelihood of dangerous overeating. Against the backdrop of a shortage nutrients inside the stomach, the hormone ghrelin is produced, which creates a command for the brain to alert a person to the need to eat food. In order not to bring yourself to the bestial feeling of hunger, not to create stress for the body and stop overeating, you need to protect yourself from malnutrition. In the field of nutrition, time frames are used, we will talk about them further.

How many times a day you need to eat: it is undesirable to eat 1-3 times a day in large portions, for health and weight loss it is better to give preference to healthy foods and switch to 6-7 meals a day in small portions, the so-called fractional nutrition

Cons of three meals a day

Energy and Nutrition

All organs and systems of our body are continuously fed by the energy produced in the body. The highest energy expenditures occur during moments of increased physical activity. This happens at work or when doing fitness. It is easy for any person to understand that our nutrition should be maximally adjusted to energy consumption. In this case, harmony will be achieved. Three meals a day without snacks is incompatible with health and weight loss.

Negative aspects of three meals a day

Eating three times a day, many people overeat, from this excess nutrients are transformed into fat. Long periods of fasting cause a predisposition to overeat to be fixed. The meal schedule for three meals a day may look like this: breakfast at 8 o'clock, lunch at 14 o'clock and dinner at 19 o'clock. Digestive system suffers from constant hunger, as a result, the overall energy reserve decreases and the recovery of the body slows down. The alternation of bouts of hunger and overeating causes an inevitable slowdown in metabolism and the deposition of a large amount of fat - this eventually becomes visually noticeable in the figure.

Six meals a day as a means of losing weight

Benefits of six meals a day

Now we pass to the most interesting. It is already clear how many times a day you need to eat for health and weight loss. 6 meals or, in extreme cases, 5 is a universal option that provides a person with comfort, endurance and a beautiful physique. Eating small meals right food provides the necessary amount of energy, which implements a number of valuable tasks:

  • Uninterruptedly nourishes the body during the day and protects against exhaustion and hunger during training;
  • creates comfort during pauses between meals;
  • supports high speed metabolism;
  • prevents overeating.

Rules for six meals a day

Proper nutrition weight loss consists of the following components:

  • observance of intervals between meals;
  • complete rejection of harmful products and sweets;
  • the use of oils and the correct drinking regimen.

The time for each meal is determined according to the person's lifestyle. The main condition is the observance of the intervals between meals, each of them must certainly be 2-3 hours. Proper distribution of products on a daily schedule will help prevent an overabundance of calories, and hence a set excess weight. Nutrients will be successfully directed to building an athletic toned body which will be the envy of many.

For the sake of the beauty of the body and getting rid of excess weight, you will have to remove an abundance of artificial spices from your menu, reduce salt intake and eating useless sweets. Ketchup, sauce, mayonnaise from the store are also not useful. To nourish the body with healthy omega-3 fats and keep your appetite normal, you need vegetable oils. For example, flaxseed and olive oil. On average, a person needs from two liters the purest water per day. To calculate the required volume of drinking in liters, you need to divide your body weight in kilograms by the number 30.

Proper nutrition does not imply serious restrictions and exhausting oneself with hunger, but is based on the correct consumption of food. It can be difficult for beginners only at the beginning, as they have to give up tasty hazards and change them to healthy foods. Over time, people will adapt to healthy diet and rejoices, noticing positive changes in the figure. Six meals a day in small portions will bring much more effective results, if you regularly load the muscles in the gym and have a good rest.

Remember when we were taught to eat three whole meals when we were kids? Breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner went hand in hand with us, we felt energetic and really did not want to eat this stupid milk porridge for breakfast. But ate, because you have to. Then we grew up, and we began to eat as we had to. And then nutritionists came and said that it’s great to eat 6-8 times a day in small portions, it’s more useful, there are fewer risks of getting fat, which means what you need modern man! And they quietly kept quiet about the fact that people are not getting fat at all because of 3 meals a day.

You know, overweight I do not suffer, and my stomach is quite small, although I like to eat delicious food! But since my school days, I ate many times a day, although at school there was still a schedule in the spirit of breakfast-lunch-dinner. But there, at school, appeared big change with pies, seagulls in the evening after volleyball and homework, and before going to bed another piece of something. The university brought this matter to its apogee. When I began to monitor my diet, I still continued to eat many times a day, I felt generally fine, but I constantly wanted to eat.

BUT last week we spent on vacation, where we ate three times a day, and I realized that this ideal diet for the body! Here are its advantages:

  • I didn't think about food all the time.
  • The intestines worked perfectly (stool 2 times a day).
  • After eating I didn't want to sleep at all.
  • After eating, I drank only after 30-60 minutes, because I wanted to that way.
  • I perfectly heard the body in what it wants for each meal.

Why did the body respond so well to three meals a day? There is a scientific explanation for this. See:

  • One serving of food is digested for 5-6 hours. If we have lunch at 14.00, and then have an afternoon snack at 16.30, for example, then the body remains undigested food, which then rots and clogs our vessels.
  • Every time we eat food, the liver gets to work: it releases insulin to break down carbohydrates and stimulate protein synthesis. As a result, every time we throw food into ourselves - more often thoughtlessly - the liver is torn.
  • If we constantly eat, then leptin resistance occurs in our body. What it is? Imagine that you have a lot of ice cream every day. First you eat it and feel happy, then the ice cream starts to bother you, but you still eat it, and after a while it bothers you so much that you don’t even want to see it. As a result, you become resistant to ice cream. This is what our brain and pancreas do: they no longer hear the signal that they are full when leptin levels are elevated, become resistant to it and simply do not turn off the feeling of appetite. As a result, the more we eat, the more we want to eat.
  • And imagine how much our teeth suffer if we constantly eat. In our culture, it is not very common to rinse your mouth after eating, as a result, particles of food remain on the teeth, which allow new life to develop right on our jaw!)

It's time to admit that a week with three meals a day prompted me for the first time real action, and I decided to stay in this mode and further.

What did my daily diet look like?

There was absolutely nothing unusual about it, a perfectly balanced plant food with plenty of water and once a day freshly squeezed pineapple or carrot juice. Here is a sample menu of the day:

Breakfast at 10.00: 3 small pieces of hash brown, a mountain of fresh lettuce leaves, cucumber, 1-2 tbsp. browned champignons, 1 tbsp. hummus. A couple of times for breakfast, I also ate watermelon and melon.

Lunch at 15.30-16.30: rice + lentils or hummus; baba ghanoush with Arabic lavash (yes, I ate lavash in the UAE and felt good about it) and pickled cucumbers + radish + hot peppers; potatoes baked with spices. One of these dishes was enough for me to eat my fill. At lunch, I also drank freshly squeezed juice without ice (the same one once a day).

Dinner (he always went to different time, optional): fruits. Tangerines / papaya / lychee / mangosteen / rambutans / mango - something to choose from + ginger-lemon tea with honey.

My skin has become much better this week, the bags under my eyes are gone and in general the body began to feel lighter and better, although even before the holidays I didn’t eat only pies and sweet tea.

If you are still listening to nutritionists and eating 5-6 times a day, try to change this for at least a week, I am sure you will like the result! And, of course, you don’t need to fill your stomach to the full with three dishes at one meal + dessert and compote, only dessert will be digested, and everything else will go to waste. Eat and live consciously, friends!

Hello! Food is one of the most important things for organisms. It is also very important factor in the world of fitness. Without proper nutrition, even if we achieve results, they will not be close to what we achieve with the right food.

Except correct values calories in accordance with our goals, we should understand how often we need to eat and how many servings should be divided food. Since this is a very controversial topic, we will try to explain and give facts about how the number of meals affects our body.

Why should we eat 5-6 or even 7 times a day

In many magazines, websites, books and shows, you will learn how important it is to eat 5-8 times a day instead of eating 3000 calories in 3 meals.

This, according to many people, speeds up the metabolism. You regularly consume small portions, constantly supplying necessary substances into the body and thereby maintaining a constant degradation of nutrients, which should actually help burn fat and increase muscle mass.

An increase in calorie intake is what has a beneficial effect on subcutaneous fat, and on the other hand, an active metabolism, which will accelerate the recovery of muscle tissue. Thus, you will be able to get better results after hard workouts.

All of this sounds great, but is it really important to eat in portions, particularly at high costs and constant nutrient intake? Let's think about how many years ago food was much harder to find.

The hunters starved all day until they got their prey. They ended up eating a lot and after that they went hungry again for a few more days, while still being very beautiful and strong people. Of course, this sounds like something very strange and rather frivolous to believe.

Here is another example. Have you heard of intermittent fasting? It is based on this very principle. Shrink your eating window to 4-5-6 hours, which means you don't eat for the remaining 18-20 hours. The results you can see online are more than satisfying.

If it still seems too abstract to you, here are some test results about frequent meals.

According to various sources from the Netherlands, UK, France, USA and many others, after examining men and women who eat 2-3 times a day and those who eat 5-6 times, all tests indicate that these options do not affect for metabolism. However, the number of meals is important and affects our body, but not metabolism.

How many times do we need to eat per day

The frequency of reception depends on your physiological features and the type of food you are eating. Accordingly, when you take food that is digested more slowly, the body will take longer and it is not recommended to eat again until this process is completed.

For example, if you are using complex carbohydrates, they often act slowly, which will give the body a long-term source of energy.

Eating these foods for most of the day will allow you to stay full longer and have a longer source of energy. Thus, you will not need to eat more than 3-4 times a day.

This will give you more time for other tasks and you won't have to eat every 2 hours or lose valuable muscle. This option will also help you lose weight more easily because you will be fuller and you will not end up in situations where you eat everything that is in front of your eyes.

On the other hand, if you eat fast digesting foods - fast carbohydrates, you will have to eat more often. Frequent eating can help or prevent overeating, satisfy your hunger and you do not need extra food.

On the other hand, you eat more often and this behavior can become a habit. If you do not pay attention to the number of calories, frequent use food can contribute to the accumulation of a very high percentage of subcutaneous fat.

In fact, nutrition should be distributed in such a way that you feel optimally well without overeating or starving.

According to this scheme, one day you can eat 3 meals for a total of 3500 kilocalories, and the next time you can eat 5 meals the same number of calories or less without worrying about slowing down your metabolism or losing muscle.

Listen to your body and don't overeat. Good luck friends!

Where is the truth, and where is fiction? M.F. Vladimirsky Inna Sergeevna Pichugina.

Myth 1. There are special diets to "eliminate" fat only from the abdomen and hips.

Not true

I.P.:- There is no such diet that can correct certain parts of the body. It is possible to solve the problem in the hips and abdomen only with total loss weight. If you want to reduce the volume of the waist and hips in relation to the general proportions of the figure, various cosmetic procedures(SPA, body wraps, manual or hardware massage) and physical exercise that affect the subcutaneous adipose tissue in a specific area.

Myth 2. Before 12 you can eat anything, after 18 you can’t eat anything.

Not true

I.P.:- Recommendations to limit yourself in food after 18 hours have no basis scientific justification. A light dinner is not contraindicated, but the last meal should occur 3-4 hours before bedtime. As for the statement that you can eat as much and anything before 12, this also does not seem to be true. If in large quantities there are simple carbohydrates - that is, sweet and starchy foods, for example - I doubt very much that it is possible to avoid unpleasant consequences. And it doesn't matter how much you eat it all.

Myth 3. Even on a diet, breakfast should be hearty and regular.


I.P.:- Breakfast is a must! As a rule, for most working people, the next full-fledged meal is possible only in the evening, and in fact, regular meals are necessary to maintain normal digestion, weight and, accordingly, health. The intervals between meals should not exceed 5 hours, since food must not only be received, but also absorbed, providing nutrition to every cell of the body. So, by depriving yourself of breakfast, you are missing out on a rare opportunity to eat properly. What is for breakfast? Porridge will do dairy products, scrambled eggs, cereal bread.

Myth 4. Losing weight should give up bread.

Not true

I.P.:- Replace bread from premium flour with grain bread without flour - and there will be no problems with the figure. After all, the dietary fibers of bread contribute to the normalization of metabolism, which means they help to reduce weight, cleanse the body of metabolic products and toxins, remove excess cholesterol and sugar, and improve intestinal motor function. In addition, whole grain bread retains all biologically active substances and vitamin E.

Myth 5. To lose weight, you need to use sweeteners.

Not true

I.P.:- There is such a sweetener produced from vegetable raw materials - stevia (honey grass). An extract is isolated from it, which is 200 times sweeter than sugar. Stevia does not increase blood sugar levels, thus it does not provoke the release of insulin. Then how exactly elevated level insulin contributes to weight gain, and fat is deposited mainly on the stomach.

However healthy person after all, there is no need to use foods for diabetics (and a sweetener is one of them). For weight loss I would recommend balanced diet with the exception of consumption simple carbohydrates: chocolate, cream products, pastries, cakes. Also avoid glazed curds, curd mass, muffins (products from puff and shortbread dough), halva, ice cream. Those who cannot live without sweets can eat dried fruits, honey, sometimes marshmallows, marshmallows (in reasonable quantities).

Myth 6. With age, all women gain weight, nothing can be done about it.

Not true

I.P.:- Women at a certain age really begin to gain weight: during menopause, production decreases female hormones and this contributes to the formation of fatty deposits. The threat of hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, coronary disease hearts and more.

However, it is possible to treat the symptoms (and carry out prevention) of the menopausal syndrome - and correct image life and balanced diet occupy not the last place in this.

To keep fit, you need to reduce your fat intake. Exclude from the diet products containing "hidden" fats: sausages, glazed curds, curd mass, pastries, chocolate. Food must be baked in the oven, boiled, stewed. Consumption of animal products combined with physical activity allows you to save muscle tissue. Introduce fish into the diet (2-3 times a week). Fat sea ​​fish contains polyunsaturated fatty acid(PUFAs), contributing to the reduction of cholesterol fractions in the blood. Besides, in fish oil contains vitamin D, which plays a key role in calcium metabolism, and therefore protects against osteoporosis. Seafood is also a source of protein: shrimp, squid, mussels, which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins, iron, calcium, iodine. Also in the arsenal modern medicine have and medications, which will help improve your well-being and control weight, they can be prescribed by a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Myth 7. Vitamins should be taken only in winter; in summer, fresh vegetables and fruits are enough.

Not true

I.P.:- According to the statistics of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, vitamin C deficiency occurs in 100% of the Russian population, vitamin B deficiency - in 70%, beta-carotene deficiency (a precursor of vitamin A) - in 60%. So everyone needs vitamins, but in order to prepare for the holidays and sunbathing- especially.

To get a sufficient dose of vitamins, a modern person needs to eat right and take additional vitamin complexes. Beta-carotene, B vitamins, especially PP and B12, help strengthen the protective upper layer of the skin; they are rich in vegetables and fruits, fish, cottage cheese, buckwheat, almonds, grain bread. Sun rays reduce the content of vitamin C in the skin, so try to eat currants, citrus fruits, kiwi, bell peppers, herbs, tomatoes, etc. more often.

However, technological progress, unfortunately, has led to an increase in the proportion of refined and canned foods that have a lower vitamin value. For example, in the manufacture of high-grade flour, up to 80-90% of all vitamins are lost, so it is better to use dark or grain varieties of bread. In general, every adult should use any available vitamin-mineral complex. The main thing is to focus on meeting the daily needs of the body.

Myth 8. Acne appears from sweets.

Not true

I.P.:- We are what we eat. The health of our skin really depends largely on the state of the digestive organs and the nature of the food consumed. However, do not blame everything on sweets. Usually people with problematic skin, first of all, a diet sparing gastrointestinal tract. And this is the rejection of smoked meats, spicy foods, fried foods, meat broths, sausages, pickles, mayonnaise, ketchup, alcohol, coffee, cocoa, carbonated sweet and fizzy drinks. Do not eat canned and processed foods. It is better to eat a sandwich of cereal bread with butter than a bowl of cereal with sugar and flavorings. Better drink green tea with honey or dried fruit than eating sweet yogurt with a one-month expiration date. It is better to make a sauce for pasta from tomatoes and greens than to pour ketchup over them. You are recommended natural food, no preservatives. Prepare yourself.

Myth 9. Pregnant women should eat whatever they want.

Not true

I.P.:- Nutrition in the first months of pregnancy should be balanced in terms of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calorie intake. Because the child receives everything necessary for growth from the mother's blood. Animal proteins must be consumed necessarily: at the expense of meat and fish low-fat varieties, dairy products, eggs. This is about 100 - 150 g of veal or beef, or 150 g of cod, pike perch, sea ​​bass, hake. Low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g, cheese - 50 g, fermented milk drink- 200 g. It is enough to eat no more than 2 - 3 pieces of eggs per week. The remaining proteins (vegetable) will come from the consumption of vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals. For example: crumbly buckwheat porridge - 200 g, vegetables - 100 g, fruits - 300 g.

The amount of fat during this period is 80 g. It is enough to consume 25-30 g of unrefined vegetable oil per day. If you tend to be overweight, then you even need to reduce your fat intake per day.

But the need of a pregnant woman for carbohydrates increases - up to 400 g per day. Just keep in mind that with obesity and a tendency to it, the amount of carbohydrates must be gained through bread coarse grinding, cereal products, not sweets. It is advisable to include rosehip decoction in the diet, use multivitamins for pregnant women as prescribed by a doctor. Milk and dairy products are the main suppliers of calcium. Natural pink salmon, mackerel, cod liver, dried mushrooms are rich in phosphorus, green pea. rich in magnesium herbal products, especially seaweed, watermelon, wheat bran, apricots, oatmeal, beans, millet, peas, buckwheat and pearl barley, mackerel, squid, eggs. Including these products in the diet (egg - 1 piece, wholemeal bread - 100 g, oatmeal porridge with milk 50 g of cereal + 150 g of milk, 100 g of watermelon), you will provide daily requirement in magnesium for a pregnant woman (450 mg).

And be sure to take daily walks from 40 minutes to 1 hour. With a tendency to gain weight, 1 unloading day per week (meat or fish) is also recommended.

Myth 10. With gastritis, it is absolutely impossible to lose weight.

Not true

I.P.:- If you eat right, you can chronic gastritis successfully control your weight. Here are some recommendations for those who want to lose weight, but are afraid to harm the stomach:

1. Eat no more than 400-500 g of food at a time, try to eat every day at the same time.

2. It is important to eat at least 4 times a day, little by little. The last meal is desirable three hours before bedtime.

3. Eat slowly, chewing each bite for at least 25 seconds. So the stomach receives mushy food treated with saliva, which is easy for it to digest. Plus, when you chew your food thoroughly, the central nervous system receives information about the composition of food and gives commands to the secretory sections of the stomach to produce the appropriate enzymes in the right amount.

By the way, this rule is also very useful for those who want to lose weight: saturation is felt much faster, respectively, you eat less and do not get fat.

4. To restore the functions of the stomach as soon as possible in your diet should be enough protein (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products).

5. Eliminate foods that linger in the stomach for a long time and stimulate excretion from the diet of hydrochloric acid. These are meat broths, sinewy meat, sausages, smoked fish, pickles, fried foods, saturated fat(beef, lamb, lard), margarine, Rye bread, canned food, mayonnaise, ketchup, vegetables that cause bloating (cabbage, legumes, onions), alcohol, natural coffee, tea, cocoa, carbonated, sweet and fizzy drinks, chips.